MATH Grade 3 DLL, Q3 Week 3
MATH Grade 3 DLL, Q3 Week 3
MATH Grade 3 DLL, Q3 Week 3
Grade Three
Grades 1-12 Teacher Juvy D. Calip Learning Area: Mathematics
Daily Lesson Log Week/Teaching Date Quarter: Third
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Represents fractions using regions, Visualizes and represents visualizes, represents, and
( Write the LC code for each) sets, and the number line. dissimilar fractions. compares dissimilar fractions
M3NS-IIIb-72.5 M3NS-IIIc-72.6 M3NS-IIId-77.3
Representing Fractions using Visualizing Dissimilar Fractions Comparing Dissimilar Fractions Comparing Dissimilar Fractions
CONTENT Regions, Sets and Number Lines
( Subject Matter)
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages 225-228 228-232 233-237 233-237
2. Learners Material Pages 225-229 230-234 233-237 233-237
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing past lesson or Name the fractional part with an X What does mean 1 in ½ ? What are similar fractions? Checking of assignment.
Presenting the new lesson in each given figure. What does 1 mean in 1/3? What are dissimilar fractions?
X What does 2 mean in 2/4? Recall the meaning of relation
X symbols.
B. Establishing a purpose of the Show cut out shapes divided into Name the fraction represented Using flashcards engage pupils in How do we compare dissimilar
new lesson two. by the shaded part. race by telling if the fraction is fractions?
1.1/2 similar or dissimilar.
C. Presenting Examples/ Pair Activity. Group Activity. Yesterday, these children had To compare fractions we use the
instances of the new lesson Give each pair one square card. Ask Each group will be given a shape these snacks: symbols of relation such as:
one pair to divide their squares into and they will shade it to 1, 2, 3 Angela- 1/8 of pie > Read as “ is greater than “
three and shade a part to show one parts of it. Angelu- ¼ of pie < Read as “less than “
third. Another will divide their Renz – 1/5 of pie = read as equals
squares into four to show one
D. Discussing new concepts and Present the lesson. Present the Lesson. Present the Lesson Discuss the process on comparing
practicing new skills no.1. a.using graphing paper Ask each group to post their work Show ½ , 1/3, ¼, and 1/5. fractions.
b.using sets on the board.
c.number lines What do you call this kind of For fractions with the same
fraction? numerators look at the
What do you notice with the denominators, the fraction with
fractions as their denominator
smaller denominator is the larger
gets bigger?
For fractions with unlike
denominators, the fraction with
smaller denominator is greater.
E. Discussing new concepts and Activity by pair. Discuss what similar and How will you compare ½ and 1/5? Answer activity 4 on LMp.239.
practicing new skills no.2 Let pupils find two different ways to dissimilar fractions are. Discuss the process on comparing
divide the squares into 4 equal parts fractions.
and darw parts that illustrate the
ways they found.
F. Developing Mastery Answer Activity 1 on LMp.226. Answer Activity 1 on LMp.230. Answer Activity 1 on LM p.235. Discuss and explain the
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3.) comparison of fractions in Activity
J. Additional activities for Answer Activity 3 on LMp.228. Answer Activity 5 on LMp.234. Answer Activity 3 on LMp.238 Review previous lessons.
application and remediation
A. No. of learner who earned 80%