JuiceJointIntro Virtual
JuiceJointIntro Virtual
JuiceJointIntro Virtual
o File
Be part of the wild and romantic era of the Roaring 20’s in
Murder at
The Juice Joint
With the passing of prohibition and organized crime on the rise, The Juice Joint, a swanky
speakeasy, has been nothing but jumping. To celebrate its success, an elaborate party has been
planned to remember at the exclusive nightspot… and you are invited!
However, one of the names on the guest list is also on another’s hit list… and no
one is safe from the consequences.
With murder on the menu, you are certain to find a medley of
individuals to make the night most memorable. From major mobsters
and their molls to the swanky singer with her hopes at Hollywood. The
cigarette girl with a temper that sizzles to the crooked police chief with
nothing to lose—no one is safe from murder…but everyone will have a chance
at solving it.
Will the culprit be the Mayor who is capable of murder? The blacklisted bootlegger
desperate to increase their sales? Or possibly the director with a shot at making history?
With the recipe for murder The Juice Joint will be certain to be serving up a night
of mayhem to remember.
There are only two places in the mystery materials that will tell you who the murderer is:
(1) In the solution. It will be separated into a different file AND flagged with a cover page to
tell you not to read it. The name itself is not highlighted, rather usually listed within the text and
amongst a lot of other text so there is little chance of “accidentally” seeing it when you are printing it
off. If you still do not trust yourself, have someone else print it out and put it in the solution envelope.
(2) It is listed in that guest’s secrets in their “B” materials. Since we cannot tell you which character
to “not read,” since that too would give it away, you will want to avoid reading the character’s “B”
information but your own. Again, it is not highlighted or bolded, but if you do not trust yourself, you
may want to have someone else stuff the envelopes.
• Because this party is dependent on a minimum number of people showing up, you may want to
determine ahead of time which guests are attending before assigning characters.
• It is recommended that you send out the general invite with an RSVP date of two weeks before
the party. After your guests RSVP positive, you can send them their character sheet.
• The killer will not know they are the murderer until after the murder at the party.
• The victim will not know they are the victim until they get to the party. The victim will become
aware they are the victim when reading through their “A objectives.” Also listed in their first set
of objectives is to, “fall down dead when they hear a loud bang, like a gunshot.”
• The victim after “death”: The victim will assume a different role, unlisted identity after the
murder (already included in their character packet). If P.I. is not assigned, the victim will assume
this role after they have “died.” As host, you will share P.I. Pinkertonl’s dossier with the victim,
via private chat, after the victim has died.
• Which characters can I play without and not ruin the mystery? Info included with mystery
• If you have eliminated the investigator for your party, then the victim will play the role of P.I.
Pinkerton for the second half of the party. Following the “death,” the victim will get up and the
host can then explain that there will be an investigator for the second half (which will be the
victim). Once the victim receives P.I. Pinkerton’s dossier via private chat from the host, the new
detective will open to the Investigation Instructions page, and proceed. Since the investigator’s
main role is based after the murder, it is ok if the investigator is eliminated from the first half of
the party and only plays the second half. Additionally, the victim does not know who killed them
or why, so the victim can assume the role of the investigator for the second half.
• P.I. Pinkerton, Bernie Booze, Gino Gin and Chief Cameron can be played by a male or female
Rosie Marie—Juice Joint Owner. As the widow to Louie Marie, the original Juice Joint owner, Rosie not only inherited a
gold mine but the power that comes with it. It is hard to say, is Rosie out to avenge her husband’s death or capitalize on it?
Notorious Nick Nemetz—North Side Mob Boss. Since the rise of organized crime, Nick’s operation has done
nothing but prosper. With Nick having so much power, he seems to have a lot going for (and against) him.
Natalie Nemetz—Notorious Nick’s Sister. Annoyed by her brother’s over-protective nature, Natalie has been keeping
more than secrets from Nick.
Mugsy Malone—North Side Henchman. As Nick’s right-hand man, Mugsy has worked hard to gain his position in
the mob organization and will stop at nothing to keep it.
Cy Ramsey—Juice Joint Bouncer and North Side Gang Member. Cy’s success in Nick’s operation could be considered
a threat to those in the operation—and to those opposing it.
Kitty Cocktail—Cocktail Waitress. As Cy’s main squeeze, Kitty will do anything to advance her boyfriend in his
chosen career.
Southside Sal—South Side Mob Boss. It is no secret that Sal has been making a push to expand his territory. The real
secret may be who is working with him.
Flora Nemetz-Gadora—Notorious Nick’s Ex-wife. Caught cheating, Nick divorced Flora immediately a month ago.
Left without anything, Flora’s romantic interest has shifted from one mob boss to another.
Molly Moll—Notorious Nick’s Girlfriend. One of the most popular women in town, Molly had no interest in Nick
until she realized what he could do for her movie career.
Hal Hollywood—Movie Director. Hal is in town to cast for his next project—the first talking picture. Since this
project will be one that will make history, Hal is taking his time in casting his lead lady, for he knows his decision will
have a lasting impact.
Dina Diva—Juice Joint Singer. Dina’s voice and stage presence seem to be exactly what Hal is looking for. Dina won’t
let anyone come between her and her dreams of starring on the big screen.
Mayor Biggs—Mayor. As the head of the city, the Mayor’s power is what many seek. However, is it the Mayor who is
really calling the shots or are the decisions coming from someone else?
Mabel Biggs—The Mayor’s Wife. Mabel considers herself the brains behind the Mayor and she will not let him do
anything that could ruin his political career.
Chief Cameron—Police Chief. As the city’s main law enforcement officer, Cameron enforces the Mayor’s decisions…
but whose side are they really on?
Cindy Butt—Cigarette Girl. Responsible for ruining many lives, Cindy doesn’t stop at spreading rumors to get her way.
Bernie Booze—Bootlegger. Bernie had one of the most successful bootlegging businesses in town before Notorious
Nick had them blacklisted. Will Bernie’s business end up dying for their mistake or will someone else?
Gino Gin—Bartender. As the eyes and ears of The Juice Joint, Gino may know more than they let on.
Flirty Flapper—Juice Joint Patron. It is no secret that Flirty is looking for a man with power and she will stop at
nothing to get it.
Anna Marie—Rosie’s Daughter. Still mourning the loss of her father, Louie Marie, Anna is ready to seek revenge at
whatever cost.
P.I. Pinkerton—Private Investigator. As the private detective on the scene, P.I.’s job will be to take charge, decipher
the clues, and discover the truth.
Have your guests print out their character packet, preferably ahead of time.
- They will want to staple it together, then review the first four pages of their document,
making sure not to read the rest of the packet. There are clear instructions and dividers
showing where to stop reading.
• This dossier will have background information on the party scenario, their character and
- If your guests are unable to print out their character packet, they can also access the pdf
on a device during the party.
• However, in this case, they will need two devices (one to access the pdf and one to access
the party via the video conferencing site) at the time of the party.
At party time, you (the host) will want to have access to these files on your computer:
- Virtual Backgrounds to share with your guest
- P.I. Pinkerton’s dossier, if P.I. Pinkerton is not already assigned to someone.
- Evidence PDF
- Solution PDF
- Each Award PDF
- These files are all included with your downloads, but you will share them with members
of your group the night of the party via your room.
is Jumping!
disappearance of Louie Marie, Mr.
Marie’s body was found floating in
the river. “Due to the bullets lodged
in Mr. Marie’s skull, foul play has
been suspected,” Chief Cameron
stated. At this time no one has been
In honor of The Juice Joint’s excellent business, Rosie Marie, the owner of The Juice Joint apprehended for the murder of
is throwing a party to commemorate its success and to remember the previous owner, her late Louie Marie and according to the
husband, Louie Marie. Since its establishment in 1921, The Juice Joint has become and remained police, there is very little evidence
the hottest nightspot in town. In appreciation of its customers, Rosie has promised a night to to prove who committed the crime.
remember! Among the town’s elite, those in attendance are sure to be: Louie was the original owner of
Rosie Marie—Juice Joint Owner. As the widow Molly Moll—Notorious Nick’s Girlfriend. One The Juice Joint, a family-owned
to Louie Marie, the original Juice Joint owner, of the most popular women in town, Molly had no establishment. Louie leaves behind
his wife, Rosie, daughter, Anna,
Rosie not only inherited a gold mine but the power interest in Nick until she realized what he could do
and nephew, Cy Ramsey. The Juice
that comes with it. It is hard to say, is Rosie out to for her movie career.
Joint will remain open and the
avenge her husband’s death or capitalize on it? Dina Diva—Juice Joint Singer. Dina’s voice ownership has been transferred to
Notorious Nick Nemetz—North Side Mob Boss. and stage presence seem to be exactly what Hal is his wife Rosie Marie. “It’s what
Since the rise of organized crime, Nick’s operation looking for. Dina won’t let anyone come between Louie would have wanted,” said
has done nothing but prosper. With Nick having so her and her dreams of starring on the big screen. Rosie.
much power, he seems to have a lot going for (and Mayor Biggs—Mayor. As the head of the city, the
against) him. Mayor’s power is what many seek. However, is it New Governor
Natalie Nemetz—Notorious Nick’s Sister.
Annoyed by her brother’s over-protective nature,
the Mayor who is really calling the shots or are the
decisions coming from someone else?
Natalie has kept more than secrets from Nick. With the statewide death toll the
Mabel Biggs—Mayor’s Wife. Mabel considers highest in recorded history and
Mugsy Malone—North Side Henchman. As herself the brains behind the Mayor and she will organized crime on the rise, the
Nick’s right-hand man, Mugsy has worked hard to not let him do anything that could ruin his political Governor has announced he will
gain his position in the operation and will stop at career. not be running for re-election. “It is
nothing to keep it. Chief Cameron—Police Chief. As the city’s main difficult to speculate who will step
Cy Ramsey—Juice Joint Bouncer and North law enforcement officer, Cameron enforces the up to take on the leadership of the
Side Gang Member. Cy’s success in Nick’s Mayor’s decisions…but whose side are they really on? state. What is for certain is that the
operation could be considered a threat to those in next set of candidates will have to
Cindy Butt—Cigarette Girl. Responsible for
the operation….and to those opposing it. have a history of being tough on
ruining many lives, Cindy doesn’t stop at spreading
organized crime if they hope to
Kitty Cocktail—Cocktail Waitress. As Cy’s main rumors to get her way. win the election,” stated political
squeeze, Kitty will do anything to help advance her Bernie Booze—Bootlegger. Bernie had one of the analyst, Bill Bosworth.
boyfriend in his chosen career. most successful bootlegging businesses in town
Southside Sal—South Side Mob Boss. It is no
secret that Sal has been making a push to expand
his territory. The real secret may be who is working
before Notorious Nick had them blacklisted. Will
Bernie’s business end up dying for their mistake or
will someone else?
with him
Flora Nemetz-Gadora—Notorious Nick’s
Ex-wife. Caught cheating, Nick divorced Flora
Gino Gin—Bartender. As the eyes & ears of The
Juice Joint, Gino may know more than they let on.
Flirty Flapper—Juice Joint Patron. It is no
immediately a month ago. Left without anything, Attention those who want to be a
secret that Flirty desires a man with power and she
Flora’s romantic interest has shifted from one mob part of Hollywood history!
will stop at nothing to get it.
boss to another.
Anna Marie—Rosie’s daughter. Still mourning If you are a talented woman
Hal Hollywood—Movie Director. Hal is in town the loss of her father, Louie Marie, Anna is ready with a great voice, here is your
to cast for his next project—the first talking picture. to seek revenge at whatever cost. chance at stardom, please see
Since this project will be one that makes history, Hal Hollywood at:
Hal is taking his time in casting his lead lady, for P.I. Pinkerton—Investigator. As the private
The Grande Hotel
he knows his decision will have a lasting impact. detective on the scene, P.I.’s job will be to take Thursday 1-3 p.m.
charge and decipher the clues and reveal the truth.
Acting and Dressing Your Part: You are a vassal woman who speaks her mind to others.
You are not a noble, but you are one of the more wealthier families in the manor. You have nicer
clothes (brightly colored dresses made of expensive fabrics like silk and velvet) and some jewels.
A Knight of Murder
• Let Lord Taylor know that you are not happy with the ar-
ranged marriage between your daughter, Maid Victoria and
Sir Rufus.
• Tell your daughter, Maid Victoria, that you will see to it that
she is not made to marry out of love.
A Knight of Murder
• Sir Rufus was helping the sheriff terrorize the peasants and
vassals who have had trouble paying the higher taxes.
• Ask your Lord Taylor if you may choose a suitor for your
• Tell the sheriff that you are going to tell King Kyle &
Lady Genevieve his dirty secret (about extorting money
from the peasants) unless he can “convince” you not to
reveal his scheme.
Description: The murder weapon-- a dagger in the heart
Notes: Found to be the cause of death.
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Simply type in murderatthejuicejoint.com and it will take you to the “Party Tips” section of Night
of Mystery dedicated to giving you the best ideas for decoration, costumes, hosting tips, etc. for
THIS MYSTERY!!! Be sure to explore the “Hosting Tips” section of this was well!
Flickr albums
Check out pictures from other host and hostesses from your mystery theme! See how much fun
others had throwing this theme and get ideas for your own mystery party. Find the Murder at The
Juice Joint gallery at: www.nightofmystery.com/photos-MJJ/
Visit us on Facebook!
• Designed Invitations— that you can customize with the details of your party.
• Virtual Backgrounds— Included are a number of images you can set on your screen to help set the
moos for your party!
• A Schedule of the Night— A step-by-step breakdown of how the night will go. (Included in the
host’s guide.)
• Individualized Character Dossiers for Each Character—these are complete with all of the back-
ground information your guests will need to start the night, as well objectives for each character to
achieve at each stage of the game.
• An Introduction— to be read to the guests upon arrival (included in one of the character’s dossier).
• Evidence — more clues that will be presented towards the end of the night. This evidence will help
your guests solve the mystery and find the murderer.
• Solution— a detailed description of the what and why the murder happened including who the
murderer is.
• Accusation Page— to allow your guests to guess the murderer and to vote for the most animated
character and best outfit.
• Award Certificates— to be awarded to the best costume, the most theatrical guest, the player with
the most money at the end of the night and to each of the guests that solve the murder.
• Party Printables and Extras— directions, templates and designs to help you plan for your party.
• MurderAtTheJuiceJoint.com— a website filled with party planning ideas JUST for this party theme!
All of our parties come in the form of a professionally designed 50-125 page pdf. Immediately
after completing your order, you will be able to re-login to your account using the username and
password you established in the purchasing process. Once in your account, you will have the ability
to download your party. By having our games online as instant downloads, we are able to satisfy even
the most urgent need for a party.