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5 Design of field windings

The poles are wound with preformed copper, which is typically of rectangular shape, although
round shaped coils are also used. In both cases, varnishing is the most common insulation
method. First, a layer of insulation is assembled on the pole and then the winding is wound on
it. The cross section of the field winding conductor may be round or rectangular.

Field coils placed on the poles are connected generally in series and designed for 80 to 85 % of
excitation voltage. The rest 15 to 20% is reserved across the field rheostat or regulator to vary
the excitation current and hence the emf induced or terminal voltage.

Voltage across each ield coil = (0.8  0.85)

where V is the applied voltage in case of motors and terminal voltage in case of generators.

"#$%&  = ' ( = ' . , %011 1&%#$-2 -0&- 3 ℎ& 3#&25 6#$5#$7 %$58%0

)*+, ' .
- =

Field or excitation current' = - <

where the current density< lies between 1.5 and 2.0A/CCD

80$1 ' .
E8CF&0 3 . =
G2& '

The number of turns can also be calculated by loss or temperature rise consideration.

 ' . loss
*11 =  ' = = D × dissipating area in mD
. m

If all the surfaces i.e. inner, outer, top and bottom are considered to be equally effective in

dissipating heat, then the total dissipating area = 2*+, (ℎ + 5 ).

If only the inner and outer surfaces are considered then the dissipating area ≈ 2*+, ℎ

If only the outer surface is considered then the outer dissipating area,

= NO&0$-2 G&0#C&&0 0 G&0#Gℎ&0P × ℎ

= Q2R*S + FT + 4V W + 2X5 Yℎ in case of rectangular or square poles

= QXR5V + 2V + 25 WYhZ in case of round poles

The temperature rise can be calculated from the folowing expression.

(0.14  0.16) × ield copper loss i. e'D (

Temperature rise [ =
Total coil dissipating surface


Solved Problems on Field windings
a)Shunt field windings

Example .1

An 8 pole, 500V, dc shunt generator with all the field coils in series requires 5000ATs per
pole. The poles are of rectangular dimension 12cm x 20cm and the winding cross-section is
12cm x 2.5cm. Determine the cross-section area of the wire, number of turns and dissipation in
watts/cm2 based on the outside and the end surfaces of the coil.

A conductor of circular cross-section is to be used. The resistivity is 0.021Ω/m/mm2and the

insulation increases the diameter by 0.02cm. Allow a voltage drop in the field regulator of

)*+, (' . )
Cross sectional area of the wire- =

Mean length of the turn L`a = 2(*S + FS + 4V ) + X5

If the thickness of insulation t c #1 -118C&5 -1 1.0%C ℎ&$,

L`a = 2(20 + 12 + 4 × 1V ) + X × 2.5 = 79.85%C

500 − 50
2-7& -%011 &-%ℎ %#2  = = 56.25

0.021 × 0.7985 × 5000)

- = = 1.49%CD

4- 4 × 1.49
g-0& 5#-C&&0 3 ℎ& %$58%0 = h =h = 1.37CC

j#-C&&0 3 ℎ& %$58%0 6#ℎ #$182-#$ = 1.37 + 0.2 = 1.57CC.

Number of turns/layer in a winding height of 12cm = = 76.4 and is not possible. Let
it be 76.

Number of layers in a winding depth of 2.5%C = ≈ 15.
Therefore, number of turns⁄pole . = 76 × 15 = 1140.

mGG&0 211 #$ ℎ& 3#&25 %#2

j#11#G-#$ #$ 6-1/%CD =
5#11#G-$7 1803-%&

Copper loss in the ield coil =  '

' . 5000
Field current' = = = 4.38A
. 1140

Therefore, ' = 56.25 × 4.38 = 246.7W

Dissipating area of the outside and two end surfaces of the coil = *+, ℎ + 2*+, 5

= 79.85(12 + 2 × 2.5) = 1357.5%CD

Dissipation in watts⁄cmD = ≈ 0.18.

Example .2

Each pole of a dc generator is required to produce 19000 ampere turns. The gap flux/pole is
0.2Wb. The leakage coefficient for the pole = 1.2 and the flux density in the pole core of
circular cross section is 1.5T. The field coil has a radial depth of 15cm and can dissipate
0.05W/cm2 of the outside cylindrical surface without overheating. Determine the diameter of
the wire, number of turns and height of the coil. Voltage across the coil may be taken as 60V
and space factor 0.7.

Diamter of the bare wire5q = h

)*+, (' . )
- =

Let the resistivity of copper ) = 0.021Ω/C/CCD

*+, = X(5V + 2V + 5 )

φ × *m 0.2 × 1.2
Cross sectional area of the poleAS = = = 0.16CD
gS 1.5

4AS 4 × 0.16
Diameter of the pole bodyAS = h =h = 0.45C

*+, = X(45 + 2 × 1 + 15) = 194.7cm wiℎ ℎ& -118CG#$ ℎ- V = 1.0cm

0.021 × 1.947 × 19000

- = = 12.94CCD

4 × 12.94
5q = h ≈ 4CC

 R' . W
Loss =  ' =

= *11⁄%CD × outside cylindrical surface XR5V + 2V + 25 Wℎ in cm2

60 × 19000
= = X(45 + 2 × 1 + 2 × 15)ℎ

ℎ . = 94252.8 … … … … … (1)

- . 12.94 × 10tD .
Since space factor" = , 0.7 =
ℎ 5 ℎ × 15

0 ℎ = 0.0123. … … … … . . (2)

From equations 1 and 2, 0.0123.D = 94252.8

Therefore, number of 80$1⁄G2& . = h ≈ 2765

Height of the ield coil ℎ = 0.0123 × 2765 ≈ 34%C.

Example .3

The outside cylindrical surface of a field coil can dissipate 0.1W/cm2, its area is limited to an
axial height of 20cm and an outside diameter of 45cm. If the radial thickness of the coil is 5cm,
how many ampere-turns can be accommodated with a terminal voltage of 50 V. Specific
resistance at working temperature is 2μΩ/cmw ,,space factor = 0.6.

E8CF&0 3 80$1 ℎ- %-$ F& -%%CC5-&5 = ' .

Loss =  ' = *11⁄%CD × outsidecylindrical surface XR5V + 2V + 25 Wℎ in cm2

50' = 01 × X × 45 × 20

' = 5.65A

- . - .
Since " = , 0.6 = 0 - . = 60 … … . (1)
ℎ 5 20 × 5

)*+, ' . 2 × 10tx × X × 40 × 5.67.

- = = as*+, = X × mean diameter of the coil

- = 2.84 × 10ty . … … … … (2)

From equations 1 and 2, 2.84 × 10ty .D = 60 0 . ≈ 1454

Therefore' . = 5.64 × 1454 = 8212.3

Example .4

A 440V, dc shunt generator develops 7200 ampere-turns/pole in the field winding and has 6
poles. Depth of the field coil 3.5 cm, mean length of the turn 120cm, field coil height 18cm, the
resistivity is 2.1x10txΩ cm. If the cooling surface required is 15%CD /6- and 15% of the
voltage is absorbed in the field rheostat, find the number of turns and cross-sectional area of
the field winding conductor. Consider heat dissipation only from the inside and outside
cylindrical surfaces of the coil.

ampere turns' .
Number of turns. =
ield current'

3#&25 %GG&0 211  '

ield current ' =
z2-7& -%011 &-%ℎ %#2 

'$1#5& -$5 81#5& %P2#$50#%-2 1803-%& ≈ 2*+, ℎ = 2 × 120 × 18 = 4320%CD

Since 15 cm2 is dissipating 1.0 W, 4320cm2 dissipates =288W
0.85 0.85 × 440
Voltage across each coil = = = 62.33V

288 7200
Therefore' = = 4.62A -$5 . = ≈ 1558
62.33 4.62

)*+, ' . 2.1 × 10tx × 120 × 7200

- = = = 0.028cmD
Example .5

The field coil of a 6 pole, 440V, DC shunt generator is to supply 4000 ampere turns. The
length of inside turn is 74cm. The length available for the winding is 13cm. The space factor of
the winding is 0.52, permissible dissipation of external surface excluding the ends is
0.12W/%CD . Calculate the size of the conductor and number of turns of the coil. Solution
should not be attempted by assuming a value for the depth of the winding.

Note: Since the type of the pole, rectangular or round,has not been specified, the problem can
be solved by assuming either a round or rectangular pole.

)*+, (' . )
- =

Let ) = 2.1 × 10tx Ω cm

Mean length of the turn L`a = 2(*S + FS + 4V ) + X5 in case of rectagular pole

= Length of inside turn + X5

= XR5V + 2V + 5 W in case of round poles

= X(5V + 2V ) + X5

= Length of inside turn + X5

= (74 + X5 )%C

 0.8 × 400
 = (0.8  0.85) = = 58.7 with the assumption that the drop across the
regulator is 20%.
2.1 × 10tx × (74 + X5 )4000
- = = 1.36 × 10t| R74 + X5 W … … … . . (1)
- . - .
Since " = , 0.52 = 0 5 = 0.148- . … . … … . (2)
ℎ 5 13 × 5

 R' . W
Loss =  ' =
= × &O&0$-2 5#11#G-#$7 1803-%&Q2(*S + FS + 4V ) + 2π5 Yℎ

0 πR5V + 2V + 25 Wℎ

58.7 × 4000
= 0.12 × (74 + 2X5 )13

R74 + 2X5 W. = 150512.8 … … … … … … (3)

}0C 3 -$5 2,

R74 + 2X5 W. 150512.8

0.148- . 5

R74 + 2X5 W5 = 22275.9- … … … … . . (4)

R74 + 2X5 W5 = 22275.91.36 × 10t| R74 + X5 Wafter substituting equation 1 in 4

2X5D + 745 − 3X5 − 222 = 0

2X5D + 64.65 − 222 = 0

5 = 2.72%C

- = 1.36 × 10t| (74 + X × 2.72 ) = 0.11%CD

5 2.72
. = = ≈ 1671
0.148- 0.148 × 0.011

Example..6A rectangular field coil is to supply 7000 ampere turns when dissipating 200W at a
temperature of 60 ̇C. The inner diameter of the coil is 20cm x 12cm. The height of the coil is
12cm. The heat dissipation is not to exceed 0.005W/ ̇m rise in temperature/%CD of the outside
surface, neglecting top & bottom of the coil. Temperature of the ambient air may be taken
as 25 m . Calculate the depth of the coil, space factor & current density.

€ R‚ ƒ W
Loss =  ' = = †+‡ × ˆ81#5& 5#11#G-#$7 -0&-Q2(*S + FS + 4V ) + 2π5 Yℎ

= *11 #$ 6-1 /‰ m ⁄%CD 3 5#11#G-#$7 1803-%& × 0#1& #$ &CG&0-80&
× Q2(*S + FS + 4V ) + 2π5 Yℎ

200 = 0.005 × (60 − 25) × [2(20 + 12 + 4 × 0.5) + 2X5 ]12

200 = 0.005 × (60 − 25) × [2(20 + 12 + 4 × 0.5) + 2X5 ]12

.ℎ&0&30& 5 = 4.34%C
- . R' . W ' .
"#$%& " = = = ,
ℎ 5 ℎ 5 < ℎ 5

'  ' *11 #$ 6-1 )*+, ' .

ℎ&0&30& %800&$ 5&$1#P < = = = -1 - =
- -  )*+, ' . 

*+, = 2(*S + FS + 4V ) + π5 = 2(20 + 12 + 4 × 0.5) + X × 4.34 = 81.6%C

< = = 166.7A/%CD
2.1 × 10tx × 81.6 × 7000
" = = 0.806
166.7 × 12 × 4.34


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