Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, Stöber process with high concentration of tetra-ethyl-orthosilicate (TEOS) up to 1.24 M is
Received 25 May 2009 used to prepare monodisperse and uniform-size silica particles. The reactions are carried out at
Accepted 14 September 2009 [TEOS] = 0.22–1.24 M, low concentrations of ammonia ([NH3] = 0.81[TEOS]), and [H2O] = 6.25[TEOS] in
Available online 18 September 2009
isopropanol. The solids content in the resulting suspension achieves a maximum value of 7.45% at
1.24 M TEOS. Various-sized particles in the range of 30–1000 nm are synthesized. The influences of TEOS,
Keywords: NH3, and H2O on the size and size distribution of the particles are discussed. A modified monomer addi-
tion model combined with aggregation model is proposed to analyze the formation mechanism of silica
Solid content
Condensation Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
0021-9797/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
24 X.-D. Wang et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 341 (2010) 23–29
[19]. But high TEOS concentration in the reaction solution means addition; low ratio of NH3/TEOS; high TEOS concentration. In order
high production of silica particles, which counts most for industry to attain the highest mass fraction, we choose the excess water
production. Hence, it is of both fundamental and practical impor- addition to make the hydrolysis of TEOS as thorough as possible.
tance to build a simple and readily available reaction system allow- Note that NH3 cannot only accelerate the hydrolysis and condensa-
ing for high TEOS concentration. tion of TEOS, but also supply the OH adhering on the particle,
In this paper, Stöber process with high concentration of TEOS up which can stabilize the suspension by static repulsion against
to 1.24 M is implemented to prepare submicrometer particles, and van der Waals attractive force. Thus coagulation may be formed
we successfully increase mass fraction up to 7.45%, which is 1.85 if the concentration of NH3 is too high, and the reaction will need
times as large as that can be obtained in Wang et al.’s experiment long time or even no silica particles can be obtained if the concen-
[18]. The reaction conditions including TEOS, NH3, H2O, solvents, tration of NH3 is too low. To solve this problem, an appropriate NH3
temperature, and the formation mechanism of particles are also concentration should be chosen, and we choose 0.81[TEOS] for the
investigated. concentration of NH3 by multiple experiments.
The detailed synthesis conditions of our reaction system are
presented in Table 1. As can be seen in Table 1 and Fig. 1, mono-
2. Material and methods
disperse particles can be achieved at 0.67–1.115 M TEOS and bi-
modal final particle size distribution appears at 0.22–
2.1. Reagents
0.56 M TEOS, and then coagulation occurs at higher concentration
at 20 °C. This phenomenon has never reported for the preparation
Ammonium hydroxide (NH3, 25%, A.R.), TEOS (98%, A.R.), etha-
of silica particles in the past. Furthermore, the diameter of the
nol (99.9%, MOS), and isopropanol (IPA, A.R.) are purchased from
particles also increases gradually as the concentration of the TEOS
Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd., China. Ammonium hydrox-
increases (Fig. 2a), and the TEOS quantity has a significant influ-
ide is used as a catalyst for the hydrolysis and condensation of
ence on the particle diameter. Still, the fact that decreasing of
TEOS. Water (>18 M X) is obtained from a Milli-Q water purifica-
temperature contributes to large particle formation reported by
tion system (Nanjing high-pure water Co., Ltd., China). The follow-
Tan et al. [21] can be confirmed by our experiment below. The
ing densities (q) and molecular weights (MWS) are used to
monodisperse particles in the range of 920–940 nm can be ob-
calculate the concentrations of the various chemicals: qTEOS =
tained for 1.24 M TEOS at 5 °C (TE9 in Table 1), but coagulation
0.934 g/cm3, MWTEOS = 208.33 g/mol; MWwater = 18 g/mol;
can be formed at 20 °C (TE8 in Table 1). Low temperature may
qammonia = 0.907 g/cm3 (25 wt.% NH3), MWammonia = 17 g/mol;
not only slow down TEOS hydrolysis and condensation reactions,
qSiO2 = 1.9 g/cm3 [20], MWSiO2 = 60.09 g/mol.
but also reduce vibration of oligomers, which may avoid aggrega-
tion among oligomers to some extent and result in formation of
2.2. Experimental procedures
large particles at high TEOS concentration. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first time to give the detailed preparation
Silica particles in the size range of 30–1000 nm are synthesized
condition for 900 nm-sized silica particles by one-step process
by hydrolysis and condensation of TEOS in alcohol solvent at the
although many researchers claimed that 900 nm-sized silica par-
present of ammonium hydroxide [11]. The reactions are carried
ticles can be prepared by Stöber process [11,19]. Fig. 3 shows the
out at [TEOS] = 0.22–1.24 M, low concentrations of ammonia
particle size distribution of 920–940 nm-sized silica particles (TE9
([NH3] = 0.81[TEOS]), and [H2O] = 6.25[TEOS] in isopropanol. First,
in Table 1).
a certain amount of deionized H2O, NH3 and isopropanol were
Thirty nanometers-sized silica particles are achieved for
blended for 10 min, and then a known volume of TEOS was added
0.22 M TEOS at 20 °C with the mass fraction equal to 1.32%, which
dropwise into the above solution at certain temperatures under
is 3.14 times of the highest results reported [18]. In addition, the
magnetic stirring. After the addition of TEOS, the clear solution
7.45% solid content of resulting suspension for 1.24 M TEOS at
gradually turned opaque due to the formation of a white silica sus-
5 °C is about 1.85 times of maximum results of Wang et al. [18].
pension, and it was continuously stirred for 5 h. The silica particles
Table 2 presents the comparison on mass fraction between our
were centrifugally separated from the suspension and washed with
work and the highest results reported.
water and ethanol for four times, and then they are dried in an
In our experiment, methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol are used
oven at 150 °C for 5 h before the characterization. The adding
to compare and to observe the influence of the solvents on the par-
quantity of reactants was measured by volume. All concentrations
were calculated based on final concentration in the reaction mix-
ture. All the vessels were cleaned with water under sonication at
Table 1
40 kHz and 80 kHz before using. The vessels were coved by plastic The silica particles prepared by one-step process ([NH3] = 0.81[TEOS],
membrane to prevent NH3 volatilization so as to achieve good [H2O] = 6.25[TEOS]).
Number Solvent Temperature TEOS Particle SD (±nm)
The size and morphology of the resulting particles were deter- (°C) (M) diameter
mined with a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE- (nm)
SEM, JEOL JFC-1600, Japan). The size and size distribution of silica TE1 IPA 20 0.22 30 Bimodal
samples were measured by dynamic light scattering (DLS, Horiba distribution
LB-550, Japan). The composition of the silica samples were ana- TE2 IPA 20 0.45 275 Bimodal
lyzed using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer (Bru- distribution
TE3 IPA 20 0.56 403 Bimodal
ker-Tensor27). distribution
TE4 IPA 20 0.67 680 50
TE5 IPA 20 0.75 783 42
3. Results and discussion
TE6 IPA 20 0.90 820 33
TE7 IPA 20 1.115 860 25
3.1. Reaction system TE8 IPA 20 1.24 Aggregation
TE9 IPA 5 1.24 930 30
S1 Methanol 5 1.24 Aggregation
Our reaction system ([NH3] = 0.81[TEOS]), [H2O] = 6.25[TEOS],
S2 Ethanol 5 1.24 Aggregation
isopropanol as solvent) has three major features: the excess water
X.-D. Wang et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 341 (2010) 23–29 25
Fig. 1. SEM images of silica particles synthesized under our reaction system: (a) TE1, (b) TE2, (c) TE3, (d) TE4, (e) TE5, (f) TE6, (g) TE7, (h) TE8, (i) TE9 in Table 1.
ticle size. As shown in Table 1 and Table 3, coagulation can be ob- ferent dielectric constants (methanol = 32.6, ethanol = 24.3, isopro-
tained when we choose methanol and ethanol as solvents at panol = 19.9), which affects the particles size in the growth process
1.24 M TEOS, and small particles can be formed with the increment [18]. The static repulsive force between nuclei is smaller than the
of polarity of solvent. This is because these three solvents have dif- van der Waals attractive force when the solvent’s dielectric con-
26 X.-D. Wang et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 341 (2010) 23–29
Fig. 3. Particle size distribution of 920–940 nm-sized silica particles (TE9 in Table
Table 2
The comparison on mass fraction between our work and the highest results reported.
Table 3
Experimental data for 0.75 M TEOS at 20 °C in different preparation conditions.
Fig. 2. Effects of the amounts of TEOS (a), NH3 (b), and H2O (c) on the particle Fig. 2b shows that the particle size rises first and then aggrega-
diameter. tion (A5 in Table 3) is formed with the increment of NH3 concen-
tration. This result is inconsistent with that of Wang et al. [18].
stant is smaller. Therefore, it promotes the reaction between nu- NH3, as a catalyst, could accelerate TEOS hydrolysis and condensa-
clei, and the formation of larger particles is easier [18]. tion reactions, resulting in producing more oligomers to form lar-
Based on the above consideration, three major parameters con- ger particles, but at higher NH3 concentration, aggregation will
tribute to the best result (7.45% mass fraction): (1) low tempera- be formed if condensation rate is larger than TEOS hydrolysis rate.
ture stabilizes the solution; (2) low ratio of NH3/TEOS avoids the Fig. 2c illustrates that the influence of the water concentration on
coagulation; (3) low polarity of IPA benefits the formation of large particle size follows the similar trend as NH3, that is, the particle
particles, and steric effect of IPA avoids the aggregation. size increases with increasing H2O concentration and reaches the
We can infer that much higher mass fraction of particles in the maximum value at about 6 M, and then descends at higher concen-
range of 30–1000 nm may be achieved by optimizing reaction tration. This result shows good agreement with the work of
parameters (temperature, reactants), selecting multi-alcohol (gly- [16,18,19]. H2O could accelerate TEOS hydrolysis to contribute to
col and glycerol) to increase the effect of steric hindrance, and formation of larger particles, while at higher H2O concentration,
choosing appropriate high-polarity alcohol to reduce viscosity. H2O dilutes the oligomers in reaction solution, resulting in the for-
X.-D. Wang et al. / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 341 (2010) 23–29 27
mation of smaller particles. Much detailed discussion about effect particles. This can be proven by TE1–TE8 and TE8–TE9 in Table 1,
of NH3 and H2O on the particle size could be seen in Section 3.3 and respectively. The ions concentration reduces the double layer
4. Moreover, Bougush et al. [19] found that near the maximum thickness making repulsive potential decline and leads to a disper-
achievable size for any given TEOS concentration, monodispersity sion that is more easily flocculated [26]. An increase in the concen-
could hardly be achieved and bimodal final particle size distribu- tration of NH3 and H2O will not only stabilize the suspension
tions were commonly observed. However, in our experiments, near (through the production of more OH ) by increasing the net nega-
the maximum achievable size (873 nm) for 0.75 M TEOS, monodis- tive charges on the particles, but also destabilize the dispersion
persity is often achieved and only the bimodal final particle size resulting from an increase in the ionic strength through the pro-
distribution can be observed at 0.15 M NH3 and 4.7 M H2O (A1 in duction of ions. That is, at certain concentrations of H2O and
Table 3). Further investigations on this phenomenon are underway NH3, the destabilizing effects will influence the size distribution
to understand completely the formation mechanism of particles in more remarkably comparing with the increase in surface charges,
this reaction system. and aggregations can be formed [26]. As a proof, A5 particles (in
Table 3) with a diameter of 616 nm aggregated at 1.06 M NH3.
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