Royal Selangor Employment Application Form
Royal Selangor Employment Application Form
Royal Selangor Employment Application Form
I hereby declare that all the particulars given below are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true.
I understand that should any particulars be found to be untrue in the course of my employment, I may
be liable to immediate dismissal. PHOTO
Applicant’s signature Date ddmmyy
Position applied for Expected salary p/month
Telephone Home
Postcode Telephone Mobile
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School Name From Year To Year Details of examination results
Extramural activities
Position in your clubs / societies if any
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Description of career IMPORTANT This section is to be filled by applicants who are presently or previously employed.
Apart from the specialized qualifications and experience you have outlined, please give a brief description, in your own words, of
your professional and business career since leaving school/college/university.
Postcode Telephone
Date joined ddmmyy Starting salary Date left ddmmyy Present / last salary
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References Please complete in BLOCK letters
Please provide three references (Original testimonials should not be forwarded). References can be drawn from the following:
i Someone in a position of responsibility in the private sector or in public life
ii The principal or lecturerer at your last school / college / university
iii Your present employer (References will not be taken up without the candidate’s authorization)
1 Name Position Relationship
Postcode Telephone
2 Name Position Relationship
Postcode Telephone
3 Name Position Relationship
Postcode Telephone
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? If yes, please specify
Are you presently undergoing any medical treatment? If yes, please specify
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