Analisis Proses Pembelajaran Organisasi Sebagai Pembentukan Kompetensi Inti PT Garuda Indonesia

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Analisis proses pembelajaran organisasi sebagai pembentukan

kompetensi inti PT Garuda Indonesia
Deskripsi Dokumen:

The global industry development requires the business players always be

ready for any challenges, able to increase their sustainable profit. Especially, in
the airlines industry, such as PT. Garuda Indonesia, the company shall always
be innovative and creative in catching up the opportunities to maintain its
competitive advantage in the international market.
Facing the competitive market in the airlines industry, PT. Garuda
Indonesia in 1999 implemented the corporate restructuring as its efforts to
increase the organizational functions. One of the effective organizational
functions is combining the rigorous controlling with decentralization to maintain
the corporate core values. This opinion supports that the corporate core value is
the basic development through the sustainable organizational learning to be
competitive final product.
This research analyzes the organizational learning process in PT. Garuda
Indonesia. The problem is how to identify the organizational learning process in
the formulation of core competencies PT. Garuda Indonesia. ln details, the
objective of the study is to analyze the resources and the ability to giving
contribution for fomrrulation of core competencies, to analyze organizational
learning system from 5 subsystem by Marquardt approach, to analyze what the
core competencies itself by Hamel & Prahalad theory and internal services
quality from working environment prespective.
This research is descriptive research, i.e. research of independent
variable without any comparison or combining with other variables without any
comparison or combining with other variables. The location is in the whole
business units and subsidiary of PT. Garuda Indonesia in Jakarta area, with the
number of sampling is 100 employees proportionally. The analysis result of
organizational leaming process profile, so that it can give contribution on
potential resources to be the competitive final product.
PT. Garuda Indonesia resources (core values) consist of airplane,
infrastructure to airplane maintenance, training and development. PT. Garuda
Indonesia also has qualified human resources, such as pilot, people who
maintain the airplane, infomation technology and sustainable financial
resources. All of the resources are well-managed and itegrated and through its
learning are able to form the core competencies, and finally can be compete in
international market, especially in plane maintenance services. Meanwhile, the
other services still have to be well-developed, especially in the airline operation
core business.
Generally, PT. Garuda Indonesia have the infrastructure, such as well
working environment, including effective communication among the employees,
both vertically and horizontally, but there is lack of coordination among the
business units. A comfort working environment supports the employees
perfomance. it shows that PT. Garuda Indonesia has given the best internal
services to create employees satisfaction, and automatically it influences the
corporate profit.
This core competencies analysis can formulate good organizational
learning, so that it is valuable in giving creative and innovative contribution to be
a competitive final product. The analysis that formulated by fourth-quadrant
matrix approach is found that only mega opportunities has not fulfilled, which is
new competencies in new market to face the future conditions. Generally, PT.
Garuda Indonesia has positioned its business units and subsidiary in other
opportunities in agenda quadrant of core competencies.
Based on the results of this study, the writer is willing to give nomartive
recommendations, such as: the initial organization learning process that
implemented by corporate is well-being, so that in fomulation of core
competencies and competitive final product needs continuous learning. The
ultimate phase is top management always encouraging the employees as
individual to increase their knowledge and skill, both formally and infomalIy, tacit
and explicit knowledge creating.
ln order to achieving PT. Garuda Indonesia cision to be world class
airways, it is necessary to establish the internal customer satisfaction, for
example give broad opportunity to learn and enhance the employee skill, welfare
improvement, integrating the system with human resources development.
PT. Garuda Indonesia needs to identify the new core competencies with a
creative and innovative learning continuously, and also makes the fundamental
changes to be the the leader in the market, and develops its market share that
will increase corporate profit in the future.

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