A. Background
Every living thing in this world has a physical appearance (phenotype) which is controlled by a series of
chemical commands. Within each cell of a living thing, there is a nucleus that contains a series of
chemistry of Deuxiribonucleid Acid / Nucleadic Acid Deuction (DNA) acid. Every cell in one living creature
has the same copy of DNA. So, in A hamster, the eye cell has a copy of DNA that is exactly the same as
the DNA of leg cells, ear cells, hair cells and so on. However, this DNA also gives orders to these cells to
develop into specific cells, either into eye cells, leg cells, fur cells, or other cells.
DNA in every living thing is stored in a container called a chromosome. Each chromosome stores DNA
that has a special task to regulate the physical shape of the body. The number of chromosomes in each
species is different. Therefore, not all living things can do marriage between species, because each
chromosome from a sperm must get another pair of chromosomes from the egg cell. Although the
number of chromosomes is the same, marriage is not necessarily successful. Like locks and locks, the
pair of chromosomes from sperm and egg cells must be identical. Round keys cannot be inserted into a
flat shaped padlock. This is why marriage between species that have the same chromosome is not
necessarily successful. Even if successful, it will usually produce mutations that cause disability in the
offspring or death in the parent.
B. Problem Formulation
C. Purpose
The writing of this paper aims to increase the knowledge of genetics. As reference material in science.
A. Understanding Genes
Thomas Hunt Morgan is a geneticist from the United States who discovered that factors. offspring
(genes) are stored in a typical locus in chromosomes. In every living thing must have gene substance on
the chromosome. Changes in genes or genetics in these creatures will result in changes in the nature of
the organism. Changes in chromosome genes can occur due to:
a. Gen mutation
Mutations are changes in the chemical structure of genes that are hereditary which occur spontaneously
or not spontaneously by chemicals, radioactive ray radiation, infection with viruses, and so on.
b. Gen Recombination
The definition and meaning of the definition of gene recombination is the incorporation of several male
and female parent genes when fertilizing the ovum by sperm which causes the formation of different
gene pairs from the parent. The result is the birth of a new species variant ...
Genetics is the study of heredity and all its scientific ins and outs. The person who is considered the
"Father of Genetics" is Johan Gregor Mendel.
B. Legal genetics
Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics, and he created the laws of genetics. Until now, this
law proved useful in finding and studying genes. Gregor Mendel is an Augustinian Monk. Some of the
initial experiments carried out by him were at the intersection of white bean plants and purple flower
He realized that this cross pollination produced hybrid offspring. He later found that the characteristics
of each plant depend on something called a factor. These factors are then identified and named as
genes. Mendel's law of genetics states that genes usually occur as pairs in body cells and separate when
sex cells are formed. He also stated that in each gene pair, one is dominant and the other is recessive in
nature. The characteristics of dominant genes help to determine features.
Mendel also stated that each individual cell will have two genes and one from each parent. These two
genes may or may not contain the same type of trait. Both genes will be the same, and each gene is
called homozygous for properties. If both genes have different properties, they are called heterozygotes.
If the genes go back and forth, they are called alleles. Alel determines individual genotypes. These alleles
are also found in pairs, where each allele comes from each parent; one comes from men and the other
comes from women. This gene can be passed on when an adult is an adult and they are transmitted to
sperm or eggs.
C. Definition of chromosomes
Chromosomes come from two words, namely chroma (color) and soma (body). This term arises because
this part will be clearly visible under the microscope when given a dye. Chromosomes are located in the
nucleus (cell nucleus). The body cell nucleus and the sex cell nucleus of an organism have different
amounts. Chromosomes that are located in the nucleus of the cell are haploid (2n), whereas those
located in the sex cell nucleus (gametes) are haploid (n). The number of chromosomes in cells of the
human body is 46 (23 pairs), while in the sex cells (sperm or ovum) as many as 23. In each human
chromosome there are thousands of genes.
Chromosomes are thread structures in the cell nucleus that are responsible for heredity. Chromosomes
are unique to living things. Inside the cell nucleus there are chromosomes. Inside the chromosome there
are genes or hereditary factors. Thus, new generative individual results bring both of the parent
properties. A pair of chromosomes is "homologous" to each other, meaning it contains the
corresponding locus of genes called alela.
multiple alleles is the presence of more than one allele at the same locus.
The body chromosomes or autosomes are chromosomes that do not determine sex, amounting to 2n-2.
in humans the number of autosomes in each body cell is 44 (22 pairs).
Genital chromosomes (sex) or gonosom are chromosomes that determine sex, numbering a pair. Genital
chromosomes in XX women, while men XY.
DNA in every living thing is stored in a container called a chromosome. Each chromosome stores DNA
that has a special task to regulate the physical shape of the body. The number of chromosomes in each
species is different. Therefore, not all living things can do marriage between species, because each
chromosome from a sperm must get another pair of chromosomes from the egg cell. Although the
number of chromosomes is the same, marriage is not necessarily successful. Like locks and locks, the
pair of chromosomes from sperm and egg cells must be identical. Round keys cannot be inserted into a
flat shaped padlock. This is why marriage between species that have the same chromosome is not
necessarily successful. Even if successful, it will usually produce mutations that cause disability in the
offspring or death in the parent.
A. Conclusion
From the paper we make we can conclude that genes are substances of heredity that are located in the
chromosomes. Genes have properties such as:
Genetics is the study of heredity and all its scientific ins and outs. The person who is considered the
"Father of Genetics" is Johan Gregor Mendel.
Mendel's law of genetics states that genes usually occur as pairs in body cells and separate when sex
cells are formed. He also stated that in each gene pair, one is dominant and the other is recessive in
nature. Chromosomes are thread structures in the cell nucleus that are responsible for heredity.
Based on its function, chromosomes are divided into two types, namely:
That is the chromosome that determines the sex in male or female individuals or in male or female
B. Suggestions
From the paper that we made, we as authors suggest that we as teachers should be careful in giving
teaching especially Indonesian language lessons to our students. To provide good and correct
Indonesian language lessons, we must also know the appropriate standard language rules.