TLC Colour Guide

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Spray Reagents

For the thin layer chromatography of drug extracts

No. 1 Anisaldehyde-acetic acid reagent (AA)

0.5 ml Anisaldehyde mixed with 10 ml of 98% acetic acid.
The TLC plate is sprayed with 5-10 ml, then heated at 120 0 C for 7-10 min
in a drying cabinet.
Detection 0/ petasin/isopetasin. The plate may be sprayed afterwards with conc.
sulphuric acid and evaluated in vis. or UV-365 nm.

NO.2 Anisaldehyde-sulphuric acid reagent (AS)

0.5 ml Anisaldehyde is mixed with 10 ml glacial acetic acid, followed by 85 ml metha-
nol and 5 ml concetrated sulphuric acid, in that order.
The re agent has only limited stability, and is no longer useable when the colour
has turned to red-violet.
The TLC plate is sprayed with ab out 10 ml, heated at 100° C for 5-10 min,
then evaluated in vis. or UV-365 nm.
Detection 0/ essential oils, pungent principles, bitter principles, saponins, etc.

NO.3 Antimony(lII) chloride reagent (SbCI 3 )

20% solution of antimony(III) chloride in chloroform.
The TLC plate must be sprayed with 15-20 ml reagent, then heated for 5-6 min
at 100° C. Evaluation in vis. or UV-365 nm.
Detection 0/ cardiac glycosides, saponins, visnagin (Ammi visnagae /ructus), etc.

NO.4 Benzidine re agent (BZ)

0.5 g Benzidine is dissolved in 10 ml glacial acetic acid and the volume adjusted
to 100 ml with ethanol. Evaluation in vis.
Detection 0/ aucubin (Plantaginis folium)

NO.5 Berlin blue reagent (BB)

A freshly prepared solution of 10 g iron(III) chloride and 0.5 g potassium hexacyano-
ferrate in 100 ml water. The plate is sprayed with 5-8 ml and evaluated in vis.
Detection 0/ arbutin.

NO.6 Blood reagent (BL)

10 ml of 3.6% sodium citrate are added to 90 ml fresh bovine blood. 2 ml of this
mixture are mixed with 30 ml phosphate buffer pH 7.4*. The plate is sprayed in
a horizontal position.
* Phosphate buffer pH 7.4
25.00 ml potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution (27.281 g potassium dihydrogen phosphate
dissolved in CO 2 -free water (double distilled) and volume adjusted to 1,000 ml) mixed with
39.34 ml of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide, and volume made up to 100 ml with CO 2 -free, double
distilled water.
Detection 0/ saponins; white zones are formed against the reddish background of
the plate. Haemolysis may be immediate, or it may not occur until the plate has
been warmed.
Boroxyl reagent. See Natural products-polyethyleneglycol reagent No. 28.

NO.7 Chloramine-trichloroacetic acid reagent (CTA)
10 ml freshly prepared 3% aqueous chloramine T solution (syn. sodium sulphamide
chloride, or sodium tosy1chloramide) is mixed with 40 ml of 25% ethanolic trichloro-
acetic acid.
The plate is sprayed with 10-15 ml, heated at 100° C for 5-10 min and evaluated
in UV-365 nm.
Detection of cardiac glycosides.

NO.8 Dichloroquinonechloroimide reagent (DCC)

1% methanolic solution of 2,6-dichloroquinonechloroimide.
The plate is sprayed with 5-10 ml, then immediately exposed to ammonia vapour.
Detection of arbutin (DAB 8), capsaicin (DAB 8).

NO.9 Dinitrophenylhydrazine reagent (DNPH)

0.1 g of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine is dissolved in 100 ml methanol, followed by
the addition of 1 ml of 36% hydrochloric acid.
After spraying with about 10 ml, the plate is evaluated immediately in vis.
Detection of ketones and aldehydes.

No. 10 DNPH-acetic acid-hydrochloric acid reagent

0.2 g of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in a solvent mixture consisting of 40 ml 98%
acetic acid, 40 ml 25% hydrochloric acid and 20 ml methanol.
The plate is sprayed with 10 ml and evaluated in vis. It is then heated at 100° C
for 5-10 min and evaluated again in vis. (Ph. Eur. III).
Detection of valepotriates (Valerianae radix). Chromogenic dien es react without
Remarks: Dienes can also be detected with HCL-AA reagent (No. 32).

No. 11 Dragendorffreagents (DRG)

Detection of alkaloids, heterocyclic nitrogen compounds, quarternary amines.

No. 11A Dragendorffreagent (Ph. Eur. I, p. 139)

0.85 g basic bismuth nitrate is dissolved in 40 ml water and 10 ml glacial acetic
acid, followed by addition of 8 g potassium iodide dissolved in 20 ml water.

No. 11 B Dragendorff reagent Rl (Ph. Eur. III, p. 105)

100 g tartaric acid are dissolved in 400 ml water. 8.5 g basic bismuth nitrate are
added and the solution is shaken for 2 h. 200 ml of 40% potassium iodide are
then added, and the solution is shaken vigorously. After standing 24 h, the solution
is filtered.
Diluted Dragendorff reagent (Ph. Eur. III, p. 105)
50 ml Dragendorff reagent Rl are added to a solution of 100 g tartaric acid in
500 ml water.

No. 11 C Dragendorff reagent with tartaric acid

Solution A: 17 g bismuth subnitrate and 200 g tartaric acid in 800 ml water.
Solution B: 160 g potassium iodide in 400 ml water.
A + B = stock solution
Spray reagent: 50 ml stock solution + 500 ml water + 100 g tartaric acid.

No. 11 D Dragendorff reagent with hydrochloric acid (modified)

Solution A: 0.3 g bismuth sub nitrate, 1 ml of 25% HCl, 5 ml water.
Solution B: 3 g potassium iodide in 5 ml water.
Spray reagent: 5 ml A + 5 ml B + 5 ml of 12.5% HCI + 100 ml water.

No. HE Dragendorffreagent according to Vaguifalvi
A mixture of 2.6 g bismuth carbonate, 7 g dried sodium iodide and 25 ml glacial
acetic acid is heated to boiling for a few minutes. After standing overnight, the
precipitated sodium acetate is removed by filtration. 20 ml of the c1ear red filtrate
are mixed with 80 ml ethyl acetate to give the stock solution.
Spray reagent: 2 ml stock solution, 5 ml glacial acetic and and 12 ml ethyl acetate.
Detection limit: approx. 1 Ilg.
After the plate has been dried (i.e. the smell of acetic acid is no longer detectable),
it can be sprayed again with 5% ethanolic sulphuric acid, ihereby giving a ten-fold
increase in sensitivity.

No. HF Dragendorffreagent,Jollowed by sodium nitrite or H Z S0 4

After treatment with any type of Dragendorff reagent, the plate may be additionally
sprayed with 5% aqueous sodium nitrite or with 5% ethanolic sulphuric acid, thereby
intensifying the coloured zones.

No. 12 Fast blue salt reagent (FBS)

0.5 g fast blue salt B is dissolved in 100 ml water. (Fast blue salt B=3,3'-dimethoxy-
biphenyl-4-4' -bisediazonium)-dichloride)
The plate is sprayed with 6-8 ml, dried and inspected in vis. Spraying may be
repeated, using 0.1 M NaOH, followed again by inspection in vis.
Detection of bitter principles /rom hops, and phenolic compounds in general.

No. 13 Fast red salt reagent (FRS)

0.5% aqueous solution of fast red salt B (=diazotized 5-nitro-2-aminoanisole).
The plate is sprayed with 10 ml, followed immediately by either 0.1 M NaOH
or exposure to ammonia vapour.
Detection 0/ amarogentin.

No. 14 Iron(III) chloride reagent (FeCI 3 )

10% aqueous solution.
Spray with 5-10 ml and evaluate in vis.
Detection %leuropein; carnosolic acid (Salviae folium, Rosmarini folium); hop bitter

No. 15 EP reagent according to Stahl (EP)

0.25 g of 4-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde is dissolved in a mixture of 45 ml of 98%
acetic acid, 5 ml of 85% o-phosphoric acid and 45 ml water, followed by 50 ml
conc. sulphuric acid with cooling.
The sprayed plate is evaluated immediately in vis., or after heating.
Detection 0/ azulenes (Matricariae flos) ; the natural blue of the azulenes is intensified
by EP reagent. After warming at 100° C for 3-5 min, proazulene gives a blue-green

No. 16 Acetic anhydride-sulphuric acid reagent

Liebermann-Burchard reagent (LB)
5 ml acetic anhydride and 5 ml conc. sulphuric acid are added carefully to 50 ml
absolute ethanol, while cooling in ice. The reagent must be freshly prepared.
The sprayed plate is warmed at 100° C for 5-10 min, then inspected in UV-
365 nm.
Detection oftriterpenes, steroids (saponins, bitter principles).

No. 17 Iodine-chloroform reagent (I/CHCI 3 )

0.5% Iodine in chloroform.

The sprayed plate is warmed at 60° C for ab out 5 min. It may be evaluated
immediately, or after standing for 10 min at room temperature.
Detection o/Ipecacuanha alkaloids.
No. 18 Iodine re agent
About 10 g solid iodine are spread on the bottom of a chromatography tank. Com-
pounds containing conjugated double bonds give yellow-brown (vis.) zones on expo-
sure to the atmosphere of iodine vapour.
No. 19 Iodoplatinate re agent (IP)
0.3 g hydrogen hexachloroplatinate (IV) hydrate is dissolved in 100 ml water and
mixed with 100 ml of 6% potassium iodide solution.
The plate is sprayed with 10 ml and evaluated in vis.
Detection o/nitrogen-containing compounds, e.g. alkaloids (blue-violet). For the detec-
tion of Cinchona alkaloids, the plate is first sprayed with 5% ethanolic H Z S0 4
(No. 34), and then with IP reagent.
No.20 Iodine-hydrochloric aicd reagent (I/HCl)
1 g potassium iodide and 1 g iodine are dissolved in 100 ml ethanol (soln. I). 25 ml
of 25% HCI are mixed with 25 ml of 96% ethanol (soln. Ir).
The plate is first sprayed with 5 ml soln. 1, followed by 5 ml soln. Ir. Dark brown
(vis.) zones are produced.
Detection o/the purine derivatives, caffeine, theophylline and theobromine.
No.21 Potassium hydroxide (KOH)
5% or 10% Ethanolic potassium hydroxide (Bornträger reaction)
The plate is sprayed with 10 ml and evaluated in vis. or in UV-365 nm, with
or without warming.
Detection 0/ anthraquinones (red), anthrones (yellow, UV-365 nm); coumarins (blue,
UV-365 nm).

No. 22 Potassium permanganate-sulphuric aicd re agent (PPM)

0.5 g Potassium permanganate is dissolved carefully in 15 ml conc. sulphuric acid,
while cooling in ice (Care! Explosive manganese heptoxide is formed).
Detection 0//enchone; the plate is sprayed first with phosphomolybdic acid reagent
(PMA No. 27) (10 min/ll0° C), followed by PPM reagent (5 min/110° C) blue (vis.).
No.23 Kedde reagent (Kedde)
5 ml freshly prepared 3% ethanolic 3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid are mixed with 5 ml
of2 M NaOH.
The plate is sprayed with 5-8 ml of the freshly prepared mixture, then evaluated
in vis.
Detection 0/ cardenolides.
No. 24 Komarowsky re agent (KOM)
1 ml of 50% ethanolic sulphuric acid and 10 ml of 2% methanolic 4-hydroxybenzal-
dehyde are mixed shortly before use.
The sprayed plate is heated at 100° C for 5-10 min under constant observation,
and evaluated in vis.
Detection 0/ essential oils, pungent principles, bitter principles, saponins, etc.
Liebermann-Burchard reagent (LB), see Acetic anhydride-sulphuric acid reagent
No. 16
No. 25 Marquis re agent
3 ml formaldehyde are diluted to 100 ml with conc. sulphuric acid. The plate is
evaluated in vis., immediate1y after spraying.
Detection o/morphine, codeine, thebaine.

No. 26 Millons reagent (ML)
3 ml mercury are dissolved in 27 ml fuming nitric acid, and the solution diluted
with an equal volume of water.
Detection 0/ arbutin and phenol glycosides in general.

No. 27 Phosphomolybdic acid reagent (PMA)

20% ethanolic solution of phosphomolybdic acid. The plate is sprayed with 10 ml,
then heated at 100 0 C for 5 min, under observation.
Detection 0/ components 0/ essential oils.
For the detection of rhaponticosides: 4 g phosphomolybdic acid are dissolved with
warming in 40 ml water. 60 ml conc. sulphuric acid are added carefully to the cooled
solution. Rhaponticoside and Deoxyrhaponticoside form strong, blue (vis.) zones.

No. 28 Natural produets-polyethylenglyeol reagent (NP/PEG)

The plate is sprayed with 1% methanolic diphenylboric acid-ß-ethylamino ester ( =
diphenylboryloxyethylamine) (NP), followed by 5% ethanolic polyethyleneglycol-
4000 (PEG) (10 ml and 8 ml, respectively).
Detection 0/flavonoids, aloin. Intense fluorescence is produced immediately or after
15 min in UV-365 nm. PEG increases the sensitivity (from 10 Ilg to 2.5 Ilg). The
fluorescence behaviour is structure-dependent.

No. 29 Ninhydrin reagent (NIH)

30 mg ninhydrin are dissolved in 10 ml n-butanol, followed by 0.3 ml of98% acetic-
acid. After spraying (8~10 ml), the plate is heated for 5~10 min under observation,
and evaluated in vis.
Detection 0/ amino acids, biogenie amines.

No. 30 Nitrosodimethylaniline reagent (NDA)

10 mg Nitrosodimethylaniline are dissolved in 10 ml pyridine, and used immediately
to spray the TLC plate.
Detection 0/ anthrone derivatives (grey-blue zones in vis., e.g. from freshly harvested
Frangulae cortex).

No.31 Phenylenediamine reagent (PD)

0.5% ethanolic solution.
Evaluation in vis. or in UV -365 nm.
Detection o/constituents of Lichen islandicus (e.g. fumarprotocetraric acid).

No.32 Cone. hydroehlorie acid-glacial aeetie acid reagent (HCl/AA)

8 parts conc. hydrochloric acid and 2 parts glacial acetic acid.
After spraying, the plate is heated at 110 0 C for 10 min, and evaluated in vis. or
in UV-365 nm.
Detection o/valepotriates with diene structure (halazuchrome reaction).

No. 33 Nitrie acid (HN0 3 conc.)

Detection 0/ ajmaline and brucine, red in vis.
Detection of sennosides: after spraying with HN0 3 conc. and heating for 15 min
at 120 0 C, the plate is sprayed with KOH reagent (No. 21).
Red-brown (vis.) or yellow-brown fluorescent (UV-365 nm) zones are formed.

No. 34 Sulphurie aeid (HZS04)

A) 5% or 10% ethanolic H Z S0 4
B) 50% ethanolic H Z S0 4
C) concentrated H Z S0 4

The plate is heated at 100° C for 3~5 min, and evaluated in vis. or in UV-365 nm.
With conc. H 2 S0 4 coloured (vis.) zones often appear immediately.
Detection of e.g. cardiac glycosides.

No.35 Trichloroacetic acid-potassium hexacyanoferrate-iron(m) chloride reagent (TPF)

Solution 1: 25% trichloroacetic acid in chloroform.
Solution 2: 1% aqueous potassium hexacyanoferrate mixed with an equal volume
of 5% aqueous iron(lII) chloride. The plate is sprayed vigorously with solution 1
and heated at 110° C for 10 min. It is then sprayed with solution 2 and evaluated
in vis.
Detection of sinalhin and sinigrin.

No. 36 Vanillin-phosphoric acid reagent (VPA)

A:l g vanillin dissolved in 100 ml of 50% phosphoric acid.
B: 2 parts 24% phosphoric acid and 8 parts 2% ethanolic vanillic acid.
After spraying with either A or B, the plate is heated for 10 min at 100° C, and
evaluated in vis. or in UV -365 nm.
Detection of e.g. terpenoids, lignanes and cucurbitacins.

No. 37 Vanillin-hydrochloric acid reagent (VHCl)

The plate is sprayed with 5 ml of 1% ethanolic vanillin, followed by 3 ml conc.
HCI, then evaluated in vis. Colours are intensified by heating for 5 min at 100° C.
Detection of myrrh constituents.

No. 38 Vanillin-sulphuric acid reagent (VS)

5% Ethanolic sulphuric acid (solution I)
1% Ethanolic vanillin (solution II)
The plate is sprayed vigorously with 10 ml solution I, followed immediately by
5~10 ml solution II. After heating at 110° C for 5~10 min under observation, the
plate is evaluated in vis.
Detection of e.g. components of essential oUs (terpenoids, phenylpropane derivatives,
phenols, etc.).

No.39 Van URK reagent

0.2 g of 4-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde is dissolved in 100 ml of 25% HCI with the
addition of 1 drop of 10% iron(III) chloride solution.
Detection of Secale alkaloids.

Abbreviations and Definitions

1. Ahhreviations
TLC: thin layer chromatography
Silica gel 60: specific surface area 500 cm 2 jg; pore volume 0.75 cm 3 jg; pore diameter
60 A.
UV-254 nm: shorter wavelength ultraviolet light, used to detect substances that
quench fluorescence (Silica gel 60F 254 pre-coated TLC plates from Merck, Darm-
stadt). Zones appear dark blue against a yellow-green fluorescent background.
UV-365 nm: for the detection of substances that fluoresce in long wave ultraviolet
light. UV-Iamps: commercially available lamps or tubes from Philips, Osram, Syl-
vania and others.
vis.: visible light or daylight.

2. General concepts
Without chamber saturation: the chromatography solvent is poured into the chroma-
tography tank, and swirled around vigorously for a few seconds. The TLC plate
is then placed in position, and chromatography allowed to proceed.
With chamber saturation: the solvent is allowed to remain in the c10sed tank for
Ijr1 h before chromatography. The inside of the tank should be lined with filter
Volume of chromatography solvent: about 100 ml are normally used. Chromatogra-
phy tank dimensions: 20 x 9 x 20 cm.

3. Extraction procedures
Powdered drugs are used for extraction. According to DAB 7, "medium fine
powder" corresponds to sieve No. 5 (0.315 mm mesh). According to Ph. Eur. I,
medium fine corresponds to sieve No. 300 (mesh size 300).
Sampie weights quoted for drug extraction refer to the dried drug.

4. Sampie volume
The volumes quoted are recommended averages. Depending on the quality of the
drug, larger and smaller volumes should also be used. Exact volumes can be applied
with the aid of commercially available, standardized capillaries. If melting point
capillaries are used, it can be assumed that 1 cm is roughly equivalent to 4-5 j..ll.
As a rule, the sampie should be applied to the start as a line about 1 cm wide.
Small sampie volumes (1-3 j..ll), however, are applied as a spot.


Books on TLC Techniques and on the Constituents of Plant Drugs

Randerath, K.: Dünnschicht-Chromatographie, 2. Aufl., Verlag Chemie, 1965
Stahl, E.: Thin-Layer Chromatography 2nd. edtn., Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New
Stahl, E., Schild, W.: Pharmazeutische Biologie, 4. Drogenanalyse 1I, Inhaltsstoffe und Isolie-
rungen. Fischer Verlag Stuttgart-New York, 1981
Wicht!, M.: Die Pharmakognostisch-Chemische Analyse. Untersuchung und Wertbestimmung
von Drogen und galenischen Präparaten. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt/M.,
Wagner, H.: Pharmazeutische Biologie, 2. Drogen und ihre Inhaltsstoffe, 2. Aufl. Fischer Ver-
lag Stuttgart-New York, 1982
Wagner, H., Bladt, S.: Pharmazeutische Biologie, Praktikumshandbuch, 2. Ausg., Institut für
Pharmazeutische Biologie der Universität München, 1979

Deutsches Arzneibuch, 8. Ausgabe 1978. Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart.
Govi Verlag, Frankfurt/Main. (German Pharmacopoeia, 8th. edition 1978) DAB 8
Deutsches Arzneibuch, 7. Ausgabe 1968. 1. Nachtrag 1974, 2. Nachtrag 1975.
Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart. Govi Verlag, Frankfurt/Main. (German
Pharmacopoeia, 7th. edition 1968, 1st. supplement 1974, 2nd. supplement 1975) DAB 7
Ergänzungsbuch zum Deutschen Arzneibuch. Sechste Ausgabe (Arzneimittel, die
im Deutschen Arzneibuch, 6. Ausgabe, nicht enthalten sind). (Supplement to
the 6th. edition of the German Pharmacopoeia, containing material that was
not inc1uded in the 6th. edition) Erg.-B.6
Europäisches Arzneibuch, Band I-IlI, 1974, 1975, 1978,. Deutscher Apotheker
Verlag, Stuttgart. Govi-Verlag, Frankfurt/Main. (Ph. Eur. I: pp. 79-82 Thin
Layer Chromatography) (European Pharmacopoeia, Volumes I-IH, 1974, 1975,
1978 Ph. Eur.
Arzneibuch der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. 2. Ausgabe 1979, Akade-
mie Verlag, Berlin. (Physical analysis: 12.01 Thin layer chromatography) (Phar-
macopoeia of the German Democratic Republic) 2. AB-DDR
Deutscher Arzneimittel-Codex, 1979 (Ergänzung zum Arzneibuch). Govi-Verlag,
Frankfurt/Main. Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart. (Appendix E: Azeo-
tropic solvent mixtures for TLC and paper chromatography). (German pharma-
ceutical codex, 1979 (supplement to the Pharmacopoeia)) DAC
Österreichisches Arzneibuch, Ausgabe 1981. Österreichische Staatsdruckerei,
Wien (Austrian Pharmacopoeia) ÖAB
Pharmacopoea Helvetica, Editio sexta, 1971 und Supplement. Eidgenössische
Drucksachen- und Materialzentral, Bem (Swiss Pharmacopoeia, 6th. edition,
1971 and supplement) Helv. VI
Kommentar zum Helv. VI pp. 98-105. Erläuterungen zur Dünnschichtchromato-
graphischen Prüfung. Selbstverlag des Schweizerischen Apotheker-Vereins, Bem
1975 (Notes on Helv. VI, with guide to thin layer chromatography)
The Uni ted States Pharmacopeia, 1980. The National Formulary. The United
States Pharmacopeial Convention, Rockville, MD ("Chromatography" pp. 938- USPXX
946 NFXV

Subject Index
Page numbers referring to the description of chromatograms are printed in bold type.

Abies species 16, 46 - Macis 10, 28

Abrotani herba 149, 156 - Matricariae 11, 32
Absinthii herba 128, 134 - Melissae 14,40
absinthin 128,131,134 - Menthae 12,36
acacetin rutinoside 180 - Myristicae 10,28
acacia flowers 165, 180 - Petroselini 10,28
Acaciae flos 165, 180 - Pi ni 15, 16,46
Acanthopanax senticosus 227 - Rosmarini 11, 30
acevaltrate 264, 265, 266 - Salviae 13, 38
acid amides 55, 62 - Sassafras 10, 26
aconite root 57 - Serpylli 14, 40
Aconiti herba/tuber 57, 84 - Terebinthinae 16,46
aconitine 57, 64, 84 - Thymi 13, 40
Aconitum napellus 57 ajmaline 55, 62, 68,70
Acorus calamus 9 ajowan fruits 14,40
Adonidis herba 198,214,218 Ajowani fructus 14,40
adonis 198 albopetasin 192
Adonis vernalis 198 alder buckthorn bark 98, 106
adonitoxin 198, 202, 218 al der buckthorn fruits 98, 106
adonivernith 218 Alexandrian sennapods 99
adynerin 198,212 alkaloid drugs 51
aesculetin 150 allicin 255
aesculin 227,230,234,242 alliin 255
Aesculus hippocastanum 227 Allium sativum 255, 256
Aetherolea 5 allyl thiourea derivatives 256
Aetheroleum allylisothiocyanate 255
- Anisi 9,26 allyltetramethoxybenzene 10, 20, 28
- Anisi stellati 9, 26 Aloe species 97, 102
- Anthemidis 11,32 aloe-emodin 97, 102
- Aurantii 15,44 aloes 97, 102
- Basilici 10, 26 aloesine A, B 97, 100, 102
- Calami 9, 24 aloin A, B 97, 100, 102
- Cardamomi 11, 30 aloinoside A, B 97, 100, 102
- Carvi 10,30 Althaea rosea 270
- Caryophylli 10,28 amarogentin 127, 130, 136
- Chamomillae 11, 32 amaropanin 136
- Cinnamomi 9,24 amaroswerin 136
- Ci tri 15,44 amentoflavone 119,122,170
- Citronellae 14,40 amide pungent principles 248
- Cinae 12, 34 amino acids 255, 288
- Curcumae 14, 42 Ammi (Amme os) fructus 148, 160
- Eucalypti 13, 38 Ammi majus, A. visnaga 148
- Foeniculi 9, 26 anabsinthin 128, 134
- Juniperi 11,30 anethole 9, 20, 26
- Lavandulae 12,34 Angelica archangelica 147

angelica root 147, 154 bearberry leaves 119
Angelica sylvestris 147 Belladonnae folium 59,88,90
anise 9 belladonna leaves 59
Angelicae radix 147, 154 belladonna root 59
anisaldehyde 9, 20, 26 Belladonnae radix 59, 90
Anisi fructus 9,26 Belladonnae semen 90
Anisi stellati fructus 9, 26 benzo-o:-pyrones 145
Anserinae herba 168, 186 benzoic acid 16, 48
Anthemidis flos 11, 32, 165, 182, 184 benzoins 16, 48
Anthemis nobilis 11 benzyl benzoate 48
anthocyanins 269,272, 274 Berberidis radix 57, 80
anthracene drugs 93 berberine 57, 63, 80
anthracene glycoside drugs 97 Berberis vulgaris 57
anthraquinones 93 bergamot oil 15,44
anthrone, anthranol 93 bergapten 154
apigenin 170 bergenia 119
apiol 10, 20, 28 Bergenia crassifolia 119
arbutin 119,120 Betula species 167
arbutin drugs 117, 120 Betulae folium 167, 182, 229
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 119 birch leaves 167
Armoracia rusticana 253, 255 bisabolol 11, 21, 32
Arnica chamissonis 165 bisabolol oxide A, B 11,21,32
arnica flowers 165 bitter principle drugs 125
Arnica montana 165 blackthorn flowers 167
Arnicae flos 165,174,176 blessed thistle 128
Artemisia abrotanum 149 boldine 57,61,84
Artemisia absinthium 128 Boldo folium 57,84
Artemisia cina 12 bornyl acetate 15, 19,46
artichoke 129 bilberry leaves 119
Asa foetida 148, 158 Brassica nigra 255
asafetida 148 broom 58, 168
asaresitannol 148 brucine 56, 62, 72
asarone 9, 20, 24 bryomarid 138
ash bark 149 Bryoniae radix 129, 138
Asperulae herba 149, 156 bryony root 129
aspidosperma bark 55 buckbean 128
Atropa belladonna 59 buckthorn berries 98
atropine 59, 63, 88, 90 bufadienolides 195
Aucuba japonica 128 Bulbus scillae 199,222
aucubine 128, 130, 136 burnet root 148
Aurantii flos 15, 44 butanone phloroglucides 279, 282
Aurantii pericarpium 15, 44, 129, 132,
169, 188 cacao seeds 58
Avena sativa 229 Cacao semen 58,86
avenacoside 242 Cacti flos 165, 176
Avenae herba 229, 233, 242 cactin 165
azulene 32 caffeic acid 152, 171
caffeine 58, 59, 65, 86
baldrinal 265 caffeine drugs 86
balsams 16, 48 Calami rhizoma 9,24
Balsamum peruvianum 17,48 Calendula officinalis 166
Balsamum tolutanum 17, 48 Calendulae flos 166, 174, 176
barberry bark 57 Calluna vulgaris 119
basil 10,26 Camellia sinensis 59
Basilici herba 10, 26 cannabidiol (CBD) 260

cannabidiol acid (CBDA) 260 Chelidonium majus 57
cannabinol (CBN) 260 Chinae cortex 56, 74
Cannabis herba 260 chlorogenic acid 171, 172
Cannabis sativa 259 Chrysanthemum species 279
cape aloes 97, 102 chrysophanol 98, 100, 108
capsaicin 249,250 Cinae flos 12,34
Capsici fructus 248, 250 Cinchona alkaloids 56
Capsicum annum var. longum 248 Cinchona bark 56
Capsicum frutescens 248 Cinchona ledgeriana 56, 74
capsicums 248 Cinchona succirubra 56, 74
caraway 10 Chinchonae cortex 56,74
Cardamomi fructus 11, 30 cinchonidine 56, 61, 74
cardamoms 11 cinchonine 56, 61, 74
cardenolides 195 cineole 19,22,38
cardiac glycoside drugs 195 cinerin I, Ir 279, 281, 282
Cardui benedicti herba 128, 134 cinnamaldehyde 9, 20, 24
Cardui mariae fructus 169, 190 cinnamein 17, 20, 48
carnosol 13, 142 Cinnamomi cortex 9,24
carnosolic acid 142 Cinnamomum species 9
Carum carvi 10 cinnamon bark 9
carvacrol 13, 19,40 cinnamoyl benzoate 16
Carvi fructus 10, 30 cinnamoyl pigments 42
carvone 10, 19,30 circular TLC 95, 112, 114
caryophyllene 28 citral 14, 19,40
Caryophylli flos 10,28 Citri pericarpium 15,44, 169, 188
Cascarae cortex 97, 104 Citronellae aetheroleum 40
cascarosides 97, 100, 104 citronellal 14,19,40
Cassia angustifolia 99 Citrus species 15
cassia cinnamon 24 Claviceps purpurea 55
Cassia senna 99 clove oil 10, 28
catechin 122 cloves 10
catharticin 98, 106 Cnici herba 128, 134
cat's foot flowers 167 cnicin 128, 131, 134
cayenne pepper 248 Cnicus benedictus 128
Centaurea cyanus 270 codeine 56,61,78
Centaurii herba 127, 132 Coffea arabica 58
Centaurium minus 127 Coffeae semen 58, 86
centaury 127 coffee beans 58
cephaeline 56, 61,76 cola seeds 59
Cephaelis acuminata 56, 76 Colae semen 58
Cephaelis ipecacuanha 56,76 Colchici semen 57, 82
Cereus grandiflorus 165 colchicine 57, 64, 82
Cetraria islandica 279 Colchicum autumnale 57
Cetraria tenuifolia 279 Colchicum seeds 57
cetraric acid 281, 284 Colombo radix 57,80
Ceylon cinnamon 9,24 Colombo root 57
Chamaemelum nobile 11 coltsfoot flowers, leaves 166
chamazulene 11, 21, 32 columbamine 57,80
chamomile flowers 11, 166 Commiphora molmol 16
chamomile flowers (Roman) 11, 166 common osier 278
Chamomilla recutita 11 condurangins 129, 131, 132
Chamomillae flos 11,32, 166, 184 Condurango bark 129
chelerythrin 57, 63, 82 Condurango cortex 129, 132
Chelidonii herba 57, 82 coniferyl benzoate 16
chelidonine 57, 63,82 coniferyl cinnamate 16

Convallaria majalis 198 Cynarae herba 129, 142
Convallariae herba 198,214, 218 cynarin 129,142,171
convallatoxin 198,202,218
coriander 11 Daphne mezereum 149
Coriandri fructus 11, 30 daphnoretin 150, 156
Coriandri semen 30 Datura stramomium 60
Coriandrum sativum 11 delphinidin 270, 271
cornflowers 270 demethoxycurcumin 42
cornmint oil 12, 36 deoxyaloin 97, 104
Cortex dianthrones 110
- Cascarae 97, 104 dicaffeoyl quinic acids 171
- Chinae 56, 74 didrovaltrate 265, 266
- Cinchonae 56, 74 Digitalis folium 198,208,210
- Cinnamomi 9,24 Digitalis glycosides 197, 200
- Condurango 129, 132 Digitalis lanata 198
- Frangulae 98, 104, 106 Digitalis purpurea 198
- Fraxini 149, 158 digitoxin 201
- Mezerei 149, 158 Dryopteris filix-mas 279
- Oreoherzogiae 98, 106
- Quebracho 55, 68 eIder flowers 167
- Quillajae 228, 234, 244 e1emicin 20
- Rhamni cathartici 98 Eleutherococci radix 227, 238
- Rhamni purshiani 97, 104 e1eutheroside 227,231,238
- Salicis 278, 282 Elletaria cardamomum 11
- Viburni 119, 122 emetine 56,61,76
- Yohimbe 55, 68 ene-ine-dicycloether 11, 21, 32
coumarin 24, 145, 149 Ephedra 57
coumarin drugs 145 Ephedra species 57
coumarins 150,151,152 Ephedrae herba 57,86
cowberry leaves 119 ephedrine 64
Crataegi flos, C. folium, C. fructus 166, epoxydihydrocaryophyllene 34
178 Equiseti herba 168, 186
Crataegus species 166 Equisetum arven se 168
crocetin 271 ergobasine 55
Croci stigma 270, 274 ergocristine 62, 72
crocin 270,271,274 ergometrine 55,72
crocus 270 ergot 55
Crocus sativus 270 ergotamine 55, 62,72
Cubebae fructus 248, 250 ergotoxin 55
cubebin 249, 250 Ericae herba 119
cubebs 248, 250 eriocitrin 169, 188
Cucurbita pepo 129 Eriodictyonis herba 169, 188
cucurbitacins 129,131,138 Erucae semen 255,256
Cucurbitae semen 129, 138 essential oil drugs 5
cucurbitine 129 Eucalypti folium 13, 38
Curacao aloes 97, 102 eucalyptol 13
Curcuma species 14, 42 eucalyptus leaves 13,38
Curcumae rhizoma 14,42 Eucalyptus species 13
curcumins 14,42 eugenol 29,22,28
Cyani flos 270, 272
cyanidine glycosides 270 Farfarae flos 166, 176
cymarin 206 Farfarae folium 166, 192
Cymbopogon species 14 fenchone 9, 19,26
Cynanchum vincetoxicum 228, fennel 9,26
236 Ferula assa-foetida 148

filicin 279 - Nicotianae 58, 86
Filicis rhizoma 279,282 - Oleae 128, 136
Filipendula ulmaria 167 - Oleandri 198,212
filixic acid 281,282 - Orthosiphonis 169, 188
flavone, flavonol, flavanone 170, 171 - Plantaginis 128, 136
flavonoid drugs 163 - Pyri 119
Flos - Rosmarini 11, 30, 128, 142
- Acaciae 165, 180 - Salviae 13,38, 128, 142
- Anthemidis 11,32, 165, 182, 184 - Sennae 99, 110, 112
- Arnicae 165,174,176 - Stramonii 60, 88, 90
- Aurantii 15,44 - Theae 59,86
- Cacti 165,176 - Trifolii fibrini 128
- Calendulae 166,174,176 - Uvae ursi 119, 120
- Caryophylli 10, 28 - Vitis idaeae 119,120
- Chamomillae 11, 32, 166, 184 foxglove leaves 198
- Cinae 12, 34 Frangula-emodin 100, 106
- Crataegi 166, 178 Frangulae cortex 98, 104, 106
- Cyani 270, 272 Frangulae fructus 106
- Farfarae 166, 176 frangulin A, B 98, 100, 106
- Helichrysi 167, 174, 178 fraxidin 149, 158
- Hibisci 270, 272, 274 Fraxini cortex 149, 158
- Lavandulae 12,34 fraxinol 149, 150
- Malvae 270, 272 Fraxinus species 149
- Matricariae 11, 32, 166, 184 Fructus
- Primulae 166, 176 - Ajowani 14,40
- Pruni spinosae 167, 180 - Ammeos 148,160
- Pyrethri 279, 282 - Ammi 148, 160
- Robiniae 180 - Anisi 9,26
- Sambuci 167, 174, 178 - Anisi stellati 9, 26
- Spiraeae 167, 180 - Capsici 248,250
- Stoechados 167,174, 178 - Cardamomi 11, 30
- Tiliae 167, 180 - Cardui mariae 169, 190
- Verbasci 167, 178, 229 - Carvi 10,30
Foeniculi fructus 9,26 - Coriandri 11, 30
Foeniculum vulgare 9 - Crataegi 166, 178
foliamenthin 128, 132 - Cubebae 248, 250
Folium - F oeniculi 9, 26
- Belladonnae 59,88 - Frangulae 106
- Betulae 167,182,229 - Juniperi 11,30
- Boldo 57, 84 - Oleae 136
- Crataegi 166, 178 - Petroselini 10, 28
- Digitalis 198,208,210 - Piperis 248, 250
- Eucalypti 13, 38 - Rhamni cathartici 98, 106
- Farfarae 166, 192 - Sennae 99, 110, 112
- Hamamelidis 278, 282 fumarprotocetraric acid 179, 281, 284
- Hederae 227, 242 furanochromones 148,151
- Hyoscyami 59, 88, 90 furanocoumarins 145,151
- Jaborandi 57,84
- Juglandis 168, 182 Galangae rhizoma 249
- Mate 59,86 Galium odoratum 149
- Melissae 14,40 gallic acid 280
- Menthae 12,36 garlic 255
- Menyanthidis 128, 132 gentian root 127
- Myrtilli 119, 120 Gentiana species 127, 136
- Nerii oleandri 198, 212 Gentianae radix 127, 132, 136

gentiopicrin (gentiopicroside) 127, - Centaurii 127, 132
130,132 - Chelidonii 57, 82
geraniol 19,22 - Cnici 128, 134
ginger 249 - Convallariae 198,214,218
gingerols 249 - Cynarae 129, 142
Ginseng radix 227, 234, 238 - Ephedrae 57,86
ginseng root 227 - Equiseti 168, 186
ginsenosides 227, 238 - Ericae 119
glucofrangulin A, B 98, 100, 106 - Eriodictyonis 169, 188
glutamic acid 288 - Herniariae 149, 156, 176
glycine 288 - Hyperici 99, 110
glycyrrhetic acid 228, 240 - Leonuri 168, 186
Glycyrrhiza glabra 228 - Lobeliae 58,84
glycyrrhizic acid 228 - Marrubii 128, 134
glycyrrhizin 228, 240 - Meliloti 149, 156
golden rod 168 - Pulegii 12, 36
grapple plant 127 - Rutae 149, 156, 186
greater celandine 57 - Sarothamni 58,86, 168, 186
Gypsophila species 228 - Scrophulariae 127, 132
- Serpylli 14, 40
Hamamelidis folium 278, 282 - Solidaginis 168
hamamelitannin 280, 282 - Spartii 58, 86, 168, 186
Harpagophyti radix 127, 132 - Thymi 13,40
Harpagophytum procumbens 127 - Veronicae 168, 186
harpagoside 127,130,132 - Violae 168, 184, 186
hashish 259, 260 - Virgaureae 168, 184
hawthorn flowers, leaves, fruits 166, - Visci 279, 286
178 herbaI drug mixtures 296
heather 119 Herniaria glabra 149
Hedera helix 227 Herniariae herba 149, 156, 176
hederacoside 227,232,242 herniarin 149, 150, 152, 156
Hederae folium 227,242 hesperidin 167, 170
hederin, 0:-, ß- 227,242 Hibisci flos 270, 272, 274
Helichrysi flos s. Stoechados flos 167, hibiscus flowers 270
174 Hippocastani semen 227,234, 242,
Helichrysum arenarium 167 244
hellebore rhizome, white 58 hogweed root 148
hellebore root, black 199 hollyhock 270
Hellebori radix 199,220 hop bitter principles 129
Helleborus species 199 hops 129
hellebrin 199, 203, 220 horse chestnut seeds 227
henbane 59 horse radish 255
Heraclei radix 148, 152 horsetail 168
Heracleum spondylium 148 Humuli lupuli strobulus 129, 140
Herba humulone 129,131,140
- Abrotani 149, 156 Humulus lupulus 129
- Absinthii 128, 134 hydrastine 57,80
- Aconiti 57, 84 Hydrastis rhizoma 57, 80
- Adonidis 198, 214, 218 hydroquinone 119, 120
- Anserinae 168, 186 Hyoscyami folium 59, 88, 90
- Asperulae 149, 156 hyoscyamine 59, 63, 88, 90
- Avenae 229,233,242 Hyoscyamus muticus 59, 90
- Basilici 10, 26 Hyoscyamus niger 59
- Cannabis 260 Hyperici herba 99, 110
- Cardui benedicti 128, 134 hypericins 99,101,110

Hypericum perforaturn 99 Lignum Sassafras 10,26
hyperoside 170, 172 lime flowers 167
linalool 19,22
lceland moss 279 linalyl acetate 19,22
Ignatii semen 56, 72 ligustilide 147, 154
Ignatius beans 56 lily of the valley 198
Ilex paraguariensis 59 Liquiritiae radix 228, 234, 240
Illicium species 9 liquiritin 228, 240
irnidazole alkaloids 58 Lobelia inflata 58
Imperatoriae radix 148, 154 Lobeliae herba 58,84
imperatorin 151,154 lobeline 58, 64, 84
indole alkaloids 55 lovage 147, 154
insect flowers 279 lupulone 129, 131, 140
ipecacuanha root 56 luteolin 170
Ipecacuanhae radix 56,76 luteolin glycosides 170, 172
isobarbaloin 97 lysergic acid 55
isopetasin 171
isoquercitrin 170, 172 ma-huang 57
isoquinoline alkaloids 56 mace 10,28
isorhamnetin 170 male fern 279
isorhamnetin glycosides 176 mallow flowers 270
IVDH valtrate 265, 266 Malva species 270
ivy leaves 227 Malvae flos 270, 272
marigold florets 166
Jaborandi folium 58, 84 marihuana 259
jaborandi leaves 58 Marquis reaction 78
Jateorhiza palmata 57 Marrubii herba 128, 134
jateorhizin 57, 63, 80 marrubiin 128, 131, 134
Java citronella oil (lernon grass oil) 14, Marrubium vulgare 128
40 Marsdenia condurango 129
Juglandis folium 168, 182 master-wort 147
Juglans regia 168 Mate folium 59, 86
juniper berries 11 mate leaves 59
Juniperi fructus 11, 30 Matricaria chamomilla 11
Juniperus communis 11 Matricariae flos 11, 32, 166, 184
matricin 11
kaempferol 170 may-apple root 279
kaempferol glycosides 172 meadow-sweet flowers 167
khellin 148,151,160 meconic acid 61
Mei radix 154
lanatosides 198,208,210 Meliloti herba 149, 156
lavander flowers 12 Melilotus officinalis 149
lavandin oil 12, 34 melissa leaves 14
Lavandula species 12 Melissa officinalis 14
Lavandulae flos 12,34 melissa oil substitutes 40
lemon balm leaves 14 Melissae folium 14, 40
lemon grass oil 14, 40 melon pumpkin seeds 129
lemon peel 15 Mentha species 12
Leonuri herba 168, 186 Menthae folium 12,36
Leonurus species 168 menthiafolin 128, 132
Levistici radix 148, 154 menthofuran 12, 21,36
Levisticum officinale 148 menthol 12,21,36
Lichen islandicus 279, 284 menthone 12, 21, 36
licorice root 228 menthyl acetate 12, 21, 36
Lignum Quassiae 129, 134 Menyanthes trifoliata 128

Menyanthidis folium 128, 132 opium 56,78
methyl chavicol 9, 20, 26 opium alkaloids 56,61,78
Meum species 148, 154 orange flowers 15
Mezerei cortex 149, 158 Oreoherzogiae cortex 98, 106
mezereon bark 149 orthosiphon leaves 169
milk-thistle fruits 169 Orthosiphon spicatus 169
milkwort root 229 Orthosiphonis folium 169, 188
mistletoe leaves 279 osier 278
morphine 56,61,78 oxypeucedanin, -hydrate 151,152
mother cloves 10
motherwort 168 Paeoniae flos 270, 274
mountain pi ne oil 15 paeonidin 271
mullein flowers 167 palmatine 57, 63, 80
mustard 255 Panax ginseng 227
mustard oil drugs 253 Papaver somniferum 56
mustard oil glycosides 253 papaverine 56, 61, 78
Myristica fragrans 10 parsley fruits 10, 28
Myristicae arillus 10, 28 parsley species 10, 28
Myristicae semen 10,28 Pastinacae radix 148
myristicin 10, 20, 28 Pausinystalia yohimba 55
Myroxylon species 17 pear leaves 119
myrrh 16,46 pelargonidin 271
Myrrha 16, 46 peony 270
Myrtilli folium 119, 120 pepper 248
peppermint leaves 12
narcissin 165,176 peptide alkaloids 55, 62
narcotic drugs 259 Pericarpium Aurantii 15, 44, 129, 132,
narcotine 56, 61, 78 188
naringin 131, 132, 188 Pericarpium Citri 15,44,169,188
nerigoside 212 Peru balsam 17,48
Nerii folium 198,212 Peruvianum balsamum 17,48
Nerium oleander 198 peruvoside 202, 204
neroli oil 15, 44 petasin 171,192
nerolidol 48 Petasites species 166, 192
Nicotiana tabacum 58 petit grain oil 15, 34, 44
Nicotianae folium 58, 86 Petroselini fructus 10, 28
nicotine 58, 64, 86 Petrose1ini radix 10
noscapine 56,61,78 Peucedanum ostruthium 148
nutmeg 10 Peumus boldus 57
Nux vomica seeds 56 phenol carboxylic acids 171
phenylpropane derivatives 10
oats 229 phthalides 147
Ocimum basilicum 10 physcione 98, 100, 108
odoroside 198,212 physostigmine 66
Olea europaea 128 Picea species 16, 46
Oleae folium 128, 136 picein 278, 282
Oleae fructus 136 Picrasma exce1sa 129
oleander lea ves 198 picrosalvin 13
Oleandri folium 198, 212 pigment drugs 269
oleandrin 198, 202, 212 pilocarpine 58, 65, 84
oleanolic acid 230 Pilocarpus species 58
oleaside 198,212 Pimpinella anisum 9
oleoresins 16, 48 Pimpinella species 148
oleuropein 128, 130, 136 Pimpinellae radix 148, 152
olives 128 pimpinellin 151, 152

pine oils 46 - Berberidis 57,80
Pinus species 15, 16 - Bryoniae 129, 138
Piper cubeba 248 - Colombo 57, 80
Piper nigrum 248 - Eleutherococci 227,238
piperine 249,250 - Gentianae 127, 132, 136
Piperis fructus 248,250 - Ginseng 227, 234, 238
piperitone 19,22 - Harpagophyti 127, 132
Plantaginis folium 128, 136 - Hellebori 199,220
Plantago lanceolata 128 - Herac1ei 148, 152
Podophylli resina/rhizoma 279, 284 - Iperatoriae 148, 154
podophyllotoxin 281,284 - Ipecacuanhae 56, 76
Podophyllum peltatum 279 - Levistici 148, 154
Polygala senega 229 - Liquiritiae 228, 234, 240
Polygalae radix 229 - Mei 154
polyines 11,21,32 - Pastinacae 148
Polypodii filicis maris radix 279 - Petroselini 10
Potentilla anserina 168 - Pimpinellae 148, 152
primrose root 228 - Polygalae 229
primula acid 228, 232, 236 - Polypodii filicis maris 279
Primula species 166, 228 - Primulae 228,234,236
Primulae flos 166, 176 - Rauwolfiae 55, 70
Primulae radix 228,234, 236 - Rhei 98, 108, 114
proscillaridin 199, 203, 222 - Saponariae 228, 234, 236
protropine 82 - Sarsaparillae 229,234,244
protoveratrine A, B 64 - Scopoliae 59,90, 149, 154
Pruni spinosae flos 167, 180 - Senegae 229,234,244
Prunus spinosa 167 - Uzarae 199,220
psychotrine 61, 76 - Valerianae 264, 266
Pulegii herba 12, 36 - Xysmalobii 199,220
pulegone 12, 36 rau ba si ne 62, 70
pungent principle drugs 247 raupine 52, 53
purine drugs 58,86 Rauwolfia alkaloids 68
Purpurea glycosides 198, 200, 208 Rauwolfiae radix 55, 70
pyranocoumarins 151 Rauwolfia root 55, 70
Pyrethri flos 279, 282 Rauwolfia species 55
pyrethrins 281 rauwolscine 70
Pyri folium 119 rescinnamine 55, 62, 68, 70
reserpine 55, 62, 68, 70
Quassia amara 129 Rhamni cathartici cortex 98
quassia wood 129 Rhamni cathartici fructus 98, 106
Quassiae lignum 129, 134 Rhamni purshiani cortex 97, 104
quassin 129, 131, 134 Rhamnus species 97, 98
Quebracho cortex 55, 68 rhaponticin (rhaponticoside) 98, 101,
quercetin 170 108
quercetin glycosides 170, 172 Rhei radix 98, 108, 114
quillaja bark 228 rhein 100, 108, 114
Quillaja saponaria 228 Rheum species 98
Quillajae cortex 228, 234, 244 Rheum-emodin 100
quinidine 56, 61, 74 Rhizoma
quinine 56, 61, 74 - Calami 9, 24
quinoline alkaloids 56 - Curcumae 14, 42
- Filicis 279, 282
Radix - Galangae 249
- Angelicae 147, 154 - Hydrastis 57, 80
- Belladonnae 59,90 - Podophylli 279,284

Rhizoma Scopoliae radix 59, 90, 149, 154
- Veratri 58 scopoline 149
- Zingiberis 249 scots pi ne oil 46
rhubarb rhizome 98 screening (of unknown drugs) 291
ribwort leaf 128 Scrophulariae herba 127, 132
Robinia pseudoacacia 165 Secale alkaloids 55
Robiniae flos 180 Secale cornutum 55, 72
robinin 180 secoiridoids 127, 128
rosemary leaves 11 Semen
Rosmarini folium 11, 30, 128, 142 - Belladonnae 90
rosmarinic acid 13 - Cacao 58, 86
Rosmarinus species 11, 30 - Coffeae 58, 86
round turmeric 14 - Colae 58
rue 149 - Colchici 57, 82
rupture-wort 148 - Coriandri 30
Ruta graveolens 149 - Cucurbitae 129, 138
Rutae herba 149, 156, 186 - Erucae 255, 256
rutamarin 150 - Hippocastani 227, 234, 242, 244
rutin 170,172 - Ignatii 56, 72
- Myristici 10,28
Sabadillae semen 58, 84 - Sabadillae 58,84
safrol 10, 20, 26 - Sinapis 255, 256
sage leaves 13 - Stramonii 90
salicin 278, 280, 282 - Strophanthi 199,214,216
Salicis cortex 278, 282 - Strychni 56, 72
Salix species 278 Senegae radix 229, 234, 244
Salvia officinalis 13 senegin 229, 232
Salvia triloba 13 sen na lea ves 99
Salviae folium 13, 38, 128, 142 sen na pods 99
salvigenin 13 Sennae folium 99, 110, 112
Sambuci flos 167,174,178 Sennae fructus 99, 110, 112
Sambucus nigra 167 sennosides 99,101,110,112
sanguinarin 57, 63, 80, 82 serpentine 55, 62, 68, 70
santonin 12,19,34 Serpylli herba 14,40
Saponaria officinalis 228 Seville orange peel 15, 169
Saponariae radix 228, 234, 236 Siam benzoin 48
saponin 228 si! ver fir bil 46
saponin drugs 225 silverweed 168
sarmentosides 216 si!ybin 170, 190
Sarothamni (Spartii) herba 58, 86, 168, Si!ybum marianum 169
186 sinalbin 255, 256
Sarothamnus scoparius 58, 168 Sinapis alba 255
sarsaparilla 229 Sinapis semen 255, 256
Sarsaparillae radix 229,234,244 sinensetin 171, 188
Sassafras lignum 10, 26 sinigrin 255, 256
sassafras wood 10 Smilax species 229
Schoenocaulon officinale 58 soap bark 228
Scillae bulbus 199, 222 soapwort root 228
scillaren 199, 203, 222 socrotine aloes 97, 102
scilliroside 222 Solanaceae drugs 59,88, 90
scoparin 168, 186 Solidaginis herba 168
scopolamine 59, 63, 88, 90 Solidago species 168
scopoletin 150, 152 sophora buds 169
Scopolia carniolica 59, 149 Sophora japonica 169
scopolia root 59 Sophorae gemma 169, 186

southernwood 149 tobacco leaves 58
sparteine 58, 65, 86 tolu balsam 17
spearmint leaves 12 Tolutanum balsamum 17
speedwell 168 Trachyspermum ammi 14
spike oil 12, 34 triandrin 278, 280, 282
Spiraeae flos 167, 180 Trifolii fibrini folium 128, 132
spiraeoside 167 trigonelline 86
spray reagents (list) 299 triterpene saponins 225, 230
spruce oil 46 tropane alkaloids 59
squill 199 turmeric 14
standard saponin 228 turpentine oil 16,46
star anise 9, 26 Tussilago farfara 166
steroid saponins 225, 233
Stigma croci 270, 274 umbelliferone 150, 152
St. John's wort 99 Urginea maritima 199
Stoechados flos 167,174,178 Uvae-ursi folium 119,120
Stramonii folium 60, 88, 90 uzara root 199
Stramonii semen 90 U zarae radix 199, 220
Strobulus humuli lupuli 129, 140 uzarin 203, 220
Strophanthi semen 199,214,216 uzarone 220
strophanthin, g- 199,202,204,206
strophanthin, k- 199,202,204, 206 Vaccinium species 119
Strophanthus seeds 199 valepotriates 263, 265
Strophanthus species 199 valerian rhizome 264
Strychni semen 56, 72 Valeriana species 264
strychnine 56, 62, 66 Valerianae radix 264,266
Strychnos species 56, 72 valine 288
Styrax species 16 valtrate 265,266
Sumatra benzoin 48 valtrathydrins 266
sweet flag 9 vanillin glucoside 242
swertiamarin 127, 132 Veratri rhizoma 58
Syzygium aromaticum 10 veratrin (Veratrinum) 58, 84
Veratrum album 58
tall melilot 148 Verbasci flos 167, 178,229
taxifolin 171, 190 Verbascum species 167
tea 59 Veronica officinalis 168
Terebinthinae aetheroleum 16,46 Veronicae herba 168, 186
terpineol 19,22 Viburni cortex 119,122
terpinyl acetate 19 Viburnum species 119,122
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 260 Viola tricolor 168
Theae folium 59, 86 Violae herba 168, 184, 186
thebaine 56, 61, 78 Virgaureae herba 168, 184
Theobroma cacao 58 Visci herba 279,286
theobromine 58, 59, 65, 86 viscotoxin 279
theophylline 59, 65, 86 Viscum album 279
Thevetia glycosides 204 visnagin 148, 151, 160
thiourea derivatives 253, 256 vitexin 170,178
thornapple leaves 60 vitexin-2" -O-rhamnoside 170, 178
thujone 13, 19,38 Vitis idaeae folium 119, 120
thyme 13
Thymi herba 13, 40 walnut leaves 168
thymol 13, 19, 40 white hellebore rhizome 58
Thymus species 13, 40 white willow 278
Tilia species 167, 180 wild pansy 168
Tiliae flos 167, 180 wild parsnip root 148

wild thyme 14 Xysmalobii radix 199,220
willow bark 278 Xysmalobium undulatum 199
witch hazelleaves 278 xysmalorin 199,203,220
woodruff 148
wormseed 12 Y ohimbe cortex 55, 68
wormwood 128 yohimbehe bark 55
yohimbine 55, 62, 68
xanthorhamnin 98, 106
xanthorrhizol 14,42 Zingiberis rhizoma 249

Encyclopedia of
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Springer-Verlag, Postfach 105280, D-6900 Plants I
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Editors:D. Boulter, B. Parthier
With contributions by numerous experts
1982. 135 figures. XX, 768 pages
ISBN 3-540-11008-9

Volume 14, Part B

Nucleic Acids and Proteins in
Springer-Verlag Plants 11
Berlin Structure, Biochemistry and Physiology of
Heidelberg Nuc1eic Acids
NewYork Editors: B.Parthier, D.Bouiter
1982. 173 figures. XVIII, 774 pages
Tokyo ISBN 3-540-11140-9
Archives of
European Journal of
TOXICOLOGY Clinical Phannacology

Edited on behalf of the Managing Editors: H. 1. Dengler, Bonn;

Deutsche Pharmakologische Gesellschaft F. Gross, Heidelberg together with a distin-
and the guished editiorial board
Deutsche Gesellschaft ftir Rechtsmedizin The European Journal of Clinical Pharma-
Official Organ of the European Society of cology accepts for publication original papers
Toxicology on all aspects of pharmacology and drug
Editor in Chief: H. Frohberg, Darmstadt therapeutics in man.
This heading comprises studies on pharmaco-
The Archives of Toxicology publishes original kinetics, drug metabolism, and drug inter-
papers, reviews, short communications and actions as well as therapeutic trials, reports on
letters on all aspects of toxicology; acceptable adverse reactions, and general problems in
papers should provide some advance in the therapeutics. Methodological papers on the
science of toxicology by studies from any topics mentioned are welcome.
relevant discipline. Special attention is paid to Trends in the development and safe use of
studies of mechanisms of toxicology, defined drugs, and structural aspects of c1inical phar-
effects in man and new methods of treat- macology, especially those common to
ment, new methods of analysis, experimental various European countries, are covered by
studies of chemieals which may arise during editorials and invited papers. Review articles
medical treatment, at work, or in the general on special problems related to clinical phar-
environment and forensic toxicology. macology or other fields of therapeutics are
Each volume, often with a review of relevant regularly issued. The journal is intended pri-
literature on acute and chronie toxicology, marily to provide a means of communication
provides a comprehensive source of up-to- in the rapidly developing field of c1inical
date information in toxicology. pharmacology and therapeutics.

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An International Journal 01 Plant Biology

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and functional botany, covering all aspects of
plant physiology from biochemistry and ultra-
struture to studies with cells, tissues, organs, Springer-Verlag
whole plants, and populations (crop physiol-
ogy and physiological ecology).
Papers in genetics and papers from applied Heidelberg
fields such as phytopathology are accepted if
contributing to the understanding of specifi-
cally botanical problems. Tokyo

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