FRCEM SAQ Intermediate Dec 2016 PDF

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1-case of syncope

Brugada syndrome , and management in ER.

2- pt. on antihypertension (
Bendroflumethiazide , lezinopril ..) with chest
4- case of women who work in airlines c/o chest pain
infection , he received clarithromycin ? what is the
and breathless ness , no fever or other signs?
advice to pt. about drug interaction , Aba
Pulmonary embolism.
prescription policies and stewards ?

3- case of eye trauma present with pain and diplopia

with upper vasion

5- case of abdominal distention in old age man ,

the diagnosis and the cause of presentation ?
tenderness but no guarding? Diagnosis and
Blow-out fracture right orbital floor , inferior rectus
6- traumatic chest injury ? diagnosis is pulmonary 8- case of lower limp non blanching rash ?
contusion , other associated injury ? tamponade ,
Diagnosis , cause and bood investigation?
Henoch schonlein purpura , cause and blood test ?

9- diagnosis , name of sign? cause and mechanism of

7- non
traumatic hip joint pain , pain with movement in old Post . shoulder dislocation , lightbulb sign
patient ? diagnosis , investigations , complications

10- what the indication of immediate reduction ?

11 – pretibial laceration ? causes of delaying healing ?

12- airway management?
18- diagnosis ? management?
13 – newborn resuscitation , immediate actions and
exams for post delivering newborn ,

14- hypothermia arrested ? immediate action ,

modifications on ACLS for DC shock and drugs

15-needle stick injury in case of HIV? Risk factors in

donor ? other infections ?


19- diagnosis ? what u will gaive him before reduction

with dose ? management in ER?

Spiral fracture of distal femur , femoral bock{ 0.2-0.4

ml/kg of 0.25% bupivacaine) reduction by Thomas

Stabing epigastric wound diagnosis ? management ?


17-foregn body ( green bean ) in nose ?how to remove

it ? complications?

20- diagnosis , complications?

21- case of child presenting with parking cough

diagnosis and treatment?

22- suxamethonium contraindication

29- COPD patient with ABGs showing increased Pco2 ,
decreased Po2 . diagnosis ? exacerpation of COPD ,
oxygen guidelines , why we give him noninvasive

30- borders of safe triangle in tube insertion ,

immediate complications other than neurovascular
injury? Lung parenchymal injury ,

31 – case for RSI , no anaesthetic in ur floor and u

23- diagnosis , how to manage palpations ? deside to transfer pt. to 5th floor ?what things do you
do before local anesthesia? What your action ? what
24 – renal colic analgesia , definitive imaging ?
size of cylinder u will take if pt. require 15 l/min how
Morphin and NSAIDs. , CT scan.
much he will require for 10 MIN. ?= 150 L , consent of
pt. and insure all resuscitation equipments ready

25- 1st thing to do in ER , tetanus , management

?factors indicate tetanus born wound?

32- status asthmaatecus , RSI medication ? ketamine

26- deferential diagnosis , Aa gradient ,?TB , cancer ?

27- case of upper GIT bleeding on Dabigatran ?

Intervention and Medication in ER to stop bleeding ?

on which clotting factor acting dabigatran (thrombin) ,

28- intra-arterial line indications , give 2 bedside

noninvasive tests to assess rehydration 33-
responsiveness? Urinary catheter , BP?
Diagnosis , most dangerous and immediate protect yourself , what you will do if pt. come inside
complication? ER? PPE , isolation.

39- diagnosis and management ? hyperk.40- CVP in

internal jugular vein landmarks , possible dangerous
complication and how to deal with it ?

34- diagnosis , management? Intussusception

35- vertigo in adult female induced by standing and

head movement , diagnosis , diagnostic test?

BPPV , Dix-Hallpike or Roll Tests

40- africo carepian child present with painful swollen

hand , diagnosis , the induced factors ,
pathophysiology ? vasooclussive crisis of sickle cell

36- knee swelling DDx , knee aspiration method?

41- diagnosis , name and dose of Abs ?

37- capnography , what indicate and what is ur 42 – case of tibia tuberosity fracture , presented with
action? Indicate hypoventilation due to increase Co2 breathlessness ? ABG showed metabolic and
waveform . respiratory acidosis ? fat pulmonary embolism , Aa
gradient ?
38- influenza epidemic , how to protect yourself from
infection , pt. present with endemic influenza , how to
43- case of DVT and PE ,asking about other score
other than wells score , when limb imaging indicating
according wells score?

44- case of knee trauma , tests to assess ACL , Medial

meniscus ?

45- referring to Mallampati what classification ? 2

46- child presented with paracetamol overdose since

2 Hs with previous history of cleaning liquid toxicity ,
when you should test paracetamol blood level ? what
another test you most do also?

Pt. said I feel happy when I eat drugs what is your

action? Referring him to psychosocial consultation.

47- full mentally healthy women GCS 15/15 , for

necessary intervention but she refuse ? mental
capacity low? How you must treat this pt. ?

48- head trauma in alcoholic pt. ? early management

? blood test to indicate or rule out urgent head CT
scan ?

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