Why Is The Brain The Most Important Consumer of Glucose?
Why Is The Brain The Most Important Consumer of Glucose?
Why Is The Brain The Most Important Consumer of Glucose?
16. In glucose oxidase method, why is there a need for a pretreatment of serum with
- Glucose oxidase converts B-D-glucose to gluconic acid. Mutarotase may be added
to the reaction to facilitate the conversion of a-D-glucose to b-D-glucose. Oxygen is
consumed and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is produced. The reaction can be
monitored polarographically either by measuring the rate of disappearance of oxygen
using an oxygen electrode or by consuming H2O2 in a side reaction.
17. What are the sources of error in glucose oxidase methods and why.
- The sources of error in glucose oxidase methods can be strong oxidizing agents like
bleach that will lead to falsely increase values. By using oxygen consumption
electrode which directly measure oxygen by polarographic technique, it will prevents
interference. Another error is the consumption of reducing agents like ascorbic acid,
uric acid, bilirubin, hemoglobin that will lead to false negative and the addition of K
ferrocyanide that will decrease interference with Bilirubin.
18. What are the remedies if the sample to be tested for glucose using glucose
oxidase method (polarographic or colorimetric) is icteric?
19. What is the reference method for glucose determination? Why is it considered as
the reference method?
- Hexokinase method because the results for the glucose samples taken were mostly
the same to theoretical values and does not suffer from any interference, therefore
the appearance of ascorbic or uric acid in the samples did not affect the results
unlike the glucose oxidase in which uric or ascorbic acid inhibits the enzyme that
may cause low catalytic activity, but in hexokinase method, they do not disturb and
inhibit their catalytic activity.
20. Is the reference method routinely performed in the clinical lab? Why or why not?
- The answer is no. It is because even though it is highly accurate and precise, the
reference method is too demanding and time-consuming for routine use in a clinical
21. What are the remedies if the sample to be tested for glucose using hexokinase
method is
a. Hemolyzed
- Hemolyzed specimens can be problematic in that contents released from the RBC
may interfere with the stoichiometric relationship between glucose andNADPH
accumulation. So with the remedy, the specimen containing more than 0.5g
haemoglobin/dl are unsatisfactory because phosphate esters and enzymes released
from red blood cells interfere with the assay. Also the red blood cell count and
haematocrit may be decreased so might as well repeat the process.
b. Icteric
- Hexokinase method for icteric specimens can be sort out by using a sample blank.
This blank is prepared by adding 10ul of sample to isotonic saline or buffer instead of
reagent. The absorbance of this mixture, read against water at 340 nm, is
22. What is the most accurate method of glucose measurement?
- Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry or Gas Chromatography is the most accurate and
reliable method. Since it is an analytical technique, the results tend to fulfils all
requirements to be used in increasing order reference measurement procedure.
23. Enzymatic methods are most employed in the clinical labs and POCT instruments
in measuring glucose. What is the rationale behind this?
- The rationale behind this is the fact that enzymatic methods provide specificity an
can be package to furnish point of care determinations. The different types of test
under enzymatic methods produce an electric current that is proportional to the initial
glucose concentration, or a product that measures spectrophotometrically is
proportional to the initial glucose concentration. The assays can be initial rate-of-
change assays, where the velocity of the reaction is dependent on the initial glucose
or end-point assays.
24. What are the types of glucose testing? Differentiate them in terms of process,
uses, and reference interval.
a. Home Glucose Monitoring
- Glucose oxidase and reagents to measure the generation of hydrogen peroxide can
be bonded to filter paper and the system used to measure glucose concentrations in
a drop of capillary blood. This has resulted in the most important change in diabetes
management since the introduction of insulin
b. Random Blood Glucose (RBS)
- Taken anytime of the day without fasting and used for emergency cases examples
when the patient is having hyperglycemic ketonic coma, insulin shock.
c. Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
- Taken after at least 8 to 10 hours of overnight fasting and usually done during the
morning to prevent the effects of diurnal variation. With the categories of normal
FBS: <100 mg/dL; Impaired FBS/Prediabetes: 100 to 125 mg/dL; Provisional DM
diagnosis: ≥126 mg/dL
d. 2-hours Post-Prandial Glucose
- FBS initially, the patient is given CHO load (usually 75g) and plasma glucose is
measured after 2 hours. Categories: Normal: <140 mg/dL; Impaired glucose
tolerance/Prediabetes: 140-199 mg/dL; Provisional DM diagnosis: ≥200 mg/dL
e. Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)
- Series of glucose testing after 8 to 10 hours of testing.
f. Glycosylated Hemoglobin
- A test that reflects long-term blood glucose control in diabetics is the concentration of
hemoglobin A1c. When hemolysates of red cells are chromatographed, three or
more small peaks named hemoglobin A1a, A1b, and A1c are eluted before the main
hemoglobin A peak.
25. In OGTT(Single dose)
25.1 Why is there a need for patients to go with normal carbohydrate diet for 3
days prior the test?
- The patients that will undergo test for OGTT must have a 3-day diet with at least
150g carbohydrate per day to reduce the false-positive diagnoses of gestational
25.2 Why should the OGTT be discontinued if the FBS is >140 mg/dL?
- If the blood glucose in OGTT extends in more than 140mg/dL after drinking the
glucose mixture, a person is said to have a pre-diabetes or the physician would say
that the patient has an impaired glucose tolerance, indicating the relatively high risk
for the development of diabetes in these patients.
25.3 Why should the test be discontinued is the patient vomits?
- Perhaps the patient has a needle phobia or has been fasting too long. It can also be
because of the patient’s condition. It happens sometimes in Glucose Tolerance
Testing. The phlebotomists must have a waste container available. Offer patient
tissues or washcloth for possible clean up and may need to discontinue test and
reschedule for another day. Regardless of an uneventful outcome, it demands your
immediate termination of the procedure before things get worse. Be thankful you
have time to remove the needle before he passes out or vomits on your shoes.
26. Why is HBA1c considered as the test for long term glucose control?
- Because hemoglobin are proteins that glucose sticks over time, and this proteins are
inside the red blood cells which has a normal life span of 120 days, glucose
molecules often attached to hemoglobin, the more sugar in your blood, the more it
forming glycated hemoglobin. In individuals with poorly controlled diabetes,
increases on the quantities of these glycated hemoglobins are noted, therefore,
HBA1C does not measures the amount of glucose in a drop of blood, instead it
measures the percentage of glucose stuck to the hemoglobin in the blood or the
percentage of glycation of the hemoglobin.
27. Why is EDTA anti-coagulated WB the preferred specimen in HBA1c testing?
- Because EDTA is testing for hemoglobin and that means it should be prevented from
clotting. We cannot use serum or red top because this will lead into coagulated
blood, even though HBA1C is part of the clinical chemistry section, it is the only test
that can have a lavender top and whole blood specimen.
28. What is the most commonly employed HBA1c testing method in the clinical labs?
In POCT instruments?
- The affinity chromatography method, which is preferred by most technicians in the
laboratory, uses a boronate resin group to attach the glycosylated hemoglobin, which
is then selectively eluted from the resin bed using a buffer. This method is not
temperature dependent and not affected by fetal hemoglobin, hemoglobin with
sickle-cell trait, or hemoglobin C.
- The HbA1C point-of-care assay is based on a latex immunoagglutination inhibition
method. In this method, the concentration of HbA1C and the concentration of total
hemoglobin are measured; the ratio is reported as percentage of HbA1C. Because
glycated hemoglobin F is not measured using this method, very high levels of
hemoglobin F of more than 10%, it will cause the HbA1C level to be lower than
expected because a greater proportion of the glycated hemoglobin will exist in the
form of glycated hemoglobin F. Also, HPLC and electrophoresis methods can be
used to separate the various forms of hemoglobin into A1A,A1B and A1C.
29. What is the reference interval for HBA1c
- Reference intervals for HbA1c is expressed as median and 2.5th to 97.5th percentile
for each trimester were: T1: 5.1 (4.5–5.6%), T2: 5.0 (4.4–5.5%), and T3: 5.1 (4.5–
30. Differentiate Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in terms of pathogenesis
a. Type 1 diabetes
- is the sudden onset of disease that affects any age but mostly young people with the
body habitat of being thin or normal. It is commonly known as Juvenile-onset or
Insulin-Dependent diabetes. Ketoacidosis is common and usually, autoantibodies are
present with beta cells being destroy due to autoimmunity and results in lost insulin
production, while endogenous insulin are low or absent with less prevalent. It can
have a gene-environment interaction and a chromosome 6-human leukocyte antigen.
b. Type 2 diabetes
- is the gradual onset of disease that mostly affects adults and people with this
disease are often obese. This is non-insulin dependent diabetes and is correlates on
insufficiency of insulin with poorly utilized by tissues. Ketoacidosis is not commonly
detected and autoantibodies are absent with endogenous insulin being normal or
decreased/increased. It is more prevalent than Type 1 but considered to be
31. Why is c-peptide levels detectable in type 2 DM but not in type 1?
- C-peptide is used to measure insulin secretion in both types of diabetes. When there
is an absence or low c-peptide levels, this suggests that there is a phenotype of DM1
while type 2 DM will have a normal or high level of C-peptide, so it is therefore
detectable in type 2 DM than type 1 DM. This test may be ordered to monitor the
status of beta cell function and insulin production over time and to determine when
insulin injection may be required.
32. How do we confirm the diagnosis of DM using lab methods?
- The preferred test in diagnosing diabetes mellitus is the measurement of the fasting
plasma glucose level.
33. Why is kidney disease one of the complications of DM?
- High blood glucose, also called blood sugar, can damage the blood vessels in your
kidneys. When the blood vessels are damaged, they don’t work as well. Many people
with diabetes also develop high blood pressure, which can also damage your