CH 7 Test

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Chapter 7
Test A
Circle the letter of the best answer.
1. Alcohol is a 8. When comparing the alcohol content of typical
a. drug. servings of beer, wine, and mixed drinks, there
b. medicine. is
c. hallucinogen. a. much less alcohol in the beer.
d. stimulant. b. much less alcohol in the wine.
2. The most common penalty for a first-time c. much more alcohol in the mixed drink.
conviction of DWI or DUI is d. about the same amount of alcohol in each.
a. payment of a fine. 9. The only sure way to reduce the body’s BAC
b. time in prison. and the degree of impairment is to
c. driver’s license suspension. a. take a cold shower.
d. vehicle impoundment. b. wait the necessary time the body needs to
3. Alcohol begins to affect a person’s abilities eliminate the alcohol.
a. the moment it enters the brain. c. handle a sudden emergency.
b. once it reaches the small intestine. d. consume several cups of black coffee.
c. after it is digested. 10. You can easily sober up by drinking black
d. once it reaches the stomach. coffee
4. When people drink alcoholic beverages their a. every other time.
a. judgment and coordination are not affected. b. only one time.
b. coordination is affected before their c. every time.
judgment. d. never.
c. coordination and judgment are affected at 11. What is the best advice to give to a social
the same time. drinker planning to drive?
d. judgment is affected before their a. Wait one hour and then drive.
coordination. b. Let a non-drinker drive.
5. A person’s inhibitions are c. Eat some food before driving.
a. restrictions imposed by laws. d. Drive with extra care.
b. behaviors of the highly intelligent. 12. What effect might a cold medicine have on a
c. inner forces of personality that hold back driver who has been drinking?
impulsive behavior. a. increased drowsiness and poor judgment
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d. unrestrained emotional behavior. b. no noticeable effect

6. If a large amount of alcohol is consumed over a c. a clearer head for driving
short period of time, d. similar to taking a stimulant
a. nothing abnormal occurs. 13. Depressants can make a person
b. you will need days to sleep it off. a. alert and wide awake.
c. death can occur. b. more aware.
d. you will become an alcoholic. c. jittery and hyperactive.
7. The most accurate way to determine a person’s d. depressed and sleepy.
level of intoxication is to 14. Alcohol is a(n)
a. watch the person drink for an hour and a. stimulant, not a depressant.
compare behavior before and after drinking. b. hallucinogen.
b. see if the person can pass a coordination test. c. inhibitor, not a relaxant.
c. look at the person’s eyes to see if they are d. depressant, not a stimulant.
d. determine the person’s blood alcohol
concentration (BAC).

Unit 2 Being a Responsible Driver Chapter 7 Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving 57
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Test A Continued
15. The danger of a driver using amphetamines on 21. What do police measure to determine a
a long trip is person’s level of intoxication?
a. they create a false sense of alertness. a. power of coordination
b. the drowsiness they cause at first. b. blood-pressure level
c. their depressant effect on the central c. power of concentration
nervous system. d. blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
d. an immediate physical and mental letdown.
22. When law enforcement officers in many states
16. Prescription drugs taken in combination with suspect a driver is DUI or DWI, they can give a
alcoholic beverages series of on-the-spot, roadside checks known as
a. will tend to have their effects cancelled by a
the effect of alcohol. a. breathalyzer.
b. will cause trouble only if a person drinks b. field sobriety test.
excessively. c. blood screening.
c. can be very dangerous. d. intoxilizer test.
d. can cause trouble unless a licensed physician
23. An age group’s influence on a person is called
prescribed the drug.
a. peer pressure.
17. All states require that before legally buying or b. implied consent.
consuming alcoholic beverages a person must c. inhibition.
a. be at least 18 years of age. d. nystagmus.
b. have a driver’s license.
24. People confronted with negative peer pressure
c. be at least 21 years of age.
often find it difficult to
d. be accompanied by an adult.
a. understand the consequences of decisions.
18. Implied consent means a driver b. identify the negative side effects.
a. obtains an instruction permit to drive. c. make decisions affecting only you.
b. drives if drinking is moderate. d. say no without the fear of hurting others.
c. agrees to be tested for blood alcohol
25. Peer education is a process in which young
people help other young people
d. obtains a driver’s license.
a. understand the effects of drugs.
19. A person must have a BAC of at least 0.08 b. become group leaders.

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percent to be charged with c. learn how to be better listeners.
a. driving while drinking. d. make decisions and determine goals.
b. nothing, unless it’s at least 0.10 percent.
c. driving in the possession of alcohol. Essay Question
d. driving while intoxicated or impaired Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

20. What law requires a driver to automatically At a social gathering, your driver has been drinking.
give consent to be tested for BAC if arrested on What options do you have as you leave the
suspicion of DUI or DWI? gathering?
a. alcohol-approval law
b. legal-alcohol-limit law
c. drinking-consent law
d. implied consent law

58 Chapter 7 Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Driving Unit 2 Being a Responsible Driver

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