Alternators: Quality With Value Guaranteed

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CTP alternators utilize the most modern technology to provide unmatched performance for a reliable charging system. Assembled
only with premium components to ensure and meet strict quality manufacturing standards. The units are performance tested to
guarantee long term dependable service. CTP alternator units are designed and manufactured to withstand the extreme conditions
found in today’s heavy duty equipment while delivering dependable charging power.

CTP Alternators Available Now

Part No. Description Engine Model Machine

6N9294 24V 35A C7, 3406C, 627F, 3508B, 3306 140k, 627F, 12H, Industrial, Gas, Petroleum

1125041 24V 50A 3406/C, 3408/E, 3412, 3116 16H, 627F, 16G, 637E, 120H, 826C

1005047 24V 50A 3406/C, 3408/E, 3306, 3116 16h, 627F, 631E, 769C, 12H, 120H, 583R

1693345 24V 60A 3406C, C15, C7, C13, 3412E 16H, TH35-C15I, 771D, 627F, C280-16

2721889 24V 150A C13, C6.6, C32, C9.3, C7.1, C15 16M, 930K, D11T, 797F, 725C, 938K, D8T

2035492 12V 110A 3044C, C3.4, 3046, 3034, 277C, 259B3, 246C, 939C, D5C, 236, 246

2128622 24V 50A 3064, 3066 311C U, 320C/L

5I7615 N/A 3066 320, 320 L

2128561 24V 54A C6.4, 3066 323D, 320D

3E7577 24V 75A 3512C, 3408E, 3456, 3306, 3508B, 3406 385B, D8R, 627F, 12H, 797B, 797, 16H

3832556 12V 100A C6.6, C4.4, 3054C 416E, 414E, 422E, Industrial

1052813 12V 90A 3054/B/C 426C, 428C, 436C, 424D, 416D

1171379 12V 130A C7, C9, C12, C16, 3126B 460, 85C, 470 R, 480 R, 75C, TH31-C91

3062174 24V 150A C13, C7, C15, 3512B, C27, 3516C 587T, 583T, D6R, D8T, D7R

1855294 24V 65A 3406E, C7, C13, C9, C15, 3126B 740, D8R, 336D2, 340D2, M325D

2008281 24V 75A 3406E, 3408/E, C15, 3456, 3126B, C9 740, D9N, 623G, 621G, D8L, 651B, 657B

* Other part no. not included in the list are available. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions.
Part Numbers are used for reference purposes only.

1 F-720-067 REV. E Quality with Value GuaranteedTM

CTP Alternators Available Now
Part No. Description Engine Model Machine

2002232 24V 75A C15, 3406E, C18, 3408E, 3176C, 3196 740B, 657G, 631E, 623G, 633E, 160H

2267683 24V 95A C32, C18, C27, C7.1, C15, C9.3, C6.6 777F, D11T, 772G, 390F, 563C, 775F, D6T

1978820 24V 95A 3516, C7, C15, 3516B, 3512, 3508B 789C, 793C, D8T, 140K, D9T, 784C

3167251 24V 105A 3516, 3406C, C7, C18, 3412E, 3512B, C15 793C, 789C, 16H, 793B, 5110B, 785B, 777C

7N6118 12V 40A 3204 931, D3/LPG, 910

1052811 12V 55A 3046 939/C, D4C/LGP, D5C, 933

2357133 24V 80A C13, C9.3, C11, C7.1, C15, C6.6 972H, 366F, 14M, 329E, 352F-VG, 623G

6T1195 12V 61A 4.236 CS323, CP-323

3469827 24V 75A C4.4 CS54B, CP54B, 420E, CS44, CP44

3469826 24V 55A C2.2, 3056E, 3024C CS-563E, Industrial

9G6079 12V 61A 3208, 3204 D3B, Industrial, Truck

2Y8310 28V 21A 3304, 3306/B, 3408B D4E, D5E, 966C, 930T, 140B, 930R

1077977 24V 70A 3116, 3306, 3196, 3176, 3406C D6M/LGP, DR7, 365B, 572R, 966G

2047449 24V 100A 3408C, 3456, C9, 3176C D9R, 836G, D6R, D8R, D7R

5I5178 24V 50A S6KT EL200B

6T1395 24V 35A C15, 3406C, 3408C, G3306B Gas, Industrial, Petroleum, Marine

3E7892 12V 85A 3408C, C27, 3412E, C32, C9, HT400, CX31-C9I, TH48-E70-C27I

3491369 12V 85A 3024C Industrial

3397767 12V C6.6, C4.4, C3.3, 3054C, 3056 Industrial

3315717 24V 105A 3516C, 3508/B, 3512B, C7, C13 Industrial, Marine

1259597 12V 145A C7, C13, C9, 3196, 3176, 3126B Industrial, Petroleum, 95E, 75D

5N5692 24V 45A 3512C, 3406E, C15, C18, C7 Industrial, Truck, Petroleum

7N4784 12V 40A 3204 IT12, 935C, 931C, D3C, 931B, 910, D4C, D3C

8N2268 12V 75A 3204 IT12, 935C, D3C, 931C, 910, D4C, D5C, 931B

9W3043 24V 52A 3054, 3116, 3126, 3208, 3056E M318, CS-563E, 938G, IT28G, IT38G, 322C/LN,

1092362 24V 55A 3056/E, 3054/T M322C, M315, 312, 317/N, M318C

2667226 24V 75A 3516B, C18, C7, C32, C9 Marine, Industrial

6T1396 12V 51A C15, 3406E, G3304, 3306, 3208 Marine, Industrial, Gas

2667227 24V 60A C15, 3508, 3406C/E, C7, C13, 3456 Marine, Industrial, Truck, Petroleum

2667224 12V 110A C7, C15, C9, 3406C, 3126B, C18 Marine, Petroleum, Industrial

1492061 12V 65A 4.236 N/A

0969299 24V 30A N/A E200B

7G7889 12V 60A 3406C, C13, C7, 3412, C9, C18 Petroleum, Industrial, Generator Set

1008223 12V 55A 3054, 3056 TH62, TH103, TH63, Industrial

3469824 12V 100A C6.6, C4.4, C3.4 TL1255C, TL943C, TL1055C

1214134 12V 115A 3176B, 3406C, C15, 3456, C13 Truck, Industrial, Petroleum

* Other part no. not included in the list are available. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions.
Part Numbers are used for reference purposes only.

2 F-720-067 REV. E Quality with Value GuaranteedTM

In order to deliver a dependable and quality performance, CTP Alternators ensure
wear resistance and trustworthiness due to top-notch technology

Delivers absolute consistency; 100% tested –

Over-voltage shutdown: Limits Guarantees dependability; Polyester heavy-coat
voltage if output terminal wire. Ensures regular coating for electrical reliability,
becomes disconnected from quality performance, rated 180°C.
the battery.

Open-sense shutdown: Shuts

down alternator if sense
terminal goes open. Regulator Stator

Load-dump protection:
Protects the transistor from
transient voltage spikes.
CTP Bearings are made with top quality seals
to extract grease pollution and leakage.

• Bearings use performance grease.

• Protection from excessive temperatures

from -40°F up to 392°F (-40°C to 200°C)

• Load-dissipating thickness guarantees

long service lifespan and protects it
against thermal and motorized shock.

Rotor shafts are CNC-machined and precision-
ground for precise proportions and a smooth finish. Part No. 6N9294
Splines and bearing exteriors are heat-treated. Wire Extracts heat and keeps the alternator cool.
and varnish rated 1800C.

Field Coil Rectifier

Field Coil has been separated from the rotor; Rectifier: It rectifies current
thus, brushes have been eliminated, creating from AC to BC.
more durability and consistency.

3 F-720-067 REV. E Quality with Value GuaranteedTM

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