Political Science-II
Political Science-II
Political Science-II
Political Obligation: An Introduction
Political Obligation-Meaning
Concept and Philosophy of Political Obligation
1. Liberal Perspective
2. Marxist Perspective
1. Michie, Jonathan, (ed.) “Encyclopedia of Social Sciences”, “(London: Fitzray
Dearborn Publishers, 2001), Pp.1246-1247.
2. Gauba, O.P., “An Introduction to Political Theory” (New Delhi: Macmillan India
Ltd., 1995), Pp.323-360.
3. Johri, J.C., “Contemporary Political Theory”, (New Delhi: Sterling Publishers
Pvt. Ltd, 2000), Pp.373-392.
[A] Grounds and Limits of Political Obligation
The Doctrine of Force Majuere
Devine Right Theory-Robert Filmer
Principle of Consent-Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau
Idealist View-Hegel, Green
Conservative View-David Hume, Edmund Burke, Michael Oakeshott
Marxian view-Karl Marx
Anarchist View-Proudhon, Kroptkin
Gandhian View
1. Gauba, O.P., “An Introduction to Political Theory” (New Delhi: Macmillan India
Ltd., 1995), Pp.177-185.
2. Coker, F.W., “Recent Political Thought” (Calcutta: World Press Ltd, 1993),
3. Macpherson, C.B., “The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to
Locke” (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1988), Pp.70-81.
The study of following texts from the point of view of Political Obligation
Plato: The Republic
Aristotle: Politics
1. Barker, Earnest, “Greek Political Philosophy” (New Delhi: Surjeet Publications,
2001), Pp. 209-236, 239-262.
2. Ebenstein, William, “Introduction to Political Thinkers” (Belmont: Wadsworth,
2002), Pp.1-58, 50-99.
3. Plato, “The Republic” (Original Book)—Translated by T.A. Sinclair (Penguin
Books, 1962)
4. Aristotle, “The Politics” (Original Book)
Political Obligation: Medieval Political Philosophy
General Background of medieval Political Philosophy
Controversy between Church and State and Status of Political Obligation
St. Thomas Aquinas-Theory of Obedience—Moral and Lawful Authority
Marsilio of Padua- The Executive, No Separation of Power, Nature and End of
the State, Political Obligation
1. Coleman, Janet, “A History of Political Thought: From the Middle Ages to
Renaissance” (Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers, 2000), Pp.5-115.
2. Sabine, G.H. & Thorson T.L., “A History of Political Theory” (New Delhi: Oxford &
IBH Publications, 1973), Pp.215-290.
Political Obligation: Transition to Modern Political Philosophy
Machiavelli: The Prince
1. Jones, W.T., “Masters of Political Thought” Vol.II, (Calcutta: Oxford University
Press, 1975), Pp.22-52.
Legitimacy of Power
Legitimacy-Nature, Usurpation, Political Change, Loss of Legitimacy
Approaches to the study of Legitimacy of Power
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
J.J. Rousseau
Robert Dhal
Max Weber-Legal-Rational, Charismatic and Traditional power
Contemporary Crisis of Legitimacy—Parallel Governments with specific
reference to India
i. Held, David, “Political Theory and the Modern State” (Delhi:
Worldview Publications, 1998), Pp.99-155.
ii. Mahajan, V.D. “Political Theory” (Delhi: S. Chand & Company,
2000), Pp.202-214.
iii. Jones, W.T., “Masters of Political Thought” Vol.II, (Calcutta:
Oxford University Press, 1975), Pp.85-150, 151-216, 248-327.
iv. Wayper, C.L., “Political Thought” (Bombay: B.I Publications,
1989), Pp.42-129.
v. Vermani, R.C., “An Introduction to Political Theory” (New Delhi:
Gitanjali Publishing House, 2000), Pp.46-67.
Civil Disobedience
Henry David Thoreau- Civil Disobedience, Respect for Individual, Disobedience
to Unjust Laws, Right to Revolution, Abolition of Slavery
Mahatma Gandhi-Satyagraha, Non-Cooperation
Obedience of Unjust Laws-Revision of Positivism, Romantic Optimism, Internal
Morality and External Morality, Duty and Aspiration, Non-violent disobedience,
Law and Morality
1. Ray, Amal & Mohit Bhattacharya, “Political Thoery: Ideas and Institutions”
(Calcutta: World Press Ltd., 1976), Pp.391-397.
2. Varma S.P., “Modern Political Theory” (New Delhi: Vikash Publishing House,
1994), Pp. 365-398.
3. Appadorai, A., “Political Thoughts of India 400BC to 1980” (Delhi: Khanna
Prakashan, 2002), Pp. 187-218.
Beetham, D., “Beyond Liberal Democracy”, The Socialist Register 1981, edited
by R. Miliband and J. Saville (Merlin, London, 1981) pp.190-206.
Beetham, D., “From Socialism to Fascism: The Relation Between Theory and
Practice in the work of Robert Michels”, Political Studies, vol.25, (1977), pp.3-24
& 161-81.
Kariel, H.S., “Pluralism”, International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences,
edited by D.L.Shills (New York: Macmillan and Free Press, 1968).