Drinking Water & Packed Drinking Water

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Drinking Water & Packed Drinking Water

The 25 A Schedule of the Food Act 1983 [Sub regulation 394 (1)], Food regulations 1985
Physical Properties Maximum permitted proportion
Physical Std
Ph 6.5-8.5
Colour (True Color Unit) 15
Turbidity (Nephelometric
turbidity unit)
Chemical Std
Aluminium 0.2
Ammonia 0.5
Anionic Detergent (MBAS) 1
Arsenic 0.01
Biocides (Total) 0.1
Cadmium 0.003
Carbon Chloroform Extract 0.5
Chloride 250
Chromium 0.05
Copper 1
Cyanide 0.07
Fluoride 0.6
total Hardness 500
Iron 0.3
Lead 0.01
Magnesium 150
Manganese 0.1
Mercury 0.001
Mineral Oil 0.3
Phenol 0.002
Residual Chlorine Not less than 0.2
Selenium 0.01
Silver 0.05
Sodium 200
Sulphate 250
Zinc 3
Antimony 0.005
Barium 0.7
Boron 0.5
Chloroform 0.2
Bromoform 0.1
Bromodichloromethane 0.06
Dibromochloromethane 0.1
Chlorpyrifos 0.03
Nickel 0.02
Nitrite NO2- 0.2
Nitrate as NO3- 50
Nitrate as N 10
Styrene 0.2
Aldrin/Dieldrin 0.00003
Chlordane 0.00002
2, 4-D 0.03
DDT 0.001
Heptachlor & Heptachlor Epoxide 0.00003
Hexachlorobenzene 0.001
Lindane 0.002
Methoxychlor 0.02
Endosulfan 0.03
Bacteriological Std
i) Shall not exceed 10
(Most Probable
Total Coliform Number); and
(Multiple tube method) ii) Shall not be
detectable in 2
consecutive sample
i) Arithmetic mean of
all monthly samples
is 1 colony per 100
Total Coliform ml; and
(Membrane filter) ii) Not more than 4
colonies per 100ml
in 2 consecutive
E-Coli Nil (Most probable Number)
Fecal Streptococci Nil in 100 ml
Pseudomonas Aeroginosa Nil in 100 ml
Clostridium perfringens Nil in 100 ml
Sulfur Reduction Bacteria Nil in 100 ml
Gross α 0.1 Bq/l
Gross β 1.0 Bq/l

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