Cimo Guide 2014 en II 4

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CHAPTER 4. MARINE OBSERVATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  595

4.1 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  595
4.2 Observations from ships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  596
4.2.1 Operation of the WMO Voluntary Observing Ship Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  596
4.2.2 Voluntary Observing Ship observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  597 Elements observed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  597 Equipment required. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  597 Automation of ship observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  598 Times of observation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  598 Transmission of ship's observations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  599 Wind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  600 Atmospheric pressure, pressure tendency and characteristic
of pressure tendency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603 Air temperature and humidity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  605 Sea-surface temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  606 Clouds and weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  608 Visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  609 Precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  610 Ocean waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  611 Ice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  615 Observations of special phenomena. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  619
4.3 Moored buoys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  620
4.3.1 Atmospheric pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  621
4.3.2 Wind measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  622
4.3.3 Temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  623 Air temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  623 Water temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  623
4.3.4 Ocean wave estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  623
4.3.5 Non-directional ocean wave estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  624
4.3.6 Directional ocean wave estimates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  624
4.3.7 Water-column height for tsunami detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.8 Relative humidity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.9 Ocean sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.10 Surface ocean currents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.11 Ocean current profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.12 Salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  625
4.3.13 Precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  626
4.3.14 Solar radiation measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  626
4.3.15 Visibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  626
4.4 Unmanned light vessels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  626
4.5 Towers and platforms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  626
4.6 Drifting buoys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  627

ANNEX 4.A. WMO/IOC REGIONAL MARINE INSTRUMENT CENTRES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  629


OBSERVERS OF PRESENT WEATHER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  631


MANUALLY REPORTING SHIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  633

REFERENCES AND FURTHER READING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  634



Marine observations in the broadest definition cover any meteorological and related
environmental observations at the air–sea interface, below the sea surface and in the air above
the sea surface. Observations can be made using fixed or moving platforms, and be in situ or
remote, using surface- or space-based techniques. In situ measurements are essentially single-
point observations intended to be representative of the surrounding sea area, as for synoptic
meteorology. Remote-sensing techniques lead to large area or volume representation, which is
particularly appropriate for observations of sea ice.

This chapter discusses observations at the air–sea interface made in situ, which include the usual
surface parameters that are also measured over land and discussed in that context in Part I of
this Guide. This chapter also considers other observations of importance to marine physics and
physical oceanography, including: sea-surface temperature; ocean waves; sea ice, icebergs
and ice accretion; and salinity. Upper-air measurements are taken using techniques that are
essentially the same over the sea and over land.

Detailed formal requirements for observations from sea stations are given in the Manual on
the Global Observing System (WMO, 2010, 2011a). Advice on requirements and procedures is
given in the Guide to Marine Meteorological Services (WMO, 2001). In situ marine measurements
or observations are made from a variety of platforms. They include ships recruited by WMO
Members to participate in the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Scheme, manned and
unmanned light vessels, moored buoys, drifting buoys, towers, oil and gas platforms and rigs,
island automatic weather stations (AWS), and ship-borne AWS systems. The type of platform
generally determines the range of elements measured and reported. Thus, ships of the VOS,
using both measured and manual observation techniques, report the full range of observations
required for synoptic meteorology. By contrast, the majority of drifting buoys report only up
to three parameters, namely, position, atmospheric pressure at sea surface, and sea-surface
temperature (SST). Observations from voluntary observing ships are most commonly compiled
and transmitted to shore in a nationally agreed ship-to-shore transmission format, and
then distributed internationally in appropriate WMO codes (for example, FM 94 BUFR as of
approximately 2012). WMO codes are documented in the Manual on Codes (WMO, 2011b, 2011c);
general information is found in Volume I.2, Part B, and templates specific to particular types of
marine observations, such as the B/C10 template for SHIP reports, are documented in Volume I.2,
Part C.1 Further information can be found in the proceedings of a 2009 meeting on the ocean
observing system (Hall et al., 2010), including information on VOS (Kent et al., 2010), research
vessels (Smith et al., 2010), ship-based oceanographic measurements (Goni et al., 2010), profiling
floats (Freeland et al., 2010), buoys (Meldrum et al., 2010; McPhaden et al., 2010; Send et al.,
2010; Dohan et al., 2010; Keeley et al., 2010), and waves and sea-level (Swail et al., 2010a; Swail et
al., 2010b; Merrifield et al., 2010).

On the recommendation of the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography

and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), a network of WMO/Intergovernmental Oceanographic
Commission (IOC) Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMICs) has been set up to facilitate
adherence of observational data, metadata, and processed observational products to higher
level standards for instruments and methods of observation, by providing (i) facilities for
the calibration and maintenance of marine instruments and the monitoring of instrument
performance; and (ii) assistance for instrument intercomparisons, as well as appropriate training
facilities complementing what the manufacturers are also providing. Their terms of reference and
locations are given in Annex 4.A.

The Manual on Codes, Volume I.1 also presently describes the traditional alphanumeric codes (TAC) that have been
used to circulate data for many years over the Global Telecommunication System (GTS), principally in the VOS
context referring to the FM 13 SHIP code. WMO, however, is in the process of fully discontinuing the TAC for GTS
transmission. Therefore, the Manual on Codes may in the future be restructured to omit the first volume altogether.


This section contains detailed guidance and advice for taking measurements and making
observations on ships. Reference WMO (1991a) is another source. Details on surface observations
to be carried out within the framework of the WMO VOS Scheme are provided in WMO (2001),
Chapter 6. WMO (2001) also includes information on the different classes of VOS. Studies of the
quality of observations from ships are given in WMO (1991b, 1999), Kent et al. (1993), WMO/IOC
(2003a, 2003b), Kent and Berry (2005), Ingleby (2010), and Kennedy et al. (2012). A discussion of
good observing practice from the research community is presented by Bradley and Fairall (2006)
and information on sensors used in the marine environment by Weller et al. (2008).

4.2.1 Operation of the WMO Voluntary Observing Ship Scheme

The VOS Scheme is operated by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs)
under the guidance of the JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT) and in particular the SOT VOS
Panel (VOSP). Full information on the VOS Scheme is given in WMO (2001). VOS Programme
Managers work with Port Meteorological Officers (PMOs) who typically act as the link between
the VOS operator and the ship. An essential first step in recruiting VOS is to obtain the permission
of the owners and master of the vessel. When permission has been granted and the ship has
been identified, PMOs should do the following:

(a) Install calibrated instruments ensuring best exposure;

(b) Issue stationery or install electronic logbook software;

(c) Train observers on instrument care and operation;

(d) Train observers in all aspects of observing practices;

(e) Demonstrate use of electronic logbook software and compilation of the observation;

(f) Record the required ship metadata as required for WMO (1955–);

(g) Demonstrate methods of report transmission;

(h) Explain NMHS marine forecast products.

Once a ship has been recruited, the PMO should ideally endeavour to visit it at least every three
months (subject to shipping movements and staff resources; if not practicable, less frequent
visits can be considered) to check the accuracy of the instruments and renew the supply of
forms, documents and so on. Automatic weather stations and digital sensors may allow a
longer checking period of one year. The PMO should take the opportunity to foster interest in
meteorology and explain the mutual value to seafarers and meteorologists of accurate weather

In some instances, a company (usually oil or gas) operating a ship or platform takes observations/
measurements for its own use and makes them available on the GTS without much participation
from a PMO. The installation, maintenance and training on the metocean equipment may be
done under contract. In cases where the vessel/station was not recruited by a PMO, efforts
should be made to ensure that the relevant metadata are made available through the appropriate
WMO channels.

4.2.2 Voluntary Observing Ship observations Elements observed

Ships participating in the VOS2 Scheme undertaking meteorological observations should ideally
observe the following elements:

(a) Ship position (from ship's navigation system);

(b) Ship course and speed (from ship's navigation system);

(c) Wind speed and direction (measured or visually estimated);

(d) Atmospheric pressure (measured);

(e) Pressure tendency and its characteristics (measured or estimated from barograph trace);

(f) Air temperature (measured);

(g) Humidity (measured);

(h) Sea-surface temperature (measured);

(i) Present and past weather, and weather phenomena (visually estimated);

(j) Cloud amount, type and base height (visually estimated);

(k) Precipitation (often visually estimated);

(l) Visibility (visually estimated);

(m) Ocean wind waves and swell, including height, period and direction (often visually

(n) Sea ice (often visually estimated) and/or ice accretion (often visually estimated) on board
ship, when appropriate;

(o) Special phenomena (visually estimated).

Some specially equipped ships, for example research or light vessels, may make instrumentally
measured observations and reports of precipitation, radiation, visibility, cloud parameters or
wave parameters.

In general, instrumental observations requiring the use of a light at night should be ideally made
after non-instrumental ones, so that the observer’s eyes can adapt to the darkness without being
impaired. Equipment required

The following instruments are suitable for use on ships:

(a) A precision aneroid, dial aneroid or electronic digital barometer (Part I, Chapter 3);

(b) A barograph, preferably open scale (desirable but not mandated) or a digital barometer
that includes a barometric tendency trace (Part I, Chapter 3);

http://​w ww.​bom.​gov.​au/​jcomm/​vos/​resources.​html

(c) A liquid-in-glass (mercury3 or alcohol) or electrical resistance thermometer (Part I,

Chapter 2);

(d) A hygrometer or psychrometer (Part I, Chapter 4);

(e) A sea-temperature thermometer and suitable receptacle for obtaining a sample of seawater,
or a continuously immersed sensor or hull contact sensor with remote indicator.

The use of anemometers with suitable exposure as an alternative to the visual estimation of wind
force is encouraged, provided that such instruments are routinely checked to ensure that they
remain within calibration. Precipitation gauges are rarely provided for use on VOS.

The instruments used on ships should conform to the requirements laid down or recommended
in other chapters of this Guide, apart from the modifications described in the following sections
of this chapter. Instruments supplied to ships should be regularly tested and inspected by the
NMHSs concerned. Automation of ship observations

Automatic weather stations or partially automated systems are increasingly being used on
observing ships for both observation and data transmission purposes. Three basic modes of
operation are used, as follows:

(a) The observation is made manually, typically entered into an electronic logbook4 on a
computer, coded, as necessary, and formatted for automatic or manually initiated report

(b) The observation is made automatically using standard AWS techniques, as described in
Part II, Chapter 1. The position, course and speed of a ship are taken from its navigation
system or computed independently using a satellite navigation system, usually the Global
Positioning System (GPS). The transmission of such observations can be either purely
automatic or initiated manually according to the communications facilities;

(c) The observations making up the marine report are a combination of automated and manual
observations, namely, automated observations augmented with visual observations entered
by the observer before transmission (i.e. adding visibility, weather codes, cloud amounts,
types and heights, wave heights, periods and directions, ice parameters and wind speed
and direction where not measured using an anemometer). Times of observation

When done manually, the observation of elements other than pressure should be made within
10 min preceding the standard time for the synoptic observation. Atmospheric pressure,
however, should be read at the exact time or as close as possible to the standard time.

Surface observations on board ships are typically made as follows:

(a) Synoptic observations from manually reporting observing ships should be made at main
standard times: 0000, 0600, 1200 and 1800 UTC. When additional observations are
required, they should be made at one or more of the intermediate standard times: 0300,
0900, 1500 and 2100 UTC;

Advice concerning the safe use of mercury is given in Part I, Chapter 3, 3.2.7. A United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) convention (the Minamata Convention on Mercury) entered into force in October 2013 and will
have a significant impact on the use of mercury for meteorological applications.

(b) Hourly observations should be made when an automated system is used (using manual
input, ship observers may in addition provide complete synoptic observations at synoptic
times, including the additional visual elements);

(c) When operational difficulties on board ships make it impracticable to make the synoptic
observation at a main standard time, the actual time of observation should be as near as
possible to the main standard times;

(d) Observations should be made more frequently than at the main standard times whenever
storm conditions threaten or prevail;

(e) When sudden and dangerous weather developments are encountered, observations should
be made for immediate transmission without regard to the standard times of observation
(for example, within 300 nautical miles of a named tropical system);

(f) Marine observations are just as valuable in coastal zones as in the open ocean and
observations should be continued during the whole journey. Transmission of ship's observations

Satellite communication systems are now in widespread use for disseminating ship observations.
Details are given in WMO (2001), section 6.6. The following four methods are most commonly

(a) The International Data Collection System through the meteorological geosynchronous
(GOES, METEOSAT, MTSAT) satellites. This system, funded mainly by NMHSs, allows for
purely automatic data communication at predetermined time slots, once an hour. Data
transmission is one-way only and error rates can be significant. It is primarily used in
connection with moored buoys but is also used for some shipboard AWS systems;

(b) Commercial satellite systems through the INMARSAT-C system which is carried by most
ocean going ships for compliance with the International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea (SOLAS) and Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) requirements.
Weather observations are normally sent to a suitable Land Earth Station (LES) via a special
access code (SAC) 41 message which allows the costs of the report to be borne by the
NMHS. A list of the acceptable LESs for SAC messages is maintained on the WMO website at
http://​www.​wmo.​int/​pages/​prog/​amp/​mmop/​inmarsat_​les.​html. INMARSAT-C has near-
global coverage, but very high latitudes are not covered. However, other dedicated SACs
are now being set up to allow ship-to-shore messages to be sent in a compressed format,
thereby allowing National Meteorological Services to reduce the transmission costs of their
national observing fleets. The INMARSAT-C data reporting service is also used for sending
compressed meteorological data from certain AWS systems. INMARSAT-C is used by a
majority of non-automated manually reporting observing ships;

(c) Commercial satellite services such as Iridium are increasingly being used for shipboard
AWS systems. The Iridium Short Burst Data system using binary formatted messages can
significantly reduce transmission costs. Iridium has the advantage of providing global
satellite coverage and can also improve data timeliness;

(d) Service Argos: This system is primarily designed for location as well as data transmission
and is limited by the number and the orbital characteristics of the polar-orbiting satellites
carrying the Argos payload. The Argos system is used both for the communication and
for the processing of ship observations onto the GTS (WMO/IOC, 1995) but there can be
several hours of delay, depending on the location of the observing station and the land
receiving station. Costs can also be significant when compared to other satellite systems.
It is typically used for small drifting buoys, although it is increasingly being replaced by
Iridium. A few autonomous shipboard AWS systems also use Argos for data transmission.

Observations of wind speed and direction may be made either by visual estimates or by means
of anemometers or anemographs. Winds should be measured only if using a well-maintained
and recently calibrated instrument sited in a well-exposed location away from the influence of
the superstructure, mast and spars. Reports of wind speed can be recorded in either knots or
m s–1; reporting in knots is preferred if the data are to be transmitted from the ship in a format not
allowing the recording of tenths. Visual observations

Visual estimates are based on the appearance of the sea surface. The wind speed is obtained by
reference to the Beaufort scale (see table below). The Beaufort number obtained by estimation
is converted into m s–1 or knots by the use of the wind speed equivalent columns of the Beaufort
scale, so the wind speed is reported at a specific value in metres per second or knots according
to the best estimate of the observer from within those equivalent ranges. National instructions
may give guidance on preferred practice. The wind direction is determined by observing
the orientation of the crests of wind waves (that is, wind-driven waves, and not swell) or the
direction of streaks of foam which are blown in the direction of the wind. The specifications of
the Beaufort scale numbers refer to the conditions in the open sea. In practice, wind directions
made by visual methods are of good quality.

The wave height in itself is not always a reliable criterion since it depends not only on wind
speed, but also on the fetch and duration of the wind, the depth of shallow waters, and the
presence of swell running through a sea. The Beaufort scale, therefore, makes use of the relation
between the state of the sea and the wind speed. This relation is, however, affected by several
other factors which should, in principle, be taken into account in estimating wind speeds. These
factors are the lag between the wind increasing and the sea rising, the smoothing or damping
down of wind effects on the sea surface by heavy rain, and the effects of strong surface currents
(such as tidal currents) on the appearance of the sea. Sea criteria become less reliable in shallow
water or when close inshore, owing to the effect of tidal currents and the shelter provided by
the land. At these locations, or when the surface of the sea cannot be clearly seen (e.g. at night),
the Beaufort force of the relative wind on the ship may be estimated by noting wind effects on
sound, on ship-borne objects such as flags, and on funnel smoke. In the latter case, the direction
of the relative wind may also be estimated, for example, by observation of the funnel smoke.
From these estimates, the speed and direction of the true wind can be computed (United
Kingdom Meteorological Office, 1995). If no other means are available to estimate the wind
direction, low-level cloud movement can be a helpful tool. Measurements with instruments

If instruments for measuring wind are installed on ships, the equipment should give both wind
speed and direction and should be capable of minimizing roll effects (suitably designed cup
anemometers and damped wind vanes are capable of rendering the effects of pitch and roll
insignificant). The marine environment is harsh, so cup or propeller anemometers require regular
maintenance and calibration in order to produce reliable wind data. Ultrasonic anemometers
have no moving parts, require less maintenance, and are therefore increasingly being used on

Beaufort scale in operational use for WMO reports of estimated wind

referenced to 10 m above sea level

Mean Probable
Beaufort Wind speed maximum
Descriptive equivalent Specifications for observations height of
number equivalent range height of
term wind speed waves
(force) waves
knots m s–1 knots m s–1 On board ship (open sea) m m
0 Calm 0 0 <1 0–0.2 Sea like a mirror

1 Light air 2 0.8 1–3 0.3–1.5 Ripples with the 0.1 0.1
appearance of scales are
formed, but without foam

2 Light 5 2.4 4–6 1.6–3.3 Small wavelets; still short 0.2 0.3
breeze but more pronounced;
crests have a glassy
appearance and do not

3 Gentle 9 4.3 7–10 3.4–5.4 Large wavelets; crests 1.6 1.0

breeze begin to break; foam of
glassy appearance; perhaps
scattered white horses

4 Moderate 13 6.7 11–16 5.5–7.9 Small waves, becoming 1.0 1.5

breeze longer; fairly frequent
white horses

5 Fresh 19 9.3 17–21 8.0– Moderate waves, taking 2.0 2.5

breeze 10.7 a more pronounced long
form; many white horses
are formed (chance of
some spray)

6 Strong 24 12.3 22–27 10.8– Large waves begin to form; 3.0 4.0
breeze 13.8 the white foam crests are
more extensive everywhere
(probably some spray)

7 Near gale 30 15.5 28–33 13.9– Sea heaps up and white 4.0 5.5
17.1 foam from breaking waves
begins to be blown in
streaks along the direction
of the wind

8 Gale 37 18.9 34–40 17.2– Moderately high waves of 5.5 7.5

20.7 greater length; edges of
crests begin to break into
the spindrift; the foam
is blown in well marked
streaks along the direction
of the wind

9 Strong 44 22.6 41–47 20.8– High waves; dense streaks 7.0 10.0
gale 24.4 of foam along the direction
of the wind; crests of waves
begin to topple, tumble
and roll over; spray may
affect visibility

Mean Probable
Beaufort Wind speed maximum
Descriptive equivalent Specifications for observations height of
number equivalent range height of
term wind speed waves
(force) waves
knots m s–1 knots m s–1 On board ship (open sea) m m
10 Storm 52 26.4 48–55 24.5– Very high waves with 9.0 12.5
28.4 long overhanging crests;
the resulting foam, in
great patches, is blown
in dense white streaks
along the direction of the
wind; on the whole, the
surface of the sea takes
a white appearance; the
“tumbling” of the sea
becomes heavy and shock-
like; visibility affected

11 Violent 60 30.5 56–63 28.5– Exceptionally high waves 11.5 16.0

storm 32.6 (small and medium-
sized ships might be for a
time lost to view behind
the waves); the sea is
completely covered with
long white patches of foam
lying along the direction
of the wind; everywhere
the edges of the wave
crests are blown into froth;
visibility affected

12 Hurricane 64 32.7 64 32.7 The air is filled with foam 14 and –

and and and and and spray; sea completely over
over over over over white with driving spray;
visibility very seriously

Note that wave heights are indicated as a guide to show roughly what might be expected in the open sea. These wave
heights should never be used for logging or reporting the state of the sea. In enclosed waters, or when near land, with
an offshore wind, wave heights will be smaller and the waves steeper.

Source: OMI-CMI (1947)

It is difficult to obtain a good exposure for ship-borne wind instruments (WMO/IOC, 2003b;
Yelland et al., 2001; Moat et al., 2005; Moat et al., 2006). The local effects produced by the
superstructure, mast and spars should be minimized as much as possible by siting the instrument
as far forward and as high as practicable. If fitted on a yardarm, it may be preferable that the
speed and direction heads should form separate units, as a more even distribution of the weight
on the yardarm can be obtained, and it may then be possible to fit the instruments farther
outboard. Whether fitted on a yardarm or on a bracket fixed to the foremast, each unit should
be mounted in position at a distance of at least 10 mast diameters away from the mast. If this
is impracticable, a good technique is to fit two instruments, one on each side of the foremast,
and always to use the one which is more freely exposed. The top of the foremast, if available, is
generally thought to be the best site for an anemometer. Ultrasonic wind sensors are efficient and
provide good accuracy when installed on the top of the main mast.

Various types of portable anemometers are on occasion used at sea (often to assist with ship
berthing). Their main disadvantage is that they can hardly be given representative exposure,
and, in practice, measurements taken with them show substantial scatter (Kent et al., 1993). Only
an observer who understands the nature of the airflow over the ship in different circumstances

would be able to choose the best place for making such observations and thus arrive at
satisfactory results. This method may be useful if visual estimates of wind force are difficult or
impossible, for example, with light winds at night.

When observations are taken from a moving ship, it is necessary to distinguish between the
relative and the true wind; for all meteorological purposes the true wind must be reported
(although for VOS Climate (VOSClim) class ships the apparent wind is also reported). The
procedure for the calculation of true wind speed and direction from relative wind speed, relative
wind direction, ship speed, course and heading is described in detail in WMO/IOC (2003c).
It should be noted that the ship's course and the ship's heading may be significantly different
particularly at low ship speeds or with large leeway. A simple vector diagram or a table may be
used for computing the true wind from observations of the relative wind and ship speed and
course (Bowditch, 2002). These additional elements are preferably obtained from a magnetic
compass and the ship’s speed information. They can also be obtained from the ship movement
derived from a GPS receiver, but in that case the drift is not taken into account. In the past, this
vector conversion was a frequent source of error in reported winds. However, increasing use of
electronic logbook software that computes true wind will have reduced this source of error. For
AWS, all of the required information is likely to be directly obtained from the anemometer and
ship's navigation system.

The reported wind speed and direction will be the mean speed and direction measured over
the 10 min period immediately preceding the observation. However, when the 10 min period
includes a discontinuity in the wind characteristics, only data obtained after the discontinuity
shall be used for reporting the mean values, and hence the period in these circumstances shall be
correspondingly reduced.

The recording of ship metadata for WMO (1955–) is particularly important for wind observations
(Yelland et al., 2001). Metadata should be provided to indicate the instrumentation used, how it
is installed on board the ship (where on the ship and at what height), as well as details about the
type of vessel (Kent et al., 2007). Metadata are used in particular to interpret the data correctly
and increase data coherence (e.g. bias correction), and permit traceability to standards. Atmospheric pressure, pressure tendency and characteristic of pressure tendency Methods of observation

Pressure can be measured either by a precision aneroid, a dial aneroid or an electronic digital
barometer. The barometer reading shall be taken as close to the observation time as possible. In
a manual observation, the barometer will be read last and entered into the observation just prior
to completion of the report. Automatic systems should have an averaging period of 1 min (Part I,
Chapter 1, Annex 1.E). Most ships should report pressure to one decimal place. However, on VOS
Auxiliary ships using coarse scale, uncalibrated ship’s barometers where the pressure cannot be
read to tenths of a hectopascal (hPa), the pressure should be recorded in whole hPa, ideally with
an associated indicator or other coding mechanism to clearly document the reduced precision
(for example, in the old FM 13 SHIP code (WMO, 2011b) the tenths position was replaced by a
solidus to indicate the lower precision of the observation).

With manned observation, the characteristic and amount of the pressure tendency in the past 3 h
are usually obtained from a marine barograph, preferably an open-scale instrument graduated
in divisions of 1 hPa. However, digital barometers that include an LCD display of the pressure
tendency are increasingly being used.

With AWS, the characteristic and amount of the pressure tendency in the past 3 h are calculated
from the four last hourly pressure values.

All barometers should conform to the general requirements given in Part I, Chapter 3, and should
be supplied with a certificate giving the corrections (if any) that must be applied to the readings
of each individual instrument. Barometers should be capable of being read to 0.1 hPa. The
operational measurement uncertainty requirements and instrument performance are stated in
Part I, Chapter 1, Annex 1.E. The required measurement uncertainty is better than 0.1 hPa (after
reduction to sea level: < 0.2 hPa). The achievable measurement uncertainty should never be
worse than 0.3 hPa. Marine barographs should have a built-in damping device, for example, an
oil bath containing the aneroid box or a dash pot connected to the lever mechanism, to prevent
the wide trace produced by rapid pressure variations caused by gusty winds and movement of
the ship. Both the barometer and barograph should also be vented to the outside with a static
pressure head so that readings can be taken more accurately and are not affected by sealed
bridges or conditions inside. If this is not possible, instructions should be given to ensure that
the bridge wing doors are opened prior to taking an observation. This is especially important on
newer ships with pressurized accommodation blocks or on vessels that are carrying hazardous
cargoes where the wheelhouse may be hermetically sealed.

In general, most (but not all) NMHSs set their precision aneroid and electronic barometers to
“station level” pressure, and therefore the observations need to be corrected for the height of the
barometer to give a sea-level pressure output. This height correction is calculated automatically
with electronic logbook software. Dial aneroid barometers are typically set to indicate sea-level
pressure. Exposure and management

Digital and aneroid barometers and barographs

Barometers and barographs should be mounted on shock-absorbing material in a position

where they are least affected by concussion, vibration or movement of the ship. The best results
are generally obtained from a position as close to the centre of flotation as possible. Barographs
should be installed with the pen-arm oriented athwart ships (to minimize the risk of the arm
swinging off the chart). Corrections

Provision should be made for the application of the following corrections:

(a) Instrument error (bias);

(b) Reduction to sea level as appropriate;

(c) Temperature (if applicable and appropriate tables are provided).

Barometers should be adequately compensated for temperature, otherwise the instruments

should be provided with a temperature correction table and means should be provided for
measuring the temperature. A table for reducing to sea-level pressure should be supplied
when barometers are set to the station height, although this is not necessary for ships that use
electronic logbooks that are capable of automatically applying the height correction (Bowditch,
2002, Tables 29–34). Sources of error

Errors are discussed in Part I, Chapter 3, but on ships in particular appreciable errors may be
caused by the effect of the wind on the pressure in the compartment in which the barometer is

placed. Where possible, these should be minimized by enclosing the instrument in a chamber
connected to a static pressure head or by connecting the device directly to this static pressure

On non-automated barometers, the most frequent (human) errors are due to an absence of
reduction to the sea level, a bad appreciation of the barometer height or a non-intentional
double correction (correction applied on a barometer which already gives sea-level pressure). Checking with standard instruments

Barometers and barographs should be checked, wherever possible, at approximately three-

monthly intervals against the standard barometer of a PMO or a Transfer Standard barometer.
However, as shipping movements can be highly dynamic this may not always be possible. A
report of all comparisons should be logged by the PMO, and a calibration label attached to the
barometer showing the barometer check date and the correction to be applied.

Digital barometers have a much better stability and the length of time between calibrations may
be as large as two years for some models. Air temperature and humidity

Temperature (Part I, Chapter 2) and humidity (Part I, Chapter 4) observations are considered
together as they are often measured by psychrometric methods with paired wet- and dry-bulb
thermometers. With the increasing use of AWS, however, it is becoming more common for
these parameters to be measured independently with a thermometer and separate hygrometer.
Whichever method is used, the instruments should have good ventilation and be well exposed in
a stream of air, directly from the sea, which has not been in contact with, or passed over, the ship,
and should be adequately shielded from radiation, precipitation and spray.

For manned observations, if a louvred screen is to be used, two should be provided, one secured
on each side of the vessel, so that the observation can also be made from the windward side. In
this way, thermometers in the hygrometer can be completely exposed to the air-stream and are
uninfluenced by artificial sources of heat and water vapour. As an alternative, a single portable
louvred screen can be used, which is hung on whichever side is windward to gain the same
exposure. The muslin wick fitted to a wet-bulb thermometer in a louvred screen should be
changed at least once each week, and more often in stormy weather.

Sling or aspirated psychrometers exposed on the windward side of the bridge have been found
to be satisfactory. If manually operated psychrometers are used, the thermometers must be read
as soon as possible after ventilation has stopped. Handheld hygrometers require several minutes
to be acclimated to the open environment if they have been stored indoors before use.

For the general management of psychrometers, the recommendations of Part I, Chapter 4 should
be followed. Distilled water should be used for the wet-bulb thermometer. If this is not readily
available, water from the condenser will generally be more suitable than ordinary freshwater.
Water polluted by traces of seawater should never be used because any traces of salt will affect
the wet-bulb temperature significantly.

With AWS or a distant digital display, a manual reading of the instruments inside the screen is
no longer necessary and a single screen typically can be installed far enough from the ship’s
structure to provide good exposure. This means, however, that the filling of wet-bulb reservoirs
becomes difficult, and consequently electronic temperature and relative humidity sensors
are typically used with AWS. These instruments require calibration at least annually. As noted
in Part I, Chapter 4, accuracy for such relative humidity sensors is likely to be lower than for
psychrometric sensors, but there has not yet been a systematic assessment of the accuracy of
these sensors in the marine environment. The AWS should report both air temperature and
humidity as 1-min averages.

Humidity can be represented by several different variables, for example dewpoint temperature,
wet-bulb temperature or relative humidity (Part I, Chapter 4) and should be recorded as the
variable measured. Any conversion between humidity variables adds uncertainty and will be
affected by any errors in other variables used and by truncation to fit transmission formats. For
psychrometric measurements, both dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperature should be recorded to
0.1 ºC precision. The dewpoint should be calculated using standard tables issued nationally or
using standard WMO formulae (Part I, Chapter 4, Annexes 4.A and 4.B) and the psychrometric
coefficient appropriate to the instrument being used. Dewpoint temperature should also be
reported to 0.1 ºC precision. Conversion of measurements of wet-bulb or dewpoint temperature
to relative humidity recorded in whole per cent introduces significant uncertainty and should be

On VOS Auxiliary ships using coarse scale, uncalibrated ship’s thermometers where the
temperature cannot be read to tenths of a degree, the temperature should be recorded in whole
degrees, ideally with an associated indicator or other coding mechanism to clearly document the
reduced precision (for example, in the old FM 13 SHIP code the tenths position was replaced by
a solidus to indicate the lower precision of the observation). All other ship observations should
report temperature to one decimal place. Sea-surface temperature

The routine measurement is to take the seawater temperature from near or just below the sea
surface. More rarely the radiometric temperature of the surface skin of the ocean is measured.

The sea-surface temperature should be very carefully measured. This is because, among other
things, it is used to obtain the difference with air temperature, which provides a measure of the
stratification of temperature and humidity and of other characteristics of the lower layers of
maritime airmasses. The temperature of the seawater thermometer should be read to 0.1 °C.

It has not been possible to adopt a standard device for observing sea-surface temperatures on
account of the great diversity in ship size and speed and because of cost, ease of operation and
maintenance considerations.

The SST may be observed by:

(a) Taking a sample of the sea-surface water with a specially designed sea bucket;

(b) Reading the temperature of the condenser intake water;

(c) Exposing an electrical thermometer to sea-water temperature either directly or through the
hull (for example, using an internally mounted hull contact sensor);

(d) Using an infrared radiometer mounted on the ship to look down on the sea surface;

(e) Using an expendable bathythermograph.5

The principal methods used for many years have been (a) and (b). Studies of the difference in
temperature provided by the two methods have been made (WMO, 1972) in which it is reported
that intake temperatures average 0.3 °C greater than those measured by sea-bucket samples.
More recent studies suggest that this warm bias has reduced over time (Kent and Taylor, 2006).
This study reported that the details of the intake temperature installation have a significant
impact on the quality of observation. In recent years, as the speed and height of ships have
increased, method (c), which gives the most consistent results, has been more widely used
(WMO, 1991b; Kent et al., 1993). The use of radiometers is rarely encountered on VOS but may
be used on some research vessels or on offshore platforms. Of all these methods, the condenser
intake technique is the least desirable because of the great care needed to obtain good results.

Not currently supported by WMO (1955–)

A sea bucket is lowered over the side of the ship to obtain a sample of seawater. The bucket is
hauled back on board and a thermometer is then used to measure the temperature of the water.
The sample should be taken from the leeward side of the ship, and well forward of all outlets.
The thermometer should be read as soon as possible after it has attained the temperature of
the water sample, ensuring that it is read out of the direct sunlight. When not in use, the bucket
should be hung in the shade to drain.

A sea bucket should be designed to ensure that seawater can circulate through it during
collection and that the heat exchange due to radiation and evaporation is minimized. The
associated thermometer should have a quick response and be easy to read and should preferably
be fixed permanently in the bucket. If the thermometer must be withdrawn for reading, it should
have a small heat capacity and should be provided with a cistern around the bulb such that the
temperature of the water withdrawn with it does not vary appreciably during the reading. The
design of the bucket should be deemed adequate for its purpose by the organization recruiting
the ship for observations.

Measurements from sea buckets of good design can be expected to agree well over an extensive
range of conditions. However, sea buckets are less convenient to use than instruments attached
to the ship and their use is sometimes restricted by weather conditions or by the size or speed of
the ship. Intake and tank thermometers

The thermometer provided within the intake pipe when the ship is built is normally not suitable
for the measurement of SST to the required accuracy. Thus, the organization recruiting the ship
should ideally, with the permission of the shipping company concerned, install an appropriate
thermometer. The thermometer should preferably be mounted in a special tube providing
adequate heat conductivity between the thermometer bulb and surrounding seawater, and
positioned close to the water intake, although this may not always be practical.

When a direct-reading thermometer is installed in cramped conditions, the observer should

be warned of the possibility of reading errors due to parallax. A distant reading system with
the display elsewhere (for example, in the engine room or on the bridge) overcomes this
problem. The observer should also be aware that, for ships of deep draught, or when a marked
temperature gradient exists within the sea-surface layer, intake temperature readings usually
differ considerably from those close to the sea surface, and will vary according to the ship’s load
or ballast condition. Lastly, of course, the intake temperature should not be recorded when
the ship is stationary, otherwise the cooling water is not circulating. It should be noted that
the installation of retrofit intake, or hull contact SST sensor can often be time-consuming and
complicated, often forcing PMOs or technicians to work in a difficult environment (interior of
ships, with limited access, etc.).

The sea chest in the bottom of a ship is a cavity in which the intake pipes may terminate and
which may be used to observe the intake temperature. It is a favoured position for the sensor of a
distant-reading thermometer. The limitations already mentioned apply to such installations.

Although the majority of intake thermometers will only provide instantaneous temperature
readouts, some ships may be equipped with temperature probes that can sample the
measurements at a given frequency and average them over a period of time. In that case, and
in order to provide for measurements that are more representative of the SST, a modal filtration
algorithm may be used to exclude the extreme readings from the computed average. Hull-attached thermometers

Hull-attached thermometers provide a very convenient and accurate means of measuring SST.
They are necessarily distant-reading devices, the sensor being mounted either externally in direct

contact with the sea using a “through-the-hull” connection, or internally (the “limpet” type)
attached to the inside of the hull, except if the hull is a twin hull. Both types show very good
mutual agreement, with the “through-the-hull” type showing a slightly quicker response.

The sensors must be located forward of all discharges at a depth of 1 to 2 m below the water line.
When large changes of draught can occur, more than one sensor may be needed. There can be
considerable problems of fitting and wiring, which is best done when the ship is being built. For
subsequent fitting, the limpet-type thermometer avoids the need for drydocking the ship. Trailing thermometers

Several means have been devised for trailing the sensor of a distant-reading thermometer in the
sea at a point from which a sea bucket would take its sample. The differences concern the way in
which the connecting cable is brought on board and the arrangement for exposing the sensor to
the sea. These devices provide readings that are in good agreement with those of an accurate sea
bucket and can be used readily. However, since experience is limited, no information is available
on their possible fouling by weeds, and so on. Thus, streaming and recovery may be necessary
on each occasion as for a sea bucket. Trailing thermistors are rarely used by the VOS but are more
common for research applications (Fairall et al., 1997; Bradley and Fairall, 2006; Weller et al.,
2008). Radiometers

Because of its temperature, any substance gives off heat energy as infrared radiation. The amount
of energy and the wavelength of the radiation depend upon the temperature of the substance
and its emissivity. Thus, radiometers which respond to infrared radiation can be used to measure
the temperature of a substance. When directed at the sea surface, a radiometer measures the
temperature of only the uppermost 1 mm or so, because the emissivity of water is near unity. This
uppermost layer is often called the ocean skin. Large temperature gradients, with the coolest
temperature at the top, may exist in the first few centimetres of the ocean, especially in relatively
calm conditions.

Radiometers can be handheld (pointing forward and downward), mounted on the bow or on a
boom extending over the water. Radiometer measurements represent the evaporative surface-
skin temperature and are used on only a few ships (Barton et al., 2004; Donlon et al., 2008). Clouds and weather Amount of cloud and cloud type

Visual cloud observations should follow the same rules as those applicable to a land station (see
Part I, Chapter 15). Detailed instructions should be provided by the PMO. Pictorial guides and
coding information are available from many sources, such as WMO (1975, 1987), as well as from
publications of NMHSs. Most electronic logbook software include extensive pictures of clouds to
assist with cloud type identification. Additionally, the template for reporting SHIP observations
(B/C10 in the Manual on Codes, Volume I.2, Part C (WMO, 2011c)) provides specific information
on how to make and code VOS cloud reports.

The assessment of the total amount of cloud consists in estimating how much of the total sky
area is covered with cloud and should be reported in oktas. National instructions should provide
guidance on the conversion of observations in oktas to per cent (%) as required for transmission
in FM 94 BUFR. The assessment of low cloud amount is performed in a similar way and reported
in oktas for both ship-to-shore transmission and onward transmission in FM 94 BUFR. If no low
cloud is present, the amount of medium cloud is reported instead. The type of low, middle and
high cloud shall be determined as specified in the International Cloud Atlas, Volume I (WMO,
1975), or by identifying the appropriate cloud type from the photographs displayed in the
electronic logbook software.
CHAPTER 4. MARINE OBSERVATIONS 609 Cloud-base height

The cloud-base height is normally estimated by the VOS. In order to improve their ability to do
this, observers should be encouraged to take every opportunity to check their estimates against
known heights, for example, when a cloud base is seen to intercept a mountainous coast,
although in such circumstances the cloud base may be lower at the mountain than out at sea.

Some specialized ships may have instruments installed to measure cloud-base height. The cloud-
base searchlight is of limited value on a ship because of the short baseline. An instrument which
does not require a baseline is to be preferred, such as a laser ceilometer (see Part I, Chapter 15). It
should be installed so that it can be operated and read by the officer on watch on the navigation
bridge. Present and past weather

Present and past weather are primarily meant to serve as a qualitative description of weather
events. Most VOS reports of present and past weather are made by visual and auditory
observations and follow the same rules as those applicable to a land station (see Part I,
Chapter 14). There are 100 categories of present weather for VOS manual observations (the first
100 codes in FM 94 BUFR code table 0 20 003). Past weather is reported in 10 categories (the first
10 codes in FM 94 BUFR code table 0 20 004 and 0 20 005). Two past weather categories should
be reported which have been selected to give as complete a description of conditions over the
reporting interval as possible. As for clouds, detailed instructions should be provided by the
PMO. Template B/C10 (WMO, 2011c) provides specific information on how to make and code
VOS weather reports. For observers using electronic logbook software, further guidance is likely
to be available from the software.

Measurements, rather than manual observations, of present and past weather are rare at sea.
However, it is possible to use similar instrumentation as over land (Part I, Chapter 14), and
the categories available for the report are different to the manual observations because of the
different nature of the observation (WMO, 2011c). Some instrumental measurements of present
and past weather may be made by fixed platforms under programmes which are not actively
coordinated at present by WMO. Visibility

At sea, the absence of suitable objects makes it impossible to estimate visibility as accurately as
at land stations. On a large ship, it is possible to make use of objects aboard the ship (e.g. the
foremast) for estimation when the visibility is very low, but it should be recognized that these
estimates may be in error since the ship may affect the air. For the higher ranges, the appearance
of the land when near the coast is a useful guide, and, if fixes can be obtained, the distance of
landmarks, just as when they are appearing or disappearing, may be measured from the chart.
Similarly, in open sea, when other ships are sighted and their distances known, for example, by
radar, the visibility may be estimated. In the absence of other objects, the appearance of the
horizon, as observed from different levels, may be used as a basis for the estimation. Although
abnormal refraction may introduce errors into such methods of estimation, these methods are
the only ones available in some circumstances. At night, the appearance of navigation lights can
give a useful indication of the visibility.

When the visibility is not uniform in all directions it should be estimated or measured in the
direction of least visibility and a suitable entry should be made in the log (excluding reduction of
visibility due to the ship’s exhaust).

Information about visibility meters is given in Part I, Chapter 9. Only those types of visibility
meters which can be used with a baseline or light-path short enough to be practicable on a ship
are suitable. This is the case of forward-scatter meters. Unfortunately, the heating effect of the
ship, and its exhaust, may lead to unrepresentative measurements.

The VOS do not normally report information on precipitation within coded reports on weather
types (section However, precipitation measurements can be reported from fixed
stations or vessels equipped with a precipitation gauge. The measurement of precipitation at
sea is discussed in WMO (1962, 1981) and in the context of observations from research vessels
by Bradley and Fairall (2006) and Weller et al. (2008), who also describe newer measurement
systems, such as optical raingauges, not typically used for routine observations. As an aid to
observers on ships, descriptions of precipitation at sea, for use in reporting present weather, are
given in Annex 4.B.

The complete measurement comprises the determination of both the amount and the duration
of precipitation. The amount of precipitation should be measured with a raingauge adapted for
use aboard a ship.

It is difficult to obtain reliable measurements of precipitation on board a ship, owing to the

aerodynamic effect of the superstructure of the ship, the influence of roll and pitch, the capture
of spray, and the changes in ship position. The equipment used on ships for the measurement
of precipitation should be constructed and exposed in such a manner that the first three effects
mentioned above are avoided or minimized as far as possible. For a shipboard raingauge, placing
the instrument as far forward and as high as practicable seems to be most effective. However,
other exposures may be found in particular cases to provide for easier management.

Precipitation measurements from moored or fixed stations (lightships, large buoys, towers, etc.)
are particularly valuable because the effect of ship speed is eliminated and the data can, thus,
be included in climatological analyses without reduction. However, any problems of platform
motion and salt contamination must still be considered.

Gimbal-mounted raingauge

The most common instrument used on board ships for the measurement of precipitation is
the gimbal-mounted raingauge, an arrangement that is not very effective, especially during
bad weather, as it is not able to keep the gauge horizontal at all times. An efficient gimbal
arrangement is very complicated and expensive and is used only aboard special ships. Generally,
when a raingauge is used, a fixed installation with a remote measurement arrangement seems to
be a better option.

Conical marine raingauge

The conical marine raingauge is normally fixed high up on a mast. A plastic tube leads the water
to a remotely placed collector on the deck, or in the wheelhouse. This can be a useful device for
measuring precipitation, provided that the installation precautions are taken into account. The
raingauge orifice should be fixed in a plane parallel to the ship’s deck.

Recording raingauge

Several types of recording raingauges have been developed for use at sea. In one type, the
collector is installed in the open while the recorder is mounted indoors. The rainwater is
channelled along a pipe from the collector to a reservoir near the recorder. A pen linked to a
float in the reservoir records the change of water level therein on a chart on a rotating drum. The
reservoir is emptied automatically by a siphon when the total collected corresponds to 20 mm of

In the electrical contact type of raingauge, the connection between the gauge and the recorder
is made by electrical means. The rainwater caught by the collector is stored temporarily in a
reservoir. After an amount corresponding to 0.5 mm of rainfall has been received, the rising
surface touches a needle to close an electric circuit. A motor then closes the inlet valve and
simultaneously opens a drain valve. After the water has drained away, the valves revert to their
original state and a single pulse is sent to the recorder. Errors occur when the motion of the ship
or buoy causes the water level to fluctuate rather than to rise steadily. This limitation can be

overcome by using a peristaltic pump. This device drains a fixed quantity of water (rather than all
the water available) each time the contact is made and, therefore, is less sensitive to fluctuations
in water level; there are also no valves to maintain.

The observation of precipitation by radar requires the use of narrow radar beams and calibrating
raingauges together with the addition of specialized equipment to monitor the state of the radar
and to apply corrections. Radars provided on board ships for other purposes do not have these
features and their use for the quantitative observation of precipitation is not normal practice.

A third type of recording raingauge is a specifically designed ship raingauge that uses a
horizontal and a vertical omnidirectional collector to allow for rainfall measurements at high
wind speeds (Hasse et al., 1998). By measuring the amount of water that is collected by the
vertical collector surface, a correction for the wind effect is possible by using the wind speed
measured simultaneously at the site of the instrument. Rainfall intensities and amounts are
measured and calculated separately for the top and the side collectors and corrected rainfall
values are obtained as a wind-speed-dependent weighted average. Ocean waves

The main topics of this section are the definitions and behaviour of waves and the visual methods
of observing them. Automated methods are briefly mentioned in section 4.3 on moored buoys,
although they are applied on other types of platforms. Definitions and descriptions of waves

Fetch: Distance along a large water surface trajectory over which a wind of almost uniform
direction and speed blows.

Wind wave or wind sea: Waves raised by the wind blowing in the immediate neighbourhood of an
observation site at the time of observation.

Swell: Any system of water waves which has left its generating area (or observed when the wind
field that generated the waves no longer exists).

Wave length: Horizontal distance between successive crests or troughs. It is equal to the wave
period multiplied by the wave speed.

Wave height: Vertical distance between the trough and crest of a wave.

Wave period: Time between the passage of two successive wave crests past a fixed point. It is
equal to the wave length divided by the wave speed.

Wave speed: The distance travelled by a wave in a unit of time. It is equal to the wave length
divided by the wave period.

The observation should include the measurement or estimation of the following characteristics
of the wave motion of the sea surface in respect of each distinguishable system of waves, namely,
sea and swell (principal and secondary):

(a) Direction (from which the waves come) on the scale 01–36 as for wind direction;

(b) Period in seconds;

(c) Height.

The following methods of observing wave characteristics of separate wave systems should be
used as a guide.


Interval 1 m
Interval 6 s

Figure 4.1. Typical sea and swell waves as shown by a wave-height recorder

Wind-generated ocean waves occur in large systems which are defined in connection with
the wind field that produced the waves and also with the relative position of the point of
observation. Bearing in mind the distinction between sea and swell, the observer should
differentiate between the recognizable wave systems on the basis of direction, appearance and
period of the waves.

Figure 4.1 shows a typical record drawn by a wave-height recorder. It shows the height of the sea
surface above a fixed point against time, namely, it represents the up-and-down movement of a
floating body on the sea surface as it is seen by the observer. It gives a representation of the sea
surface in its normal appearance when it is stirred by the wind to form a wind wave.

Waves invariably travel in irregular groups with areas of slight wave development of two or more
wave lengths between the groups. The irregularity is greater in the wind wave than in a swell.
Furthermore, and this cannot be shown by a wave record, groups consisting of two or more
well-formed waves in the sea can be seen to travel in directions which may differ as much as 20°
or 30° from each other; as a result of interference of crossing waves, the crests of sea waves are
rather short. Swell waves have a more regular appearance. These waves travel in a rather regular
succession and well-defined direction with generally long and smooth crests. Undisturbed
typical swell waves may be observed in areas where there has been little or no wind over a
period of several hours to a day or more. In most areas, sea and swell are intermixed. Visual observations from merchant ships

In trying to observe the wave characteristics of each of the recognizable wave systems (sea and
swell) separately, the observer should be aware of the fact that the higher components of a wind
wave resemble swell waves by their comparatively long crests and large periods. It may seem
possible to split the assembly of waves of different heights, periods and directions (together
forming the system of a wind wave) into two different waves systems and consider the smaller
waves as wind waves and the larger waves as swell, but this may not be correct.

The distinction between wind waves and swell should be made on the basis of one of the
following criteria:

Wave direction: If the mean direction of all waves of more or less similar characteristics (in
particular, height and length) differs by 30° or more from the mean direction of waves of
different appearance (in particular, height and/or length), the two sets of waves should be
considered to belong to separate wave systems.

Appearance and period: When typical swell waves, characterized by their regular appearance and
long crestedness, arrive approximately, namely, within 20°, from the direction of the wind, they
should be considered as a separate wave system if their period is at least 4 s greater than the
period of the larger waves of the existing wind wave.

For measuring the mean period and height of a wave system, significant waves should be
considered only; these are the higher waves in the centre of each group of well-formed waves
(Figure 4.1). The flat and badly formed waves (A) in the area between the groups must be
omitted from the record.

The mean period and the mean height of about 15 to 20 well-formed waves from the centres of
the groups is actually required; of course, these waves cannot be consecutive. The smaller wave-
like disturbances (B) which can be seen clearly to be forming under the action of the wind on top
of the larger waves are also to be omitted from the record.

Occasionally, waves may be encountered which literally stand out above the environmental
waves (C). Such waves may occur singly or in a group of two or three. The observer should
not concentrate on these maximum waves only; in order to arrive at a measure for the mean
period and mean height of about 15 to 20 waves, he or she should also consider groups of well-
formed waves of medium height. Consequently, the reported wave height will be smaller than
the maximum height obtained by the observed waves. On average, the actual height of 1 out
of about 10 waves will exceed the height to be reported. It is common practice to define the
significant wave height measured by wave height recorders as the average height of the highest
one third of the waves; it should approximate the wave height, which would be estimated by a
manual observer.

The observer must bear in mind that only measurements or quite good estimates are to be
recorded. Rough guesses have little value. The quality of the observations must have priority
over their quantity. If only two, or even only one, of the three elements (direction, period, height)
could be measured, or really well estimated, for example, at night, the report would still be of

The above considerations must be taken into account in all methods of observation described
below. More details on waves are provided in WMO (1998), sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 of WMO
(2001), and sections 4.3.4 to 4.3.6 of this chapter.

The direction from which the waves are coming is most easily found by sighting along the
wave crests and then turning 90° to face the advancing waves. The observer is then facing the
direction in which the waves are coming.

The recommended procedures for the reporting of swell by manually reporting ships are found
in Annex 4.C.

Wave period

This is the only element that can actually be measured on board moving merchant ships. If a
stop-watch is available, only one observer is necessary; otherwise, two observers and a watch
with a second hand are required. The observer notes some small object floating on the water
at some distance from the ship: if nothing is available, a distinctive patch of foam can usually
be found which remains identifiable for the few minutes required for the observations. The
watch is started when the object appears at the crest of the wave. As the crest passes, the object
disappears into the trough, then reappears on the next crest, and so forth. The time at which
the object appears to be at the top of each crest is noted. The observations are continued for as
long as possible; they will usually terminate when the object becomes too distant to identify, on
account of the ship’s motion. Obviously, the longest period of observation will be obtained by
choosing an object initially on the bow as far off as it can be clearly seen.

Another method is to observe two or more distinct consecutive periods from an individual group
while the watch is running continuously; with the passage of the last distinct crest of a group
or the anticipated disappearance of the object, the watch is stopped, then restarted with the
passage of the first distinct crest of a new group. The observer keeps count of the total number of
periods until it reaches at least 15 or 20.

Observations can also be made by watching the pitch and roll of the ship’s bow. The observer
picks the point which is at the highest or lowest in the cycle and starts the timer from there.


(a) (b)

Figure 4.2. The effect of the ship’s roll on the estimation of wave height

When it returns to the same point, the observer records the time. By repeating this process
several times, a reliable observation can be determined. This also works during night-time
observation for which the observer feels the rise and fall within his or her body.

With observations of a period less than 5 s and low wind velocity, the above observation may not
be easily made, but such waves are less interesting than those with longer periods.

Wave height

With some experience, fairly reliable wave height estimates can be made. For estimating the
height of waves having wave lengths much shorter than the ship, the observer should take
up a position as low down in the ship as possible, preferably amidships where the pitching is
least, and on the side of the ship from which the waves are coming. Use should be made of the
intervals which occur every now and then, when the rolling of the ship temporarily ceases.

In cases of waves longer than the ship, the preceding method fails because the ship as a whole
rises over the wave. Under these circumstances, the best results are obtained when the observer
moves up or down in the ship until, when the ship is in the wave trough and upright, the
oncoming waves appear just level with the horizon (Figure 4.2). The wave height is then equal
to the height of the observer above the level of the water beneath him or her (a). If the ship is
rolling, care should be taken to ensure that the approaching wave is in line with the horizon at
the instant when the ship is upright, otherwise the height estimate will be too large (b).

By far the most difficult case is that in which the wave length exceeds the length of the ship, but
the wave height is small. The best estimate of height can be obtained by going as near to the
water as possible, but even then the observation can be only a rough estimate. Observations from ocean station vessels and other special ships

Ocean station vessels are normally provided with suitable recording instruments. However, if
visual observations are made, the above procedure should be followed; in addition, the ship
should heave with the waves coming directly from ahead. For measuring wave period, an object
can be thrown over the side of the vessel. For measuring wave height, marks should be painted
amidships on the ship’s side (half a metre apart).

Length can best be observed by streaming a buoy for such a distance astern that the crests of
two successive waves simultaneously pass the buoy and the observer. The distance between the
two is the wave length.

The velocity can be obtained by noting the time of the passage of a wave from the stern to the
buoy, with allowance being made for the ship’s speed.
CHAPTER 4. MARINE OBSERVATIONS 615 Waves in coastal waters

The following are additional definitions applying to sea surface in coastal waters:

Breaker: The collapse of a whole wave resulting from its running into very shallow water, of a
depth of the order of twice the wave height.

Surf: The broken water between the shoreline and the outermost line of the breakers.

Breaking sea: The partial collapse of the crest of a wave caused by the action of the wind;
steepening of waves due to their encountering a contrary current or tidal stream; or steepening
of waves due to their running into shoal water not shallow enough to cause a breaker.

Wave observations made from a coastal station cannot be expected to be representative of

conditions in the open sea. This is because the waves are affected by the depth of the water, by
tidal influence and by reflection from objects such as steep rocks and jetties. In addition, the
location may be sheltered by headlands or, less obviously, by shoals, both of which may affect
the height and direction of travel. An extensive account of these phenomena is given in WMO

When observations are to be made despite these difficulties, the waves should be chosen in the
same way as at sea. If they are required for wave research, the exact mean depth of water at the
time of observation and the time itself should both be stated. Terminology for sea and swell waves

The following terminology is recommended for uses other than the inclusion in coded messages,
such as supplying weather information and forecasts for shipping, publications, pilots, and so on:

For the length of swell waves:

Short 0–100 m
Average 100–200 m
Long over 200 m
For the height of swell waves:
Low 0–2 m
Moderate 2–4 m
Heavy over 4 m
For the height of sea waves:
Calm (glassy) 0m
Calm (rippled) 0–0.1 m
Smooth (wavelets) 0.1–0.5 m
Slight 0.5–1.25 m
Moderate 1.25–2.5 m
Rough 2.5–4 m
Very rough 4–6 m
High 6–9 m
Very high 9–14 m
Phenomenal over 14 m

In all cases, the exact bounding length or height is included in the lower category, namely, a sea
of 4 m is described as rough. When the state of the sea surface is so confused that none of the
above descriptive terms can be considered appropriate, the term “confused” should be used. Ice

Several forms of floating ice may be encountered at sea. The most common is that which results
from the freezing of the sea surface, namely sea ice. The reporting of sea ice is discussed in WMO

The other forms are river ice and ice of land origin. River ice is encountered in harbours and
estuaries where it is kept in motion by tidal streams and normally presents only a temporary
hindrance to shipping. Ice of land origin in the form of icebergs is discussed separately below.

Both icebergs and sea ice can be dangerous to shipping and always have an effect on navigation.
Sea ice also affects the normal processes of energy exchange between the sea and the air above
it. The extent of sea-ice cover can vary significantly from year to year and has a great effect
both on adjacent ocean areas and on the weather over large areas of the world. Its distribution
is therefore of considerable interest to meteorologists and oceanographers. Broad-scale
observations of the extent of sea-ice cover have been revolutionized by satellite photography,
but observations from shore stations, ships and aircraft are still of great importance for detailed
observations and for establishing the ground truth of satellite observations.

At present, observations of floating ice depend almost entirely on visual estimation. The
only instrumental observations of floating ice are carried out by conventional radar and new
techniques, such as passive microwave sensors or sideways-looking airborne radar. However,
icebergs are poor reflectors of radar energy and cannot always be detected by this means. Observations of ice accretion

Ice accretion can be extremely hazardous because of its effects on small ships, particularly on
vessels of less than about 1 000 gross tonnage. Even on larger ships, it can cause radio and radar
failures due to the icing of aerials. Visibility from the bridge may also be affected. Problems have
occurred due to icing on the deck cargoes of large container ships. Apart from its possible effect
on stability, it may cause difficulty in unloading cargo at the port of destination when containers
and their lashings are frozen solidly to the deck. Fishing vessels are particularly vulnerable to ice
accretion. Further information is given in WMO (1991b), while a detailed consideration of the
meteorological aspects appears in WMO (1974).

There are two main types of icing at sea: icing from seawater and icing from freshwater. Icing
from seawater may be due either to spray and seawater thrown up by the interaction between
the ship or installation and the waves, or to spray blown from the crests of the waves, or both.
Icing from freshwater may be due to freezing rain and/or drizzle, or occasionally when the
occurrence of wet snow is followed by a drop in temperature, or it may be due to freezing fog.
Both types may occur simultaneously.

The most important meteorological elements governing ice accretion at sea are wind speed
and air temperature. The higher the wind speed relative to the ship and the lower the air
temperature, the greater the rate of ice accretion. There appears to be no limiting air temperature
below which the icing risk decreases.

Provision is made in the WMO code form for ships (WMO, 2011b, 2011c), used for radio weather
reports from ships at sea, for the inclusion of reports of ice accretion. This may be done either
in code or in plain language. The coded form, in a single five-figure group, provides for reports
of the cause of icing, the ice thickness and the rate of accretion. Plain-language reports must be
preceded by the word ICING and are particularly encouraged for indicating features of the icing
which are dangerous to vessels. Formation and development of sea ice

Ice less than 30 cm thick

The first indication of ice formation is the appearance of small ice spicules or plates in the top
few centimetres of the water. These spicules, known as frazil ice, form in large quantities and
give the sea an oily appearance. As cooling continues the frazil ice coalesces to form grease ice,
which has a matt appearance. Under near-freezing, but as yet ice-free, conditions, snow falling
on the surface may result in the sea surface becoming covered by a layer of slush. These forms
may be regrouped by the action of wind and waves to form shuga and all are classified as new

ice. With further cooling, sheets of ice rind or nilas are formed, depending on the rate of cooling
and on the salinity of the water. Ice rind is formed when water of low salinity freezes into a
thin layer of brittle ice which is almost free of salt, whereas when water of high salinity freezes,
especially if the process is rapid and the wind is very light, the ice has an elastic property which is
characteristic of nilas. The latter form of ice is subdivided, according to its thickness, into dark and
light nilas; the second, more advanced form reaches a maximum thickness of 10 cm.

The action of wind and waves may break up ice rind or nilas into pancake ice, which can later
freeze and thicken into grey ice and grey-white ice, the latter attaining a thickness of up to 30 cm.
These forms of ice are referred to collectively as young ice. In rough conditions this ice may be
broken up into ice cakes or floes of various sizes.

Ice 30 cm to 2 m thick

The next stage of development is known as first-year ice and is subdivided into thin, medium
and thick categories. Thin first-year ice has a thickness of 30 to 70 cm. Medium first-year ice has a
range of thickness from 70 to 120 cm. In polar areas, thick first-year ice may attain a thickness of
approximately 2 m at the end of the winter.

Old ice

Thick first-year ice may survive the summer melt season and is then classified as old ice. This
category is subdivided into second-year ice or multi-year ice, depending on whether the floes
have survived one or more summers. The thickness of old ice is normally in the range of 1.2 to
3 m or more before the onset of the melt season. Towards the end of the summer melt season,
old ice may be considerably reduced in thickness. Old ice may often be recognized by a bluish
surface, in contrast to the greenish tint of first-year ice.

Snow cover

During winter, ice is usually covered with snow which insulates it from the air above and tends
to slow down its rate of growth. The thickness of the snow cover varies considerably from region
to region as a result of differing climatic conditions. Its depth may also vary considerably within
very short distances in response to variable winds and to ice topography.

Decay of sea ice

While the snow cover persists, almost 90% of the incoming radiation is reflected back into
space. Eventually, however, the snow begins to melt as air temperatures rise above 0 °C in early
summer, and the resulting freshwater forms puddles on the surface. These puddles absorb
about 90% of the incoming radiation and rapidly enlarge as they melt the surrounding snow
or ice. Eventually, the puddles penetrate to the bottom surface of the floes and are known as
thaw holes. This slow decay process is characteristic of ice in the Arctic Ocean and seas where
movement is restricted by the coastline or islands. Where ice is free to drift into warmer waters
(for example, the Antarctic, East Greenland and the Labrador Sea), decay is accelerated in
response to wave erosion as well as warmer air and sea temperatures.

Movement of sea ice

Sea ice is divided into two main types according to its mobility. One type is drift ice, which is
continually in motion under the action of the wind and current; the other is fast ice, attached to
the coast or islands, which does not move. When ice concentration is high, namely seven tenths
or more, drift ice may be replaced by the term pack ice.

Wind stress in the drift ice causes the floes to move in an approximately downwind direction.
The deflecting force due to the Earth’s rotation (Coriolis force) causes the floes to deviate about
30° to the right of the surface wind direction in the northern hemisphere. Since the surface
wind is itself deviated by a similar amount but in the opposite sense from the geostrophic wind
(measured directly from isobars), the direction of movement of the ice floes, due to the wind drift
alone, can be considered to be parallel to the isobars.

The rate of movement due to wind drift varies not only with the wind speed, but also with the
concentration of the drift ice and the extent of deformation (see subsection below). In very open
ice (1/10–3/10) there is much more freedom to respond to the wind than in close ice (7/10–8/10),
where free space is limited. Two per cent of the wind speed is a reasonable average for the rate of
ice drift caused by the wind in close ice, but much higher rates of ice drift may be encountered in
open ice. Since it is afloat, a force is exerted on drift ice by currents that are present in the upper
layers of the water, whether these are tidal in nature or have a more consistent direction due to
other forces. It is usually very difficult to differentiate between wind- and current-induced ice
drift, but in any case, where both are present, the resultant motion is always the vector sum of
the two. Wind stress normally predominates, particularly in offshore areas.

Deformation of sea ice

Where the ice is subject to pressure, its surface becomes deformed. On new and young ice,
this may result in rafting as one ice floe overrides its neighbour; in thicker ice, it leads to the
formation of ridges and hummocks according to the pattern of the convergent forces causing the
pressure. During the process of ridging and hummocking, when pieces of ice are piled up above
the general ice level, large quantities of ice are also forced downward to support the weight of
the ice in the ridge or hummock. The draught of a ridge can be three to five times as great as its
height, and these deformations are major impediments to navigation. Freshly formed ridges are
normally less difficult to navigate than older weathered and consolidated ridges. Icebergs

Icebergs are large masses of floating ice derived from glaciers, including ice shelves. The depth of
a berg under water, compared with its height above, varies widely with different shapes of bergs.
The underwater mass of an Antarctic iceberg derived from a floating ice shelf is usually less than
the underwater mass of icebergs derived from Greenland glaciers. A typical Antarctic tabular
berg, of which the uppermost 10 to 20 m is composed of old snow, will show one part of its mass
above the water to five parts below. However, the ratio for an Arctic berg, composed almost
wholly of ice with much less snow, is typically 1:8.

Icebergs diminish in size in three different ways: by calving, melting and wave erosion. A berg is
said to calve when a piece breaks off; this disturbs its equilibrium and as a result it may drift at a
different angle or capsize. Large underwater projections, which may be difficult to observe, are
a usual feature of icebergs. In cold water, melting takes place mainly on the water-line, while, in
warm water, a berg melts mainly from below and calves frequently. It is particularly dangerous
to approach a berg melting in warm water for it is unstable and may fragment or overturn at any
time. There are likely to be many growlers and bergy bits around rapidly disintegrating icebergs,
thus forming a particular hazard to navigation.

Bergs are poor reflectors of radar energy and cannot always be detected by this means. Their
breakdown fragments (bergy bits and growlers) are even more difficult to detect with a ship’s
radar since they are often obscured by the background clutter from waves and swell. These
smaller fragments are especially dangerous to shipping. Despite their low profile, they contain
sufficient mass to damage a vessel which comes into contact with them at normal cruising speed.
Some growlers consisting of pure ice hardly break the sea surface and are extremely difficult to
detect. Observations of sea ice and icebergs

The key to good ice observing lies in familiarity with the nomenclature and experience. WMO
(1970), with its illustrations, is the best guide to the mariner for ice identification.

The four important features of sea ice which affect navigation are as follows:

(a) Thickness: the stage of development (i.e. new ice, young ice, first-year ice or old ice and
their subdivisions);

(b) Amount: concentration (estimated according to the tenths of the sea surface covered by

(c) The form of the ice, whether it is fast or drift ice and the size of the constituent floes;

(d) Movement: particularly with regard to its effect on deformation.

Since icebergs represent such a hazard to navigation, particularly at night or in poor visibility, it is
also important to report the number in sight at the time of the observation, especially in waters
where they are less frequently observed.

Sea ice can be reported in plain language or by the use of codes. WMO has adopted two sea-ice
codes for international use. The simplest is the ICE group appended to the SHIP code format.
The ICEAN code has been developed for specialist use for the transmission of sea-ice analysis and

There are two basic rules for observation from ships and shore stations:

(a) Obtain a large field of view by making the observation from the highest convenient point
above the sea surface (for example, the top of a lighthouse, the bridge or crow’s nest of a

(b) Do not attempt to report sea-ice conditions beyond a radius of more than half the distance
between the point of observation and the horizon.

WMO has developed a set of symbols for use on maps depicting actual or forecast sea-ice
conditions. These symbols are intended for the international exchange of sea-ice information and
for radio-facsimile transmission of ice data. Observations of special phenomena

Marine observers can make reports of natural phenomena using either traditional or some
electronic logbooks. However, such special observations cannot normally be circulated over the
GTS owing to international format limitations. The observations can take the form of written
descriptions, sketches or photographs, or a combination. A wide range of phenomena can be
reported, including:

(a) Astronomical phenomena (e.g. eclipses, comets, zodiacal light, sunspots and novae);

(b) Phenomena of the high atmosphere (e.g. high-frequency radio fadeouts or blackouts,
magnetic disturbances and storms, airglow, aurorae, meteors and fireballs, and noctilucent

(c) Phenomena of the lower atmosphere (e.g. abnormal refraction and mirages, glory or
brocken spectres, coloured suns and moons, coronae, St Elmo's Fire, crepuscular rays, dust
fall, the green flash, halo phenomena, iridescent cloud, lightning, rainbows, scintillation,
unusual sky colouration and waterspouts). Note that when describing waterspouts, the
direction of rotation should always be given as if seen from above;

(d) Sightings of marine mammals, birds, fish, invertebrates and mass plankton effects such as
bioluminescence, red tides and discoloured water;

(e) Other marine phenomena (e.g. abnormal occurrences of compass deviations, changes in
sea level or waves).

National publications, or information provided with electronic logbooks, provide information

about the kinds of phenomena that are of interest and the information that is required for
reporting particular types of phenomena.


Moored buoys come in a wide variety of configurations (e.g. in terms of mooring design,
sensor types, sampling schemes, mounting techniques and telemetry) serving a wide variety of
operational and research applications and disciplines. This section, which does not reflect the
wide variety of possibilities used in currently functioning systems, is focusing on requirements
for marine meteorological measurements from operational meteorological moored buoys.
Information regarding other systems addressing the requirements for research applications can
be found in other publications and websites, for example:

• ATLAS tropical moored buoys: http://​www.​pmel.​noaa.​gov/​tao/​proj_​over/​mooring.​shtml

• Ocean Climate Stations: http://​www.​pmel.​noaa.​gov/​OCS/​

• TRITON tropical western Pacific moored buoys: http://​www.​jamstec.​go.​jp/​jamstec/​


• More recent Indian Ocean m-TRITON moored buoys: http://​www.​jamstec.​go.​jp/​iorgc/​


• NOAA guide to making climate quality meteorological and flux measurements at sea
(Bradley and Fairall, 2006)

A typical moored buoy designed for deep ocean operation is equipped with sensors to measure
the following variables:

(a) Wind speed;

(b) Wind direction;

(c) Atmospheric pressure;

(d) Sea-surface temperature;

(e) Wave height and period;

(f) Air temperature;

(g) Dewpoint temperature or relative humidity.

Additional elements measured by some moored buoys are as follows:

(a) Maximum wind gust;

(b) Wave spectra (directional or non-directional);

(c) Solar radiation (downward short-wave radiation);

(d) Surface current or current profiles;

(e) Surface salinity;

(f) Subsurface temperature and salinity down to 500 m or 750 m;

(g) Atmospheric visibility;

(h) Precipitation;

(i) Surface CO2 concentration.


For waves, the following variables are generally measured or estimated using the following
definitions (see also section to complement these definitions):

Significant wave height: Estimate of the average height of the one-third highest waves;

Maximum wave height: The maximum single wave height which is observed in a certain time

Mean zero crossing wave period: The wave period corresponding to the number downward zero-
crossing of the surface elevation. It can also be estimated from the second frequency moment of
the wave energy spectrum;

Peak height: The wave height corresponding to the peak of the wave energy spectrum (the part of
the spectrum with the highest wave energy);

Peak period: The wave period corresponding to the peak height of the wave energy spectrum;

Spectral wave period: The wave period corresponding to the mean frequency of the spectrum.

In addition to the meteorological and oceanographic measurements, it is necessary to

monitor buoy location and various housekeeping parameters to aid data quality control and
maintenance. Moored-buoy technology has matured to the extent that it is expected to obtain
six months to as long as two years of unattended operation even in the most severe conditions.
Operational life is largely determined by the life of the sensors, with sensor exchanges often
carried out at 12 to 18 month intervals.

The observations from moored buoys are now considered to be better quality than ship
observations with regard to the accuracy and reliability of measurements (Wilkerson and Earle,
1990; Ingleby, 2010). Indeed, moored buoys are generally regarded as providing the highest
quality observations of a wide range of marine meteorological variables and, in addition to their
use by forecasters and assimilation into numerical weather prediction models, the data are also
used to provide information on the climatology of oceanic areas, “ground truth” reference data
for satellite calibration/validation and estimates of surface fluxes (e.g. Bourras, 2006).

Typical measurement uncertainties obtained from operational buoys are as follows:

Wind speed 1 m s–1 or 5% above 20 m s–1

Wind direction 10°
Air temperature 0.2 °C
Sea-level pressure 0.2 hPa
Sea-surface temperature 0.2 °C
Dewpoint temperature 0.5°
Significant wave height 10% or 0.2 m
Wave direction 10°
Wave period 1s

The standard suite of sensors on moored buoys samples wind speed, peak gust (e.g. 3 to
5 second gust depending on national requirements); wind direction; barometric pressure; air
temperature; water temperature; and non-directional ocean wave energy spectra, from which
significant wave height and peak (or average) wave period are determined. For tsunameters,
water-column height is the standard measurement.

4.3.1 Atmospheric pressure

Atmospheric pressure and its variability in both time and space are crucially important for
numerical weather prediction and for analysis and forecasting. Most buoys measure atmospheric
pressure by means of digital aneroid barometers. Pressure is found from the electrical
capacitance across parallel pressure-sensitive plates. The capacitance between the plates
increases as pressure increases. The following pressure measurements are made:

(a) Station pressure is the actual measurement made by the barometer at the station elevation
in hPa. In some cases two barometers may be used and their values averaged.

(b) Sea-level pressure is the pressure reduced to sea level from the station pressure in units of
hPa. For buoys deployed at sea this is very close to the station pressure. A large difference
is observed between sea-level pressure and station pressure from buoys deployed in lakes
at high elevations. The conversion to sea-level pressure is made using the procedures
described in WBAN (United States Weather Bureau, 1963).

Many buoys that are deployed in regions subject to hurricanes or intense low-pressure systems
have the capability of measuring supplemental 1 min average pressure data. These data are
recorded after the hourly pressure data fall below a predetermined threshold (e.g. 1 008 hPa in
the tropics). Supplemental pressure data are identified as follows:

(a) The minimum 1 min barometric pressure in hPa from the primary (and secondary if one is
installed) barometer is the minimum 1 min mean barometric pressure for the entire hour;

(b) The time is the minute within the hour that the minimum pressure occurred.

4.3.2 Wind measurements

Wind measurements are one of the most important measurements made from moored buoys.
They are essential for the marine weather forecaster.


Wind direction is the direction from which the wind is blowing in degrees clockwise from true
north. It is a unit vector average of the record of wind direction;

Wind speed is the scalar average of the wind speed over the sampling interval (usually 10 min);

Wind speed maximum is the highest wind speed in the wind record. Gusts are determined from
the highest running mean of the record over a short time interval (for example, 5 s).

The wind measurements are generally made by a propeller-vane or a cup anemometer and a
wind wane. To avoid mechanical wear, ultrasonic wind speed and direction sensors with no
moving parts are starting to be used on moored buoys. Wind direction measurement is normally
associated with a compass so the buoy relative wind direction can be corrected to True.

Some Members typically use four-blade, impeller-driven, wind-vane sensor on their

meteorological moorings. The final measurements are statistical estimates of the wind from time
series of instantaneous wind samples taken at a minimum rate of 1 Hertz (Hz) over a particular
length of time. The sampling rate is a function of the payload. Most moored buoys use an 8 min
acquisition period. The following standard wind measurements are produced each hour.

Some Members have their meteorological moored buoys perform statistical processing at the
end of an acquisition period, and the output message is updated with the new statistics and six
10 min segments. Statistical processing includes the calculation of the mean for both direction
and speed and the standard deviation of the speed. The hour’s data do not represent data from
minute 0 to min 59. Rather, these represent the latest, complete six 10 min segments before the
end of the last acquisition. The 10 min segments are, however, bounded by minutes 0, 10, 20, etc.

For the moored buoys of some Members, wind speeds at 10 m above site elevation and 20 m
above site elevation are derived from an algorithm (Liu et al., 1979) that uses the height of the
anemometer, the wind speed, a constant relative humidity of 85%, a constant sea-level pressure
of 1 013.25 hPa, and the air and water temperature. If either the air or water temperature is
unavailable, then the neutral stability is assumed, taking into account that neutral stability can
introduce an error of up to 5%. If both are missing then neither 10 nor 20 m wind speeds are

The United Kingdom, French and Irish K-series moored buoys have traditionally used a cup
anemometer and a self-referencing wind vane to measure the speed and direction over a 10 min
acquisition period each hour. However, during operation, salt water permeates the seals and
eventually failure of the instruments occurs when salt crystals form in the lubricant leading
to mechanical failure of the moving parts. These moored buoys have dual wind systems to
provide increased resilience in the event of anemometer failure. To further improve reliability,
some Members are replacing these with a new wind system utilizing a sonic anemometer and
electronic compass.

4.3.3 Temperature

Temperature is one of the basic meteorological measurements. Electronic thermistors are

generally used to make all temperature measurements which are provided in degrees
Celsius (°C). Temperature measurements can also be used for deriving sea-level pressure
and standard-height wind speed from non-standard height atmospheric pressure and wind
measurements, respectively. Air temperature

Air temperature measurements are generally very reliable; however, it is important to note that
the physical position of temperature sensors can adversely affect measurements. Air temperature
housings can lead to non-representative readings in low wind conditions. Air temperature is
sampled at some rate during the sampling period (typically 1 Hz or 0.1 Hz). Water temperature

While there are generally few problems with water temperature measurements, it should
be noted that the depth of water temperature sensors varies with buoy hull, and that the
temperature probes on buoys are attached to the inside of the hull. Since buoy hulls are highly
thermally conducting, the temperatures measured may reflect the average temperature of the
water around the submerged hull rather than the temperature of the water nearest the probe.
In highly stratified water, especially during afternoon hours in calm wind conditions, the water
temperature reported from a buoy may be 2 °C to 3 °C below the skin temperature of the water.

4.3.4 Ocean wave estimates

Sea-state estimates are probably the most complex measurements made from moored buoys
and are extremely important to marine forecasters, mariners, ocean engineers and scientists. On
a buoy, all of the basic wave measurements are derived in some way from the time series of the
buoy’s motion. NDBC (2003, 2009) provide for complete details on wave measurements made
by the United States National Data Buoy Center (NDBC).

Sea state is a description of the properties of sea-surface waves at a given time and place. This
might be given in terms of the wave spectrum, or more simply in terms of the significant wave
height and some measure of the wave period (AMS, 2000). Many moored buoys provide a
measurement of the spectral variance density (Frigaard et al., 1997), which will be referred to
as spectral wave density. Most buoys derive all non-directional wave parameters, heights and
periods, steepness, and so on, from spectral wave densities. Furthermore, many buoys measure
the directional wave spectrum and from that derive mean and principal wave directions, and first
and second normalized polar coordinates from the Fourier coefficients that centres disseminate
through the WMO FM-65 WAVEOB alphanumeric codes (WMO, 2011b, 2011c).

4.3.5 Non-directional ocean wave estimates

Most buoys use accelerometers to measure buoy heave motion. Accelerometers, fixed to remain
vertical relative to the hull or stabilized parallel to the earth vertical, are used in buoys and make
the vast majority of ocean wave measurements. Vertical stabilization, when used, is achieved
through use of heave, pitch and roll sensor which reference plane is mounted on a gravity-
stabilized platform and provides for a natural period in the order of 40 s. This type of equipment
is expensive, and has a built-in mechanical system for keeping the accelerometer vertical as the
buoy and sensor tilt.

Operational non-directional wave measurement systems report estimates of acceleration

or displacement spectra. If not directly reported, displacement spectra are derived from
acceleration spectra as part of the calculations involved in the shore-side processing of the wave
data. From these spectra, average wave period, dominant wave period, significant wave height,
and steepness are calculated. These non-directional wave parameters are defined as follows.

Average wave period, in seconds, can be computed in different ways. It can be such that it
corresponds to the wave frequency that divides the wave spectrum into equal areas or it can be
based on the second frequency moment of the non-directional spectral density. It can also be
estimated using a zero crossing method.

Dominant wave period or peak wave period, in seconds, is the wave period corresponding to the
centre frequency of the frequency band with the maximum non-directional spectral density.

Significant wave height, Hm0, is estimated from the variance of the wave displacement record
obtained from the displacement spectrum according to following equation:
 fu 2
H m0 = 4  S ( f ) df 

 
 f1 
where S(f ) is the spectral density of displacement; df is the width of the frequency band; f u is the
upper frequency limit; and f1 is the lower frequency limit.

4.3.6 Directional ocean wave estimates

Directional wave measurement systems require, in addition to the measurement of vertical

acceleration or heave (displacement), buoy azimuth, pitch and roll. These allow east-west slope
and north-south slope to be computed. Most buoys use several different methods and sensor
suites for the measurement of these angles.

It is recommended (Swail et al., 2010a; Swail et al., 2010b) that in order to serve the full range of
users, directional spectral wave measuring systems should reliably estimate the so-called “First 5”
standard. Technically, this refers to five defining variables at a particular wave frequency (or wave
period). The first variable is the wave energy, which is related to the wave height, and the other
four are the first four coefficients of the Fourier series that defines the directional distribution of
that energy. At each frequency band, not only is the wave direction defined but also the spread
(second moment), skewness (third moment) and kurtosis (the fourth moment). The skewness
resolves how the directional distribution is concentrated (to the left or right of the mean) and the
kurtosis defines the peakedness of the distribution. Obtaining these three additional parameters
(spread, skewness and kurtosis) for each frequency band yields an improved representation of
the wave field.

Wave measurements from moored buoys are also used to validate wave measurements derived
from high-frequency radar instruments.

4.3.7 Water-column height for tsunami detection

Most buoy tsunameters report water level (actually water-column height) based on pressure and
temperature measurements made at the sea floor and converted to a water-column height by
multiplying the pressure by a constant 670 mm per pound per square inch absolute.

4.3.8 Relative humidity

Humidity sensors used by buoys employ a circuit that measures humidity through the change
in capacitance of a thin polymer as it is exposed to variations in water vapour. A gas-permeable
membrane protects the electronic parts from spray and particulate matter but allows air to enter
the instrument housing. The sensor is temperature-sensitive and incorporates a temperature
probe to provide a temperature correction in the calculation of relative humidity. The sensor is
sampled at some rate during the sampling period (e.g. 1 Hz for the United States and Canadian
meteorological moored buoys). For the United Kingdom, French and Irish K-series buoys, an
instantaneous value is taken from the electric hygrometric circuit element at the observing time.

4.3.9 Ocean sensors

In order to understand and predict the ocean, its properties must be monitored. Many buoys
help to monitor the ocean by also measuring surface currents, ocean current profiles,
near-surface temperature and water quality parameters. Included in the water quality
parameters can be turbidity, redox potential (Eh), pH, chlorophyll-a, and dissolved oxygen. Buoy
data are quality controlled in real time and where possible these data are distributed over the
Global Telecommunication System.

4.3.10 Surface ocean currents

Surface currents are collected to support commerce, safety of operation, search and rescue, oil
spill response, and currents near harbour entrances that have an impact on ocean transportation.
Surface currents measured from buoys are also used to validate surface currents derived from
high-frequency radar instruments. Most buoys acquire these measurements using buoy-
mounted acoustic Doppler samplers.

4.3.11 Ocean current profiles

Ocean current profiles provide the motion of the ocean at different levels in the water column.
This information is essential for assessing oil spill dispersal, search and rescue, stresses on offshore
platforms, and validation for ocean models. These data are currently acquired from downward-
looking, buoy- or cage-mounted systems. On offshore oil platforms, the current profiles may
be downward looking from a number of levels in the water column, or upward-looking from a
bottom-mounted system.

Most buoys use Doppler profiler technology as the primary sensor for collection of ocean current
profile data. They emit short-duration, high-frequency pulses of acoustic energy along narrow
beams. Scatterers (assumed to be passive nekton and plankton) within the water column return
the backscattered energy and the instruments resolve the along-beam Doppler frequency shifts
into orthogonal earth coordinates to obtain ocean currents at various levels in the water column.

4.3.12 Salinity

Salinity is required to initialize ocean models that provide ocean forecasts and predict ocean
circulations (which are largely density driven). Salinity is usually derived from measurements
of the conductivity of seawater. Some instruments provide the salinity directly (through
internal calculations) and others provide the conductivity, temperature and depth required

to calculate the salinity. Salinity measurements are based on the practical salinity scale using
the empirical relationship between the salinity and conductivity of seawater (although a new
international thermodynamic equation of seawater-2010 (TEOS-10) was recently endorsed
by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO through its Assembly
Resolution XXV-7). The salinity units are reported in practical salinity units.

4.3.13 Precipitation

Siphon raingauges have been installed on some moored buoys.

4.3.14 Solar radiation measurements

Solar radiation is an important influence on physical, biological and chemical processes near
the air–sea interface, and is therefore of interest to scientists and engineers. Solar radiation
measurements taken at the surface have been used to calibrate visible range radiometers aboard
satellites. The sensor is placed as high as possible on the platform to avoid shadows. Solar
radiative flux is measured in watts per square metre and photosynthetically active radiation is
measured in micromols per square metre per second.

4.3.15 Visibility

Visibility sensors have been placed on some stations where visibility is a critical concern for safe
navigation. The sensor measures the extinction of light across a small volume of air between an
emitter and a collector. It is important to note that these are measurements at a single point, and
that there are several similar but different definitions.


In most respects, these platforms are similar to moored buoys. However, because of their larger
dimensions and the feasibility of carrying a large instrument payload, it is more straightforward
to deploy additional sensors, such as visibility sensors. In severe weather, such sensors can be
affected by sea spray generated by the vessel itself. However, in most conditions, performance is
equal to that of instruments deployed on land-based automatic weather stations.


On towers (usually in relatively shallow waters close to shore), and on platforms in more remote
areas, it is possible to operate standard automatic weather stations, similar in design to land
automatic weather stations (see Part II, Chapter 1). Additional sensors are often deployed, for
example, wave sensors and sensors for measuring mean water level above a reference point,
ceilometers and visiometers. Fixed platforms can include large gravity based structures, and
mobile jack-up rigs and semi-submersible rigs. Jack-up and semi-submersibles rigs, and drill
ships, could be considered stationary platforms as they are moored or dynamically positioned
to remain in one place while in operation. On manned platforms and rigs, measured data can
be supplemented by visual observations of cloud, visibility and weather, thus allowing full
synoptic reporting. Visual observations from oil/gas platforms should be made according to
the procedures recommended under section 4.2. However, there are cases where different
procedures apply. For example, a platform may include wave data from a nearby moored wave
buoy, and sea-surface temperature from a nearby supply vessel.

Some manned fixed or stationary (offshore oil and gas) platforms may include significant wave
height and some measure of wave period in their weather report (using the same parts of the
FM 13 SHIP code as the moored buoys), using output from a nearby wave buoy or from an on-
board wave radar.

Platforms and towers make convenient structures for mounting meteorological sensors.
Installation and maintenance can be less complicated and more economical than for a moored
buoy making data frequency and reliability better. Data quality is unaffected by ship or buoy
motion and is less susceptible to errors from sensors damaged by wave action.

However, temperature and humidity sensors need very careful positioning as often there are
heat and exhaust sources that will modify the local environment making values unrepresentative
of environmental conditions. Wind measurements might be taken at heights in excess of 100 m
above mean sea level and require correction to the equivalent 10 m surface wind (note that
ideally it would be best to also have the actual observation and its height). In the case of towers
close inshore, tide height can significantly alter the effective height of the wind sensor.

In conclusion, therefore, fixed towers and offshore platforms can provide a cost-effective source
of data-releasing moored buoys to be used in more remote areas where there are no alternatives.


Drifting buoys have been used for many years in oceanography, principally for the measurement
of sea-surface currents. However, the development of reliable satellite tracking and data relay
systems (WMO/IOC, 1995) has led to a dramatic increase in the numbers of ocean drifting buoys
deployed, and significant development has taken place in the sensor capabilities of drifters for
meteorological and oceanographic purposes.

A description of drifting buoy systems and operations is given in UNESCO (1988). More recently,
the WMO/IOC Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) published the Global Drifter Programme
Barometer Drifter Design Reference (WMO/IOC, 2009a). See also the annual reports and workshop
proceedings of the DBCP, such as WMO/IOC (2004a, 2004b).

The evolution of drifting buoy technology has been driven by the needs of oceanographic
research, on the one hand, and operational meteorology, on the other. Thus, three main distinct
types of buoys can be characterized as follows:

(a) For oceanographic research, and especially for the World Ocean Circulation Experiment
(Surface Velocity Programme, SVP, 1988–1993), a surface-current-following drifter
equipped also to measure sea-surface temperature has been developed and deployed in
large numbers over the world’s oceans;

(b) For operational meteorology, a drifting buoy design has evolved based on those developed
for the First Global Atmospheric Research Programme Global Experiment. These buoys
primarily measure air pressure, sea-surface temperature and air temperature;

(c) For polar applications, different ice floats have been designed to measure traditional
atmospheric variables as well as ice and snow conditions (ice/snow temperature and
temperature profiles in the ice, ice thickness, ice stress, water conditions below ice). By
tracking the buoy position on the ice it is possible to estimate ice motion. Efforts have been
made to develop buoys that meet the combined requirements of oceanographic research
and operational meteorology, which has resulted in the development of:

(i) The SVP-B drifter, which is essentially a surface-current-following drifter with an air
pressure sensor added;

(ii) The SVP-BW drifter (or Minimet), which is essentially an SVP-B drifter with wind-
measuring capability using Wind Observation Through Ambient Noise (WOTAN)

(iii) The wind and temperature profile buoy, which is basically a meteorological drifter
with added wind speed sensor and subsurface thermistor chain for the measurement
of temperature profile to depths of 100 m or so. Wind direction is measured on these
buoys by orienting the whole buoy into the wind using a profiled mast or fixed wind

(iv) The addition of salinity sensors to SVP drifters.

Drifting buoys are expendable devices, thus performance is a compromise between the
requirements and the cost of ownership. As well as hardware costs, it should be noted
that the cost of data processing and dissemination throughout the Argos satellite system is
significant and can be a limiting factor, although the more recent use of an Iridium satellite data
telecommunication system is helping to resolve this problem. However, the performance of
drifting buoy sensors is adequate for the purposes of synoptic meteorology and oceanography,
as appropriate. Note that the quality of wind speed observations is questionable, resulting in
their non-use by operational centres (Ingleby, 2010).

The typical measurement uncertainties of operational systems are as follows:

Sea-surface temperature 0.21 °Ca

Air pressure 0.84 hPab
Wind speed 3.5 m s–1 or 10%abc
Wind direction 18.5°b
Subsurface temperature 0.1 °C
a Source: O’Carroll et al. (2008).
b Source: buoy monitoring statistics, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts,
January 2012.
c Because of the low sensor height (approximately 1 m above sea level) these uncertainties
apply to low wind speed and low sea states only.

1. Considering the need for high-quality marine meteorology and oceanographic

measurements from the world oceans to address the requirements of WMO and UNESCO/IOC
programmes and co-sponsored programmes, the need for facilities for the regular calibration
and maintenance of marine instruments and the monitoring of instrument performance,
on a regional basis in order to address adherence of ocean observations and associated
metadata to high level standards for instruments and methods of observation, the need for
documenting methods of measurements, for understanding biases introduced by each type of
instrumentation, and for developing methods to correct such biases, in order to achieve delivery
and use of coherent datasets, it has been recommended that:1

Regional Marine Instrument Centres (RMICs) should have the following capabilities to carry out
their corresponding functions:


(a) An RMIC must have, or have access to, the necessary facilities and laboratory equipment
to perform the functions necessary for the calibration of meteorological and related
oceanographic instruments deployed to address the common requirements of WMO and
UNESCO/IOC marine-related programmes and co-sponsored programmes;2

(b) An RMIC must maintain a set of meteorological and oceanographic standard instruments or
references and establish the traceability of its own measurement standards and measuring
instruments to the International System of Units (SI);

(c) An RMIC must have qualified managerial and technical staff with the necessary experience
to fulfil its functions;

(d) An RMIC must develop its individual technical procedures for the calibration of
meteorological and related oceanographic instruments using its own calibration

(e) An RMIC must develop its individual quality assurance procedures;

(f) An RMIC must participate in, or organize, inter-laboratory comparisons of standard

calibration instruments and methods;

(g) An RMIC must utilize the resources and capabilities of its region of interest according to the
region’s best interests, when appropriate;

(h) An RMIC must apply international standards applicable for calibration laboratories, such as
ISO/IEC 17025, to the extent possible;

(i) A recognized authority3 must assess an RMIC, at least every five years, to verify its
capabilities and performance.

Corresponding functions:

(a) An RMIC must assist Members/Member States of its region in calibrating their national
meteorological standards and related oceanographic monitoring instruments according to
the RMIC capabilities;

Recommended by the Joint WMO/IOC Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology at its
third session, held in 2009.
Basically in situ geophysical instruments deployed in the surface marine environment or subsurface.
JCOMM is the body that formally proposes new RMICs and proposes any authority to do evaluations.

(b) An RMIC must participate in, or organize, JCOMM and/or regional instrument
intercomparisons, following relevant JCOMM recommendations;

(c) An RMIC must make a positive contribution to Members/Member States regarding the
quality of measurements;

(d) An RMIC must advise Members/Member States on enquiries regarding instrument

performance, maintenance and the availability of relevant guidance materials;

(e) An RMIC must actively participate, or assist, in the organization of regional workshops on
meteorological and related oceanographic instruments and measurements;

(f) The RMIC must cooperate with other RMICs in the standardization of meteorological and
related oceanographic measurements and sensors;

(g) An RMIC must regularly inform Members/Member States and report, on an annual basis, to
the JCOMM Management Committee on the services offered to Members/Member States
and the activities carried out. JCOMM in turn should keep the Executive Councils of WMO
and UNESCO/IOC informed on the status and activities of the RMICs, and propose changes,
as required.

2. The mechanism for formal WMO and UNESCO/IOC designation of RMICs implies
the following:

(a) Governance for defining the functions and adoption of an RMIC is proposed by JCOMM
and endorsed by the WMO and UNESCO/IOC Executive Councils;

(b) A candidate RMIC is required to produce a statement of compliance, list capabilities of

the proposed centre, state the suite of instrument expertise offered, state the formal
commitment to voluntarily host the centre, and demonstrate capability to JCOMM;

(c) The establishment of RMICs is initiated by JCOMM, and the designation process is
coordinated by JCOMM and the WMO/IOC Secretariats according to the process endorsed
by JCOMM and documented in JCOMM Technical Report No. 53;

(d) Where more than one RMIC is established within a WMO and/or IOC Region, there should
be coordination amongst the Centres.

3. The following centres have been designated as RMICs:

Region Centre Location

Asia-Pacific National Center of Ocean Tianjin, China
Standards and Metrology

North America, Central United States National Data Stennis Space Center,
America and the Caribbean Buoy Center Mississippi, United States

Precipitation occurs either in a more or less uniform manner (intermittent or continuous) or in


All precipitation other than showers must be reported as intermittent or continuous.

Non-showery precipitation usually falls from stratiform clouds (mainly altostratus and
nimbostratus). Showers fall from large convective clouds (mainly cumulonimbus or cumulus
of moderate or strong vertical development) and are usually characterized by their abrupt
beginning and ending and by variations in the intensity of the precipitation. Drops and solid
particles in a shower are generally larger than those occurring in non-showery precipitation.

The drops of precipitation can be supercooled (i.e. the temperature of the drops is below 0 °C).
On impact with a surface, drops of supercooled rain form a mixture of water and ice having a
temperature near 0 °C.

Forms of precipitation

The descriptions given below are compatible with the definitions given in the International Cloud
Atlas, Volume I, Part III.2 (WMO, 1975):

Drizzle: Fairly uniform precipitation in the form of very small drops of water. The diameter of the
drops is normally less than 0.5 mm. The drops appear almost to float, thus making visible even
slight movements of the air. Drizzle falls from a continuous and fairly dense layer of stratiform
cloud, which is usually low, sometimes touching the surface (fog). For coding purposes, drizzle
must be classified as slight, moderate or heavy, which are defined as follows:

(a) Slight drizzle can be readily detected on the face of wheel-house windows, but produces
very little runoff from deck, roofs, and so on;

(b) Moderate drizzle causes windows, decks and superstructures to stream with moisture;

(c) Heavy drizzle: same as for moderate drizzle. It also reduces visibility to below 1 000 m.

Rain: Precipitation of drops of water, which falls from a cloud. The diameter and concentration
of raindrops vary considerably according to the intensity, and especially the nature, of the
precipitation (continuous rain, rain shower, downpour, etc.). Continuous rain usually falls from a
more or less uniform layer or layers of thick stratiform cloud. For coding purposes, rain must be
classified as slight, moderate or heavy. These terms are defined as follows:

(a) Slight rain may consist of scattered large drops or numerous smaller drops. The rate of
accumulation on a deck is low and puddles form very slowly;

(b) Moderate rain: Individual drops are not clearly identifiable. Rain spray is observable. Puddles
form rapidly. Sounds from roofs range from swishing to a gentle roar;

(c) Heavy rain: A downpour which makes a roaring noise on awnings and deckheads and forms
a misty spray of fine droplets by splashing on deck surfaces.

Snow: Precipitation of ice crystals, separately or agglomerated, which falls from a cloud. The
form, size and concentration of snow crystals vary considerably according to the conditions
prevailing at the time of the snowfall. The intensity is coded as slight, moderate or heavy.

Showers: These are characterized by their abrupt beginning and end, and by the generally rapid
and sometimes violent variations in the intensity of the precipitation. Drops and solid particles

falling in a shower are generally larger than those falling in non-showery precipitation. Whether
the precipitation (rain or snow) occurs as showers or not depends on the clouds in which it
originates. Showers fall from large convection clouds and are defined as follows:

(a) Rain and snow showers must be classified for coding purposes with regard to intensity as
either slight, moderate or heavy. The description is the same as for slight, moderate or
heavy rain or snow. It must be remembered, however, that the visibility in showery weather
shows a much greater variability than for the same category of continuous rain;

(b) Violent showers are exceptionally heavy or torrential rain showers. Such showers occur
mostly in tropical regions.

Snow pellets: Precipitation of white and opaque ice particles which falls from a cloud. These
particles are generally conical or rounded. Their diameter may attain 5 mm. These grains, having
a snow-like structure, are brittle and easily crushed; when they fall on a hard surface they bounce
and often break up. In most cases, snow pellets fall as showers, often together with snowflakes,
normally when temperatures near the surface are close to 0 °C. For recording purposes, the
intensity of snow pellets, when they occur alone, is determined according to the visibility in the
same manner as for snow.

Hail: Precipitation of transparent, or partly or completely opaque, particles of ice (hailstones),

which are usually spherical, conical or irregular in form and have a diameter generally between 5
and 50 mm (smaller particles of similar origin may be classified either as small hail or ice pellets),
and fall either separately or agglomerated into irregular lumps. Hail always occurs in the forms
of showers and is generally observed during heavy thunderstorms. For coding purposes, hail
must be classified as either slight, moderate or heavy. The intensity is determined by the rate of
accumulation of stones as follows:

(a) Slight hail: Few stones falling, no appreciable accumulation on flat surfaces;

(b) Moderate hail: Slow accumulation of stones. Fall sufficient to whiten the decks;

(c) Heavy hail: Rapid accumulation of stones. Rarely experienced in temperate latitudes at sea.

Small hail: Precipitation of translucent ice particles which falls from a cloud. These particles are
almost spherical and sometimes have conical tips. Their diameter may attain and even exceed
5 mm. Usually, small hail is not easily crushable and when it falls on a hard surface it bounces
with an audible sound on impact. Small hail always occurs in showers. For coding purposes,
small hail must be classified as either slight, moderate or heavy. The intensity is determined by
using the accumulation rate given for hail.

Ice pellets: Precipitation of transparent ice particles which falls from a cloud. These particles are
usually spherical or irregular, rarely conical. Their diameter is less than 5 mm. Usually, ice pellets
are not easily crushable, and when they fall on hard surfaces they generally bounce with an
audible sound on impact. Precipitation in the form of ice pellets generally falls from altostratus or
nimbostratus. The intensity of ice pellets is determined in the same manner as for hail.

Snow grains: Precipitation of very small opaque white particles of ice which falls from a cloud.
These particles are fairly flat or elongated; their diameter is generally less than 1 mm. When the
grains hit a hard surface they do not bounce. They usually fall in small quantities, mostly from
stratus or from fog and never in the form of a shower. This precipitation corresponds to drizzle
and occurs when the temperature is approximately between 0 °C and –10 °C. As there is only
one code specification which refers to snow grains, it is not necessary to classify intensity.

The recommended procedures for the reporting of swell by manually reporting ships, as agreed
at the fifth session of the Ship Observations Team (SOT-V) in 2009 (WMO/IOC, 2009b), and
implemented with the agreement of the Expert Team on Marine Climatology (ETMC; WMO/IOC,
2010), are given below:

(a) When swell is not determined, meaning no observation has been attempted, the swell
groups will be omitted from the observation;

(b) When no swell is observed owing to a calm sea, the direction of the main swell and the
direction of the secondary swell will be reported as calm. The period and height of the
main swell and secondary swell can then be omitted, because if a calm sea is reported it
is inferred that these elements will also be calm, in which case they provide no additional

(c) When the swell direction is indeterminate, confused swell is reported. When the period and
height of the swell are also confused, this will be included in the observation. The period
and height of the secondary swell can be omitted;

(d) When the swell is confused but the period and height can be estimated, the swell direction
is reported as confused, and the period and height of the primary swell is included in the
report. The period and height of the secondary swell can be omitted;

(e) When only one swell is observed, the direction, period and height of this swell is reported.
The period and height of the secondary swell can be omitted;

(f) When two swells are observed, both the swell direction and the period and height of each
are included in the observation.

American Meteorological Society (AMS), 2000: Glossary of Meteorology. Second edition, American
Meteorological Society (available from http://​glossary.​ametsoc.​org/​wiki/​Main_​Page).
Barton, I.J., P.J. Minnett, K.A. Maillet, C.J. Donlon, S.J. Hook, A.T. Jessup and T.J. Nightingale, 2004: The
Miami2001 infrared radiometer calibration and intercomparison. Part II: shipboard results.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 21(2):268–283.
Bourras, D., 2006: Comparison of five satellite-derived latent heat flux products to moored buoy data.
Journal of Climate, 19(24):6291–6313.
Bowditch, N., 2002: The American Practical Navigator: An Epitome of Navigation. 2002 Bicentennial edition,
NIMA Pub. No. 9. National Imagery and Mapping Agency, Bethesda.
Bradley, F. and C. Fairall, 2006: A Guide to Making Climate Quality Meteorological and Flux Measurements at Sea.
NOAA Technical Memorandum OAR PSD-311, NOAA/ESRL/PSD, Boulder, CO.
Dohan, K., F. Bonjean, L. Centurioni, M. Cronin, G. Lagerloef, D.-K. Lee, R. Lumpkin, N. Maximenko,
P. Niiler and H. Uchida, 2010: Measuring the global ocean surface circulation with satellite and
in situ observations. Proceedings of OceanObs’09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information
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