Excel Crop Care Limited: "Multi Effect Evaporator Plant"
Excel Crop Care Limited: "Multi Effect Evaporator Plant"
Excel Crop Care Limited: "Multi Effect Evaporator Plant"
Vocational Training
A Report on
Submitted by:-
Shukal Rushit K.
Dhandhukiya Sunil B.
Guided by:-
Jaimin N. Dave
Dixit H. Mandaliya
Vrishabh Ghanwani
This is to certify that vocational training in our industry, Excel Crop
Care Ltd. Bhavnagar from date 15 May 2018 to 30 May 2018 is
completed and report on “MULTI EFFECT EVAPORATOR” is
submitted by Students of Lukhdhirji Engineering College-
Morbi,affilated to Gujarat Technological University,
Ashaben Dhanani
Effluent treatment is very important for any industry. MEE plamt
treats this effluent from all the plant units of Excel Crop Care Limited.
MEE plant consists of 3 sections of Stripping, Evaporation, & Drying.
After this processes the effluent is purified upto extent of GPCB
norms.At discharge, gases from this is released into atmosphere and the
liquid effluent is converted to solid and dumped into soil.
The whole company is operated under Environment, Health &
Safety (EHS) unit. In which all the production work comes under
Environment Section. And the final process of product comes under
treatment and for that there are three units CETP, MEE,
Our Training report is on MEE plant.
Cleaning Processes
Acid wash is applied on units for removing scale formation.
Caustic wash is used when the pH of overall product is acidic and
to nulify its effect and for washing units.
Water wash is just simple Washing by hot or cold water for