Excel Crop Care Limited: "Multi Effect Evaporator Plant"

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Vocational Training

A Report on

Submitted by:-
Shukal Rushit K.
Dhandhukiya Sunil B.

Guided by:-
Jaimin N. Dave
Dixit H. Mandaliya
Vrishabh Ghanwani
This is to certify that vocational training in our industry, Excel Crop
Care Ltd. Bhavnagar from date 15 May 2018 to 30 May 2018 is
completed and report on “MULTI EFFECT EVAPORATOR” is
submitted by Students of Lukhdhirji Engineering College-
Morbi,affilated to Gujarat Technological University,

Shukal Rushit (160313105013)

Dhandhukiya Sunil (160313105003).

Signature and Name of H.R.D.

Ashaben Dhanani
Effluent treatment is very important for any industry. MEE plamt
treats this effluent from all the plant units of Excel Crop Care Limited.
MEE plant consists of 3 sections of Stripping, Evaporation, & Drying.
After this processes the effluent is purified upto extent of GPCB
norms.At discharge, gases from this is released into atmosphere and the
liquid effluent is converted to solid and dumped into soil.
The whole company is operated under Environment, Health &
Safety (EHS) unit. In which all the production work comes under
Environment Section. And the final process of product comes under
treatment and for that there are three units CETP, MEE,
Our Training report is on MEE plant.

KEY WORDS: Stripper, Evaporation, Drying.

Basic of Design
Packed bed stripper:-
 Capacity Feed rate- 7500 kg/hr
 Solvent- Water
 Specific Gravity- 1.03
 Material of Construction- Titanium Gr. II /ss316
Horizontal Evaporator ( all calandria 1-4 pass):-
 Evaporation rate- 65.4 kg/hr
 Feedrate- 7179 kg/hr
 Product rate- 675 kg/hr
 Solvent- Water
 Specific Gravity- 1.03
 Form- Clear solution with totally dissolved solids
 Temperature- 30˚c
 Matrial of Construction
 Feed/Product- Titanium Gr. II
 Vapor-Liquid Separator- Duplex Steel
 Effluent from all the plant units of Excell Crop Care Limited is
collected in CETP and treated.
 IN CETP the COD & BOD of the effluent is increased and is
treated for taking it into MEE plant.
 Multi Effect Evaporator (MEE) is the next procees in which the
effluent is treated upto guided by GPCB norms for final discharge
to sea.
 Effluent is feed collected in tank from which it is heated in an
exchanger and then feed to stripper.
 Packed Column Tower is used for stripping at temperature 130˚c
and vaccum 300 mm hg.
 The vapors from stripper are condesed by condenser and vent from
this is removed.
 From pre-heating section reflux to stripper is done and it is feed to
Evaporation section.
 In evaporation section, 4 vapor-liquid separator are used at 99˚c
temperature and at vaccum of 650-660 mm hg.
 Effluent is then collected in stripper tank and by pump it is feed to
Vapor-Liquid Section (VLS 01), in counter-current flow manner
vapor of stripper and liquid solvent are contacted.
 With the help of CIR Pump this is feed to VLS 02 and then it is
forwarded to VLS 03 and VLS 04 respectively.
 Finally from VLS 04 condensate is taken out and condensed in
condenser, it is stored in storage tank.
 And finally, the drying and solidification of product is done for
 Dicamol Filter Aid is used for solidification of the waste liquid
 Agitated Thin Film Dryer (ATFD) is used then to dry the product
and to take the dry hazardous solid material out at temperature
150˚c and vaccum 220-250 mm hg.
 For remaining fumes of gases, it is again pre-heated and a
fragrance material is added to easily identify the gases and to
directly release in atmosphere.
 With the help of chimmney, these fragrant gas is released in
 And the solid converted is sent to dumping yard for dumping it into
the Earth.
Major Enginnering Problems
 Vaccum Lower’s Down in Stripping and Evaporation Section, so
maintance of vaccum is a chalanging problem.
 Pump triping due to high rate of flow handling.
 High gravity material causes problem in stripper for separation,
hence lower gravity material are allowable.
 Line chowking is generaly common problem in all the plant units
as the material might get lower or higher by any reason.

Cleaning Processes
 Acid wash is applied on units for removing scale formation.
 Caustic wash is used when the pH of overall product is acidic and
to nulify its effect and for washing units.
 Water wash is just simple Washing by hot or cold water for

removing the scale or any solid immpurity from the units.

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