Summative Assessment Summative Task:-G - R - Creative Designer A-Family Member. S

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MYP Assessment Task Sheet

Year 2020

MYP: Year 4 Subject: Visual Art

UNIT:Signage Date:15-4-2020

Submission Date:20-4-2020

Task: Investigation

Criterion B: developing ideas

C: creating solution

D: evaluating

Student’s name: ______________________

Summative Assessment

Summative Task:-

G- Student will create signage with knowledge of aesthetics , design elements, image editing software.

R- Creative designer

A-Family member.

S-Students will inquire about school and needs of signage in school, they will decide one signage
and create it by using photoshop software.

P- Creating a visual and digital portfolio to show the creation of product

ATL: Thinking skill.

Task: Students have already observed that which signage is missing in our school ,they will create
signage as per requirement in school ,student will create and edit signage by using Photoshop software,

Criteria to achieve task:

 Proper and appropriate use of Photoshop and its tool

 Creation and editing of image
 Appropriate background
 Appropriate in school as signage

Criterion B:Developing Ideas

Achievement Level Discriptor Task specific clarification

0 The student does not reach a standard The student does not reach a
described by any of the descriptors standard described by any of
below the descriptors below
1-2 The student: The student will
i.states one basic success criterion for a Able to express one basic
solution solution for the signage and
use of image editing tools and
proper use of soft ware

3-4 The student: The student:

i.states a few success criteria for the Able to express few solution
solution for the signage , and use of
image editing tools and
proper use of soft ware
5-6 The student: The student:
i.develops a few success criteria for the Able to develop few solution
solution for the signage and use of
image editing tools and
proper use of soft ware
7-8 The student: The student:
i.develops a list of success criteria for the Able to develop many
solution solution for the signage , and
use of image editing tools and
proper use of soft ware
Criterion C:Creating solution

Achievement Level descriptor Task specific clarification

0 The student does not reach a standard The student does not reach a
described by any of the descriptors standard described by any of
below. the descriptors below.
1-2 The Student  Creates poor plan for
ii.creates the solution, which functions signage without much
poorly and is presented in an incomplete process.
3-4 The Student  Creates partially plan for
iii.creates the solution, which partially signage and process .
functions and is adequately presented

iv.statesonechange made to the chosen

design or plan when making the solution.
5-6 The Student  Creates plan for signage
iii.creates the solution, which functions as and process of creating it
intended and is presented appropriately and also prepare other
ideas and plan if 1st will
iv.states one change made to the chosen not properly work
design and plan when making the /change.
7-8 The Student  Create and follows a plan
iii.follows the plan to create the solution, for signage and process
which functions as intended and is of creating with other
presented appropriately ideas if 1st will not
iv.lists the changes made to the chosen properly work/change
design and plan when making the

Criterion D:Evaluating

Achievement Level descriptor Task specific clarification

0 The student does not reach a standard The student does not reach a
described by any of the descriptors below. standard described by any of
the descriptors below.
1-2 states the success of the solution. Accepting only positive
comments from other for
his/her design
3-4 States one way in which the solution could accept critics of other for
be improved his/her design in positively
5-6 Outlines one way in which the solution Accept on one way of critics
could be improved of other for his/her design in
positively and plan it out how
final out come can be improved
7-8 outlines how the solution could be Accept critics of other for
improved his/her design in positively and
plan it out how final out come
can be improved

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