List All Directions Guidelines Procedures

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 Directions

 Guidelines

 Procedures


Directions Corresponding Acts

Core Investment Companies (Reserve Bank) Reserve Bank of India Act,

Directions, 2011 1934

Infrastructure Debt Fund-Non-Banking Reserve Bank of India Act,

Financial Companies (Reserve Bank) 1934
Directions, 2011 

Interest Rate Futures (Reserve Bank) Reserve Bank of India Act,

Directions, 2009 1934

Interest Rate Futures (Reserve Bank) Reserve Bank of India Act,

(Amendment) Directions, 2015 1934

Issuance of Non-Convertible Debentures Reserve Bank of India Act,

(Reserve Bank) Directions, 2010 1934

Mortgage Guarantee Companies  Investment Reserve Bank of India Act,

(Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008 1934

Mortgage Guarantee Companies Prudential Reserve Bank of India Act,

Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008 1934

Non-Banking Financial Companies (Approval Reserve Bank of India Act,

of Acquisition or Transfer of Control) 1934
Directions, 2015

Non-Banking Financial Companies Auditor's Reserve Bank of India Act,

Report (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2008 1934

Non-Banking Financial Companies (Approval Reserve Bank of India Act,

of Acquisition or Transfer of Control) 1934
Directions, 2014

Non-Banking Financial Companies Reserve Bank of India Act,

Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve 1934
Bank) Directions, 1998

Non-Banking Financial (Deposit Accepting or  Reserve Bank of India Act,

Holding) Companies Prudential Norms 1934
(Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007

Non-Banking Financial (Non- Deposit Reserve Bank of India Act,

Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential 1934
Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007

Non-Banking Financial Companies - Reserve Bank of India Act,

Corporate Governance (Reserve Bank) 1934
Directions, 2015

Non-Systemically Important Non- Banking Reserve Bank of India Act,

Financial (Non-Deposit Accepting or Holding) 1934
Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank)
Directions, 2015

Repo in Corporate Debt Securities (Reserve Reserve Bank of India Act,

Bank) Directions, 2010 1934

Repo in Corporate Debt Securities (Reserve Reserve Bank of India Act,

Bank) Directions, 2015 1934

Repo in Corporate Debt Securities Reserve Bank of India Act,

(Amendment) Directions, 2015 1934
Systemically Important Non-Banking Reserve Bank of India Act,
Financial (Non-Deposit Accepting or Holding) 1934
Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank)
Directions, 2015

The Securitisation Companies and Securitisation and

Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Reconstruction of Financial
Guidelines and Directions, 2003 Assets and Enforcement of
Security Interest Act, 2002

The Interest Rate Futures (Reserve Bank) Reserve Bank of India Act,
Directions, 2013 1934


Guidelines Corresponding Acts

Guidelines for grant of Reward to informers and Customs Act, 1962

Government Servants, 2015

Guidelines Governing Adoption of Children, Juvenile Justice (Care and

2015   Protection of Children) Act,

Guidelines for grants to ATIs and SICs under Right to Information Act,
the various components of the Centrally 2005
Sponsored Scheme on "Improving Transparency
and Accountability in government through
effective implementation of Right to Information
Act" for the year 2014-2015  

Guidelines for Investor Protection Securities and Exchange

Fund/Customer Protection Fund at Stock Board of India Act, 1992

Guidelines on Appointment of Insurance Agents, Insurance Act, 1938


Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Companies Act 2013

and Sustainability for Central Public Sector

Guidelines on implementation of suo-motu Right to Information Act,

disclosure under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005-- 2005
Compliance of.

Guidelines on the Criteria for registering Banking Regulation Act,

institutions, organisations and associations for 1949
grant of financial assistance from the Depositor
Education and Awareness Fund

Guidelines for setting up of and operating the Payment and Settlement

Trade Receivables Discounting System (TReDS) Systems Act, 2007

Guidelines on transparency and accountability Article 324 of the

in party funds and election expenditure matter- Constitution

The Income Tax Ombudsman Guidelines, 2006 Income Tax Act 1961

The Income Tax Ombudsman Guidelines 2010 Income Tax Act 1961

Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010 - Securitisation and

Change in or Take Over of the Management of Reconstruction of Financial
the Business of the Borrower by Securitisation Assets and Enforcement of
Companies and Reconstruction Companies Security Interest Act, 2002
(Reserve Bank) Guidelines, 2010

Notification as amended up to June 30, 2010 – Reserve Bank of India Act,

“Mortgage Guarantee Company (Reserve Bank) 1934
Guidelines, 2008

Securities and Exchange Board of India (Aid for Securities and Exchange
Legal Proceedings) Guidelines, 2009 Board of India Act, 1992



The Securities and Exchange Board of India Securities and Exchange

(Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, Board of India Act, 1992

The Securities and Exchange Board of India Securities and Exchange

(Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Board of India Act, 1992
Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999

Securities and Exchange Board of India Securities and Exchange

(International Financial Services Centres) Board of India Act, 1992
Guidelines, 2015

White Label ATMs (WLAs) in India - Guidelines Payment and Settlement

Systems Act 2007


Procedures Corresponding Acts

Council for Advancement of People's Action

and Rural Technology (CAPART)

Radiation Surveillance Procedures for Atomic Energy Act 1962

Medical Applications of Radiation, 1989



The First Statutes of the Rajiv Gandhi Rajiv Gandhi National Institute
National Institute of Youth Development, of Youth Development Act,
2013 2012


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