Effects On Thermal Comfort
Effects On Thermal Comfort
Effects On Thermal Comfort
Introduction [4],[11]
With the increase in urbanization in developed countries 80 to 90% of population spend
most of their time indoors. There are so many indoor environmental factors such as acoustic
comfort, visual comfort, good air quality and thermal comfort. But in comparison to all other
factors thermal comfort matters the most for the occupants.
1.1. Concept of Thermal Comfort
[11] According to Fanger thermal comfort as a function of physiological strain factors, i.e.
“the sensation experienced by a person was a function of the physiological strain imposed on
him by the environment” (Fanger, 1970). Over recent decades the terminology of thermal
comfort has evolved. Initially it was limited to physiological factors then evolved to include
physical and psychological aspects. As noted by Givoni, it is impossible to express human
responses to the thermal environment as a function of a single environmental factor. Rather
he defines thermal comfort as “the absence of irritation and discomfort due to heat or cold”
(Givoni, 1976). As a function of psychological factors, ASHRAE (American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) defines thermal comfort as “the
condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment” (Engineers,
1.2. The Notion of Thermal Comfort
Necessity of detailed learning on thermal comfort parameters such as air temperature, mean
radiant temperature, relative air velocity, air humidity, activity level and clothing and
influence of other unrelated factors on indoor thermal comfort such as individual
characteristics of building occupants, building-related factors and outdoor climate including
seasonal changes, influence whether the indoor environment is evaluated as comfortable or
In addition, perception of comfort is different for different users, as several other factors
works like age, body build, fitness, health and self-estimated environmental sensitivity
influence the perception of comfort.
Long-term thermal experience appears to shift occupants' thermal expectation, and
apparently it is much easier and quicker to lift comfort expectations than it is to lower them.
Therefore, greater flexibility in new comfort strategies should be added such as personal
controllable comfort system, moving air as per our comfort and some dynamic environment
control strategies.
Also, it was observed that if occupant is provided with the possibility/power to control these
parameters like temperature and light, it helps them to increase a level of satisfaction. In this
research paper we discussed the human comfort how comfort parameters mentioned above
gets effected in a built environment.
2. Thermal comfort indices - the static approach
To predict thermal comfort researchers have categorised the models into analytical “static”
and empirical “adaptive” models. The static models build on physics and physiology by
analysing the balance between the heat produced by the body and the heat lost from it,
whereas the “adaptive” models add the psychology and behaviour survey of people’s
response to environment using statistical analysis from field surveys.
Factors that influence human comfort. After Hegger, 2008
2.1. Fanger’s PMV index and PPD : Static approach
First approach is based on Fanger PMV model using 6 heat balance parameters. The PMV
predicts the mean value of the votes of a large group of people on the ISO thermal sensation
scale (+3=hot; +2=warm; +1=slightly warm; 0=neutral; −1=slightly cool; −2=cool; −3=cold).
The PPD predicts the percentage of a large group of people likely to feel ‘too warm’ or ‘too
cool’. This was defined as those voting +3, +2, −2, or −3 on the scale. The indices are exactly
as described by Fanger. The PMV calculated through four physical variables (air
temperature, mean radiant temperature, relative air velocity and air humidity) and two
variables related to people (activity level and clothing). It is mostly done in air-conditioned
Heat Balance equation of the body: M – W = H + E + Cres + E
Where, M= metabolic rate; W=work; H=heat transfer by convection and radiation from
clothing surface; E= evaporative convective heat exchange; Cres= respiratory convective heat
exchange; Eres= respiratory convective heat exchange.
2.2.1. Metabolic rate
[9] Human body require energy to perform work and produce heat to maintain internal body
temperature 37oC by utilising oxygen and food. Too much heat produced will produce too
much sweat and discomfort, whereas too little heat produced blood withdrawn from hands
and feet i.e. skin temperature will fall and will create uncomfortable situation.
Environmental conditions and clothing required for comfort will therefore directly depend
upon the metabolic rate. Factors which effects the metabolic rate is kind of activity, the body
surface area, occupation and heart rate under different conditions. From the researches it is
evident that to improve metabolic rate estimation based on ISO 8996 more data and detail is
needed for activities with a metabolic rate below 2MET and for higher metabolic activities
considerations may get changed.
2.2.2. Clothing insulation
[9] Clothing reduces the body’s heat loss. Therefore, clothing is classified according to its
insulation value. The unit normally used for measuring clothing’s insulation is the Clo unit,
but the more technical unit m2°C/W is also seen frequently (1 Clo = 0.155 m2°C/W).From
the researches it is concluded that effects of body motion and air speed on clothing are so
big that they must be accounted for in comfort prediction models to be physically accurate.
Also, in cases where special clothing with high vapour resistance is worn, comfort may be
limited by clothing due to high wetness. Thus clothing vapour resistance should not be
neglected while calculating comfort.
2.2.3.Air temperature
[8] Air temperature thresholds are determined for both air-conditioned and ventilation
cooled buildings in the database. The equally-acceptable range between the thresholds is 8 –
10 K wide in both types of buildings. PAQ [Perceived air quality] is seen to be closely
correlated to thermal comfort rather than temperature; as long as thermal comfort is
maintained by the air movement, PAQ will be acceptable. Broader ranges of indoor
temperatures were proposed by Zhang for HVAC (mixed-mode) buildings based on the
ASHRAE database. Between 19.5 and 25.5◦C buildings may operate in free-running mode.
Above 25.5◦C up to 28.0◦C and even 30.0◦C, the use of ceiling fans and personally controlled
fans may guarantee thermal acceptability and below 19.50C personal control heaters can be
used. These practices will support in achieving thermal comfort, but also will benefit in
energy consumption.
2.2.4. Mean radiant temperature
Another assessment of the mean radiant temperature i.e. effects of thermal radiation of the
surrounding surfaces in indoor settings in PMV model [thermal radiation and radiation
asymmetry] was consider by ASHRAE 55. The Globe Temperature, the Air Temperature and
the Air Velocity at a point can be used as input for a Mean Radiant Temperature calculation
because Measuring the temperature of all surfaces in the room is very time consuming. The
black-globe thermometer consists of a black globe in the centre of which is placed a
temperature sensor such as the bulb of a mercury thermometer, a thermocouple or a
resistance probe. The globe can in theory have any diameter but as the formulae used in the
calculation of the mean radiant temperature depend on the diameter of the globe, a diameter
of 0.15 metres (5.9 in), specified for use with these formulae, is generally recommended. So
that the external surface of the globe absorbs the radiation from the walls of the enclosure,
the surface of the globe shall be darkened, either by the means of an electro-chemical coating
or, more generally, by means of a layer of matte black paint.
2.2.5. Air speed
Thermal comfort in a windy environment is less comfortable in a winless environment.
Hence, draft sensation can reduce the thermal sensation, but the draft sensation can cause
discomfort. When the temperature rises or the level of human metabolism increases, the
person feels heat, the demand for draft sensation increases, and the uncomfortableness of
the draft sensation decreases. Increase the air flow within a certain range can be used to
compensate for the increase in temperature. Hence, the increase in wind speed can offset the
impact of elevated ambient temperatures, which is also of great significance for the
regulation of air- conditioning systems in summer. In the actual living environment, it can
assist in the regulation of air flow and personalized air supply to increase the background
temperature and make the building’s thermal environment within an acceptable range. It
can effectively reduce building energy consumption and achieve energy conservation
2.2.6. Relative humidity
The influence of humidity on preferred ambient temperature within the comfort range is
relatively small. In EN ISO 7730, a humidity range of 30–70% RH is recommended, but
mainly for indoor air quality reasons. The thermal feeling of people in the warm humid
climate might not be affected by variations in relative humidity thus, higher relative
humidity in air-conditioned spaces might be acceptable. In non-air-conditioned spaces in the
warm humid climate the separation between both air temperature and relative humidity
parameters was neither possible nor necessary, because the two parameters are highly
correlated. high relative humidity could cause an increase in the mean skin temperature.
3. The Adaptive approach
Second approach is based on adaptive model i.e. if change occurs in indoor condition then
people will react accordingly to re-establish their comfort. The adaptive model is useful in
naturally ventilated building first included in ASHRAE 55. The adaptive model includes
Physiological, behavioural and psychological aspects which are not included in PMV index.
Furthermost of the researches take physiological (comfort expectation and habituation in
relation to indoor and outdoor climate) and behavioural aspects (including opening windows
—which was the most common, and the use of blinds, fans and doors) into consideration in
calculating adaptive thermal comfort, but psychological level (acclimatization) never
considered. It assumes that people are able to adapt to the thermal environment by means of
behavioural adjustments (e.g. by changing the insulation value of their clothing), relaxation
of expectations and acclimatization to the conditions to which they are exposed. De Dear
distinguishes thermal neutrality from thermal pleasure means for any given external
inducement occupant can feel pleasant or unpleasant depending upon how the body reacts to