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Ideas @ Projects

for QRP

Published by free e- magazine AntenTop

Prepared by RK3ZK @ Co


Ideas @ Projects for QRP is a compilation of articles congenial to QRP
published on 2003- 2005 years at free e- magazine AntenTop

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Igor Grigorov

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Chapter 1
Antennas HF

Chapter 2
Antennas VHF

Chapter 3
Receiving Antennas

Chapter 4

Chapter 5
Radio Wave Propagation

Chapter 6
Transceivers for QRP

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10
Keys for QRP

Chapter 11
QRP Story

Chapter 12
Antenna Tools

HF- Antennas

Balcony Antenna // by Harry Lythall, SM0VPO…………………………………. 1- 1

Balcony Antenna Extension // by Harry Lythall, SM0VPO……………………. 1- 2

Multirange Vertical Antennas // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK……………………..1- 4

Practical Design of Open Sleeve Antennas

for Upper Amateur HF- Ranges // By Dmitry Fedorov, UA3AVR……………..1- 7

Multi- Range Vertical Antenna UA1DZ // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK…………..1 -8

Hula- Hoop magnetic Loop // by Yuri Kazakevich, EW6BN……………………1- 9

A Helical Loop Antenna for the 20-meters Band

// By Vladimir Kuz'min, UA9JKW…………………………………………………...1-11

Top Load at Vertical Antennas // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK……………………1-12

Three Band Universal RZ3AE Antenna // Evgeniy, RZ3AE…………………….1- 14

Fast Made a Half – Wave Antenna for 80 Meters

// by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK………………………………………………………….1- 15

Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

for the 6 and 10 Meters Bands
// by Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW………………………………………………………..1-17

J - Antenna for 160,15 and 10(FM) meters

// by Valentin Gvozdev , RU3AEP………………………………………………….1- 27

Multirange Trap Antennas // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK ……………………….1- 32

A Five Bands Vertical Trap Antenna // M. Chirkov, UL7GCC………………...1-47

Dipole Nadenenko // By Radio 1959……………………………………………..1- 48

RBM Radio // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK………………………………………….1- 52

Half-Loop Antennas // Jean-Pierre GOUIN & Daniel LAFARGUE…………..1- 58

Old Military HF- Antennas of Communication Cars

// by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK………………………………………………………...1- 65

Page c-1
HF- Antennas

Modern Military HF- Antennas of Communication Cars

// by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK………………………………………………………………1- 70

Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA // by Igor Grigor'ev, RV3DA…………………1- 75

Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK………………..1- 87

VHF – Antennas

Antenna X200 by UA9CR ………………………………………………………………….2- 1

“Bottle” Antenna for 145 MHz // by Sergey Mironov, RA1TW……………….……..2- 3

5/8 Lambda VHF- UHF-Antenna // Alex, RA3GBQ…………………………………….……..2- 5

Short ‘Rubber Duck’ for VHF/UHF Hand – Held // by Igor, UA6HJG……………....2- 6

Twins Delta Loop for 145 MHz // by Nick V. Derenko, US8AR ……………………..2- 7

RN1NZ VHF Antenna // by RN1NZ………………………………………………………2- 9

Folding 3-el YAGI for Mountains // Igor, UA6HJG………………..………………… 2- 10

Simple 430-MHz 3-el YAGI for Mountains // Igor, UA6HJG…………………………2- 11

Simple 430-MHz 4-el YAGI for Mountains // Igor, UA6HJG……………….…..…..2- 12

4-Ovals Antenna for 430- 440 –MHz // Igor, UA6HJG………………………………..2- 13

Receiving Antennas

Old Receiving Magnetic Loop Antennas // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK……………3- 1


Something about ATU // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK …………………………………4- 1

Page c-2
Radio Wave Propagation

Aliens do LDE! // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK…………………………………………………5- 1

Einstein Wave or just LDE // by Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW…………………………….….5- 3

Nonlinear Propagation of Radio- Wave in Ionosphere

// by Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW………………………………………………………………….5- 6

Black holes in the Air // by Sergey A. Kovalev,USONE…………………………………..5-8

EARTH ACUPUNCTURE. Feedback on one problem…

By Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK @ Co……….……………………………………………………..5- 11

Earth Shadow, propagation related to earth shadow

// by Michael Higgins, EI 0 CL…………………………………………………………………5- 19

Antenna – Island // by John Doty………………………………………………………..…..5- 20

Pedersen ray propagation // By Robert Brown…………………………………………...5- 22

Antennas in the mountains // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK………………………………….5- 24


Three transceivers from Oleg Borodin, RV3GM/QRP

Oleg Borodin, RV3GM/QRP

My First QRP Station………………………………………………………………………….6- 1

GNOMIK- 80-M QRP- Transceiver…………………………………………………………...6- 3
Micro- 80 X- Tall QRP- Transceiver………………………………………………………….6- 4

Simple QRP CW Transceiver for the 20 meters

// by Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW…………………………………………………………………6- 6

A Simple SSB Transceiver // Ashhar Farhan …………………………………..…………6- 9


80/40 meter CW Transmitter with 6BM8/ECL82

by Jan, SM5GNN………………………………………………………………………………..7- 1

Simple QPR TX for the 40 meters // by U- QRP- C Book # 3.……………………………7- 3

Page c- 3

A Regenerative Receiver with 6SN7GT // by Jan, SM5GNN…………………………..8- 1

Simple Regenerative Receivers // by U- QRP- C Book # 3……….………….………..8- 2


QRP PA for the 10 meters // by U- QRP- C Book # 3……………………………………9- 1


Keys for QRP- expeditions // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK…………………….………….10- 1

Home Made Key for FT- 817 // by Yuri Murashev, RX3AEW……………….…………10- 3


QRP beyond belief // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK……………………………………….11- 1

QRP Tales // by Alexei Rusakov, UA4ARL …………………….……………….……...11- 3

A QRP- QSO without an Antenna // by RV3GM…………………………..……………11- 5


Tool for Pulling Guys // by Victor. RN9FAB………………………………………….12- 1

Fastening of Guys // by Nick V. Derenko, US8AR………………………….………12- 2

Wooden Struts // by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK…………………………………………12- 3

Parameters of Coaxial Cables……………………………………………….………...12- 4


The hAmTX Power Supply // by Paulo Ferreira CT2ILQ…………………………….S- 1

27 and 145 MHz Communication …………………………………………………...…..S- 4

Wire Metric Diameter/Gauge Standard………………………………………………..S- 5

Color Code for Resistors and Capacitors……………………………………………..S- 6

The Complete Smith Chart………………………………………………………………S- 8

Page c- 4

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Balcony Antenna

by Harry Lythall - SM0VPO

Credit Line:

Many amateurs are very restricted with the space they

have available for HF antennas. I have documented a
short antenna for the HF bands, but here is a simple
method of mounting it, and a method of further
reducing the physical length. I used to use an old CB
(27 MHz) half-wave antenna which had a broken
matching coil. this I used as a 1/4 - wave antenna for
14 MHz, after removing the matching coil. Today I find
that CB antennas have increased in price, so I have
found a cheap replacement that can be fitted to the
balcony of apartment dwellers.


Above is the side view of a bracket, which can be

thrown together in a couple of hours and gives
surprisingly results. I use six sections for the antenna
itself, each of which is 1 meter long. Each section fits
inside the previous section by exactly 10 cm. the last
section is adjusted so that total length of the antenna
is 5.35 meters. This resonates at 14.1750 MHz. I used
the following aluminum tubes:-
section 1 : 31 mm Dia. Wall thickness = 2.0 mm. (bottom section)
section 2 : 25 mm Dia. Wall thickness = 2.0 mm.
section 3 : 20 mm Dia. Wall thickness = 1.5 mm.
section 4 : 15 mm Dia. Wall thickness = 1.5 mm.
section 5 : 10 mm Dia. Wall thickness = 1.5 mm.
section 6 : 6 mm Dia. Wall thickness = 1.0 mm. (top section)
This is shown as item (1) in the drawing above.
31mm tube (1). The fourth block (bottom) should be
THE BRACKET (6) & (2) drilled with a 5 mm hole to allow water to run out. The
bracket is bolted to the balcony handrail, using 35 mm
The bracket screws on to a handrail of the balcony. In exhaust (muffler) clamps (3).
my present situation I have a 7 meter wide terrace with
a horizontal handrail, but there are four vertical steel THE COIL (7) & (8)
pipes supporting the handrail. The bracket is screwed
on to one of these vertical supports (4). The bracket is
This is used to make the antenna resonate at lower
formed using 3 - 4 mm thick aluminium plate (6) with a
frequencies. I wound all my coils using 4mm aluminum
50 mm hole in the center of the top & bottom ends.
wire, but copper hydraulic brake pipe works as well.
Bend the plate in two places to prevent the plate
The coil is 10mm Dia (the same as a tin of DelMonte
becoming weakened. The two ends are each
pineaple chunks)! The coil pitch is 1cm per turn. I used
sandwiched in between two nylon blocks (2). Use a
two pieces of plastic conduit (7) to support the coil.
chopping board stolen from the kitchen, if you can get
away with it. Otherwise, the chopping boards are
The coil uses about 1 meter of wire/pipe for every
available from:
three turns. Flatten one end and drill a hole in it for
IKEA (Sweden)
connecting it to the antenna pole (1). If you use
aluminum wire, then shorter pieces can be joined
together with a brass insert from a car cable
connector. Copper tube can easily be soldered.
Drill THREE of the nylon blocks, in the center, to fit the mirror: Page 1-1
PROJECTS for QRP Balcony Antenna


Feed the antenna with 50 ohm coaxial cable, braid

connected to the bracket (5) and the center conductor
connected to an aligator clip. Select the band using the
aligator clip (9):-

0 turns = 14 MHz (20 meter band) (VSWR - almost 1:1)

2 turns = 10 MHz (30 meter band) (VSWR - almost 1:1)

6 turns = 7 MHz (40 meter band) (VSWR - about 1.1:1)

51 turns = 3.8 MHz (80 meter band) (VSWR - about


53 turns = 3.7 MHz (80 meter band) (VSWR - about


55 turns = 3.6 MHz (80 meter band) (VSWR - about


57 turns = 3.5 MHz (80 meter band) (VSWR - about

Here is a photograph of one of the prototypes in my
balcony. In the background you can just make out
another one of these antennas, but with a bigger (63
turn) coil.

OTHER INFORMATION If you intend to use more than 10 watts, then make
sure you have a good
The mounting is very rubust, yet the wind resistance is 1 cm, or more, of insulation between the aluminium
rather low. Both my antennas have stood up to gale pole (1) and the bracket (6).
force winds; they hardly wobble!! You do not have
to use 5.35 meters of for item (1) if you want to work Have fun with this project. Regards from Harry -
on other bands, such as 18 MHz. SM0VPO -73!-

by Harry Lythall - SM0VPO

Credit Line:

You may have already seen my HF Balcony Antenna Band Range (MHz) Worst VSWR Center VSWR
which was designed solely for 14MHz, then a coil was 80 m 3.55 - 3.70 3:1 1.1:1
added to cover all the lower HF bands (10, 7 and 40 m 7.00 - 7.10 2.2:1 2.2:1
3.5MHz). Following an article in RadCom I have now 30 m 10.10 - 10.15 2.3:1 2.3:1
extended this antenna to cover all bands from 3.5MHz 20 m 14.00 - 14.35 1.1:1 1:1
through to 30MHz without any switching or tuning. The 17 m 18.07 - 18.17 1.2:1 1.2:1
antenna functions using both Fractal and Meander 15 m 21.00 - 21.45 2.8:1 2.5:1
principles. The height of one turn of the loop gives 12 m 24.89 - 24.99 2.1:1 2.1:1
coverage of the 10-meter band, the old balcony 10 m 28.00 - 29.20 3:1 1.1:1
antenna covers 20-meters, an extra element covers
17-meters and the 40-meter long meander gives As you can see, the VSWR rises on some of these
coverage on the 80-meter band. Here is the measured bands but the antenna is still 100% useable on all
range of the complete prototype antenna: mirror: Page 1-2

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Balcony Antenna Extension

bands without an ASCTU (ASTU or ATU). I have not

tested the coverage outside amateur bands, I stopped
when the VSWR became 3:1 or when the band edge
was encountered. So what is the big secret? I have
mentioned before in these pages that several 1/4-
wave or 1/2-wave antennas can be placed in parallel
and fed with a single feeder. The resonant element will
have an effect; the others presenting a high
impedance. I tried to add two 1/4-wave antennas to
cover the original 14MHz plus 29MHz, 18MHz and
3.6MHz. When I tried it I was surprised that the
antenna covered as much as 200KHz of the 3.5MHz
band and other HF bands were ALL useable. Reports
suggest that the effects on 14MHz have introduced a
couple of dB's loss, but that is far less than one "S-
point". Here is the drawing of the antenna showing the
original 14MHz pole (center) and the other two 1/4-
wave antennas I have added.

I have shown a graphic likeness of the routing of the

additional 43-meters of wire, they are wound on three
plywood disks. The top and bottom disks are 100mm
diameter and the center spacer disk is 300mm
diameter, each drilled with 18 holes. It would have
been better to have used nylon food reparation boards
(from Ikea) but I didn't really have all that much
confidence this antenna experiment would work so I
began with this make-shift arrangement. I must also
point out that putting your hand near this antenna will
cause changes to the readings, so you may need to
make a few minor adjustments in your own individual
case. Here are photographs of the finished and
working prototype antenna.

The left insert shows the antenna mounted on the old

balcony support bracket with the coil removed. The
center insert shows a view from the bottom of the
antenna. The orange wire is the 420cm 18MHz
element. The right insert shows most of the complete
antenna from a little distance. Notice how I have cut
out material from the center spacer to reduce wind
resistance and to help make it look a little less
obtrusive for neighbors. The top spacer is identical to
the bottom spacer. All three of the elements are temporarily add a 3-meter length of wire, making a
connected in parallel at the feed point where I small tight loop at the top to remove the surplus.
connected my 50-ohm feeder. The old coil is now Check the VSWR at 29MHz and adjust the top-spacer
obsolete and has been removed. position, re-coiling the surplus wire, until the antenna is
resonant with VSWR better than 1.5:1. Fix the spacer
Please note that this antenna idea is also governed by positions using hose-clamps or whatever other bright
"Harry's Law" of coils: ideas you may have. Now remove the 3-meter wire
You cannot wind coils like me and I cannot wind coils and sew the 40-meters of wire through the holes.
like you. Check the VSWR at 3.6MHz, or whatever part of the
Coil-winding data is a constant that varies from 80-meter band you want. Remove wire to achieve
person-to-person. resonance. Fit the 1.5-loop, 4.2-meter length of wire
This means that it may NEED some adjustment in your for the 18MHz element. This loop only comes
own environment, depending upon proximity of other 1/2-way down the cage, so add some nylon line and
artifacts, humidity, groundplane efficiency and even secure it to the bottom spacer. Do not tie anything to
the color of the flag you have fitted to the top of the the center spacer. The wire I used was 7-ampere
original 14MHz pole. multi-strand household mains-wiring cable.
Begin antenna assembly by making and fitting the top, Have fun with this project. Regards from Harry -
middle and bottom spacers. To trim the spacers, SM0VPO -73!- mirror: Page 1-3

PROJECTS for QRP Multirange Vertical Antennas

Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

A combined three-band antenna

Three band antenna fundamentals: At a lack of the

place for installation of a separate vertical antenna
for each of three upper HF ranges it is possible to
use a combined three-band antenna that works at
the ranges itself. Figure 1 shows schematic of a
combined three-band antenna.

Figure 1 A combined three-band antenna

each other. The distances between the vibrators are

fixed with the help of small plastic insulators. The
design has very strong mutual influence for every
vibrator against each other.

Figure 2 Simple design of a three ranges antenna

The antenna consists of from three quarter-wave

verticals that are resonated for each of working
ranges. The verticals are connected in the bottom
together. Two quarter-wave counterpoises should
be use for each operation range of the antenna A
coaxial cable with 50-Ohm characteristic
impedance will do well for the antenna. A coaxial
cable with 75-Ohm characteristic impedance also
would be work with the antenna, but a SWR in the
coax will be higher compare to 50-Ohm coaxial
cable. Table 1 shows the combination of ranges
where a mutual influence of vibrators against each
other is minimum.

Design of the Antenna: Three various designs of

the three- range antenna are shown below. Figure 2
shows a simple design suitable for 6 - to 15-M. The
three vibrators are placed on a small distance from mirror: Page 1-4

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Multirange Vertical Antennas

Figure 3 shows a simple design suitable for 6 - to Distances between the vibrators are 10 -30
17-M. Antenna has the triangular shape. Special centimeters. It is decrease the mutual influence of the
‘sitting’ should be used for the antenna design. vibrators to each other.
Vibrators are screwed in the bottom with the help of
strong screws. The design has a small mutual Antenna Adjusting: The antenna is adjusted by
influence for every vibrator against each other. changing lengths of the vibrators. It is not
complicated. One way is to move vibrators relatively
Figure 3 A triangular shape antenna design the metal base, as it is shown in Figure 5. Do it
carefully, because the vibrators have mutual
influence to each other. It needs to do additional
holes on to end of the vibrators for realization of the
way. It is possible to do one of the vibrators. This
method always gives a good result.

Figure 5 A three range antenna adjusting

Figure 4 shows a simple design suitable for 6 - to 30-

M. Vibrators are screwed to a strong metal angle.

Figure 4 A three range antenna on a metal angle

Other way is to change lengths of the upper ends

of the vibrators. The vibrators ends made from
thick copper or aluminum wire. The wire may be
shortened, move in the side, as it is shown in
Figure 6. But at the way an amateur must have
access to ends of the antenna.

A three ranges antenna for the low ranges

Figure 7 shows a simple design suitable for 40 - to

160-M. Vibrators made from a copper wire in
diameter 1 to 2 mm. Vibrators have length
(λ/4)*1.1. Each vibrator is matched with coaxial
cable with help of its own a ‘shortening ’capacitor.
The shortening capacitor can have 100-pF at
ranges of 6- to 17-M, 150-pF at ranges of 20- and
30-M, 200-pF at ranges of 40-80 meters, 250-pF at
160-M. The shortening capacitors should be placed
in a whether- proof box.

Figure 8 shows another simple design suitable for

40 - to 160-M. Vibrators made from a copper wire
in diameter 1 to 2 mm. mirror: Page 1-5

PROJECTS for QRP Multirange Vertical Antennas

Figure 6 A three range antenna tuning with the Figure 7 A simple design suitable for 40 - to 160-M
help of thick wire

Figure 8 A simple design suitable for 40 - to 160-M

with ‘lengthening’ coil

Vibrators have length (λ/4)*(0.5-0.9). Each vibrator is

matched with coaxial cable with help of its own a
‘lengthening’ coil. You can use this design if you
have a lack of place.

It is not wise to use more than three vibrators for a

multi- range vertical antenna, because overall
efficiency of the antenna drops in this case. Such
multi- vibrators antenna will be too complicated at

Remember: Two and more resonance (a quarter

wave) counterpoises for each operation range of the
antenna should be used. However, if the antenna is
placed at a small altitude above a metal roof and the
braid of the coaxial cable has a good electrical
contact with the metal roof, the antenna could be
used without any counterpoises.

RF – choke should be used: An RF- choke on the

coaxial cable should be installed at feeding terminals.
. The RF-choke precludes leaking of RF- currents on
to outer braid of the coaxial cable. Without the RF-
choke the outer braid of the coaxial cable serves as a
radiating part of the vertical antenna. It gets to TV not matter) hardly dressed on the coaxial cable end
and RF- interferences when the antenna operates on at the antenna terminal make the RF-choke.
transmission. 10 - 30 ferrite rings (permeability does mirror: Page 1-6

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Practical Design of Open Sleeve Antennas

By Dmitry Fedorov, UA3AVR

Open Sleeve antennas presented at this

article were designed by UA3AVR
(Reference: Dmitry Fedorov (UA3AVR).:
Multi-range vertical Open Sleeve.- Radiomir.
HF and VHF, 2001, #8, pp. 34-36). Table 1
shows data for the Open Sleeve Figure 1
shows the design of the antennas

Band, m Length M, Length S1, Distance D1, Length S2, Distance D2, Figure 1
mm mm mm mm mm
20; 14; 10 5168 3407 220 2573 200 A
14; 10 3630 2527 220 - - B
20; 14; 10 5149 3451 220 2601 200 C
14; 10 3432 2567 210 - - D mirror: Page 1-7

PROJECTS for QRP Multi- Range Vertical Antenna UA1DZ

Multi- Range Vertical Antenna UA1DZ

by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

Antenna history: Antenna UA1DZ is a very interesting multi- range vertical antenna designed by known
Russian radio amateur UA1DZ. The antenna was very popular in use in the former USSR. Russian radio
amateurs widely use the antenna at present days also. The antenna works with a low SWR on 40-m, 20-m and
15m. Firstly UA1DZ told about his antenna in the ether, and after that, lots Russian radio amateurs have did the
antenna and Antenna UA1DZ became very popularity. First printing papers about antenna UA1DZ appeared in
reference [1]. This antenna has gain 3,67 dBi at 40-m, gain 4 dBi at 20-m, gain 7,6 dBi at 15m (reportedly to
VA3TTT, reference [2]).

Antenna construction: Figure 1 shows the

construction and matching device of multi-range
vertical antenna UA1DZ (based on reference [1]). The
vibrator of the antenna has the length in 9.3 meters
and four counterpoises of the antenna have length in
9.4 meters. Why has the antenna such sizes? Well, for
his multi range antenna UA1DZ used an old military
vertical antenna and this one had such sizes.

If you have not such old military vertical antenna, of

course, it is possible to do home made vibrator and
counterpoises! The vibrator and counterpoises must
be made from copper or aluminum stuff. Do not use
iron wire for HF antenna at all! Iron does not work
properly in HF transmitting antennas, especially at
upper amateur HF ranges.

Guys must be used with the antenna for providing

wind strength. Use acryl cord or iron wire “broken” by
insulators to one - meter lengths. Base insulator
should have high mechanical and electrical strength
because antenna vibrator has a large weight and there
is high RF- voltage across the base insulator in
transmitting period.

Matching device: It is made on one length of two – Antenna tuning: The antenna UA1DZ is tuned as
wire opened line and two lengths of a 75- Ohms follow.
coaxial cable. With the matching device the antenna
can work on ranges 40-m, 20-m and 15m with a SWR ● An RF bridge is turned to input terminal of antenna
in coaxial cable no more than 2:1. Two wire opened matching device (see Figure 1).
line “A” does initial matching the antenna input
impedance with feeding coaxial cable. The line has ● Shift antenna resonance frequencies in amateur 40-
characteristic impedance of 450 Ohm and one meter and 15-m bands by gradually diminishing the length of
initial length. As usual, the line has ended length about matching section A. Five centimeters truncation the
0.7- meter. length of matching section A does frequency shift up
to 200 kHz on 21 MHz, and up to 60 kHz on 7 MHz.
Coaxial cable “B” with characteristic impedance of 75-
Ohm and with length 2.5 meters makes further It is quite possible to tune the length of matching
matching for input impedance of the antenna system section A so, that antenna UA1DZ will have the
with feeding coaxial cable. An opened on the end resonance frequencies inside ranges 21 and 7 MHz. If
length of coaxial cable “C” makes compensation of a the antenna UA1DZ has resonances on these ranges
reactive part of the input impedance of the antenna (40- and 15-m), it will have a resonance frequency
system. inside 20-m range.

Two wire line (part A) and the matching parts B and C Two-wire opened line: It is possible to use either
must be placed not less the 50 centimeters above the roof. commercial made two-wire opened line either
Parts A and B should be placed in straight line. It is homebrew one. Remind, that two-wire transmission
possible to coil the part C in a bay. line with aerial dielectric and 450 Ohm characteristic Page 1-8

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Hula- Hoop magnetic Loop
impedance has relation between the diameter of its
wires and the distance between these wires nearly 20
(see Figure 2).

RF – choke should be used: An RF-choke should be

installed on the coaxial cable at the antenna terminal.
This RF-choke precludes leaking of RF currents on the References:
outer braid of the coaxial cable.
1. RB5IM.: Ground plane UA1DZ. Bulletin UC
Without such RF-choke the outer braid of the coaxial 1993, С.27.
cable will serve as a radiating part of the vertical
antenna. It causes big level of RF interferences when 2. A. Barskiy, VA3TTT: About antenna U
the antenna works on transmission. 10 -30 ferrite
rings, hardly dressed on the coaxial cable at the
antenna terminal, make the most simple an RF-
choke. The place for a RF choke is shown in Figure 1.

Hula- Hoop magnetic Loop

by Yuri Kazakevich, EW6BN, ,

After long QRT (birth of my daughter, changing my diameter were on sale in my local shop. The hula –
QTH) I was going again QRV!!! hoop tuned at 14 MHz with two capacitor- one variable
capacitor 10- 50 pF, and other, bridged to the variable
So, I needed an antenna! But where can I install it? It capacitor, a fixed capacitor in 27 pF. The capacitors
was not possible to install any antenna on the roof of placed at the top the hoop. For my loop I used gamma
my house. I had only place for installation of an feeding, because it has very high efficiency. Figure 1
antenna, the place was my balcony of my house. Well, shows my Magnetic Loop Antenna. I have got 1:1.3
it was very place. What an antenna can install at the SWR with the gamma match.
place? I though, it was only a Magnetic Loop Antenna.
The Magnetic Loop Antenna was installed on the
I remembered, when I still went to school, I used a third floor of a brick five-floor house. A wooden stick
Magnetic Loop Antenna made from old coaxial cable hold the antenna almost in one meter aside from the
for my work on CB - range 27 MHz. The antenna balcony. It was impossible to do a rotary design of
worked very well. Well, I decided to use a Magnetic the antenna for my conditions, so I just fixed the
Loop Antenna for my very restricted area for a work at antenna on the line West – East. My house is
14 MHz. situated at outskirts of the city, so, the West is
opened, only one imperfection, a high-voltage power
Lots information about Magnetic Loop Antennas I electric line on 110 kV is in 50 meters from my
found in the Internet, in particular in reference [1], it is antenna….
a free e- book on antennas (in Russian).
On reception the antenna worked perfectly. But,
I decided to make my Magnetic Loop Antenna on the unfortunately, there was a small handicap from the
basis of an aluminum hula - hoop. Hula – hoops in high-voltage power electric line.
diameter of 77 centimeters and with 17 mm tube Page 1-9

PROJECTS for QRP Hula- Hoop magnetic Loop

Figure 1 Magnetic Loop Antenna

The antenna had very good results at transmission 19:25, UTC, 13 July 2003:
mode. See my first QSOs, that I have made straight HB9DRK/QRP stayed on CQ, he received my call,
away after installation of the antenna. gave me 329, I gave him the info about my mag loop,
and HB9DRK/QRP gave me a new rprt 559, he used
18:50 UTC, 13 July 2003: 5-w and a delta.
I heard “CQ de G3KXV”. I pressed on key – “G3KXV
de EW6BN/QRP...” Perfectly... My soul was singing, but I had to do QRT
And … ”EW6BN/QRP de G3KXV” op Vic. for a while…
YES, the QSO is made!
I gave RST 579 QSB. So, my balcony Magnetic Loop Antenna allows me to
He gave me 569, also QSB, 100-w and a dipole, your be in the ether again and to do interesting QSOs over
mag loop 77 cm doing very well! the World!

1. Igor Grigorov: “ Antennas for radio amateurs - 1998, Majkop, e-book,
Available free at http: //

EW6BN:A Field Operation Page 1-10

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS A Helical Loop Antenna for the 20-meters Band

By Vladimir Kuz'min, UA9JKW,

Helical Loop Antenna

Two years back I have moved to Nefteyugansk
(Russia, Siberia) where I could not receive the
sanction to installation for a full-sized HF- antenna on
the roof of my house. , So I began to do
experimenters with short indoors antennas. Most
success design of my indoor antenna is a design
similar to Fig. 59, given in Reference 1.

I have used an inch OD plastic pipe to the form of the

antennal. The pipe was bent in a hoop near1 meter
diameter. Antenna has 580 turns (near 61 meters of
length) of multicore isolated wire of 3 mm diameter
with thickness of isolation of 1 mm. So, the spacing
between turns is 2 mm. Antenna has SWR 1:1 to 50-
Ohm coaxial cable to 14.100, bandwidth to SWR 1:1.5
is 300-kHz. I use a simple symmetrical device- 3 turns
on a TV yoke ferrite core. Space from the antenna to
the ceil is near 25 centimeters.

The antenna has quite good directed properties at

rotation within 30-90 degrees the force of signals
varied to 1-1,5 points on mine S-meter. I use a
YAESU FT840 for my work in the ether. Change of
polarization (at rotation of the antenna on the vertical
side) appreciable changes has not given as well as
change of feeding points has not given large change
in the force of signals.

Figure 58 & 59 from Reference 1 mirror: Page 1-11

PROJECTS for QRP Top Load at Vertical Antennas

In the last summer I experimented and hung up of UA9JKW at his shack

the antenna behind my balcony at 1.5 meters from a
wall. I have received a significant improvement of
the work of the antenna The antenna does very
good operation in the ether, better than others
indoors antennas. It gives low industrial noise and
kills all TVI.

I. Grigorov. Antennas for radio amateurs. - Majkop,

Get free the book from

All amateurs know if at a vertical antenna a top load it As it is seen, the “umbrella” top load (Figure 1e) gives
is used, the self –resonance of the vertical antenna the most effect on the resonance of a vertical antenna.
would be lower then a vertical without the top load. For example, if to use an umbrella load for a vertical
How a top load does influence to antenna resonance? antenna in five meters height, the antenna quarter
wave fundamental resonance wavelength would be
At Reference 1 I found a very interesting table having changed from 20 to 50 meters!
the data. I have proved the table with MMANA, all
okey, the table gives very reliable data, so it is Reference:
possible to use it at many situations. Figure 1 shows 1. Polyakov V. Technique of radio: Simple AM
different top loads. Data for loaded effect for the top receivers. – Moscow, DMK-Press, 2001.
load is shown in Table 1 given at Reference 1. K is
coefficient: K = W/L, where W is a resonance
wavelength for the vertical antenna, L is antenna 73! I.G.
length from the ground to the top load. mirror: Page 1-12

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Top Load at Vertical Antennas

Kind of an antenna K
Simple vertical 4
Figure 1a
Inverted L with short horizontal part 4.5-5
Figure 1b
Inverted L with long horizontal part 5-6
Figure 1c
T- antenna with long horizontal part 6-8
Figure 1d
Umbrella antenna with 4-8 wires 6-10
Figure 1e mirror: Page 1-13

PROJECTS for QRP Three Band Universal RZ3AE Antenna

Evgeniy, RZ3AE

Antenna description:
For several years I use to a simple and rather effective
home – made antenna for a work from my balcony, a Figure 1 shows the antenna. Antenna wire is a tube or
hotel window, from the ground in a radio- expedition and copper or bimetal rod of 5-12-mm diameter (#0000—5
from my car. I with my friends have made a dozen such AWG). D-E wire is thinner then a-c-b wire in 2-5 times.
antennas and all the antennas work very well. One Antenna is tuned by air (a vacuum capacitor is better!)
antenna, in depend of its dimension, works at three old variable capacitor with air-gap in 2-mm. The capacity is
amateur ranges- 10, 15,20 or 15, 20,40, or 20,40, 80. 5- 750-pF.

Figure 1 RZ3AE Antenna

Antenna ratio: Antenna operation

L = 1.57AB To stand the crosspiece by manually or by RF-relays for

choosing band. The antenna has very high directivity, so,
CD = 5-8 centimeters choose needed position for the antenna. Switch your
transceiver and enjoy!
AC ≈ 0.2L
Antenna results
Most high frequency for the antenna is: 4 (АВ+L).
I tried the antenna at different conditions and everywhere
Antenna adjustment the antenna works well, from my house, from my car (the
antenna is placed at boot of my car), from a field. I use to
To run a QRP power at most high frequency for the the antenna with IC-706 MK2G.
antenna. Move a crosspiece CD to find the minimum
SWR. Check position of the crosspiece. To run a QRP
power for next working band of the antenna. Move a I wish all good luck! 73!
crosspiece CD to find the minimum SWR. Check position
of the crosspiece. And so on. Page 1-14

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Fast Made a Half – Wave Antenna for 80 Meters

By Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

The antenna was made by me in one of the hot G-QRP-C

summer days near five years back. I was going for 6363
weekend to my bungalow and I decided to take my
home- brew 80 – meters transceiver with myself. I had
no antenna for the transceiver. So, I needed to do any
antenna, but I had no time as no quality stuff for doing
this one. I opened my box with old tips… and… Thirty
minutes while I have had a new antenna that served me
several years!

Figure 1 shows the all antenna system. I have done a the counterpoise is placed on the ground in any position
half wave antenna with “bottle” matching device. As you (straight or bending). To short static electrical charge
can see a wire in long of 40 meters (a half wave antenna) from antenna wire to ground is main task of the
is matched with 50-Ohm output of my transceiver with counterpoise. Not wise to use a long antenna in field
help of a parallel circuit (“bottle” matching device) – it is without an electrotechnical ground, because in the first it
L1C1 in Figure 1. Spool L2 has not electrical connection is unsafe, and in the second, the antenna is very rustle
with antenna circuit. RF energy is transferred from on reception without an electrotechnical ground.
antenna to the spool only by magnetic field, that reduces
the level of static interferences at receiving mode. The Figure 2 shows the construction of the matching device.
counterpoise has length of 20 meters of a naked copper I used a half - liter plastic bottle in diameter 60
wire in diameter of 1,5 millimeters (#14 AWG). I used a millimeters from mineral water. C1 is attached at a side
wire from an old burned down electrical transformer 220- of the bottle with help of a strong copper wire in diameter
V/12-V. The counterpoise serves as electrotechnical both of 1 millimeter (#18 AWG). L1 has 15 turns of copper
as radio ground for the antenna. At operation time of the wire in diameter of 1,5 millimeters (# 14 AWG), length of
antenna winding is 70 millimeters. Page 1-15

PROJECTS for QRP Fast Made a Half – Wave Antenna for 80 Meters

L2 is placed at the bottom of L1. L2 contains 4 turns of transceiver. Figure 3 shows the antenna at field
copper wire in diameter of 1,5 millimeters (# 14 AWG), operation. Of course, it is very possible to use the
length of winding is 10 millimeters. Ends of L2 are antenna for stationary work from a ham shack.
directly soldered to J1 RF – socket. VN1 is attached by a
piece of Scotch to the bottle. Antenna is tuned by max The antenna works very well, and I recommend try it!
glow of VN1.
The antenna works very effectively when the upper end
of the antenna at lengths of five or more meters above
the ground. I don’t use an end antenna insulator. A long One more a website devoted QRP!
synthetic rope can simply be attached to the upper end of
the antenna. The down end of the antenna could be just
near the ground. A coaxial cable having any reasonable
length can be between “bottle” ATU and a ham Page 1-16

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

by Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW

It is possible to install a dipole antenna with Stuff for a Dipole Antenna with Capacitive Loads
capacitive loads for the 6 and 10 meters bands at a
standard window with sizes 140х150 or 140х210 A dipole antenna with capacitive loads can be made of a
centimeters. The design of that window antenna for flexible multi- wire cable as well as of a strand wire. Any wire
the bands can be simple as well as the antenna is good as naked as well covered by plastic isolation.
impedance can be easy matched with 50-Ohm Diameter of the wire can be near 1- 2 millimeters (12- 18
coaxial cable. That dipole antenna with capacitive AWG). Use wire as much thick as possible. Compare to
loads installed at upper floor of a high-rise building antenna made from thin wire thick antenna has wider
can provide DX- QSOs. bandwidth. It is wise (because it is cheap) to do a dipole
antenna with capacitive loads without ends insulators. The
However, a dipole window antenna with capacitive antenna can be installed with help of a rope or plastic (as
loads for bands low the 10-meters, if this one is well as fishing) cord. A dipole antenna with capacitive loads
installed at a standard window with sizes 140х150 or of up or down installation can be installed directly (with help
140х210 centimeters, has low input impedance and of nail or staple) at plastic or wooden window frame.
narrow bandwidth so the antenna is hard to match.
Hence antennas for bands low the 10 meters are not Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads for
discussed in this article.
6-meters Band
Types of a Dipole Antenna with Capacitive
Figure 1 shows a schematic (Figure 1a) and design (Figure
Loads 1b) of a window dipole antenna with capacitive loads of
central installation. Figure 2 shows a schematic of a window
There is several ways to install a dipole antenna with dipole antenna with capacitive loads of up or down
capacitive loads at a window. The best way is to installation. The design of the antenna is similar to design
install a dipole antenna with capacitive loads by the shown at Figure 1b. The design of the both antennas is
center of the window. In that case the antenna can simple. Two ropes are installed at two ends of the window.
be installed at any house as made from a brick or Capacitive loads fastened to the ropes by thin wires or
wood as well as made from a concrete. Let’s name ropes. Third rope is installed at the center of the window.
the antenna “antenna central installation.” If a house Antenna central insulator (made from a piece of any plastic
made of a brick or wood it is possible to install the or PC board) is fastened to the rope.
dipole antenna with capacitive loads by up or down
of the window. Let’s name the antenna “antenna up
or down installation.” Of course, a non metal window-
frame works better the metal one.

Feeding Coaxial Cable of a Dipole Antenna

with Capacitive Loads

Ferrite rings (5- 20 ring with any permeability)

installed at two ends of the coaxial cable going from
TX to the antenna prevent RF- currents going from
the antenna to TX. Since the rings do balun’s job.
Fasten the rings at the coax with a Scotch. The
coaxial cable going from the antenna to the window-
sill should be placed athwart to the antenna.
However the coaxial can be placed as you want at
you room.
Figure 1 A window dipole antenna with capacitive
loads of central installation mirror: Page 1-17

PROJECTS for QRP Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

Figure 1 A window dipole antenna with Figure 2 A window dipole antenna with capacitive
capacitive loads of central installation loads of up or down installation

Adjustment of the both antennas is simple. A SWR- Figure 3 shows the input impedance of the antenna
meter or HF- bridge (see References [1]) is installed at window 150-cm wide. Figure 4 shows the input
connected to feed points of the tuned antenna. impedance of the antenna installed at window 210-cm wide.
Gradually shorten ‘moustaches’ (symmetrically each Theoretical input impedance for ‘narrow’ antenna is 42-
moustache) of the antenna to minimum SWR or Ohms, for ‘wide’ antenna is 60- Ohms. The data are very
when antenna input impedance is active (has no good matched with my practical measurement of the
reactive component) at needed frequency. At antennas. A 50- Ohm coaxial cable should be used for
shortening moustaches the moustache wires roll up feeding of the antennas. This one can be connected directly
to a little coil. to antenna feed points, as it is shown at Figure 1. A 75-
Ohm coaxial cable is possible to use for the antenna
Parameters of the Window Dipole Antenna installed at wide (210 cm) window. Figure 5 shows a SWR
with Capacitive Loads of Central Installation at 50- Ohm coaxial for ‘narrow’ antenna shown at Figure 1.
Figure 6 shows a SWR at 50- Ohm coaxial for ‘wide’
Theoretical parameters of the antennas (copper, wire antenna shown at Figure 1. Theoretical gain for the
in 1-mm (18- AWG) diameter) were simulated with antennas is near 1,5- 1,7 dBi.
help of MMANA (see References [2]).

Figure 3 Input impedance of ‘narrow’ antenna mirror: Page 1-18
Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

Figure 4 Input impedance of ‘wide’ antenna

Figure 5 SWR at 50- Ohm coaxial for ‘narrow’ antenna mirror: Page 1-19

PROJECTS for QRP Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

Figure 6 SWR at 50- Ohm coaxial for ‘wide’ antenna

A ‘narrow’ antenna of central installation has Figure 9 shows a SWR at 50- Ohm coaxial for ‘narrow’
theoretical pass band 1300 kHz at SWR 1,5:1 at 50- antenna shown at Figure 2. Figure 10 shows a SWR at 50-
Ohm coaxial cable, and pass band 2744 kHz at Ohm coaxial for ‘wide’ antenna shown at Figure 2.
SWR 2:1 at 50- Ohm coaxial cable. A ‘wide’ antenna Theoretical gain for the antennas is near 1,5- 1,7 dBi.
of central installation has theoretical pass band 1480
A ‘narrow’ antenna with capacitive loads of up or down
kHz at SWR 1,5:1 at 50- Ohm coaxial cable, and
installation has theoretical pass band 1377 kHz at SWR
pass band 2979 kHz at SWR 2:1 at 50- Ohm coaxial
1,5:1 at 50- Ohm coaxial cable, and pass band 2697 kHz at
cable. It is quite enough for working at 6- meters
SWR 2:1 at 50- Ohm coaxial cable. A ‘wide’ antenna with
band especially since the real antenna has pass
band wider the theoretical. capacitive loads of central installation has theoretical pass
band 1393 kHz at SWR 1,5:1 at 50- Ohm coaxial cable, and
Parameters of the 6- meters Band Window pass band 2876 kHz at SWR 2:1 at 50- Ohm coaxial cable.
Dipole Antenna with Capacitive Loads of Up It is quite enough for working at 6- meters band especially
and Bottom Installation since the real antenna has pass band wider the theoretical.

Theoretical parameters of the antennas (copper, wire Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads for
in 1-mm (18- AWG) diameter) were simulated with 10-meters Band
the help of MMANA. Figure 7 shows input
impedance of the antenna installed at window 150 Figure 11 shows schematic a window dipole antenna with
cm wide. Figure 8 shows input impedance of the capacitive loads of central installation. Figure 12 shows
antenna installed at window 210 cm wide. schematic a window dipole antenna with capacitive loads of
Theoretical input impedance for ‘narrow’ antenna is up or down installation. Antenna central installation can be
43- Ohms, for ‘wide’ antenna- 60- Ohms. The data installed at window 210-cm wide. Antenna up or down
are very good matched with my practical installation can be installed at window 150 or 210-cm wide.
measurement of the antennas.
The design of the both antennas is similar to design shown
A 50- Ohm coaxial cable should be used for feeding at Figure 1b. Two ropes are installed at two ends of the
of the antennas. This one can be connected directly window. Capacitive loads fastened to the ropes by thin
to antenna feed points, as it is shown at Figure 2. A wires or ropes. Diagonal capacitive loads are spread by thin
75- Ohm coaxial cable is possible to use for an ropes. Third rope is installed at the center of the window.
antenna installed at wide (210 cm) window. Antenna central insulator (made from a piece of any plastic
or PC board) is fastened to the rope. mirror: Page 1-20

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

Figure 7 Input impedance of ‘narrow’ antenna

Figure 8 Input impedance of ‘wide’ antenna mirror: Page 1-21

PROJECTS for QRP Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

Figure 9 SWR at 50- Ohm coaxial for ‘narrow’ antenna

Figure 10 SWR at 50- Ohm coaxial for ‘wide’ antenna mirror: Page 1-22

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

Figure 11 A window dipole antenna with capacitive loads of central installation

Adjustment of the both antennas is simple. A SWR-

meter or HF- bridge (see References [1]) is connected
to feed points of the tuned antenna. Gradually shorten
moustaches (symmetrically each moustache) of the
antenna to minimum SWR or when antenna input
impedance is just active (have no reactance) at needed
frequency. At shortening moustaches the moustache
wires roll up to a little coil.

Input Impedance of 10-meters Band Window

Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

Theoretical parameters of the antennas (copper, wire in

1-mm (18- AWG) diameter) were simulated with the
help of MMANA. Figure 13 shows input impedance of
the antenna shown in Figure 11. Theoretical input
impedance of the antenna is 22- Ohms. Practically
measured input impedance of the antenna was 30- Figure 12 A window dipole antenna with
Ohms. Losses in neighbor objects add the 8 Ohms.
Theoretical gain for the antennas is near 1,5- 1,7 dBi.
capacitive loads of up or down installation

Figure 13 Input impedance of the antenna shown in Figure 11 mirror: Page 1-23
PROJECTS for QRP Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

Feeding of 10-meters Band Window Dipole MMANA allows to simulate such matching device. Figure
Antennas with Capacitive Loads 14 shows schematic of that matching device as well as data
for different antennas. Of course, it needs adjust a little the
Since 10- meters band window dipole antenna with L and C to particular antenna.
capacitive loads has low input impedance a
matching device must be installed between the
antenna and feeding coaxial cable.

Figure 14 Matching device for antenna with capacitive loads

SWR of 10 – meters Band Window Dipole The antenna has theoretical pass band 375 kHz at SWR
Antennas with Capacitive Loads 1,5:1 at 50- Ohm coaxial cable, and pass band 750 kHz
at SWR 2:1 at 50- Ohm coaxial cable. It is not enough
Figure 15 shows a SWR at 50- Ohm coaxial connected for working at all 10- meters band. However, due the
through a matching device (see Figure 14) to antenna losses at neighbor subjects the pass band of the
shown at Figure 11. SWR was simulated by MMANA. antenna is wider the theoretical one.

Figure 15 SWR at 50- Ohm coaxial connected through a matching device (see Figure 14) to
antenna shown at Figure 11 mirror: Page 1-24
Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

Parameters of the 10- meters Band Window Figure 17 shows input impedance of the antenna
Dipole Antenna with Capacitive Loads of Up and installed at window 210 cm wide. Theoretical input
Bottom Installation impedance for ‘narrow’ antenna is 12- Ohms, for ‘wide’
antenna- 26- Ohms. Practically measured impedance is
Theoretical parameters of the antennas (copper, wire in higher on 8- 10 Ohms the theoretical due losses at
1-mm (18- AWG) diameter) (see Figure 12) were neighbor subjects. Figure 18 shows a SWR at 50- Ohm
simulated with help of MMANA. Figure 16 shows input coaxial connected through matching device (see Figure
impedance of the antenna installed at window 150 cm 14) to ‘narrow’ antenna (see Figure 12).

Figure 16 Input impedance of the antenna installed at window 150-cm wide

Figure 17 Input impedance of the antenna installed at window 210-cm wide mirror: Page 1-25

PROJECTS for QRP Window Dipole Antennas with Capacitive Loads

Figure 19 shows a SWR at 50- Ohm coaxial connected So those antennas can work only at a part of the 10
through matching device (see Figure 14) to ‘wide’ meters band. For working at all 10- meters band
antenna (see Figure 12). SWR was simulated by matching device can be retuned for needed frequency.
MMANA. Theoretical gain for the antennas is near 1,1- However, the ‘wide’ antenna often works at all 10
1,3 dBi meters band without retuning the matching device due
losses at neighbor subjects.
A ‘narrow’ antenna with capacitive loads of up or down
installation has theoretical pass band 157 kHz at SWR References:
1,5:1 at 50- Ohm coaxial cable, and pass band 314 kHz 1. Igor Grigorov. Antennas. Matching and Adjustment. –
at SWR 2:1 at 50- Ohm coaxial cable. A ‘wide’ antenna Moscow. RadioSoft, 2002. ISBN 5-93037- 087-7
has theoretical pass band 425 kHz at SWR 1,5:1 at 50-
Ohm coaxial cable, and pass band 733 kHz at SWR 2:1
at 50- Ohm coaxial cable.

Figure 18 SWR at 50- Ohm coaxial connected through matching device to ‘narrow’ antenna

Figure 19 SWR at 50- Ohm coaxial connected through matching device to ‘wide’ antenna mirror: Page 1-26

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS J - Antenna for 160,15 and 10(FM) meters

by Valentin Gvozdev , RU3AEP,

Introduction Classical design with an opened line

After getting my first amateur license I had to think, Actually, this is shortly described in well-known book
what antenna to build for a top-band (160 m), I ("Antennenbuch"), written by DM2ABK (Karl
realized, that conditions are too bad for it. I live in a 7- Rothammel), but has been recently developed by
floor house, which has a roof with a high slope (about Sergey Makarkin (RX3AKT), a radioamateur from
35-40 degrees), which is very dangerous to operate Moscow, who has published a good article in "Radio-
on it. Also, the house is almost completely surrounded Design" journal (N2, 1998).
by wide streets and electrical wires going along them.
After long thinking, I concluded, that there is only one Classical design is presented below (Figure 1). As it
possibility to make an antenna - to hang up a long can be seen, there is feeder with rather high
wire from my roof to the roof of another house. impedance (~300-600 Ohm), and 1/4-wavelength
Unfortunately, any dipole-type antenna was matching line. From one end, this line is shortened,
unacceptable, because in this case my apartment and here its impedance is just a zero (current is high,
would have been too far away from the feed point of but voltage is almost zero). Another end of this line is
the antenna, and the condition of right angle (90o) connected to the long wire, which has length exactly
between feeder and antenna itself could not be 1/2 wavelength. At this point, the impedance is very
satisfied. Fortunately, in that time I have read about high (several kiloohms). That is why, a big voltage
one very old, but not frequently used antenna - so exists here during a transmission. This is quite suitable
called Zeppelin-antenna with a matched feeding. for a wire feeding, because a 1/2-wavelength has high
impedance when fed from the end.

Figure 1. Classical Zeppelin-antenna design

Classical design with a coaxial cable for 160

The feeder from the transmitter with a specific meters
impedance Rf is connected to the matching line in the
point, where impedance of the latter is equal to that of This design can be used almost without change, but
the feeder. Such point is usually located not so far from instead of symmetrical feeder a coaxial cable can be
the shortened end. If everything is done properly, used to connect the whole system to the
feeder may have any length and SWR is closed to 1:1 unsymmetrical output of the transmitter (Figure 2).
in rather narrow band, central frequency of which is Using of a coaxial cable instead of an open line has
determined by the geometrical size of matching line one big advantage – in contrast with the symmetrical
and antenna. transmission line it is almost insensitive to the
environment, weather conditions and can be placed
really everywhere. Page 1-27

PROJECTS for QRP J - Antenna for 160,15 and 10(FM) meters

Such antenna with feeding 'from the end' is much more outside the apartment, most part of matching line can
easy to make, that a simple dipole. Here, antenna wire be used as the continuation of the feeding cable.
bears only itself, and this reduces the mechanical
strength and thickness of the wire to be used.
Also, you may use your window as one the point of On Figure 2 there is a design, that I implemented for
antenna fixing. In this case, all the cable will be inside using on 160 m amateur band, and which, to my mind,
your shack and antenna could be tuned precisely in is a perfect solution for the people, who cannot mount
comfortable conditions. If the beginning of antenna is a classical dipole.

Figure 2. Long wire antenna for 160 m with a coaxial matching line.

In my case, all coaxial cables have 75 Ohm closed to λ/(4∗sqrt(d)) (sqrt - Square Root, d -
impedance, the antenna wire, as well as two bearing dielectric constant of the insulator used in the coaxial
wires are made from very hard bimetallic insulated cable). SQRT(d) value is typically about 1.52 for most
cable (outer diameter is about 3 mm). The trickiest part cables with polyethylene-based dielectric, that is why,
- the connector between cable and antenna - is shown 'shortening coefficient' is about 0.66. But the practical
on Figure 2.. It should be noted, that voltage on it is value will be a little different from that.
quite high, and so everything should be well insulated
from each other. It is good idea to place this connector The lengths indicated on Figure 2 are mine values,
somewhere indoors, otherwise rains and snow may and they can be used as the approximate reference.
cause decreasing of insulation efficiency and antenna Exact numbers depends on the antenna environment
performance. This antenna uses a tuned line made and should be determined experimentally. It should be
from the coaxial cable, and for proper operation of the noted, that in ‘ideal’ case it is not a simple task,
whole system the antenna wire should have the length because in such system three values have to be
equal to the λ*0.95/2, and the coaxial line must varied (one is antenna length, and another two are
resonate on the working frequency. lengths of the parts of the matching line). But as it
appeared from my experience, for practical purposes
It is a good idea, to connect the shortened end of the the most important thing is to choose correct total
matching line to the ground (cold water pipe, heating length of the matching line, which must resonate on
system, building elements etc.) to provide adequate the desired frequency.
safety and to reduce possible TV/RF interferences
while transmitting. To do this, I suggest to use the following technique. To
make your line resonate on the middle of the band
Tuning and adjusting of the antenna (1890 kHz), you first have to make the line about 1 m
longer, that estimated length of the tuned line (for
To achieve what was declared in the previous example, 24 m), making shortened segment about 3.6
paragraph, first of all the precise length of the matching m. Then, connect the 2-3 kiloohms resistor to the
line should be determined. Theoretically, it should be “open’ end of the line, and Page 1-28

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS J - Antenna for 160,15 and 10(FM) meters

the transceiver through SWR meter - to the feeder. of the loading, it may be seemed, that is really very
The resistor here serves as a loading instead of the hot – this is due to the high HF voltage, which causes
antenna wire. skin burning (be careful to do it, even by low power of
RF source!).
After assembling of the system, put RF power (1-2 W
or even less is enough) on some frequency inside 160 For better understanding of these processes is useful
m band into line and watch the SWR. If the line is to look to the results of simulation of this system using
completely out of resonance, SWR will be closed to Pspice simulation software. The equivalent
infinity, and no power will be dissipated on the schematics (Figure 3) includes voltage source V1 in
resistor. Then, the frequency should be found, which series with 75 Ohm resistor (which emulates output
gives the sharp minimum of the SWR. It has to be resistance of the transmitter), two coaxial lines T1 and
around 1800 KHz. Here, the SWR is usually less than T2 and loading R2. Since Pspice does not allow to set
1.5:1, and the full power of the transceiver is lengths of the transmission lines directly in length
dissipated on the resistor, which means, that the units, they are set in wavelengths (NL) on the
matching line works well. When touching the ‘hot’ end specified frequency (in our case, F=1.89 MHz).

Figure 3. Equivalent schematics for matching line, used for simulation.

Calculated frequency response is presented on the After the resonance has been found, it should be
Figure 4. Here, the colors of the traces correspond shifted up to the desired frequency. To do this, the end
with the colors of the voltage markers on the of the cable should be cut carefully in several steps,
schematic. As it can be seen, on the resonant watching the resonance frequency each time, which
frequency about 1.95 MHz there is sharp voltage must increase with each cut. After you achieve the
maximum on R2 (red trace), which reaches 2.6V – it is desired frequency, the matching line is almost ready,
about 5 times more, than the voltage on the and you can mount the whole antenna system in the
transmitter’s output (green trace). Also it should be chosen place. It should be noted, that the minimum of
noted, that on the resonant frequency voltage on R1 the SWR in mounted antenna is usually 20-30 kHz
(green trace) is closed to one half of source voltage ( in down, compared to the value achieved by the tuning
our case, 1V). Practically, it means, that there is good on the resistor.
matching between transmitter and the “antenna” and
most of generated power is dissipated on the loading. Page 1-29

PROJECTS for QRP J - Antenna for 160,15 and 10(FM) meters

Figure 4. Frequency response of the matching line in range 1 – 2.5 MHz

In my case, the antenna for 160 m band had a difficult to tune the system - I hanged the antenna
minimum of SWR at 1875 kHz (about 1.3:1), on the across my apartment and adjusted the length of the
edges of the band SWR increased to 2.0…2.5:1, since matching line as described above for 160m design
the design is a narrow-band one. Compared to my using 1.80 m as the starting value. The only thing that
previous dipole, which hanged on the low height (about should be noted is that the actual resonance of the
5 meters over the ground) along the building, this line is very sensitive to the length variations, so on the
antenna exhibited much better transmission efficiency final steps the cable should be cut in 1 cm (!) portions
and higher signal to noise ratio while receiving. or even less to not miss the desired resonance
position. After I hanged the antenna on the designated
The same design for 10 meters - cheap and position, SWR was less then 1.5 on all frequencies
simple. ranging from 28200 to 29000 KHz.

About 2 years after getting my first amateur license I This antenna is really very simple and cheap, but
upgraded it to the higher license class, which allowed nevertheless, I allowed me to establish many
me to operate on 10 meters SSB. In that year, there connections with Europe and even Far East using just
was a perfect propagation on 10 meters band during about 10 Watts of power. I really enjoyed working on
the daylight time, and I needed an efficient antenna to 10 meters ether in local communications and
work on it. Probably, in some time I will have transnational QSOs, and this was made possible just
something like rotable multielement Yagi on my roof, by several hours of time, dedicated to the antenna
but now it seems to me inaccessible as the Moon due building and tuning.
to many factors. After some time I decided to repeat
what I built for 160 meters for 10 meters, proportionally About working on other bands – some facts and
reducing all geometrical sizes of the antenna wire and theory.
matching line.
Though LW antennas with a feeding through coaxial
Since the wavelength on 28500 KHz is just 10.52 m, a transformer, which were described above, seem to be
half-wavelength dipole should be about 5 meters, and monoband, this appeared not completely true. As I
the total length of the coaxial matching line will be found out, the whole system has many resonant
10.52/(4*1.52) = 1.73 m. The feeder is connected to frequencies, and some of them, are inside or near
the line 23 cm away from the shortened end. These amateur bands and can be used for working on these
sizes are relative small and the whole antenna system bands.
may be placed without being mounted on the roof, for
example just from your window to the neighboring tree. As it could be expected, operation on the frequencies,
which are twice more that ‘native’ ones, is impossible.
I made the antenna from a 2 mm copper wire with a When using an antenna for 160 m, on 80 m band
plastic insulators at the ends, using 75 Ohm coaxial observed SWR is closed to infinity and the
cable for feeder and matching line. There was nothing transmission efficiency is not more that by using a Page 1-30

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS J - Antenna for 160,15 and 10(FM) meters

random wire with length of several meters... Simply it resonance of the antenna, without any participation of
can be understood, that on doubling the working the feeder (SWR did not change significally when the
frequency the matching line is completely out of feeder length was alternated).
resonance, and works as a “short” for the transmitter.
But everything has advantages, and this fact means In contrast to this, on 10 meters band the antenna
not only impossibility to work on 80 m, which is behaves very poor – the air seems to be “empty”, and
definitely bad, but also deep suppression of 2- nd even common industrial noise is received with a level
harmonic by working on 160 m, which is really well. comparable to internal noise of the receiver.
Compared to the special 10 meters antenna (see
Almost the same situation is on 40 m band. Here the above), the signal of distant correspondents were
active component of input impedance of the antenna weaker by 10-20 dB (!), and on transmission even my
(measured by noise bridge) is also quite low (several neighbors gave me reports like 53-54. However, when
Ohms), and no resonance exists inside or near frequency was moved up to 29 MHz and higher, the
amateur frequencies. efficiency improved dramatically.

But if you try to work on this antenna on 15 and 10 To understand this phenomenon, some calculations
meters bands, the situation is more optimistic. In my were performed. First of all, it was found, that
case, on 21430 KHz the SWR was about 1.3:1 and frequency response of the matching line with a
increases to 2.5:1 when moving down to 21000 KHz. resistive loading (see Figure 3) in range 1.5 – 32 MHz
Measured impedance was about 55 Ohm with a low has many maxima, and one of them is inside 15-m
capacitive reactance. From first sight, it is quite amateur band (Figure 5, red trace). Another maxima
strange, but nevertheless, antenna behaved well on is near 29.5 MHz – in the upper part of 10-m band.
this band, and using just 10 W of power, I was able to
make long-distance QSO’s even with North America.
The most interesting fact was, that this was “true”

Figure 5. Frequency response of the matching line in whole HF range

I guess, that these results may be assumed at least as
a qualitative explanation of the antenna behavior. I say As a conclusion is can be said, that LW antenna with a
“qualitative” because the whole system can not be coaxial matching line (J-antenna), which is designed
adequately represented by a matching line with a for 160 m band, can do perfect job on 15 meters and
resistor at the end – impedance of the antenna wire on a part of 10 meters band also without any switching
also should be taken into account. However it is clear, and tuning devices. Of course, the efficiency on
why besides ‘native’ band, antenna works well on 21 ‘upper’ bands is be substantially lower, that on ‘native’
MHz, and why on frequencies about 28500 there is a one due to RF losses in the matching line (which
minimum of performance, which rapidly increases actually works with a very high SWR). But to my mind
when moving up to 29 MHz. it is still acceptable, especially in the case, when there
are no conditions to mount huge and efficient
antennas. Page 1-31

PROJECTS for QRP Multirange Trap Antennas

Multirange trap antenna: history and Igor Grigorov, Rk3ZK

Recently multirange trap antennas are widespread 15 meters: By length of the Section B we tune the
among radioamateurs. As matter of fact, the type of antenna parts “Section 1 plus L1C1 plus Section B” to
antennas was invented in the USA by H. K. Morgan, resonance to 15-meters. Trap L2C2 turn off upper
US patent # 2229856, 1938 (by reference [1]). antenna parts behind the trap from operation of the
Probably the first article about a trap antenna was antenna when 15 meters range is used.
published in reference [2] at 1940. So, what is the
antenna and how is it work? Let’s see it on the 20 meters: By length of the Section C we tune the
example of a ham vertical trap antenna in order to antenna parts “Section 1 plus L1C1 plus Section B
simplify a problem. Figure 1 shows us a schematic plus Section C” to resonance to 20-meters.
of such antenna.
And so on for other ranges: In the similar way the
antenna would be tuned for others ham HF- ranges.
You see, it is possible to do an antenna for any
number of HF- ranges! But there are several lacks.
Upper parts of the antenna behind a proper trap do
not use (or, practically do not use) for radiation.
Another lack is that the antenna wire is broken at
several places by trap circuits. Every trap circuits
should be tune in to own resonance frequency. Trap
circuits must have high temperature stability, because
the antenna is used at the open air. Traps work at a
resonance mode so a high level of RF voltage is
across trap capacitors at transmission mode. Thereof
it needs to use a high quality capacitor for every of the

Vertical trap antenna WA1LNQ: One of the most

popular sample vertical trap antenna is the antenna
WA1LNQ [2]. The antenna is used on 10 and 15
meters. Figure 2 shows the scheme for the antenna.

The antenna made from two insulated from each other

metal tubes by length of 240,7 (section A) and 62,9
(section B) centimeters and in OD 18 to 25
millimeters. The length of an insulating insertion is 5,8
centimeters. Over the insulating part is spooled the
trap spool. A copper tube in diameter of 3 to 5 mm is
used for the spool, and the spool contains 2 turns with
step 1 turn on 25-mm of winding. Average diameter of
the trap spool is 55-mm. As a trap capacitor is used a
length of a 50-Ohm coaxial cable with an initial length
equal to 80 centimeters.

Tuning of the Antenna WA1LNQ: At first, tune the

antenna in 10-m range. At the tuning the length of the
coaxial cable, that makes the trap capacitor, is
gradually shortened to minimum SWR in 10 meters.
After this, tune the antenna to minimum SWR at 15
meters. It is possible to do by a small changing of the
Figure 1 A ham vertical trap antenna length of the upper section B.
10 meters: Section A is tuned for operation on 10- Below you can see input impedance, SWR and DD
meters by its length. Trap L1C1 turn off upper antenna of the antenna W1LNQ. The figures are obtained
parts behind the trap from operation of the antenna with the help of Free Antenna Simulation Program
when 10 meters range is used. mirror: Page 1-32

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Multirange Trap Antennas

Current Distribution at 10 meters

Figure 2 Antenna WA1LNQ

Current Distribution at 15 meters

Diagram Directivity and Input Impedance at 10 meters W1LNQ Antenna

MMANA (MININEC based). Section A has diameter Antenna input impedance. Vertical Trap antenna:
of 24 millimeters, section B has diameter of 18 You can see that only first antenna part, it is section A
millimeters. at Figure 1, has length in λ/4. So, the input mirror: Page 1-33

PROJECTS for QRP Multirange Trap Antennas

SWR at 10 meters W1LNQ Antenna

Diagram Directivity and Input Impedance at 15 meters W1LNQ Antenna

impedance of the antenna at 10 meters is close to 40- ground. So, a 50-Ohms coaxial cable can be used for
Ohms, and50-Ohms coaxial cable can be used for feeding of the antenna at all of the ranges. For a
feeding of the antenna at the range. However, physical proper work a vertical trap antenna must have several
length of antenna consisting of another following counterpoises for every of operation ranges, especially
section plus the previously section (or sections) is less for low amateur HF ranges 40-, 80- and 160-m.
then λ/4. Inductors of the traps work as a lengthening
spools for the proper section. Input impedance of the Antenna input impedance. Dipole Trap
antenna working at lower then 10 meters range is less antenna: Morgan trap antenna [1] was done as a
then 30 Ohms in the theory, but in practice, the input dipole. It is known, that a λ/2 (physical length) dipole
impedance for 15 and 20 meters range is close to 40 antenna has input impedance close to 75 Ohms, see
Ohms because losses in antenna parts and antenna Figure 3A. A shortened by a lengthening spool dipole mirror: Page 1-34

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Multirange Trap Antennas

SWR at 15 meters W1LNQ Antenna

antenna with electrical length in λ/2 (having physical number of traps more than one. The reason is that the
length bit less then λ/2) has input impedance less antenna sections should be electrically insulated from
them 75 Ohms and maybe, close to 60- 50-Ohms, see each other. It is hard enough to do a mechanical
Figure 3B. So, for feeding a dipole trap antenna a 50- strength design of such antenna in radio amateur
Ohms coaxial cable can be used with a high conditions. Radio amateurs usually prefer a W3DZZ
efficiency. antenna. The antenna has only one trap, and, as it
seems by many hams, works at several amateur
A dipole trap antenna is very easy for tuning and has ranges. What is a W3DZZ?
high efficiency, however, radio amateurs very seldom
make as a vertical as dipole trap antenna having a

Figure 3 A shortening and full size dipole antenna

Antenna W3DZZ: In1955 C. L. Buchanan. W3DZZ, Antenna W3DZZ works in several amateurs range
developed a multirange dipole antenna with only one with low SWR in its feeder. Proper choosing data of
trap, see reference [4]. Recently the antenna is known the trap turns the trap or to lengthening inductor at low
as “antenna W3DZZ.” Figure 4 shows schematic of range (ranges) or to shortening capacitor at high
the antenna W3DZZ. range (ranges), or to only a trap at a proper range. For
the antenna shown at Figure 4, trap LC is the trap for
40 mirror: Page 1- 35
PROJECTS for QRP Multirange Trap Antennas

Figure 4 Antenna W3DZZ

meters, lengthening inductor for 80 meters, and (MININEC based) for the W3DZZ (see Figure 4).
shortening capacitor for 20, 15 and 10 meters. The Antenna wire has diameter of 2 millimeters. You can
antenna (Figure 4) does not work at WARC bands. see, that a SWR at 20, 15 and 10 meters is too high. It
However, the antenna does not work properly at 20, is impossible to find such length of the antenna and
15 and 10 meters. You can see data obtained with data for trap that the antenna works at all of the
Free Antenna Simulation Program MMANA ranges! So, an ATU and a good coax is need for the
antenna if you work at 20, 15 and 10 meters.
SWR at 80 meters W3DZZ Antenna

Current Distribution at 80 meters W3DZZ Antenna mirror: Page 1-36

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Multirange Trap Antennas

Input Impedance at 80 meters W3DZZ Antenna

SWR at 40 meters W3DZZ Antenna

Current Distribution at 40 meters W3DZZ Antenna mirror: Page 1-37

PROJECTS for QRP Multirange Trap Antennas

Input Impedance at 40 meters W3DZZ Antenna

SWR at 20 meters W3DZZ Antenna

Current Distribution at 20 meters W3DZZ Antenna mirror: Page 1-38

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Multirange Trap Antennas

Input Impedance at 20 meters W3DZZ Antenna

SWR at 15 meters W3DZZ Antenna

Current Distribution at 15 meters W3DZZ Antenna mirror: Page 1-39

PROJECTS for QRP Multirange Trap Antennas

Input Impedance at 15 meters W3DZZ Antenna

SWR at 15 meters W3DZZ Antenna

Current Distribution at 10 meters W3DZZ Antenna mirror: Page 1-40

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Multirange Trap Antennas

Input Impedance at 10 meters W3DZZ Antenna

Antenna W3DZZ has input impedance close to 60 Hams often use a shortened sample of the W3DZZ
Ohms at 80 and 75 at 40, , so, a 75-Ohms coaxial antenna intended for 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters. At
cable can be used for feeding of the antenna. radio amateurs literature there are several description
of the antenna, as at dipole as at vertical installation.
Hams make antenna W3DZZ also in a vertical However, the first description, which I found off for a
installation, where the antenna has input impedance vertical four band trap antenna, was made by K2GU in
close to 30- 40 Ohms (in twice less the dipole design), reference [5]. Figure 5 shows the schematic of the
so a 50-Ohms coaxial cable can be used for feeding antenna.
of the antenna at all of the ranges. For a proper work
a vertical trap antenna must have several
counterpoises for every of operation ranges,
especially for low amateur HF ranges 40-, 80- and

LC trap design: Trap spool has 8.3-µH and contains

19 turns of silvered copper wire of diameter in 3-mm.
Diameter of winding is 50-mm. Length of winding is 80-
mm. The trap should be tuned to resonance to the
frequency 7,05 (7.2 for USA) MHz. It is possible use a
GDO for the tuning. A capacitor at 3-pF is bridged to
trap capacitor when the trap is tuning to the
resonance. The capacitor is simulated a stray
capacitance of the antenna sections.

Antenna tuning: At first, with the help of a GDO tune

trap to 7,05 (7.2 for USA) MHz. Trap is tuned
separately from antenna. At second, get a minimum
SWR on 40 meters by length A. At third, get a

SWR on 80 meters by length B. At thus, you can get

SWR (well, see in the above figures, the SWR is not so
at 20, 15 and 10 meters.

Four band vertical one-trap antenna: Figure 5 A four-band trap vertical antenna mirror: Page 1-41

PROJECTS for QRP Multirange Trap Antennas

20 meters: Section A is tuned for operation on 20- Below you can see input impedance, SWR and DD
meters by its length. Trap LC turn off upper antenna of the antenna W1LNQ. The figures are obtained
parts behind the trap from operation of the antenna with the help of Free Antenna Simulation Program
when 10 meters range is used. MMANA (MININEC based). Section A has diameter of
20 millimeters, section B has diameter of 10
40 meters: By length of the Section B we tune the millimeters. You can see, that a SWR at 15 meters is
antenna parts “Section 1 plus LC plus Section B” to too high. It is impossible to find such length of the
resonance to 40-meters. antenna and data for trap that the antenna works at all
of the ranges. So, an ATU and a good coax is need for
15 and 10 meters: The trap serves as a shortening the antenna if you work at 15 meters. A 50-Ohm
capacitor at that ranges. coaxial cable can be used for feeding of the antenna at
all of the ranges.
Diagram Directivity and Input Impedance at 40 meters FOR 4B- W3DZZ Antenna

SWR at 40 meters FOR 4B- W3DZZ Antenna mirror: Page 1-42

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Multirange Trap Antennas

Diagram Directivity and Input Impedance at 20 meters for 4B- W3DZZ Antenna

SWR at 20 meters FOR 4B- W3DZZ Antenna

Current Distribution at 40 meters Current Distribution at 20 meters mirror: Page 1-43

PROJECTS for QRP Multirange Trap Antennas

Diagram Directivity and Input Impedance at 15 meters for 4B- W3DZZ Antenna

SWR at 15 meters FOR 4B- W3DZZ Antenna

Current Distribution at 15 meters Current Distribution at 10 meters mirror: Page 1-44

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Multirange Trap Antennas

Diagram Directivity and Input Impedance at 10 meters for 4B- W3DZZ Antenna

SWR at 10 meters FOR 4B- W3DZZ Antenna

Trap design: Trap spool contains 10 turns of copper Antenna tuning: At first, with the help of a GDO tune
wire diameter in diameter of 2-mm, form of the spool trap to 14.2-MHz. The circuit tune separately from
has diameter of 60-mm, distance between turn is 4 antenna. At second, tune length A to a minimum SWR
mm. The LC circuit should be tuned to frequency of in 20 meters. At third tune length of the Section B to
14.2-MHz. It is possible use a GDO for the tuning. A minimum SWR at 40 meters.
capacitor at 3-pF is bridged to trap capacitor when the
trap is tuning to the resonance. The capacitor is Common notice for vertical multi range trap
simulated a stray capacitance of the antenna sections. antennas
It is necessary to safe trap capacitor from the
atmospheric effect. Counterpoises: For a proper work a vertical trap mirror: Page 1-45

PROJECTS for QRP Multirange Trap Antennas

Figure 6 A coaxial cable capacitor

antenna need resonance (a quarter wave) counterpoises for each operation range.
Use not less than two counterpoises. If the antenna is placed at a small altitude
above a metal roof and braiding of feeding coaxial cable have good electrical contact
with the metal roof, the antenna can be used without any counterpoises.

Antenna feeding: Quite possible to use a 50- Ohm coaxial cable for vertical trap
antenna feeding. Also it is possible to use a two wire line for dipole and vertical trap
antenna feeding. In this case it need ATU between the line and the transceiver.

A trap capacitor: A high voltage is at a trap capacitor when the antenna works to
transmission. So it need a high voltage capacitor trap to be used at a trap. Such
capacitor is costly and rather rare. Hams often use a length of a coaxial cable
instead of a high-voltage capacitor. A 50- 0hm coax has near 100-pF/meter, a 75-
0hm coax has near 70-pF/meter. Coaxial cable capacity can be find off from a data
sheet for the coaxial cable or is metered practically. Figure 6 shows a coaxial cable
capacitor. For a capacitor with a small capacity (up to 30-pF) it is possible to use
whole coaxial cable length, see Figure 6A. For a capacitor with a high capacity cut
the coaxial cable on to several lengths, as it shown in Figure 6B.As a high-voltage
capacitor in trap it is possible to use a bilateral PC-board by width of 1 to 3
millimeters. In this case capacitor get more bulky the made on coaxial cable basis. It
is possible to tune the PC – capacitor on necessary capacity by slitting a foil on one
of two sides of this capacitor. Do not forget about atmospheric protection of the trap

Other way for trap design: It seems to me in the end of 70s in different radio
amateur literature were appeared articles about using “coaxial cable trap” for
W3DZZ. There is very simple method for trap making. Figure 7 shows the trap. It is
wise way for trap design, but radio amateur should have an experience using the
method. In different radio amateur literature there are a lot of data for design of the
trap, but classical methods are described at reference [6].


1. By Alois Krischke : Rothammels Antennenbuch.- Franckh – Kosmos, V

GmbH@Co., Stuttgart, 1995, 11 edition. Figure 7 A coaxial
2. Jay Rusgrove, WA1LNQ: The Cheapie GP // QST, 1976, February, p31. cable trap
3. Morgan h. K. : Multifrequency Tuned Antenna System. - Electronics, vol. 13,
August 1940, pp. 42-50.
4. Buchman C. L., W3DZZ : The multimatch Antenna System. // QST, March 1955,
pp.22-23, 130.
5. The Radio Amateur’s Handbook, 1970, by ARRL publication.
6. The ARRRL Antenna Book, 19 Editions // ARRL Amateur Radio, 2000. mirror: Page 1-46

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS A Five Bands Vertical Trap Antenna

M. Chirkov, UL7GCC

The classical W3DZZ antenna in vertical installation impedance. But the circuit LC at the 80-m range has
designed by UL7GCC and shown at the Reference 1 an inductance part in its impedance. The inductance
is well known in Russia. Figure 1 shows the antenna. part compensates capacity part of the electrically short
Diameter of sections A and B is 40- 50-mm. How is it vertical, and the antenna has a low SWR at the 80-m
work? range too. In other words, the inductor of the LC works
as a usual lengthening spool.
40-m band: The trap LC cut out the upper section B
from the antenna. So only section A works as a 10-, 15- and 20-m ranges: Visa versa, at the 10-, 15-,
radiator, and the section A has length in 10.1 meters, and 20-m the LC has a capacity part at its impedance
i.e. has electrical length in 1/4λ. Vertical radiator that goes the electrical length of the antenna to 1.75λ
having with the length of 1/4λ has a quarter- wave at 10-m, to 1.25λ at 15-m and to 0.75λ at 20-m.
resonance and works in very effectively way. At the
band the circuit LC works as a trap. Do not forget, verticals like counterpoises, so use
several 1/4λ counterpoises for each bands.
80-m band: On the 80-m band the antenna has
summary physical length of this two sections A+B a Reference
little less than 1/4λ. A + B = 16.47 meters, less then M. Chirkov, UL7GCC: Multi range vertical //
20 meters OF quarter wave length for the 80-m band. Radio #12, 1991, p. 21.
A short vertical radiator has a capacity part in its input mirror: Page 1-47

PROJECTS for QRP Dipole Nadenenko

Soviet radio amateurs well know the broadband dipole Dipole struts can be both as metal as wooden. As usual,
named in Russia “dipole Nadednenko.” The antenna is struts has the shape as a circle, wooden struts has the s
widely used at serve radio centers of Russia. Russian polygon. Wires are attached to struts any possible way. W
radio amateurs also are used the dipole. Below we ends of shoulders carefully are welded. As usual, a 300-
take up a design of the antenna. wire line is used for feeding of the antenna. Antenna rad
with horizon polarization.
The dipole contains several wires at each shoulders
shaped as a cylinder. Figure 1 shows the dipole By Radio 1959
Nadednenko. For working at 40- 10 meters the sizes
are: L= 8 meters, L1= 3 meters, L2= 1 meter, 2R= 1
meter. Diameter of wires is 1.5- 3 millimeters.

Figure 1
Calculations of input impedance and DD (for horizon The data is obtained with help of a free antenna
radiation) of the dipole Nadenenko located at 10 program MMANA (MININEC based). Left diagram is a
meters above real ground with above mention section of the volumetric diagram directivity of plane X-
dimensions (L= 8 meters, L1= 3 meters, L2= 1 meter, Y at a zenith corner of the maximum radiation. The
2R= 1 meter, diameter of wires is 2 millimeters) are right diagram is section of the volumetric diagram
shown below. You can see, it is possible to use a 50- directivity of plane X- Z. Also at the right down corner
Ohm coaxial cable with a 1:4 transformer if restricted of the pictures is a table with antenna impedance.
bands (30, 20, 10 and 6 meters) are used. mirror: Page 1-48

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Dipole Nadenenko mirror: Page 1-49

PROJECTS for QRP Dipole Nadenenko mirror: Page 1-50

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Dipole Nadenenko mirror: Page 1-51


Radio RBM is one of the most famous Russian military radio that was used in the WW-II and after the war as a
surplus radio. RBM took place in the WW-II, after the war RBM was used as trial radio for military teaching
centers. Lots of Russian hams know well the radio. I want to give some information about RBM and its antennas

73! I.G.

History: Radio RBM, firstly named as RB (Radio, WW- II. USSR, Leningrad Front, 1943.
Base), was designed before the WW-II, in the 1938, Radio RB
in the Research Center of Communication of Red
Army, by a special research group guided by colonel
Sosunov. Special variant of RB named as RB-40,
that had low weight because it was made in an
aluminum cabinet was produced from end of 1939
for spy and partisan. It was made near 1000 RB-40,
but then its producing was stopped because the
aviation need aluminum. In the 1942 some
modifications were done in the radio, and RB was
named as RBM (Radio, Base, Modified). In the 1943
both with RBM was produced RBM-5 that has 5
watts power compare to 1 watt that RBM has. After
WW-II other modification of RBM named as RBM- 1
was produced. RBM-1 was produced until end of
50s. Some samples of RBM-1 was produced for
export (see picture with Latin letters on the front

Composition: RBM –1 consists of from two

boxes, one is the transceiver other is its supply unit.

Transceiver has dimension of 345x195x260-mm,

weight of 13 KG. It works at two frequency ranges, I-
5.0- 2.75 MHz, II - 2.75-1.5 MHZ, has CW and AM
modes. Transmitter made on vacuum tubes

Transmitter has 1 watt output(in reality 1.5 watts),

plate current 35-mA and heater current 1-A. Export Sample of RBM-1

Receiver has sensitivity of 10-µV at AM and 3-µV

at CW, plate current 10-mA and heater current 0.5-
Transmitter and receiver use common units as: an
antenna and output audio transformer, that does
modulation for transmitter at AM mode and audio at
receiving mode.

Power supply has three batteries of BAS-80 for

plate and a NiCad accumulator 2NCN-24 for heater,
weight of 14 KG. The Power Supply run the radio
during 24- 36 hours.

Purpose of RBM is to do reliable simplex

communication at any conditions. Distance of the
communication depends on antennas that use with
the radio. mirror: Page 1-52

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS RBM Radio

Short Whip Antenna does communication near

10 kms on AM and near 15 kms on CW.

I live near village Prohorovka, Russia, where at

July-4- August 5, 1943, The greatest tank battle
of WW - II was. As I know, near 500 samples of
RB radio took place in the battle
USSR tank KV-1
German tank Elefand/Ferdinand Destroyed by a German tank Tiger.
Destroyed by a tank mine. Prohorovka, July, 1943
Prohorovka, July, 1943

Russian RBM-1 mirror: Page 1-53


Schematic of RBM-1

Ground Dipole Antenna does communication near Note: The distance of communication is shown for
17 kms on AM and near 35 kms on CW. daytime at middle level of interferences. At nighttime and
at high level of interferences the distance of
Mast Antenna does communication near 30 kms on communication is decreased in two times.
AM and near 50 kms on CW. mirror: Page 1-54

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS RBM Radio

Picture from Russian Manual mirror: Page 1-55


Picture from Russian Manual

Winter, 60s, XX- century, Russia mirror: Page 1-56

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS RBM Radio

Credit Line:

Radio Magazine, USSR

RBM Padio. Manual for user. 1952. mirror: Page 1-57

PROJECTS for QRP Half-Loop Antennas

Jean-Pierre GOUIN & Daniel LAFARGUE

In France
7, chemin de Vaubesnard
91410 Dourdan FRANCE
means e-mail:
Credit Line: Starec

The present describes a HF loop antenna and its agile These conditions beeing fulfilled, the loop antennas
coupler which can be adapted to the new designs of deliver a high current and have a high selectivity with
ALE and FH (frequency hopping) radiosets. The a high quality factor (Q-factor), typically 10 times
original specification in 1993 was : "a small mobile higher than the Q-factor of the best traditional
antenna and coupler for HF voice and data couplers designed for 5 to 10 meters whips or 10 to
communications in driving from 0 to 600 km without 40 m dipoles.
silent zone, in association with a 125 Watts CW
radioset. 1.2 On fast frequency tuning
Frequency range 2-12 MHz Channel tuning time < 5ms For future fast ALE procedures the tuning target time
Bandwidth > 3,5 kHz in a military environment" is 50ms, while the "low speed" frequency hopping
Following on from this product other versions with (F.H.) procedures already require a 5ms tuning time,
wider frequency range (3-15 MHz, 3-30 MHz, 2-30 with all calculations and control exchange times
MHz), a higher power and various dimensions and beeing included or already done. This can't be done
shapes for fixed, land-mobile and naval applications using electromechanical tuning. Digital switching
have been developed. devices are cost effective today at low and medium
powers. Their switching time run in milliseconds
1. GENERALITIES using low loss vacuum relays, and in the
microseconds using electronic relays like PIN-diodes.
1.1. on the HF tuned loops But the PIN-diode technology cannot be used in
loops for transmission, due to their inability to
The HF transmission tuned loop antennas which are withstand the high currents and due to the losses
designed for HF transmission have small dimensions they bring (0.5 to 1 W) which would drastically
(< 0,1 ) compared to the wavelength, in order to decrease the overall efficiency at the lowest
conduct a quasi constant current and to be considered frequencies. Vacuum relays, including REED relays,
as magnetic dipoles. Their radiation impedance and are the only technologies available to switch the
efficiency mainly depends on their surface which capacitors of a transmission tuned loop antenna
creates a magnetic flux in the near field and an efficiently.
electromagnetic field in the far field. Their diameter,
height or width (round or square shape) run from 1 to 3
1.3 On the power requirements
meters, and their radiating surface generally do not
exceed 5 m2 in order to coincide with the small Based on the experience of 2 previous generations of
dimensions required. tuned loop antennas, and the proprietary propagation
simulations, it was calculated that two 100W
These types of antennas differ from open antennas radiosets and 4m2 loops having a -15 to + 5dBi
(like whips, horizontal dipoles, log-periodic antennas,) typical gain figure from 2 to 12 MHz would insure
by their impedance which is reactive and can be voice and data communications at any distance from
adapted by capacitor only. Their radiating resistance is 0 to to 600 km at least.
low (< 1 m ) at the lowest frequencies of the range. This mission cannot be fulfiled by any 5 to 10 m whip
As the efficiency is given by the ratio radiating antenna on a medium soil, even in association with a
resistance/ total resistances of the tuned circuit, it is 400W/1 kW radio set: a vertical whip or a bent whip
necessary to minimise the radiating element resistor, on a vehicle in move do not transmit and receive
using a good conductive metal (aluminium, copper), enough energy to cover the typical 50-250 km silent
and to use low loss capacitors. zone. mirror: Page 1-58

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Half-Loop Antennas

A 125W radioset combined with a tuned loop antenna - The inductance L is a function of the spiral surface
is sufficient to fulfill the mission requirement using the comprised between the feed bar and the platform.
Near Vertical Incident Signal (NVIS propagation). This
will be further improved due to frequency management Two types of antennas have been compared, type A
and the new generations of HF modems which will and type B, differing by the positions of their
bring a lower threshold of sensibility. capacitors.

II DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW MOBILE TUNED II.3. Modelisation of the antenna type A

FRAME ANTENNA The capacitor is positioned in the secondary of the
transformer, at the end of the line (FIG 1).
II.1 Principle
The mobile tuned loop antenna is a "half-loop" set-up
vertically on a metal surface which achieves a full loop
equivalence. The metal surface like a mobile platform
(truck or shelter, ship's cabin,...) must have a good
electrical continuity. Thie half-loop is half the size of a
full loop and makes installation possible on small
vehicles on the move.
Figure 1
The half-loop is folded and joined at each end to the
platform's earth. One end is loaded by a variable
capacitor. The electrical equivalent sheme is given FIG 2

A feed rod ("the feed coil") links the radioset RF

access to a precise point of the half-loop. It is
equivalent to a fixed reactive element, and the whole
system acts as a loss-free autotransformer whose
primary circuit can be set to 50 W.

II.2 Modelisation of the antenna

Figure 2
The modelisation purpose is the definition of the
electrical circuit and the parameters of the antenna. It The results are computed by a specific C.A.D.
is made by the wire methods of moments. radiofrequency device and compared to the values
measured on full scale antenna mock-up.
The radiating element is represented by a radiating
impedance (Rr, La) with a loss resistance Rp As an example, FIG 3, FIG 4, FIG 5 show the
The tuning capacitor is represented by a serial circuit
(C, Rc), C being the capacitor value and Rr its loss

The 50 matching is figured by a loss-free transformer

M with a matching ratio K, and a parallel or serial
inductance L at the RF input.

Establishment of the equivalent circuit parameters:

-The radiating element (Rr, La) is calculated by an

electromagnetism software based upon the method of

- The radiating element loss Rp is determined

according to the antenna material and section

- The capacitor's losses Rc are determined through the

manufacturer's data
- The matching ratio K is a function of the primary to
secondary radiating surface ratio
Figure 3 mirror: Page 1-59

PROJECTS for QRP Half-Loop Antennas

impedances at various frequencies on the Smith

The calculated and measured values are compared
charts, with computed values (in full line) and at various frequencies (FIG 6, FIG7) The bandwidth
measured values (in doted lines). These charts is measured at VSWR ý 2.5:1 , when the real and the
underscore the performances of a resonating cavity
imaginary terms of the impedance are equal.
like a R, L, C parallel device, and confirm the
impedance values computed by the method of

Figure 6

Figure 4

Figure 7

The results have validated the antenna equivalent


This sheme helped to optimize the dimensions of the

radiating element, considering the efficiency and
bandwidth requirements. The approximative values
are, from 2 to 12 MHz:

Rr = 0,5m to 3 with a 2,2m2 antenna surface

Rp= 0.01 to 0.02

C= 3500 to 60 pF
Figure 5 Rc= 0.05 to 2 mirror: Page 1-60

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Half-Loop Antennas

The equivalent circuit aided in the calculation of the

voltages and the currents developed over each
electronic component.

II. 4. Modelisation of the antenna type B

The tuning capacitor is positioned in the primary of the
autotransformer (FIG 8).

Figure 10
higher for the Type B than for the Type A antenna. In
a tuned circuit, bandwidths (B) are inversely
proportional to the quality factor (Q), and Q is
proportional to the efficiency (h ); when Q >> 1, h x B
Figure 8
= Rr/2p La = constant If ha and hb are the Type A
and Type B antenna efficiencies , and Ba et Bb their
Its equivalent electrical scheme is given on FIG 9. bandwidths respectively, the applying formulas are
ha Ba = hb Bb, and ha / hb = Bb / Ba When the
measured bandwidth ratios is Bb / Ba = 10 , the
efficiency ratio becomes ha/hb is 10.

Observing that Type B antenna optimizes the tuning
in the primary circuit, and that the Q-factors of
primary and secondary are quite different, the energy
Figure 9
transfer in the secondary is not maximized. On the
contrary, in the Type A antenna the tuning brings a
The Type B antenna is modeled in the same way as maximum Q-factor and the current is the highest in
the Type A antenna, and using the same physical the radiating resistor.
parameters. An additional capacitor may be added in
the feed rod to optimize the radioset matching
The Type A antenna design brings the best antenna
II.5. Compared performances type A and type efficiency.
B antennas
II.6 Improvement of the design
Comparative simulations
Increasing the bandwith
The compared simulations gave a clear advantage to
the Type A antenna type. As an example, FIG 10 Trials on vehicles were made under strong rain.
shows a +12 dB gain advantage for the Type A Modifications of the tune positions were observed at
antenna at 12 MHz the highest frequencies (FIG 11 )
Such modifications can give an operational problem
Comparative measurements with no possible reset in transmission (in FH mode
The comparative simulated results were confirmed by
This shifting problem was resolved by widening the
the comparative measured bandwidths Using 2
bandwidth by using two radiating elements in parallel
antennas having the same radiating surface, the
and electrically linked. The simulation of this structure
compared measured bandwidths were 5 to 10 times mirror: Page 1-61

PROJECTS for QRP Half-Loop Antennas

Principle of the capacitor switching

The capacitors which are necessary to tune the
antenna reactance are scaled from 3300pF to 60 pF
at 2 MHz and 12 MHz respectfully, with a 1,5 pF
accuracy at the highest frequencies.

A logarithmic series of n switchable capacitors in

parallel defined by Ci=2 Ci-1 with C1=1.5 pF give all
discrete value multiple of 1,5pF:

C = S ki Ci from i = 1 to n , with ki= 0 ou 1

C1, which is the smallest used capacitor,

defines the accuracy of the C capacitor

The highest individual capacitor value is in theory

3300/2=1650 pF in order to get 3300pF by the
addition of all capacitors, and n must be higher than

Figure 11 The total number of capacitors is choosen equal to

12 to takto into consideration the dispersion of the
modification concluded in a +10 to +15% extended components whose values are guaranteed with a ñ
bandwidths and in +0.5dB to +1dB extra efficiencies all 5% precision, and to recover the possible missing
over the frequency range. frequency bands.

II.7. Realisation of a fast tune design A special software was created to define and
memorize the kiCi arrangements which are
The 2-12 MHz.antenna was developed for the required necessary to get all discrete capacitor values and
efficiency and a minimum 3.5 kHz bandwidth recover the possible missing frequency bands. It
independently of the variations in the environment. memorizes the calculated values and the measured
values. A calibration at the first installation or in
With a 2.2m2 radiating surface the half-loop reactance operation in case of a major environment change can
is 2mH at 2 MHz and 3.5mH at 12 MHz. be done in less than 6 seconds.

The tuning principle consists in switching capacitors in Measured results

parallel to create a series of bandwidths with mutual
covering at a VSWR < 2.5:1.(FIG 12) The prototype of the antenna achieved a VSWR
Typical figures are given FIG13.

Figure 12

Figure 13 mirror: Page 1-62

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Half-Loop Antennas

II.7. Qualification "The results were independant of these

environmental conditions, the reception signal/noise
A 2-12 MHz demonstrator was built with acceptable beeing only slightly affected under the very high
dimensions for land mobile applications (height=90cm, voltage cables.
length=2.4m, width=30cm). All adjacent bandwidths
were covered within the 2.5:1 VSWR specification. "...The half-loop antenna bring the best results in
terms of link budget and listening comfort".
Its efficiency was measured every 0.5 MHz on a test
station by substitution of a refence whip. These values Thomson-CSF also confirmed that the half-loop
were not more different than ñ1dB from the values antenna on a moving car allows fast data
deducted from the Q-factor measurements. transmissions without fault in the silent zone of the
whip antenna, and that it improves the probability of
A second version with a 2-30MHz frequency range successfull synchronisation of the new procedures in
was developped. It was qualified for military bad ionospheric conditions.
environment with mechanical tests (chocks, vibrations)
and climatic tests (-40C +70C, rainfall, salted fog, Other field trials were successfully conducted in
windspeed, ice, dusts, etc...) according to MIL SPEC France and several foreign countries in the Middle
standards. It is now in service in quantities in the East and America.
French Army.
Mobile and naval half-loop antennas and fixed/semi-
Extract from the field trial made by Thomson-CSF in fixed loop antennas using the same electronic
octobre 1994 for the French Army: components and softwares are working today with
various radiosets for military and civilian applications
"From 0 to 600 km, all Q/S and S+N/N measurements as well, in frequency hopping, ALE or fixed frequency
have confirmed a behaviour without fault of the half- modes A modular and universal interfacing unit
loop. It always gave results much higher than that of makes it possible to fit the antenna at the radioset RF
the guyed 5m whip whatever the climatic conditions output using the control interfacing designed for its
were (rain, intensive fog...). We tried to use the station antenna coupler.
in the most extreme environment conditions noting the
link results, while driving under the rain, under the high The control exchanges can be done in RS232 or
voltage cables either parallel or perpendicular to the multiwire cable according to the speed. The
road, measuring signal/noise in highly industrialized frequencies can be provided in clear, as a channel
towns (like Clermont Ferrand) , on the country roads number or not provided at all. A frequency counter is
through humid forests, etc... necessary in this last configuration.

(Continue on the next page)


STAREC has been involved for a long time in the design of specialized antennas, a wide range.of which has
been proved in operation with French and foreign Armed Forces.

This equipment is mainly used in fixed or mobile weapons or telecommunication systems, such as shelters,
trucks, battle tanks, forward armoured vehicles, etc. STAREC is involved in the RITA, ROLAND, PR4 G, HF
Carthage programs.
Agile half loop on vehicle mirror: Page 1-63

PROJECTS for QRP Half-Loop Antennas

V APPLICATIONS The chart below present the "not so wellknown"

specificities and applications of the HF tuned
HF/125W loops and half-loops.


Very small dimensions for HF (1.5 to 3m rectangle or Difficult installations (on roof, small areas, ship,...)
Half-loop capability to communicate from a moving
Can be radomed vehicle.

Discrete stations (fixed and mobile)

Small surface on ground.A ground plane is not Easy and low cost installation.
necessary for loop

Communications up to 1000km with 125W, without

silent zone in azimuth nor petal nulls in elevation.
Low take-off angle propagation andGround wave
Communications of the ships along the coasts and
radiation (8-shaped pattern)+Near Vertical Incidence
over mountains.
Skywave (NVIS)
Directivity: + 2dB in free space and +5dB or +6 dB on One antenna only gives the equivalent services of
a conductive ground Gain: - 12/-15 dBi at lowest a NVIS antenna (like horizontal dipole) and a
frequencies to+ 2/+ 5 dBi at highest frequencies. vertical whip (at longer ranges).

Achievement of an ALE fully automated mobile

station: no more need to change antennas at halt
alongside the classic silent zone of whips.

High selectivity in the lowest range.

High reduction of outband transmissions.
Compared to the whip antennas: Better listening
High reduction of received noise and improvement of comfort, reduced Bit Error Rate (BER) of data
the Signal/Noise ratio(typically 6 to 10dB in reception transmissions or FH synchronisation signals. Extra
compared to the wider band antennas like tuned filters can be avoided in many applications.
whips or dipoles) Operational in industrial zones and areas of
frequent lightning.
High rejection of the strong wideband signals like
high voltage lines spurious, indirect effects of Simultaneous transmission and reception on the
lightening, etc... same narrow site (head of a star chained network,
duplex station, HF-HF relay,...)
2 tuned loops are highly isolated (particularly when
they are perpendicular with one frame in the central
axis of the other one).

Fully capacitive tuning unit, without coil nor magnetic Interesting for certain ships
signature effect

HF/125W fast tuned frame antennas can find a number of applications for point to point, ground to air and
ship to shore applications at any distance to 1000 km. mirror: Page 1-64

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Old Military HF- Antennas of Communication

Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

I have a small collection of information about old military HF antennas used over the World.
Presently, three old military automobile HF antennas are described at the article. The antennas are
written “as it is,” i.e., I give all information, that I have had. I know, the information is not complete at
all, but, nevertheless, the information is interesting and it can help somebody to make own ‘car

Tuned dipole

Tuned dipole exhibited in Figure 1 was used in army dimensions of the automobile, as it is exhibited in
of the USSR. Scheme for the antenna is shown in Figure 1b. Tuned dipole has high radiation both at
Figure 1a. Tuned dipole made from a strong tube low and high (mostly) angles. It allows the antenna to
that has diameter 15 to 30 mm. The tube is installed make links by earth and reflected from ionosphere
at height of 1-1,5 m above the roof of an automobile wave.
and goes out approximately on 1 meter for overall

Figure 1 Tuned dipole mirror: Page 1-65

PROJECTS for QRP Old Military HF- Antennas of Communication

Length ‘L’ of the antenna (see Figure 1a) depends to could reach to 10-15 meters in length. It depends
dimensions of a car, where the antenna is installed, on sizes of the car.
usually the length close to 6 meters. The antenna
feeds with help a short length of a two-wire line, Folded dipole is fed by two-wire ladder line in length
usually the length is equal to 2- 3 meters, an ATU is about 3 meters. The line is connected to an ATU.
used. Antenna is adjusted with help of a symmetrical The antenna is tuned on maxima of RF current to
variometer ‘LT’ installed at opposite ends of the points ‘A’. Folded dipole is tuned in resonance in the
tuned dipole. The antenna is tuned on maxima of RF operation frequencies with help of loading spools ‘LT’
current to points ‘A’. In such case the antenna together with capacitor ‘C’, that made as a
ensures maximum effective work. But in the manual constructing part of the car.
of the antenna is pointed, that the antenna in some
cases can be tuned on maxima of RF voltage on The antenna is intended for 60-90 meters, and
points ‘A’. Such set-up for the antenna is possible if usually does not work at other ranges. . Folded
the communication car is placed on a good dipole has strongly radiation to the sky and a little
conducting surface (it can be moist salty soil) or by to the horizon.
operation from natural shelters - holes, ravine.
Inductances of antenna variometer vary from several Dipole with low characteristic impedance
microhenry up to 300 microhenrie. The antenna
works good at 2-25 MHz. Dipole with low characteristic impedance is intended
for a work at wide frequencies range and for
At usage of this antenna in military communication installation on the roof of a communication car that
car, the antenna gives that advantage, that the roof has small dimensions. Figure 4 shows the scheme
of the automobile remains free. It enables to install (Figure 4A) and disposition (Figure 4B) of the dipole
on the roof other antennas, for example, for VHF- on communication car. I must say, that I have seen
UHF ranges some photos, where the antenna was installed
athwart to the roof, as it is shown at Figure 4C. The
Folded dipole antenna is located at the altitude approximately at 1
meter above the roof. Wings of the dipole made as a
Folded dipole was in use within the World War – II metal grid has shape, crosswire at the cells soldered.
and till 70s of the 20 century. The dipole is a wire The wing of the dipole has the width in (0,5-1,5)-
folded by meander and loaded to serial coil plus a meters and the length (1,5-2)-meters.
capacitor. Figure 2 shows the disposition of the
folded dipole on communication car. The antenna is Figure 5 shows the scheme of feeding of dipole with
located at the altitude approximately at 1-1,5 meters low characteristic impedance. The antenna is
above the roof. Figure 3 shows the scheme of the connected through a two-wire ladder line in about 2
antenna. Wings of the folded dipole meters length to an ATU. The ATU has a resonance mirror: Page 1-66

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Old Military HF- Antennas of Communication

Figure 2 Folded dipole placed on communication car

Figure 3 Scheme of the folded dipole mirror: Page 1-67

PROJECTS for QRP Old Military HF- Antennas of Communication

Figure 4 Dipole with low characteristic impedance mirror: Page 1-68

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Old Military HF- Antennas of Communication

Figure 5 Scheme of feeding of dipole with low characteristic impedance.

circuit ‘LF- CR’, that is coupled with help of war. The antenna ensures the sure communication
coupling coil ‘LC’ with a transmitter. With the help with zenith radiation in HF range 2- 4 MHz in radius
of variable of 200-300 km from the antenna. Also this antenna
spool ‘LF’ and variable capacitor ‘CR’ this circuit ensures long-distance communication in HF ranges
can be retune in the frequencies range of 2-20 5-20 MHz.
MHz. In the same frequency range the antenna
works. Maxima of RF current in to the antenna is But this antenna had the deficiencies: at the first, it
installed with the help of variable symmetrical has too complicated matching device, at the second
capacitor ‘CT.’ the antenna takes too much place in the roof of the
car. For these reasons, since of the end of 50s, the
Such antenna was widely used in communication antenna practically is not used in military
cars during the World War-II and some time after the communication cars.

Russian Field Radio Station, 1941, w.w.-II Russian Field Radio Station, 1913, w.w.-I mirror: Page 1-69

PROJECTS for QRP Modern Military HF- Antennas of Com. Cars

Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

I have a small collection of information about old and modern military HF antennas used over the
World. Presently, two modern automobile HF antennas are described at the article. The antennas
are written “as it is,” i.e., I give all information, that I have had. I know, the information is not
complete at all, but, nevertheless, the information is interesting and it can help somebody to make
own ‘car antennas.’

The basic types of military antennas, which for a corner of the magnet antenna. Driven loop is coupled
long time were used on communication cars, to the transmitter with the help of a coaxial cable by
were construed during and before the World characteristic impedance of100 Ohm. The sizes of
War II. After WW-II researches for new antennas the army magnet antenna for operation in 150 - 80
meters are exhibited in Figure 1b.
for communication cars was renewed. Below
we shall consider two new type of car antennas Mag Loop antennas of communication cars for
which have appeared in army after the World meters
War-II still are in use on modern communication
car. There are magnet antennas and DDRR Also magnet antennas are used for operation in HF ra
antennas, that began to be used for 60 meters. Such magnet antenna has smaller
communication cars (under my information) contrasted to magnet antenna intended for operation
rather recently - in the middle of 70s years of the meters. Magnet antenna for 90-60 meters owing to
20 century. sizes is installed or above the roof of the cabin of comm

Mag Loop antennas of communication cars for car (see Figure 2) or at back edge of the car (see
150-80 meters Figure 3). At this installation of mag loop the roof of
the car is free to place other antennas or some more
As usual a magnet antenna of the range is installed electronic equipment. The sizes of the magnet
on a communication car as it is shown in Figure 1. antenna for operation in 90 - 60 meters are exhibited
The magnet antenna ensures sure communication in in Figure 2 and Figure 3.
radius of 200 kms at the daylight time and up to 400
kilometers at the night time. Figure 2 Magnet antenna above the roof of the car
Figure 1 Magnet antenna on a communication car
Figure 3 Magnet antenna on the back edge of the
The magnet antenna at marching condition is car
installed parallel to the car roof (see. Figure 1a) and
does not hinder to ride the car under low bridges or The magnet antennas shown in Figures 1-3 usually
under trees in forests. The magnet antenna stands in are made of an aluminum bent tube in 20- 40
operating position with the help of an electric motor millimeters in OD and 2-3 millimeters thick.
or by operator hand. Figure 1b shows the zenith
magnet antenna in the operating position. Magnet antennas for 150 -90 meters is not intended
for operation when a communication car is moving.
The magnet antenna (item 2, Figure 1b) is tuned in But Magnet antennas for 90 - 60 meters can be used
resonance on the operating frequency with the help when a communication car is moving.
of variable capacitor (item 3, Figure 1b), which is
weatherproofed by hermetic box (item 4, Figure 1b).
The variable capacitor is turned with the help of an
electric motor. The magnet antenna is drove by a
small loop (item 1, Figure 1b) that is installed in mirror: Page 1-70

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Modern Military HF- Antennas of Com. Cars

Magnet antenna on a communication car

Is little smaller the quarter wave of the high lower

range of the antenna, but the length ‘L’ not less the
Antennas DDRR in military communication
lower operation range of the antenna. Antenna DDRR
to resonance by the variable capacitor C which is driv
Antennas DDRR are used in military communication
electric motor M. Antenna DDRR, as usual, is mad
of many countries. Figure 4 shows the schematic of
aluminum tube in 20-40 millimeters OD.
antenna DDRR. Say simple the antenna represents a
tube bent in shape of letter “L”. The length of the ‘L’
Figure 4 Schematic of Antenna DDRR of communicatio mirror: Page 1-71

PROJECTS for QRP Modern Military HF- Antennas of Com. Cars

Magnet antenna above the roof of the car cabin

Seldom use two antennas DDRR that fed with

On military vehicles an antenna DDRR usually some phase shift to create special diagram
places on one of edges as it is shown in Figure 5. It directivity. Figure 6 shows such antenna array.
allows to install other antennas on the roof of the
communication car. Antennas DDRR often serve as Figure 6 Array of antennas DDRR
enclosure of the roof.
Antenna DDRR is very strong and allows to do comm
Figure 5 Antenna DDRR on military vehicle when the car is moving. Radio amateurs also can use
DDRR for the operation in ether at installation on the ro
Antennas DDRR also are used on some heavy tanks car.
or BMI (battle machine of infantry). On this military
vehicle the antenna DDRR serves as a rail for other
hand. Antenna DDRR has mechanically strong
design, so it is difficult to damage an antenna DDRR
in battle. mirror: Page 1-72

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Modern Military HF- Antennas of Com. Cars mirror: Page 1-73

PROJECTS for QRP Modern Military HF- Antennas of Com. Cars

Antenna DDRR on military vehicle

Array of antennas DDRR

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73! Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK mirror: mirror: Page 1-74

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

In Russia summer traditionally is the season for radio

expeditions. So, the question about a field antenna Igor Grigor'ev, RV3DA
stands before hundreds radio amateurs. Certainly, it
is impossible to give one answer to this question. A
design of an antenna for fields depends on many
factors. There are frequencies bands used by radio http: //
expedition, local factors for antenna installation, time
and money and so on. Igor, RV3DA, has developed
universal wire antenna. This one with ATU works well
on all amateurs short-wave ranges, including WARC.
factors. There are frequencies bands used by radio
expedition, local factors for antenna installation, time
and money and so on. Igor, RV3DA, has developed
universal wire antenna. This one with ATU works well
on all amateurs short-wave ranges, including WARC.

The antenna has a triangular shape, one of the ends

of the triangular is grounded. Figure 1 shows the
circuit of the antenna. A good grounding is necessary
for successful work of the antenna. However, the
antenna provides good work without good grounding

The antenna was tested by team of collective radio

station RK3DZD in field conditions.

On Eastern Sunday April 11 we have been going to

RDA- pedition. About RDA program you can see page
86, ANTENTOP# 2- 2004. Our team (RD3DT,
UA3DUS, RZ3DT and RV3DA) and buys settled down
at picturesque surroundings of the edge of Tsna river,
Egor'evskoe area MO-62 at Moscow oblast. mirror: Page 1-75

PROJECTS for QRP Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

Yuri, RA3DUF, hanged our antenna on the nearest

pines. TNX to Yuri, RK3DUF for steeplejack works! 3. 15 meters- Japanese called us very loudly.
You can see a photo of the antenna (antenna colored
by red). The antenna had no feeder and was 4. On 10 meters was dead (no propagation).
connected directly to a transceiver FT-847 through a
home- made T- ATU that was placed at the table. 5. 80 meters – we received very loudly many radio
We used an automobile accumulator 55-A/h and gas- station from Siberia (2000- 3000 kms from us) but our
generator Honda for feeding our equipment. sign was received poor in Siberia because, as we
think, of poor grounding.
Grounding was very bad - a pipe in diameter of ½” and
in length of 1 meter. The ground was very damp, ten Below given diagram directivity for the antenna
meters father from the antenna a river was. The obtained with help of free antenna program MMANA
antenna was hanged between two high pines. (MININEC based). Left diagram is a section of the
volumetric diagram directivity of plane X-Y at a zenith
What we have had: corner of the maximum radiation. The right diagram is
section of the volumetric diagram directivity of plane X-
1. 40 meters - is higher than any praises. Really, we Z. Also at the right down corner of the pictures is a
ruled by pile- up from tens calling stations. table with antenna impedance. Please, take attention
Simultaneously we received as local as DX- stations. to the data, you can do decision how you ATU does
match of the
2. 20 meters – the directivity of the antenna did bad
effect for us. The antenna was directed to 73!
the North - South, that it was not good for us. Igor Grigor'ev, RV3DA
Southern radio stations simply rattled in the Air!

So our first workplace looked. As usual, we had too have used “table” T-ATU. Two air variable capacitors
little time for preparing before our pedition, so, we and a variable inductor placed on the table without any
case. Yury, RK3DUF, did DX- QSO. mirror: Page 1-76

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

Antenna RV3DA at 160-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna radiates mainly radio waves

with vertical polarization. A very good pattern with low
lobes in the vertical plane. Circular pattern in horizontal
plane. It is fine for DX- QSO. But antenna has Z= 921-
j5833-Ohms at 1910-kHz. Not all ATUs do good
matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-77

PROJECTS for QRP Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

Antenna RV3DA at 80-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna radiates mainly radio waves

with vertical polarization. A very good pattern with low
lobes in the vertical plane. Circular pattern in horizontal
plane. It is fine for DX- QSO. Antenna has Z= 116+
j263-Ohms at 3800-kHz. Almost any ATU does good
matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-78

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

Antenna RV3DA at 40-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna radiates mainly radio waves

with horizontal polarization. A good pattern in the
vertical plane. Antenna has strong zenith radiation that
allows to do local QSOs. “Eight- figure” pattern in
horizontal plane, so, it demands to choose a proper
direction before an installation of the antenna. Antenna
is fine for DX and local QSOs. Antenna has Z= 116+
j263-Ohms at 3800-kHz. Almost any ATU does good
matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-79

PROJECTS for QRP Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

Antenna RV3DA at 30-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has strong vertical radiation.

Not bad pattern in the vertical plane. Antenna has
strong radiation at high corners that allows to do local
QSOs. Antenna has almost circular pattern in
horizontal plane. Antenna provides DX and local
QSOs. Antenna has Z= 55+ j86-Ohms at 1010-kHz.
Any ATU does good matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-80

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

Antenna RV3DA at 20-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has strong horizon radiation.

A good pattern in the vertical plane. Antenna has a
strong radiation at low corners that allows to do DX
QSOs. Antenna has almost “eight- figure” pattern in
horizontal plane, so, it demands to choose a proper
direction before an installation of the antenna. Antenna
provides DX QSOs. Antenna has the resonance at
14100-kHz at 166 Ohms. Any ATU does good
matching for the antenna. mirror: Page 1-81

PROJECTS for QRP Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

Antenna RV3DA at 17-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has both, a strong vertical and

strong horizon radiation. For the vertical radiation
antenna has a good pattern in the vertical plane, and
almost circular pattern in the horizon plane. Pattern for
horizon radiation is not so good as to vertical
polarization. Antenna can provide DX QSOs at vertical
and horizon radiation. Antenna has impedance
1711+j466-Ohms at 18220-kHz. Not all ATUs do good
matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-82

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

Antenna RV3DA at 15-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has both, a strong vertical and

strong horizon radiation. For the horizon radiation
antenna has a good pattern in the vertical plane with
low lobes, and six-lobes pattern in the horizon plane.
Pattern for the horizon radiation is not so good as to
vertical polarization. Antenna can provide DX QSOs at
vertical radiation. Antenna has impedance 117+j86-
Ohms at 21200-kHz. Any ATU makes good matching
for such load. mirror: Page 1-83

PROJECTS for QRP Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

Antenna RV3DA at 12-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has strong horizon radiation.

For the horizon radiation antenna has a not bad
pattern in the vertical plane, and “eight- figure” pattern
in the horizon plane. Antenna can provide DX QSOs
at horizon radiation. Antenna has impedance
1208+j619-Ohms at 21200-kHz. Not all ATUs do good
matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-84

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

Antenna RV3DA at 10-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has strong horizon radiation.

For the horizon radiation antenna has a not bad
pattern in the vertical plane, and “eight- figure” pattern
dropped to lobes in the horizon plane. Antenna can
provide DX QSOs at the horizon radiation. Antenna
has impedance 396+j227-Ohms at 28600-kHz. Not all
ATUs do good matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-85

PROJECTS for QRP Field Universal HF Antenna RV3DA

Antenna RV3DA at 6-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has horizon and vertical

radiation. For the horizon radiation antenna has a not
bad pattern in the vertical plane, and “eight- figure”
pattern dropped to lobes in the horizon plane.
Antenna can provide DX QSOs at horizon radiation.
Antenna has impedance 429+j599-Ohms at 50600-
kHz. Not all ATUs do good matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-86

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna

Field universal antenna RV3DA (see pp.:24- 35 of Igor Grigorov, Rk3ZK

ANTENTOP- 02- 2004) works well even at a bad
grounding. To hammer into the ground a metal rod in
1 meter length is enough for the grounding.
Installation of the antenna takes a little time, it is
another its advantage.However, if there is an
opportunity to provide a good ground, and there is
some free time to spend of for installation of an
antenna, it is possible to use a Shunt Vertical
Universal HF Antenna . Universal HF Antenna has a gain less then universal
antenna RV3DA. It is possible to do a design of the
Figure 1 shows the schematic of the Shunt Vertical Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna so, that this one
Universal HF Antenna. A detailed description of the can be easy turned to the field universal antenna
theory of a Shunt Vertical Universal is given at RV3DA.
reference [1].
Below given diagram directivity for the antenna
Apparently, the circuit of the antenna only a bit differs obtained with help of free antenna program MMANA
from field universal antenna RV3DA. The differences (MININEC based). Left diagram is a section of the
are: the loop is isolated from the ground, its terminals volumetric diagram directivity of plane X-Y at a zenith
are shortened, shunts go down from two tops of the corner of the maximum radiation. The right diagram is
triangle loop to the ground. To ground shunts is section of the volumetric diagram directivity of plane X-
possible as to universal antenna RV3DA it is done, Z. Also at the right down corner of the pictures is a
i.e., a metal rod in 1 meter length is enough for the table with antenna impedance. Please, take attention
grounding. Of course, several counterpoises (three to the data, you can do decision how you ATU does
and more) in length 0f 5 meters (and more) help to match of the
improve the antenna operation. Counterpoises can lay
on a surface of the ground. Reference:
Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna radiates mainly 1. Aizenberg G. Z. Antennas of Short Waves.: Moscow, “
vertical radiation. It is required to use the antenna at Svyaz”, 1985.
woodless surrounding or big losses of high-frequency
energy will be. Please, take attention Shunt Vertical 73!
Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK mirror: Page 1-87

PROJECTS for QRP Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna

Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna at 160-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna radiates radio waves with

vertical polarization. A very good pattern with low lobes
in the vertical plane. Circular pattern in horizontal
plane. It is fine for DX- QSO. But antenna has Z= 5.4+
j423-Ohms at 1910-kHz. Not all ATUs do good
matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-88

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna

Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna at 80-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna radiates radio waves with

vertical polarization. A very good pattern with low lobes
in the vertical plane. Circular pattern in horizontal
plane. It is fine for DX- QSO. Antenna has Z= 119-
j197-Ohms at 3800-kHz. Almost any ATU does good
matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-89

PROJECTS for QRP Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna

Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna at 40-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna radiates radio waves with

vertical polarization. A very good pattern with low lobes
in the vertical plane. Almost a circular pattern in
horizontal plane. It is fine for DX- QSO. Antenna has
Z=1116- j515-Ohms at 7050-kHz. Not all ATUs do
good matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-90

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna

Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna at 30-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has strong vertical radiation. A

good pattern in the vertical plane. Antenna has strong
radiation at high corners that allows to do local QSOs.
Antenna has almost circular pattern in horizontal
plane. Antenna provides DX and local QSOs. Antenna
has Z= 16.9+ j15.6-Ohms at 10110-kHz. Any ATU
does good matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-91

PROJECTS for QRP Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna

Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna at 20-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has strong vertical radiation. A

very good pattern in the vertical plane. Antenna has
almost circular pattern in horizontal plane. Antenna
provides DX QSOs. Antenna has Z= 442+ j649-Ohms
at 14200-kHz. Not all ATUs do good matching for such
load. mirror: Page 1-92

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna

Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna at 17-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has strong vertical radiation. A

good pattern in the vertical plane. Antenna has egg
shape pattern in horizontal plane, so, it demands to
choose a proper direction before an installation of the
antenna. Antenna provides DX QSOs. Antenna has Z=
121+ j90-Ohms at 18120-kHz. Any ATU does good
matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-93

PROJECTS for QRP Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna

Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna at 15-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has strong vertical radiation. A

good pattern in the vertical plane. Antenna has almost
egg shape pattern dropped to four lobes in horizontal
plane, so, it demands to choose a proper direction
before an installation of the antenna. Antenna provides
DX QSOs. Antenna has Z= 177- j89-Ohms at 21200-
kHz. Any ATU does good matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-94

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna

Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna at 12-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has strong vertical radiation. A

good pattern in the vertical plane. Antenna has almost
circular pattern in horizontal plane. Antenna provides
DX QSOs. Antenna has Z= 259- j573-Ohms at 25040-
kHz. Not all ATUs do good matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-95

PROJECTS for QRP Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna

Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna at 10-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has strong vertical radiation. A

not bad pattern in the vertical plane. Antenna has a
four- shaped lobes pattern in horizontal plane, so, it
demands to choose a proper direction before an
installation of the antenna.. Antenna can provide DX
QSOs. Antenna has Z= 242- j280-Ohms at 28500-kHz.
Any ATU does good matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-96

Chapter 1: HF ANTENNAS Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna

Shunt Vertical Universal HF Antenna at 6-m

Vertical Radiation Pattern

Horizon Radiation Pattern

Comments: Antenna has strong vertical radiation. A

not bad pattern in the vertical plane. Antenna has an
“eight- shape” pattern in horizontal plane, so, it
demands to choose a proper direction before an
installation of the antenna.. Antenna can provide DX
QSOs. Antenna has Z= 86+ j40-Ohms at 50800-kHz.
The resonance is at the 6- meters band. Any ATU
does good matching for such load. mirror: Page 1-97



Dear Friends,

Most of us are heard about VHF antenna X200.

It is very interesting and very reliable two bands

RV9CX made some modifications for the

antenna, so, the new RV9CX-X200 is more
suitable for doing at amateur conditions. Go to
the next page for the new antenna!

Comments about the antenna please send to

Dmitriy, RV9CX:

Also, you can visit to

The site, where are Dmitriy and his

friends Page 2- 1
CHAPTER 2: VHF ANTENNAS Antenna X200 Page 2- 2
CHAPTER 2: VHF ANTENNAS “Bottle” Antenna for 145 MHz

By Sergey Mironov, RA1TW

Any amateur can do the antenna during one hour. To do Bottle Antenna
the antenna takes a half of hour and to tune the antenna Side view
also takes a half of hour. So, do not waste time and go
to make the Bottle Antenna!

At first take a look at schematic of the Bottle Antenna

(Figure 1).


1. Dielectric plate, approximately of 80x250-mm.

2. Vibrator, (5/8)λ

3. Matching spool

4. Tinned plate, approximately of 25x35-mm.

5. Counterpoises, (1/4)λ

6. Stud, washers, screw-nuts

7. Coaxial cable

How to do it

1. Take Dielectric plate (1) and install Vibrator (2)

on the plate. Use clamps or hard wire for this.

Top view
145 MHz the vibrator takes the length 1270-mm at the
diameter of the vibrator 4…5-mm, and 1200 m at
the diameter of the vibrator 10…14-mm.

2. Install Tinned plate (4) on the Dielectric plate.

Use Stud, washers, screw - nuts (6).

3. Do Matching spool (3). The spool has 9 turns of

1.5…2.5-mm diameter (# 14- 10 AWG) copper
or silvered plate wire. ID of the spool is 15…18-
mm, RA1TW use to old markers as a form for
the spools. Length of the spool is 34-mm.

4. Install the Matching spool on the Dielectric plate.

For doing this, the upper end of the spool is
fixed to the Vibrator and the down end of the
Figure 1
spool is fixed to the Tinned plate. Use solder or
fix the ends with the help of screws.

5. Do counterpoises. Two 105-cm lengths of

copper or aluminum wire of 4…6-mm (# 2…6
AWG) are bended as a Greek letter OMEGA
looks (see Figure 2).

Figure 2. Counterpoises Page 2- 3
CHAPTER 2: VHF ANTENNAS “Bottle” Antenna for 145 MHz

6. Fix the OMEGA- counterpoises to the Stud with

the help of the Screw-nuts. The counterpoises
should be at 90 degree to the Vibrator and to
each other.

7. Fix the OMEGA- counterpoises to the Stud with

the help of the Screw-nuts. The counterpoises
should be at 90 degree to the Vibrator and to
each other.

8. Install Coax (7). Central core is soldered to 3-1/3

tap from the Vibrator, the braid is soldered to the
Tinned plate (4).

9. Take a Bottle from dry drink. (I know, RA1TW

always prefers a bottle from beer!. I.G.) Do a
hole in the screw - top of the Bottle, cut the
bottom of the Bottle, cut four slots for
counterpoises, and then, install the Bottle (see
photo) on the Antenna.

That is all the Bottle Antenna is ready!


The best way to adjust the Bottle Antenna is to use Meter

of Amplitude vs Frequency Response characteristics. The
device is switched to the Bottle Antenna and we see the
frequency characteristic of the antenna. Stretch out the
Matching spool or cut lengths of the Vibrator and
Counterpoises if the resonance frequency of the antenna
is below then 145 MHz. Gripe the Matching spool if the
resonance frequency of the antenna is higher then 145
MHz Then select the tap for the best SWR. It is possible
to match with the antenna a coaxial cable with any
characteristic impedance –50 or 75 Ohms.


Of course, you can adjust the antenna with the help

of only SWR – meter or VHF - bridge.There are 8
such home - made Bottle Antennas at Novgorod. All
antennas work very well. They provide good
communication as inside city as from city to a
country for a distance more of 100 kilometers.

Credit line: Page 2- 4

Alex, RA3GBQ,,

To do the antenna one can very easy as well as the Sweets- surprise Chupa- Chups
costs are nothing. You need a box of a sweets-
surprise Chupa- Chups, a piece of an old coax,
some wire, epoxies, and a little of job.

So, go to do it!

►Take glass-reinforced plastic rod 5 and upper part

of a sweets- surprise Chupa- Chups 10.
Insert the rod and wire 4 for matching coil into item

►Take a metal tube, cut a ring 7 and insert into item


►Take a plastic cap 8 from a plastic can, fix a RF-

socket 9 on it, solder the wire of the coil 4 to the
socket , solder by 3-5 wire the ring 7 to the socket.
►Turn up item 10, fill up it by epoxies 6, and close it
by the cap 8.

►When the epoxies are hardened, drill holes for

counterpoises 11 at low side of the item 10 and
through out item 7.

►Cut a thread into item 5 and onto counterpoises


►Remove braid 3 from a coaxial cable, put on the

braid 3 onto item 5 that before is covered a glue.
The length of the braid 3 is equal to 5/8λ for 144 0r
430 MHz.

►Coil the spool 4 (any number of turns) with step

between turns of 1-mm, solder the spool to the braid

►Insert 6 λ/4 counterpoises.

►Meter SWR. Chose a tap from the coil 3 to

minimum SWR.

►Put on a can of a pen onto the upper end of the

rod 5.
►Put on a shrink plastic tube 1 onto the rod 5.

►Heat the shrink plastic tube.

Get you own antenna!

73! mirror: Page 2- 5

CHAPTER 2: VHF ANTENNAS Short ‘Rubber Duck’ for VHF/UHF Hand - Held

Igor, UA6HJG,

All portable hand – held radios have a short “rubber 145 MHz ‘Rubber Duck’
duck” antenna. Some of the rubber duck antennas
are rather long and if it is not necessary to
communicate on a far distance, the long antenna
just hinders to use a hand- held. I decided to make a
short rubber duck antenna that is convenient for
daily usage and for short distance communication.

Range 144 - 146 МГц

... For Yaesu VX-1R and C - 508

I have made this antenna for VX-1R as it has a small

RF-socket SMA. Antenna has length in 43-mm
(together with RF-socket). Copper wire of diameter
0.6-mm (# 23 AWG) is coiled up a turn- to turn on a
form of diameter of 8-mm. 25.5 turns were coiled. At
thus the resonance of the antenna was at 145.3-
MHz with SWR 1:1. After winding and checks of the
resonance, put on a shrink plastic tube on the
antenna, and heat it.

For any stations having BNC socket

430 MHz ‘Rubber Duck’

Antenna has length in 69-mm (together with RF-
socket). Copper wire of diameter 1.3-mm (# 16
AWG) is coiled up a turn- to turn on a form of
diameter of 10-mm. 22 turns were coiled. At thus
the resonance of the antenna was at 145.3-MHz with
SWR 1:1. After winding and checks of the
resonance, put on a shrink plastic tube on the
antenna, and heat it.

Range 430 - 440 МГц

The design of an antenna for a range of 433-MHz

does not differ from the previous design, only it need
to reduce the number of turns of the coil. Antenna
has length in 42-mm (together with RF-socket).
Copper wire of diameter 1.3-mm (# 16 AWG) is
coiled up a turn- to turn on a form of diameter of 8.5-
mm. 6 turns were coiled. At thus the resonance of
the antenna was at 435.3-MHz with SWR 1.8:1.
After winding and checks of the resonance, put on a
shrink plastic tube on the antenna, and heat it.

These designs were checked with hand-held radios

VX-1R, C-568, FT-50 and C-508. At range of
communication in city 1-2-kms the home- brew Credit Line:
rubber duck almost do not lose to commercial –
made ones.

73! mirror: Page 2- 6

CHAPTER 2: VHF ANTENNAS Twins Delta Loop for 145 MHz

Twins Delta Loop for 145 MHz

by Nick V. Derenko, US8AR



Hello ! If it's interesting I'll tell some aboute myself.
I was born 25 may 1957 y. in Snesznoe town of
Donetsk obl. of Ukraine. After finishing Primorsko-
Akhtarsk's school in 1974 I worked a locksmith and a
turner. In 1975 I entered in Taganrog radiotechnical
institute and finished it in 1980. After it I living and
working in Romny town of Sumy oblast of Ukraine. I
worked an engineer in Romny's branch of Leningrad
NPO "Krasnaja Zaria" and seniorengineer in Special
Design Bureau "Poisk". Since 1997 I working a
foreman of powerenergetics of "Akhtyrkaneftegaz".
I am married and have daughter and son.

- Input resistance: 50 Ohm;

Specification: - Polarization - Vertical;
- Gain 6 dB;
- Directional diagram: “Eight” with low-altitude beam - SWR 1,01:1.
to horizon;
Figure 1 shows the antenna. Page 2- 7
CHAPTER 2: VHF ANTENNAS Twins Delta Loop for 145 MHz

Figure 1

The antenna is made from a copper or aluminum wire A coaxial cable is connected to points "A" and "B" (the
in diameter of 4 mm. A copper or brass tube also will central core to "A", the braid to "B").
do well. The wires fastened by collars to a dielectric
plate in 4 mm thickness. I use a plate from PC stuff. Below, there is a file of the antenna in MMANA.
The plate fastened by collars to the antenna metal
mast. (MMANA available FREE at

The great collection Antenna Files at:
Twins Delta For 145_50 MHz
* wire *
0.0, 0.6845, -0.3505, 0.0, 0.6845, 0.3505, 0.002, -1
0.0, 0.6845, -0.3505, 0.0, 0.0, -0.02, 0.002, -1
0.0, 0.6845, 0.3505, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02, 0.002, -1
0.0, 0.0, -0.02, 0.0, -0.6845, -0.3505, 0.002, -1
0.0, 0.0, 0.02, 0.0, -0.6845, 0.3505, 0.002, -1
0.0, -0.6845, -0.3505, 0.0, -0.6845, 0.3505, 0.002, -1
0.0, 0.0, -0.02, 0.0, 0.0, 0.02, 8.000e-04, -1
*** sources ***
1, 1
w7c, 0.0, 1.0
*** load ***
0, 1
*** Autosegment ***
400, 40, 2.0, 1
0, 5.0, 0, 50.0, 0, 0, 0

Enjoy! Page 2- 8

Visit and take for FREE the great RN1NZ

Microwave Antenna Book
By Paul Wade W1GHZ (ex N1BWT)

Credit Line: RN1NZ @ Radio #4, 2002, p.65

For more info see:

Table of Contents: Part-II: Antenna Measurement (2 Chapters!)

Part-I: Practical Antennas (8 Chapters!) Part-III: Computer Analysis of Antennas (2 Chapters!) Page 2- 9
CHAPTER 2: VHF ANTENNAS Folding 3-el YAGI for Mountains

Igor, UA6HJG,

This antenna was developed specially for mountains

trip from my experience of radio communication in
mountains. The antenna is optimized to the maxima
forward gain. At work you can hold the antenna by
the "tail" and direct the antenna to your
correspondent using vertical or horizontal
Figure 1 shows the design of the antenna.
Antenna boom is made of a plastic water pipe of
1000-mm of length and of 22-mm OD. Antenna
reflector and vibrator both are made of aluminum
wire of 5-mm of diameter. Antenna vibrator is
made of bimetallic wire of 5-mm of diameter. The
vibrator is soldered to PC –board that is the central
insulator for the vibrator.
Figure 1

A 50-Ohms coaxial cable is used with the antenna advantage one antenna above other one. The essence
without any symmetrical devices. The cable goes of this method is simple. You take a dipole as the
along the boom and get out from the tail. For exemplary antenna and do compare the dipole with the
antenna folding you can loose screws, turn antenna experimental antenna.
vibrator along the boom, and again strength the
screws. Antenna director and reflector is removed Being on the southern slope of Elbrus- mountain at
from the boom and hide inside the boom. height of 4000 meters I use the method with help of
Turkish ham station TA7T. The distance between me
Coaxial cable has the length of 1100-mm. The cable and TA7T was approximately 500-kms. I hardly heard
is laid inside the boom and get out from the tail. It is TA7T by my exemplary dipole but I had 59 with the
need to protect from weather the place where the YAGI. It is near 10 dB in real gain!
coaxial cable is soldered to the vibrator. RF socket
also must be protected from weather and dirty at
transportation of the antenna. Antenna has weight of
0.4-KG. Practical measured (by device SWR-121)
SWR is: at 144.7=1.3:1, 145.2=1:1, 145.7=1.6:1.

Antenna has gain compare to half-wave dipole 6-7

dB. In general to measure the real gain of an
antenna in the amateur conditions is practically not
easy matter. I use a comparative method that shows mirror: Page 2-10

CHAPTER 2: VHF ANTENNAS Simple 430-MHz 3-el YAGI for Mountains

Igor, UA6HJG,

I want to pay attention that UHF antennas for

mountain climbing has the own specificity. So,
antennas having the gain more the 6-9-Db-dB are
not necessary in mountains at big height (from
3000 meters and is higher), as well as you do not
need mast for the antennas. Also I prefer not
knock- down antenna design. .

This antenna was developed specially for high-

mountainous trip proceeding from my previous
experience. At the first place I stand following
characteristics: gain, weight, reliability. The
antenna is optimized of the maxima forward gain.
The design is made not knock- down that is

Figure 1

very conveniently as the antenna is always ready to The coaxial cable has length of 50-mm. The place of the
operation. You can hold the antenna by its tail and soldering of the coaxial cable to the vibrator must be
direct the antenna to your correspondent at protected from the weather. Antenna has weight of 150
operation. gram. 150гр, real gain of 6-7 dB above half-wave dipole.
Figure 1 shows the design of the antenna. The SWR is: at 433-MHz =1.8:1, at 435-MHz =1.4:1, at 438-
boom is made of an ebonite rod of 412-mm length MHz=1:1, at 440-MHz=1.5:1 ( it as measured by device
and of 8-mm diameter. Antenna elements are made
of a copper wire of 2- mm (#12 AWG) diameter. 50 Commentary:
Ohms coaxial cable is soldered to antenna vibrator I recommend to use the antenna with low-power UHF
without any symmetrical and matching devices. The radio (10-mWtts) for a range 433-434Мгц. I have 30- 50
coaxial cable goes along the boom and get out from kms of distance (at direct vision) using the antenna with
the antenna tail. Antenna elements are fastened to such station. Also I recommend to use the antenna with
the boom by epoxies. The antenna can place above usual UHF radios, be sure, you easy will skip more than
or inside a tourist backpack. 100-kms!

Credit Line: mirror: Page 2- 11

CHAPTER 2: VHF ANTENNAS Simple 430-MHz 4-el YAGI for Mountains

Igor, UA6HJG,

The purpose of this design is to create an antenna

for mountains. The antenna must correspond follow
1. To have gain not less the 7-dB.
Forward Gain is the main
characteristic of the antenna.

2. A wide lobe must be. During a QSO

you can hold the antenna by the tail
and shaking of the antenna should
not result to full 'failure' of the
3. Simplicity in making and Figure 1 shows a design of such antenna. The boom
adjustments. An opportunity of fast
is made of a wooden strip.. Elements and the vibrator
repair in field conditions. are made of 2-mm copper wire (# 12 AWG).
4. Antenna weight with coaxial cable
both must be up to 500 gram. The sizes of elements:
5. 50-Ohm coax for the feeding must Reflector 345-mm.
be used. Vibrator 285-mm.
Director-I 312-mm.
Director-II 306-mm.

Figure 1

The design of antenna vibrator is shown on Figure 2. Figure 2

Coaxial cable has 850-mm length and this one goes
along the boom. Soldered place must be protected
from weather.

Antenna has weight of 290 gram. SWR (metered by

SWR-291) is: at 433- MHz =2:1, at 435-MHz =1:1, at
438-MHz =2:1.
The antenna worked very well in the mountains. Also
the antenna may be used for stationary work from a
fixed QTH.

Credit Line: mirror: Page 2- 12

CHAPTER 2: VHF ANTENNAS 4-Ovals Antenna for 430- 440 -MHz

Igor, UA6HJG,

I need a good universal antenna for repeaters

working at the 70-cm range, packet radio and for
routine work. Such antenna must be satisfy the
follow characteristics:

1. Real Gain 9-10-dB.

2. Low SWR at 430-440- MHz.

3. Wide forward lobel.

4. Unpretentiousness to close located 8. Stability to heavy icing and to winds in

subjects. 10-20 meters per second..

5. Simplicity in manufacturing and

adjustments. 4 Ovals Antenna responded all of the conditions. Why
an oval? At first, from the antenna theory we know that
6. Possibility to create phased an oval radiates energy a little bit more effectively than a
антенные systems on the basis of square. At the second, in practical, it is more easy to do
the antennas. an oval then a square.. So choose the OVAL! Figure 1
shows a design of the
7. 50 - Ohm coaxial cable feeding.
Figure 1

antenna. Boom is made of iron L-plate 25x25-mm. All Director-I- 649-mm. (-20мм).
the four ovals are fastened to the boom by struts made
of insulation stuff such as tree, hetinax, etc. Antenna is Director- II - 639-mm. (-20-mm).
fastened by the tail, that is behind the struts.
Figure 2 shows the design of the Driven Element. RF
Perimeter of elements (ovals): socket is soldered directly by the ends of the oval.
Three holes is drilled at each strut. One holes is in the
Reflector- 727-mm. (-20-mm for soldering). center for fastened the strut to the boom, two holes are
at the ends for bimetal oval. Antenna reflectors and
Driven Element- 653-mm (+10-mm distance for a RF directors have the same design as the Driven Element
socket). only difference is its ends soldered together. mirror: Page 2- 13

CHAPTER 2: VHF ANTENNAS 4-Ovals Antenna for 430- 440 -MHz

Figure 2

Antenna has weight of 900 gram. SWR is: at 430-MHz made of iron L-plate having not the same dimensions
you would do correction lengths of antenna elements. I
=1.2:1, at 435-MHz =1:1, at 440-MHz=1.3:1 SWR was
metered by device SWR-121. If you will use boom want to pay attention, that the antenna is more
laborious than YAGI, but it work much better.

Igor, UA6HJG,

When an antenna is intended for mountains it must strip drying by oil. Perimeter of all ovals is increased
follow such additional requirements as: on 20-mm compare to previous design. All struts are
1. Light weight. made from un- foiled PC-board. Antenna elements
2. To have folding design and to take a are made of 2-mm diameter soft copper wire (# 12
little place in a backpack. AWG). Soldered parts must be protected from the
3. Antenna should be conveniently to weather.
hold in a hand, to fasten to a tree or
stick. . Antenna has weight 400 gram. Other characteristics
4. Tolerance to a dirty, water and snow. are as the previous design has. The antenna is tested
5. Possibility to repair in field conditions. at 1997 and at 2000 in the mountain Elbrus and the
6. antenna shows good result. I made QSOs in distance
So, the boom of the trip antenna is made of a wooden of 200-300 kms with 59 for both ends!

Igor, UA6HJG, on Elbrus Elbrus mirror: Page 2- 14


CHAPTER 3: RECEIVING ANTENNAS Old Receiving Magnetic Loop Antennas

Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

Receiving magnetic loop antennas were widely used in the professional radio communication from the
beginning of the 20 Century. Since 1906 magnetic loop antennas were used for direction finding purposes
needed for navigation of ships and planes. Later, from 20s, magnetic loop antennas were used for broadcasting
reception. In the USSR in 20- 40 years of the 20 Century when broadcasting was gone on LW and MW, huge
loop antennas were used on Reception Broadcasting Centers (see pages 93- 94 about USSRs RBC).
Magnetic loop antennas worldwide were used for reception service radio stations working in VLW, LW and MW.
The article writes up several designs of such old receiving loop antennas.

LW- MW Huge Receiving Loop Fig. 2 shows a typical connection of the above mention
Antennas for Broadcasting and huge magnetic receiving loop antennas designed for
Direction Finding working on one fixing frequency to the receiver. To a
resonance the loop A1 is tuned by lengthening coil L1
In old radio textbooks you can find description of old (sometimes two lengthening coils switched symmetrically
magnetic receiving loop antennas. As a rule, old to both side of the loop were used) and variable air-
magnetic receiving loop antennas had a triangle or dielectric capacitor C1. T1 did connection with antenna
square shape, a side of the triangle or square had feedline. L1, C1 and T1, as a rule, are placed directly
length in 10-20 meters. The huge square was put near the antenna keeping minimum length for wires from
on to a corner. The distance from the ground up to the antenna to the parts. Certainly, there were others
lower wires of the magnetic receiving loop usually circuits for connection magnetic loops to a receiver, but
was not less than 4 meters. Fig. 1A shows a the circuits were insignificantly distinguished from Fig. 2.
triangular receiving loop antenna consisting of two
perpendicular loops, used for direction finding at Small- Sized Magnetic Loop of a Local
airports [1], Fig. 1B shows a square receiving loop Broadcasting Radio Center
antenna used on Broadcasting Radio Centers of the
USSR at the end of 30s of the 20 Century [15]. Huge loop antennas were used for cities Broadcasting
Usually the receiving magnetic loop contained from Radio Centers, for local Broadcasting Radio Centers a
one up to eight turns. small- sized loops were used.

Figure 1 Old huge magnetic receiving loop antennas mirror: Page 3- 1

CHAPTER 3: RECEIVING ANTENNAS Old Receiving Magnetic Loop Antennas

Figure 1 Old huge magnetic receiving loop antennas

main since the Broadcasting Center was in operation, so,

the equipment were in continuous work already more
than thirty years. Time to time the tubes of the receivers
and amplifiers were changed, it was only that was done.
Quality of work of the Broadcasting Center was great.

The most interesting part of this Broadcasting Center

was a small-sized (certainly, small-sized in comparison
with the antennas shown on Fig. 1) receiving magnetic
loop antenna. By nameplate from the antenna I have
known, that the antenna was made in 1949 on one of
plants of Gorky (now Nizhniy Novgorod), Russia. Fig. 3A
shows a design of the small-sized magnetic loop, and
Fig. 3B shows the electric circuit of the antenna. Design
and circuit, both, were pictured by me from the real loop.

The loop antenna (item 1) had diamond shape, sides had

length in 105-cm (it was measured by a roulette), the loop
was attached to a wooden cross (item 2), this one was
covered by light lacquer. Overall height of the magnetic
Figure 2 Connection of the reception loop antenna was near to 2 meters. Antenna wires were
magnetic loop to a radio receiver more than 1-millimeter in diameter and were covered by
thick black cotton isolation, a strong thin layer of light
varnish covered the isolation.

Such small- sized receiving loop I have seen in an The loop contained about 20 turns of the wire. The turns
old village Broadcasting Radio Center in Central were rigidly settled down in trenches of plates (item 3),
Russia, where I was occasionally in 80s of the 20 the plates were probably made of an ebonite. The
Century. The center was build in the beginning of distance between turns on the plates was equal to the
50 years of the 20 Century and till now was in work diameter of the wire. The loop antenna was coupled to a
practically without changes. The broadcasting receiver through a coupling loop (item 4) that contained 4
center settled down in a small room on a ground turns. The coupling loop was connected to a receiver
floor. through a feedline (item 5). The feedline has length near
3 meters and looks like a main wire.
This rural Broadcasting Center contained a receiver
PTS (see page 93- 94 about USSRs RBC) together A small wooden box (item 6) was in the bottom of the
with a small-sized loop antenna and an old tube loop. A big three-section (each section has 12-500-pF)
audio amplifier, but I could not remember its type. variable capacitor with vernier intended for tuning the
All equipment was produced at the 50s. As I was loop to a resonance was in the box. Also there were taps
told, the radio receiver and the audio amplifier of switch S1 and two trap (L1C2 and L2C3) tuning to
low frequency never were switched off from the hindered broadcasting radio stations. The trap is mirror: Page 3- 2

CHAPTER 3: RECEIVING ANTENNAS Old Receiving Magnetic Loop Antennas

switched to the feedline instead of crosspieces

between clamping contacts K1K2 and K4K5.
These contacts were established inside the box.
Feedline contacts К3К6 were installed at a
cheek of the box.

However small-sized magnetic loop

antennas were used not only to
Broadcasting Radio Centers. Earlier, in 30-50
years of the 20 Century such antennas
frequently installed inside broadcasting
receivers. Some designs of the inner loop
antennas are shown below.

Basket Magnetic Loop Antenna

Receiving basket loop antennas were widely

used for work with LW and MW receivers of
direct amplification since of the end of 20s of
the 20 Century. As a matter of fact, basket loop
antennas are ones of the first types of magnetic
loop antennas used by radio amateurs. Basket
loop antennas were used both as to stationary
receivers as to so called “suitcase receivers’,
i.e. tube receivers made inside a suitcase and
intended to a movable work. Old radio
magazines of 30- 50s of the last century
contained hundreds designs of basket loop

Basket loop antennas were earlier so popular

because, in the first, ever a radio amateur
having a minimal experience of designing easily
can make this one, in the second, a basket loop
antenna can be made of any improvised
material, and in the third, a basket loop antenna
made even in home conditions works very
effectively. The essence of the design of a
basket loop antenna is that at its winding the
step between turns is constant and equal to the
diameter of the used wire (practically this step Figure 3 Small-sized receiving loop of a rural
even bit more). Broadcasting Radio Center

A coil, which has been reeled - up with such step, that is not washed off typographical paint) can have
has rather small own parasitic capacity of turns to a big losses at LW- MW ranges, at least, in a
each other. It is possible to show, that the more microwave this cardboard is strongly heated up.
parasitic own capacity of a coil is the less its Q is Certainly, do not use the grey cardboard for a form
(see, for example, reference [3]). So, at a small of a basket loop antenna. Odd number slots are
own capacity a loop has high Q. made in this dielectric plate, the more slots are done,
the winding has more density Number of turns and
There are several basic points to pay attention at sizes of an antenna form are depended on
design of a basket loop antenna. A basket loop frequencies range used.
antenna can be reeled up on a plate from any
dielectric stuff having small losses on frequencies
where the antenna works. A basket loop antenna
of LW- MW ranges can be made of a cardboard,
wooden plate, PC- board, getinaks or ebonite.
Pay attention, that some grey cardboard made of
so-called "not washed" recycling paper (a paper mirror: Page 3- 3

CHAPTER 3: RECEIVING ANTENNAS Old Receiving Magnetic Loop Antennas

Figure 3 Small-sized receiving loop of a rural Broadcasting Radio Center

Basket Loop Antenna of a Simple Tube

Receiver of Direct Amplification

Fig. 4 shows the circuit and design of a basket

loop antenna intended for use in a simple three-
tubes regenerative receiver for LW- MW. The
receiver was described in the reference [5]. For
design of the antenna a disk made of a
cardboard or plywoods is used. The disk has
diameter in 120 millimeters and the thickness in 3
millimeters. Five slots of 45 millimeters in the
length of and 2-3 millimeters in width are done on
the disk at equal distance one after the other. A
special ledge for fastening the loop antenna is
made on the disk. Magnetic loop antenna
contained 250 turns of an insulated copper wire
in diameter of 0,15-0,25 millimeters. Beginning of
the reeling is up of the centre of the disk.

Taps are tapped from the loop for tuning the

loop to a resonance. Taps are made from 50,
100, 150 and 200 turns. When you doing the
taps, do not break off antenna wire, wind wire
Figure 4 Magnetic basket loop antenna of a
regenerative receiver of LW- MW mirror: Page 3- 4

CHAPTER 3: RECEIVING ANTENNAS Old Receiving Magnetic Loop Antennas

into a loop in length approximately 200

millimeters, then continue winding. The first section of the antenna contains 29 turns, it is
winded by a Litz wire 10x0,07 (10 wire in diameter of 0,07
Basket Loop Antenna of a Simple millimeters), as a last resort, this winding can be made by a
Suitcase Tube Superheterodyne wire of 0,4-0,5 millimeters in diameter. The first section
starts to reel up from the internal part of the form. The
Fig. 5 shows a basket loop antenna of a second section of the antenna continues winding the first
superheterodyne receiver of LW- MW made in a section, it is winded by a copper insulated wire of 0,2
suitcase. The receiver was described in the millimeters in diameter and contains 70 coils. When the
reference [5]. The basket magnetic loop antenna antenna works at MW the first section is shortened. At LW
is placed on a cover of a suitcase in which the both section of the loop antenna are in work.
receiver is placed. More slots - more density of
winding of the loop.

Figure 5 Magnetic basket loop antenna of a superheterodyne receiver of LW- MW

Magnetic Loop Antenna of a Suitcase Certainly, not only basket loop antennas were used in old
Tube Superheterodyne receivers. Simple loop antennas were widely used also. A
simple superheterodyne LW- MW receiver made in

Figure 6 Magnetic loop antenna of a superheterodyne receiver of LW- MW mirror: Page 3- 5

CHAPTER 3: RECEIVING ANTENNAS Old Receiving Magnetic Loop Antennas

a suitcase and using a loop magnet antenna is

described in the reference [5]. Fig. 6 shows the
circuit and design of the loop antenna. It was
used two magnetic loop antennas, M1 and M2.
Lengthening coils are switched in serial with each
loop antenna (L1 to M1 and L2 to M2), necessary
for exact tuning of the loops to frequencies range
needed. Both, М1 and М2 are used at LW. When
the loop works at MW, M2 is shortened, and only
M1 does receiving.

Magnetic antennas M1 and М2 have sizes

315х245 millimeters, M1 contains 14 turns of Litz
wire 30x0,06, M2 contains 50 turns of Litz wire
15x0,05. As a last resort, instead of a Litz it is
possible to use a copper insulated wire in Figure 7 SW magnetic loop antenna
diameter of 0,15 millimeters.

Lengthening inductor L1 contains 50 turns, References:

lengthening inductor L2 contains 125 turns, the
wire is Litz 15x0,05. These inductors are reeled 1. Schegolev Е. I. Radionavigation. Moscow, GITTL, 1946.
on a form in diameter of 8 millimeters. The width
of winding is 7 millimeters for both inductors. 2.. Sheinman A. Z. A collective- farm broadcasting center.
Moscow, Zhurgazob’edinenie, 1938.
Short Wave Magnetic Loop Antenna
3. Atabekov G. I. Linear electric circuits. Moscow, Energy,
Magnetic loop antennas were used not only for 1978.
LW and MW, also the antennas were used for
SW. For example, in the reference [5] it was 4. Amateur Battery Radio Receivers. Moscow, MRB,
described a SW magnetic loop antenna which Gosenergoizdat, 1950.
was used for 19-75 meters. The loop antenna
was simultaneously the input circuit of the 5. Troickiy L. V. Circuits of Amateur Receivers. Moscow,
receiver. A variable capacitor 12x500-pF does MRB, Gosenergoizdat, 1956.
tuning to a resonance of the loop. Fig. 7 shows
design of the antenna. 73! I.G.

The antenna is made of a copper strip 6x3 (width

in 6 millimeters, thickness in 3 millimeters). Such
strip is used for winding welding transformers.
The loop antenna contains 2 turns, the distance
between the turns is 10 millimeters, inductance of
the magnetic loop is 3,1-µH. mirror: Page 3- 6


CHAPTER 4: ATU Something about ATU

By Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

What an ATU does? feeder, if the ATU is installed between antenna and
You should not think that an Antenna Tuning Unit
(ATU) is a magic thing to do any antenna work well As usual modern transceivers and military equipment
with your transceiver. At installation between the have inner ATU that does matching end stage with
transmitter and feeder the ATU only does matching feeder or antenna. Below we take close look to ATU
of output impedance of your transmitter with input design.
impedance of your antenna - feeder system. It
means that ATU allows to the transmitter with output ATU Design
of 50 Ohm to work normally with antenna plus
feeder having any input impedance. But probably Fig. 1 shows schematic of a “classical” ATU. Such ATU
SWR would be enough high in the feeder. If the ATU has:
is installed between antenna and feeder it does low
SWR in feeder and provides good operation for the - a Matching Unit, that provides the matching of
transmitter. But probably the antenna would work end stage of the transmitter with antenna -
not in good way. feeder system. Matching Unit is the “heart” of
any ATU;
So, an ATU provides safe operation for transmitters - A SWR mater or HF-bridge, that shows how the
end stage, if the ATU is between the transmitter and matching is done;
the feeder, additionally an ATU does low SWR in mirror: Page 4- 1

CHAPTER 4: ATU Something about ATU

- Dummy loads R1, R2 and R3, that help us to As usual, L1 has from ¼ to 1/6 from amount of
monitor how Matching Unit and SWR – meter (HF- turns of L2. L1 is winded in lower part of L2. L1
bridge) do work: should be unbound from L2 by any qualitative
- S1 and S2 for proper connection of the above isolation. In some designs of the MU, L1 is
mentioned parts; isolated by means of air. The transmitter is coupled
- J1 and J2 for transmitter and antenna connection. to the antenna only by magnetic field, so the end
stage of the transmitter is protected from a
So, how the ATU does work? lightning. Resonance circuit kills harmonics. The
Classical Matching Unit does well match a load
S1 at “Bypass” position does connection of the transmitter from 10 to 1000 Ohms with end stage of
to S2. S2 does connection or to antenna, or to Dummy transmitter in 50 or 75-Ohm impedance.
Loads R2 (50 Ohms) or R3 (600 Ohms). So, at good 50-
Ohms antenna the transmitter works straight on the C1 should have maximum of capacity up to 1500-
antenna, also is possibility to load the transmitter on 50- pF at operation through 1,8- 28 MHz, and 500-pF
Ohms Dummy Load for a tuning of the transmitter or would be enough for operation through 3.5- 28
checking of the SWR- meter. MHz. If L1 has optimal number of turns the C1 is
not necessary at all. C2 and C3 should have the
S1 at “Tune” position does connection of the transmitter greatest possible clearance between their plates.
through inner HF-bridge and Matching Unit to S2. So, it is
possible to tune the Matching Unit or on to real antenna At constant parameters of L1 and L2 the Classical
(S2 in position Ant) or check how the Matching Unit can Matching Unit works with high efficiency only in two
tune to 50-Ohms (S2 in position Load 1) or 600-Ohms (S2 multiple amateur HF - ranges, for example, 1,8 and
in position Load 2) load. When you have your antenna 3,5 MHz, 7 and 14 MHz and so on. At others
tuned, switch S1 in position “Operate” and just work in the ranges efficiency is dropped. Old Classical
ether. Matching Unit had plug-in coils for all amateur
range for keeping the efficiency at high level. L2
You can see, it is possible to use or SWR- meter or HF- should be placed as far as possible from metal
bridge for tuning the MU on to real load. walls of the cabinet of the ATU.

As it is visible from this scheme the degree of the To tune the MU is very simple. At first, C1 has the
matching of the transmitter with used antenna depends maximum capacity, C2 and C3 have minimum
only on used Matching Unit. Let’s see what our Matching capacity. Then, with help of C2 do tune resonance
Unit can contain. circuit L2C2 in the resonance to working frequency,
then C3 does optima matching with the antenna.
Classical Matching Unit After that once more time do tuning C2 and C1. It
is necessary to say, that after final tuning of the MU
One of most effective Matching Units is shown on Fig. 2. C3 has to have the greatest capacity as it is
This scheme was widely used by the radio amateurs from possible.
early 30s till recently days. As it is visible from Fig. 2, the
end stage of the transmitter is connected through coupling Advantages of the MU are following. It does not
coil L1 and coupling capacitor C1. L2 and C2 is tuned to require too careful manufacture of L1 and L2. The
resonance to input signal. C3 does coupling with the load system ensures high efficiency, up to 80 percents.
(antenna). Tuning is done with two capacitors C2 and C3. The
lacks are that for high efficiency in the matching
unit it is necessary to use one spool to two multiple
ranges, and one variable capacitor insulated from
case of an ATU.

Classical Matching Unit with a symmetrical


Recently symmetrical antennas with a symmetrical

feeder are applied seldom, but some decades ago
it was a usual matter. Classical Matching Unit with
symmetrical output is shown on Fig. 3. In scheme
shown in Fig. 3 a RF- voltage for antenna - feeder
system is removed symmetrically from both ends
of L2, and it is only difference from the scheme
shown in Fig. 2. In practical design L1 should be
disposed symmetrically concerning resonance
spool L2. Twins capacitors C2.1 and C2.2 should
have one axe. It is as well as to C3.1 and C3.2. mirror: Page 4- 2

CHAPTER 4: ATU Something about ATU

Classical Matching Unit with taps Fig. 4 shows such MU with asymmetrical output, Fig.
5 shows Classical Matching Unit with taps with
You can see that C3 is isolated from metal cabinet of the symmetrical output. These schemes (Fig. 4 and 5)
ATU. It is not convenient for practical design of an ATU, cannot give such careful matching, as shown in Fig.
so amateurs often use Classical Matching Unit with taps. 2 or Fig. 3 have provided. But in case if it is need to
minimize dimensions of an ATU the schemes can be

Multi-range Matching Unit with taps

So, if you want to build an ATU having minimum

sizes and parts try the schematic shown in Fig. 6.
However, the Matching Unit has not high efficiency
at upper amateur ranges because of lowering of the
Q-factor of L2 and because of not optimal selection
of taps from L2. But usage of such simplified multi-
range Matching Unit at amateur HF - ranges 1,8-
10-MHz is quite acceptable.

T - Matching Unit

Classical Matching Unit is very effective in the work.

However, among radio amateurs and military T-
Matching Unit has more popularity then one shown in
Fig. 2. It takes place because T- Matching Unit have
high efficiency at very wide frequency ranges and T-
Matching Unit allows to do easy automatic tuning
(that very likely to the military!). Also, T- Matching
Unit works very well with for asymmetrical coaxial
cables feeding modern antennas. Fig. 7 shows
schematic of T- Matching Unit. The MU has rather
good parameters. It is possible to do matching a 50–
Ohms transmitter to 10- 1000-Ohms antenna. It is
possible overlap all HF- amateur bands from 3,5 up
to 30 MHz using only one variable inductor at 0.5-30-
µH and two variable capacitor at 10- 250-pF. The
MU does matching at 1.8-MHz if to bridge C1 and C2
to connect fixed capacitors at 200-pF. mirror: Page 4- 3

CHAPTER 4: ATU Something about ATU

The “cold” end of L1 should be grounded or isolated

carefully from the metal case of ATU. Otherwise you
probably will have strong arc between the
ungrounded end of L1 and a wall of the ATU, as it is T - Matching Unit with a “digital” inductor
shown in Fig. 8. C1 and C1 should be very
qualitative with aerial or vacuum dielectric. The L1 has to have slide contact to operate the MU in proper
clearance between plates of capacitors should be way. Sometimes, even extra half of a turn influences to
the matching. It restricts usage of an inductor with taps,
not less than 2-mm/ to 200-W bypass power. Stray
capacitance of C1 and C2 to the metal case of ATU or demands personal selection taps for real antenna, that
should be no more than 25-pF, otherwise the certainly, restricts possibilities “tap” MU. Simple decision
on this problem by W3TS made, he offered a “digital”
efficiency at 24-28-MHz drop.
inductor that Fig. 9 shows. Really, it is possible with the
Figure 8 Arcing inductor help of several switches very fine to tune needed
inductance. Electronic relays with special chips allow
If you want to connect symmetrical antennas feeding realize automatic ATU. Military also use the method at
through symmetrical ladder lines to the T- Matching their automatic ATU.
Unit, use symmetrical transformer 1:4 or 1:6. BTW,
many of symmetrical antennas, feeding through T - Matching Unit with mirror parts
ladder lines have large reactive component, which
For practical design of any ATU it is not conveniently to
bad to transformation by simple transformers 1:4 or
1:6. The T - Matching Unit suppress harmonics up to have two capacitors insulated from the ground. AEA
10-15 dB. corporation (USA) does the MU as Fig. 10 shows. You
can see that they changed C to L. Really, schemes of
MU figured in Fig. 7 and Fig. 10 are equivalent. mirror: Page 4- 4

CHAPTER 4: ATU Something about ATU

But scheme in Fig. 10 has advantages. At first, it is matching to 50-Ohms transmitter to antenna with
much easier to use only one grounded high-quality resistance from 15 up to 500-Ohms.
capacitor instead of two ones but insulated from
metal cabinet. Secondly, it is wise to substitute
expensive inductor with slide control to two cheapie The inductors were made as Fig. 11 shows. Form of
spools with taps. inductors is made of PC – board with slots for turns. On
the plate switch for taps is installed. The plate is
The MU made by me at home conditions worked disposed not in center of the inductor but little sideways
well on all amateur ranges from 1,8 up to 30 MHz as Fig. 12 shows.
and did

Pi- Matching Unit

Pi – MU seldom is used at separate ATU. For matching
Pi - MU is used in radio amateur practice for a long in a wide frequency ranges loads with resistance 10-
time. It is possible to find Pi - MU and disputes on 1000- Ohms it need to change C and L at Pi – MU too
this subject at radio amateur journals issued on 20s greatly. So, it is impossible to do universal Pi – MU.
of the 20 century till our time in the Internet. Fig. 13
shows Pi– MU. As usual Pi – MU is used at inner It is desirable to use slider inductor because. In case if
MU at tube and transistor PA or straight at antenna an inductor with fixed taps is used you can carefully to
clips.. select the tap for real antenna. mirror: Page 4- 5

CHAPTER 4: ATU Something about ATU

L- Matching Unit

Fig. 14 shows L- MU. This one is a simplified

version of Pi – MU. ATU, keeping L- MU often is
used for operation with simple tube and transistor
transceivers and for matching simple multi- range
antennas, which do not contain large reactive

Parts for the ATU

The data of spools for the MU exhibited on Fig. 2

are shown in Tab. 1, for the MU exhibited on Fig. 3
are shown in Tab. 2.

Table 1 Data for MU exhibited on Fig. 2

Frequency band, 1,9 3,5-3,8 7 10 18 14 21 24 27-30

Diameter of
spool, mm 50 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Length of
winding, mm 50 30 40 40 40 40 30 30 30
Number of
turns 100 30 20 15 10 11,5 8,5 7,5 6,5

Table 2 Data for MU exhibited on Fig. 3

Frequency 1,9 3,5-3,8 7 10 14 18 21 24 27-30

band, MHz
Diameter of
spool, mm 50 40 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Length of
winding, mm 60 40 40 50 40 40 40 40 35
Number of
turns, n 130 35 28 20 15 11,5 11 9,5 8,5

Tab. 3 Data for digital inductor shown in Fig. 9

Inductance, µH 8 4 2 1 0,5 0,25 0,12

Diameter of
spool, mm 30 20 20 20 25 10 10
Length of
winding, mm 30 20 25 20 20 10 10
Number of
turns, mm 20 18 12 8,5 5 6 4

It is possible to use for T –MU any variometer, which The design data for spools for digital inductor shown on
is possible to get. Variometer has to have maximum Fig. 9 are shown in Tab. 3. Significant RF-currents flow
inductance not less than 30-µH and minimum close through parts of MU - capacitors, inductors, and
to zero. If the maximum of the inductance of the switches. So all of the parts should be qualitative.
variometer is less, for expansion of frequency range
of the ATU to include in serial with the variometer a 73! I.G.
fixed inductor. If the minimum inductance of the
variometer does not reach zero, it is essentially cut
off the upper range of operation of the ATU. mirror: Page 4- 6



LDE, another look to inexplicable effect

by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

Sometimes we receive strange radio signals delayed

compare to sent radio signals. The delaying time may
take up to 30 minutes! We do not know yet, where the
signals travel in the delaying time. Modern experiments
confirm LDE, and scientists keep silence about the
inexplicable effect. (More about LDE- just click
GOOGLE. Subject LDE)Only supporters of UFO respond
to it confidently…

Aliens do LDE! - they say

The following hypothesis was put forward and Professor Ronald Bracewell
scientifically proved by professor Ronald Bracewell
(see his photo) at Stanford University, the USA, and
astronomer Duncan Lunan from Scotland [1]. Having
put on axes XY the force of the received in 1927 echo
of the signal and its time delay, they detected, that the
obtained picture reminds the constellation of Bootis
visible from the Earth, though with small distortions.
(Constellation of Bootis is shown at photo Bootis)
They calculated that the shape the constellation is
exhibited in the graph, was visible from the Earth
12,000 years back.

On this graph the aster Epsilon from this constellation

Bootis was particularly prominent. These scientists
consider that from one of planets of the aster Epsilon
(Bootis) 12.000 years ago an interplanetary probe Constellation Bootis
was sent. Having flown up to the Earth and having
defined, that on this planet there was a life, it
occupied a place in space on elliptic orbit equidistant
from the Earth and Moon. Italian - French
mathematician Josef Lagrange earlier mathematically
justified the possibility of existence of such an orbit
[2]. In his name this orbit was called Lagrange orbit,
on which the alien space station is supposed to be.

As soon as this alien space station received the first

narrow-band radio signals from the Earth, it began to
relay them back to the Earth with the coding about the
probe. The examination of other known delayed
signals allowed the scientists to clarify some other
surprising things.

With flow of time the supporters of this theory of find some regularity, and from here to find the useful
LDE origin researched almost all known LDEs. Taking coded information which is kept in the time delay. They
into consideration the time delay and the force of attempted to detect this interplanetary probe, using
reception of delaying radio signals they attempted to modern means of space observation. Page 5- 1

But meanwhile this version (as well as however some May be the probe looks like this one…
others, less fancy) remains unproved, and it exists only
in the circle of the supporters of UFO. By means of
space observation devices this probe wasn’t detected.
(Well, one my friend told me, that a Soviet Far -Space
Radio Location Station detected the probe at Lagrange
orbit, but I do not find prove for the information…) It is
impossible to warrant that the regularity which is in the
time delay and the force of LDE signals was also found.
Certainly, this version with an interplanetary probe
cannot be eliminated from consideration, as it was not

But nevertheless it is interesting if the aliens could not

find any other way of attracting our attention to tell us Greek god Zeus
about themselves, as only by relaying delayed in time
and different in force radio signals of the earth radios…

Modern researches confirm LDE

R.J. Vidmar and F.W. Crawford at Stanford

University, the USA confirmed the presence LDE, but
they conclude that we still do not know which of the
known mechanisms are valid for LDE. It is or pointed
to presence of any natural phenomena promoting LDE
and still unknown to us, or … or gives scores in hands
of supporters of extraterrestrial reason of LDE…

Till now LDE is puzzle

Well, in all times it was characteristic for mankind to

ascribe supernatural forces to some phenomena, which
were not explained by natural forces. We know, ancient
Greek believed that the Gods made rains, lightning, a
convulsion of volcano.

Concerning to our time, mankind believe that some Concerning to our time, mankind believe that some
puzzle things produced by space intelligence and puzzle things produced by space intelligence and

But in due course many of these before mysterious and

inexplicable phenomena were explained by quite
earthly laws.

I believe, that in the future it will be possible to explain

this mysterious phenomenon, and in tutorials on Radio
Propagation the phenomenon will be described without
any mysticism only using strict formulas. Perhaps in
the future today’s schoolboys will be able to do it. The
main thing is not to be afraid any mysterious and
inexplicable phenomena and to investigate them

2. Page 5- 2
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Einstein Wave or just LDE

by Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW

Talking on an origin and on just existence of LDE go

till the recent times. Yes, even just about existence of
the LDE. Some scientists persistently do not recognize
the existence of LDE and deny obvious authentic facts
of reception LDE by many people. I do not know, why
these scientists deny the obvious facts, may be
because they can not explain this phenomenon. For
the scientist if while it is impossible to explain
something, if the something is not in frames of the
laws existing in the modern science, the something
can not exist.

However, lots of people, who do not know that LDE

does not exist, have received LDE. After that they ask
the scientist to explain the phenomenon, but the
scientists tell them: LDE can not be exist…

I want to tell about my first receiving LDE. It was in the

spring 1982, when I was studied at Kharkov Institute of
Radio and Electronics. When I came in student hostel Albert Einstein
after my day study, I usually turned on my HF receiver, (1879- 1955)
which was already tuned to BBC station that did
broadcasting at 19 meter band. I used an old military
receiver R- 311. In one of spring days, when I had
switched on the receiver, I heard weak signs of times they were louder then BBC. To my surprise the
another station on the background of BBC. BBC went unknown station was also BBC but the signs of the
to fading after several minutes however unknown unknown station were delayed on several minutes
weak signs went to strength and while some compared the BBC station. It was LDE!

Military USSR’s receiver R- 311 mirror: Page 5- 3
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Einstein Wave or just LDE

Both BBC and its LDE were fading. Often LDE was
considerably loudly than the real BBC. I had received
LDE near 5- 10 minutes (I did not see at my watch).
LDE was gone so sharply, as if was switched off. Just
now I received two signals from BBC and LDE but
through a second I received only one BBC. What was
an interesting there was no interference whistle
between BBC and its LDE.

I asked lecturers of Kharkov Institute of Radio and

Electronics about the phenomena however I had met
with a wall of silence. I had been told that such
phenomenon can not be, because it can not be at all.
Later I had known that LDE was a closed theme in the
Soviet Union. Certainly, no one lecturer did not take a Kharkov Institute of Radio and Electronics
risk to talk to a student on the closed theme of LDE.

Later I have read that LDE with the large time of a

delay (from several minutes and more) usually is
discretely, and exist a not long time. For example, LDE
with delay more the several minutes exists 5- 10
minutes, then such long delay LDE is disappeared.
Again it can be appeared only through some time, for
example, 10- 20 minutes. LDE with a small time delay,
near 1-3 seconds, can exist long time, may be 20- 30
minutes. After the small time LDE is disappeared it
can be appeared again through several minutes.

As we know recently there is not any scientific

explanation of the LDE.

I would like to offer mine version of an origin the LDE.

The version does not break the laws of modern
science. This version is based on the Einstein’s
Theory of Relativity. Further I try to bound up LDE with
the Theory of Relativity.

LDE was forbidden in the USSR

For my explanation of the origin LDE I am based on A question 1, what is light. Till now scientists argue, is
the Clock Paradox or Twin Paradox. If you do not light waves or corpuscles. Experiments are confirmed
know what is it Clock Paradox or Twins Paradox, that light has dual nature. In one experiment the light
please, use an internet search engine. Any search looks like waves. In another experiment light has
engine gives you lots link relative to the phrases. corpuscles nature. However, if light, that is
electromagnetic radiation, can have dual nature, why
Here I give a very simplified description of these radio wave, that also is electromagnetic radiation, can
paradoxes. If an object 2 moves with speed close to not have such dual nature? Of course it can be!
speed of light compared to an object 1, time at the
object 1 goes faster then the time at the object 2. The After question 1, question 2. What will be, if compare an
clock installed on the object 1 shows hours however observer, who is on the Earth, corpuscles move with
the clock installed on the object 2 shows minutes. It is speed close to speed of light. May be for us it sounds
so-called Clock Paradox. If one twin is on object 1 and strange however clock at the man, observing flight of
another twin is on object 2, at their meeting it appears, these corpuscles, counts minutes, while the clock
that the second twin (from object 2) is younger than located at these corpuscles counts only seconds. The
the twin who is on object 1. It is so-called Twins Paradox of Clock works in this case.
Paradox. Fig. 1 illustrates the situation. mirror: Page 5- 4

CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Einstein Wave or just LDE

Now we look to the next matter. A radio transmitter Or, radio wave turns in corpuscles, is distributed by
works at point A on the Earth. The radio wave from the corpuscles, which have speed close to speed of light,
transmitter comes in point B with a small delay T. then the corpuscles again turns in usual radio wave.
Delay T is equal to distance L, which this wave has Let's name this corpuscle wave ‘Einstein wave’. Let’s
came, divided on speed of the radio wave see to Clock Paradox. Minutes have passed for the
(300.000/km/sec), see Fig. 2. Imagine if the radio observer, who is at point B, but only seconds have
wave, at presence of some conditions, is propagated passed for Einstein wave.
also as corpuscles.

In other words, observer, who is at point B, at first has

received an usual radio wave and at second, while
some time, has received Einstein wave, that contain
the same information that the usual radio wave, that is
already received. The delay time can be in millions
times more the normal time of propagation of the radio

So, at certain conditions, the observer can receive

both a usual radio wave together with its LDE.
However, what are the conditions, when radio wave
turns to Einstein wave and back to radio wave? It is
not known.

Certainly, it only my version LDE, and it is only a

version, which does not apply to be true. It is
necessary to say, that the Einstein wave sets lots
questions. May be more then LDE… 73! I. G. Albert Einstein mirror: Page 5- 5

CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Nonlinear Propagation of Radio- Wave

Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW


There are a lot of interesting phenomena at I give my call/QRP with 5-watts running by my IC-718.
ionosphere propagation of radio-wave (for example, Only “QRZ?” I have received. After several unsuccessful
remember LDE!). One of such phenomenon is attempts to do QSO I increase my power to 10 watts.
nonlinear propagation of radio- wave in The Ukrainian station, operator Gene, gave me 599…
ionosphere. What is it this effect? A very exactly
description of the phenomenon was given by A vessel, whence the Ukrainian station has been
Vladislav, RX3ALL, at a message sent by him in the worked, was at the Atlantic Ocean. Distance between
RU- QRP- C forum on December 19, 2005. our stations was approximately 7500 kms. I sent CQ
near (on frequency) the Ukrainian station, and, in
(Below the message is given with some cuttings) several minutes one station from Argentina called me,
after the QSO, another station from Argentina called
--It was an interesting propagation yesterday night on me! (All calls are in my log.)
20 meters. I turned on my transceiver approximately
at 19-30 UTC (22-30 local time). Nobody was at the BUT! The stations did not hear me on 5 watts, however
band. Suddenly I heard a very loud station, it was an when I run 10 watts, I have received 579 and 589.
Ukrainian ham station/MM, it keyed on CQ.

Station UA3ZNW at middle 1980s.

Left corner: CW Transceiver and PA for 160, 80, 40, 20
Right corner: PSU 0-16 VDC, 0- 24 VDC, 250- 500 VDC, 6.3 VAC, 12.6 VAC
Receiver for 10 meters
Center: Automatic key, transmitter for 10 meters, receiver for 160, 80, 40 and 20 meters.
AM transmitter for 160 meters.
All equipment are home brew mirror: Page 5- 6

CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Nonlinear Propagation of Radio- Wave
About 21-00 UTC I worked with Uruguay, CV5D, At first I noticed trigger effect at 10 meters band. Since
operator Lu. The same story, at 5 watts no QSO, at 10 an RF transistor of my PA was overheated at 16 volts, I
watts 579. worried, that it would go out of operation during QSO. In
1980s the RF power transistor costs pretty penny. So, I
After 21-00 UTC the 20 meters band was closed. called my correspondent when my PA was fed by 16
volts, after that reduced voltage to 12 volts, and made
Regards, Vladislav, RX3ALL 72!-- QSO. As a rule, the QSO was completely done. The
truth, sometimes during QSO my signs were ceased,
Vladislav met with a very interesting phenomenon, then I again increased the voltage to 16 volts for a while.
which is named (by me) nonlinear propagation of
radio- wave in ionosphere. The phenomenon is, that A power radio station located in my city also could be
at some small power (say 5 watts, as Vladislav had) it the cause of the trigger effect. For example, I for a long
is impossible to do a QSO, nobody answers, time call DX station, no answer, then power station from
however, if the power is a little increased (say to 10 my city have made QSO with the DX, after that the DX
watts, as Vladislav did), the QSO is going on 59. As gives me 59. Such phenomenon often is observed by
a rule, this phenomenon is observed at DX QSO, if me in contents, when I try QRP. I call for a long time a
the distant is more than 2000 kms. far station, no answer, then a powerful station has made
QSO with the DX. That is all, the DX gives me 599.
I have noticed this phenomenon in 1980s. At the times
I had ham call UA3ZNW and I often sent CQ at 10 At first I thought that these strange things are only on 10
meters using a home brew transistor AM transmitter. meters. But then I observed the phenomena on others
12 Volts from a PSU with manually variable voltage amateur HF bands, from 160 up to 10 meters. The truth,
was going to the PA of the transmitter, and I had 3- on the 10 meters these phenomena are more sharply
watts RF power. than on low-frequency HF ranges. Lots of hams and
professionals also are familiar with the strange
So, at the times I have met the same phenomenon as phenomena. My attempts to find a science explanation
Vladislav met at 2005. When 12 Volts feed the PA, to these interesting phenomena are failed.
nobody answers, BUT, when 16 Volts feed the PA, I
have received 59 from far stations. My transmitter Professionals and scientists in personal talking about
runs 5 watts when 16 volts were across PA. So, it the phenomena sad me, that it is a whim of propagation
impossible explain, why at 3 watts GUHOR, but at 5 or lack of my antenna or lack of the receiver of my
watts – ’59.’ Usual theory of radio- propagation has no correspondent. May be… But by me this effect was
answer on the question. marked at various receivers, both self-made and
professional, at different antennas, on diverse bands,
I have noticed one more interesting effect of and at stable (for the time) propagation…
nonlinear propagation of radio- wave in
ionosphere. It is possible to name this phenomenon
as a trigger effect. The phenomenon is that at some
small power (say 1 watt) nobody answers. However if ... It seems to me this riddle is still unsolved …
the power is a little increased (say to 2 watts) you
have received 59. Then power decreased (say, again 73/72! I.G.
to 1 watt) but anyway you have received 59 from your
correspondent. mirror: Page 5- 7

CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Black holes in the Air

Black holes in the Air

Sergey A. Kovalev, USONE,

In the beginning I shall quote Igor Bunich's book " USONE

Fuhrer’s Pirates". The book describes one strange
event, which was while a campaign of German raider
"Atlantis" at the end of August, 1941:

" Have been going on the edge of pack- ice of

Antarctica "Atlantis" has rounded New Zealand and
was going to Kermadec islands, that are in seven
hundred miles to the north… skip … Has passed
Antipodes islands, "Atlantis" faced with a strange
effect. The ship went in mysterious zone, where ship
radio was dead on the all bands. It seemed, all radio
world has died out. Even atmospheric static
interferences were no present. "Atlantis" has passed
almost two hundred miles while the external world
gave notice by a radio station from Australia." Sergey on air base “Chindan”, near forgotten
village Borzay
I give the quota because I was in the same citation.
There was in August, 1989, when I served in an air
base “Chindan” near forgotten village Borzay, the
Chita region, Russia.

In one of the August days, I come home for dinner (at

13-14 local time), and I decided to listen my receiver
R- 309. The receiver work fine from 1 to 36 MHz. It
was inexplicably for me, but I found out, that there is
not any reception! I did not hear even crashes of
static. Wow, I turn on my TV “Vesna- 326”, also
absolutely nothing! Well, nearly one hour have
passed, when very weak reception began to appear.

I can not find any explanations for the effect.

By the way, in that day, when I observed the strange

effect, the sky had unusually yellowish color. At that
time for myself I have explained it, by that probably, in
desert of Gobi (Mongolia - China), there was a
powerful dusty storm.

Dust was deserted in average layers of the Earth

atmosphere. Borzay is in 20 kms from border with
Mongolia. But there is the question, why there was no
propagation of surface radio waves? I did not hear R-309
LW, MW and VHF- TV!

Yours faithfully, Sergey A. Kovalev -


On the next pages there are pasted some

facts about the phenomena, collected by
Sergey, US0NE Page 5- 8
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Black holes in the ether

Michael RW6AT: Michael RW6AT

I faced with the phenomena. It was in the spring 2001,

at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, after a strong magnetic
storm. All bands, HF and VHF were dead. I even did
not hear local VHF station with 50 watts, located near
5 kilometers from me…

Igor UT5UCY:

The similar effect I observed in the summer 1978.

One of days of the test (I do not remember what the
test was - if it will be interesting I can see old logs) I
met with absolutely absence of radio propagation on
all bands. I checked my equipment- it was all right… I Northern lights
did not understand, what happened and switched off
my equipment. All worked well in another day….

Stanislav UA9XP:

In February 1961, approximately at 22 o’clock, a QSO

on 10-M band with my friend, living from me at
distance of 350-400meters, failed. Such impression,
that our radio stations A-7B, failed. But in forty
minutes the communication was restored. In the time
we saw northern lights.

Andrey, RW9WA: Radio station A-7B

Ten years back I observed similar phenomena in CQ

WW SSB. There was very fine propagation, I called a
KN6 station, and when I turned to reception - was a
death silence in the ether… I checked antennas,
transceiver, coaxial cables. Then I made a call to my
friend in my town, UW9WW. He also heard nothing,
and also disassembled his transceiver! A hour later,
static interferences and a very weak reception began
to appear.

George UY5XE:

Antipodes islands (IOTA - ZL-f) probably, for the given

reasons, till now are a NEW ONE!

Nikolay UT2UZ: And very interesting message is on the next page.

Go to the page!
Such failure in radio propagation is very rare, but it
happens. About half-year back (2001 year) I faced
with full closing at all ranges while forty minutes. May The info was published at:
be unusually big solar flash destroyed reflecting layer
in ionosphere…
Great site with great info for hams
(well, in Russian….) Page 5- 9
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Black holes in the ether

Pavel, UA1CBX Pavel, UA1CBX , near the North Pole

I was a polar radio operator for four polar expeditions.

So, I of course met with very strange effects at
propagation of radio waves. The closer to geomagnetic
poles of the Earth, the more often it happens. HF
propagation is almost absence in the winter near the
pole. Only very rare stations you can hear there.
Especially it is at the northern lights. I often met with an
one sided propagation, when I received lots station
with 59++, but nobody hear me.

Very interesting event was with me and with Ivan

Zhukov. He worked from plane IL-14 on 20-M band on
the way to our polar station. There was great pile- up,
but I heard nothing. But when the plane lowered to 2
kilometers above ice, Ivan sad, that his radio dead!
Our scientist from the polar station did not found any Soviet Polar station
explanation for the effect. Well, I met and with others, North Pole – 27, radio shack
very, very strange phenomenon at propagation of radio

Ivan Zhukov faced with the effect on a plane! White Bear do not know about hams…

Do you faced with the effect?

Write us about it! Page 5- 10

Feedback on one problem…
In 2001 year I have sent a short message to Ukraine ham forum at KPC WebSite (, and the
message was published in QUA-UARL #46 in that 2001 year. Below I retell the message in few words.

“I think, that our planet, the Earth, has specific spots, which are almost identically to acupuncture spots placed
on a human body. I called them “White Spots”, “Black Spots” and “Inverse Spots”. We have a good radio
transmitting or receiving in White Spots, very bad radio transmitting or receiving in Black Spots, and we have
some strange things in Inverse Spots.” - I guess, that many of hams do not agree with me. They say, “The
propagation of radio waves obeys only to known laws. Okey, I do not want to argue with the hams, I only want
to show my FEEDBACK. But, before the FEEDBACK, I want to tell once more my observation of the unusual
effect, called EARTH ACUPUNCTURE.

Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

Victor Zinenco, the chief of the lab of check- out Within four years Victor works as the chief of the lab
equipment from one of gas-distillation factory located of check- out equipment of one of gas-distillation
near Oposhnya town, says: factory located near Oposhnya. The factory cleans
I know such Spots! gas and makes gasoline. His lab attends to serve
equipment for measuring a gas pressure in gas tubes
White and black spots at the Poltava region and for measuring gases volume, passing through the
gas tubes. The equipment consists of electronic and
At September of 2002, I was at Oposhnya, the mechanical parts.
Poltava region, Ukraine. I met with my old friend
Zinenco Victor. He showed me others examples of Photo: Into Zinenco office (Victor and me) and
influence of White and Black spots to activity of radio workplace
electronic and mechanical equipment.

Photo: Gas Torch near Oposhnya Page 5- 11

As Zinenco Victor said, identical equipment were used Another deal is with the gas- wells located in good-
at all gas wells. The equipment tested thoroughly named places. There are such places as “Happy
before their installation. However, in some time, Village”, “Green Village”, “Light Windmill”. Till now,
strange things happened to the equipment. In some there is an old wood windmill at the Light Windmill
places the equipment worked reliably very long time. place. Equipment installed at the gas- wells located
On others gas wells the equipment were broke soon. at these “happy” places work without breakages for
Interesting things, at some places only mechanical a long time.
parts of the equipment were broke, at other places
only electronic parts of the equipment were broke. A lot of evil – named places were renamed for
nothing speaking neutral names at the Soviet
There are places, where both as electronic, as times. However, natives keep old names in their
mechanical parts of the equipment were broke. Victor memory. Among themselves people named
also noted, that the breakages of the equipment were villages and places by the old names.
bound to names of places, where the equipment were
installed. Tat’yana, the wife of my friend Victor, works at the
historian museum of Oposhnya. She told me
Name of a place is very close bound up to character surprising national legends, bound with the names
of the place in the Poltava region. For example, of the places. Her stories and data concerning
there is a terrain with the name “Cool Hole”. It is a breakages of equipment, installed in such strange
shallow cavity, near 50 meters in the depth and near places, assured me that Black and White Spots
3 kilometers in the diameter. The check- out exist.
equipment, installed at a gas- well placed in this
terrain, often stopped to work. We do not know yet, how the strange places
influence to electronic and mechanical equipment
A lot of places’ names are connected to an evil spirit. and also to the propagation of radio waves, but the
There are such places as “Hag Well”, “Devil’s influence is.
Ravine”, and “Goblin’s Forest”. At water – wells,
disposed at Hag Well, water periodically disappears I had another interesting meeting in Oposhnya. I met
and then appears again. Devil’s Ravine is a pine with few native hams from the town. One of the
forest where the pine doubled and tripled at their oldest from them was Ivan Hrapach. His call sign is
root. Goblin’s Forest is a small forest disposed UTOHI, he is a radio amateur with the 30-year’s
among small hills. However the natives do not go experience.
there because, in spite of the fact that the forest is
small, it is very easy to lose the way in this forest. He told me a lot of interesting and mysterious things
Natives do not recommend use mushrooms and about his activity in the ether from the Poltava
berry from this forest for meals. Even good sorts of it region. His stories confirmed my assurance about
may cause poisoning. Black and White places and about Inverse places
also as my assurance that the Poltava region
As Zinenco Victor said, equipment installed at gas- contains a lot of such places…
wells located at these “evil” places broke very often.
Personal from the gas- wells frequently fall to sick. Welcome to Dikan’ka, a mystery place near
Photo: Near village Light Windmill Page 5- 12

And another story from Alexandr Maxurov, UA6LTO There were also tragedies: the topographers,
Alexandr Maxurov, UA6LTO, former chief of radio working around a field batch in radius up to 10 kms
communication department of the Vorkuta geophysical and equipped with a hand held HF transceiver
expedition “Сarat”, sometimes were found frozen in winter.
Using quite good radio set they could not contact on
“… Therefore it would be desirable to say some words frequencies 1600-1800 kHz of the field batch the
in support of the idea about acupuncture of the Earth. base radio when they were 5-6 kilometers from the
1. The theory of “acupuncture of the Earth” is not Transceiver Carat
new, it has been discussed for a long time.
Moreover, rather large experimental and factual
stuff has been stored in some science

2. Personally I accumulated rich data of this kind.

They were stored by me throughout 1988 when I
worked as a chief of radio communication department
of the Vorkuta geophysical expedition. It was a very
successful combination to study the problems of radio
communication in polar tundra in connection with
geophysical component. What a blessing it was that
equipment for this purpose was quite good.

Seventeen field batches of Vorkuta geophysical

expedition were scattered in terrain from Nar'yan -
Mar up to Salekhard, the main base was in Vorkuta.
Batches roam from place to place practically
annually, therefore the research area was rather
The batches used a short wave radio for
communication inside tundra and with the main base in

But personally for me the question of a particular

interest was to find out the relation between
geophysical conditions, in which the field batch was,
and the quality of a radio communication between
“field” and “base”. The same equipment in the field
batch- transceivers – “RSO –30”, “Polosa”, “Groza”, Transceiver Angara
“Almaz”, “Angara”, “Carat” ( all of them Russian made)
and the same antennas behaved completely
differently when a field batch moved to a new place.

Transceiver Groza page 5- 13

Certainly, any radio amateur after changing QTH, could But all the same, in need of a serious special
personally be convinced that his equipment in a new place software study, this stuff is still awaiting a
behaved in a different way. But I in this case speak about serious study...
another thing: about a pure experiment. A move to another
area, where there is another relief of district, other buildings 3. A part of the practical guidelines on the
and a level of man-made interference is one thing. But a choice of a place for antenna installation and
move of a field batch 10-20 km in one side, with full back-up generally for QTH of radio sets I promised the
of disposition of living place, antenna masts and other members of club "Arctica" to publish in a a
equipment in Bolshezemel'skaya’s tundra (i.e. practically on a special brochure - application to the club
flat place) is a different thing. bulletin “Radiotop”…

As a matter of fact, at changing a place on the Earth ( or I want to support EVERYTHING what is
changing the acupuncture of the Earth ), the quality of radio written by RK3ZK in his article “Acupuncture
communication is changed greatly. Therefore, the quality of of the Earth”, as everything mentioned in it
radio communication depends on what is beneath our feet! has practical affirming by the stuff, stored by
Besides, if the radio amateur, having changed his QTH,
does not always know the qualities of the new place, in my Moreover, all radio amateurs who are
case, practically everything was known: interested in compiling such “Acupuncture
conductance of soil, map of the Earth” could contribute to it,
composition of high layers of the earth, having analyzed their own experience and
climatic map, QSOs journal.
geomagnetic component (you see, the expedition is
geophysical!). Quite often the following may be heard in the
In such conditions, during 1988-1992 years I managed to
store a large stuff on subjects, which were interesting for me - “Your area goes to me on 59 at any
conformity of geophysical parameters and conditions of propagation!”
radio waves propagation in Trans-polar circumstances. By
that time I had already been a radio engineer (I had It is also necessary to collect in one place data
graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic on such “couples” of QTH, which have in
Technology), these data were used by some of my friends common such a notion as “at any
for receiving Ms and Ph degrees. propagation”. It will be interesting to place
them on the geographical map of the Earth and
to see what it looks like. Certainly, it will be only
Transceiver Polosa the first, not precise approximation…

According to my data, the points, congenial for

arranging antennas, are situated in nodes of
grid 10 by 10 m, but common negative or
positive characteristics of a node, as it is truly
noted in the article of RK3ZK, can be
expanded to 1-2 kms…

4. As far as the toponymy of the areas is

concerned (dependence of the name of the
place and its features), there, in the North, it
is well-marked and corresponds to reality. You
see, in tundra the places can be distinguished
by the fact that on one of them reindeers
graze, breed and put on flesh, and on the
other – die.

5. For the sake of justice, I want to mark, that

the following people who worked together with
me also participated in gathering the data:
Alexandr Babin (UA9XLG) and Vladimir
Artyukevich (RA9XQ, exRA9XBF).

73! Alexandr Maxurov, UA6LTO (ex UA9XGB,

RA9XO) Page 5- 14


International northern radioclub or - take part in any arctic (or antarctic) DX-pedition;
"ARKTIKA" was founded on Sept. 24, 1989 in or - win 1-3 places in contest "Arctic Cup" in any
Russian Arctic city Vorkuta (North part of UA9X group;
region). Many HAMs from UA1Z, UA0B, UA1P, or - win all 3 units of "RAA" program (Diplom, Pennant,
UA0K,UA0Q, JW, arctic DX-peditions to FJLand North Medal).
Pole took part in this club organization. No time limit. Any amateur from any country can entry
in club.
The main aims are:
- to connect all polar radioamateurs and members of Needed data: arctic callsign, QTH and time
an arctic DX-peditions; period, when this callsign was active. All members to
- to set up new arctic awards and contests; get "life" membership number and club periodic info-
- to organize DX-peditions to Russian Arctic area; bulletin "Radio-Top". There are 220 members in RC
- to develop new and digital modes of HAM-radio in "ARKTIKA" on Sept 2002. RC "ARKTIKA" is very
north QTH's; popular in Russia (see "RADIO" magazine #6/2002 -
- technical help and HAM-tutorial to young HAMs in for example), but all info was spreading on Russian
small arctic QTH's; language only: http:\\
- to set up regional and national arctic ham-ventions; More info by privat e-mail to Club HQ:
- peace, friendship and collaboration in World
Arctic area.
To entry into club "ARKTIKA" need:
- live in (or travel to) any QTH under the North
Polar Circle and make from this QTH one or more

UA6LTO, Alexander MakSurov, President of RADIOCLUB "ARKTIKA"

p.o. box 8, Novocherkassk, 346400, RUSSIA e-mail: Page 5- 15

The message, dated on December 18, 2002, was We have had 3 elements YAGI for 40-m and
published by Alexander (Ed) Lesnichy (RU6LA) at 1000 watts output at that time, but UB5IF worked
The Radiotechnical "Hz" Forum. Ed says his better us. UB5IF explained his success his
opinion on Black and White Spots: correct made VS1AA. During long hours he told
to us, how right to do the antenna.
“ … I remember how UB5IF worked, may be, there
is anyone, who else remembers he. Twenty years
But… Some days UB5IF moved from his old house
back ago, UB5IF "rattled" on 40-м everywhere. And
to a new one. This new house was only several
what is the most surprising, he had only VS1AA
kilometers near his old house. And… He felt silent!
antenna (VS1AA is a simple wire antenna) and only
His equipment have begun to work as it must work!
200 watt going to the antenna.
So, anyone from far radio stations did not answer
him. UB5IF remade again and again his VS1AA,
then he moved his old VS1AA from his old house to
his new house. Useless! New his place, evidently,
was a Black Spot!”

73! ED, RU6LA

FEEDBACK from Dmitriy, RK6AOH

Data for “VS1AA” wire antenna Dear Igor:

Ranges, m L, meters A, meters I completely agree with your article Earth

Acupuncture. My experience has proved me in
80, 40, 20, 10 41 13,6 showed me in existence such spots. I have had no
time to do a good antenna, and I decided to try a
40, 20, 10 20,43 6,84 substitute antenna. The antenna had only 3.5 meters
length and this one was installed at my balcony, I live
at 6-th floor. As antenna ground I used copper foil
hidden under wool carpet in my shack.
Photo: Ed RU6LA (left) and UA6LFQ
I turned on my 10-watts transceiver, and… what is
surprise! I worked without hard for several thousands
kilometers! I heard far stations they heard me, too.
But my close neighbors from my hardly heard me,
they did not hear the far stations. My friends did not
believe me, that I used only 10 watts and 3.5 meters

My work was or very excellent or very poor. Or I

hear all, and all hear me, or I hear nothing in the
ether. It was very interesting and unusual work in the
ether. It was sorry for me, but I had to stop my work
in the ether on transmitting for some while… But,
when I will work again, I tell you more about my
White place.

Yours faithfully Dmitriy, RK6AOH. 73!

Well, I know, there are lots pessimists who did not

believe in the Black and White Spots… Okey, may
be the next article gives you some feed for the brain.

So, go to next page! Page 5- 16
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION A Gravity Map of Earth

A Gravity Map of Earth

Credit: GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, CSR U. Texas, JPL, NASA

Explanation: Is gravity the same over the surface of the Earth? No -- it turns out that in some places you will
feel slightly heavier than others. The above relief map shows in exaggerated highs and lows where the
gravitational field of Earth is relatively strong and weak. A low spot can be seen just off the coast of India, while
a relative high occurs in the South Pacific Ocean. The cause of these irregularities is unknown since present
surface features do not appear dominant. Scientists hypothesize that factors that are more important lay in deep
underground structures and may be related to the Earth's appearance in the distant past. To better map Earth's
gravity and hence better understand its interior and past, NASA plans to launch the Gravity Recovery and
Climate (GRACE) satellite in February.

The article was published at:

Well, I Think, it is very an interesting info, and it gives lots feed for though…

Dmitriy gives us own thinking about as the phenomena as about LDE. Go to the next page! Page 5- 17

And some conceptions from Dmitriy, RK6AOH, about White Spots and LDE

Now about some researches, supervision and reasons the time. I heard about 5 stations from 9 areas of
for White Spots and LDE: Russia (it is approximately 4000 kilometers from me!),
which worked in a net. Signals from all of the stations
1) Geological / geophysical conditions at my had almost equal levels. I did not hear the usual
place: ether’s noise. At first I could not understood at once
that occurs, and I did not written down the calls. The
My QTH contains acid clay ground phenomena took 40- 60 seconds, then click, silence,
with sandstone, it is situated between two nearest and again I hear only my neighbours...
large breaks of the earth's crust - one in the north, in
area Loo – town, the second - in the south, in territory
of Georgia. 3) LDE and the connected points

2) Supervision over the phenomenon of a White May be radiowaves penetrate through the connected
Spot: points of the Earth which, probably, form original
liaison channels, practically on any distances on the
1. The majority "strange" QSOs in the Earth. It is possible, that in these liaison channels,
afternoon are spread in the direction conterminous to radio waves are distributed faster, than in natural
the direction of magnetic lines of the Earth, in the conditions.
evening and the night time - on the contrary, in the
perpendicular direction, basically to the west, in the Probably, the “conjugate” points suddenly can
direction of the sunset (that is good to match with disappear and appear and also move over surfaces of
usual theories of propagation of radio- waves). the Earth owing to what that of the reasons.

2. The phenomenon of a White Spot has arisen at May be, when a radio wave have entered into one
21:25, June, 21, 2003, in ham range 80-m. I listened conjugate point, another conjugate points is coupled
to the range because my substitute "antennal" does with the first point (that point, where the radio wave
not allow to work on transfer in effectively way. have entered). Hence, the radio wave will go to a
circle in such having got in such liaison channel.
As well as always, I herd on the range neighbours’
ham stations from 6-th area of Russia, Crimea, May be, the radio wave can be even go to the time,
Ukraine, common everything, that are in the radius of not to the space. The modern physics know very little
300~500 kilometers around me. about properties of the time… After disconnection of
these conjugate points, the radio wave leaves them in
Suddenly (again suddenness!) somewhere in middle space, forming LDE …
of the range, a "failure" was appeared. In one second,
in the "failure" I began to hear already familiar stations Depending on properties of the conjugate points there
from 9-th area of Russia (4000 kilometers away from can be LDE with various time delays, from seconds to
me!), all were at first on 35., then 47., then all the tens minutes.
station were on 59++!!
Yours faithfully, Dmitry, RK6AOH
The level of signals of the stations grows linearly in

If You Can Read in Russian, Go to

Huge library with tens FREE e- books at: The Best Technical Site in Russian! Page 5- 18

Earth Shadow, propagation related to earth shadow

by Michael Higgins, EI 0 CL, Email:,

Not well understood it seems but the Earth Shadow has an

enormous effect on over the horizon single and multi hop
propagation on the HF bands.

Once the Ionized Layers are illuminated by the sun we

generally get good refraction above certain frequencies
which can and do vary (dependant of course on take off
angle and so on). As we approach the poorer part of the 11
year cycle we can see this phenomena better.

With the Earths rotation relative to the sun we naturally and

inevitably get areas on Earth which are gradually illuminated
and then darkened by the apparently moving shadow (the The West to east suffers attenuation (in fact
earth is spinning & rotating too silly) relative to the sun in this signals not being refracted) or going straight
case-- also we are moving relative to the other galaxies through the less ionized layers-while the East to
outside our own solar system. West signals are better refracted (less
attenuated) being refracted by the more existed
When darkness comes as a result of this rotation so the (by the sun) ionized layers.
refraction characteristics change too.
Attenuation is my way of describing less than
In the evenings then the East to West HF propagation at MUF perfect refraction in the above case. Just in
(regardless of what it actually is in MHz) is usually better than case someone loses focus, I'm not discussing
the West to East. attenuation per se or even levels of attenuation.
Just the phenomena we like to call by that
The shadow appears to move Westwards at appx. 1000MPh name.
at the equator so its quite noticable. (In fact the Earth is
rotating Eastwards at the same speed) speaking from Planet This phenomena is best observed in the twilight
Earth zone.

Michael Higgins, EI 0 CL

By the way I have just discovered that the

If we project ourselves well out into space and view the Earth "Black Hole " in our very own Solar system is
and Sun from a distance we would have a better overview. actually located in Ireland. Try it and see for
Observe it and see for yourself even from Earth. yourself. It took me many years to discover this.

At first the article was published at The article calls a great
discussion about the shadow influence to propagation of radio waves. I agree with
Michael, there is the influence! And, of course, it must be studied.

73! Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK Page 5- 19
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Antenna - Island

Antenna - Island
by John Doty, Home: , Work:

Sharbot Lake, Ontario, Canada lies a couple of omnidirectional. The following analysis assumes that #2
kilometers south of the Trans-Canada Highway, *was* omnidirectional.
about at the halfway point between Montreal and
Toronto. It is perhaps 60 kilometers north of Tests of the Beverage on shortwave were disappointing:
Kingston, which is at the northeast end of Lake while reception of many stations was excellent, there
Ontario. My grandfather bought a small island in was very little difference in reception between the
Sharbot Lake in 1948, and I've travelled there Beverage and the vertical. The orientation of the
regularly since I was 9 months old. Beverage was such that I expected New Zealand to be
in the forward lobe, and Europe to be in the back lobe.
The island is about 150 meters long, but only about S-meter measurements in the 49 meter band revealed
25 meters wide. The long direction lies roughly little difference between signal strength of RNZI, the
northeast/southwest direction. There is a cottage Europeans, and other relatively distant stations on the
near the northeast end. On official maps, the island vertical and on the Beverage, while relatively nearby
is known as "Bradley's Island", but on some locally stations such as WSHB and WWCR were substantially
made maps it's known as "Rupert's Island" (Mr. stronger on the Beverage. This implies that the
Rupert was my grandfather). It's at 44 deg 46' north, Beverage had a strong preference for high angle
76 deg 42' west. radiation: this is not the way a Beverage is supposed to
The island is wonderfully quiet in the radio spectrum.
Our hydro (that's Canadian for AC power, eh?) and On the other hand, the Beverage showed substantial
telephone connections are via underwater cables: directivity on medium wave. Furthermore, the directivity
this effectively blocks the noise that normally rides was off the ends of the antenna, as it was supposed to
utility cables. There are no nearby cities or powerful be, preferring stations to the northeast and southwest
radio transmitters. Ignition noise from passing over stations to the southeast (I didn't ID anything to the
motorboats is an occasional annoyance, but it's not a northwest: there's not a whole lot of civilization in that
serious problem. direction). This was rather surprising, since the
Beverage was less than 1/2 wavelength long over most
Even family members who are not radio hobbyists of the standard AM broadcast band! The Beverage was
have for many years enjoyed "Medium Wave more efficient than the small vertical at MW also, so
DXing": it's what you end up doing if you turn on an even signals off to the side were stronger on the
ordinary AM radio at night on the island. I've often Beverage. The front/side ratio was about 10 dB, which
brought my Sony 2001 up there for shortwave was enough to make a significant difference in many
DXing. However, before this summer I had never cases. For example, in the daytime the dominant station
brought a real communications receiver or the at 900 kHz on the Beverage was CHML in Hamilton,
makings of a serious antenna system to the island. Ontario to the southwest, while on the vertical it was a
station I never positively ID'd, but whose community
This year I brought my Drake R8 and a bunch of service announcements referred to communities in
antenna wire with me. Initially, I set up two antennas. northern New York, to the southeast. At night 1370 kHz
Antenna #1 was about 120 meters of insulated wire, was generally a confused mutter on the vertical, but the
running nearly the length of the island, at a bearing Beverage could usually pluck WXXI in Rochester, New
of about 230 degrees. It was supported by trees at a York (more south than west, but still in the beam) out of
height of 3-4 meters above the lake, 1-3 meters the mess.
above the ground. 22 meters of bare copper wire
submerged in the lake provided a ground, and an Despite the Beverage's directionality, the most distant
ICE Model 180 matching transformer coupled the mediumwave station I heard was best on the vertical:
antenna through 15 meters of cheap 75 ohm coax to Radio ZIZ, St. Kitts on 555 kHz. A directional antenna
the R8's input #1. Antenna #2 was about 8 meters of only helps if it's pointed in the right direction!
wire suspended almost vertically from a tree
overhanging the cottage, connected directly to the Another surprise was longwave. I'd never really heard
R8's high impedance input #2. The ground for this any longwave broadcasters before. From my home in
antenna was provided by the grounded shield of Bedford, Massachusetts I can occasionally hear a word
antenna #1's coax: this arrangement is not good at or two in between noise bursts and beacons, but never
rejecting noise from the power line, but with very anything listenable. However, from the island I found
clean power and few noise generating appliances it that I could often hear European longwave
was usually acceptable (especially as I could always
switch to #1). Antenna #1 was intended to be a
nonterminated (bidirectional) Beverage, while #2 was
intended to be
Page 5- 20
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Antenna - Island

broadcasters at night: I hadn't realized that they could to back ratio was about 10 dB. At the high end, the
be heard so far from the ocean. Here's my log from pattern was more like that of a dipole oriented like the
around 0300 UT on August 11: island, with good response broadside, and poor
response off the ends. CJCL 1430 in Toronto was
Freq SINPO ID especially weak, more than 15 dB down relative to
252 22252 Clarkestown, Ireland stations off to the side (always using the vertical as a
234 22252 Junglinster, Luxembourg reference). Longwave was also good on the slot. I
216 33353 Roumoules, France added Nador, Morocco at 171 kHz to my list of
183 24353 Saarlouis, Germany stations logged down there.
162 22352 Allouis, France
Although my antenna experiments were a bit of a bust
All of the above were in French except for Atlantic 252 at shortwave (nothing beat the simple vertical, no
in English. matter where the signal was coming from), shortwave
reception was nevertheless very good at this quiet
The Beverage didn't seem to be especially directional site. My home site in Bedford is also pretty quiet at
down there. I didn't really check it carefully, though: shortwave, however, so there were few surprises in
beacons aren't my thing, and the broadcasters were all what I was able to hear. One exception was the main
in about the same direction. The vertical was just too transmitter site of Radio Japan at Yamata. Asian
short to adequately feed a 500 ohm input below 200 stations are generally weak and unpredictable in
kHz, so the Beverage was the better antenna down eastern North America, but Yamata seems to be
there. The stations above 200 kHz sounded about the particularly bad in New England. Why this should be I
same on both antennas, although the signal from the don't know, but I've never positively ID'd it from the
Beverage was, of course, much stronger on the S- Boston area, despite trying for several years from two
meter. sites with several different antennas. However, from
the island I could hear Yamata on 9535 kHz! For
The unusually poor directivity of the Beverage at example, at 1720 on August 10, I had it at S4, SINPO
shortwave, and its unusually good directivity on 25332 on the vertical. Not a breathtakingly good
mediumwave puzzled me. I guessed that the island signal, but *much* better than I'm used to!
itself must have something to do with this
phenomenon. The ground under a Beverage is an I also believe I heard Papua New Guinea on 3220 one
important component of the antenna: could the island night, but I made the log entry on a piece of scrap
be acting differently from a more uniform surface? If paper in the dark (to avoid waking my wife), and I can't
the island was perturbing the behavior of the read the time or date now. It sounded a lot like Steve
Beverage, could it be acting as an antenna all by Byan's recordings. If you think the R8's ergonomics
itself? I realized then that there was a way to turn the are bad normally, you should try operating it in the
island and the surrounding water into an antenna. A dark!
"slot" antenna is just a slot (usually 1/2 wavelength
long) in a conductive sheet. The island could act as a Analysis:
slot in the conductive lake water! A slot antenna is
usually fed by connecting a transmission line between I think the reason that the Beverage lacked
the sides of the slot at its center. I didn't have enough directionality at shortwave was that it wasn't arranged
coax to reach the center of the island, so I just fed it symmetrically with respect to the island. I tried to keep
where I'd already put my "ground" connection into the the antenna straight. However, the island, although it
lake, about 25 meters from the northeast end. I is long and narrow, is not perfectly straight, so the
disconnected the Beverage, and ran an insulated wire antenna was not centered on the island. The return
about 15 meters long to the other side of the island. current through the ground plays an important role in
Having no additional uninsulated wire, I used a metal the function of a Beverage, and the unsymmetrical
bait bucket as my contact in the water. I connected placement of the wire relative to the more conductive
the feed wire to my matching transformer. lake water undoubtably severely distorted the current
It worked pretty well! The signals from the slot antenna pattern in the ground. Next time I may try running the
were weaker than those from the Beverage, but below antenna as close to the island's centerline as possible:
10 MHz the signal to noise ratio was generally about it won't be quite straight, but it just might work better.
the ame. The slot was a poor performer above 10 The use of an island as a slot antenna turns out not to
MHz. It did not seem to be very directional on be a new idea: I found a paper on it in a library at MIT.
shortwave. On medium wave, the slot was noticeably There was both theoretical and experimental work on
directional, but in a rather different way from the the use of large islands as VLF antennas published
Beverage. At the low end of the standard broadcast around 1960. The paper I found (by Harold Staras of
band, it seemed to have a "cardioid" pattern, with good
response in every direction except northeast. The front Page 5- 21
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Pedersen ray propagation

Technion and RCA Laboratories) analyzed large For a smaller island in fresh water at LF/MF/HF the
islands in seawater, and concluded that they would theory is much more complex since Staras's
make poor VLF antennas. His analysis makes sense, approximations don't apply (even with his
but he used some approximations that are only valid approximations, the math in his paper was quite
for large islands (kilometers in length) in seawater heavy). I have no conclusions to offer, except that this
(much more conductive than fresh) at VLF, so his is an interesting area for experiment. The theory looks
conclusion does not apply to my case. too complex to be a useful guide.

John Doty : "You can't confuse me, that's my job."

Pedersen ray propagation

By Robert Brown

Pedersen ray propagation takes place at the transition E-hops or 2,000 km F-hops. Such E-F hops are
from one ionospheric region to another, the lowest expected on theoretical grounds because of the nature
being between the top of the E-region and the bottom of the electron density distribution, a deep valley
of the F1-region while the highest at the F2-peak above the E-peak developing after sunset.
which divides the bottom and topsides of the F-region. Experimentally, a valley distribution is well-
This form of propagation happens when a ray which documented and has been seen for years, by
came up from below the transition region has been incoherent scatter radars from Puerto Rico to Northern
refracted such that it is finally moving parallel to the Norway, leaving no room for any dispute.
earth's surface at the ionospheric boundary and
continues that way for some distance. Beyond the theoretical idea, one can explore the
computational side of long E-F hops by means of ray-
Pedersen ray propagation results in long hops for tracing of paths across the ionosphere. Mainframe
signals in the HF part of the spectrum but any change computer programs developed in Boulder by the
or gradient in the electron density in the top of the F- Department of Commerce radiophysicists in the 60's
region, an increase or decrease, will refract the signal and 70's allowed such studies, even including the
away from that direction, down to ground or up to effects of the earth's magnetic field. Those programs
Infinity from the F-peak. In practice, this mode is have now been brought down to the PC level in the
rather unstable and appears briefly (see p. 181 of PropLab Pro program, available for use in amateur
Davies' recent book for experience on North Atlantic circles. (Let me recommend it to you!)
Briefly, such ray-tracings show that E-hops on a path
Turning to 1.8 MHz signals, something resembling are found at low radiation angles incident on the
Pedersen ray propagation can take place at the top of bottom of the E-region. Then, by advancing the
the night-time E-region. In case you have missed it, I radiation angle in small steps, one finds the E-hops
have written on this topic several times, pointing out become longer and longer til they go over to E-F
that long E-F hops can take place, covering distances modes where the path rises to a peak in the F1-region
up to 3,000 km instead of the more familiar 1,000 km and then retraces itself down through the E-region to
ground: Page 5- 22
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Pedersen ray propagation

Finally, at slightly higher radiation angles, signals are propagated by F-hops instead of E- or E-F hops:

The fact that ray-tracings show 1.8 MHz paths are What you see when you take the program to 3-
limited to the lower ionosphere, rising no more than dimensions is about like before: first, E-hops at low
about 200 km instead of to the 300+ km F-peak, stems radiation angles, then E-F hops, then either F-hops at
from a fundamental result of ionospheric theory. a slightly higher angle or a DUCTED PATH, slightly
Briefly put, only a fraction of the 1.8 MHz operating skewed, where the ducting amounts to a string of E-F
frequency is effective in carrying Top Band signals hops in series. But that is Pandora's Box (in more
obliquely up into the ionosphere. That fraction is ways than one) and I will have to stop right here.
found by multiplying the QRG by the cosine of the
angle by which the signal goes into the ionospheric This is obviously a complicated matter and I won't
region. Thus, for a 30 degree take-off angle, RF belabor the subject further. Simply let me say that HF
approaches the ionospheric layer with a 60 degree ideas are quite out of place when it comes to Top
angle from the vertical and the effective vertical Band propagation and a whole new approach is
frequency would be 0.9 MHz. required if you still think that way. But this is not news;
it has been around propagation circles for 50 years!
So signals would peak at an altitude where the local
plasma frequency is 0.9 MHz. Of course, that would If you're interested in these matters, I have an article in
depend on latitude but would not come close to the the Spring '98 issue of Communications Quarterly as
height of the F2-peak where plasma frequencies are well as a shorter one in the Top Band Anthology
always greater than 3 MHz, even at solar minimum. published recently by the Western Washington DX
Club. Background material may be found in issues of
Now everything that I have said above can be The DX Magazine, 1996 and onward. I had hoped
verified by using the PropLab Pro program in 2- these ideas, old as they are, would not continue to
dimensions. Just pick a path in darkness, start at a remain well-kept secrets but that seems to be the
low radiation angle, say 10 degrees, and slowly case.
increase the angle, 0.1-0.2 degree at a time. First you
will see E-hops, then E-F hops and finally F-hops. Finally, I hope I haven't offended anybody. I didn't
Nothing to it! invent these ideas; I am the "messenger" and am just
trying to tell it like it is, REALLY IS! With that I will hold
Those simple paths would apply to Top Band my peace.
propagation except for the presence of the
geomagnetic field. The theory is much more involved 73,
now but the results are much the same, at least as far
as how high Top Band signals rise in the ionosphere. Bob, NM7M
With PropLab Pro, you can use the same incremental
technique and explore paths. I have done it thousands FAQ on WWW:
of times!
Submissions: Page 5- 23
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Antennas in the mountains

Antennas in the mountains

By Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

Those radio amateurs who are going on a high-mountain radio expedition must know about the following thing.
Clouds and snow do harmful effect to antennas in the mountains. During my previous mountain trips I ran into
this effect.

However, the harmful effect very obviously arose on Ai - Petri plateau during the UR- QRP-C radio expedition.
This effect essentially corrected the schedule of our radio expedition. All members of the radio expedition
observed the effect and they could confirm the truth of my observation.

Clouds against antennas Clouds down

So, it happened in May, 2001, during the radio

expedition of the UR-QRP-C on Ai - Petri plateau. We
used a special call sign EM5QRP. For work on short
waves we installed two antennas. One antenna was a
usual long wire in length of 55 meters. The second
antenna was a GPA-30 vertical multirange antenna,
made by the Fritzel corporation. More detailed
information concerning our antennas, ways of their
installation and accommodation of the expedition in Ai-
Petri shelter can be found in reference [1] (in

Though the main part of Ai-Petri plateau is only 1200

meters above sea level, clouds would often cover the
plateau. They constantly fall down to Ai-Petri plateau
from the sky. Then the wind slowly moves the cloud
over the plateau in various sides. It occurs that the deterioration of work at our radio station was not in
weather changes dramatically within five minutes. The bad contacts …
Sun shines, then a cloud falls down to the plateau, it
rains, the wind blows away the cloud, and the Sun Dielectric cloud around the antenna
shines again.
Dielectric permeability of a cloud differs from that one
The cloud does not choose a side where it moves on of the air, which is equal to 1. Therefore, if a cloud sits
the plateau. The wind controls the cloud. If the cloud on the antenna, antenna’s electric length changes. It
moves over the plateau aside our antennas, it does results in a change of resonant frequency of the
not influence the work of our radio expedition. But, if antenna. Input resistance of the antenna also
the cloud "sits" directly on our antennas, the work of changes.
our radio station becomes impossible. We named this
harmful effect as “Ai-Petri effect “. Usually, a cloud is sitting on an antenna for a rather
short time, for one - three minutes. Within the
How it was opened minutes the current in the antenna varies in a few
times. ATU’s RF ammeter shows these current varies.
At first I thought that the reason for periodic Certainly, it is impossible to provide constant tuning of
deterioration of reception and transmission on the the ATU within the minutes!
radio station of our radio expedition was due to bad
contacts in antenna’s terminal of ATU (an Antenna Screening of the antenna
Tuning Unit). The wires of the antenna and grounding
were repeatedly and carefully cleaned and plugs were It turned out that a cloud does another even more
tightly twisted. It felt as if we observed the "imaginary harmful effect to antennas than the change of the
effect" caused by these actions. resonant frequency of antennas in the cloud. The
effect is the screening of the antenna by the cloud.
It was like you turned off contacts, cleaned wires, The cloud consists of billions of tiny droplets, and each
stretched twirled contacts, and the work of our radio one can bear a small negative (concerning the surface
station again renewed. But in spite of periodical of the ground) charge. Also each of the tiny droplets is
cleaning of the contacts, reception and transmission not an insulator due to thunderbolt, each droplet has a
on our radio station vanished away and appeared small conductivity to electricity
again. Obviously, the true reason for periodic Page 5- 24
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Antennas in the mountains

Hence, the cloud has a small conductivity to electricity communication broke. It was a surprise for me at that
and a negative charge concerning the ground. And time. Now I have faced such a phenomenon
this substance covers our antennas. It is like when a myself…”
metal sheet covers our antennas. Still some minutes
ago there might be a magnificent reception. Within a Cloud cancels directional antennas
couple of minutes the cloud covered our antennas
and the reception is completely stopped. This effect We had to refuse the installation of directional wire
was observed mainly in the afternoon when the antennas, which I had taken with me because of the
white clouds covered the antennas. cloud effect. Really, a greater part of time Ai- Petri
plateau is covered with clouds. So, our antennas are
A black cloud is not dangerous also covered with clouds… It was not wise to install
directional antennas, which will not function a greater
It was noticed by us, if a black cloud covered our part of the time. Inside a cloud the elements of
antennas, the reception was present, though it was directional antennas, for example such as YAGI, will
weak. It remains a riddle for me. The black cloud is not have those resonant frequencies which are
usually much denser than the white one. When a necessary for their proper work. Hence, these
black cloud covered me, I was under the impression antennas will have no proper diagram directivity.
that I was in fine douche. A lot of microscopic droplets
of water gathered round me. The droplets fell on my Antennas with phased feeding would not help us.
clothes and hair, got in my nose and ears. It is darkly, Clouds have variable dielectric permeability through
that such a black cloud influences the reception much their volume, and moreover, these clouds are
less that a white one. constantly moving through our antennas. So, the
electric distance between elements of the phased
A night is better than a day feeding of the antenna will be constantly changing.
Hence, the diagram directivity of such a phased
At night a full stopping of the radio reception due to antenna will change according to unknown law. That
clouds was not observed. Usually only the effect of is why we could use only simple single-element
detuning of the antennas appeared when a cloud sat antennas for work during the radio expedition on Ai-
on antennas or passed through them. At this time Petri plateau.
reception became unsatisfactory, antenna current
varied at transmitting mode. It was necessary to stop Antenna current from clouds to the ground
work on our radio station temporarily and wait until the
wind blew away the cloud from our antennas. We noted one more very interesting effect at covering
our antennas by a cloud. My ATU, which we used
Other amateurs faced the phenomena during our radio expedition on Ai- Petri (circuit of the
ATU is given in reference [3]), had an RF ammeter in
Hams who worked in mountain conditions also faced antenna circuit. The meter indicated a hundred
the effect of influence of the cloud on antennas. milliamperes whenever a dense white cloud quickly
Andrey Blinushov/UA3SGV writes about his amateur passed through our antennas. It was completely
radio work during his trip across Hibina Mountains useless to hope for any reception in these conditions.
in2002 [2]. Only a steady crash and roar was in our headphones.

Andrey Blinushov If only this useless current, flowing between a cloud

and the ground, one could direct for useful needs. For
example, it could charge accumulators. This idea
sounds fantastic, but such high current is quite
capable not only to interfere with reception but also to
do some good things, for example, to charge

Electrically grounding is mandatory for

" On August 11, alpinist group with my guys left our It shows that electrical grounding is an important thing
mountain camp for a three-day ring trip, and I danced for any antenna in the mountains. The antenna
from impatience - quickly to my transceiver! But within terminal at my self-made ATU was electrically
one hour a dense cloud, bearing fine rain suspension, connected to ATU’s case (I used a resistor by
descended the mountain ridge Chasnochorra to the resistance of 100k Ohm / 2 watts), and the case was
place, where I stayed, and covered our mountain grounded to the real earth. Cloud current flowed from
camp. And for all the day - only 14 QSOs! I heard a cloud to the earth, and did not do us any harm
about the radio expedition of EM5QRP on Ai- Petri.
When such a cloud sat on their antennas, the radio Page 5- 25
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Antennas in the mountains

The antenna terminal of the R-143 radio, which we

used for work in our expedition, was not electrically
connected to the case of this one. As a result of it, if
clouds covered our antennas, this radio station could
not work in the ether without ATU. Without ATU, a
neon bulb, placed near the antenna terminal of the R-
143 radio, shone. Sparks jumped from the antenna
terminal to the case of the R-143 radio. It might dedicated to the centenary of the first wireless contact
damage this radio station if the antenna accumulated of G. Marconi across the Atlantic Ocean.
too big static potential.
There were used two antennas for short waves. One
The Ai- Petry effect in winter of them was an antenna of a Long Wire type. It was 55
meters in length, the top end of which was fixed to the
In December 2001, the UR-QRP-C organized mast of rescuers. The second antenna was a CB-
expedition to Ai – Petri plateau. This expedition was dipole. Each wing of this dipole was 2,7 meters in

length. The dipole was fed through a thick coaxial Ai- Petry Meteo
cable with characteristic impedance of 75 Ohm. The
coaxial cable was 8 meters in length. This CB- dipole
worked well on ranges of 10-20 meters. Each antenna
was connected by its own separate ATU to our
transmitting equipment. In winter we also encountered
the influence of weather mountain conditions on our
antennas. In winter this effect was caused by snow.

Snow has effected the antennas

Almost constantly there was snowfall on Ai- Petri

plateau. It was very beautiful when large white

snowflakes slowly fell onto the ground. Alas, each the antenna, or rather there was a constant crash
snowflake carried a small negative charge. It caused a from weak to a loud one in the earphones. During a
weak click in earphones if such a charged snowflake strong blizzard, when the snow enveloped our
discharged our antenna. The click was much stronger antennas, it was almost impossible to work in the
if10, 20, or 100 snowflakes simultaneously discharged ether because of a loud crash in the earphones. Page 5- 26
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Antennas in the mountains

Snow produced an antenna current Snow Cloud is going

When the blizzard was very strong, there was an

atmospheric current between the antenna and the
ground. The RF ammeter located on our ATU
confidently registered this current. But the current was
not so strong as in the spring 2001, when white
clouds passed through our antennas. Snow caused a
current near 10 milliamperes (reportedly to the RF
ammeter of the ATU).

During snowfalls we did not observe a full stopping of

radio reception as it was in the spring when a white
cloud sat on our antennas. Certainly, it was difficult to
work in the ether with strong crashes in the Near a Snow Cloud
earphones. But a couple of days later we adapted to
the crashes in our earphones. Dry snow did not
strongly affected our work in the ether. Only damp
snow hindered our work.

Damp snow attacks our antennas

Damp snowflakes seldom carried a negative charge.

At contact with our antenna such snowflakes did not
cause clicks in the earphones. When the snow was
damp, there was a silence in earphones, however it
was a deceptive silence. Damp snowflakes stuck to
our antennas. Gradually the antennas became thicker
and thicker in their forms, they looked like thick white
exotic snakes.

So, damp snowfall dressed our antennas in a thick Snake Antennas

"snow sleeve" or a thick dielectric sleeve. Dielectric
permeability of snow and especially damp snow is
much higher than 1. Hence, this snow sleeve changed
the electric length and input impedance of our

During damp snowfall the antenna parameters

constantly changed while snow was sticking to
antenna wires because the electric length and input
impedance of the antennas depended on thickness of
this snow covering. Almost constantly it was
necessary to tune the ATU connected to each
Snow dancing and Antenna shaking
There was a lot of snow on Ai- Petri plateau! It was
After some time of the damp snowfall the ATU could necessary to "float" through that snow to our antennas
not tune the antennas. The antenna current "floated" standing up to belt in snow and in some place up to
at transmission mode, the reception was very bad. breast to beat the antennas with a long stick.

Then one of us dressed warmly, took a long stick and Soon snow was in pockets of overcoats, in footwear,
went out to shake off the snow from antennas. After in sleeves. At the unsuccessful strike, snow from
that the antennas were operable for some time again, antennas fell under the collar, in the nose and ears, in
up to the next sticking snow. As a rule, it was the mouth, covered the glasses. The man came back
necessary to shake off snow from our antennas stuck round with snow like a big snowball and ran to
several times a day. But during strong snowfalls it our fireplace to warm himself.
was necessary to shake them almost each hour. Page 5- 27
CHAPTER 5: R.W. PROPAGATION Antennas in the mountains

Half an hour later our traces near antennas were

snowed in. To shake off the snow from antennas it Shaking_of_antennas
was necessary to make a new path again… again to
go through snow up to belt.

Silent night

Certainly, we could shake off snow from our antennas

only in daytime. At night our lantern gave us about
several meters of good visibility in strong snowfall. It
was unsafe to go at this time up to belt or up to breast
in snow to any side from our shelter. Therefore, at
night we did not work in the ether. Let me remind you,
our radio station operated in the ether each night in
the spring, 2001.

In the morning our antennas being stuck with snow

bent almost to the ground or to be correct to the snow
lying on the ground. Thickness of the snow, stuck to
our antennas and coaxial cable of CB dipole,
sometimes reached 20 centimeters in diameter. Each
morning I thought with horror that our antennas would
not sustain snow and break. It would be very difficult
for us to restore them in conditions of constant
snowfall. Metal mast, where upper end of LW
antenna was tied, was covered with ice for the second
day of our expedition. It was impossible to climb it.

The roof of the shelter was covered with ice and a

thick layer of snow. It was impossible to climb this roof.
Hence, it would be impossible to restore both the LW
In the morning after snow in the plateau In the morning after snow

and the dipole antenna. When the expedition was over 1. I.Grigorov.; Expedition to Crimea mountains
and we left the shelter, our antennas stayed hanging
in their places…
2. A.Blinushov. Expedition to mountains Zapoljar'ja.
In the morning it was impossible to tune the antennas Hibiny - 2002.
covered with snow. Antenna current "floated",
reception and transmission was unsatisfactory. Only
after shaking the snow off it started to work. And the
station EN100GM again was operating in the ether! Page 5- 28



RU-QRP- C presented for you several QRP- projects of their members.

Three transceivers from Oleg Borodin, RV3GM/QRP E-mail

Remember, ‘70-th when I was a young SWL, I has build

my first direct conversional receiver (pict. 1) It was too
wonderful for me because he is very simple, just a three
transistors are in receiver’s circuit and a few any
details. I powered this RX by 9 volts battery of pocket
broadcast receiver. I has not a good antenna and I
used a piece of wire in my room. For the first testing
construction I did not made a PCB and build this RX as
“space” style on a piece of printed board. It was a 80m
band version. Results was shocked me at once!

Before I used for SWL old broadcast receiver by 6

valves with home-made local oscillator. Having heard
an ether on my new DC RX and at once forgot about
the old lamp receiver. The sound was clear, sensitivity
very high and I has heard a lot of DXs during some
evenings and nights. After my first fun I has developed
PCB and rebuild the RX for the box of printed boards

Alongside to this 80m variant receivers under the about 1 kHz that enabled to hear stations without
similar circuit on 40 and 20 m bands are also were additional RIT. But, taking into account, that VFO
constructed. The results were obtained also excellent. works on frequency twice below, than the received
frequency, power of a transmitting signal in the
My next step with Direct Convertional was when I get a antenna was rather small, just few decimals of
HAM license. I began to experiment the receiver in milliwatts. I has just a few nearest QSOs with this
hope to transform it into the transceiver. First of all I QRPp on 80m band only. It is impossible to use this
have decided to submit a VFO signal to the antenna circuit on 40 or 20m bands because the friequency
through a keyed amplifier stage (pict.2). It worked well. shift is too large (5 to 10 kHz) and your signals will be
There was even a frequency shift by transmission outside from a signals of your correspondents. Page 6- 1

The following version of the transceiver based on . The frequency stability would worsen, be sure. Well
receiver (fig. 3) consist in addition keyed freq’s also it is not necessary to forget that the main
doubler and stage of an amplifier. It gives me a good advantage of direct conversion equipment is a
0.75 watt output at 80 and 40 m bands and 0.3 watt at simplicity.
20m. I only needed to add the RIT and sidetone.
The kits of parts and PCB of these receivers or
I has a many pleasure days with this transceivers. I transceivers are available at me, send me your orders
build a three tcvrs for any bands. I did not made a by e-mail or post.
multi-band trcvr because the complicating of
commutation bands chains would necessarily be 72! from RV3GM/QRP
mirrored in quality of the transceiver in the worse side

Introduction History

The goal of this project is to provide to Amateur Radio For the first time "Gnomik" was designed at 1986 year
beginners with a working QRPp CW transceiver that by Oleg RV3GM after he has experimented with
they build and learning the knowledge of transmitting RA3AAE DC receiver. Oleg updated receiver with
and receiving equipment on the most of popular HF transmission unit and after some modifications
band 80 m. "Gnomik "was ready. There are some QSO's from
Oleg's Log Book he has operated with "Gnomik":
This "Gnomik " transceiver contains two separate
units: direct conversion receiver (RX) based on
modified DC receiver designed by Vlad Polyakov
RA3AAE and transmission unit (PA) based on
standard scheme frequency-doubler and amplifier. The
RX's heterodyne operate on a half of receiving

Schemes (example)

Parameters Upgrade

Output power of transceiver is 500 mW approximately. Optionally, you may insert to "Gnomik" some
Sensitivity of receiver is about 2 uV. Antenna's modifications: RIT, side-tone, digital frequency
impedance 50 Ohm. "Gnomik" powered by stabilized meter,
DC power supply unit 12:13,8 V @ 150 mA max. output RF meter, S-meter, Antenna Tuning Unit. That's
current (positive to "ground"). fine! How you like! But don't forget, that the major
advantage of direct conversion QRPp equipment is it's
simplicity! 72 and good luck!
© .20 2 A l l r i thg s r se re v .de Page 6- 3

Kit is available at RV3GM

"Micro-80" is the first smallest and the simplest n-p-n transistors, 5 resistors, 2 inductors and 7
transceiver in the World. This is a prototype of some capacitors are mount on 35 x 50 mm PCB.
next wellknow kits "PIXIE", "Tiny Tornado".
There are some QSO's from RV3GM Log Book
This transceiver's kit contains all the components operated with "Micro-80":
(without xtal only), PCB and assembly manual. Just 4

Kit is available at RV3GM Page 6- 4

Credit Line: My first Station: SPRAT, The journal of GNOMIC and MICRO-80:
the G- QRP-C, #112, pp.: 4-7.

And some info about RU-QRP-C

RU-QRP Club has organized 1'st August 2002 under

the initiative Oleg V. Borodin RV3GM/QRP. By the
purpose of creation of Club is the association the
Radio Amateurs interested by communications on the
small power equipment; propagation of operation on
QRP in the purposes of reduction of mutual
interferences, study of propagation radio waves,
boosting of skill operations in a drain ether; the help
initial to the Radio Amateurs in study the RX & TX
equipment and antennas, rules of operation in a drain
ether; an exchange by experience and hardening
friendly between the Radio Amateurs of World Wide.

The member of Club can become any Amateur In Club is present library with a collection technical
interested QRP having the license. For this purpose it literature on to different aspects QRP. And also the
is necessary to send to address Club or on to E-mail subscription to journals of International QRP of Clubs:
announcement the any shape with the indicating first QRP Quaterly, SPRAT, OK-QRP etc. Club is
name, middle initial, last name, callsign, address E- submitted on constantly International Internet - Forums
mails, post address. Briefly to tell about achievement QRP-L, QRPp-I, G-QRP, OK-QRP. RU-QRP Club is
in QRP. It is desirable to point age, experience of an associative member of World QRP Federation
operation in drain ether and whenever possible to affix (W.Q.F.)
in aspect of files of a format *.jpg interesting photos for
a photoalbum. At an entrance to Club necessarily it is On all questions, coupled with activity of Club, with by
required to give datas on the achievements on QRP. the offers on improvement Club operations, with the
Such datas is statistics on wkd/cfm QRP DXCC and 2- interesting projects welcome to the address: P.O. Box
way QRP DXCC (separately on sorts of CW, SSB, 229, Lipetsk, 398043, Russia (for the answer apply the
Digital and per Bands). See special blank on the link SASE) or by E-mail
"Join to the Club" at the site. Each member of Club RU-QRP Club's Chairman Oleg V. Borodin
receives unique Member's number. 72! de RV3GM

Club have a good cooperations with QRP-Clubs of

other countries: QRP-ARCI, G-QRP, QRPp-I, Hawaii-
QRP, Maryland Milliwatt, UR-QRP, OK-QRP etc. Page 6- 5
CHAPTER 6: QRP TRANSCEIVERS Simple QRP CW Transceiver for the 20 meters

Igor Grigorov, VA3ZNW


It was… Well, when it was… I guess, it was at the The transceiver was one of my products. I have done near
end 80s and in the beginning of the 90s. 50 samples of the transceiver. It worked very well. At 1991 I
Perestroyka. Gorbachev. Eltcin stand on a tank… sent the description of the transceiver to the magazine of
Well, it has no matter to our transceiver. At the the “U- QRP- C.” The article is used copies of the original
times I was the director of the cooperative schematics published by “U- QRP- C. Reference Book- #3,”
“Vibrissa.” Well, it was one- man cooperative, so, I pages 9- 10. The whole issue of the “References” is on the
was as the director as the main worker. I did “CD- Antentop- V007.01”
equipment for radio amateurs.

QRP CW Transceiver. View on to Parts

QRP CW Transceiver. View on the PC Board mirror: Page 6- 6

CHAPTER 6: QRP TRANSCEIVERS Simple QRP CW Transceiver for the 20 meters

CW Transceiver 20- Meters I did tuning of the L1C1C2C3 to match 75 Ohm

( See schematic on the page 68. Schematic is coaxial, however, it is possible to tune this one on
from the original manual. Was reproduced at any load in the range of 50- 300 Ohms by
“U- QRP- C. Reference Book- #3)
DATA: Transceiver can work without a quartz if you go
RF Power: near 1 watt at 24 V. connections shown in dotted line. Of course, the
Range of Feeding Voltage: 18- 24 Volts frequency would be nonstable.
Antenna impedance: 75 Ohms (can be any
Quartz Stabilization Frequency.
Shift TX/RX: 400… 700 Hz. L1- 9 turns, wire 1 mm (18 AWG), diameter 10
VXO: 3… 6 kHz (depends on used quartz) mm, inductance 0.5 micro Henry.
L2-25 turns on Soviet Resistor MLT- 1, wire 0.2
DESCRIPTION: mm (30 AWG), inductance 3 micro Henry;
RX MODE: T1 is mixer. Used power RF MOS
L3-60 turns, wire 0.1 mm (38 AWG), diameter 3
transistor, 3 Watts, 250 MHz.. T2 is oscillator, the
same as 2N2222. Operational amplifier any mm, inductance 7 micro Henry.
available. Here used with gain 100,000. RFC- inductance 10 micro Henry.
TX MODE: Relay P1 turns T1 to TX mode. Parts
R12, C16, D1 do frequency shift on 400… 700 Hz Transceiver was assembled in a box from TV
(depends on used quartz). It is possible to use
quartz both as on 7 as on 14 MHz. T1 is installed
on a small heater sink, so long duty TX mode References: Polyakov V.T. : To the Ham about
available. the DC Technique. Moscow, 1990.

Cable with Connector. Figure from the original manual.

Was reproduced at “U- QRP- C. Reference Book- #3 mirror: Page 6- 7



- l b a
t l
Ii e)


{ { i l

F{=- D

l - <
t N

E - i

Credit Line:
by Ashhar Farhan

A dual-band transceiver with a crisp receiver and a used in cable TV equipment and has a good HF
clean SSB signal is described. It started its life as an performance: both as a low noise small signal transistor
investigation of the excellent S7C receiver described as well as driver up to 1 watt level. 2N3866 is expensive
in EMRFD. This transceiver was specifically (about Rs.20 each, but well worth the expense). It is
designed to use components that are easily used in a number of critical places.
available in TV and Radio spares shops. The
receiver sports an above average dynamic range, ► Measure what you have built. We used a 12 volt 1.5A
very clean signal and noiseless performance. power supply, a frequency counter, a test oscillator (to
Although the components are easily available, and measure the crystals and coils) and a high impedance
every detail about making it is covered here, this is voltmeter with an RF probe to test and measure the
not a weekend project. The design is elaborate and design. All these test equipment were homemade. The
invites improvisation. transmitter design did require a PC-based oscilloscope.
It helped us identify the spurs and harmonics using the
We decided to pursue the following rules in in-built FFT functionality. But now that the design is
designing this transceiver: complete, just an RF probe and a 14MHz receiver are
enough to align the rig.
► Use what is easily available. Very often, we find
designs that look good but they use exotic parts like ► Quality over quantity. A better signal is preferred to a
TUF-1 mixers that are simply impossible to get hold bigger signal. This is a 6 watt design that will work off a
of in India and other countries. Instead, we have simple 12V, 1.5A supply (using a single 7812).
tried using those spares that are universally
available. The ladder crystal filter

► Keep impedances and gain low: Often, we try A good filter is central to the crispness of a receiver and
coaxing maximum gain out of a stage making it the quality of the transmitter. There are two types of
difficult to duplicate and stabilize. We chose to take crystal filters possible, the lattice filter and the ladder
only modest gain out of each stage, using extensive filter. The lattice filter requires ordering crystals with 1.5
feedback to make the circuit stable. Most of the KHz frequency difference between them. This was ruled
interconnections between modules are for 50 ohms out, also procuring readymade filters from BEL India and
termination. In fact, the rig was a number of discrete other sources was ruled out as it is too expensive to do
board connected using RCA audio cables and that. Instead, a ladder filter was chosen. The ladder filter
sockets before we hooked it all up together to work. offers results as good if not better than a lattice filter.
However, the design is crucially dependent upon internal
► No PCB. We directly solder the components over parameters of the crystals used. It is not possible to
a plain copper clad board (un-etched PCB). It is an suggest any generic values for the capacitors to be used
excellent way to experiment, physically robust and in the ladder filter. Rather, a method to measure each of
has a quick and dirty appeal. You can usually solder the crystals and calculate the capacitor values has been
up a whole circuit as you think it out in a few worked out. We present this here. This design procedure
minutes. See the pictures. will work only for 10 MHz crystals. 10Mhz is the chosen
IF of our filter as the crystals are easily available and it
► Broadband. We wanted to be able to use sits comfortably between 7 and 14 MHz amateur bands.
broadband design where applicable. We have found We have followed the Butterworth design methodology
that the television balun cores are an excellent and given in the new ARRL book ‘Experimental Methods in
very cheap (about Rs. 2 per balun, that is 5 cents) RF Design’.
way of making broadband transformers.
The circuit centers around a four crystal ladder filter.
► Modest cost. While we didn’t want to use very Each lot of crystals from each manufacturer differs from
expensive components. We didn’t want to the others. We will describe a way to experimentally
compromise the performance either. You will see calculate the values of the capacitors for the filter. You
that we have used 2N3866 exclusively. This was should probably buy 10 crystals and select 5 of them.
because we found that the BF195/BF194/2N2222
series transistors available in the market were
consistently inferior in the HF range and performed
below their stated specs. The 2N3866 is commonly mirror: Page 6- 9


Circuit of the transceiver mirror: Page 6 -10


VFO of the transceiver

For this purpose, construct the test circuit of figure 2. C1 = 21 * F, C2 = 40 * F. Choose the nearest
1. This is a simple Hartley-style crystal oscillator. available fixed capacitor. If you can’t find a fixed
You will require access to either a frequency counter capacitor within 10% of this value, then parallel two
or a general coverage receiver (ask a neighborhood capacitors to achieve the capacitance.
ham to allow you to bring over your crystals to his
shack and test them for few minutes). Mark each For instance, in the case of the first prototype, we
crystal with a number and solder it into the circuit measure an average of 5KHz of shift. Thus, the
(don’t use a crystal socket). Connect the 9 volt capacitors calculated were 107pf and 200pf. We used
battery and measure the frequency. If you are using 100pf and two parallel 100pfs as a substitute for 200pf
a receiver, find out the frequency on which the capacitors. These calculations are for 200 Ohms
crystal is absolutely zero. Note the frequencies with termination. For a complete discussion of this design
the 33 pf capacitor in series and shorted. You will method, you are referred to the excellent paper by
have a pair of frequencies for each crystal. Select Craver in the Communications Quarterly of 1993, Winter.
four crystals with pairs of frequencies that match
within 50-40 Hz of each other. A fifth (for the carrier) Broad-band design without Toroids
oscillator crystal should be within 100 hz of the other
four selected. It was decided to use broad-band techniques where
suitable and keep the circuit free of too many critically
tuned circuits. We decided to investigate the TV baluns
as cores for broadband transformers. The TV baluns as
small ferrites as shown in the picture.

Almost all the broadband transformers are bifilar. Two

(the modulator and the transmit mixer cum product
detector) are trifilarly wound. They are simple to produce.
Making a bifilar transformer:

► Take two lengths of 36 swg copper enameled wire.

►Hold them together. Tie one end to a nail.

► Twist the wires together so that they cleanly have

about 8-10 turns per inch.
Calculate the value of the capacitors of Fig.2 like
► Check that the wires are evenly twisted (although
there will be more twists towards the ends).
1. Calculate the average frequency shift of the four
► If the balun core is mounted on a PCB, cut it out with
chosen crystals as F (in KHz).
a cutter and remove all the original windings. mirror: Page 6- 11


► Pass the twisted pair through one hole to the the same value as the terminating filter impedance
other side, bend the wire back and pass it back across the input and output ends of the filter. This is
through the other hole (like a U turn). This is one incorrect. This looks like a resistor that is paralleled with
turn, like this, make similar 10 turns. a reactive impedance of the rest of the circuitry attached
to the filter. When the crystal filter is not properly
► Cut out the remaining ends of the windings terminated and sees reactive termination, ripple and
leaving about half an inch of the twisted pair on each ringing are introduced. This will spoil the crispness of the
end. receiver and spoil your on-the-air quality.

► Scrap the enamel off to about quarter inch, and The crystal filter is terminated on both sides by ‘strong’
tin the leads. RC coupled amplifiers based on 2N3866. This is slightly
unusual. The 2N3866 is used mostly as a VHF power
► Using a VOM at low ohms setting, identify the amplifier. It has excellent low-noise characteristics, good
two separate windings of the twisted pair. If we call gain and using it as a small signal device is now an
the two wires X and Y, each will have two ends A established practice. The 2N3866 is an expensive
and B. This you will have four ends AX, BX, AY and transistor. It costs about Rs.20 in the open market. We
BY. Short AX and BY together and use this as the think it is a good investment.
center point of the transformer in the circuits. Use
AY and BX as the two opposite ends of the Using RC coupled broadband amplifiers makes the IF
transformers. system a ‘no-tune’ affair. The output of the post-filter
amplifier is coupled to a two diode mixer. The two-diode
Making a trifilar transformer is similar, except that mixer uses a broadband bifilar wound transformer. It is
you have to use three wires twisted together. next to impossible to get toroids in India. We have
Separate out the three wires as before, use the first evaluated using TV baluns as substitutes for toroids.
two as described above, and the third winding as the These baluns are available at most TV spare shops.
Most designs we have studied couple the RF input to the
IF sub-system diode detector through the transformer and inject the
BFO at the center of the transformer. This is a wrong
The crystal filter and its associated IF circuitry is practice. The diode mixer requires a minimum of 5mW of
shared between the receiver and transmitter. energy from the transformer input to operate properly.
Although the crystals are inexpensive enough to be There should be enough energy to switch on both the
able to afford separate filters for the transmitter and diodes. This means about 1.2 v peak voltage. The
the receiver, we noted that each filter would have a received signals are rarely this level. As a result, the
different center frequency. This would make zero- product detector operates like a regular envelope
tuning difficult for SSB operation. Therefore, it was detector and the diodes act as distortion devices to mix
decided to share the same crystal filter, carrier the BFO with the signal. The correct configuration is to
oscillator and the VFO between transmit and receive inject the BFO across the transformer
An unusual approach is taken here. The IF amplification
The crystal filter requires 200 ohms impedance gain is just enough to maintain good noise figure and
matching at both ends to provide the correct recover the losses in the ladder filter. We measured
bandwidth and low ripple. A regular practice among almost 10 dB loss in the filter.
hams is to strap a resistor of approximately mirror: Page 6- 12


The Receiver (requiring about 0.6 across each diode, that is, 1.2 volts
across the winding). This roughly translates to about 5
The receiver is minimal. By keeping the number of mW power. The diodes switch the low level signal
active devices low (3 devices between the antenna coupled at the center-tap of the coil to the detector
and the audio amplifier), very good fidelity is output. Therefore, in our design we have applied the
achieved. The circuit is kept at a low impedance and local oscillator through the primary of the transformer
broadband everywhere except the front-end. This and the incoming signal from the IF stage to the center
helps in stability. tap.

The front-end uses a low-noise FET. We have used There is a 100 ohms preset used to null the local
a BFW11 (because the local component shop ran oscillator from appearing at the output. This is of
out of BFW10). They have slightly different importance during transmit where the balanced detector
characteristics. Almost any FET can be used if it is also doubles up as the transmitting mixer.
biased properly. The FET should be biased for An audio pre-amplifier follows the detector. The capacitor
exactly half the pinch-off voltage. Wes Hayward of 220 pf between the base and the collector ensures
(W7ZOI) has described the proper way to bias a that the ‘hiss’ is kept down. The audio amplifier used is
FET Mixer for proper operation: an LM380. Almost any audio amplifier can be used. We
have tried everything from the PC’s ampli-speakers to a
► Short gate and source and measure the current Sony amplifier to a TBA810 amplifier. We would
that flows through a 560 ohms resister connected to recommend using a high fidelity, low cost amplifier like
+12V through the drain. This gives the exact Idss. the TBA810 if you plan using a speaker. If most of your
work is with headphones (to save your companion from
► Place a 10K resistor between the source and the the late night QRM), we recommend the LM386.
ground. Keeping the gate grounded and the drain
still connected through the 560 ohms resister, The Transmitter
measure the voltage between the source and the
ground. This gives you the pinch-off voltage. The transmitter starts with the modulator using a 741.
There is a three resistor network that biases the electret
► The FET has to be biased such that the voltage microphones. We use a Phillips ‘walkman’ style
on the source is exactly half the pinch-off voltage headphone with built-in microphone for our work. The
and there is half of Idss current flowing through the electret microphone requires a bias that provides 5V as
FET. Such a scheme assures you that the FET is given by the circuit.
driven between pinch-off and maximum drain by the
VFO injected at the source. This gives the proper The balanced modulator also had two 22pf trimming
switching action for the mixer to operate as well as capacitors for nulling the carrier. They were later found
maximum gain. We measured the pinch-off voltage unnecessary (as long as both the diodes are purchased
for BFW11s as 2.1 volts and Idss as 5mA. A from the same roll) and removed. If you do find balance
standard 1K resistor at the source gives the proper a bother, feel free to add a 22 pf trimmer to one side and
bias. a 10 pf fixed to the other side as indicated in the
It should be noted here that we first tried a double
balanced diode ring mixer at the front-end. It has a The output of the balanced modulator is routed to the
number of spurious responses that literally made it common IF amplifier through a buffer amplifier using a
impossible to use the receiver. We tried to properly BF195. This serves to keep the carrier leak from the
terminate the diode ring mixer by inserting modulator out of the IF string during the reception mode.
attenuators between the mixer and the Ladder filter’s
pre-amp. It didn’t cure the problem. When we The balanced detector of the receiver also doubles up as
changed to the FET mixer, the noise figure a mixer during transmit. It is important to balance out the
improved, the receiver’s dynamic range, while VFO energy at the output by setting the 100 ohms
unmeasured, was never found lacking in the last one trimmer properly. We noticed a 50mW residual out-of-
month of extensive usage at VU2PEP. band output from the transmitter when the VFO is
unbalanced. The power chain is an interesting broad-
The output of the IF amplifier is detected in a band amplifier. You can use this in virtually any
balanced detector using just two diodes. Here gain, transmitter of up to 7 watts (and higher with more than
we break a common myth. You will see most of the 12 volts supply to the final stage). Three stages of
HF receivers employing a two diode balanced broadband amplifiers feed an IRF510 PA. It is an
detector with the BFO fed to the center tap and the interesting twist that the driver 2N3866 transistors cost
incoming signal applied through the primary winding more than the IRF510! The IRF510 should be biased for
of the detector transformer. This is wrong. The signal 80mA of standing current during transmit with the
applied through the primary winding should strong microphone disconnected (no modulation) and carrier
enough to switch the diodes on and off nulled by the trimpot of the balanced modulator. mirror: Page 6- 13


Construction ► Keep the bias trimmer totally down towards zero.

Attach VOM in series with point X in the power amplifier.
We heavily recommend constructing over pieces of Apply power in transmit mode and slow increase the bias
un-etched PCBs. They are cheaply available until you have 80mA flowing through the IRF510.
everywhere. See the pictures as a guide to ► Connect the RF probe across the dummy load.
component layout. We recommend the following ► As you whistle, You should get about 20-24volts of
rules: peak RF on the probe. When you pull out the
microphone from the jack, the RF output should drop to
► Keep your leads short. Short connections are complete zero. What if your transmitter is unstable?
more important than components that are at right
angles to each other. What might look neat to you • Don’t curse your fate. All transmitters start out as
might look unstable to the RF design. unstable beasts. Relax.
► Keep the outputs and inputs isolated from each • Start disconnecting power from the stages
other. We have taken care to keep the high starting from final IRF510 and working
impedance points down to a minimum. But still, backwards. When you have located the unstable
maintain design hygiene. stage, there are a number of things you can do
► Make one module at a time, test it completely, to fix it.
then move to the next one. Construct the transceiver • Try increasing the value of the 10 ohms resistor
in the following steps: used in the emitter degeneration OR
► Make the VFO. Check the RF output using an RF • Strap a resistor of about 1K across the output
probe. Check the stability on a regular receiver or a transformer of the unstable stage to ‘load’ it.
frequency counter. With the tuning capacitor fully • Move the linear amplifier away from the rest of
closed (the plates inside each other), set the trimmer the circuitry.
so that the VF0 frequency is exactly 3.9995 MHz • Redo the board. This time spread the stages out.
(keep 5 KHz margin at the band end) We guess that the linear chain should occupy
► Make the BFO. Check the output on the RF about 6 inches of space, all laid out in one line.
► Calculate the ladder filter values and make the IF Substitutions
strip along with the audio preamplifier.
► Connect the BFO, VFO, IF strip and an external The BF195 transistors can be substituted with any other
audio amplifier together. When you power on and HF transistor like 2N2222 etc. The 2N3866s are best not
attach a piece of 2-3 meter long wire to the input of substituted. The circuit works with slight increase in the
the IF amplifier you should be able to hear the noise figure if BF195 or equivalents are used in place of
atmospheric noise. Tune the BFO coil by fully 2N3866s in the IF stages. The output power on the
screwing the slug in and then slowly tuning it out transmitter absolutely needs the 2N3866s. Substituting
until the IF noise sounds right (not too shrill and not them with other switching transistors didn’t give good
too muffled). performance.
► Wire up the receiver mixer, connect the VFO.
Peak the mixer output and the RF input coils for The IRF510 should not be substituted with any other
maximum output. Then tune to a weak signal on the transistor. The other IRFs, though rated higher, have
band and tune for the best signal. Be careful to tune higher input capacitance which makes them a bad
for best quality of signal and not for maximum choice for 14MHz operation.
loudness. Take a break, spend a day or two listening
to the band with your receiver. Nothing is more The LM380/LM386 can be substituted with almost any
enjoyable than using a crisp receiver that you have other audio amplifier. Our first amplifier was Cambridge
homebrewed. SoundWorks Sound System. If you turn down the bass,
► Wire up the modulator. If you have an they are an excellent system for the shack. We have
oscilloscope, you can check the modulation. The tried a TBA180, an LM386, an LM380 and even a glow-
modulated output will be too low for you to be able to bug guitar amp. Feel free to experiment.
measure on the RF probe.
► Wire up the linear chain. DON’T solder the Final Notes
IRF510 yet.
► Put the transceiver in transmit mode. Whistle into The first contact we made using this rig was DF6PW. He
the microphone and peak the transmit mixer output reported us 57. Within the first evening we had worked
coils for about 6 volts peak RF voltage on the probe four continents. The rig is regularly used at VU2PEP.
at the 56 ohms resistor where the gate of the People are often surprised at how the transmitter quality
IRF510 would be. is ‘just like a commercial rig’. Many refused to believe
► Solder in the IRF510. ATTACH A DUMMY that it is a seven watt rig.
LOAD. We used four 220 ohms two watts resistors
paralleled together.
72/73! mirror: Page 6- 14


CHAPTER 7: QRP TX 80/40 meter CW Transmitter

by Jan, SM5GNN

Credit Line:

This is my own variation of the triode/pentode family of or perhaps between words. Only a simple
glowbug transmitters. It features a Pierce oscillator which rocker for the +300V is needed.
runs continously during transmit to avoid chirp. The PA is
grid block keyed and since the negative is there, fixed bias. Spotting? Well, my Heath SB301 gives this away
The bias setting is not critical, grid rectification will provide for free. Set the RX in receive mode and engage
additional bias and form a sort of regulation network. The the T/R switch without keying. You will hear the
PA is biased into class C, adjust bias for about -24V at triode oscillating in the receiver. Tune it in and reset
keydown, measured at the junction of the 3 resistors. Plate the RX in standby mode again. Advantage,
current should be around 35-40 mA when fully loaded, gridblock!
depending on crystal activity. Power output is 5 to 8W at
12W input which is a healty 66% efficiency (not counting Sidetone? Many ideas here. I use my new keyer's
the screen current) and a nice blue glow comes from the sidetone. My previous keyer did not have sidetone,
innards following the keying. My original plan was to use a instead I used my TS-830 as a growler, he, he... Or
Pi-L tank to meet the modern demand of spectral purity but use a small 50 mA lamp in series with the PA plate
with loaded Q higher than normal, not really needed in this as a sidelight :-), at least at QRS speeds.
power class. The idea with grid blocking was to enable me
to use my keyer without any relay in between. It has a Circuit layout? Not very critical. Only one tuned
negative keying line with a 250V filledstate device behind. element except the rock is present. As a starter,
keep the triode circuit on one side of the tube
When tuning up, mesh the loading condenser C2 fully and socket and the PA section on the other. Use the
dip the plate with the tuning condenser C1, quickly! Plate middle stud on the tube socket as a common
current should dip down to around 20 mA. Unmesh tle grounding point if there is one. Keep the rock at
loading condenser C2 until the current just stops rising or least 2 inches away from the tube envelope to
maximum 40 mA. Redip the plate. Repeat until the dip is avoid heating it. The schematic does not show the
shallow, a few mA. Do not tune for maximum output, the heater, ground one side and decouple the other
PA is not neutralized and will run beyond maximum tube side at the socket with a 0.01 ceramic condenser.
ratings if this is done. If maximum output goes over 9W or Heater voltage is 6.3V. If it exceeds 6.6V when
loaded plate current over 40 mA, lower the plate supply or loaded by the tube, add series resistance until
back off the grid condenser a little or mesh the loading below for maximum tube life. My own is built in a
condenser a little. The plate current should not exceed 40 aluminum cast box with all circuitry inside it except
mA fully loaded (ah, well, the tube is still available from L1, C2 and the output choke. If you use loads other
Russia :^), maximum allowed cathode current is 50 mA for than 50 ohms, some fiddlin' with the tank may be
this tube. I have installed a 100 mA meter in the wire going called for. You can also replace the pi tank with a
to the plate of the PA. The glowbug is free from chirp and link coupled parallel tank. For data and pinout on
runs smooth. Keyline filtering seems to be unnecessary but the tube, see ECL82 tube data
check the envelope if you are driving a power amplifier with ( )
it. I have found that the grid condenser could be replaced
with a 47 pF fixed for FT243 rocks and 15-22 pF for Running rock bound? Not easy. You call CQ.
modern tin can rocks. Don't wait on the rock QRG for others unless others
T/R switch? I use a rotating switch with 3 poles, one knows about you. Sometimes you hear another
for switching the antenna, one for+300V on/off and station calling CQ near your rock QRG. Give him a
try, he may hear you. It might be easier to use the
one for the receiver mute. If you use a regenerative
QRP QRG 3560 kHz. In US, 3579 kHz is a
tube receiver, antenna switching isn't really common rock QRG. Use a 3579R545 kHz color
necessary, use a separate short wire as RX antenna burstie rubbed down a tad. In EU at night, most
or couple lightly to the TX tank. The regen grid leak glowbugs seem to stay around 3560-3565 kHz.
and coupling condenser should be adjusted for proper
recovery between the code elements (full QSK) mirror: Page 7- 1

CHAPTER 7: QRP TX 80/40 meter CW Transmitter

AM? Well, I have not tried. You gotta reduce input power a The circuit could use a 6GW8/ECL86 but the high
lot. 2-3W carrier output would be appropiate. Feed plate mu triode section is a tad hard to tame. It requires
and screen through a modulation iron of around 7-8 kohms less bias voltage. I'll try another glowbug with this
secondary impedance. Avoid AM on 80M during dark hours tube but with a Colpitts oscillator instead. Stay
in EU, there ain't room enuff. tuned, I will make a 6GW8/ECL86 bug also,
perhaps after I have finished the Eurobug
A little warning: Lethal voltages are present in this circuit. (EL83+EL34).
Be careful. Do not omit the output-to-ground choke. The -
100V present at the key is not dangerous if the resistor This glowbug has been on air for some time now
and the reports are good, no chirp and no clicks.
values in the schematics are used and are of adequate
quality and voltage rating. "Very good sound" is the normal report. mirror: Page 7- 2

CHAPTER 7: QRP TX Simple QPR TX for the 40 meters

Credit Line:
“U- QRP- C. Reference Book- #3” 1991 year.

At QRP rubric at Antentop 01- 2005 I use stuff from old

Soviet QRP magazine published by the U- QRP- C at
1991. It was named “U- QRP- C. Reference Book- #3,”
you can see its cover at the right. The schematics,
which were published there, are very interesting till now.

The simple QRP TX used two FETs was published at

“U- QRP- C. Reference Book- #3,” page 4. I have done
the TX, it worked pretty well! I have tried it in several
ways. Pair low power FETs (300 MHz, 300 mWt) did
very good job, near 200- 300 mWts output without
problem. I put in parallel up to 5 the same transistors
(instead output transistor), it gives near 1 watts, the
transistors were without a heat sink. Of course, goog
results were obtained at first FET (300 mWt, 300 MHz),
second MOS, 300 MHz, 3 watts. I have near 2 watts at
24 Volts.

If instead C2 you use a variable capacitor, you can use

quartz for 3500 or 1750 kHz. Of course, the transmitter
works good at another bands, for 30, 20, 15 and 10
meters, however, the power is dropped. At 80 and 160
meters the TX has good power and clean tone. I did
experiments with the TX and RF- generator, I removed
the quartz, and put output of the generator to clips
‘VFO.’ So, I have got very nice small TX, that worked
very good.

Data: L1= L2: diameter 30 mm, winding length 35 55, 15

turns, L2 tap from middle, L3 3 turns above center L2.

I strongly recommend you try the simple TX.

73/72! I. G. First page of the
“U- QRP- C. Reference Book- #3’

Figures of the TX are reproduced from “U- QRP- C. Reference Book- #3.’ mirror: Page 7- 3


CHAPTER 8: QRP RX A Regenerative Receiver with 6SN7GT

by Jan, SM5GNN

Credit Line:

This is my October regenny as it looks right now. It works I also added a volume control, at 40 plate volts, the
but more adjustements must be done before I'm happy with output transformer into 16 ohms headphones, my
it. It's based on the 1950 ARRL handbook design. The ears nearly blew off.
original had plate voltage regeneration control but I found First I heard nothing, then I got Deutsche Welle in
out quickly that the throttle condenser approach is the
on the 41 meter band. After that I found that I had
correct way to go. I did not have an interstage transformer
the dummy load connected...
so I took a small power supply choke instead. mirror: Page 8- 1

CHAPTER 8: QRP RX Simple Regenerative Receivers

The simple regenerative receivers were published at Credit Line:

“U- QRP- C. Reference Book- #3,” page 6. I have “U- QRP- C. Reference Book- #3” 1991 year.
done the receivers, they work pretty well!
73/72! I. G.

Transistor can be any RF FET. Output transformer can
be any output transformer from a transistor radio.
L1 depends on used band. I used collections inductors
wired at form diameter 20 mm with wiring length 25
mm. For 10- 20 meters, L1 contains 9 turns, L2
contains 2 turns near cold end L1. For 20- 40 meters
L1 contains 15 turns, L2 contains 3 turns near cold
end L1. For 80- 160 meters L1 contains 45 turns, L2
contains 10 turns near cold end L1. Antenna capacitor
120-pF may be 2- 120-pF in value.

Use the two- tank circuit at input clips of the receivers. It

gives you cleaning from unwanted stations and provides
your thin Air.

Data for L the same as for above receiver. Tap made

from 1/6 parts of the L. Resistor on *51 Ohm should be
pickup for used band (or, the same, used L). Inductor Hope, you will have fun with the receivers!
for 2.5 mH is home brew, it contains 200 turns onto a 73! Igor, VA3ZNW
ferrite ring 20x12x4 mm, permeability 600. Transistor
used in regenerative stage should be good RF
transistor with f = 300 MHz, and gain =100 and more.
Any audio transistors can be used in audio amplifier.

Figures of the receivers are reproduced from “U- QRP- C. Reference Book- #3.’ mirror: Page 8- 2


CHAPTER 9: QRP PA QRP PA for the 10 meters

The QRP PA was published at “U- QRP- C. L4- 5 turns wire diameter is 0.7 mm (21 AWG), form
Reference Book- #3,” page 3. I have done the PA as diameter is 7 mm (used old inductor from IF tract of tube
well as for 10 meters as well as for others high (20-12 TV, the inductor has a ferrite core);
meters) amateurs bands. It works well! It gives near 1 T1- f= 300 MHz, gain 100
watts to 50(75) Ohm load. T2- f= 600 MHz, gain 50, 3 watts output. Need be
73/72! I. G. installed at a small heat sink.

DATA (for 10 meters): Figure PA is reproduced at “U- QRP- C. Reference

L1, L2- RFC, 10 micro Henry. Book- #3.’
L3- 7 turns, wire diameter is 0.7 mm (21 AWG), form
diameter is 7 mm (used old inductor from IF tract of Early 1991 the PA with some modifications was
tube TV, the inductor has a ferrite core), tap from 2 published at different References, one of them:
turn from cold end;
Polyakov V.T. : To the Ham about the DC
Technique. Moscow, 1990. mirror: Page 9- 1



CHAPTER 10: KEYS for QRP Keys for QRP- expeditions

Keys for QRP- expeditions

by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK
G-QRP-C # 6363
The two articles were published at SPRAT, the
journal of the G- QRP – C # 114 and # 115
accordingly. However, I think, the keys will be
interesting for all amateurs.

Telegraph key for a QRP-expedition

It is a problem what a key to use in a QRP-

expedition, hand or electronic. An electronic key
does not provide a good operation at a QRP-
expedition for the following reason. At first, it need
in an external feeding for it, at second, as rule an
electronic key made on the CMOS
(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)
chips is undergo of dampness. From dampness it
would leave out of operation in the most improper
moment. A standard telegraph key, usual for
routine radio amateur activity, is complicated in
application in field conditions because the key
should be reliably fixed to any fixed base. The
matter is not always possible in a field QRP-
expedition. Often expedition key is keeping in one
hand (or even on a knee) and by other hand
working on it. Certainly, it is very inconveniently for

job in the ether and rate of transmission is very low At operating in the ether the rectangular part places in a
in that case. My special self-made a hand telegraph hand, on a knee or on any fixed basis. The other arm
key has no the defects. Fig. 1 shows drawing for does keying. Ever it is possible to paste this slice of PC
the key. – board with help of an adhesive tape to a transceiver
case or to floor of a tent. This key was used at operation
It consists of from a rectangular part of PC- board from any possible most inconvenient positions. For
(item 1), which is connected to “ground” of a example, laying in a tent, and even laying in a sleeping
transceiver and a keying unit (item 2), made from bag. Certainly, the keying rate is not so high, up to 60
a copper thick wire in 3 mm diameter or #11 symbols per one minute. But it is quite sufficient for
BWG, or # 9 AWG. operation from a QRP expedition, where the high speed
do not use usually.

Electronic keying for an electronic key

When I used an electronic telegraph key made problem and make reliable work of the electronic key in field
on CMOS chips during my QRP- expedition, I operation.
found out that the key is very sensitive to
dampness. Even when I covered a PC- board of Only reed relays (magnetically operated with hermetically
the key by paraffin (it is possible easily to delete sealed contacts) helped me to solve that problem and make
paraffin with the help of hot water and after that reliable work of the electronic key in field operation.
with petrol, if a repair is necessary), the failures
in activity of the key continued. The reed relays were placed on the PC- board of the
automatic electronic key, near keying “dot” – “dash” chip. I
Also I found out that small drops of water used old reed relays, taken from burned old relay of a
influenced on key operation, i.e. the drops telephone station. Fig. 1 shows the scheme of the unit. The
covered contacts of the key’s manipulator and go PC- board of the automatic electronic key with the reed
to false operation. relays was covered with paraffin. Manipulator of the key was
placed outside the key’s body. The reed relays had a self-
Only reed relays (magnetically operated with made windings. Each winding contained several thousands
hermetically sealed contacts) helped me to solve that turns, coiled by copper wire 0.1 mm in diameter or #36
BWG. Page 10- 1

CHAPTER 10: KEYS for QRP QRP beyond belief

Winding of reed relay consumed current near 3- 4 mА The electronic telegraph key, consisted of such
at 12 volts of key power voltage. Such small current electronic keying unit and PC- board covered with
did not load much key battery. paraffin, reliably works even while raining. Also the key
was serviceable in the morning when both key PC-
board and manipulator were covered with dew. Page 10- 2

CHAPTER 10: KEYS for QRP Home Made Key for FT- 817

Yuri Murashev, RX3AEW

Sorry for pictures’ quality – they were taken by my

cell-phone. The design of the key is simple, see
Figure 1. Three copper areas are cut on a small PC-
board. Two upper ones are for ‘dot- dash,’ rest
below is ‘ground.’ Copper strips with thickness in 0.5
mm are soldered to each dot- dash area, a metal
end from a glass fuse is soldered to the ground
area. Plastic buttons (special dash pots used at
furniture) are glued to the copper strips. The PC
board is placed to a little nice black box made from a

The box with key board inside the one is fastened by

a screw to transceiver’s push-to-talk switch. The
screw is screwed instead a screw (too much ‘screws
in one sentence!) that early was hold a clip. The
push-to-talk switch has not flat surface, so a pillow
made of polyurethane is placed under the ‘black
box.’ Key wires are into push-to-talk switch cable.

While QSO the push-to-talk switch is in the left hand,

by the hand do turn RX/TX, keying do by the right
73/72! mirror: Page 10- 3


CHAPTER 11: QRP STORY QRP beyond belief

QRP beyond belief

by Igor Grigorov / RK3ZK

G-QRP-C # 6363
The article was published at SPRAT, the journal of the
G- QRP – C # 114. However, I think, the keys will be
interesting for all amateurs.

Work on QRP is wonderful when with only several

watts of power to do a DX QSO. But the surprise is Photo: December 10, 2002
especially great if a radio amateur does not know that
he works on QRP... later he looks into his log and
does not belief it! About such improbable work on
QRP I want to tell.

It took place on the 10th of December 2001, during the

QRP expedition on Ai - Petri plateau. This expedition
was held in honor of the centenary of Marconi’s First
Transoceanic radio contact. The UR-QRP Club
arranged the expedition. The call EN100GM was
used. We used an old military Russian made radio R -
143. It provided 8 watts RF- power at 1.8 to 18 MHz.
An ATU (Antenna Tuning Unit) (see reference [1])
was used with the military transceiver. Fig. 1 shows
the scheme for the ATU.
antenna, connected to R4, not to the
By mistake, one of the operators connected our transceiver. It is beyond belief, but we made 21
transmitting antenna to jack J4 instead of jack J2. In QSOs! One QSO was made on a range of 40-m,
other words, our antenna was connected to R4, the three QSOs were made on a range of 17-m and the
dummy load, installed inside the ATU. The dummy others 17 QSOs were made on a range of 20-m. Only
helped to do right matching a transmitter with the ATU. casually the mistaken connection was detected when
we could not make QSOs on a range of 80-m... Tab.
So, during several hours we worked in the Air with the 1 shows the page from EN100GM log with the QRPP
QSOs.. Page 11- 1

CHAPTER 11: QRP STORY QRP beyond belief

Certainly, when tank L2C1 (see Fig.1) is tuned in Table 1

resonance with the input frequency, a high RF voltage
is on the tank, and a little part of the RF energy from
the tank L2C1 is induced on the dummy load R4.
Hence, a small RF voltage is presence on R4, and a
very little power goes in the antenna. Off course, a
little RF energy also is induced on current transformer

T1 (see Fig. 1). So, the RF- transformer shows a RF


When we stayed on receiving, I think a little part of RF

energy from R4 was induced to L2C1, and from L2C1
goes to input of Р-143. This military radio station could
provide quite a good reception even at very poor radio

After our expedition, when I have arrived home, I have

measured the level of the RF power what could be
induced on the dummy load, R4.

When I run 10 watts in to the unloaded ATU, I Ooops, we worked while several hours with several
obtained, that it was 0.5 – 0.8-V RF across the dummy milliwatts in our antenna! Four hams, UU4JCQ,
load. Hence 5 -15 milliwatts were dissipated by the US1REO, USIRCH, RK3ZK, observed the wonderful
dummy load. When an antenna was connected to the work.
dummy load the induced RF power shares with the Reference
antenna. 1. Grigorov I.N.: Antennas: Adjustment and Tuning.
Moscow, RadioSoft, 2002, ISBN: 5- 93037-087-7
(in Russian) Page 11- 2


By Alexei Rusakov, UA4ARL/qrp (RU-QRP # 005)

September 13, 2002.

The day before yesterday I decided to hang my ZL-

antenna for 20m in another direction - and so sad it
was for me, fixing the last point I broke director wire.
My antenna made of D6mm antenna-rope had been
already used for 2 years and I had no any desire to
prolong it's term

Yesterday I switched to two alternative dipoles


Today in the morning I started tuning my new 2-el

Beam of D3mm bi-metall directed North-South
strictly. On 20m SWR that's 1point2. And just after it luck, trying to repair my hand-made connections, but
I tried SWR on other high bands. On 10m band the wires were already cut for soldering and so it's a great
SWR was 1point4. And on 15m band [CW] SWR deal to screw them all once again. I have two bulks of
surprised me with 1point1. I'd just only checked wire under my legs, and on my knees, so hard to screw
SWR not changing tuning from the middle of [CW] because the coax-cable is so thick and hard. So I
on 15m and switched on my soldering iron on in connect the antenna cables together manually using the
order to changeall temporary contacts for cable [SO- newspaper as isolator!!
239]s. Frequency, once established, was the same.
When the second dipole added the signal up tp 559. I
Early morning. The band's not opened yet. The ask him at QRP, he doesn't reply, and QRO I don't use
sweet noise sound pouring from speaker-phone. I've [interestingy].
switched off one of the dipoles and the other was
still wired to transceiver. Still soldering. And just that Three minutes after other HAM's came and one Italian
time I'm hearing on that frequency someone asks for station invites me SKED 18.085 kHz. My [delta-loop]
"QRL?" and in a half a minuteI hear "CQ CQ de hear nothing and Beam SWR - unlimited. I used my 20m
9U0X". Beam and received RST 559 in answer!!!! And that pal
from Italy asked SKED 24 MHz once more. I follow them.
I switch to another antenna - that was [Delta for Delta-loop is empty and Beam SWR the same as on
40m] and lost him, and while immediately returning 18MHz. I call and have 559 in answer!!!! QSO at 08.35z
to the dipole I have RST 539. I'm hurring to cacth my и 08.38z.

9U - Burundi - my new country reached on QRP (204).

Credit Line: :

International QRP frequencies:
Band Frequency, kHz
----- --------------
160 CW - 1843
80 CW - 3560 SSB - 3690
40 CW - 7030 SSB - 7090
30 CW - 10106
20 CW - 14060 SSB - 14285
17 CW - 18096
15 CW - 21060 SSB - 21285
12 CW – 24906
10 CW - 28060 SSB - 28360 Page 11- 3


By Alexei Rusakov, UA4ARL/qrp (RU-QRP # 005)

Continued from ANTENTOP- 02-2003

On 25 May 2003 I worked the WPX-CW contest. I

started calling CQ-WPX at 0000Z but was only
answered about every fifth time. After about an hour
I had only 18 QSOs on 80 meters. I started calling
CQ just to see how the propagation was. At 0120Z
TO5AA was 559. Finally I was able to work Europe a
Yesterday, before the WPX-CW contest I heard
someone call CQ. The signal was right at the noise
level, so it was impossible to copy. Even my
500MHz filter didn't improve the signal. I fine tuned
and the RST finally got up to 339 and I recognized

part of his call sign, 3?2N?, but with QSB. He

continued to call CQ but had no response. The RST
got up to 559. The call sign was 3D2NC. I gave him The RCC had a contest on 26 April 2003. Propagation
a call. No answer. I called again. He said RPT AGN, was poor for both short and long skip, but I did make 150
but there was a European station calling him and he QSOs. However not many contacts were QRP. After the
went back the European. On my third attempt he contest I listened to the upper bands without luck. 15
finally came back to me. Sadly he gave me the meters was dead as well as 10 meters. I listened to HF
standard RST 559 for my QRP signal. in the evening and it was dead also.

At 1101Z I heard no body calling. . I waited for a few The weather in Volgograd is very unstable now. Friday
minutes more. Then a few sations from Siberia and the high was +19 C, Saturday it was only +5 C.
Europe started calling. They probably heard the pile-
up for 3D2NC, whose signal peaked at 569. After Victor, RZ4AA, shares QRP experiences with me. He
about 30 contacts his signal dropped and I couldn't said "After every contest I always hear HF. Usually
hear him any more. I was interested in how well he propagation is better than before the contests. The
was heard in Siberia so I sent an e-mail to contesters have gone back to their other rigs and then it
UA0_____ asking how well the European station is possible to work 5 watts QRP DX without any
was heard there. problems." Last weekend he had about 20 QRP QSOs
into South America (LU, CX and PY) using 5 watts and
On 20 meters signals from far Europe were 559 and dipole antenna up about 5 meters. He worked one LU
on 15 meters they were 579. The frequency of 3D2 station who was also running QRP and they both
is free now. Is somebody calling QRL ? I waited and exchanged RST of 579!
heard CQ CQ de A3JJ A3JJ K. Immediately a few
stations called him. A3JJ answered a Dutch station I next listened to 21.00 MSK. I heard the Switzerland
and giving "... de EA3JJ". After first QSO the pile-up contest. The propagation was improving some now. I
disappeared. tuned to the DX window and heard someone transmitting
"...ON /QRP. His RST here was 589 and he was talking
Today I heard RZ6HX/QRP on 21 MHz. to Belgium, but I couldn't hear the Belgian station. He
told the Belgian station that he was usng a K2 txcvr.
72! Alexei, UA4ARL/qrp When he said 73 and gave his call sign, I was surprised
to hear VK9XK! I gave him a call and he came back to
me on the first try. He gave my RST as 599. His QTH
was Christmas Island. Grear FUN!

72! UA4ARL/qrp Alexei Rusakov

Credit Line: : mirror: Page 11- 4


By Alexei Rusakov, UA4ARL/qrp (RU-QRP # 005)

Continued from ANTENTOP- 03-2003

1'st March, 2003

The ARRL phone contest was today but propagation
was bad into Volgograd. Even the CW portions were
quiet. I checked all the CW portions of the bands this
morning and figured that everyone was on SSB. In
the evening I went back to check the condition of the
bands but 21.060, 24.900 and 28.060 were already
gone. While in 15 meters I slid down the band and
heard some Europeans. LP's were 549 - 559 while
HP's were no louder than 589 here in Volgograd.
Around 21.006 there was someone that had a 559
signal with 3 or 4 stations calling him. However, he

didn't give his call sign while I was listening. After our QSO was over sounded the orchestra of calling
I changed antennas from a North delta to an Africa stations on the same frequency. I sat and enjoyed
oriented 2 element and the signal went to 579. That listening to the pile-up of DXers. Easy propagation for
about an hour and a half then the signals went down to
is a good sign, I thought. Suddenly DX starting
sending CQ CQ C98RF UP. I tuned the signal in 459.
with anticipation. I went up 1.5 kHz and called, but
72! UA4ARL/qrp Alexei Rusakov
without the /QRP. I must have been the only one
that answered him because he came back to me on
Credit Line :
the first try! I then told him that I was running QRP.

October 5, 2003. Robin, M5AEF, had an unique Some minutes later Robin connected his usual 1,5
CW QSO with RX3BO from Moscow at 17 meters lambda antenna to the FT – 757 and did QSO with
using only 1 watt output. You say ‘it is nothing RX3BO. Robin had received 579!
especial for 17 meters’, but what do you say, if you
know that Robin did not use any antenna? Don’t say me that there are no miracles!
Yes, Robin was doing a calibration for his FT- 757, With the best regards!
and this one was connected to a dummy load. An
Oleg ("Master-72") V.Borodin
antenna did not connected to the transceiver at this
72! de RV3GM (UE3QRP)
time, the antenna was connected to monitoring
receiver, that does control for quality of the output
signal from FT- 757. So, Robin heard Anatoly,
Credit Line:
RX3BO, from Moscow and they had QSO with each
other. Robin had received 559 from Anatoly for his
dummy- load antenna!

Dear Friends,

you can read about a QRP- QSO without antenna

also at ANTENTOP – 01-2003.

72/73! I.G, mirror: Page 11- 5


CHAPTER 12: ANTENNA TOOLS Tool for Pulling Guys

by Victor. RN9FAB

For several years I use to a home-brew tool, that I bimetal of diameter of 4-6 mm, steel rope, wire rope.
made by myself, for puling guys. I made it of 8 mm Picture shows how the tool holds the guy.
of steel plate. The tool holds any guys, for example,

A winch is attached to the hole in the tool and placed Everyone can design the tool to needed sizes,
by the place where the guy is fastened. proceeding from own needs. Force of capture is defined
by a difference of shoulders of cross levers to which
You can very easy move the tool onto a guy. The fasten plates. Plates have longitudinal gnowing -through
tool does not bite a guy at pulling. When a guy has at the place where it hold a guy.
been pulled, the tool removed by unscrewing the
bottom plate.

Urban Ekholm, SM5EUF

When experimenting on the LF-band chokes with 12x12x15mm. I have measured the Q of some of them
inductances of some mH are often needed. They are and it was between 10 and 25.
not so easy to get in these days. Those in the junk-
box from the tube era are often quite big. Caution: Yes, of course you have to be careful not to
apply any force on the glass part of the lamp. I have
Do you have low-energy lamps that are not working taken between 5 and 10 lamps apart and used the
any more ? Before giving them away to recycling do method of holding the socket with a glove firmly against
the following: a piece of wood. Then using a small screwdriver to
carefully bend the socket into two parts. By doing in this
Carefully disassemble the electronic part with a way no force is applied to the glass. When the socket is
screwdriver. Inside there (among some other things) divided into two parts it is an easy matter with a small
is a choke with an inductance of 1.8-17mH sidecutter to cut the wires going to the filaments.
(depending of the power and the make of the lamp).
They chokes are very small, approximately Happy recycling ! mirror: Page 12- 1

CHAPTER 12: ANTENNA TOOLS Fastening of Guys

by Nick V. Derenko, US8AR

Made in Ukraine ex UB5AEO, UB4AR

Different ways apply for fastening guys to a mast or Takes a kapron cord. From this one do loops for
to antenna elements. The common way is to drill
fastening guys, as it is shown at Figure 1. (where Dt is -
holes in the tips. It, undoubtedly, results to easing of diameter of a tube).
rigidity of towers and antennas both. At the same
time it is possible to apply "sparing" method of Several loops is put to the chosen place on a mast or on
fastening of guys. antenna elements and attached to these ones by usual

Figure 1. Loop for fastening guys

threads. Here we do attach a binding cord as it is Further, using cordlike binding, we adhere loops to a
shown in Figure 2. tube as it is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2. Preparing loops for fastening guys

Figure 3. How to bind

At the figures are designated: L - Loop for fastening, After the ending of binding we pass the end of binding
B - Beginning of binding cord, End - End of binding cord in Helping Loop and strongly pull for the beginning
of binding cord. After that do melt of the Beginning and
ord, HL – Helping Loop.
the End the binding rope, and that is all. mirror: Page 12- 2


By Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

Made in the USSR

In the far eightieth years of 20 century, on to one of
Russian radio transmitting radio center I saw a
self-made opened transmission line that fed a
transmitting antenna. Struts of the line were made
of oak tree. What is wonder at that? These struts
were about some tens years old. They were made
at the end of 40 years, during restoring of the
USSR after World War-II. The struts had been
thoroughly boiled in paraffin before installation. Till
now these wooden struts, made in great quantity,
lie in a tub filled with paraffin. At repair of
transmission lines the paraffin is kindled, the
insulators are got and used. The wooden struts,
despite of their “antiquity”, looked rather ‘fresh’ and
had sufficient mechanical and electric strength.

Figure 1 Wooden compression strut

Figure 2 Two -wire line with usage of

wooden compression struts The struts had length 12-15 centimeters, and width
about 2 centimeters. Kerfs were made at a small
distance from ends of the struts. Figure 1 shows the
wooden strut. Wires of the ladder line were wound
around of struts and kept on kerfs. Figure 2 shows the
two-wire line with usage of wooden struts. mirror: Page 12- 3

CHAPTER 12: ANTENNA TOOLS Parameters of Coaxial Cables

Credit Line:

Diameter, Losses (db/100m) at frequency (MHz) Price (US $) and
Coax no
mm 100 200 400 900 1800 producer
РК 50-17-51 27,5 1,4 2,1 3,1 5,1 7,7 8,0 RU
RFC LCF 7/8 28 1,16 1,69 2,53 4 6,1 15 GM
NOKIA RF 7/8 27,5 1,2 1,8 2,6 4,1 6,2 15 FN
NOKIA RF 1/2 16 2,2 3,2 4,6 7,3 11 10 FN
RFC LCF 1/2 16 2,13 3,1 4,6 6,9 10,3 10 GM
ANDREW LDF4-50A 16 - - 4,6 7,3 11 10
RFC LCF 3/8 12,1 3,1 4,4 6,6 9,8 14,4 7,0 GM
РК50-7-58 12,1 3,4 4,9 7,1 11,2 17 4,0 RU
12D-SFB-NL 15,6 - - 5,4 8,7 13,1 8,0 JP
10D-SFB-NL 13 - - 6,5 10,3 16,4 6,0 JP
8D-SFB-NL 11,1 - - 8,2 12,9 19,2 4,0 JP
8D-SFAE 11,1 - - 7 11 16,5 6,0 JP
10D-FB 13 3,2 4,8 7 11,3 17,2 3,5 TW
8D-FB 11,1 4,3 7 10,5 16 24 2,0 TW
8D-FB-LL 11,1 - - 9,5 14,7 - 2,5 TW
POPE H 100 9,8 4,1 - 8,5 13,2 19,2 2,0 NL
11,1 - - 8,2 12,4 19 3,0 US
BELDEN 9913 11,1 - - 8,8 14 - 3
SIVA RH 100 9,7 - 5,2 8,2 13 18,5 2,0 IT
LMR-400 11,1 - - 10,6 16 - 1,5
5D-FB 7,4 6,5 9,6 14,4 21 32 1,0 TW
RG-8/U; 6,0 - 9.0 - 13,5 - -
RG-8A/U 10,3 -7,0 -10,5 -15,75 24 38 1,5 TW
РК 50-11-31 13 3,8 6,6 9,5? 15 - 4,0 RU
РК 50-11-11 13 4,5 8,5 14,0? 24 - 1,5 RU
РК 50-7-312 11,3 8,5 14 22 36 - 1,0 RU
РК 50-7-11 11,3 8,5 14 22 36 - 1,0 RU
РК 50-7-32 11,3 6,8 11,8 18 - - -
RG8-LRP 10,4 - 9 13,5 24 38 1,5
RG-8x 6,15 12,1 17,7 26,5 - - 1,0 TW, ,5RU
RG213/U, RG213BX 10,3 7 10,5 15,75 27 40,5 1,5 TW
3D-FB 5,3 8,3 12 24 - - 1,0 TW
RG-58/U 5 14 20 33 - - 0,3
RG-58A/U 5,03 13,1 18,7 31 - - 0,3
RG-58C/U 4,95 16 23 35 - - 0,3
RG-174/U, RG-174A/U 2,8 26 38 57 - - 0,25
Producer:: RU- Russia; IT- Italy,; GM- Germany, NL-Netherlands; US- USA; JP-Japan ; TW- Taiwan. mirror: Page 12- 4



by Paulo Ferreira CT2ILQ

The need for a power supply

When a ham buys (or makes) a radio he usually needs a

power supply for it. A cheap alternative to buy one is to
adapt a computer power supply. I just said the magic word,
cheap. Hams like cheap things because that way they can
buy more radios, or wire for antennas, or CW keys, or any
other things they like. And a computer power supply can be
bought in many places of the world, where one cannot find
other radio related items. But a computer power supply is
very different from a radio power supply, so we need to
check the differences and see what can be done.

The Normal and the modified PSU

A typical PC compatible power supply is usually a switch- But the resolution of this problem is simple, we just
mode power supply with at least one fan. So one can need to place some resistors on the outputs that
expect RF noise and some acoustic noise. The RF noise have a minimum current requirement. Usually the
can be ignored if the objective is to feed a VHF/UHF FM +3.3v, +5V and +12V outputs have a minimum
rig, and (some) modern PC power supplies have current requirement. The resistors must have the
reasonably quiet fans. correct wattage, preferably with a safe margin.
Some of the more recent power supplies only have
Moving Closer a minimum current requirement on the +12V line,
so they are very nice for our needs.
There are several documents on the internet that give
information about transforming one PC PSU in one radio How to proceed
PSU. They have several shortcomings, they are for older
AT style PSUs, they usually need changes in the internal 1) Get the ATX12V power supply design
circuit of power supply, or in alternative they can supply guide.
only small currents.
2) Choose the ATX power supply to buy.
But, in the recent times there is a new kind of PC power Items to check:
supplies called ATX12V and they are interesting, very
interesting. In a simple way, old style AT PSUs had a The PSU must have a power
strong +5V output, and a reasonable +12V output. The switch.
ATX standard brought different connectors and a +3.3V
output. The ATX12V standard comes from the need of low The manufacturer has a page on
voltages and strong currents for the actual processors. The the Internet?
motherboard manufacturers place voltage converters on
the motherboard and feed the voltage converters at +12V. Does the page has the full
So its easy to find PSUs with a capacity of between 15 and specifications?
25 Ampéres on the +12V line (without circuit changes).
Is the PSU a "big fan" (120 mm)
The minimum type PSU?

The trouble is not the maximum current, but the minimum What are the maximum currents?
current because switch-mode PSUs have a minimum
current limit, if their load is lower than the minimum, they What are the minimum currents?
can be damaged (or they shutdown if they are protected).
What are the outputs with a
minimum current requirements? mirror: Page S- 1

Calculations Practical resume:

So lets suppose we have a power supply with a minimum Black = Ground = Connect to Black wire of
current of 0.5 A on the +12Volts output only. So we need a the radio
resistor of 12/0.5= 24 Ohms maximum. A good Yellow = 12 Volts = Connect to Red wire of
approximation would be a 22 Ohm resistor. The power the radio
dissipated would be 12V*0.5A= 6 Watts so a good Place the Resistor between Yellow and
compromise would be a 22 Ohm resistor of 15 Watt at Black
Orange = +3.3V = Leave open
If the power supply has a minimum current on other outputs (unconnected)
we need to calculate the resistors for the other outputs
using the same method. ( Place a resistor between Orange and
Black if needed, if the +3.3V Output has a minimum
Opening the power supply current requirement)

You may get an electrical shock even if the PSU is Red = +5V = Leave open (unconnected)
disconnected from the mains, so be careful, or you may not
need to follow the next steps. One measure of caution that ( Place a resistor between Red and Black if
may not work, but may diminish the danger, is to leave the needed, if the +5V Output has a minimum current
PSU disconnected one full day before opening it. requirement)

List of wires and colors Green = connect to Black

Black Wires - Ground - connect to ground All the other wires are unconnected
(Ground Output)
Practical experience:
Green Wire - Connect to one black ( to place the
power supply always on ) I got one power supply (460W nominal with a big
120mm fan) and modified it. Acoustically it is very
Grey - Power Ok - unconnected quiet. Electrically with a VHF/UHF FM rig the RF
noise is not detectable. So to operate a VHF rig the
Purple - +5V standby - unconnected PSU is suitable.

White - -5v ( not used in recent motherboards) One good thing about it (and many others) is an
unconnected adjustable resistor inside to control the output
voltage and that way I could adjust the output
Blue - -12V unconnected voltage up to 13.5 Volts instead of usual 12Volts
(with a lot of care because of the deadly voltages
Orange Wires (+3.3v) - leave opened ( no inside of the power supply).
connection )
To test the RF noise I compared the PSU with a
Red Wires (+5v) - leave opened ( no connection ) linear PSU, and with a Gel-Cell battery, using one
hf radio on several amateur bands, and a 20 meter
Yellow Wires (+12Volts) - connect to Positive horizontal long wire antenna.
On the first test, inside the house, the PC modified
Resistors to connect PSU was a noisier than the linear PSU but not
much worse, and the battery was comparable to the
As only the +12V output has a minimum current linear supply.
requirement we only place one load resistor ( previously
calculated ) between the yellow and black wires. The Then outside, I placed the radio under the antenna
resistor (or resistors) should be placed inside the PSU to and yes, the "computer" PSU, is usable on VHF
benefit from the PSU fan. and UHF FM, but on HF gives a lot of noise.
Surprise, the linear PSU also makes noise, and the
battery is very quiet, because almost all the QRM I
hear is from the coaxial cable routing from the
inside to the outside of the house. mirror: Page S- 2


It runs parallel to the satellite receiver cables and that

should be the cause of all that QRM... So I need to reroute
the antenna cables. Nice Articles about switched power supply repair
( on a slot machine tech magazine !! )
Meanwhile I have a good PSU to use with a typical 50W
FM VHF/UHF radio. http://slot-tech-
Things to try in the future:
The PSU is not suitable for HF use. Could the PSU be
improved with additional filters? I have not placed any filter
on the output but there is space for the filter inside the PSU Modifing a PC power Supply for Lab use:
box if the fan is moved to the outside.
Links and documentation: pply.htm

Atx12V Specification:

Other specifications:

Basic Modification Examples:

St. Louis switcher
Final version (for now) with fan outside of the box

Advanced ones:
Very complete:

Nice modification

ATX power supply example

Changing an ATX PSU to 12-24V input (input!):

Data sheets and tech pubs: Inside View mirror: Page S- 3

SUPPLEMENTARY 27 and 145 MHz Communication

CB- 27-MHz ( distance in kilometers)


15-25 20-30

8-15 10-20 15-25

2.5-6 4-10 5-12 8-16

5-12 7-15 8-16 10-18

12-25 15-30 25-40

20-35 35-50


VHF- 145-MHz ( distance in kilometers) Page S- 4
SUPPLEMENTARY Wire Metric Diameter/Gauge Standard

Number # 0000 000 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Diameter SWG 10.16 9.45 8.84 8.23 7.62 7.01 6.40 5.89 5.38 4.88 4.47
in mm

AWG 11.68 10.41 9.27 8.25 7.35 6.54 5.83 5.19 4.62 4.11 3.66

BWG 11.53 10.80 9.65 8.64 7.62 7.21 6.58 6.05 5.59 5.16 4.57

Number # 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Diameter SWG 4.08 3.68 3.25 2.95 2.64 2.34 2.03 1.83 1.63 1.42 1.22
in mm

AWG 3.25 2.90 2.59 2.30 2.05 1.83 1.63 1.45 1.29 1.15 1.02

BWG 4.19 3.76 3.40 3.05 2.77 2.41 2.11 1.83 1.65 1.47 1.24

Number # 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Diameter SWG 1.02 0.92 0.81 0.71 0.61 0.56 0.51 0.46 0.41 0.38 0.35
in mm

AWG 0.91 0.81 0.72 0.64 0.57 0.51 0.45 0.40 0.36 0.32 0.29

BWG 1.07 0.89 0.81 0.71 0.64 0.56 0.51 0.46 0.41 0.35 0.33

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Number #

0.30 0.29 0.27 0.254 0.229 0.203 0.178 0.17 0.15 0.127
Diameter SWG
in mm
0.25 0.23 0.20 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.08

0.30 0.25 0.229 0.203 0.178 0.127 0.102

BWG mirror: Page S- 5


Resistor color code value of the resistor from the end with a narrow strip in Ohms.
Read a wide strip the last. Table 1 shows the decoding of the
As usual a resistor is marked by four or five ring strips. color marks for resistors. Up to multiplier marks are given in
Since you can find out the value of the resistors at any Ohms.
installation of this one on a printed-circuit-board. Read

Table 1 Resistor color code

Mark color 1 mark 2 mark 3 mark Multiplier Tolerance,

silver - - - 10-2 10
gold - - - 10-1 5
black - 0 - 1 -
brawn 1 1 1 10 1
red 2 2 2 102 2
orange 3 3 3 103 -
yellow 4 4 4 104 -
green 5 5 5 105 0,5
blue 6 6 6 106 0,25
violet 7 7 7 107 0,1
grey 8 8 8 108 0,05
white 9 9 9 109 -

Capacitor color code

Recently capacitors as well as resistors have color
marks. However different types of capacitors can Capacity is specified by two first colors (strip or points) in
have different color strips or points at the body. pF. After that the multiplier shows value of the capacitor.
Figure 1 shows examples of color marks for several Tolerance, working voltage and also can be specified if it
types of modern capacitors. is necessary. Table 2 shows capacitor color marks.
Table 3 shows lighting calculator for capacitors mirror: Page S- 6


Table 2 Capacitor color mark

Mark color 1 mark 2 mark Multiplier Tolerance, Voltage, V

black 0 0 1 20 4
brawn 1 1 10 1 6,3
red 2 2 102 2 10
orange 3 3 103 0,25 16
yellow 4 4 104 0,5 40
green 4 5 105 5 20
blue 6 6 106 - 30
violet 7 7 107 +50/-20 50
grey 8 8 108 +80/-20 3,2
white 9 9 - - 63
silver - - - - 2,5
gold - - - - 1,6

Table 3 lighting calculator for capacitors

Value of capacity 1 mark 2 mark 3 mark

(µF) (Multiplier)
0,010 brawn black orange
0,015 brawn green orange
0,022 red red orange
0,033 orange orange orange
0,047 yellow violet orange
0,068 blue grey orange
0,10 brawn black yellow
0,15 brawn green yellow
0,22 red red yellow
0,33 orange orange yellow
0,47 yellow violet yellow
0,68 blue grey yellow
1,0 brown black green
2,2 red red green mirror: Page S- 7

The Complete Smith Chart
Black Magic Design

0.12 0.13
0.11 0.14
0.38 0.37 0.15
0.1 0.39 0.36
0.4 100 80 0.35 0.1
0 .09 6

1 110 40 70 0.3





0 7

2 0.3

0.4 0 60 3

0.6 60

7 (+jB 30 8
CE 0.3
3 AN

PT 0.2 2
CE 50

0 S
13 SU


TI 25





,O 0.4

















0.8 15











1 6












0.0 —> WAVELE

























± 180

AD <—
















0. -10











-15 -80


0.8 -15












4 0.3

0. (-j


T 0.4



CO -25




30 NC -5
TA 0

7 AC 0.2 0.1

0.0 VE
R 8

ITI 0.3
0.4 AC -30 2


0 -60 0.1
8 -12

0.0 7

2 -35 0.3

0.4 3



9 -70
0.0 -110 0 6


0.4 0.1 -100 -80 0.15 4
0.11 0.14 0.35
0.4 0.12 0.13
0.39 0.36
0.38 0.37
O (C dB O ]
. C K SS [ SS C [dB





SW d S [d EFF , E o

A W. L. W. TT

EF O ]
P T.

∞ 100 40

20 10 5 4 3 2.5 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1 15 10 7 5 4 3 2 1


R BS B] , P r I
. L L. OE

∞ 40 30 ∞

20 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 3 4 5 10 20


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 20 30 ∞ 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 10 15 ∞


1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.01 0 0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.5 3 4 5 10 ∞

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 0.99 0.95 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0


0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2


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