Institute of Statistical Research and Training: Syllabus
Institute of Statistical Research and Training: Syllabus
Institute of Statistical Research and Training: Syllabus
University of Dhaka
B.S. Honors Program in Applied Statistics
Session : 2016–2017
B.S. Honors Program in Applied Statistics
The B.S. honors course in Applied Statistics is an integrated four-year program. The
program includes courses of both theoretical and applied nature, but more emphasis
is given on the applications of the statistical techniques to real life situations. The
course is so designed that after successful completion, the graduates are equipped to
work efficiently and completely in government and non-government organizations,
research organizations, service departments and other related fields.
The examination consists of four parts, one at the end of each academic year. Each
student has to take a total of 140 credits over four academic years. These include 107
credits of theoretical courses, 22 credits of computing courses and 8 credits of oral.
For theoretical courses, 23 credits will be from courses of Mathematics, Economics
and Computer Science. Thirty percent marks of the theoretical courses and forty
percent marks of the computing courses will be allotted for in-course examination.
The marks allocation for theoretical courses will be as follows:
Attendance : 05
In-course exam : 25
Final exam : 70
Attendance/assignment : 10
In-course exam : 30
Final exam : 60
There will be two in-course examinations for each of the theoretical and computing
A student with high academic attainment in S.S.C. and H.S.C. or equivalent levels
with Mathematics as a subject of study is eligible for admission. The regulations
for admission of the students and the examinations will be same as those of the B.S.
honors courses in the Faculty of Science unless otherwise stated.
Distribution of courses, credits, marks and detailed syllabus are as follows:
Courses for the First Year
Courses for the Third Year
Detailed Syllabus - First Year
Text Books
1. Newbold P (2004). Statistics for business and economics, third edition.
2. Weiss N (2007). Introductory statistics, seventh edition. Addison Wesley.
having equally likely outcomes, probability as a measure of belief; conditional prob-
ability and independence: conditional probabilities, Bayes formula, independent
Random variables: introduction, discrete random variables, expectation, expecta-
tion of a function of a random variable, variance, Bernoulli and binomial random
variables, Poisson random variable, other discrete random variables (geometric, neg-
ative binomial, hypergeometric); expected value of a sums of random variables;
properties of cumulative distribution function; continuous random variables: expec-
tation and variance of continuous random variable, normal random variable, normal
approximation to binomial distribution, exponential random variables.
Jointly distributed random variables: joint distribution functions, independent ran-
dom variables, sums of independent random variables, conditional distributions (dis-
crete and continuous cases); properties of expectation: expectation of sums of ran-
dom variables, covariance, variance of sums, correlations, conditional expectation,
moment generating functions, probability generating function.
Text Books
1. Ross SM (2009). A first course in probability, eighth edition. Prentice-Hall.
Basic Algebra
Theory of numbers: unique factorization theorem; congruencies; Euler’s phi-function;
inequalities: order properties of real numbers; Weierstrass’, Chebysev’s and Cauchy’s
inequalities; inequalities involving means; complex numbers: field properties; geo-
metric representation of complex numbers; operations of complex numbers; sum-
mation of algebraic and trigonometric finite series; theory of equations: relations
between roots and coefficients; symmetric functions of roots; Descartes rule of signs;
rational roots; Newton’s method.
Beta and gamma function and their properties; incomplete beta and gamma func-
tion; Dirichlet’s theorem; Liouville’s extension of Dirichlet’s theorem.
Differential Equations
Formulation of simple applied problems in terms of differential equations; equations
of the first order and their solutions; singular solutions; geometric applications; lin-
ear equations with constant coefficients; method of undermined coefficients; varia-
tion of parameters and inverse differential operators; simple cases of linear equations
with variable coefficients.
Text Books
1. Ayres F (1995). Theory and problems of modern algebra. McGraw-Hill.
2. Ross SL (1980). Introduction to ordinary differential equations, fourth edi-
tion. Wiley.
equations; higher order derivatives; Leibnitiz’s theorem; increasing and decreasing
functions; extrema of functions; concavity; Rolle’s mean value theorems; applica-
tions of the theory of extrema, velocity and acceleration related rates; differentials.
Indeterminate forms; infinite limits; tangent; normal; curvature; asymptote; curve
tracing; areas; functions of several variables; limit and continuity; partial derivatives;
chain rule; total differentials; Jacobian extrema.
Definition and scope of economics; theory of demand and supply; demand schedule;
supply schedule; equilibrium of demand and supply; elasticity of demand and supply:
measurement of elasticity; price elasticity of demand and supply.
Demand and consumer behavior; utility theory; equi-marginal principle; indifference
curve analysis: consumers surplus; individual and market demand; derivation of de-
mand curve; theory of production: production function; total, average and marginal
product; law of diminishing returns; factors of production; pricing of factors of pro-
duction; division of labor; localization of industries; returns to scale; law of variable
proportion; isoquants; Cob-Douglas and CES production function; theory of cost;
fixed and variable cost; total and marginal costs; least cost rule; opportunity cost.
Market structure: perfect and imperfect competition; pricing under monopoly,
oligopoly and monopolistic competition; short-run and long-run equilibrium analy-
sis; income and wealth: factor incomes vs. personal incomes, role of government,
wealth; fundamentals of wage determination, the supply of labor, determinants of
supply, empirical findings, wage differentials; basic concepts of interest and capital,
prices and rentals on investments, rates of return and interest rates, present value
of assets, real vs. nominal interest rates.
Key concepts of macroeconomics: objectives and instruments of macroeconomics;
measuring economic success, tools of macroeconomic policy; real vs. nominal GDP,
“Deflating” GDP by a price index; consumption, investment, NDP, GNP, price
indexes and inflation; consumption and saving: consumption function, saving func-
tion; investment: determinants of investment, revenues; theories of economic growth:
four wheels of growth, human and natural resources, capital; theories of economic
growth: classical dynamics of Smith and Malthus, neoclassical growth model.
Index number: characteristics, problems in the construction, classification; meth-
ods: unweighted, weighted: Laspeyre’s, Paasche’s, Dorbish and Bowley’s, Fisher’s,
Marshall and Edgeworth’s, Kelly’s and the chain index numbers; test of accuracy,
base shifting, splicing, deflating of index numbers; application of consumer price
index number.
Text Books
1. Samuelson PA and Nordhaus WD (2009). Economics, nineteenth edition.
McGraw Hill.
2. Mankiw NG (2015). Principles of Economics, seventh edition. Cengage
3. Dowling ET (2011). Introduction to Mathematical Economics, third edition.
McGraw-Hill Education.
4. Newbold P, Carlson W and Thorne B (2012). Statistics for Business and
Economics, eighth edition. Pearson
Matrices, vectors and their operations: Basic definitions and different types of matri-
ces, matrix operations (addition, multiplication), trace of a matrix, determinant and
adjoint of a square matrix, properties of determinants, inverse of matrix, properties
of inverse, Kronecker product and related Operations.
System of linear equations: Gaussian elimination, Gauss-Jordan elimination, homo-
geneous linear systems, null spaces and the general solution of linear systems, rank
and linear systems, generalized inverse of a matrix, generalized inverses and linear
Vector spaces and subspaces: Vector addition and scalar multiplication, linear spaces
and subspaces, intersection and sum of subspaces, linear independence and depen-
dence, basis and dimension, inner product, norms and orthogonality, Orthogonal
projections, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors: Eigenvalue equation, characteristic polynomial and
its roots, Eigenspaces and multiplicities, Diagonalizable matrices, Computation of
eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Singular value and Jordan decompositions: Singular value decomposition, SVD and
linear systems, Computing the SVD, Jordan canonical form.
Quadratic forms: Matrices in quadratic forms, Positive and nonnegative definite ma-
trices, Congruence and Sylvester’s Law of Inertia, Nonnegative definite matrices and
minors, Some inequalities related to quadratic forms, Simultaneous diagonalization
and the generalized eigenvalue problem.
Text Books
1. Banarjee S and Roy A (2014). Linear algebra and matrix analysis for statis-
tics. Chapman and Hall.
2. Anton H and Rorres C (2005). Elementary linear algebra, fourth edition.
Detailed Syllabus - Second Year
AST 202: Actuarial Statistics Credit 3
The meaning of actuarial science; role of insurance in the economy; role of an actuary.
Fundamentals of theory of interest: definition of simple interest and compound in-
terest and their comparisons; accumulated value factors and present value factors;
effective and nominal rates of interest and their interrelationship; effective and nom-
inal rates of discount; relation between interest and discount; equations of value and
use of the time diagram in solutions of problems in interest; problems involving un-
known length of investment and unknown rate of interest; annuity; different types of
annuities certain; present and accumulated values of immediate annuity and annuity
due; present value of deferred annuities and variable annuities; capital redemption
policies; amortization schedules and sinking funds.
Actuarial mathematics: discrete life annuity and its applications; present values
of different life annuities; life assurance; present values of various life assurances
in terms of commutation functions; related problems; premiums; different types of
premiums; net premiums; office premiums; prospective policy values.
The basic deterministic model: cash flows; an analogy with currencies; discount
functions; calculating the discount function; interest and discount rates; constant
interest; values and actuarial equivalence; regular pattern cash flows; balances and
reserves; basic concepts; relationship between balances and reserves.
Stochastic interest-rate models: stochastic interest-rate models I; basic model for one
stochastic interest rate; independent interest rates; stochastic interest-rate models
II; dependent annual interest rates; modelling the force of interest; what can one do
with these models.
Text Books
1. Kellison SG (1991). The theory of interest, second edition. McGraw-
2. Promislow SD (2011). Fundamentals of actuarial mathematics, second edi-
tion. John Wiley & Sons.
Point estimation of parameters and fitting of probability distributions: descrip-
tive statistics; exploratory data analysis; least squares estimation; moments based
estimation; maximum likelihood estimation; uses of graphical tools for assessing
goodness of fit; asymptotic distributions of maximum likelihood estimators.
Interval estimation: methods for constructing confidence interval - pivotal quantity
method, Wald- type method, likelihood ratio based method; confidence intervals for
means; confidence intervals for the difference of two means; confidence intervals for
proportions; interpretation of confidence interval.
Testing hypotheses and assessing goodness of fit: heuristics of hypothesis testing;
errors in hypothesis testing-statistical significance and power; exact tests and ap-
proximate tests; tests about one population mean, test about the equality of two
population (independent and paired) means; test about the equality of more than
two population means; test about proportions; likelihood ratio test; statistical tests
applied to categorical data- Fisher’s exact test, chi-square test of homogeneity and
independence; chi-square goodness of fit tests.
Text Books
1. Hogg RV, Tanis EA and Zimmerman DL (2015). Probability and statistical
inference, ninth edition. Pearson.
2. Hogg RV, McKean J and Craig AT (2010). Introduction to mathematical
statistics, seventh edition. Pearson.
timating model parameters; Latin square design; Graeco-Latin square design; bal-
anced incomplete block design (BIBD); statistical analysis of BIBD; least squares
estimation of BIBD; recovery of intra-block information in the BIBD.
Text Books
1. Montgomery DC (2001). Design and analysis of experiments, fifth edition.
Text Books
1. Siegel SJ and Swanson DA (2004). The methods and materials of demogra-
phy, second edition. Emerald.
2. Shryock S and others (1975). The methods and materials of demography,
volume I and II. U.S. Department of Commerce Publication.
efficiency; comparison with simple random sampling and systematic sampling; de-
termination of optimum cluster size.
Stratified cluster sampling: advantages, estimates, bias, standard error and effi-
ciency; comparison with simple random sampling, systematic sampling and usual
stratified random sampling.
Text Books
1. Cochran WG (1977). Sampling techniques, third edition. Wiley.
2. Lohr SL (1998). Sampling: design and analysis. Duxbury.
Text Books
1. Burden RJ and Faires JD (2010). Numerical analysis, ninth edition. Brooks
2. Kreyszig E (2011). Advanced Engineering Mathematics, tenth edition. Wi-
3. Jeffrey A (2001). Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Academic Press.
AST 230: Statistical Computing III: Credit 2
R and Matlab
Introduction to R
History and overview of R programming language, R objects, matrices, lists, data
frames, reading and writing data files, subsetting R objects, vectorized operations,
control structures, functions (both in-built and custom), different loop functions,
simulation, calling C function from R.
Exploratory data analysis: managing data frames with dplyr package, exploratory
graphs, summary statistics, different plotting systems (base, ggplot2, lattice).
Introduction to Matlab/Octave
Introduction; basic features; command window; mathematical operations in com-
mand window; array operation; matrix operations; logical operations; script m-files;
function m-files; data input and output; statistical graphics: common plots in statis-
tics, three dimensional plot, color maps, mash, and surface plots.
Programming and exploratory data analysis with Matlab/Octave.
Text Books
1. Peng RD (2015). R programming for data science. Leanpub.
2. Peng RD (2015). Exploratory data analysis with R. Leanpub.
3. Quarteroni A, Saleri F and Gervasio P (2010). Scientific computing with
MATLAB and Octave, third edition. Springer.
Detailed Syllabus – Third Year
Text Books
1. Dean AM and Voss AM (1999). Design and analysis of experiments.
2. Montgomery DC (2001). Design and analysis of experiments, fifth edition.
3. Bailey R (2008). Design of comparative experiments. Cambridge.
Sampling of unequal clusters with unequal probability with and without replacement
different selection methods: PPS selection, Brewer’s, Durbin’s, Samford’s, PPS sys-
tematic, Raj’s, Murthy’s and Rao-Hartley-Cochran methods of selection; detailed
study on the related formulae, estimates, variances, estimates of variances for these
Two-stage sampling with equal and unequal sized clusters-estimates and standard
errors; estimation for proportions; stratified two-stage sampling.
Multistage sampling: different two and three stage sampling schemes; the concept of
self-weighting estimates; assumptions for self-weighting estimates; sampling schemes
resulting in self-weighting estimates.
Method of variance estimation in complex surveys.
Multiphase sampling: reasons for adopting this technique; two-phase or double sam-
pling; ratio and regression estimators for double sampling and respective standard
errors; double sampling for stratification; repeated sampling; sampling from the
same population on two occasion, more than two occasions; Interpenetrating sub-
sampling. Concept of base line survey and panel survey.
Sampling and non-sampling errors: sources and types of non-sampling error; non-
sampling bias; non-response error; control of non-response; techniques for adjust-
ments of non-response; Role of design and model in sampling: design unbiasedness;
model unbiasedness.
Special sampling schemes: inverse sampling; capture-recapture method; network
sampling; snowball sampling; adaptive cluster sampling; rank set sampling.
Text Books
1. Cochran WG (1977). Sampling techniques, third edition. Wiley.
2. Lohr SL (1998). Sampling: design and analysis. Duxbury.
AST 303: Linear Regression Analysis Credit 4
Text Books
1. Weisberg S (2013). Applied Linear Regression, fourth edition. Wiley.
Text Books
1. Jewell NP (2003). Statistics for Epidemiology. Chapman and Hall.
2. Kleinbaum DG, Kupper LL and Morgenstern H. (1982) Epidemiologic Re-
search: Principles and Quantitative Methods. Wiley.
AST 305: Population Studies Credit 3
Text Books
1. Shryock S and others (1975). The methods and materials of demography,
volume I and II. U.S. Department of Commerce Publication.
2. Bogue DJ (1969). Principles of demography. Wiley.
Principle of data reduction: Sufficiency- conditional distribution approach, Neyman
factorization theorem; minimal sufficiency- Lehmann-Scheffe approach; information-
one-parameter situation, multi-parameters Situation; ancillarity- location, scale, and
location-scale families, its role in the recovery of information; completeness- com-
plete sufficient statistics, Basu’s theorem.
Likelihood based inference in exponential families: formulation; estimation- one pa-
rameter case and multi-parameter case; approximate normality of MLEs- estimating
variance of MLEs; Wald tests and confidence interval; likelihood ratio test and con-
fidence interval; inference about g(θ)- the delta method and applied to MLEs.
Criteria to compare estimators- unbiasedness, variance and mean squared error;
best unbiased and linear unbiased estimators; improved unbiased estimator via suf-
ficiency; the Rao-Blackwell theorem; uniformly minimum variance unbiased esti-
mator(UMVUE); the Cramer-Rao inequality and UMVUE; the Lehmann-Scheffe
theorems and UMVUE; a generalization of the Cramer-Rao inequality; evaluation
of conditional expectations; unbiased estimation under incompleteness; does the
Rao-Blackwell theorem lead to UMVUE? consistent estimators; comparison of esti-
mators using decision theoretic approach - loss function and risk function; methods
of evaluating interval estimators: size and coverage probability.
Text Books
1. Mukhopadhyay N (2000). Probability and statistical inference.
2. Rice J (2007). Mathematical statistics and data analysis.
3. Hogg RV, McKean J and Craig AT (2010). Introduction to Mathematical
Inferences about a mean vector: the plausibility of mean vector as a value for a
normal population mean; Hotelling T 2 and likelihood ratio tests; confidence regions
and simultaneous comparisons of component means; large sample inference about a
population mean vector; inferences about mean vectors when some observations are
missing; time dependence in multivariate data.
Comparisons of several multivariate means: paired comparisons and a repeated
measures design; comparing mean vectors from two populations; comparison of sev-
eral multivariate population means (one-way MANOVA); simultaneous confidence
intervals for treatment effects; two-way multivariate analysis of variance; profiles
analysis; repeated measures designs and growth curves;
Multivariate linear regression models: the classical linear regression model; least
squares estimation; inferences about regression model; inferences from the estimated
regression function; model checking; multivariate multiple regression; comparing two
formulations of the regression model; multiple regression model with time dependent
Text Books
1. Johnson RA and Wichern DW (1999). Applied multivariate statistical anal-
ysis, fourth edition. Prentice-Hall.
2. Srivastava MS (2002). Methods of multivariate statistics. Wiley.
Industrial Statistics
Fundamental concepts of industrial statistics and its purposes; industrial quality
control: total quality control; statistical quality control; chance and assignable
causes of variation; statistical process control.
Control chart: concept of control chart; statistical basis of the control chart; basic
principles; choice of control limits; sample size and sampling frequency; rational
subgroups; analysis of patterns on control charts; sensitizing rules for control charts;
necessary steps for constructing control charts; types of control charts (control charts
with standard given and control charts with no standard given); control charts for
attributes: concepts of nonconformity; nonconforming unit; defect; defective unit;
p-chart; d-chart; c-chart; u-chart; basic concepts of control charts for variables;
statistical basis and interpretation of, R and S charts.
Cumulative sum and exponentially weighted moving average control charts: the
cumulative sum control chart; basic principles; the tabular or algorithmic cusum for
monitoring the process mean; recommendations for cusum design; the standardized
cusum; the exponentially weighted moving average control chart for monitoring the
process mean; design of an EWMA control chart; robustness of the EWMA to
non-normality; the moving average control chart.
Acceptance sampling: basic concepts of acceptance sampling; OC curve and its uses;
types of OC curves; properties of OC curves. Single sampling plan: basic concepts
of single sampling plan for attributes; construction of type A and type B OC curves
under single sampling plan for attributes; specific points on the OC curve (AQL,
LTPD); rectifying inspection; AOQ; AOQL; ATI; ASN; designing a single sampling
plan; double sampling plan: basic concepts of double sampling plan; OC curve; ASN:
AOQ; ATI; designing a double sampling plan; introduction to multiple sampling
plan and sequential sampling analysis; acceptance sampling plan by variables: basic
concepts of acceptance sampling plan; types of sampling plans; designing a variable
sampling plan with a specified OC curve.
Operations Research
Nature and impact of OR approach; phases of OR; concept of linear programming
problem (LPP); construction of LPP; solution of LPP: graphical and the simplex
method; revised simplex method; big-M method, two phase method; concept of con-
vergence, degeneracy and cycling; duality: dual primal relationship and formulation
of dual problems; sensitivity analysis: introduction to sensitivity analysis; game
theory: finite and infinite games; zero sum games; two person zero sum games;
pay off matrix; maximum and minimum criterion of optimal solution of a game;
dominance property; algebraic method for the solution of a game; equivalence of
rectangular game matrix and linear programming; application in real life situation
using MATLAB/Octave software.
Text Books
1. Montgomery DC (2004). Introduction to statistical quality control. Wiley.
2. Hillier FS, Lieberman GJ, Nag B and Basu P (2001). Introduction to oper-
ations research, ninth edition. McGraw-Hill.
The real number system; axioms and completeness and its consequences; Dedekind
cut, sets, compact sets; simple operation on them.
Sequence of functions of one and several variables; limit; continuity; continuous
functions; uniform continuity; differentiation and integration; infinite series of con-
stants and functions; convergence and divergence; power series: differentiation and
integration of power series; Taylor expansion with remainder or in infinite series.
Metric and topological spaces; limit points; open and closed sets; interior and exte-
rior points; boundary points; continuous mapping and Cauchy sequences.
Measure and integrals on abstract sets on real lines; Cramer measurability: funda-
mental definitions; auxiliary lemma; fundamental theorems; measurable functions;
Lebesgue measure on a real line, plane; integrals; Riemann-Steiljes integrals.
Text Books
1. Rudin W (1976). Principles of mathematical analysis. McGraw-Hill.
AST 330: Statistical Computing VI:
Credit 2
Introduction to SPSS; data entry, reading SPSS and other data sets, import; defining
the variable with labels and value labels; working with date and time variable; data
matching in both add cases and add variables; basic Data management: transforma-
tion of data using different (numeric, arithmetic, statistical, and logical) expressions,
operations, and functions; different commands in SPSS: get, save, save outfile, split
files, sort cases, compute, recode, if, select if, do if, end if, list, aggregate, sample
selection, report; graphical presentation: simple bar graphs, line graphs, graphs for
cumulating frequency and pie graphs; exploratory analysis: frequencies, descriptive
statistics, multiple response, bivariate analysis - crosstabs.
Introduction to Stata: different windows and files, help file and searching for infor-
mation; data entry, reading both stata and and other format of data file, combining
Stata files; exploring data: example commands-browse, edit, list, sort, describe, as-
sert, codebook; data management: creating a new data set specifying subsets of data
with in and if qualifiers, generating and replacing variables, using functions based
on egen command, converting numeric and string formats, creating new categorical
and ordinal variables, reshaping or collapsing data, weighting observations, creat-
ing random data and random samples; graphs: example commands- histograms,
scatterplots, line plots, connected-line plots, two-way plots, box plots, combining
graphs; exploratory data analysis: summary statistics and tables: example com-
mands: summarize, tabstat, table; frequency tables and two-way cross tabulations,
multiple tables and multi-way cross tabulations, tables of means, medians and other
summary statistics.
Introduction to SAS: overview of the SAS data step, syntax of SAS procedures,
comment statements; reading different format of data set, infile options, creating
and reading a permanent data sets, defining the variable: variable type, variable
name, variable formats, variable labels, value labels, writing with large data sets,
data set subsetting, concatenating, merging and updating; working with arrays;
restructuring SAS data sets using arrays, describing data: describing data, more
descriptive statistics, frequency distributions, bar graph and plotting data, creating
summary data sets with proc means and proc univariate, outputting statistics other
than means; analyzing categorical data: questionnaire design and analysis, adding
variable and value labels, recoding data, two-way and multiple tables.
Text Books
1. Cody RP and Smith JK (2005). Applied statistics and the SAS programming
language, 5th edition. Prentice Hall.
2. Norusis MJ (1988). SPSS/PC for the IBM PC/XT/AT.
3. Hamilton LC (2006). Statistics with Stata, Thomson Brooks/Cole.
Inference, multivariate test and regression, LPP, life table, population pyramid.
Detailed Syllabus – Fourth Year
Modern probability: events as sets, field, sigma field, probability measure, Borel
field and extension of probability measure, measure theoretic approach of random
variables; probability space;
Convergence of random variables: modes of convergence: almost sure, rth mean,
in probability, in distribution, their interrelationship; law of large numbers, strong
and weak laws of large numbers, limiting distribution; central limit theorem; law of
iterated logarithm; martingale.
Markov chains: introduction, Chapman-Kolmogorov equations, classification of states,
limiting probabilities, gamblers ruin problem, mean time spent in transient states,
branching processes, time reversible Markov chains, Markov chain Monte Carlo
methods, Markov decision processes, hidden Markov chains.
Poisson process: exponential distribution, properties, convolutions of exponential
random variables; counting processes, Poisson process, interarrival and waiting time
distributions, further properties of Poisson processes, generalizations of the Poisson
process, nonhomogeneous Poisson process, compound Poisson process, conditional
or mixed Poisson processes.
Continuous-time Markov chains: introduction, continuous-time Markov chains, birth
and death processes, transition probability function, limiting probabilities, time re-
Introduction to Queueing theory: Classical M/M/1 queue, global and local bal-
ance, performance measures, Poisson arrivals see time averages (PASTA) property,
M/M/1/S queueing systems, blocking probability, performance measures, multi-
server systems M/M/m, performance measures, waiting time distribution of M/M/m,
performance measures of M/M/m/m with finite customer population, Erlang loss
Renewal theory and its applications : introduction, distribution of renewals, limit
theorems and their applications, renewal reward processes, regenerative processes,
semi–Markov processes, Markov renewal processes.
Text Books
1. Grimmett G and Stirzaker D (2001). Probability and random processes,
third edition. Oxford.
2. Ross S (2010). Introduction to probability models, tenth edition. Elsevier.
Text Books
1. Casella G and Berger RL (2003). Statistical inference, second edition.
2. Millar RB (2011). Maximum likelihood estimation and inference: with ex-
amples in R, SAS and ADMB. Wiley.
3. Hogg RV, McKean J and Craig AT (2010). Introduction to Mathematical
Statistics, seventh edition. Pearson.
AST 403: Multivariate Statistics II Credit 4
Text Books
1. Johnson RA and Wichern DW (1999). Applied multivariate statistical anal-
ysis, fourth edition. Prentice-Hall.
2. Srivastava MS (2002). Methods of multivariate statistics. Wiley.
system methods of estimation: Three-Stage Least Squares (3SLS). full-information
maximum likelihood, GMM estimation, recursive systems and exactly identified
equations; comparison of methods-Kleins Model I; specification tests; properties of
dynamic models: dynamic models and their multipliers.
Models with lagged variables: lagged effects in a dynamic model, lag and difference
operators; simple distributed lag models: finite distributed lag models, infinite lag
model: geometric lag model; Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) models: esti-
mation of the ARDL model, computation of the lag weights in the ARDL model,
stability of a dynamic equation, forecasting; Vector Autoregressions (VAR): model
forms, estimation, testing procedures, exogeneity, testing for Granger causality, im-
pulse response functions, structural VARs, application: policy analysis with a VAR.
Limited dependent variable: truncated distributions, moments of truncated distri-
butions, truncated regression model; censored data: censored normal distribution,
censored regression (Tobit) model, estimation, issues in specification; censoring and
truncation in models for counts, application: censoring in the Tobit and Poisson
regression models.
Text Books
1. Greene WH (2011). Econometric analysis, seventh edition. Prentice Hall.
2. Gujarati DN (2010). Basic econometrics, fifth edition. McGraw-Hill.
3. Wooldridge JM (2010). Introductory econometrics: A Modern Approach,
fifth edition. Cengage Learning.
Inference procedure for log-location-scale distributions: inference for location-scale
distributions; Weibull and extreme-value distributions; log-normal and log-logistic
distributions; comparison of distributions; models with additional shape parameters;
planning experiment for life tests.
Parametric regression models: introduction to log-location-scale regression models,
proportional hazards regression models; graphical methods and model assessment;
inference for log-location-scale models; extensions of log-location-scale models; haz-
ard based models.
Brief introduction to Cox’s proportional hazards model. Partial likelihood function,
estimation and interpretation of model parameters.
Text Books
1. Lawless J (2003). Statistical models and methods for lifetime data, second
edition. Wiley.
2. Kalbfleisch J and Prentice R (2003). The statistical analysis of failure time
data, second edition. Wiley.
Research Methodology
Concept, aims and objectives of research; types of research; steps involved in re-
search: qualitative and quantitative; selection and formulation of research problems;
proposal writing; examining the designs of some known researches. Questionnaire,
check lists, FGD guidelines etc; preparation of questionnaires; preparation of manu-
als for interviewer; enumerators training, monitoring and supervision for controlling
the quality of data; how to avoid non-response. Report writing; content and orga-
nizations of the report; heading and subheadings; techniques of writing conclusion,
summary, recommendations, footnotes references, appendix, etc; examining some
local and international reports.
Concept of monitoring and evaluation (M & E): objectives, usefulness and scope
of M & E; views of different schools on M & E; performance monitoring versus
performance evaluation. Baseline, ongoing and end line evaluation; impact evalua-
tion; M & E of ongoing programs (activities, inputs, outputs, effect); follow-up for
remedies, and post-programs evaluation. Monitoring and evaluation plan and data
sources: Indicators for monitoring and evaluation; identification of indicators and
characteristics of ideal indicators; factors influencing indicator selection;
Social Statistics
National income: concepts and methods of measurement; social accounting matrix;
theoretical distribution of income and wealth: Pareto and Lognormal distribution
of income ; Concept, meaning, measurement of positive and normative measures of
inequality; Lorenz curve; Gini coefficient; Atkinson’s index, Theil’s index, Herfind-
ahl index, Human development index etc; desirable properties of a measures of
Poverty: Concept, definition, and issues of poverty; approach for drawing poverty
line income; measurement of different poverty indices; Foster, Greer and Thorlock’s
general class of poverty measure.
Introduction to psychometrics: measurement in psychology and education; intelli-
gent and achievement tests; test scores; equivalence of scores; Z-score and T-score;
intelligent quotient.
Definition, nature and importance of anthropology; role and functions of family.
Social inequality: inequality by sex, age, rank, caste, race, class, power, rule and
social connections.
Text Books
1. Blankenberg F (1993). Introduction into the planning, monitoring and eval-
uation system, April, Dhaka.
2. Bhola S (1990). Evaluating literacy for development, projects, programs and
campaigns. UIE and DSE, UIE Handbook and Reference Book 3, Hamburg.
AST 407: Analysis of Time Series Credit 3
Introduction and examples of time series; simple descriptive techniques: time series
plots, trend, seasonal effects, sample autocorrelation, the correlogram, filtering.
Probability models: stochastic processes, stationarity, second-order stationarity,
white noise model, random walks, moving average (MA) processes, autoregressive
(AR) processes, ARMA processes, seasonal ARMA processes, the general linear
process; properties, estimation and model building, diagnostic checking.
Forecasting: naive procedures, exponential smoothing, Holt-Winters, Box- Jenkins
forecasting, linear prediction, forecasting from probability models.
Non-stationary time series: non-stationarity in variance - logarithmic and power
transformations; non-stationarity in mean; deterministic trends; integrated time
series; ARIMA and seasonal ARIMA models; modelling seasonality and trend with
ARIMA models.
Stationary processes in the frequency domain: the spectral density function, the
periodogram, spectral analysis.
Concept of State-space models: dynamic linear models and the Kalman filter.
Text Books
1. Brockwell PJ and Davis RA (2002). Introduction to time Series and fore-
2. Chatfield C (2003). The analysis of time series, sixth edition. Chapman &
3. Shumway RH and Stoffer DS (2011). Time series analysis and its applica-
tions with R examples. Springer.
and log-likelihood ratio statistic, other criteria for goodness of fit, least square meth-
ods; multinomial distributions; nominal logistic regression models; ordinal logistic
regression models.
Models for count data, Poisson regression and log-linear models: probability distri-
butions, maximum likelihood estimation, hypothesis testing and goodness of fit.
Text Books
1. Dobson A (2008). An introduction to generalized linear models, third edition.
Chapman & Hall. .
Each student will be required to prepare a project report and present the report
in a seminar. For the project work, each student will be assigned to a teacher
at the beginning of the academic year. Submission and evaluation should be
made before the commencement of final examination. Fifty percent weight of
the course will be allotted to project work, ten percent for supervisor and the
remaining forty percent will be for seminar presentation. The internal members
of the examination committee will evaluate the performance in the seminars
and the report will be evaluated by two internal examiners nominated by the
examination committee. A supervisor cannot evaluate the project report s/he
has supervised.