Assignement-2: Summary
Assignement-2: Summary
Assignement-2: Summary
The process of communication from source should be clearer and clarity to identify by
the decoder means the receiver. The schematic noise of the encoder must be a proper channel to
get the right output or required output from the decoder. The Berlo 1960 model says the process
of communication should have the proper channel to carry the message from the source to the
encoder. Here in the cases the common point is the schematic noise the process and the way of
communicating with the schematic receiver.
The process of making the Rhetorical situation for the process making the decision for
product or any services should have the proper communication to get the effective output. The
process of identifying the writer, subject and audience having priority to understand how it will
takes place with an effective outcome for the given challenge.
From the first case Joanne supervised 36 professionals in the 6 city library for cutting the
cost of unnecessary overtime in the library but the process of the communicating the Exigency
and purpose was completely different from the thing which she want to convey the message to
the other professors.
Second case talks about the field of office automation, Sagatec Software, Inc. had built a
reputation for designing high-quality and user-friendly database and accounting programs for business
and industry. The context written by the design engineer not understand the manual written by him and
the change will takes 1 year to complete by that time it losses its demand and name
Third case with a schematic noise of their own employee on research of the petrol chemical
product not accepted by the official and after they understanding the requirement of the market they
started research they identifies the researcher made the exact thing what the requirement for the
process they looking for nature friendly .
List of facts identified:
The process of conveying the context in Schematics are completely change from every
sequel and final output was completely different from the customer imagined thing
The subject of the proses is completely changed to different concepts
There will be misuse of resources due to that project with huge loss time, money and
name of the company
The process of Genre is different in understand by the audience
Joanne was writer to 36 professional librarians was not able to convey her message in
specific way which is understand by the audience
The process of convening the message was not certain and did not even call for that thing
The process of making manual by automation was forgotten the levels of the user of the
software and not understand by the user
The process which makes the communication error which is not understand by the users
The schematic noise the petrol chemical could not see the purpose of the truth lies
The making communication error with a employee and loss of its loyal person
There was loss of valuable time and efforts in the work on that project
There was reduction in the productivity
Due to the inefficiency there will great loss of business in the market
The personnel recognition of the company has been lost as well on the employees also
Joanne was subject to convey the cutting the cost of time but the written text is
completely changes
Here due to that she is communication error she lost of personnel recognition
The process of Exigence could not understand by the professionals
The automotive design of Sagatec Software has made the manual was not understand by the
By this they lost demand in the market although having good product developed in the hands
There was huge loss of time, work, demand due to the writer purpose and context will made
the user completely not understanding it
The petro chemical company has buried the result of promising chemist
The process of communication with their employee was failed
They could not understand about the value of research made by him
1. Define the rhetorical situation: Who is communicating to whom about what, how, and why?
What was the goal of the communication in each case?
A. It is a situation that consist of a issue, an audience, and a set of constraints three views of
Rhetorical discourse is called existence by situation. He defined the rhetorical situation as, "A
complex of persons, events, objects, and relations presenting an actual or potential exigence
which can be completely or partially removed if discourse, introduced into the situation.
The first case the process of the writer send the subject to the professional 36 persons of the city
library persons to cut off the cost of overtime and forgot the Exigence mean writer is writing
about the subject and identifying the audience and for what the purpose she is writing for could
not understand by the others who getting the message and the genre to the audience was not in a
proper way.
The second case is all about the effective communication with the customer for making the user
manual to the user by the designer engineer the writer must have a clear in their thoughts but a
perceiver are not up to the mark to understand the message which he want to convey to the
audience he could not clearly communicate the purpose of specific numeric and how It responds
to the given instruction this make a huge loss of work, time, money and fame of the company
The third case a petro chemical company who does not listen to their own employee who made a
best research to plan for the natural efficiency the subject could not reached the higher due to the
schematic understanding of their own employees. Finally understanding the need but there is loss
of their best employee
2. Identify the communication error (poor task or audience analysis? Use of inappropriate
language or style? Poor organization or formatting of information? Other?
A. Communication errors can result from poor line conditions such as static or noise, call waiting
on the recipient line, lack of available memory on the remote machine, power interruption on
either end of the transmission.
In the case of Joanne supervised 36 professionals in 6 city libraries which makes the communication
error in writing to the audience with a purpose but they could not be fulfilled the writing content in
proper way the exigency of the subject.
When in the second case the communication error exists internally by the employee had written the
manual which is difficult in understanding the functioning of the system where the context which is not
clear to understand by the user and the subject is not clearly mentioned by the designer
In the third petrol chemical industry it is happen internal communication error that they can’t trust their
own employees work and research on the things which want to make more affordable to company and
save the time by predicting the future but due to lack support it is not accepted, Finally they recognized
the need and understand the research which he made earlier.
3. Explain what costs/losses were incurred by this problem
A. There was huge loss of investment on the project which they made and the time which they spent on
work by affording on it to develop a model to be made. The company recognition also failed in
expectation the process of communication from the source customer to the middle men efforts and
time spend on the project outcomes
The Sagatec Software due to in appropriate written subject which is not understand by the users
although they are having good design and product they lost the recognition. Again it is revalidated and
produced which takes a year in which they loss on time, work, investment and recognition.
The petrochemical company could not understand the employee research and not supported they lost
the valuable research as well the employee who done a great research.
4. Identify possible solutions or strategies that would have prevented the problem, and what benefits
would be derived from implementing solutions or preventing the problem
A. The process of communication should be in proper way with which the perceiver can understand the
message which he want to convey to the receiver so that the process of which he can get the expected
outputs with profits and effective use of time, work and company recognition the rhetorical for
understanding the issues of message, context, subject and the audience. The mutual understanding
between the employee and head should be more effective which increases the productivity.
Understanding the needs of the audience and acting which make clearer in doing the things. The more
conversation of the needs and requirement which he want to be shown as blueprint which makes more
effectiveness in the outcomes of the project as it will increase the recognition of the company