Curriculum Vitae: DR Kamran Khan

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CurriCulum Vitae

Dr Kamran Khan
Dept. of Applied Mathematics,
Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh-202002, U.P.,
Mobile:- +919760229648

 Academic Qualifications

S.N. Course/ Board/University College/School Division Percentage

Year of /Marks in
passing Mathematics
1. High school U. P. Board S.G.G.S Inter College First 68.5/72
2. Intermediate U. P. Board Government Inter First 73.2/85
College, Bareilly
3. B. Sc. M. J. P. Rohilkhand Bareilly College, First 70/71.24
University, Bareilly Bareilly
4. M. Sc. Aligarh Muslim A.M.U., Aligarh First 65.17/65.17
University, Aligarh
5. M. Phil./2011 Aligarh Muslim A.M.U., Aligarh Awarded 72.8/72.8
University, Aligarh
6. Ph. D./2014 Aligarh Muslim A.M.U., Aligarh Awarded
University, Aligarh
7. NET(JRF) CSIR, New Delhi Qualified Rank 65
8. GATE/2009 IIT Qualified Rank 417

9. GATE/2010 IIT Qualified Rank 305

 Topic of M. Phil. : Geometry of warped product submanifolds of Kaehlerian manifolds.

 Topic of Ph.D. : Geometry of warped product submanifolds of Kaehler and nearly Kaehler

 Research Experience
 Semi-slant submanifolds of a nearly Kaehler manifold, Jour. Tensor Society, Vol. 6, No. 2,
(2012) p. 177-192. (Jointly with Prof. V. A. Khan)
 Semi-slant warped product submanifolds of a nearly Kaehler manifold, Differential
Geometry Dynamical systems, Vol. 16, (2014) p. 168-182. (Jointly with Prof. V. A. Khan)
 Hemi-slant submanifolds as warped products in a nearly Kaehler manifold,
Mathematica Slovaca, Vol. 67(2), (2017), p. 1-14. (Jointly with Prof. V. A. Khan)
 Reviewed three research articles for Mathematical reviews (Reviewer no. 106225)

 Research Fellowships and Awards

 Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) awarded by CSIR, India from 1-1-2013 till Ph.D.
 Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) awarded by CSIR, India from 1-1-2011 to 31-12-2012.
 Best paper award in International Conference on Differential Geometry and Relativity,
AMU, Aligarh, Nov 2012.
 “Young Geometer Award” in 4th Annual Conference of The Tensor Society, Lucknow, Oct
 Selected among 40 delegates by National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), India
to attend International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-2014) in Seoul, South Korea.
 Selected among 200 young researchers to attend 3rd Heidelberg Laureate Forum during
Aug 23-28, 2015 in Heidelberg, Germany.

 Teaching Experience
 Currently working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Applied Mathematics,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
 Worked as an Assistant Professor in Shri Ram Murti Smarak Women’s College of
Engineering and Technology, Bareilly, UP, India during 2015-16 (even semester).
 Worked as an Assistant Professor (on contract) in Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering
and Technology, Deemed University, Sangrur, Punjab, India during 2015-16 (odd Semester).
 Worked as a “Guest Faculty in Business Mathematics” in the Department of Commerce,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh for the academic session 2013-14.
 Worked as “Assistant Professor in Business Mathematics” in the Department of
Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in 2013-14 for one month only.

 Courses taught
 Engineering Mathematics
 Linear Algebra
 Calculus
 Co-ordinate Geometry
 Business Mathematics

 Administrative Experience
 Working as Assistant Superintendent of Examinations for ‘Zakir Husain College of Engg.
and Tech.’ Centre, AMU, Aligarh.
 Worked as a resident warden in APJ Abdul Kalam House (Boys Hostel-10) in Sant Longowal
Institute of Engineering and Technology (SLIET), Deemed University, Sangrur, Punjab, India.

 Software Skills

 M. S. Office
 LaTeX/ WinEdt
 Matlab
 Academic Activities
 Life member of The Tensor Society, Lucknow, India.
 Sessional member of The Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata, India.

 Attended a summer school “Between Geometry and Relativity” during July 17-21, 2017 at
Erwin Schrodinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics, University of
Vienna, Austria.

 Attended QIP short term course on ‘Algebra, Analysis and its Applications’ in Indian
Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi during July 3-9, 2017.

 Presented a paper entitled ‘Hemi-slant submanifolds as warped products in a nearly Kaehler

manifold’ in Conference on Differential Geometry and its applications, held at ‘DDU
Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur” Jan 27-28, 2017.

 Attended 3rd Heidelberg Laureate Forum during Aug 23-28, 2015 in Heidelberg,
 Presented a paper entitled ‘Hemi-slant submanifolds as warped products in a nearly Kaehler
manifold’ in International Conference on Emerging Areas of Mathematics for Science &
Technology, held at Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, Jan 30-Feb 1, 2015.

 Presented a paper entitled ‘Hemi-slant submanifolds as warped products in a nearly

Kaehler manifold’ in National Conference on Differential Geometry and its
applications, held at University of Allahabad, Allahabad, Dec 27-28, 2014.

 Presented a paper entitled ‘Study of hemi-slant submanifolds as warped products in a nearly

Kaehler manifold’ in International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM-2014), held at
Seoul, South Korea, Aug 13-21, 2014.

 Presented a paper entitled ‘A note on hemi-slant warped product submanifolds of a Kaehler

manifold’ in ‘Recent Trends in Algebra and Analysis with Applications, held at Aligarh
Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P, Feb 12-14, 2014.

 Presented a paper entitled ‘Semi-slant warped product submanifolds of a nearly Kaehler

manifold’ in International Conference on Differential Geometry and Relativity, held at
DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, U.P, Nov 09-11, 2013.

 Attended ‘National Workshop on Latex’, held at Chitkara University, Patiala, Punjab, Jul
8-10, 2013

 Participated in a conference ‘International Conference in Mathematical Sciences’, held at

Government Degree College Haripur, Manali, H.P. Mar 8-9, 2013.

 Presented a paper entitled ‘Semi-slant submanifolds of a nearly Kaehler manifold’ in

International Conference on Differential Geometry and Relativity, held at Aligarh
Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P. Nov 20-22, 2012.

 Attended a workshop on ‘Computational Techniques of Geometry in Relativity and

Allied Topics’ held at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U.P. Nov 16-20, 2012

 Presented a paper entitled ‘Semi-slant submanifolds of a nearly Kaehler manifold’ in

International Conference on Differential Geometry , Functional Analysis and its
Applications, held at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, Sept 8-9, 2012.
 Presented a paper entitled ‘Semi-slant warped product submanifolds of a generalized
complex space form’ in International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematics,
Statistics and Applications, held at Kolkata, W.B. Dec 9-11, 2011.

 Presented a paper entitled ‘Semi-slant warped product submanifolds of a generalized

complex space form’ in Annual conference of “The Tensor Society” held at SRMGPC,
Lucknow, U.P. Oct 8-9, 2011.

 References

 Prof Khalid Ali Khan, School of Engineering and Logistics, Faculty of Technology,
Charles Darwin University, Australia. (E-mail:
 Prof R. K. Nagaich, Department of Mathematics, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab,
India. (E-mail:
 Prof Viqar Azam Khan, Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University,
Aligarh, 202002, UP, India. (E-mail: )

 Personal Details

 Father’s Name : Mr. Iqrar Husain Khan

 Date of Birth : 10th August 1983
 Sex : Male
 Marital Status : Single
 Nationality : Indian
 Passport No. : H0930663
 Languages Known : English, Hindi & Urdu
 Permanent Address : 242, Lodhi Tola, Old City, Bareilly-243001, U.P., India

 Declaration
I hereby declare that the information and facts stated above are true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief.

Place: Aligarh
Date: 17/11/2017 KAMRAN KHAN

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