Important - Read This First
Important - Read This First
Important - Read This First
answer your assessment questions in this sheet below and upload the assessment
once it has been completed.
Declaration: I certify that this assignment is entirely my own work. I have provided full
referencing to the work of others. The material in this paper has not been submitted
PLAGIARISM: You must compose your answers in your own words. Simply pasting
text from the Internet OR the APC workbook may result in a failing grade. It is better
to write your own thoughts in your own words – even if your English is not perfect –
rather than copy word-for-word the thoughts of someone else.
SUBMITTING IDENTICAL ANSWERS: You may discuss your assessments with other
students, but submitting identical answers to other students may result in a failing
grade. Your answers must be yours alone.
TUTORIALS: Tutorials are run every week to help you answer the assessments. The
schedule for tutorials will be announced during the first week of term. You are urged
to attend the tutorial that pertains to your online subject.
Assessment 1
Part A – Written or Oral Questions
1. List ALL the steps (including the formulas) about the calculation of net tax
payable for an individual taxpayer. (5 marks)
Net tax payable= (taxable income * applicable tax rate) – tax offsets
Resident individuals
EXHIBIT 1-6: Tax rates for resident individual taxpayers 2014-15 and 2015-16
Source: ATO website <>
The above rates do not include the:
Medicare levy of 2%; and
Temporary Budget Repair Levy which is payable at a rate of 2% for taxable incomes over
2. You have prepared the tax return for one of your clients Peter. He, single, is
an Australian resident for tax purposes. His taxable income is $92,000. There
are not any reportable fringe benefits, total net investment losses, reportable?
super contributions and exempt foreign employment income applicable to
his case. You sent a copy of documentation to Peter for his approval, and in
turn, he sent you an email to ask why he would need to pay $920 as Medicare
levy surcharge apart from the Medicare levy of $1,840. In his email, he also
asked you to advise the options he can adopt to exempt from Medicare levy or
Medicare levy surcharge. What will you reply to Peter? (5 marks)
Income $ 92000
Medicare need to pay $920
Medicare levy $ 1840
In this case peter will need to pay Medicare levy but if he wants to get exempt from
Medicare surcharge he will need to get private health insure. To get exempt he will
need to get the private hospital cover provide for health insure for more than 500
3. List 14 principles about Code of Professional Conduct that will apply to all
registered tax agents and BAS agents. (7 marks)
Section 262A TAA 1936 requires those carrying on a business to keep records
that record and explain all transactions that may be relevant for the purposes
of the taxation act.
Must have to be in English and have to be kept in writing or computer output.
Usually this records have to be keep for five years after the records were
Penalties will apply for failure to keeping the records.
5. What are the features in taxation for the following types of entities?
a. Sole trader; is owned and controlled by an individual and has unlimited liability
for the debts of the business. As a sole trader it’s the simple structure where
the operator work under his own register name.
Do not need separate TFN
Business income include as a personal income
Apply for ABN to use it for business dealings
Apply for GST if turnover of 75000 dollars
There are some disadvantages and it includes the high taxes that the person will need
to pay if the taxable income exceeds certain level. Also as a sole trader you wont be
allow to claim deductions for money drawn from the business.
A partnership is not a separate taxable entity and is not assessed on its taxable
income and a partnership does not pay income tax on the profit it earns.
Have its own TFN
Apply for GST if turnover of 75000 dollars
The partnership net income is split between partners
Cannot claim deductions for money drawn from the business.
c. Trust; it’s a relationship between the trustee and beneficiary where the trustee
holds property or assets for the benefit of the beneficiary.
Its not a separate legal entity
Must have its own TFN
Apply for GST if turnover of 75000 dollars
Any losses are trapped within the trust and cannot be distribute to
e. Superannuation fund.
Rules governing fund
Singe investment option or stage investment strategies
Basic levels of insurance cover
6. How will you identify and collect client data relevant to tax documentation
requirements? Discuss how the Privacy laws may impact how you manage
documentation and record. (10 marks)
data collection instruments its very important and essential to get the information
relevant about the client related to the taxes that’s why is very important to stablish a
good relationship the the costumers and demonstrate good interpersonal skills. God
communications between both parts is essential to guarantee a good process with the
A check list of questions and issues that the adviser needs to required from the client
and in this way obtain all necessary information about circumstances of the client.
After this determine any deductions or tax offsets available for the client.
Privacy law refers to the core of all tax advice is data gathering and this process must
be competed as professionally and confidentiality as possible to guarantee to the client
that his information is save, also its important that the client know that all the
information collected to show to the ATO have to be recorded for five years and from
the tax agent he will need to return original documents related to the provision to the
7. You are preparing the company tax return for one of your clients, ABC Pty
Ltd. This company is exporting the woods from Australia to overseas. Paul,
the director of the company provided you all the necessary documents
including the bank statements and tax invoices based on your checklist.
When you sort out the documents, you find Paul gave you an invoice showing
that the company spent $6,000 for a piano. You were told by Paul that this
piano is placed at his home and his daughter will play the piano when
he invites his customers and suppliers to his home for Party in order to
maintain the business relationship with them. Provide the advice to Paul if
the company can claim deduction for this piano purchase.
(5 marks)
NO. the company cannot claim deduction for this piano because it is for private use
and its not use it for business purposes, also he cannot claim it because he got the
money from the business. It means the money that the money produces its from the
8. What are the differences between ordinary income, statutory income, exempt
income and non-assessable, non-exempt income? (5 marks)
9. Mary, one of your clients, is an Australian resident for tax purposes. She
comes to see you and ask you to prepare her 2015 tax return. In the first
meeting, she told you that she sold 1,000 units of ABC shares at $2.00 during
the year. She purchased these shares at $0.50 on 3 August 2012. What is the
tax implication of this event? How much income in this case will be taxed?
(5 marks)
1000 x 2 = 2000
1000 x 0.50 = 500
10. You are the registered tax agent, and received an email from Daniel, one of
your clients. He is currently operating a small business of coffee shop with
his wife (50:50 ownership) in the form of partnership. He asked you in the
email that how much tax he will pay for the partnership if the business profit
is expected to be $90,000, and which tax documentation will be required to
prepare and submit to the ATO. How will you reply to his email?
I will respond to his email explain that he the owner of 50 % it means his profit it’s the
half of the money (45000) and it is the income tax.
Resident individuals
EXHIBIT 1-6: Tax rates for resident individual taxpayers 2014-15 and 2015-16
Source: ATO website <>
The above rates do not include the:
Medicare levy of 2%; and
Temporary Budget Repair Levy which is payable at a rate of 2% for taxable incomes over
each partner must declare their individual tax return, whether or not they have
actually received the income.
Because we don’t have more information at the moment we cannot calculate exactly
the tax. We will need first the accessible income.
(5 marks)
Assessment 1
Part B – Case Study
Tax Documentation Preparation Requirements
You are the registered tax agent. Gary is your new customer, and comes to see
you for his 2015 tax return preparation. In the first meeting, he provided you the
following information:
1. He normally needs to drive his own car to the workplace, can he claim the
travel from his home to the workplace?
NO, because from the ATO only he can claim when he uses his car for work and in this
case when he uses it to visit the customers from his workplace to the customer’s
2. He needed to wash, dry and iron his uniform with company logo at home, but
he does not have any written evidence to support his claim, can he still claim
the laundry expenses in his tax return?
Yes, he can, but, he might need to record a diary or may have some evidence to show
how often he wash and iron his uniform.
3. What kind of the expenses can be claimed for investment property if it is used
for income-generating purpose?
4. He asked you to send him a checklist that includes all the information and
documents he is needed to provide for his tax return preparation.
Generally, its very important to keep all the documents used it for taxation
after lodge it for the first time for 5 years
Sir Gary
I as your agent advice for your tax claim and after I review all the documents provide
for you I would like to, first, thank you for trust on us and we promise you to be very
clear and professional showing you all the movements and explaining each step with
take for your claim, also we guarantee absolute confidence with all your personal
documents and we will keep them for law for 5 years and just a copy of them any
original document provide for you, will be return it.
From the information collected from you we can advice you that we can generated
deductions from work related where you have been use it own money or transport to
help the business or go from work to others but everything related to work, including
laundry and personal car as you case.
Also you can get deductions from rent property and expenses generated for it.
Also we would like you to see and review all the documents of the checklist to see if
may you want to add something else that help us to do your tax declaration more
consistent and help you out for claim more deductions on base of the law.
Thank you very much for your time and we are here for help you if you have any more
questions, please contact us and we will give the best advice
Have a good afternoon