Usefulness of Planning in Globalizing Cities: Aspirations and Achievements
Usefulness of Planning in Globalizing Cities: Aspirations and Achievements
Usefulness of Planning in Globalizing Cities: Aspirations and Achievements
Bikramjit S. Sekhon
Urban policy in India is focused on the promotion of global agenda leading to conflicts and
crises. Globalization has focused broadly on those cities which have large economic bases.
Global liberalization policies insist on downsizing the role of governments, deregulation, and
privatization. Planning is vital, as it is considered to assist the processes of globalization and
liberalization and have made Indian cities more receptive to foreign investments. Despite the
directives contained in the 74th constitutional amendment to strengthen planning through
urban local bodies and pursue planning decentralized wider community consultations,
planning decisions are kept with the states’ high power committees under the direct control
of governments. Town and country planning thus is being used as a tool to manage land and
resources in urban areas in the interests of the industry.
Globalization and urbanisation has robust relationship, and it has been revealed
from the past experience of developed countries of Latin and North America,
Europe and developed Asian countries. It has been observed that very few
countries have reached the income levels of $10,000 per capita before reaching
about 60 percent of urbanisation (World Bank, 2006). Urbanization is considered
essential to bring structural changes in the economy. The share of agriculture
in the world GDP has been reduced from 6.5 percent in 1980 to 3.9 percent in
2000 while service sector contributes 66.3 percent to the world GDP. During high
urbanisation, the fast structural changes occur away from agriculture to industry
and service economy (Mohan, 2005). The 21st century is the urban century where
the less developed countries will urbanize fast in the first 50 years than the
developed countries. By 2030, Asia alone will have about 2.7 billion urban people
accounting for over 50 percent of its total population.
The world’s urban population added about 500 million people during 1900 to
1950, while it grew to 2.1 billion in the next 50 years. It is expected to grow by
the same number in the next 30 years (World Bank 2006). The UN projections
predict that urban population in developing countries will be growing by more
than 65 million people in a year between 2000 and 2030 (UN, 2002). In the present
scenario the highest growth rates are being experienced by the economies of
Asian countries. It is quite noticeable in China and India where large number
of population is urbanizing rapidly. It has been projected that US, China and
Bikramjit. S. Sekhon, is an Assistant Professor in Guru Ram Das School of Planning, Guru
Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. Email:
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India will be the leading economies by the year 2025. Increased urbanisation
will bring enhanced per capita income and nodal role for Asian cities and city
planning. Rise of urban population and changed view of economy will also bring
new changes in activities in cities. The following are the common imperatives
that will pose new roles and challenges for urban planners:
Urban planning and especially planning within the domain of urban local bodies
has been considered as an essential component viewed to be strengthened.
Present urban development policies, reforms and funding pattern also bundled it
to bring essential changes in the planning of cities.
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The new economic policy adopted in India during the early 1990s focused on
liberalization, fiscal adjustments and allowed Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in
urban areas. These changes affected the pace of urban growth which has explicit
implications on the existing infrastructure of cities. In the post liberalized phase
of urbanization in India, the strategic city planning and management, improved
and sound financial performance and credit worthiness of city governance are
considered as essential pillars of the strength.
Indian urbanisation has direct links with the GDP growth over the different
periods of history. It is found that cities and states with faster industrialization
and economic growth are indeed growing faster. Over 25.71 percent people lived
in urban areas in 1991 which changed to 31.16 percent in 2011. It has a growth
rate of 31.4 percent during 1991-2001, in the first decade after liberalization
and new fiscal policies of the country. The urban growth is slightly modified in
the year 2001-2011 and attained 31.8 percent. But there are widespread urban
agglomerations and addition of more than 2,000 new towns. The contribution
and number of metropolitan cities has increased. The contribution of agriculture
sector was 51.12 percent in the year 1951-1952, reduced to 23.2 percent in
the 2001-2002. While the service sector’s share rose from 11.41 percent to
61.77 percent during the same period. Urban growth rate of Gujarat, Haryana,
Maharashtra and Karnataka have been recorded high due to liberalization polices
leading to private investments (Table 1 and 2).
Indian Government has advocated for balance development while allocating funds
for various five year plans. Urbanization pattern in the country is illustrating a
different scenario. Dominance of metropolitan cities and their increasing degree
of influence in respective regions expresses primacy in the country. These cities
are epitomes of economic growth, mega cities are the global hubs of the present
day economy. Cities have always been seen as agents of change, modernity and
development. The present day concentration of economy in the service sector
and robust relations of higher urbanization with the increased per capita GDP has
enhanced the role of cities. This shift of urban economy is the consequence of
the changed economic policies, approaches and strategies.
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Table 2: Percent Share of the GDP in India and Share of Area Under Agricultural Use
Year Agriculture and Allied Manufacturing to Total Other sectors to total
sector to total GDP GDP GDP
1951-52 51.12 11.41 37.47
1961-62 42.14 14.81 43.05
1971-72 40.64 14.77 44.59
1981-82 34.37 16.80 48.83
1991-92 29.65 15.72 54.63
2001-02 23.20 15.03 61.77
2005-06 19.06 15.83 65.11
2008-09 (R) 17.47 15.82 66.71
Source : Central Statistical Organisation (R): Revised Estimates
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Metropolitan cities are the leading centers of production that provide higher
order services to other urban and rural areas. The city has been marked to
develop as world class service areas with high infrastructure facilities, while on
the other hand there are majority of the areas suffering from poverty and are
devoid of basic amenities. In order to reduce this inequality, JNNURM has two
basic objectives of provision of infrastructure and Basic Services for the Urban
Poor (BSUP). In the cities covered under JNNURM, investments have been made
in the construction of flyovers, widening of roads, improvement of road side
furniture along with water supply, sanitation and other programmes. The BSUP
scheme is also overlapped with efforts and policy initiatives made by Ministry of
Housing and Poverty Alleviation (MoHPA). Provision and development of services
for poor and other programmes are not coordinated and do not match with the
Reforms suggested in the JNNURM are nothing but an effort to keep the global
investments and returns in safe. Policies suggested are a part and parcel of the
globally tested models from the Latin American, European and other developed
Asian countries. Through these reforms, private capital has targeted Indian
cities. The key items that have affected the socio-economic and culture of cities
are mentioned below:
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• Registering all citizens for user fees or tax payments. Attempts to bring
transparency of the public agencies are made. Strengthening of the RTI
and service delivery systems by advocating the role of private participation
in the cities.
Foundations of present planning system lie in the British rule in India. The plan
preparation process was initiated with the sanitation programmes for industrial
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cities in the early years of 20th century. During the middle of the twentieth
century it was realized to control the haphazard growth of the large cities to
check urban sprawl and provide basic amenities. Many developing countries like
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have adopted comprehensive planning
or master planning approaches which emphasize on all geographical parts of
community for physical development of the city. Among many city planners
the preparation, adoption and use of comprehensive plans are considered to
be primary objective of the planning system. The common approaches that
are bound to apply as per the various town planning legislation adopted by the
various states is to prepare a 20 year proposed land use plan of a city and its
surrounding areas. The proposals are prepared after carrying out socio-economic
surveys, projecting the economic viability and population growth of the area.
Then inferences are drawn from the environment status and broad visualizations
of the impacts of these developments. These master plan documents bind the
city land use with zoning regulations, building bye laws and other provisions.
This approach has been considered very rigid and often ignores the transition
and urban dynamic behavior. It is rare to see the cities in future as has been
predicted in the master plans.
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These are the common principles and can be priorities according a city’s
Globalization has paved the way for information flow from the developed
countries related to planning and implementation of the projects. With the
interventions of the global consultants, adviser firms with the foreign investment
companies, the new strategic planning approaches have also been adopted.
In addition to master planning one approach is preparation of comprehensive
mobility plans, second is long term infrastructure plans. Both these plans have
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direct relationship with the proposed future model, but rarely consulted with
each other and with master plans.
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growth of real estate development in the form of privately planned living areas
and acute under provision of public amenities and services in other areas.
In the process of globalization the planning process has brought certain changes
in its approach. Amendments have been made to accommodate large investments
in land, reorient the priorities to develop specialized infrastructure to the
globalized complexes. The state has benefited the groups which support the
state decision-making and capital accumulation ignoring the interests of urban
majority who are vulnerable. The planning system was carved to segregate the
society and keep most of the people out by colonial rulers. The present planning
system in line with the globalization also favors capitalism and excluded the
urban masses by spatial segregation. The major cause of this in the planning
system is to give much professional focus to the plan as a product. Its effects
and forces that bring changes in land uses and urban activities are ignored.
More emphasis is laid on land use zoning, spatial factors and adoption of norms
without the basic and grass roots data ignoring socio-cultural and environment
values resulting in rigid land use plans. In most of the metropolitan cities, the
percentage of areas under planned schemes is less than 50 percent. Present
planning strategies, the informal residential areas are considered as illegal and
dirty spots in the cities. Instead of encouraging planning policies and norms to
accommodate large informal areas in the planning process, the master plans
simply keep them out and suggest no policies. Master plans neglect the diversity
of society ignoring recognition of the poor and even their identity.
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The JNNURM suggests a new and parallel planning system in the cities. It is also
clearly mentioned that the plans will be prepared by the centrally registered
private consultant companies and no services of the existing planners with the
town and country planning department will be used. The role of the CDP is not
clear in the light of prevailing master plans and development plans in the cities.
It is pertinent to mention here that the master plans have statutory backing and
prepared under the legal provisions of various acts. The CDP provides guidelines
and do not have any legal standing. Administration, urban local government
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may or may not accept its proposals. Time frame for the CDP is also not clear.
Generally CDPs are prepared by a team of experts residing outside cities and
unable to reflect real issues relevant to cities. CDP also do not fit in the light of
the detailed planning procedure suggested in the UDPFFI guidelines. There are
various toolkits that explain the processes to be followed in the preparation of
detailed project reports (DPR). It is mentioned in the toolkits that projects should
be formulated as per the provisions of master plans and development plans,
address all the associated concerns. Existing mechanisms for the preparation
of DPR and even CDP do not refer master plans. It may amount to ignoring the
existing planning and legal processes applicable in a city and state. CDP may
suggest an isolated and fragmented development system. It is full-filling the
strategic objective of planning for the project oriented and do not address the
comprehensive planned development of cities. CDP is aligned to the provision
of strategic infrastructure development in certain areas that generally suits the
global funding agencies.
Selection of projects under CDP is unable to address the problems of cities and
will not able to achieve the mission objective of planned development in cities.
It also does not favor the 74th amendment to the Constitution requiring transfer
of city planning functions to urban local bodies. CDP is prepared by a panel of
enlisted consultants who are not familiar with the core issues of a particular
city. Grants are directly allocated as per the DPR prepared under allocation of
funds in CDP. Out of total 527 projects sanctioned till 2010, 70.19 percent funds
Table 3: Sector-wise release of funds under Sub-Mission for Urban Infrastructure and
Governance (Rs. In Lakh)
S . SECTOR No. of Project Cost of Projects Percent Share
No. Sanctioned
1 Drainage/Storm Water 71 824903.82 13.75
2 Roads/Flyovers 98 815538.21 13.60
3 Water Supply 147 1923171.46 32.06
4 Sewerage 108 1462411.22 24.38
5 Urban Renewal 11 48790.28 0.81
6 Mass Rapid Transport System 21 521159.64 8.69
7 Other Urban Transport 15 80588.01 1.34
8 Solid Waste Management 41 202417.69 3.37
9 Development Heritage Areas 6 21408.33 0.36
10 Preservation of Water Bodies 4 11670.54 0.19
11 Parking 5 86042.43 1.43
527 5998101.63
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Urbanisation in India is dominated by few metropolitan cities called mega cities.
The cities of Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore dominate
urban population of the country. Processes of globalization have been seen as
an alternative form of development. In the light of serious resource crunch,
liberalization and globalization has been seen as the only alternative form of
development. It is important to remember that cities are always the key centers
of production, distribution, service, finance and political power. The emphasis
on the urban sector along with liberalization policies of economies has created
a platform and open invitation for the FDI in Indian cities. Global companies
invested in India due to availability of large consumer market having base
in urban India. So the outcome of these policies is manifold. There are large
independent townships in the peripheral areas of the metropolitan cities. As
per study a number of vacant houses are more than the number of households
deprived of this facility. In India its contribution is 5.7 percent in 1999-2000 and
it accounts for 16-17 percent of total cement consumption.
The industrial townships with world class facilities are emerging in different
part of the country. Specialized projects in the form of IT parks, STP and EPU
are mushrooming with collaboration of different state governments. There are
huge investments and these are shaping the spatial profiles of cities. So Indian
cities are in the process of transformation and there is more threat to peripheral
areas of cities. Urban policy in India is focused towards the promotion of global
agenda leading to conflict and multiple identity crises. Globalization processes
are focused broadly on those cities which have enhanced economic base as can
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Ghuman J.S (1990) Decentralization Planning: Issues and Challenges, A paper presented at
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Mohan, R. (2005) Understanding the Development Metropolis: Lesson from the city Study of
Bogota and Cali, Colombia, Oxford University Press, New York.
Patel, B. (2009) Principles First, Planning Follows, A Seminar Paper, New Delhi.
Sandhu R.S. (2003) Urbanisation in India, Sociological Contributions, Sage, New Delhi.
Tiwari, V.K.(1997) Urbanisation in India: Patterns and Perspectives, Urban India, Vol. XVII.
United Nations (2002) World Urbanisation Prospects, New York.
World Bank(2006) Actionable Ideas, Habitat Jam, World Urban Forum Report, World Bank.
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