Sermon Ephesians 6.14 - The Belt of Truth
Sermon Ephesians 6.14 - The Belt of Truth
Sermon Ephesians 6.14 - The Belt of Truth
We’re going to pick up our study of the whole armor of God. Turn with me to Ephesians 6:14. As we
noted last week every Roman soldier had a leather belt around his waist to secure his clothing and keep it
from flapping in the wind. The Roman soldier’s belt had a foundational significance. His belt was there to
secure any loose garments. Without the belt to keep everything in place, the soldier could be hindered in
battle. The belt enabled the soldier to fight unencumbered. With his belt in place, he was prepared and ready
for action. As the soldier’s belt was placed at the center of his body, so truth must be central in our lives,
encompassing all that we do if we are to be prepared to engage in battle against our adversary, the devil, who
uses lies and deception to attack us. The belt of truth is foundational to standing firm. But what spiritual truth
did Paul have in mind? And for that matter, what is truth and how does the devil attack truth? Let’s look at our
text and attempt to answer these questions.
Truth is a core principle of the Christian faith because it is an attribute of God himself and is used to
describe God’s character. The scriptures refer to God as “the God of truth” (Ex. 34:6; Isa. 65:16), and as the
God of truth He is the sole determiner and arbiter of truth. Meaning that only the creator of truth can define
truth, because He is the only one who knows and understands all truth. The Lord himself declares this in
Isaiah 45:19, “I, the LORD, speak the truth; I declare what is right.” Theologian Wayne Grudem rightly notes:
“All his knowledge and all his words are both true and the final standard of truth” At its core, truth is God’s
view of reality. God’s view of what is right and wrong. God is the measuring stick of truth; not our emotions,
nor what feels good, or what culture wants to define as true.
In a world of lies, people are looking for the truth. This was illustrated by the television program “The
X-Files,” which first aired in the mid-1990s. From time to time, one of the main characters would say, “The
truth is out there.” The truth may be out there, but where is it? And what is it?
This is the question a certain Roman governor named Pontius Pilate asked some 2,000 years ago,
“What is truth,” he asked (John 18:37). And the irony of his question is that he didn’t even wait around for the
answer. The other sad thing about this exchange is that truth was staring him in the face. The Apostle John
says of Jesus in his sublime prologue: “We beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full
of grace and truth.” And in the fourteenth chapter of John, Jesus refers to himself as the “the way, the truth,
and the life” (John 14:6). Jesus is not a truth, nor is he a truth among many truths, rather he is The Truth who
reveals God to humanity. He is the embodiment of truth. He is truth in person. And as truth in incarnate,
Jesus spoke the word of God in truth and declared the word of God to be the sole standard of truth. In fact, on
the night before he was arrested, Jesus prayed for all believers, “Sanctify them in the truth, your word is truth”
(John 17:17). What is truth? Truth is that which is consistent with the mind, will, character, glory, and being of
God. Even more to the point: Truth is the self-expression of God revealed in Jesus Christ. That is the biblical
meaning of truth.
Let’s go back to our text. What does the belt of truth refer to? What kind of truth is it? The truth that
we are to wrap ourselves with is God’s truth. We need to stand on the truth of God’s word when we engage
the enemy in spiritual warfare because he’s always working to attack, undermine, and destroy truth. When
speaking about the devil, Jesus referred to him as the “Father of lies” who “does not stand in the truth
because there is no truth in him” (John 8:44).
More specifically, the belt of truth speaks of God’s truth revealed in the Bible. Without God’s truth
revealed to us in the bible we are completely lost. We need to put on the truth of God’s word because the
devil is the “Accuser of brethren” who tries to accuse us and lead us astray with regard to truth. We are told in
Psalm 119:160 that the sum of God’s Word is truth. Paul tells us in Ephesians that truth is revealed in the
gospel of our salvation and unequivocally in Jesus (Eph 1:13, 4:21). Likewise, in Colossians 1:15, calls the Bible
—specifically the gospel message—the “word of truth.” And in 2 Tim. 2:15, we are told as Christians we are to
rightly handle the word of truth, which is the gospel message about Jesus revealed in the bible.
Here’s what it boils down to. If we want to put on this first piece of spiritual armor, we need to
immerse ourselves with the truths of the bible. In Proverbs 6:21-23, we are told by the wisest man who ever
lived, that the good life comes from taking the truth of the Bible and binding it on our heart, tying it around
our neck, think about it when we walk, when we sleep, and when we wake up.
Beloved, if you do not know the word of God, you are not prepared to stand in this spiritual battle. You
will be tested, but will you be proven true? When building a bridge, engineers must make sure that they use
materials that will endure the most severe conditions. Each beam and bolt must be tested and proven true.
The genuine strength of these materials will be revealed not when conditions are ideal but when they are
most difficult. The devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. If you don’t have the
truth of God’s word wrapped tightly around your inner being you will not be able to withstand his onslaughts,
but if you have the belt of truth wrapped tightly around your inner being you will be able overcome the
schemes of the devil.
Foundational to Jesus’ life and ministry was his absolute commitment to God’s word. He lived under its
authority and unambiguously taught its truth. When the devil sought to tempt Jesus, he responded each time
with the truth of God’s word, “It is written…” As followers of Christ, we are called to let the word of Christ
dwell richly within us (Col. 3:16) and to resist the devil by hiding God’s Word in our heart (Ps. 119:11). Too
often believers fail at this point. They seek to stand against the wiles of the devil in their own strength and
power and without the spiritual nutrients of Scripture. When they do this, they are no match for the devil.
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, one of the most distinguished voices of Christianity in the last century, comments, “You
must gird yourselves and your loins with truth. If you do not, you are defeated. And I am asserting and
maintaining that truth can be known, that there is an authority. It is not reason, it is not feelings, it is not the
Church, any church. It is the book called the Bible.”
Let me ask you, are you persuaded that if you are to stand strong against the schemes of the devil in
your life, you must be a person of the Book? Do you understand that your enemy is an evil foe and only the
truths of the Bible will keep him in check in your life? Without God’s truths at the center of your being—in
your heart and mind—you are bound to fail. The devil is a master at his craft, and he has perfected his
diabolical methods against us. He has slain his thousands; however, with the Word of God in you and part of
you, you will be able to stand victoriously against his temptations and traps. This is why the apostle John could
say, “I have written to you … because you are strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have
overcome the wicked one” (1 John 2:14).
As Christians, we are to delight ourselves in the Scriptures, saying with the psalmist, “Oh, how I love
your law! It is my meditation all the day” (Ps. 119:97). When we know the truth of the word of God, we will be
able to counter the lies and deception of the devil. When the storms of Satan are upon us, we must
completely trust in all that God’s Word says, remembering that no weapon formed against us shall prosper
(Isa. 54:17).
Putting on the belt of truth does not only represent knowing the truth objectively, but it also involves
subjectively living out the truths of the gospel in our daily lives. Understood in this light to put on the belt of
truth is to put on truthfulness as a virtue to combat the schemes of the devil. This is in line with the Messiah,
who brings justice and equity upon the earth by virtue of his commitment to righteousness and truth. “He will
wear righteousness like a belt and truth like an undergarment” (Isaiah 11:5). Paul stresses the importance of
this three times in Ephesians. First, he tells us in Ephesians 4:15 that that one of the marks of a mature
Christian is “speaking the truth in love” (Eph. 4:15). Now move down a few verse and Paul speaks about the
importance of avoiding falsehood and speaking truth with each other (4:25). Why is this important? Because
the devil knows that falsehood and deception are destructive to the body of Christ. Lying and deception
disrupts unity within the body of Christ and the devil wants nothing more than to create conflict and chaos.
And finally, in Ephesians 5:9 Paul call us to live as children of light who reflect Jesus’ holiness and truth (Eph.
5:9). Paul’s point is that truthful living combined with a knowledge of the truth enable us to stand strong
against the schemes of the devil.
The devil wants nothing more than for us to suppress the truth by walking in disobedience to the truth
(Rom 1:18). He wants us to exchange the truth for a lie (Rom. 1:25) and to “turn away from the truth” (2 Tim
4:4) because he knows that when we treat truth in this manner, we live defeated lives and the mission and
witness of the church is weakened.
If we are not personally and persistently walking in the truths of God in every area of life, we are
leaving ourselves open to all kinds of spiritual trouble because we are playing into the hand of our enemy.
Remember, Satan is a deceiver (Rev. 12:9). He is the devil, the father of lies (John 8:44). Therefore, if we
entertain untruth and unrighteousness at any point, we give him opportunity to harm us greatly. Paul warns
us never to give the devil this opportunity, pointing out specifically the dangers of lying and being angry:
“Putting away lying, ‘Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,’ for we are members of one another.
‘Be angry, and do not sin’: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil” (Eph. 4:25).
Lying is one sin nearly everyone agrees is still a sin. It is also one sin everyone commits, probably
because it is so easy. We tell lies at home, at work, and even at church. We tell lies about our exercise regimen
and our diet. One study concluded that 60 % of Americans lie to nearly one-third of the people they talk to in a
given week. If we are not walking in the truth—being governed and possessed by it— then we are
incapacitating ourselves for spiritual combat and will be defeated. We are essentially inviting the enemy of our
souls to come have his way with us, having weakened ourselves through sin.
A friend of mine recently told me it was necessary for him to call an exterminator to his home because
they had discovered termites on the back patio. After making his examination, he informed him that the
termites had found a small crack between the concrete patio and the foundation. They did not need a large
opening, but that small crack was all that they needed to give them entrance to a nesting place. Likewise,
Satan does not require a wide-open door to be able to enter the believer’s life. If the smallest crack is open to
Satan, he can make his way in. A life characterized by sincerity, genuineness, flawlessness, truthfulness, and
soundness will prevent Satan from obtaining an entrance.
Lies and deception of any kind open the door to the devil; therefore, we must put off falsehood and
practice transparency before God and others by confessing our sins. In what ways are you giving the enemy a
foothold by practicing dishonesty? Is it through cheating on tests? Lying on your taxes? Telling little “white
lies” to your friends or family members? In order to put on the belt of truth, we must practice honesty and get
rid of all deception in our lives.
Because Satan vigorously attacks and undermines truth, we must strap ourselves daily with the truth.
Let me give us a few ways on how truth helps us daily.
1. Truth liberates us from bondage – John 8:32 “And you will know the truth and the truth will set
you free.” That’s a cause and effect statement from John 8:32. It shall make you free from
ignorance, free from prejudice, free from error, free from fears, free from insecurities, free
from the schemes of Satan, free from the power of evil; and if the truth is not "known" then
such freedom will not be enjoyed.” Truth sets you free or it doesn’t. You’re either free or you’re
not. This liberty or freedom is found only in Jesus. John 8:36 reads, “So if the Son sets you free,
you will be free indeed.” Only God can free us through his forgiveness, which he made possible
by Christ’s death in our place on the cross. Jesus’ sacrifice did not free us “to do our own thing;”
rather he freed us from doing our own thing so that we could serve him!
2. Truth sanctifies us – John 17:17 “sanctify them in truth; your word is truth” The only way for us
to avoid being corrupted by the world is be people of the book. We must submit to the
authority of the bible and eagerly put its teachings into practice. David wrote: “The law of the
LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple;
the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure,
enlightening the eyes” (Ps. 19:7–8). This should be our conviction as well. If we are to grow in
holiness and spiritual might, it must be by the study, meditation and adherence to the word of
God. When we commit ourselves to God’s truth in this fashion, we will be able to love sin less
and love God more.
3. Truth protects us from false doctrine – I could cite endless examples of how the devil attacks
the word of God but one will suffice. Turn to the little book of Jude. Take a look at verses 3-4: “I
felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was
once for all handed down to the saints. For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who
were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace
of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” The devil uses
false prophets and teachers to teach heretical teaching denying the truth about the grace of
God and of our Lord Jesus Christ. We must watch out for those who claim extrabiblical
revelation as Jude is clear that our doctrine was “once for all” handed down. We don’t need to
look to find new truth, new revelation, or something missed. We don’t need to seek after the
latest fad, methodology, or philosophy. Rather, we need to look intensely into the Bible and
evaluate everything we do and see in light of the truth given to us and preserved over
thousands of years. The Bible is our roadmap for everything because it is the truth of God.
4. Truth protects us from worldly systems - It’s why Paul warns us in Colossians 2:8, “ See to it
that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition,
according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.“ The dominant
worldview today with regards to truth is moral relativism. Moral relativism believes that there
is no absolute truth. That truth is relative to one’s circumstances, culture, and experiences. The
moral relativist teaches that my truth may not be your truth, and your truth may not be your
neighbor’s truth. This leaves us in a constant state of flux with regard to morality and ethics
because there is no standard of truth to guide one’s actions. It’s similar to the situation we read
about in Judges 21:25: “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in
his own eyes.” If there is no standard of truth, then who’s to say what is right and what’s wrong.
If there is no standard of truth, then unrighteousness and immortality become the inevitable
result. If there is no standard of truth, then we become vulnerable to the lies and deception of
the devil and closed minded to the claims of the gospel. No man-made religion or philosophical
system can lead to the truth, for truth can be found only in Christ. In Christ are hidden “all the
treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (2:3 NKJV).
5. Truth frees us from the enemies lies - the devil undermines truth by attacking our self-
perception and identity. He whispers in our ear, “You can’t be successful or happy because of
your horrible childhood. Don’t believe it It’s a lie from the devil. He whispers, “How can God
love you, after all you’ve done?” It’s a lie from the devil. And just as the devil tried to attack the
identity of Jesus- “If you are the Son of God”- he will attack the truth of our identity in Christ by
tempting us to measure our self-worth by our failures, our looks, and our possessions rather
than in our identity in Christ as beloved, redeemed, and forgiven co-heirs with Christ.