Provider Directory
This directory is current as of January 1, 2020.
This directory provides a list of Kaiser Permanente’s current network providers.
This directory is for our Northern California service area, which includes the following counties:
Alameda, Amador,* Contra Costa, El Dorado,* Fresno,* Kings,* Madera,* Marin, Mariposa,* Napa,
Placer,* Sacramento, San Francisco, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara,* Santa Cruz, Solano,
Sonoma,* Stanislaus, Sutter,* Tulare,* Yolo,* and Yuba.* Counties with an asterisk * are only partly
covered by our service area. If you live in a partly covered county, please see the service area
description inside for the ZIP codes that are in our service area.
To access Kaiser Permanente’s online provider directory, you can visit kp.org/mydoctor/connect.
For any questions about the information contained in this directory, please call our Member Service
Contact Center at 1-800-443-0815, seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. TTY users should call 711.
This document is available in a different format for the visually impaired by calling our Member
Service Contact Center at the number listed above.
Table of Contents
Section 1 — Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1
What is the service area for Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage and Senior Advantage
Medicare Medi-Cal? .................................................................................................................. 3
How do you find Kaiser Permanente providers that serve your area? ....................................... 4
Section 2 — List of network providers .................................................................................. 6
Kaiser Permanente Providers ............................................................................................. 6
Central California....................................................................................................................... 6
Diablo & Napa/Solano ............................................................................................................. 17
East Bay .................................................................................................................................. 36
Sacramento ............................................................................................................................. 53
SF, Marin & Sonoma ............................................................................................................... 71
South Bay & Peninsula ............................................................................................................ 86
Affiliated Locations .......................................................................................................... 109
Central California................................................................................................................... 109
Diablo & Napa/Solano ........................................................................................................... 111
East Bay ................................................................................................................................ 112
Sacramento ........................................................................................................................... 114
SF, Marin & Sonoma ............................................................................................................. 117
South Bay & Peninsula .......................................................................................................... 119
Affiliate Providers ............................................................................................................. 123
Central California................................................................................................................... 123
Diablo & Napa/Solano ........................................................................................................... 174
East Bay ................................................................................................................................ 214
Sacramento ........................................................................................................................... 263
SF, Marin & Sonoma ............................................................................................................. 316
South Bay & Peninsula .......................................................................................................... 381
Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers ........................................................................... 444
Section 1 — Introduction
This directory provides a list of Whether you’re new to Kaiser Permanente or
Kaiser Permanente’s network providers. a longtime member looking for a change,
To get detailed information about your health choosing a personal doctor to coordinate your
care coverage, please see your care is easy. You can learn about each
Evidence of Coverage (EOC). doctor’s certifications, specialties, languages
spoken, interests, and more on
Your Primary Care Provider kp.org/mydoctor/connect to help you find
You will have to choose one of our network the right fit for you.
providers listed in this directory to be your
If you want to make a switch, you can change
Primary Care Provider (PCP). The term “PCP”
your doctor at any time and for any reason.
will be used throughout this directory.
Generally, you must get your health care Care for your unique needs
services from your PCP.
You can choose your personal doctor from
Your PCP meets state standards and is one of the departments listed next.
trained to give you primary medical care. He
or she will usually practice general medicine, • Adult or Internal Medicine (Internists)
also called internal medicine or family • Family Medicine (Family practitioners)
practice. Women may also choose specialists • Obstetrics-Gynecology (Ob-Gyn)
in obstetrics-gynecology whom the Medical
Group designates as Primary Care Providers. Nurse practitioners
At some facilities, you also have the option of At some facilities, you also have the option of
choosing a nurse practitioner (NP) or choosing a nurse practitioner.
physician assistant (PA) to be your PCP.
Nurse practitioners are registered nurses who
Your PCP will give you most of your care. If have advanced education and training. They
you need a specialist, your PCP will help you can diagnose and treat a wide variety of
choose a doctor in that field and work with him medical conditions, write prescriptions, order
or her as part of your health care team. and interpret lab and medical imaging tests,
and educate and give advice to members and
You can choose your PCP from any of our
their families. They practice with a doctor’s
available primary care doctors, nurse
supervision and support according to carefully
practitioners, or physician assistants. Once
controlled procedures.
you make your choice, it is effective right
away. If you wish, you can change your PCP
for any reason.
How to choose or change your Bills from out-of-network providers
doctor If you receive a bill from an out-of-network
Online provider, you should not pay the bill. Send it to
Go to kp.org/mydoctor/connect. Find our Claims Department and they will let you
information on the available physicians and know how much you have to pay.
choose the one who’s right for you. Claims Department
Phone P.O. Box 24010
Call the Member Outreach or physician Oakland, CA 94623-1010
selection service number at the facility where
Emergency and urgent care
you plan to get most of your care. Your family
is free to choose different doctors at different If you have an emergency medical condition,
locations. call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. When
you have an emergency medical condition, we
Getting Covered Care cover emergency care anywhere in the world.
You must use network providers except in For ease and continuity of care, we encourage
emergency or urgent care situations or for out- you to go to a Plan hospital Emergency
of-area renal dialysis. If you obtain routine Department if you are inside our service area,
care from out-of-network providers, neither but only if it is reasonable to do so,
Medicare nor Kaiser Permanente will be considering your condition or symptoms.
responsible for the costs.
If you have an emergency, we will talk with the
The “network providers” listed in this directory doctors who are giving you emergency care to
have agreed to provide you with your health help manage and follow up on your care. The
care and vision services. You may go to any doctors who are giving you emergency care
of our network providers listed in this directory; will decide when your condition is stable and
however, some services may require a the medical emergency is over.
After the emergency is over, you are entitled
Your PCP will refer you to a Plan specialist to follow-up care to be sure your condition
when he or she believes that you require continues to be stable. Your follow-up care will
specialty care. Some specialists, such as be covered by our Plan. If your emergency
specialists in surgery, orthopedics, cardiology, care is provided by out-of-network providers,
oncology, dermatology, and physical, we will try to arrange for network providers to
occupational, and speech therapies require a take over your care as soon as your medical
referral. However, you do not need a referral condition and the circumstances allow. It is
to get specialty care from network providers in very important that your out-of-network
Ob-Gyn, optometry, psychiatry, and chemical provider call us to get authorization for post-
dependency. stabilization care before you receive the care
from the out-of-network provider. You will only
be held financially liable if you are notified by
the out-of-network provider or us about your
potential liability.
You must use network providers except in • Mariposa County: 93601, 93623,
emergency or urgent care situations, or for 93653.
out-of-area renal dialysis or other services. If • Placer County: 95602–04, 95610,
you obtain routine care from out-of-network 95626, 95648, 95650, 95658, 95661,
providers neither Medicare nor 95663, 95668, 95677–78, 95681, 95703,
Kaiser Permanente will be responsible for 95722, 95736, 95746–47, 95765.
the costs.
• Santa Clara County: 94022–24, 94035,
What is the service area for 94039–43, 94085–89, 94301–06, 94309,
Kaiser Permanente Senior 94550, 95002, 95008–09, 95011,
95013–15, 95020–21, 95026, 95030–33,
Advantage and Senior Advantage
95035–38, 95042, 95044, 95046,
Medicare Medi-Cal? 95050–56, 95070–71, 95076, 95101,
The counties and parts of counties in our 95103, 95106, 95108–13, 95115–36,
service area are listed below. Our service area 95138–41, 95148, 95150–61, 95164,
includes all of Alameda, Contra Costa, 95170, 95172–73, 95190–94, 95196.
Marin, Napa, Sacramento, San Francisco, • Sonoma County: 94515, 94922–23,
San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, 94926–28, 94931, 94951–55, 94972,
Solano, and Stanislaus counties and parts of
94975, 94999, 95401–07, 95409, 95416,
Amador, El Dorado, Fresno, Kings, Madera,
95419, 95421, 95425, 95430–31, 95433,
Mariposa, Placer, Santa Clara, Sonoma,
95436, 95439, 95441–42, 95444, 95446,
Sutter, Tulare, Yolo, and Yuba counties. If you
95448, 95450, 95452, 95462, 95465,
live in a partly covered county, you are in our
service area if your home ZIP code appears 95471–73, 95476, 95486–87, 95492.
here: • Sutter County: 95626, 95645, 95659,
95668, 95674, 95676, 95692, 95836–37.
• Amador County: 95640, 95669. • Tulare County: 93238, 93261, 93618,
• El Dorado County: 95613–14, 95619, 93631, 93646, 93654, 93666, 93673.
95623, 95633–35, 95651, 95664, 95667, • Yolo County: 95605, 95607, 95612,
95672, 95682, 95762. 95615–18, 95645, 95691, 95694–95,
• Fresno County: 93242, 93602, 95697–98, 95776, 95798–99.
93606–07, 93609, 93611–13, 93616, • Yuba County: 95692, 95903, 95961.
93618–19, 93624–27, 93630–31, 93646,
93648–52, 93654, 93656–57, 93660,
93662, 93667–68, 93675, 93701–12,
93714–18, 93720–30, 93737, 93740–41,
93744–45, 93747, 93750, 93755,
93760–61, 93764–65, 93771–79, 93786,
93790–94, 93844, 93888.
• Kings County: 93230, 93232, 93242,
93631, 93656.
• Madera County: 93601–02, 93604,
93614, 93623, 93626, 93636–39,
93643–45, 93653, 93669, 93720.
How do you find who speak Spanish, Cantonese, and
Kaiser Permanente providers that Mandarin, as well as other Chinese dialects.
Most of our facilities have staff who speak
serve your area? more than one language and are specially
Our Northern California Region is divided into trained to interpret and explain medical terms
the following areas: and procedures. Many of our practitioners also
speak more than one language. If you visit
• Central California
one of our facilities and no one speaks your
• Diablo and Napa/Solano
language, we have interpreters for more than
• East Bay 150 languages available by phone. If you
• Sacramento need a Sign language interpreter, an
• San Francisco, Marin, and Sonoma interpreter is available either by video or in
Counties person.
• South Bay and Peninsula
In addition to English, some providers listed in
Look up the area where you live or get care this directory speak additional languages.
beginning on page 6. Then find the location Please see the key below defining the
that you’ll go to most often to find a list of abbreviations for these languages.
doctors for that medical facility. The medical Language Key
facilities are listed alphabetically within each
area. Abkhazian abk
Afan/Oromo orm
All providers in this publication are accepting Afar aar
new patients unless otherwise indicated. Afghani Afghani
Asterisks (*) at the end of a provider name Afrikaans afr
identify providers not accepting new patients. Albanian sqi
If you have questions about American Sign Language ase
Kaiser Permanente or require assistance in Amharic amh
selecting a PCP, please call our Member Arabic ara
Service Contact Center at 1-800-443-0815, Aramaic arc
seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Armenian hye
TTY users should call 711. You can also visit Assamese asm
kp.org. Assyrian Neo-Aramaic aii
Bashkir bak
Help in your language Bengali ben
Bihari bih
We want to speak to you in the language that
Bosnian bos
you’re most comfortable with when you call us
Braille brai
or come in for service. Interpreter services,
Bulgarian bul
including Sign language, are available at no
Burmese mya
cost, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during all
Cambodian khm
hours of operation. If you or your
Cantonese yue
family/caregiver need help with interpreter
Catalan cat
services including sign language, qualified
Cebuano ceb
interpreter services are available. We highly
Chaldean Neo-Aramaic cld
discourage using family, friends, or minors as
Chinese zho
interpreters. Our call centers have interpreters
Choushanes cho Pashto/Pushto pus
Creole/Haitian Creole hat Persian fas
Croatian hrv Polish pol
Czech ces Portuguese por
Danish dan Punjabi pan
Dari prs Romanian ron
Dutch nld Russian rus
Estonian est Samoan smo
Faroese fao Sanskrit san
Farsi fas Serbian srp
Filipino fil Serbocroatian hbs
French fra Shanghai/Shanghaines suji
Fukienese fkn Singhalese sin
German deu Somali som
Greek ell Spanish spa
Gujarathi guj Sudanese sun
Hakka hak Swahili swa
Hebrew heb Swedish swe
Hindi hin Tagalog tgl
Hmong hmn Taiwanese goyu
Hokkien hok Tamil tam
Hungarian hun Telugu tel
Ilocano ilo Thai tha
Indonesian ind Tigrinya tir
Iranian ira Toishanese tisa
Italian ita Turkish tur
Japanese jpn Ukrainan ukr
Kannada kan Urdu urd
Khmer khm Vietnamese vie
Korean kor Wu wuu
Laotian lao Yiddish yid
Latin lat Yoruba yor
Latvian lav Zulu zul
Lithuanian lit
Macedonian mkd
Malay/Malaysian may
Malayalam mal
Mandarin cmn
Marathi mar
Miao-Yao/Mien ium
Mongolian mon
Nepali nep
Norwegian nor
Pampangan pam
Pangasinan pag
Section 2 — List of network providers
Manteca Care and Ob/Gyn Associates of Sanchez, Felix MD
Rehabilitation Center Turlock 900 Delbon Ave
410 Eastwood Avenue 1729 N. Olive Ave., Suite 3 Turlock, CA 95382
Manteca, CA 95337 Turlock, CA 95382 209-667-8544-
209-239-1222-Information 209-634-9034- Appointments/Information
Meadowood, a Health & Save Mart Pharmacy
Rehabilitation Center Pacific Gardens Nursing 1035 Sperry Ave.
3110 Wagner Heights Rd and Rehabilitation Center Patterson, CA 95363
Stockton, CA 95209 577 S Peach Ave 209-892-4545-Information
Fresno, CA 93727
559-251-8463-Information Sierra Vista Healthcare
New Hope Post Acute Center
Care Regional Hand Center of 1715 S Cedar Ave
2586 Buthmann Ave Central California Fresno, CA 93702
Tracy, CA 95376 2139 E Beechwood Ave 559-273-8377-Information
Fresno, CA 93720
559-322-6600-Information St. Joseph's Medical
New Hope Recovery Center of Stockton
823 E Orangeburg Ave Rite Aid Pharmacy 1800 N California St
Modesto, CA 95350 1300 West F Street Stockton, CA 95204
Oakdale, CA 95361 800-222-1222-Poison
209-847-1324-Information Control
Northpointe Healthcare 711-California Relay Service
Centre Rite Aid Pharmacy 209-943-2000-Operator (24
1449 East F Street hours)/information
668 E Bullard Ave
Fresno, CA 93710 Oakdale, CA 95361
Summit Surgical
559-320-2200-Information 209-847-4279-Information 1630 E Herndon Ave Ste
Oakwood Gardens Care Rite Aid Pharmacy
Fresno, CA 93720
Center 651 N. Golden State
Boulevard 559-449-2888-Information
3510 E Shields Ave
Fresno, CA 93726 Turlock, CA 95380
The Last Resort
559-222-4807-Information 209-634-5831-Information 218 E. Orangeburg Ave
Modesto, CA 95350
Touchstone Recovery Windsor Hampton Care Center for Discovery -
Center Center, LLC Brentwood
724 Medical Center Dr E Ste 442 E Hampton Street 2324 Windy Springs Ln
103 Stockton, CA 95204 Brentwood, CA 94513
Clovis, CA 93611 209-466-0456-Information 714-710-1961-Information
Windsor Post-Acute Center For Discovery -
Turlock Nursing and Healthcare Center of Danville
Rehabilitation Center Modesto 212 La Questa Drive
1111 E Tuolumne Rd 2030 Evergreen Ave Danville, CA 94526
Turlock, CA 95382 Modesto, CA 95350 714-828-1800-Information
209-632-7577-Information 209-577-1055-Information
Danville Rehabilitation
Vision Care Surgery Wine Country Care Center 336 Diablo Rd
Center 321 W Turner Rd Danville, CA 94526
7075 N Sharon Lodi, CA 95240 925-837-4566-Information
Fresno, CA 93720 209-334-3760-Information
209-486-2000-Information Diablo Valley Ranch
11540 Marsh Creek Road
Walgreens Pharmacy
Diablo & Clayton, CA 94517
15 W. Harding Way Napa/Solano 925-672-5700-Information
Stockton, CA 95204
Alhambra Valley Retreat
209-941-9632-Information Diamond Ridge Healthcare
77 Quail Ln
Martinez, CA 94553
Walgreens Pharmacy 2351 Loveridge Rd
7929 Lower Sacramento 925-372-6000-Information Pittsburg, CA 94565
Road 925-427-4444-Information
Stockton, CA 95210 Casa Oakview
1658 Glen Oak Ct
209-474-0880-Information Fairfield Post-Acute
Lafayette, CA 94549
Windsor Elmhaven Care 925-478-2877-Information 1255 Travis Blvd
Center Fairfield, CA 94533
6940 Pacific Avenue Casa Vallejo
Stockton, CA 95207 3467 Edgewater Pl
Vallejo, CA 94591
La Mariposa Care & Stonebrook Healthcare Windsor Rosewood Care
Rehabilitation Center Center Center
1244 Travis Blvd 4367 Concord Blvd 1911 Oak Park Blvd
Fairfield, CA 94533 Concord, CA 94521 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
707-422-7750-Information 925-689-7457-Information 925-935-6630-Information
925-462-2400-Information 925-689-2266-Information
All Saint's Subacute & Cherry Hill Detoxification Fred Finch Youth Center -
Transitional Care Services New Yosemite
1652 Mono Ave 2035 Fairmont Drive 3802 Coolidge Ave
San Leandro, CA 94578 San Leandro, CA 94578 Oakland, CA 94602
510-481-3200-Information 510-346-7832-Information 510-482-2244-Information
Morton Bakar Center Shields Richmond
494 Blossom Way Nursing Center
Hayward, CA 94541 1919 Cutting Blvd ACC Care Center
510-582-7676-Information Richmond, CA 94804 7801 Rush River Dr
510-233-8513-Information Sacramento, CA 95831
National Phoenix
740 Hollyhock Dr Thunder Road
San Leandro, CA 94578 390 40th St Akua Mind and Body
510-670-9880-Information Oakland, CA 94609 10087 Terra Loma Dr
510-653-5840-Information Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
New Bridge Foundation
1816 Scenic Ave Windsor Country Drive
Berkeley, CA 94709 Care Center BHC Heritage Oaks
510-548-7270-Information 2500 Country Dr Hospital
Fremont, CA 94536 4250 Auburn Blvd
Park Bridge Rehabilitation 510-792-4242-Information Sacramento, CA 95841
and Wellness Center
2401 Blanding Ave Windsor Gardens Care
Alameda, CA 94501 Center of Hayward BHC Sierra Vista Hospital
510-522-1084-Information 1628 B St 8001 Bruceville Rd
Hayward, CA 94541 Sacramento, CA 95823
Park Bridge Rehabilitation 510-582-4636-Information 916-288-0300-Information
and Wellness Center
2401 Blanding Ave Windsor Park Care Center California Skin Surgery
Alameda, CA 94501 of Fremont Center, Inc.
510-582-4636-Information 2400 Parkside Drive 9269 Sierra College Blvd
Fremont, CA 94536 Roseville, CA 95661
Park Central Care and 510-793-7222-Information 916-772-1585-Information
Rehabilitation Center
2100 Parkside Dr Windsor Post Acute Care Capital Transitional Care
Fremont, CA 94536 Center of Hayward 6821 24th St
510-797-5300-Information 25919 Gading Road Sacramento, CA 95822
Hayward, CA 94544
Shields Nursing Center 510-782-8424-Information
3230 Carlson Blvd
El Cerrito, CA 94530
Casa Coloma Health Care Eskaton Care Center - Fair Golden Living Center -
Center Oaks Galt
10410 Coloma Rd 11300 Fair Oaks Blvd 144 F Street
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Galt, CA 95632
916-363-4843-Information 916-965-4663-Information 209-745-1537-Information
Mckinley Park Care Center Rock Creek Care Center Sherwood Healthcare
3700 H Street 260 Racetrack St Center
Sacramento, CA 95816 Auburn, CA 95603 4700 Elvas Ave
916-452-3592-Information 530-885-7051-Information Sacramento, CA 95819
Midtown Oaks Post-Acute Roseville Care Center
2600 L St 1161 Cirby Way Siena Skilled Nursing &
Sacramento, CA 95816 Roseville, CA 95661 Rehabilitation Center
916-321-9440-Information 916-782-1238-Information 11600 Education St
Auburn, CA 95603
National Psychiatric Care Rosewood Post Acute 530-889-0707-Information
and Rehabilitation Rehabilitation
Services 6041 Fair Oaks Blvd Sierra Endoscopy Center,
1532 Rosalind St Carmichael, CA 95608 Inc.
Sacramento, CA 95838 916-483-8103-Information 300 Sierra College Dr Ste
408-568-9834-Information 105
Sacramento Midtown Grass Valley, CA 95945
Norwood Pines Endoscopy Center 530-272-0527-Information
Alzheimer's Center 3941 J St Ste 460
500 Jessie Ave Sacramento, CA 95819 Starlight House
Sacramento, CA 95838 916-733-6940-Information 2218 E St
916-922-7177-Information Sacramento, CA 95816
Sacramento Post-Acute 209-442-4519-Information
Pine Creek Care Center 5255 Hemlock St
1139 Cirby Way Sacramento, CA 95841 Summitview Child &
Roseville, CA 95661 916-331-4590-Information Family Services - Ranch
916-782-7007-Information 4300 Forni Rd
Sacramento Recovery Placerville, CA 95667
River Bend Nursing House 530-642-8112-Information
Center 1914 22nd St
2215 Oakmont Way Sacramento, CA 95816 Summitview Child &
West Sacramento, CA 916-455-6258-Information Family Services, Inc.
95691 670 Placerville Dr STE 2
916-371-1890-Information Safe Harbor Crisis House Placerville, CA 95667
584 Kentucky Avenue 530-644-2412-Information
Woodland, CA 95695
The Endoscopy Center, Windsor El Camino Care Baker Street House
Inc. Center 730 Baker St
870 Shasta St, Ste 100 2540 Carmichael Way San Francisco, CA 94115
Yuba City, CA 95991 Carmichael, CA 95608 415-921-9651-Information
530-671-3671-Information 916-482-0465-Information
Bolinas Family Practice
The Pines at Placerville Windsor Elk Grove Care 88 Mesa Road
Healthcare Center And Rehabilitation Center Bolinas, CA 94924
1040 Marshall Way 9461 Batey Ave 415-868-0124-
Placerville, CA 95667 Elk Grove, CA 95624 Appointments/information
530-622-3400-Information 916-685-9525-Information 415-899-7525-Coastal
Health Alliance
Valley Recovery Center Of
SF, Marin & Broadway Villa Post Acute
2221 Fair Oaks Blvd. Sonoma 1250 Broadway
Sacramento, CA 95825 Sonoma, CA 95476
Apple Valley Post-Acute 707-938-8406-Information
1035 Gravenstein Hwy S Casa Rohnert Park
Westview Healthcare
Sebastopol, CA 95472 1033 San Francisco Way
12225 Shale Ridge Ln 707-823-7675-Information Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Auburn, CA 95602 707-586-9480-Information
Aurora Behavioral
Healthcare - Santa Rosa, Center Point - The Manor
LLC 603 D St
Whitney Oaks Care Center
1287 Fulton Road San Rafael, CA 94901
3529 Walnut Ave
Santa Rosa, CA 95401 415-492-4444-Information
Carmichael, CA 95608
Cloverdale Healthcare
Avenues Center
Windsor Care Center of
1433 7th Ave 300 Cherry Creek Road
San Francisco, CA 94122 Cloverdale, CA 95425
501 Jessie Ave
Sacramento, CA 95838 415-861-0828-Information 707-894-5201-Information
Azure Acres
2264 Green Hill Rd
Sebastopol, CA 95472
Edgewood Center for Marin Post Acute 415-663-8666-
Children and Families 234 N San Pedro Rd Appointments/information
1801 Vicente Street San Rafael, CA 94903
San Francisco, CA 94116 Professional Post Acute
81 Professional Center
Mountain Vista Farm
Eye Surgery Center - San 3020 Warm Springs Rd
San Rafael, CA 94903
Francisco Glen Ellen, CA 95442
1160 Post St 415-479-5161-Information
San Francisco, CA 94109
Restart Program
415-440-1100-Information Novato Healthcare Center
1360 N Dutton Ave, Ste 100
1565 Hill Rd
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Grove Street House Novato, CA 94947
2157 Grove St 707-569-0877-Information
San Francisco, CA 94117
Robertson Place
415-387-2275-Information Park View Post Acute
921 Lincoln Way
3751 Montgomery Dr
San Francisco, CA 94122
Helen Vine Recovery Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Center 415-664-1734-Information
291 Smith Ranch Rd
San Rafael, CA 94903 San Francisco Surgery
PDI Surgery Center
Center, LP
415-492-0818-Information 1380 19th Hole Dr
450 Sutter Street, Suite 500
Windsor, CA 95492
San Francisco, CA 94108
Jo Ruffin Place 707-838-6560-Information
333 7th St 415-393-9600-Information
San Francisco, CA 94103 Petaluma Post-Acute
San Jose Place
415-252-1853-Information Rehabilitation
673 San Jose Ave
1115 B St
San Francisco, CA 94110
Kindred Nursing and Petaluma, CA 94952
Rehabilitation - Victorian 415-282-3789-Information
2121 Pine St
San Francisco, CA 94115 Shrader House
Point Reyes Medical Clinic
50 Shrader Street
415-922-5085-Information 3 Sixth Street
San Francisco, CA 94117
Point Reyes Station, CA
La Posada 94956 415-668-4166-Information
810 Capp Street 415-899-7525-Coastal
San Francisco, CA 94110 Health Alliance
Smith Ranch Skilled The Salvation Army
Nursing & Rehabilitation Harbor Light Center
South Bay &
Center 1275 Harrison St Peninsula
1550 Silveira Pkwy San Francisco, CA 94103
San Rafael, CA 94903 A Grace Sub Acute and
Skilled Care
1250 S. Winchester Blvd.
The Village
San Jose, CA 95128
St. Francis Memorial - 1477 Lincoln Ave
Psych San Rafael, CA 94901 408-241-3844-Information
900 Hyde Street 415-459-2395-Information
San Francisco, CA 94109 ABJ Surgery Center, Inc.
104 St. Matthews Ave
866-240-2087-Information Tunnell Skilled Nursing &
San Mateo, CA 94401
Rehabilitation Center
Stinson Beach Medical 1359 Pine St 650-348-8600-Information
Center San Francisco, CA 94109
3419 State Route 1 Advanced SurgiCare
Stinson Beach, CA 94970 2222 Lafayette St
Santa Clara, CA 95050
415-868-9656- Turning Point - Arrowood
Appointments/Cancellation 440 Arrowood Dr 408-988-0105-Information
s/Information Santa Rosa, CA 95407
Amberwood Gardens
Summerfield Healthcare 1601 Petersen Ave
Center San Jose, CA 95129
West Marin Medical Center
1280 Summerfield Rd 408-253-7502-Information
11150 State Route 1
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Point Reyes Station, CA
707-539-1515- 94956 Auburn Oaks Care Center
Appointments/Cancellation 3400 Bell Rd
s/Information Auburn, CA 95063
Health Alliance
415-663-1082- 530-888-6257-Information
Sunny Hills Services
300 Sunny Hills Dr, Bldg 3
Brookside Skilled Nursing
San Anselmo, CA 94960 West Marin Pharmacy Hospital
415-457-3200-Information 11 Fourth Street 2620 Flores St.
Point Reyes Station, CA San Mateo, CA 94403
The Lotus Collaborative - 94956
San Francisco
1610 Union St 415-663-1121-Information
San Francisco, CA 94123
Carlmont Gardens Gilroy Healthcare and National Psychiatric Care
Nursing Center Rehabilitation Center And Rehabilitation
2140 Carlmont Dr 8170 Murray Ave Services
Belmont, CA 94002 Gilroy, CA 95020 650 S 5th St
650-591-9601-Information 408-842-9311-Information San Jose, CA 95112
Center For Discovery - Grant Cuesta Sub Acute
Menlo Park and Rehabilitation Center New Life Recovery
1895 Altschul Ave 1949 Grant Rd Centers, Inc.
Menlo Park, CA 94025 Mountain View, CA 94040 166 Clayton Ave
714-828-1800-Information 650-968-2990-Information San Jose, CA 95110
Cordilleras Mental Health La Selva
Services 652 Forest Ave New Life Recovery
200 Edmonds Rd Palo Alto, CA 94301 Centers, Inc.
Redwood City, CA 94062 650-323-1401-Information 473 N San Pedro
650-367-1890-Information San Jose, CA 95110
Linda Mar Care Center 408-975-0454-Information
Crossroads Village 751 San Pedro Terrace Rd
438 North White Rd. Pacifica, CA 94044 Pacific Coast Manor
San Jose, CA 95128 650-359-4800-Information 1935 Wharf Road
408-254-6848-Information Capitola, CA 95010
Litteral House 831-476-0770-Information
El Camino Ambulatory 96 South 14th St
Surgery Center, LLC San Jose, CA 95112 Pacific Hills Manor
2480 Grant Rd 408-988-7667-Information 370 Noble Ct
Mountain View, CA 94040 Morgan Hill, CA 95037
415-961-1200-Information Mission Skilled Nursing 408-779-7346-Information
and Subacute Center
FSP Residential Treatment 410 N Winchester Blvd Pacifica Nursing & Rehab
436 North White Rd Santa Clara, CA 95050 Center
San Jose, CA 95127 408-248-3736-Information 385 Esplanade Ave
408-259-0760-Information Pacifica, CA 94044
Mountain View Healthcare 650-993-5576-Information
2530 Solace Place
Mountain View, CA 94040
Palm Avenue Social Model St. Francis Convalescent Support Systems Homes,
Detoxification Pavilion Inc.
2251 Palm Ave 99 Escuela Dr 264 N Morrison Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94403 Daly City, CA 94015 San Jose, CA 95126
650-513-6500-Information 650-994-3200-Information 408-370-9688-Information
Watsonville Nursing Women's Recovery Center
Center - Elms House
535 Auto Center Dr 202 E Bellevue Ave
Watsonville, CA 95076 San Mateo, CA 94401
831-724-7505-Information 650-348-6603-Information
Women's Recovery
Association - Hillside
27 N Humboldt Ave
San Mateo, CA 94401
Women's Recovery
Association - Laurel
900 Laurel Ave
San Mateo, CA 94401
Affiliate Providers
All affiliate providers in this provider directory accept Medicare. This symbol (†) denotes affiliate
providers that also accept Medicaid.
Behavioral Analyst
Valerie Ruiz, SPC†
*Not accepting new patients
†Also accepts Medicaid
Cardiovascular Carolyn Pometta, LCSW Center For Autism And
Consultants Heart Center 2626 N California St Related Disorders, Llc
1207 E Herndon Ave Stockton, CA 95204 1730 W Walnut Ave
Fresno, CA 93720 209-467-4501 Visalia, CA 93277
559-432-4303 559-825-8455
Clinical, Social Worker
Internal Medicine: Carolyn Pometta, LCSW Behavioral Analyst
Cardiovascular Disease SPC† Mary Mathenia, SPC†
Kevin Boran, MD SPC†
Center For Autism & Center For Autism And
Donald Gregory, MD SPC†
Related Disorders, Llc Related Disorders, Llc
William Hanks, MD SPC†
1690 W Shaw Ave 75 Park Creek Dr
Language(s): spa
Fresno, CA 93711 Clovis, CA 93611
Carloni Chiropractic 559-255-5900 559-460-9090
Behavioral Analyst Behavioral Analyst
1231 Monaco Ct
Keri Martin, SPC† Alyssa Salazar, SPC†
Stockton, CA 95207
209-957-1035 Center For Autism And Central California Bariatric
Related Disorders Surgery - Modesto
1915 Howard Rd 1552 Coffee Rd
Joshua Carloni, DC SPC†
Madera, CA 93637 Modesto, CA 95355
Carol B Helander 559-330-2211 209-248-7168
965 E Yosemite Ave
Behavioral Analyst Surgery
Manteca, CA 95336
Dominic Gonzalez-Ramos, Patrick Coates, MD SPC†
SPC*† Language(s): spa
Mental Health, Counselor Francisco Mojarro, SPC†
Central California Bariatric
Carol Helander, MFT SPC†
Center For Autism And Surgery - Stockton
Language(s): ase
Related Disorders, Inc. 644 W Harding Way
Carol Dela Torre 1690 W Shaw Ave Stockton, CA 95204
1174 W Shaw Ave Fresno, CA 93711 209-244-9191
Fresno, CA 93711 559-255-5900
Behavioral Analyst Patrick Coates, MD SPC†
Clinical, Social Worker Emily Goins, SPC† Language(s): spa
Carol Dela Torre, LCSW Evelyn Kung, SPC†
Central California Faculty
Psychologist: Cognitive & Medical Group
Carol Kim LCSW Behavioral 2625 E Divisadero St
2585 E Perrin Ave Doreen Granpeesheh, Fresno, CA 93721
Fresno, CA 93720 PSYCH SPC† 559-453-5200
Internal Medicine:
Clinical, Social Worker Nephrology
Carol Kim, LCSW SPC† Hemant Dhingra, MD SPC†
Language(s): hin, pan, spa
Steven Levy, MD SPC†
Behavioral Analyst
Beverly Downing, SPC†
Pang Moua, SPC†
Post Wellness By Design Psychc Altrntv & Wellness Psychc Altrntv & Wellness
224 Weller St Ctr Ctr
Petaluma, CA 94952 110 Gough St 1947 Divisadero St
707-762-7678 San Francisco, CA 94102 San Francisco, CA 94115
415-237-0377 415-237-0377
Scott Kandler, DC SPC† Psychologist Clinical, Psychologist
Language(s): spa Ryan Halquist, PSY SPC† Heather Bradley, PSY SPC†
Precision Psychiatric Ser Psychc Altrntv & Wellness Psychc Altrntv & Wellness
1287 Fulton Rd Ctr Ctr
Santa Rosa, CA 95401 1939 Divisadero St 3030 Bridgeway
877-717-0085 San Francisco, CA 94115 Sausalito, CA 94965
415-237-0377 415-237-0377
Psychiatry, Psychiatry &
Neurology Clinical, Psychologist Psychiatry, Psychiatry &
Harkirat Saggu, MD SPC† Daniela Carollo, PSY SPC† Neurology
Language(s): fra Sharon Grossman, PSY Stanley Terman, MD SPC†
Rubby Saini, MD SPC† SPC† Language(s): heb,
Psychc Altrntv & Wellness
Language(s): fra spa
Gurpreet Sandhu, MD Brian King, PSY SPC†
3129 Fillmore St
SPC*† Language(s): fra Language(s): spa
San Francisco, CA 94123
Kamaldeep Sandhu, MD Melissa Kohner, PSY SPC†
SPC† Language(s): pan, hin Arvin Paul, PSY SPC†
Stephen Salter, PSY SPC† Mental Health, Counselor
Prima Medical Group
John Schick, PSY SPC† Shoshana Belon, PSY SPC†
100 Drakes Landing Rd
Rachel Steinberg, PSY
Greenbrae, CA 94904 Psychc Altrntv & Wellness
415-493-3340 Ctr
Clinical, Social Worker 3569 Sacramento St
Psychiatry, Psychiatry & Amrit Schneider, LCSW San Francisco, CA 94118
Neurology SPC† 415-237-0377
Olusinmi Bamgbose, MD
SPC† Community/Behavioral Clinical, Psychologist
Health Sunny Kuegle, PSY SPC†
Rosanna Franklin, PSY William Reynolds, PSY
Family, Psychologist Mental Health, Counselor
Jadu Jagel, PSY SPC† Shelia Lastie, MFT SPC†
Apria Healthcare, LLC Apria Healthcare, LLC Apria Healthcare, LLC
38444 Sky Canyon Dr., 2476 Verna Ct. 990 Klamath Ln., Ste. 11
Ste. 100 San Leandro, CA 94577 Yuba City, CA 95993
Murrieta, CA 92563 510-346-4000 530-673-5513
Apria Healthcare, LLC Augusta Medical Systems,
Apria Healthcare, LLC 705 Fiero Ln., Ste. 10 LLC
9 Pamaron, Ste. A San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 1025 Broad St.
Novato, CA 94949 805-783-7412 Augusta, GA 30901
415-883-0496 800-827-8382
Apria Healthcare, LLC
Apria Healthcare, LLC 3636 N. Laughlin Rd., Ste. Bioness, Inc.
2530 Jason Ct. 190 25103 Rye Canyon Loop
Oceanside, CA 92056 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Valencia, CA 91355
760-724-9300 707-543-0979 800-211-9136
Apria Healthcare, LLC Apria Healthcare, LLC Bioventus, LLC
2150 N. Trabajo Dr., Ste. B 4295 Business Dr. 1900 Charles Bryan Rd.,
Oxnard, CA 93030 Shingle Springs, CA 95682 Ste. 275
805-983-0926 916-921-1162 Cordova, TN 38016
Apria Healthcare, LLC Apria Healthcare, LLC
38888 El Desierto Rd. 476-480 Carlton Ct. Byram
Palm Desert, CA 92211 South San Francisco, CA 120 Bloomingdale Rd.,
760-200-2918 94080 Ste. 301
650-588-9744 White Plains, NY 10605
Apria Healthcare, LLC
9876 Hawthorne Dr. Apria Healthcare, LLC
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 7514 Murray Dr. Cochlear Americas
91730 Stockton, CA 95210 13059 E. Peakview Ave.
909-476-5000 209-475-6860 Centennial, CO 80111
Apria Healthcare, LLC Apria Healthcare, LLC
6680 Lockheed Dr., Ste. 100 221 E. Gobbi St. CranioMandibular Rehab
Redding, CA 96002 Ukiah, CA 95482 2600 W. 29th Ave., Unit 102G
530-221-0202 707-468-9242 Denver, CO 80211
Apria Healthcare, LLC Apria Healthcare, LLC
1450 Expo Pkwy. 7929 Ruffner Ave. Daavlin Distributing
Sacramento, CA 95815 Van Nuys, CA 91406 Company
916-921-1162 818-442-6100 205 W. Bement St.
Bryan, OH 43506
Apria Healthcare, LLC Apria Healthcare, LLC
10090 Willow Creek Rd. 14464 Atstar Dr., Ste. 101
San Diego, CA 92131 Victorville, CA 92395 Dexcom
858-653-6800 760-241-4488 6340 Sequence Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Apria Healthcare, LLC Apria Healthcare, LLC
2040 Corporate Ct. 1526 E. Mineral King Ave.
San Jose, CA 95131 Visalia, CA 93292
408-383-4400 559-732-6040
Dynasplint Systems, Inc. National Seating & Mobility Novocure, Inc.
770 Ritchie Hwy., Ste. W-21 21807 Plummer St. 195 Commerce Way
Severna Park, MD 21146 Chatsworth, CA 91311 Portsmouth, NH 03801
800-638-6771 818-718-1771 603-434-2809
Joerns, LLC National Seating & Mobility NuMotion
19748 Dearborn St. 2850 Cordelia Rd., Ste. 150 446 Westridge Dr.
Chatsworth, CA 91311 Fairfield, CA 94534 Watsonville, CA 95076
800-866-6662 707-399-0106 831-724-5544
Joint Active Systems National Seating & Mobility Omni Motion, Inc.
2600 S. Raney St. 4980 E. University Ave., 2888 Loker Ave. E., #208
Effingham, IL 62401 Unit 114 Carlsbad, CA 92010
800-278-0518 Fresno, CA 93727 855-358-7405
KCI USA, Inc. Oticon Medical, LLC
8023 Vantage Drive National Seating & Mobility 580 Howard Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78230 2462 Tridaldi Way Somerset, NJ 08873
800-275-4524 Hayward, CA 94545 888-277-8014
Med-El Corporation Prentke Romich Co.
2645 Meridian Pkwy., Ste100 National Seating & Mobility 1022 Heyl Rd.
Durham, NC 5320 Power Inn Rd., Ste. E Wooster, OH 44691
888-633-3524 Sacramento, CA 95820 800-262-1984
Medtronic (aka Minimed) RespirTech
18000 Devonshire St. National Seating & Mobility 5905 Nathan Ln. N.,
Northridge, CA 91325 7945 Dunbrook Rd., Ste 200
800-646-4633 Stes. F & G Plymouth, MN 55442
San Diego, CA 92126 800-793-1261
National Seating & Mobility
1125 E. Stanford Ct. RespirTech
Anaheim, CA 92805 National Seating & Mobility 2896 Centre Pointe Dr.
714-939-9322 3345 Industrial Dr., Unit 14 St. Paul, MN 55113
Santa Rosa, CA 95407 651-379-8999
National Seating & Mobility
4705 New Horizon Blvd., Restore Orthotics and
Ste. 2 National Seating & Mobility Prosthetics
Bakersfield, CA 93313 4515 S. B St. 1660 Hamilton Ave., Ste. 101
661-833-3340 Stockton, CA 95206 San Jose, CA 95125
209-546-1799 408-269-2500
National Seating & Mobility
1190 Dell Ave., Ste. L National Seating & Mobility Rotech
Campbell, CA 95008 1500 S. Blackstone St. 411 W. Walnut St.
408-920-0390 Tulare, CA 93274 Gardena, CA 90248
559-685-9095 310-532-6065
National Seating & Mobility
1210 E 223rd St, Ste. 322 National Seating & Mobility
Carson, CA 90745 716 Umi St.
844-750-4168 Honolulu, HI 96819
Rotech Sizewise Rentals, LLC The Medicine Shoppe
888 N. Fair Oaks Ave. 9865 Businesspark Ave., 282 Village Sq.
Pasadena, CA 91103 Bldg. 1, Ste. A Orinda, CA 94563
626-796-3280 El Dorado Business Park 925-254-1211
San Diego, CA 92131
Rotech Tobii Dynavox, LLC
1240 Palmyrita Ave. 2100 Wharton St., Ste. 400
Riverside, CA 92507 Sizewise Rentals, LLC Pittsburgh, PA 15203
866-211-9130 14570 E. Fremont Ave. 800-344-1778
Centennial, CO 80112
Rotech University Compounding
3181 Cleveland Ave., Ste. F Pharmacy
Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Sizewise Rentals, LLC 1875 3rd Ave.
707-526-7518 1341 Capital Circle SE, Ste. E San Diego, CA 92101
Marietta, GA 30067 619-683-2005
Sizewise Rentals, LLC
1622 N. Missile Way ZOLL Services LLC
Anaheim, CA 92801 Sizewise Rentals, LLC 121 Gamma Drive
800-814-9389 1001 Wilso Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Baltimore, MD 21223
Sizewise Rentals, LLC
1110 Wilso Dr., Bldg. B
Baltimore, MD 21223 Sizewise Rentals, LLC
800-814-9389 17721 NE Riverside Pkwy.,
Ste. C
Sizewise Rentals, LLC
Portland, OR 97230
19530 Cabot Blvd.
Prologis Park Cabot, Bldg. 1
Hayward, CA 94545 Sizewise Rentals, LLC
800-814-9389 400 Willowbrook Ln., Ste. 403
West Chester, PA 19382
Sizewise Rentals, LLC
3235 San Fernando Rd.,
Unit 1F Sizewise Rentals, LLC
Los Angeles, CA 90065 14703-F Willard Rd.
800-814-9389 Chantilly, VA 20151
Somnomed Inc.
Sizewise Rentals, LLC
6513 Windcrest Dr., Ste. 100
930 Stricker Ave., Ste. B
Plano, TX 75024
Sacramento, CA 95834
Tandem Diabetes
Sizewise Rentals, LLC
Care, Inc.
1894 Commercenter W.,
11075 Roselle St.
Ste. 406
San Diego, CA 92121
San Bernardino, CA 92408
Notice of nondiscrimination
Kaiser Permanente complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Kaiser Permanente does not
exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability,
or sex. We also:
• Provide no cost aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively
with us, such as:
♦ Qualified sign language interpreters.
♦ Written information in other formats, such as large print, audio, and accessible
electronic formats.
• Provide no cost language services to people whose primary language is not English,
such as:
♦ Qualified interpreters.
♦ Information written in other languages.
If you need these services, call Member Services at 1-800-443-0815 (TTY 711), 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.,
seven days a week.
If you believe that Kaiser Permanente has failed to provide these services or discriminated in
another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a
grievance with our Civil Rights Coordinator by writing to One Kaiser Plaza, 12th Floor, Suite 1223,
Oakland, CA 94612 or calling Member Services at the number listed above. You can file a
grievance by mail or phone. If you need help filing a grievance, our Civil Rights Coordinator is
available to help you. You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil Rights
Complaint Portal, available at https://ocrportal.hhs.gov/ocr/portal/lobby.jsf, or by mail or phone
at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Room 509F,
HHH Building, Washington, DC 20201, 1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697 (TDD). Complaint forms
are available at http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/office/file/index.html.
Multi-language Interpreter Services
ATTENTION: If you speak a language other than English, language assistance services, free of
charge, are available to you. Call 1-800-443-0815 (TTY: 711).
ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística.
Llame al 1-800-443-0815 (TTY: 711).
注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-800-443-0815
CHÚ Ý: Nếu bạn nói Tiếng Việt, có các dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ miễn phí dành cho bạn.
Gọi số 1-800-443-0815 (TTY: 711).
PAUNAWA: Kung nagsasalita ka ng Tagalog, maaari kang gumamit ng mga serbisyo ng tulong
sa wika nang walang bayad. Tumawag sa 1-800-443-0815 (TTY: 711).
주의: 한국어를 사용하시는 경우, 언어 지원 서비스를 무료로 이용하실 수 있습니다.
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ՈՒՇԱԴՐՈՒԹՅՈՒՆ՝ Եթե խոսում եք հայերեն, ապա ձեզ անվճար կարող են տրամադրվել
լեզվական աջակցության ծառայություններ: Զանգահարեք 1-800-443-0815 (TTY (հեռատիպ)՝
ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы говорите на русском языке, то вам доступны бесплатные услуги
перевода. Звоните 1-800-443-0815 (телетайп: 711).
60897108 CA
LUS CEEV: Yog tias koj hais lus Hmoob, cov kev pab txog lus, muaj kev pab dawb rau koj.
Hu rau 1-800-443-0815 (TTY: 711).
เรียน: ถ้าคุณพูดภาษาไทยคุณสามารถใช้บริการช่วยเหลือทางภาษาได้ฟรี โทร 1-800-443-0815
(TTY: 711).
ﺗﻮﺟﮫ :اﮔﺮ ﺑﮫ زﺑﺎن ﻓﺎرﺳﯽ ﮔﻔﺘﮕﻮ ﻣﯽ ﮐﻨﯿﺪ ،ﺗﺴﮭﯿﻼت زﺑﺎﻧﯽ ﺑﺼﻮرت راﯾﮕﺎن ﺑﺮای ﺷﻤﺎ ﻓﺮاھﻢ ﻣﯽ
ﺑﺎﺷﺪ .ﺑﺎ ) 1-800-443-0815 (TTY: 711ﺗﻤﺎس ﺑﮕﯿﺮﯾﺪ.
ﺑﺮﻗﻢ - ﻣﻠﺤﻮظﺔ :إذا ﻛﻨﺖ ﺗﺘﺤﺪث اذﻛﺮ اﻟﻠﻐﺔ ،ﻓﺈن ﺧﺪﻣﺎت اﻟﻤﺴﺎﻋﺪة اﻟﻠﻐﻮﯾﺔ ﺗﺘﻮاﻓﺮ ﻟﻚ ﺑﺎﻟﻤﺠﺎن .اﺗﺼﻞ
) 1-800-443-0815رﻗﻢ ھﺎﺗﻒ اﻟﺼﻢ واﻟﺒﻜﻢ.(711- :
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
393 E. Walnut St.
Pasadena, CA 91188
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