Bunte Eier
Bunte Eier
Bunte Eier
The primary market of our product will be the students of The Adventist
University of The Philippines preferably the college students who are close to our
store. The college students alone are not the only market, of course it is open to
all the faculties and workers as well.
Since our product is food it is open to all classes of people (Upper Class, Middle
Class, Lower Class). The name of our business is “Bunte Eir” derived from german
language which means “colorful eggs”. Our branding has elegant touch which
might be nice to our upper class friends. Also, kwek-kwek is the face of the
Filipino street food, it is indeed a culture so even though you are in the upper
class, this might still be alluring to you. For the middle class, this product is
perfect. It is still the original tasty quailed eggs with a twist of vibrant colors which
works best for Instagram photos/ stories. This is not just delicious but fun to eat
as well. And for the lower class, the price of our product doesn’t really differ that
much from the quailed eggs outside so in terms of value, this suits them as well.
Overall, they don’t have to pay more for them to experience more.
Our product can be identified as both a need and a want. Food is in fact an
essential. We need food to fuel our body and what better food can we eat than a
whole and nutritious food. Eggs, serving as our main ingredient has both the
nutrients and amazing taste that everyone loves. So in a sense, if your are craving
a savory, whole food, our product is perfect. Also even if your are vegetarian you
can still eat this too.
Everyone is very much capable to avail our delicious vibrant quailed eggs. It is
affordable and also very accessible since we can be contact, we also provide
deliveries for inside AUP only.
We believe that individuals inside AUP will avail our product for a variety of
reasons. First, it is “kwek-kwek” the ultimate street food of the Philippines which
is adored by almost everyone. Second, it’s not just orange, we have provided a
different neon colors too which is very fun to eat. Third, it is affordable meaning
you don’t have to think twice if your are about to buy. Fourth, convenient and
accessible. And fifth, nutritious and delicious.
It’s called “Bunte Eir” derived from the german language meaning “colorful eggs”.
We decided to name it like that because our product is vibrant and colorful and
the main ingredient is egg.
One popular street food which featured eggs is kwek-kwek. It is a kind of food
commonly sold
along the streets here in the Philippines. It is made up of hard-boiled chicken or
quail eggs that is individually wrapped in ussually orange-tinted batte, then fried
until it is golden brown.
We choose this product because it is easily made and the students will be thrilled
to see a various type of kwek-kwek. Orange became the standard color for Kwek
Kwek in some reason because orange is the most appetizing color. But we will
make it colourful for them to be amaze at the same time be more appetizing in
the eyes. There are many benefits that we can get from Kwek Kwek. Its main
ingredient is Egg which is rich source of all nutrients except Vitamin C. For
instance, Vitamin A helps improved eyesight, Vitamin D for bone health (that’s
why athletes eat eggs), and Vitamin E helps us fight against some heart and
cancerous disease. It provides all the essential proteins required for growth and
development. Egg helps fighting memory loss.
To be more entertaining, we can add a spin or twist to Kwek Kwek. It has different
kinds of sauce like the normal sweet sauce we usually see, the spicy sauce, and
the vinegar sauce (or spicy vinegar). In some places, they put cucumber in the
vinegar. It really gives a balance between the egg and the spiced vinegar and can
really bring out the flavours.
Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside kwek-kwek is undeniably tasty and
filling especially if dip with sauce. It is a variation of the Japanese tempura which
we adopt and use the ingredients we have here in the Philippines.
We will made Kwek Kwek in different colors. It will also be important to keep an
open mind and be creative and innovative with the recipe for Kwek-Kwek. But
there really is no strict recipe for Kwek Kwek and it’s very easy to make. It’s with
the sauce where you really need a recipe but with other than that it’s really very
Food is one of the basic needs of human, which is why Kwek Kwek business is
increasing today because we Filipinos love this and we all know that it is a very
cheap food. You only need a small capital for this business and you can sell it
everywhere. Surely, it will be sold in children and even in adults.
You’ll only be selling within AUP. Describe AUP as a place for you to sell your
products. What are the advantages of selling your product in AUP? What are the
disadvantages of selling your product in AUP? What or who are your possible
competitors in the area? Make an analysis of the facts you gain.
AUP’s ambience is very relaxing for students to roam around while they enjoy
their food. AUP is the place where we can sell products honestly under
regulations because our school focuses on healthy ingredients type of food that
promotes healthy living. The advantages of selling our product in AUP is that we
can assure students to try new or different types of food which differs from the
foods in our school. Since We, students in the school, We sometimes do not have
enough time to go out of campus to buy food and take a break. So if we sell
products in school, some students who are rushing for their classes can also enjoy
their short break in campus. People easily get tired of the food they consume
everyday, so trying new stuff will refresh them also. For disadvantages of selling
our products in AUP is that We can’t extend promoting our products out of
campus and people in campus are limited. What we’re worrying about is that
people might think and compare the Kwek-kwek we’re selling is just the same as
the one in canteen. Since we’re students, some might try to save their money and
not bring them from their dormitory and house because there’s a cafeteria in our
For us to compete, there’s another group of people selling their own products
different from ours. There might be same products with lower price, different
better products with same or lower prices, or products which have higher quality
than ours. As our opinion, Canteen in our campus might also be competitors since
they also sell similar products with us or more kinds of products from the school
How much are you selling your products for? What is your basis for that price ?
Compare it with your competitors. Compete with them in terms of your price.
Make an analysis of the facts you gain.
What we’ve decided for the price is 5 pesos for each ball of Kwek-kwek. Mostly
Kwek-kwek is sold per sticks, but what we’re trying to is to make both sticks and
balls, so people can try it with single ball with 5 pesos to decide whether they will
buy more or not. Since there might be people who wants more than 4 balls, we’re
preparing sticks also. What I’ve seen in the street and canteen, they sell Kwek-
kwek with the prices of 25 or 30 pesos for 4 or 5 balls. So for it to be affordable
for students, we’ve decided to lower the prices from the average prices of Kwek-
We will use the most used platform of AUP students, and that is the social media.
We will promote our product through those platforms. We will use Facebook
(facebook.com/BunteEier2020) and Instagram (instagram.com/bunte_eier). We
will keep our social media platforms update and we will share this to our friends
and followers. for them to share it also to there followers and friends.