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The key takeaways are that the course teaches techniques from internal kung fu to increase sexual magnetism and energy through practices like meditation and visualization exercises.

Some techniques taught in the course for increasing sexual energy include practices like the 'Creating Sexual Fire meditation' and sensitizing touch through the body to heighten sensation.

The steps for psychic sex according to the course involve vividly visualizing one's partner, sensually touching their body with the imagination, and then merging energies through visualization of penetration while focusing on electrical sensations between both parties without release of energy.



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Copyright © 2010 

The author Chris  Hutchison holds full copyright for this eBook and it’s 
Recorded  Version.    This  eBook  cannot  under  any  circumstances  be 
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All rights are retained by the author.  Violation of this copyright will be 
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Table of Contents

Introduction…………………………………………………………………….. 4

Internal Kung Fu……………………………………………………………… 7

The Science of Magnetism………………………………………………... 10

The Nervous System and The Human Aura………………………… 14

Sexual Energy………………………………………………………………….. 18

Sextelepathy…………………………………………….……………………… 26

Looks Vs. Magnetism……………………………………………………….. 37

How to Create Fast Rapport……………………………………………… 43

Entering the Realm of Bliss…………………………………….………… 51

The 2 Glass Principle……………………………………………………….. 60

Creating Raw Sexual Fire…………………………………………………. 68

Psychic Sex……………………………………………………………………… 75

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….. 81


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Welcome to the Sexual Fu eCourse, where you are about to learn
the secrets to creating powerful sexual magnetism. Sexual Fu is
based on the principles of internal kung fu. It requires an
internal discipline of the body, mind and energy to increase your

The original version of this course was taught in a class by a dear

friend; a man who had been teaching Ti Chi for over twenty five
years. It was based on using the sexual energy to bring deep and
prolonged healing into the physical body.

The course was wildly popular, with the large majority of

participants being men. Then something happened women
began to attend the class. However the over whelming majority
of women had one problem. In order to use their sexual energy
they had to come to terms with their sexual bodies. They had to
become comfortable with themselves as attractive sexual beings.
How could they use their sexual energy to heal if they shunned
their sexuality or felt powerless to attract and seduce others?
The overwhelming majority wanted to learn how to be more
attractive and more sexually magnetic. So this course was born.

As a friend to the teacher of this course I was taught separately

and asked to teach alongside him. Naturally women were more
comfortable with another woman.

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Many people struggle with attracting the partner of their choice
or simply feeling attractive enough. It does not matter if you are
a man or woman these teachings will bring you into the full
essence of your sexual energy. It will also reveal secrets that
few people are even aware of.

You are about to take a journey into yourself. It is a journal

which will lead you from a place of true magical power which will
then allow you to influence anyone who comes in contact with
you. It is a science and formula that requires practice and focus.

If being desired by every single man or woman whom you

encounter is your wish, then know that your wish is granted as
you practice the techniques found in this course.

Like everything in life knowledge means absolutely nothing

without a formula to master it. Those who master it will surely
have an edge over those who don’t. This is what separates the
God’s and Goddesses of the sexual magnetic world.

Luckily because this is an audio course you have the fortune of

being able to return to it again and again in the future. However
my suggestion to you is to do all that you can to achieve success
in this program by putting your all into in. The rewards are

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You will notice that your ability to attract others will greatly
increase to amazing levels. As your magnetic field increases you
will notice that others feel very drawn towards you. They will
have a more intimate connection and their need and desire for
you will increase dramatically with very little effort on your part.
You won’t need to chase others down. They will literally be
addicted to you and your company. The overall effect is so
powerful that your entire dating experience will change
dramatically, making you a very hot sought after target.
Whatever your experiences were in the past you can forget about
them as what you will be encountering will be phenomenally

After understanding the science of sexual magnetism you will

realize that many of the things you did or have been doing are
actually killing your chances of attracting others to you.

You will learn how to increase your sexual energy to an

extremely heightened level. You will learn how to create a
strong magnetic field that will be felt by others around you. In
addition to that you will learn how to induce magnetic currents
in others to influence how they feel. An invaluable skill as people
are not driven by logic but by how they feel. You will also learn
the secret to creating that falling in love feeling and how it can
be duplicated again and again. You will learn all this and much,
much more.

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Internal Kung Fu
When you think of kung fu, you probably have thoughts of
someone practicing some form of physical self defense.
However, internal Kung Fu on the other hand is based on the
development of the invisible force field which adds strength and
power to the physical body, as well as the mind.

Kung Fu is one of many forms of martial arts and although it is

often associated with self defense the term can be used to define
several aspects of human development. The original meaning of
Kung Fu is the training and perfection of any skill. So in essence
if you are studying and training yourself to be a skilled painter
you are practicing kung fu. You could say a person’s kung fu is
good in playing the guitar or a person has good kung fu in
cooking. And in the case of this course since the emphasis is on
developing a strong magnetic field you are also practicing kung

The average human being places a great deal of emphasis on the

outer appearances. They do not understand the secret reservoir
of energy which lies beneath their physical appearances. They
work and train the physical body to their idea of perfection.
They judge the outer body to determine what is attractive and
what is not. But, few people know the shear supernatural
qualities that can be achieved by awakening the internal forces.
It governs how you look, how you feel and how others perceive
you as well. If you can learn to control those internal forces you
can have new abilities that will give you outstanding results.

Every human being is in possession of two significant bodies.

There is the physical body and the invisible energy body.
Although you are not aware of your energy body it is largely
responsible for the quality of your experiences. It is what a
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person feels when they come in contact with you and it is what
determines how they feel about you as well. In order to
experience outstanding appearances or to influence anyone’s
feelings towards you, then you must develop that energy body
and in doing that your physical body will be affected.

True Kung Fu practice is based on the development of both the

physical body as well as the internal body. Every martial artist
knows that physical strength or external appearances cannot be
altered on a physical level alone, if a person intends to do
something remarkable. When you focus only on the physical you
experience only a tiny fraction of power.

When there is a vibrant developed energy body everything

outside begins to take on a new form and a new vibrancy.

A kung fu master who is able to break bricks with his head does
not do it with muscles alone. He does it by going into the
silence. Through the use of certain internal kung fu practices he
is able to gain additional strength to make his body do what
muscle alone could not.

No matter how hard you train the physical body there will always
be a limit to what it can do. Just as he is able to build
supernatural strength to achieve outstanding results, so too can
you build outstanding results by awakening and developing your
inner force field. By doing so, you create an intense
supernatural magnetic presence. You can create sexual
magnetism which can be felt clear across the room. You can
create a field strong enough to affect anyone who comes in
contact with you. And, when that field is developed with
strength it will literally dominate the field of anyone who come
near you so that they cannot help but become intoxicated by your

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In the case of this Sexual Fu course, you will learn how to use
certain meditations to increase your sexual energy as well as
how to use it to become more attractive to others. You will also
learn how to tap into the energy of others to better influence
their feelings towards you for an even great impact.

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The Science of Magnetism
What is magnetism you may be wondering? Magnetism is the
invisible power by which one object is able to draw another
object towards itself. There are two levels of magnetism; the
first is the power to create a strong thought current to pull what
you want towards you. While the second form of magnetism is a
person’s ability to transfer their thought current to another
altering the other person’s internal state to match their own.

Human beings have the same effect as a magnetic. Every human

being emits a magnetic current which we call vibes. A person’s
vibe can either attract or repel. The attractive qualities are
based on a strong developed magnetic current whereas repellent
qualities are based on a weak magnetic current.

Strong Vs. Weak Magnetism

Everyone possesses the potential to be magnetic but few people

are really magnetic at all. In order to be magnetic you must
product a strong concentration of a particular thought along with
the feelings and energy to match. That takes concentration and
a deliberate effort and focus. However someone who is weak in
magnetism is scattered in their thoughts. One minute they are
holding a particular thought then suddenly they are unsure of
their feelings. They may be thinking of one thing then suddenly
jump to something else. In order to create a strong magnetic
current you must produce a higher concentration of thoughts

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and feelings; which you must hold for a duration of time long
enough to create the right electrical charge.

For example someone may be magnetic to money because they

hold favorable thoughts and feelings with the right energy
towards money. Someone like this will seem to always attract
more money. In the case of sexual magnetism another may hold
concentrated sexual thoughts, feelings and energy that make
them highly alluring.

There is a formula to creating strong magnetism. For example

you could estimate that each thought is equivalent to one voltage
of electricity. Now when that thought is backed up by strong
emotions the voltage of electrical current increases ten times.
The thought becomes even more powerful with emotions. In
addition when a thought with its supporting feeling is held in
place and repeated over and over the electrical charge further
increases and becomes stronger. In this case you are creating a
very strong magnetic charge which will pull what you want with
little physical effort on your part.

How We Exchange Magnetic Currents

You have heard the saying that you become like the people you
spend time with. We are always emitting magnetic currents from
our bodies. And, when we come in contact with others they also
transfer a strong current which intermingles with our own. They
do that through touch, hand shake, conversations, and the eyes.

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The longer you remain in a person’s company the strong the
transfer of magnetic current.

When two people are together the magnetic current runs from
the person with the strongest magnetic current to the one with
the weaker. So in essence the person who possesses the
strongest level of magnetic current influences the person with
the weakest magnetism. In the case of sexual magnetism as you
develop your magnetic field you will naturally influence anyone
who comes near you, to feel sexual, excited and deeply drawn
towards you. Because most people are not very magnetic you
will have a clear advantage over the majority to infuse your
magnetic presence and get them to really want you.

Your Magnetic Field Can Influence How Others Feel

Have you ever come in contact with someone who was highly
emotional about something? Perhaps they were extremely angry
or feeling very passionate about something and soon after you
connected with them, you began to feel the way they were
feeling. We magnetically influence the way people feel. Most of
the time we do it unconsciously but we can deliberately influence
the feelings of another.

Because we do it unconsciously we can put feelings inside of

another that may drive them away from us. On the other hand
we can magnetically transfer feelings that make others really
want to be with us.

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When we hold repeated thoughts with strong emotions those
intense thoughts create a thought cloud. That thought cloud
travels with you. When your thought cloud is strong and
concentrated it literally dominates the atmosphere of those who
come in contact with you. As stated before because most people
are not very magnetic and have very weak minds your developed
magnetism will over whelm them with strong feelings.

You can literally create the feelings you want to induce inside of
others by creating it then transferring it.

The power of magnetism is in creating strength. It is in creating

powerful wave of electrical thought current and projecting it to
your target.

People have used it to heal others and it can be used to seduce

and much more.

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The Nervous System and The
Human Aura
In this chapter you are about to learn how the function of your
nervous system affects your aura and magnetic field. This will
help you in understanding what drives the energy within your
body. Having an understanding of this will enhance whatever
practice you engage in making it even stronger.

At this point, based on what you have learned from the previous
chapters you should have a better understanding of how your
thoughts and feelings influence your magnetic field. You may
also now understand how through the deliberate use of your own
magnet field you can induce intense feelings in others so that
they are able to feel excited to be with you.

However what you don’t know is the mechanism behind it all. By

understanding how the chemistry in your body works, you can
then increase its function to create an unusually powerful
magnetic field or what some would call the aura.

In order to help you fully grasp this, I would like you to use your
imagination to picture the following explanation. You will find
that as you use clear pictures in your mind, you will understand
it all much better.

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The Nervous System

When you think of the brain you probably have an image of a soft
spongy matter located in your head region. But, the brain
extends far beyond the head. You may never have thought that
your entire body is one big brain; that your brain extends beyond
your head to your entire body is something you may never have
thought of before.

That pulpy central operating system located in your head is

attached to your spinal cord. Using your imagination I would
like you to follow the structure in your mind. Follow your spinal
cord down the center of your back all the way down to your
pelvis. Now extended from your spinal cord are thousands of
nerves running through all parts of the entire body. They extend
though your arms and hands, through your legs and feet and
they also run through all the organs in your body.

Every time you have a thought in your head to move a part of

your body that thought travels within a fraction of a second
through those channels we call nerves and instructs the body on
what to do. It all happens at lightning speed.

The real magic in all of this is that the human body functions like
any electrical devise. The brain and nervous system follow the
same principles of electricity. Those nerves running through
your body are similar to the wires or cables which insulate the
electrical current running through your home.

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When you have a thought in your head that thought generates a
voltage of electricity. When that thought is accompanied by a
strong feeling or emotional state that voltage increases in heat.
Different thoughts hold a different level of heat radiation which
can be measured. Scientists are now able to measure the
different levels of heat radiation being emitted by a person’s
thoughts based on what that person is thinking. The more
intently a thought is held with a strong feeling the more heat
radiation is being emitted from the central brain.

Something else is also happening. As the thoughts and feelings

increase, the heat created by those thoughts travel from the
main brain, down the spinal cord, then through the nerve
channels inside of the body. Now the entire body is filled with
the heat radiation first created by those thoughts. That radiation
then extends beyond the physical body.

The Human Aura

The human aura or the magnetic field is that field of energy

which surrounds the physical body. That field of energy is first
made up of a person’s predominant thoughts and feelings. The
strongest thought patterns that a person holds in their mind, will
determine the quality of energy which surrounds their body.

So if someone holds intense thoughts and feelings about how

great they feel this will naturally be created in their aura.
Someone who has constant thoughts and strong feelings about
sex will eventually build up a sexual energy in their aura.

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The stronger those thoughts and feelings become the more heat
radiation is created inside the body, which then extends around
the body creating a strong aura.

With the practice of internal kung fu you can create that energy
inside of your body. As you hold that energy within your body
without releasing it the stronger it becomes.

You can literally feel the intensity of energy around some people
with a stronger sexual magnetism. And, as stated in the previous
chapter when your magnetic field is developed it will dominate
the magnetic presence of anyone coming in contact with you.
This will literally be overcome with desire.

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Sexual Energy
When you hear the term sexual energy it may conjure up
thoughts of a raw sexual act. It’s very rare that we think of the
underlining power of what creates or drives this primal sexual
urge. It’s probably because we’ve never been told much about
the magic of our sexuality, or of the raw power that comes from
within sexual energy.

There are two key elements that you need to understand about
sexual energy. Both of the two elements are the key to sexual
magnetism. It’s really important that you understand each
element as a whole part in itself in order to achieve success with
this sexual magnetism course. The first element in sexual energy
is the magic that lives within the energy of sex and how it can be
used to create super human qualities. The second element in sex
and sexual energy is the effect it has on others and why we seek
it out.

The First Element of Sexual Energy

Often we think of sex as just a way to please the self but sex is
far more magical than you realize. From this point forward I
want you to literally begin to see sex and sexual energy as pure
magic. Every time you engage in a sexual thought, or fantasize
about another know that you are working with the primal
magical energy to create and influence.

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Sex has been used in sacred ceremonies for centuries. Those
who practice those sacred ceremonies would have to know
something that the average person does not. You may have been
introduced a little to some of those concepts in Dan Brown’s
Psychological thriller, “The Da Vinci Code.”

Sexual energy is a power which creates the universe. The very

essence of life itself is sexual energy. In ancient metaphysical
practices sex has been used as a tool to transform a person’s
consciousness. A person can dramatically transform themselves
by taking on super natural powers using sexual energy as a
gateway. This is a secret that few people are even aware of. So
it’s necessary to learn not only to honor your sexuality but also
learn how to expand your capacity for sexual pleasure.

Indigenous cultures knew of this secret, cults knew of it and

secret societies knew of and used these secrets of sexual energy.
And, you are about to learn how to use these secrets to enhance
your own magnetic presence, to transform yourself and draw
others to you in droves.

The periods before during and after sex are highly suggestible
states of consciousness. It is the one time when the mind and
the body are in a close harmony with each other; infused by a
rich intoxicating drug which is sexual energy. You can use the
states before during and after sex to program your body and
your mind to do what would otherwise be impossible or what
would normally take several years to achieve.

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Try to recall the last time you were in a rich sexual state
especially a time where you may have been engaged in a fantasy.
Do you recall how deep you had gone inside of yourself almost as
if you were in another world? Try to recall what it was like right
after you had an intense orgasm. Maybe you can recall just
floating into a deep inner space. With your eyes close you feel
yourself drifting away from all your cares and entering a deep
dream like world.

If you have used meditation or visualization to attract certain

outcomes in your life, you may realize that you were mostly in
your head. But, when you use the states when you are sexually
around you are now using your entire body as a battery. You are
no longer just in your head you are now inside of your entire
body and the energy from intense arousal serves you like a high
powered battery to intensify your desires. Using sexual energy
to power your desires is like sending a wish out into the universe
on steroids.

To help you get a clearer picture of the power of this concept I

would like you to imagine for a moment that there was a tube
running through your body. Imagine that tube starts at your
genitals, and then runs through the center of your body all the
way up your spine then out through your head.

When you become highly aroused and maintain that heightened

sexual state for a without wasting it in a fast orgasm, the energy
gradually moves up through that tube from the sexual gland. It
travels up all the way through your body, out through your head
and connects you to the heavenly worlds of consciousness. When
you are feeling blissed out, or heavenly it’s because you are.

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Your consciousness is truly in another space. You could say that
you are connecting with the universe at that time more than
ever. You could ever go so far as to say that sex is a gateway
into prayer. Because, when you enter into that intense heavenly
consciousness you are aligned with pure universal power and any
wish you make will manifest faster.

If you are someone who is seeking higher knowledge you can

acquire all sorts of knowledge in that state during and after sex.
In the case of sexual magnetism all sorts of wonderful things are
happening inside of your body during that highly aroused state.
You will notice that your breathing will expand; you will begin to
take in much more oxygen into your body. This will trigger your
nervous system, more blood will be pumped through your entire
body and your body will also release endorphins. There will be
an incredible glow to your skin and in addition to all the other
good stuff your body will release all sorts of pheromones that
attract the opposite sex to you.

Unfortunately there is a problem; very few people ever let the

sexual energy get sufficiently intense enough to benefit from all
these experience.

It’s more common for most to waste their sexual energy, mostly
due to lack of knowledge. In most cases very few people have a
developed sexual practice. It’s more common for most people to
focus only on their sexual parts and rush through any sexual act.
The real focus for most people is generally exclusively on
achieving an orgasm as fast as possible. So in this case the
sexual energy never has a time to develop sufficiently in the

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To prove to you just how effective a heightened sexual energy
can affect those who come in contact with you I will use a very
common scenario. How often have you heard someone say that
they could not seem to find a date no matter how hard they
tried? They walked the streets, entered bars and it was as if they
were wearing an invisible suite. No one noticed or cared. But
suddenly out of nowhere, luck came and hit them over the head
with a sympathy stick. Finally they’re in and dating someone
new. Someone cool has finally noticed. They are spending time
with someone and surely they feel great, when suddenly out of
nowhere they are being approached by other people who now
want to date them. Confusing isn’t it?

What’s really happening is that person is now over flowing with

excitement and sexual energy. Try to recall what happen to you
when you were new to a relationship. You probability spent lots
of time fanaticizing about your date, what you would do to them
and where you would do it and so on. What is happening is that
you are activating your sexual energy and because you are not
dispelling that energy but saving it up for the time when you and
your date will finally do it, the energy is building on itself making
you more sexually magnetic.

Now We Enter the Second Element of Sexual Energy

As human beings we are internally programmed to seek out

partners who are highly sexually charged. When a person has a
high sexual charge it sends a message to our subconscious mind
that this person is in a state of well being and they are filled with

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an abundance of energy. The energy is surging through their
body, opening all their psychic centers and we really feel it. Also
the more sexual energy a person has the more alive they make us
feel as well. Naturally, their magnetic body is radiating a strong
life force energy. As it interacts with our own we feel as alive
and vibrant as they do.

When a man enters a room he immediately scans the room for

the sexiest woman in the room and by that I do not mean the
prettiest. I truly mean the sexiest. His brain intuitively senses
what his eyes cannot see.

Women do the same. Women are most often drawn to powerful

men, sometimes even men who are aggressive because that
aggressive act triggers a sexual surge. Remember sexual energy
is power; sexual energy fuels the body like gas fuels a machine.
When you have it in abundance people are more drawn to you.

Sexual energy has to be nurtured or it will die. As we get very

busy, or filled with stress and depression we may often lose our
sexual drive. Even though you have a mate or go out on dates,
the date may just not feel anything from you, obviously because
there is just no sexual charge to pull them.

You have to engage in sexual fantasies. It’s very healthy for your
total well being. People who are vibrant and sexual engage in
sexual fantasies. On the other hand people with low self esteem
may spend more time thinking of the troubles that come with not
being able to attract anyone. They do not realize the core
principle that is hindering their attractiveness. They are simply
not sexually magnetic enough and now they must build up that

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magnetic charge, which will take a bit of time with the right

Sexual energy dies if it’s not feed, with stress and other issues
we can ignore our sexual energy. Sometimes a person may have
sex daily but still be low on sexual energy. Just because you are
having sex does not mean that your sexual charge is high. Most
often people use sex as an instant release form stress. They may
go to bed with the partner, engage in a very quick sexual
encounter and be done. The please is quick and released just as
quickly, the magnetic charge has not had a change to build up at


As an exercise for this chapter I would like you to take some

quiet time for yourself. Get some music if you need to get your
mind centered. You are going to need at least an hour; you can
take more if you feel the need to. Get into a very relaxed state of
mind and begin to picture your ideal fantasy. Depending on
where you are sexually you may not feel aroused. Believe it or
not some people get so busy and caught up with life that their
sexual juices have gotten dried up and it takes a lot to actually
turn them on. In other cases sexual trauma can also cause
someone to close down their sexual valve. Whatever the reason
forgive yourself and allow yourself the pleasure of opening up
sexually again.

Do not limit or sensor your fantasy. Do whatever it takes to get

those feeling stirred up in you. For the first few moments just
enter the fantasy, pay attention to what is exciting you most

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about that fantasy and try to see if you can lock in that feeling,
by freezing it for a few moments and allowing it to get stronger
and strong. You can replay certain parts again and again until
the feeling gets stronger. See if you can make every part of your
senses come alive in this fantasy.

Activate all of your senses in this fantasy, your tastes buds, and
your sense of touch, smell etc. Make the fantasy as rich as you
can. See if you can make every part as real as you possibly can.

Allow yourself to remain with this fantasy for at least an hour.

Don’t rush through it. Allow it to build up to a very high sensual
pitch. Think about how you were when you were a teenage and
you would spend hours upon hours just fantasizing.

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What is sextelepathy? Sextelepathy is a person’s own mental
radar to detect the sexual compatibility or attractiveness of
someone they have met. It’s when a person’s mental telepathy is
at its highest. Don’t worry you won’t find it in the dictionary.
The word itself is just a blending of two words with the emphasis
on your own mental telepathy. How does telepathy enhance your
magnetic aura? To help answer that question let’s take a look at
how the human mind receives information and interacts with
other minds.

Often times if you told a person to make a list of what they found
attractive in someone they would like to date or a life partner,
they would most certainly have a list of very specific features.
Physical appearances would certainly dominate this list. But,
what most people are unaware of is that they are almost never
selecting anyone based on those physical characteristics which
they have listed. Instead 90% of why you select a person has
more to do with the invisible essence that is being emitted from
that person and how your brain reads this information.

Your sexual attraction to someone is far more mental than it is

physical. When you get that jolt of sexual excitement it is surely
mental before it is ever physical. You never have to be touched
to feel sexually charged.

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We are all practicing mental telepathy every single moment of
the day. When you enter a room full of people you have never
met you are relying on your mental perception to inform you of
the nature and quality of the people who are in front of you. You
have nothing else to go by except for what you are tuning in to.

You may enter a room and feel immediately drawn to someone

while equally repulsed by another person without even knowing

Once again your attractiveness to a person goes much, much

deeper than what is on the physical level. Your brain is reading
the quality of energy being emitted by that person but that is not
all, there is something else, something more interesting. That
other person’s mind is communicating with your mind but you
are completely unaware.

You are completely unaware of just how much you are being
influenced and also how influential you yourself can be to the
mind of those around you. And because of this lack of awareness
in the past you have given off the wrong messages. But now you
will learn how to use your mind in a special way to always get
the desired outcome.

Your mind is a receiver and transmitter of thoughts and

energy impressions.

Just like radio and telecommunication airwaves, the human mind

broadcasts thought waves which are received by the minds of
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others who are close by. Those thought waves can also reach
those at a distance if you intentionally direct your thought wave
to a specific person at a distance.

Every moment of the day your mind is going. You are consumed
in deep thoughts all the time. Did you ever take the time to
observe your thoughts? We don’t think in words, we only think
in images. You also never have one image in your mind; instead
you create a story, a mind movie. It all happens so fast you don’t
even realize this.

The First Reading

In the previous chapter you learned how the human aura and
magnetic field is created. That field is first started by a thought,
followed by a feeling which generates an electrical impulse,
which travels down the spinal column then through the network
of nerves located throughout the body. As the electrical
impulses travel throughout the body this creates a heated
environment around the physical body. As that energy increases
in intensity that field of energy around the body grows stronger
and more saturated with the quality of that thought energy,
creating what is called the aura or magnetic field.

With sextelepathy the reverse happens, it’s a journey which

travels in the opposite direction. Each and everyone lives within
their own bubble or aura of energy but for most people that aura
is quite weak and not very concentrated. That rare girl or guy
who gets everyone to want them has either naturally been born

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with these skill you are about to learn or they may have learned
to create an intense magnetic field by chance.

When that bubble of magnetic energy is very strong it can easily

be felt from clear across the room. Let’s take a journey into your
imagination again. Using your imagination let’s take a quantum
journey into a remote imaginary party where everyone is encased
within a bubble, that bubble being their aura. Let’s also imagine
that there is no way to see how beautiful or handsome a person
is, all that exist are bubbles everywhere.

The object of this part is to find a mate which matches your

ideals and ever though you cannot see anyone’s face or body you
have only one thing to guide you. You have an inner sensing
device which allows you to feel. That feeling instrument will
translate everything you need in order to tell you more about
each person you meet.

This is how the feeling instrument inside of your bubble works.

Every time you get close enough for your bubble to touch
someone else’s bubble an electrical impulse travels through your
bubble, signals the nerves, travels through your nervous system
up your spine and enters your brain. Your brain then reads the
electrical impulse, analyses it then forms a complete picture in
your mind of who that person is.

If that person is in a state of wellbeing and filled with strong

magnetism you will immediately feel a good charge. Do you see
what is happening? Not only does your magnetic aura emit its
own frequency around your body, it also serves as a sensing
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instrument to communicate to your mind what is really
happening around you. It also calibrates itself to feel the quality
of energy that is within its reach. In essence if you are in the
company of someone long enough your energy bubble will start
to adjust itself to match the energy bubble of the person you are
with. The revere is also happening the other person’s bubble will
also recalibrate itself to match your own until there is some form
of equilibrium.

You may have noticed in the past feeling excited and alive when
you direct your attention to someone who is feeling excited and
alive. However when you direct your focus on to someone who is
down, lacks confidence and is low on energy you will notice that
you immediately get a reading and you will also feel a bit down
and lack luster. Of course that reading will be temporary unless
you engage that person’s company for a lengthy period of time.

Do you know that it takes approximately thirty minutes for the

magnetic effect to start happening. The longer you remain in the
other person’s company the stronger the magnetic effect as both
your magnetic fields begin to synchronize with each other.
Naturally whoever possesses the strongest magnetic field will
dominate. You will learn all about how to dominate another’s
energy field in the upcoming chapter. In the meantime it’s
necessary that you learn to honor those impulses that you

Those immediate impulses that you feel telepathically are the

impression of energy being read by your nervous system and
your brain. Those impressions are what lead you to one person
and not to another. Other people are also doing this with you.

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They are reading the energy being emitted by you and no matter
what you are wearing, or how much money you have in your
pocket what matters most is that signal that is now being
interpreted by their brain. When you find someone who has a
strong sexual magnetism your mind interprets all the good
hormonal feelings that are being released and you begin to feel
excited, not only sexually but excited in an overall state of

Sexual energy is life; it is creative energy which your brain

translates as a state of wellbeing and greater potential.

The Second Reading

Every second of the day you are broadcasting thought waves and
for obvious reasons those thoughts vary based on the nature of
what is going on around you. You are naturally going to have
thoughts that relate to what is presently happening around you
and how you related to those events.

Did you know that you think in waves? You never have just one
single thought. Your mind works by forming pictures and in
order to create a picture you must have several thoughts which
support each other and complete the picture. Better yet, let’s
say that you think in terms of mini mind movies. The more you
engage those mental movies the more thoughts are broadcasted
one after the other creating a wave of thought energy.

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Let’s say you have gone out on a date. As you are sitting across
from your date naturally you will be in deep thought.

a.) You are either analyzing your date to learn more about
who they are.
b.) You are worrying about what your date may be thinking
of you.
c.) You may be waiting for the first opportunity for your date
to stop talking so you can brag to your date about all your
great accomplishments. In which case you mind is
running through all of your accomplishments and not
listening to a word of what your date is really saying.
d.) You are feeling really excited and your mind is flooded
with confident flirtatious thoughts and feelings, which
tells your date that you are excited and interested in
them. In your mind movie you may jump ahead to
actually seeing your first kiss.

These are just a few of the most common routine patterns which
happen. It’s not too hard to guess which one would lead to a
more fun and exciting date.

Whatever thoughts you are engaged in they all create a wave and
those thought waves travel to the person you are having a
conversation with. Those thought waves interact with the other
person’s mind and subconsciously they are able to read you.
They respond to you in accordance to what you are broadcasting.

Have you ever seen a plasma lamp? If you have not just type it
into the search engine and go directly to images to see what one
looks like. Your magnetic field looks and works like a plasma

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lamp. Your thought energy really shoots out around your
physical body in a wild flow of energy and those around you
receive those thought impulses that are sent out from you.

How Our subconscious Mind Reads Thought Waves

Our subconscious mind takes instructions once it is given in a

clear and concise way. It does not matter if these instructions
come from you or someone else, the subconscious mind does not
understand the difference.

When someone is thinking and emitting thought waves such as,

“I don’t think he is going to like me…I must not be his type…I am
sure he will favor someone else…” These thoughts are felt by the
mind of the other person; he may not know why but suddenly he
begins to have some doubts about his feelings for you. You are
in essence hypnotically altering his or her thoughts about you.
You are unconsciously speaking to that other person’s mind and
instructing them on how to feel about you.

If you hold those sorts of thoughts often enough or for long

periods you will notice that this person’s feelings will change
towards you.

In a psychic development class the students were divided into

two groups. Half of the students were asked to write out an
experience which deeply impacted their lives. The experience
could be a joyful one or a very painful one; it was left to the
student to choose. All that mattered was that the experience
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which was chosen had to be a highly emotional experience. A
highly emotional experience was chosen because with emotions
comes more energy.

Next the students were asked to spend ten minutes reliving the
experience in their mind. In the next part of this experiment the
second half of the students were asked to each choose one
student from the first group.

The students from the second group were asked to sit in silence
with their eyes closed directly in front of one of the students who
were reliving their mental story. At the end of the session the
students from the second group were asked to write out how
they were feeling. In a surprising account the students who
were the silent receivers of the thought impressions were on
target with what emotions they were tuning into too. They had
accurately managed to tune into the feelings of the other
students who were reliving their mental story. Many of them
were even intuitive enough to pick up several impressions which
matched the stories that were playing out in the mind of the one
they were observing.

Telepathic Thoughts and Magnetic Field

Your magnetic field is a field of energy created based on a long

term thought patter you have carried for several days, weeks
months or years. However your telepathic thought wave is
something you can alter or become conscious of. By being aware
of how your thoughts influence the mind and brain of those you
meet you can then better control your overall magnetic field.
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You may not be in the most confident state of mind perhaps your
self esteem may be suffering. However if you enter a room with
the deliberate desire to communicate with the minds of those
around you more positively you will see amazing results in how
they respond towards you.

You can use this technique not only for seducing others but for
any situation in which you want to feel more powerful and in

Here Are a Few Exercises That You will Want to


I would like you to now imagine that you have entered a very
large room full of strangers. It is a bit intimidating at first
because you don’t know anyone there. But, no worries you are
completely armed with a secret technique. Typically your mind
would become clouded with fear and worry; you would easily
become self conscious and maybe run off into a corner, but not
this time.

1.) Imagine yourself moving into a spot where everyone can

now see you.
2.) Tune into your own energy, for a moment forget everyone
in the room.
3.) Take a deep centering breath, hold the breath for a
moment then slowly exhale.
4.) On the exhale begin to repeat thoughts that are
supportive of the images you want others to receive.
5.) You may want to try thoughts such as: “I am
confident…everyone finds me irresistible.”
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6.) As you repeat those thought use your imagination to
move the thoughts out into the room. Imagine that the
thoughts fill the space in the entire room.

You have just learned how to broadcast your telepathic thoughts

in order to influence the minds of a large group.

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Looks Vs. Magnetism

Sadly all too often we allow our physical appearance to dictate

our choices in life. We assume that we must be good looking or
possess a particular built in order to have others be widely
attracted to us. In this chapter you are about to learn secrets
that will wildly transform your physical appearance without ever
having to go under the knife.

Every year millions of cosmetic surgeries are done every year in

the pursuit of beauty. In places like Iran where cosmetic surgery
is rising rapidly, it is directly linked to a woman’s ability to get
married. And in the case of men the same is true. All around the
world from New York to Brazil people are choosing to redesign
their physical appearance in the pursuit of beauty. But, in the
end is it really ever as effective as they had hoped? Studies have
shown that most people who undergo some form of cosmetic
surgery are often left with conflicting feelings.

It’s not unlike the kid who has been fat his entire life and
although losing weight later in life still sees himself as the fat

The real source of beauty is not on the outside. It’s something

far more mysterious. It’s certainly not the typical cliché, that
states beauty is on the inside and it’s all about how good or kind
you are. While goodness and kindness are all good attributes to
have, what you are about to learn is of a different matter.

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There is a phenomenon which happens unseen to the naked eye
but its effect soon enough become striking and clearly visible.

In a controlled environment researchers studied two fairly

similar plants. The plants were transplanted in a similar
container, given the same nutrients and cared for in the same
way, except one plant was given a special treatment.

Every day the researchers would spend a few minutes speaking

loving words to the one plant. Words such as, you are healthy,
you are growing healthy and strong, thank you, you are loved
etc. They would do this every day for a few minutes then leave.

Within a few weeks something startling was beginning to

happen. There was a dramatic difference between the two
plants. While the plant which did not get any special treatment
grew it did not compare to the other which did get the treatment.
The plant which got the treatment grew several inches taller
than the non treated plant. Its leaves were also much greener
and vibrant and beautiful but what the researchers noticed was
that the treated plant had an overall intense vibrancy about it. It
simply glowed.

Many years ago a man name Semyon Kirlian came up with a

form of photography which was able to capture the living aura
around the physical form of a living object. When this Kirlian
camera was used on the two plants there was a distinct radiant
glow which surrounded the plant which had gotten the special

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In future experiments this camera has been used with test
subjects. The camera was used to capture the images of several
people who held very unhealthy feelings about themselves. After
the images were taken you could see a very thin aura of light
surrounding the subjects. The light was very dim and sporadic.

The subjects were then placed through a program where they

were given a special treatment to boost their self confidence. By
the end of the day they were photographed again, this time with
startlingly different results. The photographs revealed a huge
thick light surrounding the full body of everyone who
participated in the program.

It was clearly evident that the new heightened feelings of

everyone in the group had caused the radiant aura.

What does all of this have to do with beauty? You magnetically

charge your physical body by the quality of thoughts you feed
yourself. Beauty is not based on bone structure, it’s based on

Someone who was told that he or she was good-looking believed

and began to feed themselves with those good-looking thoughts
and energy, resulting in very good looks.

Have you ever seen someone who by all standards seem to be

beautiful, in that they had the right bone structure? But, despite

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that they seem not to radiate any sort of beauty no matter what
they wore or did.

On the other hand there are other men or women who seem to
light up, they radiate, their eyes sparkle and everyone notices.
Here is what’s really happening.

Negative thoughts about yourself literally take away from your

vital life force; it literally dims the energy being released in your
magnetic field. We use the term negative and positive thoughts
without ever really equating it with a mathematical process.

In reality the term is very mathematical. Negative thoughts and

feelings subtracts from your magnetic field, while positive
thoughts and feelings add increased energy supporting your
magnetic field. When you send positive thoughts to your body
you increase energy to those parts that you are admiring and it
actually lights up with increased energy. Do you know that you
can enhance any body part by infusing it with a heavy dose of
positive energetic thoughts? When you infuse your body with
positive words and energy your body not only radiates but in
time literally transforms itself.

If the plants can feel the radiance from your positive thoughts so
to can any part of your own body.

When I was just a teen I had a very good friend who shared an
interesting story with me. On the wall directly at the foot of his
bed he had a picture of a very distinguished man with very sharp
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angular features. One of the most distinguishing features was
the cleft in that man’s chin. My friend at the time said that he
loved the look of that man and wanted to look like him but more
particularly he wanted to have that angular chin with the deep
cleft. So he kept the picture at his bed and every single night
before sleep he would imagine himself looking exactly like this

To his surprise he really did begin to look very much like that
man in the picture on his wall. At that time even I was clearly
surprised by the striking similarities. Remember this story is
being shared by a young boy who had accidently discovered a
very powerful secret to reality. Scientist and spiritual teachers
have said it again and again that our thoughts not only shape
reality but influence our physical body as well.

The ability to enhance your physical form is not so radical a

concept in this day and age. More and more people are
beginning to understand the power of the mind to alter their
form through the use of deep and prolonged hypnosis. The More
radical the change the deeper the work but you can very easily
benefit from a more beautiful aura by accepting your unique
features as they are and simply adding energy to enhance what
you already have. The following technique is so powerful that
others will actually notice. Your physical attractiveness will

The next time you feel the urge to criticize your appearance or
get cosmetic surgery try the following exercise. Preferably this
exercise should become part of your routine for the next thirty

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days as part of the Sexual Magnetism process. Mark your
starting date on your calendar.

Exercise – Creating an Attractive Body

• For this exercise you will need some quiet reflective time,
and any music that makes you feel relaxed and comfortable.

• For this step it is best to lie down. Start by relaxing your

entire body. Starting from the top of your head make your
eyes relax, tell your entire face and neck to relax. Instruct
your shoulder and arms to relax. Continue this way until
you reach your feet. It is very important that you bring all
parts of your body into a relaxed state so please do not omit
this part.

• When you have gone into a deeply relaxed state start again
with the top of your head repeating the following
statements: My eyes and skin are radiant. My face is
beautiful or handsome depending on if you are a man or
woman. Move down your entire body simple affirming every
part of your body using whatever ideas or thoughts you
wish to feel about your body. When you have reached your
feet, start the process again by moving to the very top and
repeating your favorite statements all over again. Cycle this
way through your entire body 7 times.

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How to Create Fast Rapport
You are about to learn one of the most important keys to
magnetism beyond the use of your sexual energy. The very first
part of this course is designed to build your magnetic presence;
it’s all about creating your personal field of power and influence.
However in this section you will learn how to affect others and
how to have them feel the way you want them to by entering into
their field and building a connection.

You want to know why most dates fail, why most relationships go
to hell before they even have a change? It’s because most people
have not learned how to effectively connect with others.

Creating rapport is a necessity for connecting with anyone you

want to bring into your life. We often miss opportunities to
connect with others or to leave lasting impressions when we are
unable to create a fast and effective rapport. Often we are too
busy trying to outshine the other, judging the other or making
others feel inferior that we lose the change to build an effect

In order to learn how to create rapport with others you have to

know how most people think. All of us, every single one of us,
live inside of our own bubble. That bubble is filled with the
things that we like and the things that have created our life
experiences. It is all build on what we are familiar with and what

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makes us feel safe. All these things help to create our identity
and we will do anything to protect what is inside of that bubble.

We create walls to protect our bubbles and what is inside of our

bubbles. We tend to judge the outside world based on what is
inside of our bubble. If someone or some experience does not
match or compare with what is inside of our bubble we shut it
out and raise our wall even higher. We only lower our wall when
we find others who match or seem to match what is inside of our
bubble. We feel safe and comfortable when we find others who
are similar to what is inside of our bubble.

We all learn to do this from very young. You can observe school
children doing this. Children often pick friends who look like
themselves and share a similar background. However if
someone new and different enters the picture children will often
alienate that other kid.

In high school and college we do the same thing. However as we

go off into the workplace we are forced to mingle with a variety
of people who don’t all look or act exactly like we do.

In any case we are always looking for ways to connect with

others who are similar to use. We are never comfortable unless
we are in the company of others who are a lot like ourselves.
That is why a person can be in the company of lots of people yet
still feel extremely lonely. But, the moment that person finds
even the tiniest similarities in another person they are hooked.

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Creating rapport is based on creating a synergistic effect
between you and another. It’s about creating familiarity based
on shared feelings and interest. In this audio you are going to
learn how to do this fast. You are going to learn how to make a
person drop their guard or wall down, so that they can
immediately feel very comfortable with you.

In the next audio you are going to learn how t create a deeper
rapport between you and another that will make the other person
feel that they are falling in love with you. Before you go to the
deeper level you have to start with the initial fast rapport.
Before a person can give you the time of day they need to feel a
shared interest. And, in order for them to feel comfortable there
must be a connection that bonds the two of you together.

Step #1 The First Step to Creating Fast Rapport

One of the first things you want to do is to suspend your

judgment. Let go of your need to negatively judge others or to
create separatism. When you create walls around you and
alienate others they can intuitively tune into those wall. There is
nothing more unappealing that a person who is uptight and
judgmental. Magnetism is about allowing your energy to expand
in order to affect everyone positively so that you can influence
them as you like.

However when you put up walls you not only block out those
people you don’t want, but you also block out the people that you
do want to meet as well.

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Step #2 The Second Step to Fast Rapport – Looking for
What is Common Between You and Others

People bond with you based on what is common between you and
them. We are all more attracted to others who share similar
experiences with us. You meet attractive people all the time but
you separate those attractive people into compartments based on
whether you believe that person is in your league or not in your
league. When you tell yourself that someone is out of your
league you are telling yourself that the two of you have nothing
in common. Despite their attractiveness you put up a wall and
your sexual excitement for that person goes away no matter how
good looking they are. Everyone does this subconsciously and it
only takes a few seconds for us to decide if we will be open to
someone or not.

When it comes to creating fast rapport you can over ride all of
those initial barriers that a person has. You can move through
all of those subconscious walls and move in more deeply. You
can even begin to apply this with those whom you previously
thought of as being out of your league and unattainable. You can
easily make a person bring their wall down and see you

Learning to create fast rapport is something that you should

practice all the time in all settings. It should not be limited to
sexual magnetism. It could be applied on a job interview or
when meeting anyone who has the opportunity to affect your life.

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So how do you create fast effective rapport? You start by looking
for what is common between you and the one you want to create
instant rapport with. You literally have to put your mind in
investigative mode.

What is happening in your immediate environment that affects

you and the other person similarly? It really does not have to be
complicated; it just requires that you become aware of the other
person and what may seem similar.

Let’s just imagine that you are waiting your turn at the doctor’s
office. A few seats from you, is an attractive person whom you
would like to meet. Beyond giving a slight smile and saying hello
you notice that they are reading a very popular book that you
would like to read. You can start off by asking the other if they
are enjoying the book. Then tell them that you also intend to
read it. Don’t just stop there. What kind of book is it? Is it a
topic you are interested in or have read other books on such a
topic? If so, ask the other if they have read another book by the
author or other similar authors.

Try to go a little deeper on that topic but don’t get too carried
away. Ask more questions; put all the focus on the other person.
Get the other to do all the talking as you ask them more
questions about that particular topic.

It’s evident that this topic is of interest to them after all they are
reading a book about it. So naturally you are touching
something that is already in their field of interest.

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This forces the person to go inside of their head to use their
imagination and as they do they are letting their wall down.

Not only are they letting their guard down, something else which
is very important is also happening. They are unconsciously
giving you the opportunity to enter their inner space and flood
them with powerful feelings. It becomes easier to build rapport
with them.

Step #3 Make Sure to Point Out Similarities

It is very important that you synchronize their story as your

story. Search for similarities in their experience and interject
your feelings of similarity to their stories. Responses such as,
“wow I feel just as you do. I have always wanted to do that also,”
creates a subconscious bond. Without that person ever
deliberately choosing to they will find themselves developing a
warm accepting feeling towards you and a bond will be created.

The more similarities you are able to point out the stronger that
feeling of connection will grow between you and the other.

It is also very important that you elaborate a bit on what or why

there are similarities between you and the other but there is a
fine line which you should not pass.

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For example the person you have met says that they love to
travel every year to Quebec City and that it’s their all time
favorite city. It just so happens that you have visited Quebec
City. Express your similarity in traveling to Quebec City, give a
few examples of what you did that you loved so very much but
then put the story back in the control of the other. Remember
your aim is to get them excited and talking in this way they
become more comfortable and open with you.

Exercise: How to Create Energetic Rapport

While the previous steps are crucial steps to building instant

rapport this exercise intensifies it. Now that the other person is
in a relaxed receptive, state you can further increase the feelings
of rapport to a very high pitch. Imagine being able to make that
person feel as if they have known you all of their life. This
technique is so powerful that not only will the other person feel
as if they have always known you they will also feel a deep trust
for you. They will feel very good towards you and any walls they
previously had will surely come down. Of course this technique
is intensely powerful when followed by the first half of building
and creating rapport.

This technique must be done while you and the other person are
engaged in a conversation; preferably while the other person is
doing the talking.

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1. Remind yourself of a time when you felt very good and
comfortable with someone in your life.
2. Remind yourself of what made you feel comfortable about
that other person. Because you are now engaged in a
conversation with the person you are now speaking with,
it’s necessary that you do this quickly.
3. Focus on those intense feelings of comfort and familiarity
that you felt with the other person.
4. Increase those feelings in your body; feel them as strongly
as you can.
5. Now imagine that the person you are now speaking to is the
person whom you have already built a bond with in the past.
All this is happening in your imagination. If you had a bond
with your best friend, just imagine that this person has now
morphed into your best friend. Increase those good feelings
in your mind and in your body.
6. Now let the warm good feeling flow from you and flow
towards that person you are speaking with.
7. Let the flow of energy embed with your good feelings get
very strong until you can trust that the other person is now
feeling it. Then let go. Return your full attention to the
conversation and trust that the other person has now fully
felt those warm feelings.

It’s important that you do this with ease. The more you do this
exercise the stronger your ability will be. Don’t worry about
getting it right, intuitively you will be able to sense what you are
doing. Over time you will feel and know. Sometimes the person
may tell you immediately but if not don’t worry. People do not
always express how they are feeling. You have to know that you
are magnetically infusing them with your good feelings and they
are receiving it energetically.

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Create an Addictive High in
The human body is like a pharmaceutical. It produces chemicals
which can keep us addicted. We are not driven to like someone
or fall in loved based exclusively on logic. Instead we are driven
to those strong feelings of falling in love based on the chemical
reaction that is produced in our body. Love is an emotional and
chemical addiction.

Every time you have a strong emotion, this emotion creates a

chemical reaction in the brain. That chemical is then secreted
into the blood stream which then travels throughout your body.
The longer you maintain that particular emotion the stronger the
chemical release within the blood stream. This ultimately leads
to an addiction just like any illegal substance.

A person can be addicted not only to a positive emotion such as

love but to negative emotions as well. If you really want to have
someone addicted to you or falling in love with you, it can be
produced by triggering a chemical reaction within them.

People fall in love with how you make them feel about
themselves when they are with you. A man or woman who
makes their partner feel sexy, attractive as well as confident
about their life goals will begin to feel very good. Those good
thoughts and feelings produce a strong emotional high. The
longer you are able to keep that person feeling very good about
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themselves the stronger the chemical secretion into the blood
stream. If you are able to make someone feel very good about
themselves and you do that over a longer period of time, the
chemical high will be strengthen. And, the other will grow
addicted to it.

It’s quite easy to influence how a person feels. You may not
always be able to alter a person’s belief system but it is quite
easy to influence their feelings at any given time.

People’s feelings are generally influence by whatever is holding

their attention. It is only the rare individual who has the skill to
control his emotional state no matter what is going on around
him. Think of the last time you were watching an intense movie.
No matter what your thoughts or feelings were prior to the
movie you would find that your emotions would start to match
the climate of the movie.

If the movie were a sad one, then it would trigger a very sad
emotional state within you. And, if there were sexual scenes
being played out you would find that you immediately feel sexual
yourself. Our state of being is always being influenced by what
we place our intense focus on.

There is nothing more powerful than the imagination. The

imagination is like a personal movie playing out inside of a
person’s head. Just as the movie on the screen can influence a
person’s thoughts and feelings so to can the mental movie being
played out in their mind. Using this understanding you can
direct a person’s mind to any state that you want.
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In this case you will be the director of their mind movie. In any
other case, that person would need help. In order to shift their
mind into a state that was not immediately focused on what was
presently happening around them. But, with your direction you
can take anyone to heaven or hell.

Naturally no one will be drawn to anyone who forces them to

focus on things which cause them mental suffering. The key is to
take them out of their normal state of mind and into a realm of
intense bliss.

Take them away from the humdrum daily routine; take them
away from their limited feelings of life. Open their mind to what
is greater than their present state of mind. Take them into their
idea of heaven and they will be hooked and addicted to your
company. The more you get people to talk about what they love
the more they will associate you with those great feelings of

In order to do that there are three rules which you must follow.
They are the 3 rules to enter the realm of bliss.

1.) Each person has different ideals. Know each person’s

fantasy. Know what they secretly crave. A person who
craves financial success won’t care about someone who
secretly fantasies about being the most beautiful. Know
who you are dealing with and their secret desires.
2.) In a fantasy there are no boundaries, no limitations and
no rules. Don’t ever settle on the mediocre.
3.) Take them only to their highest ideals.
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Here are 3 Steps
to Taking Anyone on a Blissful High

Step 1

Using the same techniques you would to create rapport, ask

questions. Find out what the other person likes, what makes
them ecstatic. Everyone has their ideal for what makes them
feel great. Discover what it is by asking straight questions,
“What makes you very happy? If you were stuck on a deserted
island and you were allowed to bring three things what would
those things be? What are your sexual fantasies?”

Step 2

Magnetize yourself! The secret of influencing others through

magnetism is the ability to at will choose any quality you want to
infuse yourself with. While your words can affect another it is
your magnetic energy which will dominate their mental,
emotional and energetic state. As the energy becomes very
strong within you it will fill your aura, as it does others will
naturally move into that sate simply by being next to you.

Close your eyes. Using your imagination, imagine that you are
the other person. Ask yourself, as the other person, how does
that person feel to experience their ideal life? What details do
you pick up? Ask yourself how would they feel? Place a lot of
emphasis on the feeling. Inhale the feeling. Merge with the

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feeling allow the feeling to expand inside of you. With each
breath you are merging with the essence of their ideal vision. As
you do that the feeling expands inside of you spreading into your
magnetic field.

Step 3

Now that you have magnetized yourself with the details of what
makes the other person feel good, you are now primed and ready
to be the director of their mind movie. There are a few ways of
directing a person’s mental movie which consequently will affect
their feelings.

One of the easiest ways to lead a person’s mind to where you

want is to ask them to imagine something. By asking them to
imagine a particular scenario they are forced to go inside of their
head to use their imagination in order to create a story. You may
say something like, “What if you had all the money in the world
and you could go anywhere you wanted to where would you go?”
Or, if you wanted to take them on a sexual fantasy you may try
asking a question such as, “Imagine that you were stuck on a
deserted island with one other person and you could be totally
uninhibited what would you do?” As they share the details of the
story ask, “How does that feel?” The more involved they become
with the story the strong their feelings will become. Asking them
to identify their feelings also forces them to not only pay
attention to their feelings but it makes the feelings stronger.

As the director of their mind movie you want to take them even
deeper into that story. And, because you have already meditated
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on their ideal thoughts and feelings as well as the perfect
scenario you can lead them even further into the story, especially
the parts that will excite their senses.

You do that by adding to the story and getting involved with it,
sharing your thoughts and feelings and holding a highly excited
and charged conversation with intense feelings. When a person
feels very excited about a topic they can speak about it for hours.
By asking them more questions about it you further force and
direct them to tap into feelings of joy that they don’t ordinarily
get to express every day.

Influencing How They Feel About


There is no greater love portion than getting a person to feel

good about who they are while they are in your company. A
person’s state of joy or misery is often tied to how they feel about
themselves. When a person connects with someone they like it
becomes extremely important that they you connect with
someone you like, it becomes extremely important that they
know how that person feels about them. When you complement
someone and they know that you feel good about them this also
helps to create a natural high.

We wonder why two people who seemed to be in love could

suddenly fall completely out of love with each other. When
analyzed it always comes down to the FEELING. Remember the
emphasis should always be on the feelings.
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One common scenario which baffles many people is when a
partner leaves them for someone, who seems less attractive over
all. While that new partner may seem to be less attractive from
the outside on the inside they are making your ex-partner Feel
great. No one is taken by anyone who criticizes them, complains
or takes them for granted.

You can rekindle even a dying relationship by beginning to focus

on what you like about a person. Complement, complement,
complement! Make the other person feel good about who they
are. Do it genuinely, find what is special about the other person
and let them know. The emphasis should always be on making
them feel really good.

There is one very important key element you must understand.

That is to never make the mistake in thinking that strong feelings
should be associated with what you give the other person. It is
always based on the feelings that you place inside of the other.

Here are 3 More Ideas to Direct a Person’s Mind

into a Blissful State:

• Get them to talk about something in the past which made

them very happy.
• Indulge them in a sexual fantasy.
• Talk about a future moment where you and the other will do
something fun. Plan a fun escape that will bring you both a
lot of strong joy. As you both talk about it, this also will
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open up their inner mind which will lead them to once again
connect with those great feelings.

Let’s Recap –
• Know who you are dealing with.

• Take people to their highest possibility based on what they

are already interested in.

• Get involved in their interest by placing yourself inside of

the other person’s mind and becoming that person.

• Magnetize yourself first by connecting to as much detail and

feelings that are associated with the other person’s interest.

• Using all the information you have gotten direct their mind
into an ideal story by using the key words: Imagine or What

• Get them to express as much detail about their story by

asking questions that activate their feelings.

• As they are immersed in their story ask the trigger question,

“How does it feel to experience that?”

• The longer you are able to keep them in that state the
stronger their feelings will become. Aim to keep them
talking about story for at least 20 minutes of more.

• The Key ingredient in making anyone fall deeply into you is

the way you make them feel about themselves when they
are with you.
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• Remember to trigger their Feelings with high emotions of
joy, laughter, sexual anticipation and over all feelings of

• Become the fantasy and you do that by always keeping your

thoughts and feelings on the ideal circumstances.

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The 2 Glass Principle
Have you ever felt incredibly excited about someone where you
wanted to know all you could about them? Maybe you wanted to
have them so badly it seemed to hurt. Then finally soon after you
got your wish you no longer had the desire for them anymore.

As human beings by nature we value what is scarce and

disregard what is too available. This is true of our nature
whether it be in business or in love. The moment we can predict
the next move of another we start to lose interest. To maintain a
person’s interest we must be unpredictable, we must create
some level of scarcity and mystery. By mystery I do not mean
dishonesty, but simply learning how to measure the amount of
information and time you give out to others.

Most of the time, we saturate the other person with our energy
causing them to lose fast interest in us. Relationship and
attraction burn out happens when we don’t learn to measure our
energy in relation to the energy of the other person.

It does not matter how in love you are at the moment and how
much you enjoy each other, you must learn how to balance your
energy with the energy of your partner.

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You will have a greater understanding as I explain the two glass
principle. For this explanation I would like you to close your
eyes and use your imagination if you are using the audio version.

Imagine that in each hand you are holding a clear glass of milk.
The glass of milk in the left hand is only one quarter of the way
full which means that three quarter of the glass is empty. Now
let’s adjust your focus to the glass in your right hand. Let’s
imagine that it is 7/8 filled up. This would mean that the glass in
the right hand has a lot more milk than the glass on the left. If
you need to see a visual then by all means get two glasses to see
the demonstration.

The purpose of every glass is to become full. Just as it’s the

desire of everyone to become filled up by the energy of others
with love, appreciation and good companionship.

Now imagine that the glass on the right begins to pour itself into
the glass on the left. Steadily the glass on the left begins to fill
up and because the glass on the right has more milk it easily fills
up the other glass to the brim. While the glass in the left hand
has now gotten full, the glass on the right continues to pour until
there is milk over flowing on the left.

Naturally, there is no longer a need. The glass on the left has so

much additional milk now that it has no more desire for any milk.
You must never over flow a person’s glass. Neither should you
empty the contents of your own glass. Always give just enough
then pull back.

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People are drawn to others who are full. Using the analogy of
the two glasses, a half empty glass won’t be drawn to a glass that
is empty. We are all drawn to each other for different reasons.
No matter what form of energy we serve to another we have to
be vigilant about not over saturating the other with our energy.

How to Assess a Person’s Energy Level In Relation to


The Voice

Listen to the tone of the voice. When you call on the phone does
the person’s voice express excitement? Naturally over time the
voice will change but there should still be some level of
excitement in the voice.

Listen to the pitch, is it high or flat? A high tone can express

excitement and enthusiasm but in many cases a low tone can
express exotic feelings. In other cases a low tone may express

When a person speaks they are broadcasting electrical thought

waves. You can tune into the feeling behind what a person is
saying by how their words make you feel. Do their words make
you feel appreciation? Are they drawing you into their life or are
they subtly pushing you away?

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Body Language

People are rarely ever direct about their true feelings. But you
can always know the truth of what someone is thinking and
feeling by decoding their body language. Body language is the
hidden, under cover truth detector because people rarely are
aware of their own body language so they are unaware of what
messages they are giving off. Someone who feels good about you
and wants to exchange more energy with you will exhibit an open
body language. They will sit facing you, they will lean their body
into you most of the time. When speaking with you they will look
at you and show lots of eye contact. However when a person
refuses your energy or ha s had enough of it they turn way, they
give you their back, they walk behind you or in front of you.

The Time Factor

The time you spend with another is simply an exchange of

energy; this could be good energy or bad energy. What at first
may be seen as good energy may very quickly turn into very bad
energy, when you saturate the other person with your presence.

When you have learned how to withhold your energy as well as

how and when to give it you will find others become eager and
even desperate for your time. You show value when you know
how to give your time.

You can tell if someone places a high value on you and your
interaction by the way they reach out for you. Pay attention to
how frequently the other person reaches out for you. Do they
enjoy spending time with you? Are they reaching out for you or
are you always the one begging them to give you more time?

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The Energetics of It All

All of these categories and methods of gauging a person’s

response towards you all boils down to energy. The easiest way
to assess this is to take note of the overall behavior. If someone
needs, wants and values your energy they are open, they want
more and they show it in many ways. However when a person is
over saturated with your energy they demonstrate this by closing
down. It’s like they have closed of their internal valve and they
are saying to you, “no, stop…I don’t want anymore. I have had
enough. My glass is overflowing.”

Create a Tantalizing Energy Balance

Ultimately what you want is to make others crave you, desire

your company and feel deeply blown away by you. You would not
have gotten this course if this were not your objective. There is
nothing wrong with that. But, as you have come to understand
no matter how great you are your presence can lose its spark
and even become a drain on others to the point that they no
longer want you or feel attracted to you.

What you are about to learn is how to create the right energetic
balance to have others thirsty for you. You will learn how to
apply this technique in the early stages of seducing someone and
also for later into a more established relationship.

Stage 1

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You should always bring a deliberate focus and intent to make
the other person feel great in your company. You should first
bring them to an emotional and mental ecstasy. That is the first
stage of applying the 2 cup principle. Add quality energy to the
other that leaves them feeling really good. This is not a time to
think of your needs, your focus should be about creating an
intense high in the other.

First you create trust in another by building rapport. Secondly

you lead them into a high state of mind by leading them into
mental and emotional ecstasy. When you bring someone to
higher levels of pleasure their brain begins to release feel good
chemicals into the body. The longer they experience this, the
more addicted they become to those chemicals. Because you are
the one creating those feel good experiences they will
subconsciously associate you with this high.

Stage 2

The withdrawal phase! This is the stage where you make an

excuse or should I say you make excuses to stay away from the
person you want to seduce. Don’t get this stage wrong as so
many people do. Many jump to this stage before they have
properly built up the right amount of energy in the other. They
start pretending to be indifferent which only turns the other
person off entirely. You have to bring the other person to that
heightened point first. Creating rapport and taking them to a
higher fantasy is all based on creating more energy. All these
methods are based on taking them on an energetic and emotional
high. However just as that person has reached the crescendo of
feelings it’s time to pull back. It’s time to take a Hiatus. You
may express how busy you have become. You are suddenly
occupied with other activities which have taken up your time.
However never ever say or do anything to devalue the other

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person. Never ever leave the other feeling badly as that will
certainly backfire on you.

Stage 3

Your absence creates an emotional addiction. At this stage the

other person may be feeling a deep lost and yes they may also
begin to feel all the symptoms of withdraw from the chemical
high you have created inside of them. Subconsciously they will
become fully aware that you are the link to their good feelings.

They will yearn for you and in that yearning they will begin to
fantasize about you. When you crave something you think about
it a lot you almost become obsessed with having it. You have to
give them time to create that deep bond for themselves. In this
period their desire for you will increase deeply. Try to remember
what it was like when you wanted something very badly. Can
you recall how much you thought about it, and how much you
processed it in your mind? Do you also remember how your
desire for that thing grew with intensity?

Stage 4

What is really happening beneath the surface? The more the

other person processes your image and who you are in their
mind, the deeper you become engrained into their subconscious
mind. Naturally if you left the other feeling great and using the
techniques such as creating rapport as well as developing an
intense sexual connection the other will be creating those good
feelings into their mind with your image.

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The subconscious mind is a very powerful tool. Whatever has
been programmed repeatedly into the subconscious mind
becomes more and more acceptable. So in essence you are
allowing the other person to continue the attraction and
seduction process by building up intense magnetism with their
increased desire for you.

Have you ever been to a new place, or met someone new and felt
removed or disconnected or perhaps you met someone who at
first you did not find attractive but after a lot of time with that
person you no longer saw they in a disapproving way? The same
is true of any environment that you have entered. At first it may
strike you as odd or new but after seeing it for sometime it grows
on you. The more that person thinks of you and links you to their
good feelings the more they desire you. The more their mind will
begin to see you as their ideal. Their mind will automatically do
the work for you.

You will find that the sexual energy between the two of you has
grown even more deeply and peaked. Taking time away is
essential component in the entire process of sexual magnetism.
You have heard the saying: “Absence makes the heart grow
founder.” There is much truth to this!

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Raw Sexual Fire

Perhaps you have been in the company of someone who for

whatever reason seemed to make you weak at the knees. The
moment you met them you could feel something emanating from
their being, something which completely raped itself around you.
It’s almost as if they have an invisible body, a sexual body that
reaches out and touches you, seduces you and makes you
extremely excited. That person may not be particularly
handsome or beautiful but you just have to have them. What you
are feeling is the other person’s magnetic field which extends
beyond the body. This is the power of sexual magnetism.

Because their magnetic field is more concentrated than yours

they have the ability to greatly affect how you feel around them.
They literally dominate your magnetic field with their energy.
It’s what magnetism is all about.

We all want an edge, we all want to draw others in and

increasing your sexual energy while creating a strong magnetic
presence will do that. You are about to learn a most powerful

The following exercise should be done for no less than thirty

days. Although there will be changes as well as benefits from the

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very first time, you want to do it for at least thirty day. Each
time you do this meditation the energy will grow and become
stronger. The stronger the energy becomes the more effective it
will be. You will most definitely notice your strong effect on
those you come in contact with. You will notice their response
towards you as being very drawn to you with stronger desires
and feelings.

Sexual Fire Meditation

Start by allotting some time to this meditation every single day at

the same time. You may want to try in the evening one or two
hours just before your bed time. Naturally because you will be
working on this for a period of thirty day you will have to adjust
your schedule to allow for this exercise. Thirty days is an
effective amount of time to see phenomenal results. At the
sometime it is a very short space of time in the grand scheme of
things where your whole life is concerned. Make the
commitment to doing it.

Part One

Step one – The very first step is to get in touch with your sexual
feelings. Do whatever it takes to get yourself in the mode. You
may want to start with a glass of wine. A glass of wine opens up
the arteries and allows blood to flow; it also stimulates your
sexual hormones. However be careful not to drink much more

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than a glass or two as more will dramatically reduce your sexual

Dark Organic chocolate also causes feelings of relaxation and

slight intoxication. It also has a chemical which creates a feeling
similar to the feeling of being in love.

Step two – What stimulates you sexually? Is it sexual movies or

your very own powerful imagination? You may at first want to
start with a movie but ideally you want to bring the experience
into your imagination by creating a sexual fantasy. Move deeply
into your sexual feelings. As you do run your hands over your
entire body making sure to focus on the parts of your body that
excite you. You don’t want to do it with too much force. The
idea is to use your hands to stimulate and increase the
sensations throughout your entire body.

Step three – Sensitizing various spots using the fire breathe.

This step will help to intensify whatever sexual feelings you are
having by brining the energy into various parts of your body with
even more intensity. Let’s start with the breathing part of this
exercise. Take a full deep breath into your abdomen, hold the in
breath for the count of one, two, there, four. Then slowly exhale
to the count of one, two, three, and four. Let’s try it again; this
time using your imagination I would like you to imagine that on
the “in breath” you are able to draw fire into your hands.
Imagine a strong blaze with a vibrant golden fire just as you

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Inhale, one, two, three, four...the golden fire enters your hand
and gets stronger as you reach the number four. Now exhale
slowly to the count of one, two, three, and four. The fire slowly

Using this fire breath technique you can breathe sexual energy
to intense levels throughout your entire body.

Let’s start with the face then move down through your entire
body. Start by placing your hands on your face. Bring all of your
attention to your face, your lips and any part that makes you feel
sensual. With your hands on your face begin by breathing
deeply. On the in breath a warm golden fire ignites the area of
your face where your hands are. The fire enhances the sexual
feelings. Your face is become warmer and warmer and you can
feel the intense sensual feelings rushing to your face. Do this 5-7
times in the same location.

Using the same technique, run your hands down your chest
region, then your abdomen, your arms, your thighs and legs.
Don’t rush the technique. By the time you are done your entire
body should feel very warm and the feeling of sexual tension
much be at a maximum.

Step four – This is the part of this meditation that may pose a bit
of a struggle for most people. However it is very necessary that
you succeed with this part. Whatever you do, do not allow
yourself to release the sexual energy. Do not bring yourself to an
orgasm. At first this may be a bit difficult but the exercise in
part two will help you through this stage.

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Part 2

This part of the meditation is designed to create a phenomenal or

supernatural magnetic field. With each time that you do it

Step one – For this part your will need to sit up. At this point
you should be infused with very strong sexual feelings. Rather
than releasing those feelings you should preserve that energy
and use it in creating an unbelievably strong sexual magnetism.

Step two – In the seated position bring all of your attention to

your breathing. Place your attention on your abdomen. As you
inhale let the air fill up all the way into your abdomen, allow your
abdomen to expand. When you exhale empty out every bit of air,
allowing your stomach to push against your ribcage. Slowly
inhale to the count of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven…hold
it, hold it, hold it…slowly exhale, to the count of one, two, three,
four, five, six, seven.

It’s very important that you do not strain. It should be an easy

beautiful feeling that is effortless and rhythmic. Repeat this
breathing pattern for several cycles. Seven cycles should bring
you into a deep clear mental and energetic state of mind where
you can now work with finer energy.

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Step three – At this point you should be in a deeply centered
state of mind. Your sexual energy still at a peak but the intense
urge to release it in an orgasm should now have subsided for a
bit. I would like you to imagine a coil. Try to recall the coiling
effect of a wire spring moving in a circle yet moving higher and
higher. Imagine the energy as a streak of red light leaving your
sex organ. As it does it spirals around your body.

Continue the deep breathing in the previous step. As you do, use
the inhale to pull the energy from your sexual center up through
your body. You may want to imagine it as a red ribbon wrapping
itself around your body as it spirals like a coil higher and higher
up your body. It wraps itself around and moves higher first
passing around your abdomen then moving higher up your chest,
again moving higher until it reaches several inches above your
head. You are now completely wrapped completely in warm
sexual energy.

Step four – As you continue to use your breath to move the

sexual energy up the spiral allow the energy to expand and
become wider around your body. With each breath the red
sexual energy becomes more concentrated as it also expands into
a thick energy.

Step five – There is nothing more powerful than the spoken

word, especially in the form of affirmations. Using your intention
and the power of the spoken word you can command the energy
to take the form and desire that you impress within in. Energy
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being a malleable substance waiting and ready to do what you
ask of it. This is an ideal time to program that energy with even
greater intensity.

Choose at least 3-5 statements that represent your goal. These

statements must make you feel ideal and enhance your over all
sexual magnetism. You may want to try the following states but
you are also free to alter them or choose any statement that you

Here are a few statements to try:

• My sexual aura now grows stronger and stronger.

• With each breath the energy expands beyond my body.
• I am sexually magnetic and radiant.
• Everyone is magnetically drawn to me.
• I am irresistible.

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Psychic Sex
Psychic sex is the perfect elixir to sexual seduction. It is also an
added tool for increasing not only your own sexual magnetism
but magnetism between you and whomever you are trying to

On a psychic level you can awaken strong sexual feelings inside

of another; so that their feeling toward you grows stronger and
more powerful. If you practice psychic sex before actually
engaging in physical contact with the other person you will
notice that their desire for you will be extremely strong. If you
practice the technique in “Creating Sexual Fire” they will
become strongly attuned to your strong sexually magnetic
energy. Before you can learn the secrets of psychic sex there are
a few things you need to know for maximum effectiveness.

Every day and in every way you are using your psychic mind to
connect with those around you. The brain emits thought waves
which are no different from radio waves or those waves used for
communicating via your cell phone. When those thought waves
leave your mind and come in contact with the person you are
thinking of they are immediately felt. The person who is
receiving those thought waves may get it as a sudden impression
of you, a feeling or if they are in a relaxed state of mind they may

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actually receive exactly what you are thinking and feeling about
them or wishing to convey towards them.

How strongly the psychic wave is felt by the other person has to
do with how strongly you hold the focused thought. Most people
have a very scattered mind, their thoughts are very random and
so their psychic impressions are very week.

There is another psychic phenomenon which is even more

powerful than simply communicating with the mind of another.
That phenomenon is your ability to psychically touch the other
person and have them feel whatever you want them to feel.

With a little bit of practice you can activate your ability to

remotely touch anyone. In activating this remote touch not only
will you feel the other person on a subtle energy level but they
will also feel your touch. They will not feel that touch as they do
in physical form, however they will have a subtle sensation and
an emotional reaction from that touch. The emotional reaction
can be just as powerful of an effect if you learn how to do it and
also to trust the power of your touch.

By first activating your psychic touch you can enhance your

ability with psychic sex. The remote touch is quite simple, it can
be practiced in just five minutes several times a day until you are
able to feel the touch as much texture and realness as you can.

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Psychic Touch Exercise:

Step one – Grab anything you can find, preferably something

with texture like an orange. If you don’t have an orange use
whatever you can find. The more texture it has the better for
this exercise.

Step two – place the object in your hand, as you do bring all of
your focus to it. How does it feel? Is it soft, hard, smooth,
rough? Can you squeeze it or is it very firm? Is it round or
square, long or short? All these details are necessary. The more
details you can bring to your awareness with the object the

Step three – now close your eyes and keeping your attention on
the object again bring all of your focused attention to all of its
details. Hold the object in your hand as you focus all your
attention on it with your eyes closed for at least ten minutes
straight. Ten minutes isn’t a long time but it can be when doing
a concentration exercise such as this. What you are doing is
impressing all of the sensations and details in your mind, the
longer you hold and focus on the object.

Step four – you can now place the object away. This time you
will send another ten minutes bring all these details and more
importantly the sensation of the object into your mind with as
much attention as you can. Can you remember the texture of the

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object in your hand? For ten minutes imagine that the object is
still in your hand and you can feel all of its texture.

You want to practice this exercise every single day as often as

you can. Naturally you may not always be able to devote as
much as twenty minutes to this but even five minutes several
times a day will increase your psychic touch.

Psychic Sex Exercise:

Step one – Bring yourself into a very deep place of relaxation

and into your ideal fantasy. See yourself with your ideal partner.
If there is someone in particular you want to connect with bring
them into your fantasy. In this first step you want to bring as
much detail as you can into your mind. Can you see their
eyes…their nose…their hair…the shape of their lips…the shape
of their body? Don’t rush this process, starting with the face
move down to the body, follow along with the shape, then the
hands, legs and feet. Are there any distinguishing
characteristics about that person? If so then bring them clearly
into your mind and into the fantasy.

Step two – Just when the sexual feeling begins to get stronger
this is now the time to activate your psychic touch. Using your
imagination, start by seductively running your hands over the
person’s body. Do it slowly and just as you practiced in the
previous exercise pay close attention to the sensation that you
are receiving, as well as the sexual sensation that you are giving
to them with your touch. Can you feel their skin? Can you feel

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the firmness or softness of particular body parts? Don’t rush;
linger on each part as you heighten the sensation.

Step three – In the first part you must bring in as much details
as you can about your partner until their image is clear and crisp
in your mind. There must be a 3D quality to your vision of them.
In the second part you are to sensitize your touch over every part
of their body transferring all your sensual feelings towards them.
Watch as they respond to your touch seductively.

Now in this third step see yourself merging with the other. If
you are a man enter the woman. As you enter her see and feel
yourself emitting a strong electrical charge as you penetrate her
body. Feel the electrical charge moving as a strong current
through her body. Put as much emphasis in the feeling. With
every thrust feel the electrical charge moving from you to her.

If you are a woman see and feel your body as already holding a
strong electrical charge. As he penetrates you imagine your
body sucking and holding him in place with a strong electrical
current. Bring all your feelings to your pelvic muscles and
squeeze them while focusing on all the warm electrical
sensations until it feels stronger and highly charged. Let your
muscles hold him in place.

Remember to slow down and sensitize every single move and

bring as much focus as you can to the sensation until the
sensation grows stronger and more intense.

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The other person will feel this intensity of sexual energy and
become aroused where ever they are. Whatever you do, don’t
release that sexual energy. After you are done, this is a great
time to practice the second part of the exercise in the “Creating
Sexual Fire meditation.”

This might be very hard to do in the beginning but with a few

tries you will be able to breathe the energy right back into your
magnetic field. Every time the other person thinks of you they
will tap into the strong sexual field that you are now creating in
addition to the strong connection you will have made through
psychic sex.

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This concludes the Sexual Fu course. There are many exercises

from which to draw from. The only way to benefit from this
course is to actually practice all the techniques. Included in this
course is a worksheet designed to lead you through a 30 day
program. You will really get the benefits by following the
worksheet and making note of what you learned.

People who become very good at increasing their sexual energy

as well has building their magnetic field really do take this
seriously. They are determined to build up this energy and they
really do experience remarkable results.

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