50ideas Poems
50ideas Poems
50ideas Poems
2) Poems about poetry – offer a way. Pupils could write their own at
end of scheme of work.
5) Prediction - from the title, the first line, the first stanza or a list
of key words or phrases from the poem.
7) Cloze – blank out rhyme words or key words and images. Pupils fill in
with own ideas or with words listed.
Graphic responses to poem
18) ICT – pupils retype poem studied using different fonts, highlighting
etc. for emphasis, adding annotated boxes to explain choices.
19) Pupils imitate or parody the style of poem, working from an agreed
list of features. Teacher models first.
20) First line game – give a list of first lines and ask pupils to continue.
22) Pupils write their best poetry when they have specific guidelines
e.g. a certain genre and list of conventions.
25) Matching game – match cards naming technique with cards
containing example from poem.
30) The answer is XYZ – now write the question. N.B. The question
must begin with the words ‘What is the technique used…’
35) Give key words and phrases for speaking and listening – very useful
in analytical discussion that precedes writing.
37) Set questions for other groups e.g. exam questions or quiz
46) Teacher models how to plan, draft and structure analytical essay.
49) Give cloze of analytical writing about a poem e.g. effect of imagery.
Helps pupils to rehearse analytical writing.