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& STRAHO’S CASTLE & he master varnpire Strabel T Yon Zarawich, lord at Baro. ia, oeeupies this ancient castle, It stands upon a 1000-fost spire of rock. brooding over the Village af Baravia. Only adecay- diewbridge connects the cas: je to nearby cliffs. 1, Main Entrance and Approach: The drawbridge siands opposite the main entrance. Wisitors who cross the bifdge pass through a short tunnel will 1etling wooden porteuifs, ‘The tunnel feuds ty Ue fant courlyard, Two massive, ornate wooden dours Fors dhe gin) enteance to che castle 2. Halts of Weeping: The main Hoor includes the great entry, a ining hall, ard @ guest's hall Level two houses an audience hall, Level three contains “Reams of Weeping.” which were ance the grand living quarcers of the Yen Zarovich family, Like most of the cast. these rooms are now cloaked in cust and decay. 3, South Tower: This squat tawer ‘Aeuses witches and other evil apelicasters whom Strahd hos enslaved 4, High Tower: A clreular stair ‘winds through this naraw tower: Strahd sometimes can be found at the top, guzing over his lands, 5. Tower of Sorrow: This hollow tower is alive, A narrow staircase climbs the tower from top te bet tom, spiraling along the wall, The shalicase can shake and pitch knocking intruders who hawt: climbed the stairs Inte the dark. open wellut the eences Ue, &, Chapel: Many of the stained glass windows are broken and boarded up, Pews and bench ine jumbled disarray. and ate coated with dust, T. Overlook: A siniall overlook juts 20 feet out from the cliff face Visitors who peer over the bal cony car see pair of dist-ealcell windows in the cliff face. below, about 100 feet under the alet- foc. 8, Catacomba: Several fants be: neath the castle are the crypts and eatacombs that cantain Sirahd’s resting place, The whe dowed room belew the overlook Is the Lornb.of Strahd’s ancestors, Eves Note: The 962 acreniare “Raverink! (etnet maine BETAS conCaira costae flear pisne fer thie aah, 6B, Maurice d Hone, Doninics uncle Age 34 here, 4d? boclay, C. Claude dAonalre, Gominic s father Age 44 here, a6 today OD, Bernadette THeanalie, Dern Ss aunt Age 44 ere. tread laday, d'Honaire, Dominic Lord of Dementlicu ith: Level Enchanter, Neutral Evil Srimor t laws li tt 4 MoOverent le Dex Leyetfhtt Bice F em 9] Hit Points Le lit if Teaco Lé Wie 2 Sto. of Attacks _ha ld d'HON AlRe Beet F: Damegessttack By weapon zd on oped Attecks see below E- Section Defenses see below Magic Resistance nil Comonssianed fy oominic d Honaire in faz, this portrait shows thie 6) anaes aA they appeared FS years:age. Dominic himesell has scarcely changed. The others now apocer consicerably less well, (One is dead The poiabincy henegys i a gallery iy Dominic § @state: Deminic has the combatabilities aad sagrell effects of ain level enchanter, bul he carnal aclually cast spells. Als A. Dominic dHernaire, Lordot Dernenctleu. A noaster manioulatorond scherner bron OCS CAD ach asa Suggestion spell al any lime. His gaze can an early age. Borminic was particularly flirtathous asa boy. Today, thermore foment: act as:a danrination spell. Deamlme himself ls-completely cally attracted toa woman he becomes. the more hideous le appears lo ler that is ITUTIUNne to any Sart af mental allack. ble avotds personal his curse in Ravenlioit. (Vital statistics are shown below. See “The Whos Doone of cambat ot all costs. He hos-several powertul -protecters, Ravoniott fora complete lessacripticorn, } whe will thaht for-himeit necessary wD ESL ier. JT ir i Pe ee o a =o Se ae aaa etal et i = € DILISNYA © BORITSI C> “Se This portrait was painted in ¥d4, lvear age, at the request ot van Oilisnya, Wana Berltsi, the woman: standing al the cept, did not pose for this rendering, are it does not tlatter her, The paciitirig haves bia qallery of the Dilismya estaie. & Wan Dilismya, lord of Dorvinia., This foppish fiend [3 neither as regal noras harmless as he appears. The crawn ancdscepler are theatrical props. Iven became the lord of Borvinia atter poisoning his sisher and her husband in.a.jstl- ous pique. He had hoped te mureet hit sietee Ss nursing infant, too, but a midwife secretly spirited the babe-away, Iven's vital statistics are shown below, (See “The lho Ooomed oi Raveniall’ for & complete description. } B. wane Boritsi, bord of Borsa, A polaner like herevi] causin Wan. Alse a bernpiress: Her holy farborca poksan La which abe hersell is Immune, Prom these tine come the kiss of death. (See "Borca” under “Lands of the Core” far mare information. | (. Boris Dilisnya and Stefania Septow, vans parents, how deceased, Painted in menpory, Their costuming reHlects vans eqe. They were robles, reat king arid queen, Db, Camille Dilisnya. lyons malher, former lord of Borca, lyana poisoned Camille in 711 and assumed canine! of the cormaie. Dilisnya, lvan Lord of Dorvinia O jevel fhunian, Chaotic Evil Armor ire is the residence of Ladish Mircee, lord oF Sanguinta, Only a tow wall and dry moat surround the caste. No towers o: lomtifications defend from assault, hut the vampire Mircea hiss litle to Pear, Only peasants or townsfolk could storm bisabade, anid mest would tremble at the prasacct. An extensive webrof dungeons, vaults, and tunnels lies below the castle Some of these lunnels ead to secret exits far from the castle walls 1; Gatehouser A stone bridge spans the dry moat, ending at the foot of this small, square gate-. house. Inside the structure, elsbo rate wrought irom gates align wi the castle wall. The hinges have begun to rust, and Ue gale shrieks and graans as it swings reluclently upon therm. broad, paved walkway circles the entire bulld ing, No wardens, benches, or othe: objects obstruct the area Weeds grow betwees the slones, bul mast of them havs become limp-and yellow in the cold Sanguinian nights, 3, Main Entrance: Directly across. from the gatehouse, this entrance leads to a large hall, Dtlher en: trances fe at the rear of the cas- tle. 4, Guarded Turrets: These small tawerlikee structures originally served ns prisons for genteel eap- tives. Only one door links each tower ta the rest of the castle. The tower windows are too high Gr too small for easy e3cape 5. Main Hall: This hall contains ‘major receiving roams, such as anquet halls, audience cham- bers, ballrooms, and parlors. The rear of the hall contains the kitchens, laundries, and other senvles reems. 6, Residence Wings: Ladislsy rests in @ coffin buried deep in the dungeons, a these raumns are mostly empty, The few visitors he receives stay In this wing while they live € “Guirgui” $ Tae We Aga Pome i = £5 RENIER > EE, ___ a These brash, black hearted beauties are all wereratis, The portrall was rerderea 10 years age, in P25, just ane peat belo Jaccueline Renier became toetord af Richemiuledt. Jacgiueline is the treacherous trollop in the center The painting hangs ina gallenoof the Renloar-estate, A. Mario Renier: Jacqueline: mother Sheomurdcred-her hustariel, SH Awdeire, and gave ber dawghters-her maiden name. Marte dled five years aq, in fat B. Jacqueline Reniar lord of Riclverulok. The devoted and talented granddaughter -of Claude Renler. first ruler of the domain, Jacqueline assumed the lordship of Richerniulet when Claude died in f26. Her vital atatisties are shown below, See The Utho's Doomed of Ravenioft" for Teare infonmetior+y, C, Louvis= Renter, Jacgucline's twin sister. Patiently aweiling her owl rise Lia pawer, Renier, Jacqueline Lord of Richemulot Wererat, Chaotic Evil Armor Class (Ob inal fore) Sir iy Movement ie Dex 16 leveliHit Dice a Con 15 Ail Pritts 1 In |S THACH E} Wis 4& Mo. of Attacks l Che I? Damon Attack Dy WloaDen Spocial Attacks surprise opectal Gefenses hit only by silverar + | mac. weapon Magic Resistance 7) Combat: Jacgueline enjoys oll the narmal powers ascriped fo 2 wereraot. In addition, she can become:a toul-amelling mist at will, She does nat, however, sell like ea sewer when in Gumian form, and metteer cho cress: berscof her family, lf wounded te the point-of death, se automatically asses peSeous footed (lees, ectyueline cegeios 1] bil per) per slay Whiledn this forn, She remains gaseous until her total Wil polnts rise above Gare rece, Regardless of form, Lord Renier can climb any surface Including glass. She even can cling te the ceiling. when nat in homan farm, she con anaw throcoh-yirivally any matertalaqhven thne. Any victor of het dipectattach has LO times the mormal chance (f0°% per point of dam: Boe} of becoming a wercratunder her control “ont TRA: ier. 44 Foon Alcea C} TIMOTHY © This palnting wos rendered 10 years-aga, In ?25, by arvarlisl whose cured passage on Nathan Timathy:s riverboak. (athan ls seated tn the center) When the artists wark was copete, “tathan threw him to the wolves. Tockeay (he portrait is slashed in a chest on toe boot. A. Arabelle Timothy, Thisswemen's actual last nome is unknowns than-kidNapped Arabella as she-was washing clothes ty the river His first wife, Priscilla, drowned in T12-( According ta rune, the weman leapt overboard.) Nathan has infected Arabella wilh lycanthropy. and she is completely damlreaterh try birt, B. Mather Timothy, lord of Arkandale. Nathan ia a werowoll, bul the folk In Arkandale kniaw hin a8 a perwertul river merchant. He rarely dresses in the finery shown here, preferring more simple cailor's or captain's garb. His vital statistics are fisted below, See The Wins Doomed of Rayenlott™ tor more intormation, C. Alfred Timothy, Nathan s-sen, also a werewoll, Pictured here in his leens. today he is the tord:of Verbrek. He lef his-Talhershortly ater this was painted. Alfred has notseen his father since then, and never a again. (both are imprisoned in their own domains.} Sec “Toe Wins Saomred of Ravenloft tor more inifoermetbon. Timothy, Nathan Lord af Arkeandale Werewall, “haotic Evil Avmor Class 10 () Sir 40s LS (1 e5) Mevernbert #2115) Dex 13 ¢T7) LewelHit Dice a4 Con i319} Hit-Points An iri 16 THACH [5 wis Te Moo Aitacks | ha te DermageAbiack 2-204) or fy weagan Special Attacks SLIP TESt Special Defenses: hit only by + 1) or greater magical weapon Plagic hesistance mil Combat: Mather hes the corneal combat abilities of aowerewolt, with the follawing excephiona: Only magical weapons cam harm him, regardless: of the forn he lakes. Silver hac no eect When woundexl, he can feqen- erate & hit points per round. He cannot regenerate acid car pokran dam- age, although he gains a+] Donws to his saving Ihrow v5, poison, because his Constitution is high. Like atrall, be can feqenerate hit points even ib-he losesthem ‘all, which makes him very difficult to-bill, Revenioh has given Mathan qieal power, bul tt iso has cursed him, Ho must spend mast of his lileoyver water confined within the bounces ne ol hie owe oman. boven hay that neds not-on the water te bose | hil point When his tatalhll potrts drop te O, he does mot die, bul rreiuest Hie in agony untll someone cares him to the River Musarde or one al ils Lributaries. Sathan always camies.o Knife, more aea tool than 33.4 eesperi, Se Teese, bre fl ai Aree Nee a ee ee ee a i i " a i pra ft * i F a Me pee . =e = See ea ear = a o Be eee =a ne a i == a a 7 2 eels Pee =e te " aEae 2 a. a " oat aha Sag praesemntrlace FD-aeiig onneanah saumunamneren tons a Sri eet feel | ie { lf ti I I Ma oa Fi r na (ia iT, FS 5 ‘yb weston iia aes nna BA eb eer ananassan ane Fel oomeniie ey a ral, Mis vital statistics are below, See “The Whos DGooredof Ravenloft’ tar more Intor re beer Weathermay, George th Level Ranger, Neutral Good Acre Chass 415 wrarnar} atr =o FB Flovermnent |? Chew =p LevelfHit Bice - Lon 4 Hit Paints 4) Int 13 THAD l4 Sef niissies) Wis JE Rio of Attacas Ae Cha @ Damar Atak 4-l 1) (lda+ 3) sword e-/ (ida+ ]) hand axe Special Athacks mil Special Defenses +4 save vs, mental attack Magic Resistance mil ee Combat: George lias all the narmel abllities-of WEATHERMAY a 4 fth level ranges. He cerrlesa tog sandr +2 and a hand axe baianced for throwing. In com bel he wields bath without penalty (standard The Woothermays art @ wealthy, uperts nding ant) Mlartin, She died In childbirth sour wears ranger ability). He can choose whether Io uke family in Mordent. This: palling. completed age, ri rt, the ave for an attack or to increase nis arn ever 1? pear ann, was tendered in-celebration class by 1. He must make thitdecision before of Alic® Weathenmey's wedding. (Alice is the C, Jukes Weathenmay. beac of the farnnily. Ty any combat rolls in the round at hand. Ifthe amillng young woman at the Ictt.) Phe portrait day he is 6, throws the awe, thedtis hie aniy action torthe hangs inthe jibrory of Heather House, the roared. family sancestral ostate B. Martha Seoville Weathermay, wife of Jules, George Owns-a Medium warhorse named mother ol Alice-and Gearge, Today she is 62 Perseus, The horse has a morale of Te avid | and In fragile health. trained to: throw acy rider excepl George Its A. Qaniel Foxgrove, new husband of Aliije andele has three secret cormpariments, con- Weathernay, wha stands beside him, Today he E. George Weathermay, son of Jubes-cered taining 2 atlves dagger, a holy symbol, and « in 20-3 widower, and the father of twins: Martha, broth of Alice. Barely I in this viel ot holy water, Cheorge usually hicks picture, tocay Deine if righteous ranger additional weapons. and useful iters can his A. Alice Weathermay, only daughter ot Jules who levels Ravenioft. battling the: supernatu- person, ee ToT, ce BP) Regie Peep recet = = F | = a Eada Seca Dc cs ene BaP 1 a “a om .! oe . a am ao = os a = pao : ; . ; ; se Toate OF J Se Wells = 3: 1 ee 4 es 2 - | at. eek Seed «or ee Aye re ‘i * eee = ee aaa a = ail a ae ane TM a i os =. tiers : NE ee ee eee nee Be nn ae oc he eR oo ' saab ETS it Ha eT meee oe oe Me

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