The Fig: History of Fig Cultivation Adaptation

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The Fig1
Peter C. Andersen and Timothy E. Crocker2

History of Fig Cultivation 60–100 named cultivars of figs, relatively few are commonly
grown in the southeastern United States.
The fig (Ficus carica L; family Moracea) originated in the
Old World Tropics—Asia Minor and the Mediterranean
region. In the Mediterranean, the fig has been cultivated Adaptation
since as early as 5,000 BC. The fig is adapted to dry, Mediterranean-type climates,
such as California. The humid growing season in Florida
The fig tree was first introduced to the Americas in 1575 is associated with enhanced insect and disease pressure,
by Spanish explorers in Florida. On the West Coast, in the and rain can cause fruit to split. Fig cultivars do not require
area that eventually became the State of California, Spanish more than 100 hours of temperature of 45°F or less during
Franciscan missionaries introduced the cultivar, Mission, the dormant season to promote normal vegetative and
to the area that, in 1769, became the mission San Diego. reproductive bud development. As a result, figs receive
Additional fig cultivars were also imported to the California sufficient winter chilling in all areas of Florida except south.
area from Mediterranean countries, including Turkey. Fully dormant trees are hardy to about 15–20°F. Exposure
of trees to low temperature preconditions can increase cold
Because some of the imported figs required pollination hardiness.
by the fig wasp (Blastophaga psenes), the absence of this
wasp led to an initial failure of fig cultivation on the West Fig trees that are not cold conditioned often sustain cold
Coast. This impediment to cultivation was remedied by the injury in Florida and in other parts of the southeastern
importation of the fig wasp. United States. Fig trees grown in this region are frozen
to the ground in some years and, consequently, will often
The fruit of these fig cultivars had open “eyes” or ostioles have a bush-like growth habit after sprouting back from the
(opening at the fruit apex) and were often attacked by roots.
insects and diseases. Scientists—including Ira J. Condit,
William B. Storey, and others working on genetic improve-
ment of figs—released new cultivars with closed eyes, Description of Tree
cultivars that did not require pollination. Additionally, Growth Habit
many fig cultivars were imported from the Old World The fig is a deciduous tree that can reach 50 feet in height.
within the last 50 years. Currently, however, no fig-breeding However, in the southeastern United States, this tree is
programs remain in the United States, and among at least seldom taller than 25 feet due to periodic cold injury to the
trunk and limbs. Most fig trees in the southeastern United

1. This document is HS27, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date March 1994. Revised
November 2009 and June 2016. Visit the EDIS website at

2. Peter C. Andersen, professor, Horticultural Sciences Department, UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center; and and Timothy E. Crocker,
professor, Horticultural Sciences Department; UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL 32611.

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U.S. Department of Agriculture, UF/IFAS Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A & M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County
Commissioners Cooperating. Nick T. Place, dean for UF/IFAS Extension.
States are multiple-branched shrubs. Fig wood is weak and Culture and Management
decays rapidly. Small branches tend to be more pithy than
woody. When branches are cut or damaged, they produce Location
copious quantities of a milky latex that can be a skin Figs perform best in locations with full sun all day. Fig
irritant. This latex contains a protein-degrading enzyme trees often shade out competing vegetation below the
called ficin, which is similar to papain. Fig trees produce tree canopy. These trees should not be confined to a small
roots that can be very deep in well drained soils. The lateral landscape. The trunk and major limbs, if not shaded, can
spread of roots can be substantial. experience sun scald, which can be minimized by applying
white latex paint. The root system of fig trees can extend
Leaf Morphology well beyond the tree canopy.
Fig leaves are large (up to 1 foot long), thick, colored a
bright dark green, single and alternate. These leaves are Planting
deeply lobed with usually three to five sinuses. Leaves In Florida, bare-rooted fig plants can be planted during
contain trichomes (pubescence), which is particularly the dormant season, from December to late February.
rough on the adaxial (upper) leaf surface. Leaf pubescence Container-grown plants can be planted any time of the year
can also be an irritant to the skin. provided they receive irrigation.

Flower Morphology Irrigation

Flowers are minute, unisexual, bearing either stamens or Irrigation is required for fig trees during the establishment
pistils, depending upon the type of fig. Flowers are borne year. During that period, a fig tree should receive 10 gallons
in leaf axils. Common figs are all female and do not require per application at least three times a week. Irrigation
pollination (discussed below). after the establishment year is optional except during
a prolonged drought. For mature fig trees, irrigation of
Fruit 20–50 gallons per tree can be applied if a drought persists
more than a few weeks. Drought-stressed trees are more
susceptible to nematodes and will not fruit well.
The fruit of a fig is unique and is derived from a hollow
peduncle that becomes fleshy and forms a structure called a
synconium. The unfertilized ovaries provide the resin-like
flavor associated with fruit of fig. Fruit can contain a closed Fig trees do not require pruning to be productive.
or an open ostiole or eye located at the fruit apex. Sometimes fig trees are pruned to a central leader or to a
modified central leader, but such pruning is usually futile
FRUIT TYPES since these trees are often frozen back and regrow in bush
form. Freeze-damaged wood should be eliminated after
There are four types of figs—Caprifigs, Smyrna, San Pedro,
regrowth commences. The fruit is borne on terminals of
and common types, which are recommended for Florida.
wood from the previous year. Thus, the amount of pruning
Caprifigs produce staminate (male) flowers and are useful
should be minimal.
only as a source of pollen. Smyrna bears only pistillate
(female) flowers and requires a caprifig for pollination.
If the tree is pruned, the pruning should occur after fruit
San Pedro has pistillate flowers and bears two crops, one
ripening (early in the summer) to allow for flower-bud
on leafless wood requiring no pollination and the other
initiation for the next year. For late-maturing cultivars,
borne on new wood that requires pollination. Fig cultivars
pruning may result in a significant reduction in yield the
recommended for Florida belong to the common types
next year. Heavy winter pruning can eliminate the entire
of fig and are parthenocarpic; fruit develop without pol-
crop the following year.
lination. Smryna and San Pedro types will not bear fruit
in Florida because of the absence of Caprifigs and a wasp
pollenizer (Blastophaga psenes). Because the common types Fertilization
of fig do not require a wasp pollinizer, the best cultivars Little information is available concerning fertility require-
have a closed ostiole to minimize rotting by preventing the ments of fig trees. However, the general consensus is that fig
occurrence of insects or rain water inside the fruit. trees typically require light fertilization. Excess fertilization
can promote excessive vegetative growth and low yield.
If the total amount of vegetative growth is less than one

The Fig 2
foot in length, then it is appropriate to apply fertilizer. For Pests
young trees, ½ pound of 10-10-10 with micronutrients can
Fig trees are a moderately sustainable crop, but suffer from
be applied three to five times during the growing season,
a number of animal and disease pests. Fig tree roots are a
starting in late winter (February to March) and ending by
favorite food of birds, gophers, rabbits and squirrels, which
1 August. For large trees, apply 2–4 pounds of 10-10-10
also feed on the fruit. Root knot nematodes can also be a
with micronutrients three to five times during the growing
limitation for fig trees planted in sandy soils, but are not
season (February to August).
usually a problem in fertile or loamy soils. Organic amend-
ments or mulches reduce nematode damage. A number of
Cold Injury insects and diseases can attack fig fruit if the cultivar is one
Fig trees often sustain cold injury in the southeastern with an open eye.
United States. Brown Turkey and Celeste are common
cultivars that are reported to be more cold hardy than many The most common disease of fig in the southeastern United
other fig cultivars. Cultural practices that promote a growth States is the fig rust (Cerotelium fici). Fig rust turn leaves
flush in late summer (the application of fertilizer and irriga- brown, can cause defoliation and premature ripening of
tion) should be discouraged since this tender tissue will be the fruit, and decreases cold tolerance. This disease can be
frozen and killed by temperatures just below freezing. controlled by a 5-5-50 Bordeaux spray (copper sulfate, lime
and water) applied every two to three weeks.
Fig trees in Florida often are not cold-conditioned in the
fall prior to the onset of winter cold. If properly cold- Other fig diseases include Botrytis cinerea (fungus) and
conditioned, however, fully dormant trees can withstand Cercospora leaf spot fungus (Cercospora fici), which causes
temperatures from 15–20°F without severe damage. Dor- branch terminals to turn black and die. Thread blight (Pel-
mant buds are more susceptible than wood to sub freezing licularia koleroga) results in necrosis of stems and matted
temperatures. As mentioned earlier, most fig trees in the foliage. Botryosphaeria dothidea (fungus) causes necrosis
southeastern United States assume a bush-like, rather than of leaves and stems. Rhyzopus stolonifer (smut) causes fruit
a tree-like growth habit due to cold injury of the trunk and drop of cultivars with an open eye. Fusarium spp. and
major scaffold limbs. Aspergillus niger are fungus that attack ripe fruit.

Propagation Although many diseases attack figs, most figs are grown in
Fig trees are usually propagated by using dormant cuttings. homeowner settings and do not receive pesticide sprays.
Select dormant wood about 8–12 inches long and less than The most common insect pests are mealy bug, three-lined
1 inch in diameter. The basal end of the cutting should be fig borer and ants. The application of insecticide is seldom
2-year-old wood. warranted. Please contact your local UF/IFAS Extension
agent for spray recommendations.
Place cuttings in moist, but not wet, Perlite or in another
moist porous medium. At least half the length of the cutting Fig Cultivars
should be below the soil level. The basal ends of cutting
should callus in two to three weeks at a temperature of Cultivar Selection
50–60°F. Rooting efficiency can be enhanced by making Characteristics that should be considered in the selection of
basal cuts directly below the nodes and by the use of a fig cultivars include the following:
rooting hormone. Leafy shoots require frequent irrigation
or the use of a mist bed until roots are fully functional. 1. Cold hardiness;
(For more info on the construction of a mist bed, readers
2. The ability to set fruit without pollination
are referred to Installation of Mist Propagation Equipment,
(parthenocarpy); Fig trees are rarely propa-
gated by chip or patch budding or by whip, side, inlay or
3. Fruit having a closed eye or ostiole;
cleft grafting. Rooted cuttings can be transferred to the field
after sufficient roots have formed. Newly set trees should 4. A long peduncle that allows the fruit to droop and shed
receive irrigation every day or every two days. moisture; and

5. A green skin on fruit to minimize bird herbivory.

The Fig 3
Ten cultivars of figs (Alma, Black Spanish, Brown Turkey, Green Ischia (Ischia Green, Ischia Verte, and White Ischia):
Conadria, Celeste, Jelly, Osborne Prolific, Pasquale, Tena, This cultivar produces a green small to medium sized fruit
and Ventura) have been evaluated in a replicated trial at with a strawberry center and a closed eye. Fruit of Green
the UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center Ischia ripens in late July to early August.
in Monticello, FL. Other cultivars of figs not tested by the
University of Florida include the following: Champagne, Hunt: This cultivar is very cold hardy and produces a small
Green Ischia, Hunt, Kadota, LSU Gold, LSU Purple, pear-shaped, violet-brown fruit with a long neck. Hunt has
Magnolia, O’Rourke, and Tiger. a closed eye, amber-colored flesh and few seeds; fruit ripen
in July.
Characteristics of Fig Cultivars
Jelly (Mary Lane Seedless): This cultivar produces a long-
A summary of the characteristics of the fig cultivars follows
necked, yellow fig that is medium in size with clear amber
below. Alternate names of cultivars appear in parentheses:
flesh and very few seeds. Fruit of Jelly is good for eating
Alma: This cultivar is reported to produce high yields. fresh and preserving although the skin is soft. Jelly ripens in
Alma is moderately cold tolerant and produces a medium- late July to August.
sized fruit with brown skin and a light tan pulp. The eye is
Kadota (Florentine): This cultivar produces a medium-
medium, and the fruit has few seeds and is very sweet. Fruit
large, yellow fruit with an open ostiole that is partially
ripens from late July through August and is good fresh or
sealed with a honey-like substance. Fruit quality declines
with extremely wet weather. Although Kadota figs can be
Black Spanish (California Brown Turkey, San Pedro): This eaten fresh, they are better suited for canning and preserves.
cultivar yields medium-sized, purplish-brown fruit with a Fruit ripening is July.
red center. Black Spanish has an eye open. Fruit ripen in
LSU Gold: This cultivar is a Louisiana State University
June and in August.
release that produces a large, yellow fig with pink-to-red
Brown Turkey (Brunswick, Eastern Brown Turkey, Har- pulp. Fruit of LSU Gold should be picked as soon as it is
rison, Lees Perpetual, Ramsey, Texas Everbearing): This mature since this fruit has an open eye and fruit spoilage
cultivar is probably the most popular fig in the southeastern may occur. Fruit ripening is July through August. Fruit is of
United States. A small crop of fruit in the spring (called good quality for eating fresh and for preserving.
breba fruit) ripens in July followed by the main crop one
LSU Purple: This cultivar is a Louisiana State University
month later. The fruit is medium-large in size, has bronze
release that produces a medium-small, glossy purple fig
skin and amber pulp. The fruit has a small-to-medium
that has amber-to-pink flesh with a closed eye. The main
ostiole and is good fresh or processed.
crop ripens in August although some fruit can ripen well
Celeste (Blue Celeste, Celestial, and Little Brown Sugar): into the fall. Fruit is of good quality for eating fresh and for
This cultivar is probably the second-most common fig in preserving.
the southeastern United States. Celeste is fairly cold hardy,
Magnolia (Brunswick, Madonna): This cultivar is common
and the fruit is small to medium in size and purplish-
in some parts of the southeastern United States, but not in
bronze to light brown in color. Celeste has a closed eye
Florida. Magnolia is cold hardy down to 50°F, and often
and begins ripening in early July. Celeste is good fresh or
produces the largest fig available. Fruit is asymmetric,
bronze in color and has an open ostiole. The flesh is amber
Champagne (Golden Celeste): This newly released cultivar to strawberry in color. Ripening is from mid July through
from Louisiana State University produces a medium-sized August. Fruit should be picked as early as possible since
fruit with yellow skin, tan colored pulp and a closed ostiole. they may split and turn sour under wet conditions. Magno-
Fruit ripening is early July. lia is best suited for preserving.

Conadria (Genoa): This cultivar is a vigorous tree that Mission (Black Mission, Franciscana): A large, black fig
produces fruit that are green to yellow in color. Flesh of with reddish-pink pulp. Mission is an ever bearing fig that
the fruit is pink to red with a good flavor. The eye is small produces fruit from summer to winter. Not sufficiently
and tight. Fruit ripening is in June and again in August. cold-hardy for the southeastern United States.
Conadria fruit are good fresh and excellent dried.

The Fig 4
O’Rourke (Improved Celeste): This cultivar is a Louisiana
State University fig that produces a small-to-medium-sized
fruit, which is brown in color with tan pulp. The eye is
partially closed with the aid of a honey-like substance. Fruit
ripening is early July. Fruit is of good quality for eating
fresh and for preserving.

Osborn Prolific (Arachipel, Hardy Prolific, Neveralla,

Osborne, Rust): This cultivar produces a medium-large
fruit with reddish, brown skin and light-colored flesh. The
fruit is sweet with few seeds. The eye is partially closed.
Osborn Prolific is reported to perform better in cooler
climates. Fruit ripening is August, and the fruit is best eaten

Pasquale (Natalino, Vernino): This cultivar produces a

sweet, small, purple fig with amber-to-pink pulp. Pasquale
ripens late November to December and is often damaged by
frost. Pasquale is not cold hardy. Not recommended for the
southeastern United States.

Tena: A medium-large fig that is greenish-yellow in color

with light strawberry pulp. The fruit has a closed ostiole.
Tena thrives in hot, dry weather. The fruit is good for eating
fresh or preserving.

Tiger (Giant Celeste): This new cultivar released by Louisi-

ana State University has a large brown fruit, yellow pulp and
a partially closed eye. Fruit of Tiger ripens in early July.

Ventura (Verdal louange): This cultivar produces a large,

green fruit with a long neck. The pulp is deep red with
excellent flavor. Fruit ripen from August to September.
Fruit may be eaten fresh or preserved.

The Fig 5

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