A Short Introduction To Computer Programming Using Python

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A Short Introduction to Computer Programming

Using Python
Carsten Fuhs and David Weston
(based on earlier documents by
Sergio Gutierrez-Santos, Keith Mannock, and Roger Mitton)
Birkbeck, University of London

This document forms part of the pre-course reading for several MSc courses at Birkbeck.
(Last revision: December 4, 2019.)
Important note: If anything is unclear, or you have any sort of problem (e.g.,
downloading or installing Python on your computer), please send an email to Carsten
Fuhs (carsten@dcs.bbk.ac.uk ).

1 Introduction
This reading material serves as a preparation for an aptitude test for several MSc pro-
grammes at Birkbeck, University of London. This test is an online test that one can
take via a web browser, and it only assumes content presented in this document. The
questions on the test are similar in style to those in Section 5.

1.1 Recommended further reading

This booklet is designed to be self-contained. However, we will point you to several
external resources which we recommend if you are interested in further explanations,
additional background, and (also interactive) exercises.
We recommend two electronic textbooks in particular: “Python for Everybody –
Exploring Data Using Python 3” by Charles R. Severance [1] and “Think Python – How
to Think like a Computer Scientist” by Allen Downey [2]. These textbooks have been
made available officially for free download. There are also interactive editions that can
be used online, which will give you immediate feedback.

1.2 Motivation
Computing increasingly permeates everyday life, from the apps on our phones to the
social networks that connect us. At the same time, computing is a general tool that we
can use for solving real-world problems. For you to get a computer to do something, you
have to tell it what you want it to do. You give it a series of instructions in the form
of a program. The computer then helps us by carrying out these instructions very fast,
much faster and more reliably than a human. In this sense, a program is a description
of how to carry out a process automatically.
Often programs that others have written will do the job. However, we don’t want
to be limited to the programs that other people have created. We want to tailor our
program to the needs of the problem that we have at hand. Writing programs is about
expressing our ideas for solving a problem clearly and unambiguously. This is a skill
increasingly sought also outside of the software industry. The programs that you can
write may then help solve problems in areas such as business, data science, engineering,
and medicine.
As a pointer to further reading for this part, you can find an extended description of
the purpose and use of writing computer programs in [1, Chapter 1] and [2, Chapter 1].

1.3 Programming language

You write a program in a programming language. Many programming languages have
been devised over the decades. The language we will use in this document is named
Python. More precisely, we are using version 3 of the Python language. Python hits
a sweet spot: it makes writing simple programs easy and is robust enough for a wide
uptake in a variety of industries.

Programming languages vary a lot, but an instruction in a typical programming lan-
guage might contain some English words (such as while or return), perhaps a mathe-
matical expression (such as x + 2) and some punctuation marks used in a special way.
Programs can vary in length from a few lines to thousands of lines. Here is a complete,
short program written in Python:
print("Given a series of words, each on a separate line,")
print("this program finds the length of the longest word.")
print("Please enter several sentences, one per line.")
print("Finish with a blank line.")
maxi = 0
word = "."
while len(word) > 0:
word = input()
if len(word) > maxi:
maxi = len(word)

if maxi == 0:
print("There were no words.")
print("The longest sentence was " + str(maxi) + " characters long.")

When you write a program, you have to be very careful to keep to the syntax of the
programming language, i.e., to the grammar rules of the language. For example, the
above Python program would behave incorrectly if in the 12th line we wrote
if maxi = 0:
instead of
if maxi == 0:
or if in the 9th line we omitted the colon in
if len(word) > maxi:
The computer would refuse to accept the program if we added dots or colons in
strange places or if any of the parentheses (or colons) were missing, or if we wrote
length instead of len or even Len instead of len.

1.4 Input and output

Almost all programs need to communicate with the outside world to be useful. In
particular, they need to read input and to remember it. They also need to respond with
an answer.
To get the computer to take some input as text and to store it in its memory, we
write in Python:

word = input()

input() is a phrase which has a special meaning to the computer. The combination
of these instructions means “Take some input which is a sequence of characters and put
it into the computer’s memory.”
word by contrast, is a word that I (the programmer) have chosen. I could have used
characters or thingy or breakfast or just s or almost any word I wanted. (There are
some restrictions which I will deal with in the next section.)
Computers can take in all sorts of things as input — numbers, letters, words, records
and so on — but, to begin with, we will write programs that generally handle text as
sequences (or strings) of characters (like ”I”, ”hi”, ”My mother has 3 cats”, or ”This
is AWESOME!”). We’ll also assume that the computer is taking its input from the
keyboard, i.e., when the program is executed, you key in one or more words at the
keyboard and these are the characters that the computer puts into its memory.
You can imagine the memory of the computer as consisting of lots of little boxes.
Programmers can reserve some of these boxes for use by their programs and they refer
to these boxes by giving them names.

word = input()

means “Take a string of characters input using the keyboard and terminated when
the user presses RETURN, and then put this string into the box called word.” When
the program runs and this instruction gets executed, the computer will take the words
which you type at the keyboard (whatever you like) and will put them into the box
which has the name word.
Each of these boxes in the computer’s memory can hold only one string at a time. If
a box is holding, say, ”hello”, and you put ”Good bye!” into it, the ”Good bye!” replaces
the ”hello”. In computer parlance these boxes are called variables because the content
inside the box can vary; you can put an ”I” in it to start with and later change it to a
”you” and change it again to ”That was a hurricane” and so on as often as you want.
Your program can have as many variables as you want.
In Python (and many other programming languages), you have to make sure that
you have put something into a variable before you read from it, e.g., to print its contents.
If you try to take something out of a box into which you have not yet put anything, it
is not clear what that “something” should be. This is why Python will complain if you
write a program that reads from a variable into which nothing has yet been put.
If you want the computer to display (on the screen) the contents of one of its boxes,
you use print(thingy) where instead of thingy you write the name of the box. For
example, we can print the contents of word by writing:


If the contents of the box called word happened to be ”Karl”, then when the computer
came to execute the instruction print(word) the word ”Karl” would appear on the

So we can now write a program in Python (not a very exciting program, but it’s a
word = input()

This program takes some text as input from the keyboard and displays it back on
the screen.
In many programming languages it is customary to lay out programs like this or in
our first example with each instruction on a line of its own. In these languages, the
indentation, if there is any, is just for the benefit of human readers, not for the computer
which ignores any indentations.
Python goes a step further and uses indentation as a part of the language to structure
the programs. We will see more about this a bit later.

1.5 Running a program

You can learn the rudiments of Python from these notes just by doing the exercises with
pencil and paper. However, it is a good idea to test your programs using a computer
after you have written them so you can validate that they do what you intended. If you
have a computer and are wondering how you run your programs, you will need to know
the following, and, even if you don’t have a computer, it will help if you have some idea
of how it’s done.
First of all you type your program into the computer using a text editor. Then, to
run your program, you use a piece of software called an interpreter. The interpreter first
checks whether your program is acceptable according to the syntax of Python and then
runs it. If it isn’t acceptable according to the syntax of Python, the interpreter issues
one or more error messages telling you what it objects to in your program and where
the problem lies. You try to see what the problem is, correct it and try again. You keep
doing this until the interpreter runs your program without further objections.
To make the computer run your program using the interpreter, you need to issue a
command. You can issue commands1 from the command prompt in Windows (you can
find the command prompt under Start → Accessories), or from the terminal in Linux
and Mac OS/X.
If you are lucky, your program does what you expect it to do first time. Often it
doesn’t. You look at what your program is doing, look again at your program and try
to see why it is not doing what you intended. You correct the program and run it
again. You might have to do this many times before the program behaves in the way
you wanted. This is normal and nothing to worry about at this stage.
As I said earlier, you can study this introduction without running your programs on
a computer. However, it’s possible that you have a PC with a Python interpreter and
In a modern operating system, you can click on an icon to execute a program. However, this only
makes sense for graphical applications and not for the simple programs that you will write at first.

will try to run some of the programs given in these notes. If you have a PC but you
don’t have a Python interpreter, I attach a few notes telling you how you can obtain one
(see Section 7).
If you do not wish to install Python on your machine, you can use the online Python
editor and interpreter at


Have a look at the intro video at


and the quick-start guide


1.6 Outputting words and ends of lines

Let’s suppose that you manage to get your program to run. Your running of the above
program would produce something like this on the screen if you typed in the word Tom
followed by RETURN:


The first line is the result of you keying in the word Tom. The system “echoes”
the keystrokes to the screen, in the usual way. When you hit RETURN, the computer
executes the word = input() instruction, i.e., it reads the word or words that have been
input. Then it executes the print instruction and the word or words that were input
appear on the screen again.
We can also get the computer to display additional words by putting them in quotes2
in the parentheses after the print, for example:


We can use this to make the above program more user-friendly:

print("Please key in a word:")
word = input()
print("The word was:")

An execution, or “run”, of this program might appear on the screen thus:

In Python, we can choose between " and ’, but we cannot use both together.

Please key in a word:
The word was:
Here each time the computer executed the print instruction, it also went into a new
line. If we use print(word, end = "") instead of print(word) then no extra line is
printed after the value.3 So we can improve the formatting of the output of our program
on the screen:
print("Please key in a word: ", end = "")
word = input()
print("The word was: ", end = "")

Now a “run” of this program might appear on the screen thus:

Please key in a word: Tom
The word was: Tom
Note the spaces in lines 1 and 3 of the program after word: and was:. This is so
that what appears on the screen is word: Tom and was: Tom rather than word:Tom and
It’s possible to output more than one item with a single print instruction. For
example, we could combine the last two lines of the above program into one:
print("The word was: " + word)
and the output would be exactly the same. The symbol “+” does not represent
addition in this context, it represents concatenation, i.e., writing one string after the
other. We will look at addition of numbers in the next section.
Let’s suppose that we now added three lines to the end of our program, thus:
print("Please key in a word: ", end = "")
word = input()
print("The word was: " + word)
print("Now please key in another: ", end = "")
word = input()
print("And this one was: " + word)

After running this program, the screen would look something like this:
Please key in a word: Tom
The word was: Tom
Now please key in another: Jane
And this one was: Jane
The reason is that with end = "" we are telling Python that after printing the contents of word, we
want to print nothing at the end instead of going to a new line.

Exercise A
For those of you who prefer a “learning by doing” approach, the University of Waterloo
provides an interactive tutorial to programming in Python 3 with a similar structure to
this booklet:


This tutorial gives you further exercises and checks whether the output obtained from
your solutions is correct. We will occasionally refer to exercises in this online tutorial.
You are welcome to create an account if you wish to record your progress. However, as
this booklet is designed for self-study, we will not provide any assistance for this system.
As your first exercise, read through Section “0: Hello” at the above link and attempt
the exercises in your browser as you go along. The web page will provide you with direct

Exercise B
Now pause and see if you can write:

1. a Python instruction which would output a blank line.

2. an instruction which would output

Hickory, Dickory, Dock

3. a program which reads in two words, one after the other, and then displays them
in reverse order. For example, if the input was


the output should be


1.7 Assignment and initialisation

There is another way to get a string into a box apart from using input(). We can write,
for instance:

word = "Some text"

This has the effect of putting the string ”Some text” into the word box. Whatever
content was in word before is obliterated; the new text replaces the old one.

In programming, this is called assignment. We say that the value ”Some text” is
assigned to the variable word, or that the variable word takes the value ”Some text”.
The “=” symbol is the assignment operator in Python. We are not testing whether word
has the value ”Some text” or not, nor are we stating that word has the value ”Some
text”; we are giving the value ”Some text” to word.
An assignment instruction such as this:

word = word + " and some more"

looks a little strange at first but makes perfectly good sense. Let’s suppose the
current value of word (the contents of the box) is ”Some text”. The instruction says,
“Take the value of word (”Some text”), add ” and some more” to it (obtaining ”Some
text and some more”) and put the result into word”. So the effect is to put ”Some text
and some more” into word in place of the earlier ”Some text”.
The = operator is also used to “initialise” variables. In Python, a variable is defined
by the first assignment to that variable, the first time you put something into it. This
first assignment is often also called initialisation. You can read from a variable only
after it has been initialised.
Finally a word about terminology. I have used the word “instruction” to refer to lines
such as print(word) and word = "Some text". It seems a natural word to use since
we are giving the computer instructions. But the correct word is actually “statement”.
print(word) is an output statement, and word = "Hello" is an assignment statement.

Exercise C
Now see if you can write a program in Python that takes two words from the keyboard
and outputs one after the other on the same line. E.g., if you keyed in “Humpty” and
“Dumpty” it would reply with “Humpty Dumpty” (note the space in between). A run
of the program should look like this:

Please key in a word: Humpty

And now key in another: Dumpty
You have typed: Humpty Dumpty

2 Variables, identifiers and expressions
In this section, we will look at the fundamentals of how Python stores and manipu-
lates information. To this end, we will discuss integer numbers, arithmetic expressions,
identifiers, comments, and strings.

2.1 Integer numbers

As well as strings, we can also have integer numbers (often just integers) as values:
whole numbers. So variables can contain not only strings, but also any integer value
like 0, -1, -200, or 1966.4
We can assign an integer value, say, 0, to a variable, say, i:

i = 0

or, if we had two variables i and j, we could assign:

i = j

We can even say that i takes the result of adding two numbers together:

i = 2 + 2

which results in i having the value 4.

Integers and strings

You have probably noticed that, when dealing with integer values the symbol “+” rep-
resents addition of numbers, while – as we saw in the last section – when dealing with
strings the same symbol represents concatenation. Therefore, the statement

word = "My name is " + "Inigo Montoya"

results in word having the value ”My name is Inigo Montoya”, while the statement

n = 10 + 7

results in n having the value 17 (not 107). What happens if we mix integer values
and string values when using “+”, say in the following statement?

answer = "Answer: " + 42

In that case, Python will give us an error message similar to the following one:
In contrast to many other programming languages, Python does not have a limit to how large an
integer value can become.

TypeError: cannot concatenate ’str’ and ’int’ objects

This means that Python does not know how to connect (“concatenate”) the string
”Answer: ” (Python uses the name “str” for the type of strings) and the integer 42
(“int”). To clarify that we want to use “+” to concatenate two strings (and not to use
“+” to add two values), we can convert the “int” value 42 to the “str” value ”42” with
the command str():

answer = "Answer: " + str(42)

Similarly, the small program

word = "My name is " + "Inigo Montoya"

n = 10 + 7
text = word + " and I am " + str(n)

will print on the screen “My name is Inigo Montoya and I am 17”. It is important
to know that the same symbol can be used for different things, but we will come to this
later again; now let’s go back to writing programs with a bit of maths in them using

2.2 Reading integers from the keyboard

In the last section, we saw how we can read a string of characters from the keyboard,
using input(). We can use the same command to read a number. . . but the computer
will not know it is a number, it will think it is a string of characters. If we want to tell
the computer that a sequence of characters is a number, we need to convert it. This is
similar to the way we needed to tell the computer that we wanted to treat a number as
a character string in the previous example. We can do this easily by parsing it using the
command int():
print("Please introduce a number: ", end = "")
word = input()
n = int(word)
print("The number was " + word)
next = n + 1
print("The next number is " + str(next))

When we parse a string that contains an integer we obtain an integer with the correct
value. If we try to parse a string that is not an integer (for example, the word ”Tom”)
the program will terminate with an error message on the screen. If we do not parse the
string and use it as if it was an integer, the results will not be what you’d expect. This is
a common source of errors in programs. You can check for yourself what happens if you
do not parse the string in the former example, e.g., what happens with this program:

print("Please introduce a number: ", end = "")
word = input()
n = word
print("The number was " + word)
next = n + 1
print("The next number is " + str(next))

Now, assuming that you read your integers and always remember to parse them,
what maths can you do with them?

2.3 Operator precedence

Python uses the following arithmetic operators (amongst others):

+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
// division
% modulo

The last one is perhaps unfamiliar. The result of x % y (“x mod y”) is the remain-
der that you get after dividing the integer x by the integer y. For example, 13 % 5
is 3; 18 % 4 is 2; 21 % 7 is 0, and 4 % 6 is 4 (6 into 4 won’t go, remainder 4).
num = 20 % 7 would assign the value 6 to num.
How does the computer evaluate an expression containing more than one operator?
For example, given 2 + 3 * 4, does it do the addition first, thus getting 5 * 4, which
comes to 20, or does it do the multiplication first, thus getting 2 + 12, which comes
to 14? Python, in common with other programming languages and with mathematical
convention in general, gives precedence to *, // and % over + and -. This means that,
in the example, it does the multiplication first and gets 14.
If the arithmetic operators are at the same level of precedence, it takes them left to
right. 10 - 5 - 2 comes to 3, not 7. You can always override the order of precedence
by putting brackets into the expression; (2 + 3) * 4 comes to 20, and 10 - (5 - 2)
comes to 7.
Some words of warning are needed about division. First, remember that integer
values are whole numbers. So the result of a division with // is only the integer part
without the decimal part. Try to understand what the following program does:

num = 5
num = num + 2
num = num // 3 * 6
print(str(7 + 15 % 4))
num = 24 // 3 // 4
num = 24 // (num // 4)

A computer would get into difficulty if it tried to divide by zero (it is not clear what
the result should be). Consequently, the system makes sure that it never does. If a
program tries to get the computer to divide by zero, the program is unceremoniously
terminated, usually with an error message on the screen.

Exercise A
Write down the output of the above program without executing it.
Now execute it and check if you got the right values. Did you get them all right? If
you got some wrong, why was it?

Exercise B
Optional: read through the following section and try to solve its exercises:


2.4 Identifiers and comments

I said earlier that you could use more or less any names for your variables. I now need
to qualify that.
The names that the programmer invents are called identifiers. The rules for forming
identifiers are that the first character can be a letter (upper or lower case, usually the
latter) and subsequent characters can be letters or digits or underscores. (Actually the
first character can be an underscore, but identifiers beginning with an underscore are
often used by system programs and are best avoided.) Other characters are not allowed.
Python is case-sensitive, so Num, for example, is a different identifier from num.
The only other restriction is that you cannot use any of the language’s keywords
as an identifier. You couldn’t use if as the name of a variable, for example. There
are many keywords but most of them are words that you are unlikely to choose. Ones
that you might accidentally hit upon are assert, break, class, continue, def, del,

except, finally, global, import, pass, raise, return, try and yield. You should
also avoid using words which, though not technically keywords, have special significance
in the language, such as int and print.
Programmers often use very short names for variables, such as i, n, or x for integers.
There is no harm in this if the variable is used to do an obvious job, such as counting
the number of times the program goes round a loop, and its purpose is immediately
clear from the context. If, however, its function is not so obvious, it should be given
a name that gives a clue as to the role it plays in the program. If a variable is
holding the total of a series of integers and another is holding the largest of a series of
integers, for example, then call them total and maxi rather than x and y.
The aim in programming is to write programs that are “self-documenting”, meaning
that a (human) reader can understand them without having to read any supplementary
documentation. A good choice of identifiers helps to make a program self-documenting.
Comments provide another way to help the human reader to understand a program.
Anything on a line after “#” is ignored by the interpreter, so you can use this to annotate
your program. You might summarise what a chunk of program is doing:
# sorts numbers into ascending order
or explain the purpose of an obscure bit:
x = x * 100 // y # x as percent of y
Comments should be few and helpful. Do not clutter your programs with statements
of the obvious such as:
num = num + 1 # add 1 to num
Judicious use of comments can add greatly to a program’s readability, but they are
second-best to self-documentation. Note that comments are ignored by the computer:
their weakness is that it is all too easy for a programmer to modify the program but
forget to make any corresponding modification to the comments, so the comments no
longer quite go with the program. At worst, the comments can become so out-of-date
as to be positively misleading, as illustrated in this case:
num = num + 1 # decrease num
What is wrong here? Is the comment out of date? Is there a bug in the code and the
plus should be a minus? Remember, use comments sparingly and make them matter.
A good rule of thumb is that comments should explain “why” and not “how”: the code
already says how things are done!

Exercise C
Say for each of the following whether it is a valid identifier in Python and, if not, why
BBC, Python, y2k, Y2K, old, new, 3GL, a.out,
first-choice, 2nd_choice, third_choice

2.5 A bit more on strings
We have done already many things with strings: we have created them, printed them on
the screen, even concatenated several of them together to get a longer value. But there
are many other useful things we can do with strings.
For example, if you want to know how long a string is, you can find out using the
function len().5 You could say, for example:

print("Please enter some text: ", end = "")

word = input()
length = len(word)
print("The string " + word + " has " + str(length) + " characters.")

You can obtain a substring (or a “slice”) of a string as in the following example: If
the variable s has the string value ”Silverdale”, then s[0:6] will give you the first six
letters, i.e., the string ”Silver”. The first number in square brackets after the string
says where you want the substring to begin, and the second number says where you want
it to end (to be precise, the second number is the position of the first character that we
don’t want in the substring). Note that the initial character of the string is treated as
being at position 0, not position 1. Similarly, s[2:6] will give you the string lver.
If you leave out the second number, you get the rest of the string. For example,
s[6:] would give you ”dale”, i.e., the tail end of the string beginning at character 6
(”d” is character 6, not 7, because the ”S” character is character 0).
You can output substrings with print or assign them to other strings or combine
them with the “+” operator. For example:
s = "software services"
s = s[0:4] + s[8:9] + s[13:]

will output “soft ices”.

Exercise D
Optional: read through the following section and try to solve its exercises:


Exercise E
Say what the output of the following program fragment would be:
A function in Python is a named sequence of instructions. We call the function using its name in
order to execute its instructions. We can call a function without knowing what instructions it consists
of, so long as we know what it does.

s = "artificial reality"
print(s[11:15] + " " + s[0:3])
length = len(s[11:])

Then run the program and see if you were right.

3 Conditionals (if statements)
To write anything more than very straightforward programs we need some way of getting
the computer to make choices. We do this in Python with the keyword if. We can write,
for example:
if num == 180:
print("One hundred and eighty!")

When the computer executes this, it first sees whether the variable num currently
has the value 180 or not. If it does, the computer displays its message; if it doesn’t, the
computer ignores the print line and goes on to the next line.
Note that the conditional expression (num == 180) has to be followed by a colon
(“:”), and that we must put some additional space in front of the code that we want to
execute if the conditional expression is true. This additional space is also called indent,
and it tells Python that this code is “inside” the if statement. The usual number of
spaces to add to the indent is 4.
Note also that, to test whether num has the value 180 or not, we have to write
if num == 180: and not if num = 180:. We have to remember to hit the “=” key
twice. This can be a serious nuisance in Python, especially for beginners. It comes about
because the language uses the “=” operator for a different purpose, namely assignment.
num = 180 does not mean “num is equal to 180”, it means “Give the value 180 to num”.
You may feel that it is obvious that assignment is not what is intended in if num = 180:,
but unfortunately that is how the computer will interpret it – and will complain. You
have been warned.
The following program takes two numbers and displays a message if they happen to
be the same:
print("Please key in a number: ", end = "")
s = input()
num1 = int(s)
print("And another: ", end = "")
s = input()
num2 = int(s)
if num1 == num2:
print("They are the same.")

3.1 Conditional expressions
Conditional expressions – the kind that follow an if – can be formed using the following
== is equal to
!= is not equal to
> is greater than
< is less than
>= is greater than or equal to
<= is less than or equal to
When these operators are used with integers, their meaning is obvious, but they can
also be used with strings. Here their meaning corresponds to something like alphabetical
order (the order used for entries in a printed dictionary). For instance, if s < t:, where
s and t are strings, means “If s comes before t in alphabetical order”. So it would be
true if s had the value ”Birkbeck” and t had the value ”College”. All the upper-case
letters come before the lower-case, so s < t would still be true if s had the value ”Zebra”
and t had the value ”antelope” (upper-case ”Z” comes before lower-case ”a”).
But what about strings that contain non-alphabetic characters? Would s come
before t if s had the value ”#+*” and t had the value ”$&!”? To find the answer
we have to consult the UNICODE table – the Universal Character Set. UNICODE
defines a particular ordering of all the characters on the keyboard. (There are other
orderings in use, notably EBCDIC which is used on IBM mainframe computers, and
ASCII, which was adopted by PCs and became the de facto standard for English-based
languages.) The UNICODE table tells us that the character ”#” comes before the
character ”$”, for instance. The latest version of Unicode6 consists of a repertoire of
more than 120,000 characters covering 129 different scripts (including Latin, Cyrillic,
Arabic, all the Japanese ones, and many more). Some points worth remembering are:

• The space character comes before all the printable characters.

• Numerals come in the order you’d expect, from ”0” to ”9”.

• Letters come in the order you’d expect, from ”A” to ”Z” and from ”a” to ”z”.

• Numerals come before upper-case letters and upper-case letters come before lower-

The full list can be downloaded from many places, including Wikipedia
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List of Unicode characters).

Exercise A
Say, for each of the following pairs of strings, whether s < t would be true or false,
assuming that s had the value on the left and t had the value on the right:
"A" "9"
"Zurich" "acapulco"
"Abba" "ABBA"
"long_thing_with_a_$" "long_thing_with_a_&"
"King@example.invalid" "King Kong"

3.2 Two-way branches (if ... else)

The following program fragment tells students whether they have passed their exam:
print("Please key in your exam mark: ", end = "")
s = input()
examMark = int(s)
if examMark >= 50:
print("A satisfactory result!")

What happens, in the case of this program, if a student’s mark is less than 50? The
program does nothing. This kind of if statement is a one-way branch. If the condition is
true, we do something; if not, we do nothing. But in this case this seems unsatisfactory.
If the exam mark is less than 50, we would like it to display “Sorry, you have failed.”
We could arrange this by including another test – if examMark < 50: – or, better, we
could do it by using the keyword else, thus:
if examMark >= 50:
print("A satisfactory result!")
print("Sorry, you have failed.")

The else turns a one-way branch into a two-way branch. If the condition is true, do
this; otherwise, do that.
A note about the indent (the spaces we put before the statements “inside” the if
statement). It has the effect of grouping all the statements with the same indentation
level (the same amount of whitespace before them) into a programming unit called a
block. Look at this example:

if examMark >= 50:
print("A satisfactory result!")
print("You may proceed with your project.")
print("Sorry, you have failed.")

If the exam mark is greater than or equal to 50, the whole of the block is executed
and both lines “A satisfactory result!” and “You may proceed with your project.” will
be printed. If the mark is lower than 50, the computer skips to the else and executes
the “Sorry” line.
We can reduce the indent level again to tell Python where e.g. the block inside the
else ends. We might add a line to the previous example to print a “Good bye.” message
in all cases:
if examMark >= 50:
print("A satisfactory result!")
print("You may proceed with your project.")
print("Sorry, you have failed.")
print("Good bye.")

Suppose now that we wanted to give a different message to candidates who had done
exceptionally well. Our first thought might be as follows:
if examMark >= 70:
print("An exceptional result!")
print("We expect a first-class project from you.")
if examMark >= 50:
print("A satisfactory result!")
print("You may proceed with your project.")
print("Sorry, you have failed.")

But this would not work quite right. It’s OK for candidates with marks below 70,
but candidates with marks greater than or equal to 70 would give the following output:

An exceptional result
We expect a first-class project from you.
A satisfactory result
You may proceed with your project.

The problem is that if a mark is greater than or equal to 70, it is also greater
than 50. The first condition is true, so we get the “exceptional” part, but then the
second condition is also true, so we get the “satisfactory” part. We want to proceed to
the greater than 50 test only if the mark is below 70. Here Python offers us the keyword
elif, which is short for “else if” and which allows us to avoid excessive indentation:
if examMark >= 70:
print("An exceptional result!")
print("We expect a first-class project from you.")
elif examMark >= 50:
print("A satisfactory result!")
print("You may proceed with your project.")
print("Sorry, you have failed.")

We can write more complex conditional expressions by joining them together using
the operator or. For example, the following additional condition at the start of the last
program checks if the exam mark keyed in is invalid, i.e., less than 0 or greater than 100:
if examMark < 0 or examMark > 100:
print("Invalid mark entered - needs to be in the range 0..100")
elif examMark >= 70:
print("An exceptional result!")
print("We expect a first-class project from you.")
elif examMark >= 50:
print("A satisfactory result!")
print("You may proceed with your project.")
print("Sorry, you have failed.")

Exercise B
Optional: read through the following section and try to solve its exercises:


Exercise C
Write a program that takes two numbers as input, one representing a husband’s salary
and the other representing the wife’s, and prints out whether or not their combined
income makes them due for tax at the higher rate (i.e., it exceeds £40,000).

Exercise D
Extend the program about students’ marks so that all the candidates get two lines of
output, the unsuccessful ones getting “Sorry, you have failed.” and “You may re-enter
next year.”

Exercise E
Write a program which takes two integers as input. If the first is exactly divisible by the
second (such as 10 and 5 or 24 and 8, but not 10 and 3 or 24 and 7) it outputs “Yes”,
otherwise “No”, except when the second is zero, in which case it outputs “Cannot divide
by zero”. Remember you can use the modulo operator (“%”) to find out whether one
number is divisible by another.

Exercise F
Write a program which takes an integer as its input, representing the time using the
24-hour clock. For example, 930 is 9.30 am; 2345 is 11.45 pm. Midnight is zero. The
program responds with a suitable greeting for the time of day (e.g., “Good morning”,
“Good afternoon”, or “Good evening”). If you want to make this a bit harder, make the
program respond with a “?” if the time represented by the number is impossible, such
as 2400, -5 or 1163.

4 Loops and booleans
How would you write a program to add up a series of numbers? If you knew that there
were, say, four numbers, you might write this program:
print("Please key in four numbers: ")
print("> ", end = "")
s = input()
num1 = int(s)
print("> ", end = "")
s = input()
num2 = int(s)
print("> ", end = "")
s = input()
num3 = int(s)
print("> ", end = "")
s = input()
num4 = int(s)
total = num1 + num2 + num3 + num4
print("Total: " + str(total))

But a similar program to add up 100 numbers would be very long. More seriously,
each program would need to be tailor-made for a particular number of numbers. It would
be better if we could write one program to handle any series of numbers. We need a
One way to create a loop is to use the keyword while. For example:
num = 0
while num < 100:
num = num + 5
print("Done looping!")

Similar to the if statement we saw earlier, it is essential to indent the lines inside
the loop. This allows Python to see which lines are inside the loop and which lines are
“after” the loop.
Having initialised the variable num to zero, the program checks whether the value of
num is less than 100. It is, so it enters the loop. Inside the loop, it adds 5 to the value
of num and then outputs this value (so the first thing that appears on the screen is a 5).
Then it goes back to the while and checks whether the value of num is less than 100.
The current value of num is 5, which is less than 100, so it enters the loop again. It adds
5 to num, so num takes the value 10, and then outputs this value. It goes back to the
while, checks whether 10 is less than 100 and enters the loop again. It carries on doing

this with num getting larger each time round the loop. Eventually num has the value 95.
As 95 is still less than 100, it enters the loop again, adds 5 to num to make it 100 and
outputs this number. Then it goes back to the while and this time sees that num is not
less than 100. So it stops looping, goes on to the line after the end of the loop, and
prints “Done looping!”. The output of this program is the numbers 5, 10, 15, 20 and so
on up to 95, 100, followed by “Done looping!”.
Note the use of indent to mark the start and end of the loop. Each time round the
loop the program does everything inside the indented block. When it decides not to
execute the loop again, it jumps to the point beyond the indented block.
What would happen if the while line of this program was while num != 99:? The
value of num would eventually reach 95. The computer would decide that 95 was not
equal to 99 and would go round the loop again. It would add 5 to num, making 100.
It would now decide that 100 was not equal to 99 and would go round the loop again.
Next time num would have the value 105, then 110, then 115 and so on. The value of
num would never be equal to 99 and the computer would carry on for ever. This is an
example of an infinite loop.
Note that the computer makes the test before it enters the loop. What would happen
if the while line of this program was while num > 0:? num begins with the value zero
and the computer would first test whether this value was greater than zero. Zero is not
greater than zero, so it would not enter the loop. It would skip straight to the end of
the loop and finish, producing no output.

Exercise A
Optional: read through the following section and try to solve its exercises:


For our purposes, it suffices to look at the “while Loops” part.

Exercise B
Write a program that outputs the squares of all the numbers from 1 to 10, i.e., the
output will be the numbers 1, 4, 9, 16 and so on up to 100.

Exercise C
Write a program that asks the user to type in 5 numbers, and that outputs the largest
of these numbers and the smallest of these numbers. So, for example, if the user types
in the numbers 2456 457 13 999 35, the output will be as follows:

The largest number is 2456

The smallest number is 13

4.1 Booleans (True/False expressions)
So far we have just used integer and string values. But we can have values of other types
and, specifically, we can have boolean values.7 In Python, this type is called “bool”. Its
values are also called “truth values”, and they are True and False.

positive = True

Note that we do not have quote marks around the word True. The word True,
without quote marks, is not a string; it’s the name of a boolean value. Contrast it with:

positive = "True"

Here positive is assigned the four-character string ”True”, not the truth value True.
(This is similar to the difference between, e.g., the number 42 and the string ”42” that
we saw earlier.)
You have already met boolean expressions. They are also called conditional expres-
sions and they are the sort of expression you have after if or while before the “:”.
When you evaluate a boolean expression, you get the value True or False as the result.
Consider the kind of integer assignment statement with which you are now familiar:

num = count + 5

The expression on the right-hand side, the count + 5, is an integer expression. That
is, when we evaluate it, we get an integer value as the result.
Now consider a similar-looking boolean assignment statement:

positive = num >= 0

The expression on the right-hand side, the num >= 0, is a boolean expression. That
is, when we evaluate it, we get a boolean value (True/False) as the result. You can
achieve the same effect by the following more long-winded statement:

if num >= 0:
positive = True
positive = False

The word “boolean” was coined in honour of an Irish mathematician of the nineteenth century called
George Boole.

The variable positive now stores a simple fact about the value of num at this point
in the program. (The value of num might subsequently change, of course, but the value
of positive will not change with it.) If, later in the program, we wish to test the value
of positive, we need only write

if positive:

You can write if positive == True: if you prefer, but the == True is redundant.
positive itself is either True or False. We can also write

if not positive:

that is exactly the same as if positive == False. If positive is True, then not
positive is False, and vice-versa.
Boolean variables are often called flags. The idea is that a flag has basically two
states – either it’s flying or it isn’t.
So far we have constructed simple boolean expressions using the operators introduced
in the last chapter – x == y, s >= t and so on – now augmented with negation (not). We
can make more complex boolean expressions by joining simple ones with the operators
and and or. For example, we can express “if x is a non-negative odd number” as
if x >= 0 and x % 2 == 1:. We can express “if the name begins with an A or an E”
as if name[0:1] == "A" or name[0:1] == "E":. The rules for evaluating and and or
are as follows:
left and right left or right
1 True True True True True True
2 True False False True True False
3 False False True False True True
4 False False False False False False

Taking line 2 as an example, this says that, given that you have two simple boolean
expressions joined by and and that the one on the left is True while the one on the right
is False, the whole thing is False. If, however, you had the same two simple expressions
joined by or, the whole thing would be True. As you can see, and is True if and only if
both sides are True, otherwise it’s False; or is False if and only if both sides are False,
otherwise it’s True.

Exercise D
Given that x has the value 5, y has the value 20, and s has the value ”Birkbeck”, decide
whether these expressions are True or False:

x == 5 and y == 10
x < 0 or y > 15
y % x == 0 and len(s) == 8
s[1:3] == "Bir" or x // y > 0

4.2 Back to loops
Returning to the problem of adding up a series of numbers, have a look at this program:
total = 0
finished = False
while not finished:
print("Please enter a number (end with 0):")
s = input()
num = int(s)
if num != 0:
total = total + num
finished = True
print("Total is " + str(total))

If we want to input a series of numbers, how will the program know when we have
put them all in? That is the tricky part, which accounts for the added complexity of
this program.
The variable finished is being used to help us detect when there are no more
numbers. It is initialised to False. When the computer detects that the last number
(“0”) is introduced, it will be set to True. When finished is True, it means that we
have finished reading in the input. The while loop begins by testing whether finished
is true or not. If finished is not true, there is some more input to read and we enter
the loop. If finished is true, there are no more numbers to input and we skip to the
end of the loop.
The variable total is initialised to zero. Each time round the loop, the computer
reads a new value into num and adds it to total. So total holds the total of all the
values input so far.
Actually the program only adds num to total if a (non-zero) number has been en-
tered. If the user enters something other than an integer – perhaps a letter or a punc-
tuation mark – then the parsing of the input will fail and the program will stop, giving
an error message.
A real-life program ought not to respond to a user error by aborting with a terse
error message, though regrettably many of them do. However, dealing with this problem
properly would make this little program more complicated than I want it to be at this

You have to take some care in deciding whether a line should go in the
loop or outside it. This program, for example, is only slightly different from the one
above but it will perform differently:
finished = False
while not finished:
total = 0
print("Please enter a number (end with 0):")
s = input()
num = int(s)
if num != 0:
total = total + num
finished = True
print("Total is " + str(total))

It resets total to zero each time round the loop. So total gets set to zero, has a
value added to it, then gets set to zero, has another value added to it, then gets set to
zero again, and so on. When the program finishes, total does not hold the total of all
the numbers, just the value zero.
Here is another variation:
total = 0
finished = False
while not finished:
print("Please enter a number (end with 0):")
s = input()
num = int(s)
if num != 0:
total = total + num
print("Total is " + str(total))
finished = True

This one has the print line inside the loop, so it outputs the value of total each
time round the loop. If you keyed in the numbers 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, then, instead of just
getting the total (30) as the output, you would get 4, 9, 15, 22 and then 30.

Exercise E
Write a program that reads a series of numbers, ending with 0, and then tells you how
many numbers you have keyed in (other than the last 0). For example, if you keyed in
the numbers 5, -10, 50, 22, -945, 12, 0 it would output “You have entered 6 numbers.”.

5 Extra exercises
This section provides some additional exercises for you, for more practice with Python.
Use only the concepts presented in this booklet to solve the exercises.

Exercise X1
What does the following program do? This question is not about describing the instruc-
tions in the program one by one. Instead, try to find a descriptive name as a “summary”
to tell the user of the program what output it will compute based on the user’s inputs.
For example, for the first program in Section 4.2, we could give the summary: “This
program prints the sum of the numbers that the user has entered.” A good name for
that program could be “sum”.
Try to answer this question without using a computer.
m = 0
finished = False
while not finished:
print("Enter another integer number (0 to finish): ", end = "")
s = input()
num = int(s)
if num != 0:
if num > m:
m = num
finished = True

Exercise X2
If you have worked out what the above program does, can you see that, for certain series
of integers, it will not produce the correct output? In what circumstances will it not
work correctly, and how could you change the program to make it work properly? You
may assume that the user will enter at least one number that is not 0 before the final 0.

Exercise X3
Write a program that takes a series of numbers (ending in 0) and counts the number of
times that the number 100 appears in the list. For example, for the series 2, 6, 100, 50,
101, 100, 88, 0, it would output 2.

Exercise X4
Write a program that takes a series of lines of text (ending by an empty string) and, at
the end, outputs the longest line. You may assume there is at least one line in the input.

Exercise X5 (this one is a bit harder)
Write a program that takes a series of numbers (ending in 0). If the current number is
the same as the previous number, it says “Same”; if the current number is greater than
the previous one, it says “Up”, and if it’s less than the previous one, it says “Down”. It
makes no response at all to the very first number. For example, its output for the list 9,
9, 8, 5, 10, 10, 0, would be Same, Down, Down, Up, Same (comparing, in turn, 9 and 9,
9 and 8, 8 and 5, 5 and 10, 10 and 10). You may assume there are at least two numbers
in the input.

Enter the first number: 9

Enter the next number (0 to finish): 9
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 8
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 5
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 10
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 10
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 0

Exercise X6 (still a bit harder)

Write a solution for exercise X5 that prints all the “Down”, “Same”, and “Up” messages
together at the end.

Enter the first number: 3

Enter the next number (0 to finish): 5
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 4
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 4
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 6
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 8
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 2
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 6
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 7
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 5
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 6
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 6
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 7
Enter the next number (0 to finish): 0
Up Down Same Up Up Down Up Up Down Up Same Up

6 Summary of the language features mentioned in this in-
# Introduces a comment
num = 99 Assigns the integer value 99 to a variable
called num
word = input() Takes a string from the input and puts it
into the variable word
n = int(word) Parses the number in the variable word and
puts its integer value into the variable n
word = str(n) Converts the number in the variable n to its
string representation and puts it into the
variable word
print(word) Outputs the value of word
print(word, end = "") The same, but without the return-of-line at
the end
print("The answer is " + x) Outputs “The answer is ” followed by the
string x
+, -, *, //, % Arithmetic operators. *, // and % take
precedence over + and -.
len(s) Gives length of string s
s[x:y] Gives substring of s starting with the
character at position x and ending with
the last character before position y.
(The first character of the string is at
position zero.)

if A: If A is True,
B do B,
elif C: else if C is True,
D do D,
else: else
E do E.

x == y Tests whether x is equal to y. Note the

double “=”.
!=, >, <, >=, <= Not equal to, greater than, less than, etc.

while A: While A is True, do B. B can be a block

B with several statements.

True, False The boolean values True and False.

not, and, or The boolean operators not, and and or.

7 Obtaining, installing and running Python on a PC
You can download a free copy of Python from the web:


It is important that you download version 3.. . . , which is what we use in this intro-
duction. Python is available for many operating systems, including Windows, Linux,
and Mac.
Python will be used intensively in several of the MSc courses at Birkbeck, so it is
a good idea to install it if you do not have it yet. If you do not know whether you
have Python installed in your system, you can open a command prompt8 and type
python3 --version. If Python is installed, the result should be something similar to

> python3 --version

Python 3.4.3

Running Python programs

Python is run from the command line.
You first type your program in a text editor. Notepad (in Windows) or gedit (in
Linux) are good options, but any simple editor will do. Note: If you use a word-processor
(like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer), make sure you save the file as plain text.
Give the filename a .py extension.
Open the command prompt. Go to the folder where you have saved your Python
program using the command “cd” (change directory). (You do not have to do this but
it is easier if you do, otherwise you would have to type the full path for your source code
file to run it.)
Suppose your program is in a file called Myprog.py in the current folder. You can
run your program by typing

python3 Myprog.py

If the Python interpreter accepts your program, you will see the result of your pro-
gram on the screen. If there are errors, you will get error messages and you need to
go back to the text editor, correct the program and save it again, then try to run your
program again.

If you cannot install Python. . .

If you have problems installing Python, you may find this webpage useful:

You can find it in Windows in “Accessories”.

The page provides you with an editor on the left and a console on the right. It will
allow you to test your programs online. It may be quite slow compared to using a local
machine, but it may help if you find problems installing Python.
Additionally, if you have any problem installing or running Python, feel free to write
to Dr. Carsten Fuhs (carsten@dcs.bbk.ac.uk). We will come back to you as soon as

[1] Charles R. Severance. Python for Everybody – Exploring Data Using Python 3.
2016. Available online at https://www.py4e.com/book and http://do1.dr-chuck.
com/pythonlearn/EN_us/pythonlearn.pdf; interactive edition at https://books.

[2] Allen Downey. Think Python – How to Think like a Computer Sci-
entist. Green Tea Press, 2nd edition, 2015. Available online at
http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython2/index.html and http:
//greenteapress.com/thinkpython2/thinkpython2.pdf; interactive edition
at https://runestone.academy/runestone/books/published/thinkcspy/


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