5 People S Republic of China: Zhang Mingli and Hui Liu
5 People S Republic of China: Zhang Mingli and Hui Liu
5 People S Republic of China: Zhang Mingli and Hui Liu
Fiscal R evenue and Expenditure as Percentage of GDP
Central nance in the PRC is rather weak. While the central Gov-
ernment has a relatively stable proportion of overall government revenue,
there is a clear downward trend. Meanwhile, the level of its expenditure
is rising. In 1994, the ratio of central government expenses to overall
government expenditure leaped from 22.02 percent in 1993 to 55.70
Subsidies to loss-making SOEs are not viewed as expense items
but rather as revenue items, so the growth of subsidies in fact does not
increase the Governments expenditure, but rather reduces revenue. There
is no special mechanism to restrain this except indirect decit pressure.
Central Governm ent R evenue and Expenditure
(percentage of GDP)
’85 ’87 ’88 ’90 ’91 ’93 ’94 ’96 ’97
this larger issuance. Before the Asian nancial crisis, the economy did
not run too badly under this system, but improvements in the scal
revenue system are now more and more urgently needed.
Governm ent R evenue by Classication
’91 ’92 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’98
Gross R evenue and Expenditure
(billion yuan)
Governm ent R evenue by Source
(billion yuan)
Revenue from
Funds for Key Revenue Revenue
Subsidies Construction from from
Revenue to Loss- Projects in Budget Extra Other
Year Revenue Taxes from Making Energy and Adjustment Charges
SOEs Enterprises Transportation Fund for
Industries Education
central Government can issue T-bonds, and it bears the entire cost, but
lack of supervision drains the e¹ciency of debt issuance. The cost-ben-
et constraint on each user of scal capital must be improved.
Discrimination against the nonstate-owned economy is another serious
cause of the low e¹ciency of positive scal policy.
C. Seigniorage Incom e
Fiscal Expenditure Item s
(billion yuan)
Social, Culture
Year Total Economic and Educational National Government
Construction Development Defense Administration Others
Com parison of Dom estic and Foreign Debt (1993 and 1998)
1993 1998
Domestic Foreign
Debt Borrowing
9% 2%
Peoples Republic of China 149
Deficit and Dom estic Debt Issuance
(billion yuan)
for the required reserves. If the ratio of excessive reserves fell below 5
percent, the banks would be confronted with a liquidity risk. Therefore,
excessive reserves led the PBC to loosen the annual loan quota. While
in depression, the excessive reserves were a safe haven. Banks could
increase them to gain a stable income without any risk, reducing their
willingness to make loans.
The PBC for sometime paid a higher premium for banks excessive
reserves than the interest rate of deposits. Within a closed and insular
cycle, the PBC only had recourse to three policy tools: nominal interest
rates, loan planning, and required and excessive reserve accounts. Only
the excessive reserve actually acted as a tool for daily and seasonal
tuning. This was abolished in December 1998, however, because of banks
decreasing desire to make loans. The PBC thus lost a key policy tool.
OMO is touted as the most likely substitute.
Interest R ates for R equired and Excessive R eserve
Interest rates. The PRC has a xed interest rate system, with the rate
regulated by the PBC. The deposit interest rate is xed and cannot be
oated. The PBC has lowered nominal interest rates six times since 1996
according to economic circumstances.
Interest R ates for M ajor Deposits
Sources: China Statistical Yearbook 1997 and 1999, Peoples Bank of China Quarterly
Statistical Bulletin 19944, Volume XVI.
The authorities regulate the interest rates of loans too. Since No-
vember 1998, nancial institutions have had the right to oat up to 20
percent, according to the clients risk, which was raised to 30 percent in
September 1999. Only short-term loans can be oated.
R egulated Interest R ates of L oans
Six- One- year or Five-year More than
month year Less or Less Five-year
1 May 1996 9.72 10.98 13.14 14.94 15.12
23 Aug. 1996 9.18 10.08 10.98 11.70 12.42
23 Oct. 1997 7.65 8.64 9.36 9.90 10.53
25 Mar. 1998 7.02 7.92 9.00 9.72 10.35
1 Jul. 1998 6.57 6.93 7.11 7.65 8.01
7 Dec. 1998 6.12 6.39 6.66 7.20 7.56
10 Jun. 1999 5.58 5.85 5.94 6.03 6.21
Com parison of SOEs and Non-SOEs
100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
’89 ’90 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’97 ’89 ’90 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’97
Year Year
Interest R ates of Short-Term Bonds and Others (1994 and 1996)
Source: Peoples Bank of China Quarterly Statistical Bulletin, 19993, Volume XV.
TA BL E 10
Debt and Bank L oans
(yuan billion)
Sources: China Securities and Futures Statistical Yearbook 1999; and China Statistical
Yearbook 1999.
Structure of R esidents Financial A ssets
Bonds 4%
R atio of Debt Issuance to Fiscal Expenditure
’82 ’83 ’84 ’85 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93
R atio of R epaym ent to Dom estic Debt Incurred
’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98
B. Types of Securities
TA BL E 11
Issuing Sum m ary of Dom estic Securities by Category
(billion yuan)
Policy Other State Investment Total
Year T-Bond Financial Financial E-Bond Investment Company Domestic
Bond Bond Bond Bond Bond
TA BL E 12
Issuance History of T-Bonds
(billion yuan)
Net Augm entation of Bond Capital
100 Million RM
–100 ’85 ’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’98
TA BL E 13
Term Structure of T-Bonds
(billion yuan)
Source: Peoples Bank of China Quarterly Statistical Bulletin 19994, Volume XVI.
Scale of E-Bond Issuance
RMB Billion
’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98
Central E-bonds were issued for the rst time in 1992. These have
been important since 1995, always accounting for more than 30 percent
of total E-bonds. Local E-bonds are issued without any termination, and
give local government, which does not have the power to issue T-bonds,
a means of raising capital for its enterprises. Enterprise Short-Term bonds
have been issued since 1988. These bonds are issued by an enterprise to
meet its seasonal short capital needs, with the principal and interest
paid back in three, six or nine months. These bonds accounted for 90
percent of E-bond issuance from 1993 to 1996, as short-term capital
Peoples Republic of China 165
needs were large while the economy was booming. However, since the
Asian crisis, this need has fallen. Internal bonds were issued from 1988
to 1992. House Construction bonds and Local Investment Company bonds
were issued as an experiment with a maturity of three years in 1992.
Status of E-Bonds in the Overall Debt M ark et
(percentage of total bonds)
’86 ’87 ’88 ’89 ’90 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98
TA BL E 14
Explicit Cost of E-Bond Issuance
Items Cost
Issuance Fee 1.5 percent of the total raised capital
Credit Rating and Auditing Fee 0.1 percent of total raised capital
Nominal Interest Rate Cannot exceed nominal interest rate of
deposits by 40 percent
Financial Institution Bonds. With the reform of the economy, the capi-
tal market has begun to take shape. Since 1985, the Government has
allowed commercial banks and nonbank nancial institutions to issue F-
bonds. The aims were to: (i) raise mid- to long-term capital to recapitalize
SOBs; (ii) change the traditional capital structure; (iii) improve risk con-
trol in the banking system; and (for Policy F-bonds) (iv) form a capital
source to support policy banks.
Peoples Republic of China 167
TA BL E 15
Share of E-Bonds by Classication to Total
F-bonds have been very important since 1996, and especially since
the Asian crisis, when people were reluctant to invest and consume.
Household deposits increased to more than Y6 billion, but the growth
rate of xed capital investments decreased continuously. This meant the
main task for the Government was to stimulate domestic investment and
More and more F-bonds are now held by commercial banks and
other nonbank nancial institutions, increasing the capacity for future
OMO, as these institutions will be the means for currency creation. The
Central Bank can repurchase F-bonds in the interbank bond market to
control expansion or contraction of money supply.
F-bonds account for as much as 34.94 percent of total bond issu-
ance and 37.32 percent of total bond balance. In 1998, the amount of
F-bonds issued was about Y348.7 billion, almost equaling the amount of
T-bonds issued. Policy F-bonds are the most important type of F-bond
(98 percent in 1997) and play an important role in channeling huge
capital from commercial banks to policy banks, which carry out public
nance investments to support positive scal policy. In addition, Special
F-bonds are issued to meet liabilities arising from securities repurchase.
From 1985 to 1994, F-bonds were mainly issued by four large
specialized SOBs: the Industry and Commercial Bank of China, the
Agricultural Bank of China, the China Construction Bank, and the Bank
of China.
After the 1994 bank reform the National Development Bank (NDB),
Agricultural Development Bank, and China Import and Export Bank started
to issue Policy F-bonds to commercial banks and other nonbank nan-
cial institutions. This guarantees the political separation of commercial
banks from policy banks. Policy banks use the capital to support infra-
structure construction, develop basic and mainstay industries, release
168 Government Bond Market Development in Asia
bottlenecks and adjust industry and local economic structure. The main
issuer is NDB, which accounts for more than 95 percent of issuance
volume. Around 90 percent of NDBs loans are raised by bond issuance.
TA BL E 16
F-Bond Issuance
(billion yuan)
Note: Some sections of the table are incomplete due to di¹culty in nding access to
su¹cient statistics on F-Bonds.
Sources: China Statistical Yearbook 1999; China Securities and Futures Statistical Year-
book 1999.
Maturities of F-bonds are from one to ve years, with interest rates
a little higher than nominal savings interest rates. Principal and interest
are repaid only when F-bonds mature, so creditors cannot withdraw prin-
cipal before maturity. F-bonds can be traded in the interbank bond market,
although turnover is limited as investors tend to hold until maturity.
Following changes in the economic situation since 1989, the inter-
est rate has been adjusted continuously. F-bonds have therefore adopted
a oating coupon rate pegged to the deposit interest rate. The maturity
of F-bonds is partly determined by that of special loans. Generally, these
are required to match each other, and are normally one to ve years.
Trading of F-bonds is strictly supervised. It is prohibited to trade
them publicly, and they can only be repurchased in the interbank bond
market. The main participants are commercial banks and insurance com-
panies. The Central Banks OMO is another probable means of trading.
Peoples Republic of China 169
C. Investor Base
Methods used to issue government debt over the past two decades
have moved away from administrative placement towards more market-
170 Government Bond Market Development in Asia
B. Issue Frequency
T-bonds. In the early 1980s, trading of T-bonds was banned and illegal
trading was rife. The ban was lifted in 1985, and the Government tried
to set up secondary T-bond market, with a discounting business intro-
duced as a rst step for the circulation of T-bonds.
The PBC formulated detailed rules on the discount T-bond busi-
ness, which stipulated that T-bond holders could transfer the bonds to
banks for discounted cash after holding them for two years. This is lim-
ited, however, because of high discounting rates.
The circulation system improved substantially in April 1988, with
the State Council approving cities with a sound base and experience in
nancial reform to develop OTC trading of T-bonds.
In 1992, trading accelerated with the setting up of the Shanghai
Stock Exchange (SSE) and several regional trading centers. More than
Y108.26 billion was traded that year. The ratio of trading volume of
bonds to stock was 84.4 percent. In 1993, T-bond derivatives were also
developed. Repo of T-bonds between securities rms and banks was al-
lowed in the interbank bond market. There was an experiment with T-bond
futures on the SSE, and some securities rms promoted T-bond trading
with T-bond portfolios.
By 1995, the ratio of turnover to balance had shot up to 1,799
percent. Most trading was not through the spot market but rather through
repo and T-bond futures. From 1996, T-bond trading turnover decreased,
however, as a result of the ceasing of T-bond futures trading.
172 Government Bond Market Development in Asia
TA BL E 17
Volum e of T-Bond Trading (19881998)
(billion yuan)
Turnover of Outstanding
T-Bonds T-Bonds Ratio in percent
Year (A) (B) (A/B)
1988 0.024 65.41 0.04
1989 0.021 68.71 0.03
1990 0.116 95.79 0.12
1991 0.370 106.07 0.35
1992 0.713 128.27 0.56
1993 8.717 154.07 5.66
1994 1,991.127 228.64 870.86
1995 5936.000 330.03 1,798.62
1996 1,803.778 436.14 413.58
1997 1,645.881 550.89 298.77
1998 2,160.079 725.69 297.66
4. Many papers quote 90 percent, but we have been unable to locate the
source in any public publication.
Peoples Republic of China 173
TA BL E 18
Trading in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges
TA BL E 19
Trading Scale of E-Bonds
Transaction Turnover of E-Bonds
RMB Million
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
TA BL E 20
Turnover of Bonds by Type
Share of Share of
Turnover Turnover of E-Bond E-Bond to
Turnover Turnover of Financial Total Turnover T-Bond on
Year of Stocks of T-Bonds E-Bonds Bonds (%) Turnover (%)
E. Futures M ark et
Com parison of Spot, Futures, and R epo M ark ets
’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98
T-bond futures failed for three reasons. Firstly, the scale of the spot
market was too small to support future operations. Speculative capital
could manipulate the future market, which increased risks for hedgers.
Secondly, there were aws in the design of trading rules, such as limita-
tions on price uctuations and holding volume. The third problem was
the ine¹ciency of government regulations due to imperfections in the
relevant laws and regulations.
F. R epo M ark et
TA BL E 21
Share of T-Bond R epo Turnover
(billion yuan)
positions. It has evolved into one of the largest sectors of the money
market in developed countries. Financial and nonnancial rms partici-
pate in the market as both sellers and buyers, depending on their
circumstances. In the PRC, commercial banks are typical net buyers of
securities (i.e. net providers of funds), while securities rms and bank
trust departments are typically net buyers of fund (i.e. providers of secu-
rities). Securities rms and banks are thus the two basic categories of
participants in the repo market.
During the period of rapid growth of T-bond repo, some serious
problems were revealed. For instance, many disqualied institutions were
taking part in the repo market, and illegal speculation was prevalent.
There were other problems, too. Repo is basically a short-term
nancing tool (term range of T-bond repo in the US is from seven days
to one month). In the PRC, however, this could be several years because
of illegal operationscreating a dangerous debt-chain of overdue repos.
Repo therefore became a major source of nancial risk, and the Govern-
ment decreed that the term should not be longer than one year.
Another problem is repo collateral. In the PRC, repo turned into an
illegal means of nancing for securities rms. Dealers could raise funds
without delivering the securities to the customer, or hold the securities
in a segregated customer account, making the risk of default very high.
The Government therefore banned T-bond repo without su¹cient Trea-
sury securities as collateral, and it was made illegal for securities rms
to make repo arrangements by embezzling clients T-bonds. In 1995, a
central deposition and clearing company was set up to help overcome
the institutional drawbacks of T-bond repo.
Repo rates should be lower than the cost of bank nancing, which
is unsecured borrowing. In the PRC, however, the lack of availability of
collateral, long terms of repos, and poor quality of repo market partici-
pants made the repo rate very high. The main function of repo became a
means of nancing which bypassed the Governments credit plan control.
Another problem was the interrelationship between the repo and
stock markets. Stock index and repo rates move in opposite directions
in a developed market. In the PRC, however, the stock index and repo
rates move in the same pattern. This highlighted the fact that some
security rms were using repo to raise funds to invest in the stock mar-
ket. The unregulated repo market fostered speculation on the nancial
market, including the repo and stock markets.
Peoples Republic of China 179
G. Other A spects
Y ield Curve A ccording to 1996 Data
0.0329 0.252 1.1644 2.189 2.6 6.8329 9.452
Year to Maturity
2. Tax Treatment
All the interest from E-bonds incurs 20 percent income tax while
T-bonds are income tax-exempt.
3. Credit Rating
Credit rating started in the PRC in 1987. There are about 50 com-
panies, but most belong either to the Central Banks subo¹ces or to
SOBs, and only about 20 companies have independent legal qualica-
tions. Nowadays, only nine credit rating institutions can engage in the
rating of E-bonds. Most of them are local, except Dagong Global Co.,
Ltd. and Chenxin Securities Rating Co., Ltd. Most of the business is
carried out by the latter.
Credit rating is still very new, and investors do not care about it
very much. In fact, the ratings are only shown to the authorities which
make decisions on the procedure of issuance. In an environment of strict
state control, investors know that in reality the bonds are government-
guaranteed, because local governments generally have very close relations
with the issuing enterprises.
Normally, E-bonds that are issued publicly have the grade above A
or A-. While strict state-control reduces the risk of repayment failure, it
results in confusion between corporate and government credit.
Reform of SOEs is therefore crucial to help reduce this confusion
and to allow the E-bonds rated grade to reect the true standard of the
enterprises themselves.
The credit rating system of F-bonds must also be improved. There
is a very real di¬erence in levels of risk among commercial banks and
levels of e¹ciency of capital use in policy banks, but until recently
rating for these bonds was nonexistent. Without credit rating, all issuers
are treated the same, creating confusion between the real and govern-
ment risk. Without a pricing function in the F-bond market, the formation
of a ourishing F-bond market will be hampered.
have been issued in book-entry form. Once book-entry E-bonds are issued,
CGSDTC can build a united depository account for them. Investors, no
matter whether individuals or institutions, can use one depository account
to trade in di¬erent local markets, avoiding the waste of resources caused
by settlement and dealing in an uncombined OTC market. The state
wants to use the united depository, registration, and clearing system to
bring about united administration of E-bond dealing. It also wants to
integrate the uncombined local OTC into a united E-bond market, using
the interbank call money system to build the quotation system for E-bonds.
If the necessary conditions are fullled, authorities will allow E-
bonds deposited in CGSDTC to enter the interbank debt market. Therefore,
T-bonds, E-bonds and F-bonds can make up a united debt market using
the same infrastructure, which will nally bridge the gap between the
capital and monetary markets.
Quota Approval. (i) Enterprises submit the projects that need capital
to the provincial supervisory agency, applying for formal ratication
and recommendation; (ii) the supervisory agency of one sector submits
the application to the Provincial Planning Commission and the Provin-
cial Sub-O¹ce of the PBC to declare for the quota; (iii) the Provincial
Planning Commission and the Provincial Sub-O¹ce of the PBC unify
the local plan for submission to the State Planning Commission and the
headquarters of the PBC, respectively; (iv) the State Planning Commis-
sion and the headquarters of the PBC integrate and censor each application.
They then compile the total plan of annual issuance to apply for ap-
proval at the State Council meeting, and (v) after the quota has been
approved, the State Planning Commission and the headquarters of the
PBC distribute the quota to the Provincial Planning Commission and
the Provincial Sub-O¹ce of the PBC. The quota then returns to the
supervisory agency of one sector and is distributed to the enterprises.
Issuance approval. If and when the quota is won, the enterprises must
get approval from the SPC and PBC (for central enterprises), and from
the Provincial Planning Commission and Provincial Sub-O¹ce of the
Central Bank (for local enterprises).
After getting the countersignature, the enterprises must submit the
application to CSRC. After CSRCs censorship, CSRC will make known
the issuance arrangements.
Issuers must apply for approval from PBC, reporting their issuing
plans in detail. The Central Bank decides the scale of total F-bond issu-
ance, and allocates a quota to each issuer according to the credit capital
balance and demand for special loans. If provincial institutions plan to
issue F-bonds, they must report to the Provincial Sub-O¹ce of the Cen-
tral Bank.
The overall issuance plan is determined by the Central Bank, based
on credit programs and the amount of previous bond payment, so issuers
cannot break the approved quota. Issuing banks are required to report
their issue plans for each branch in detail and in good time.
After getting approval from the PBC, issuers advertise an issuing
notice, laying out in detail the objective of the issue, issue volume,
style, term, coupon rate, target, and place of sale. They then sign under-
writing contracts with their branches or underwriters.
Within a xed period, underwriters send raised capital to the issu-
ers, who pay an underwriting fee to the underwriters accounts. The raised
184 Government Bond Market Development in Asia
money must be used for repaying the bonds at maturity and making
particular loans. The amount of particular loans must be within the lim-
its of the approved quota.
There is clearly too much government regulation of issuance. The
fact that F-bond issuance has to coordinate with state macroeconomic
policy means issuers do not have much power to select date, interest
rate, etc.
Issuing and trading is conned to the Central Bank, commercial
banks, and other nonbank nancial institutions. This is too narrow and
insular, and has diminished interest among demanders and investors, making
trading inactive.
In addition, the PRC has an exacting nancial audit system. Any
organization that issues or buys bonds without PBC approval will be
ned or forced to stop business.
A . R ecom m endations
tures bond market to form this pricing mechanism, and there is no hedg-
ing power to balance the yield which will be used as benchmark. Thus
the futures bond market should be opened once again whenever possible.
The Government must impose cost-benet constraints on each user
of bond capital. The aggregate budget plan must be broken down into
the specic users revenue-cost audit. The NPC should have special power
to supervise this process.
B. T-Bond M ark et
Interest R ates. Financial reform will allow a greater role for interest
rates as a pricing mechanism and the transformation of banks into enti-
ties which lend on the basis of risk evaluation and credit worthiness of
clients rather than credit plan and guanxi (relationship). State enter-
prises must also be reformed so that they face a real environment of
risks and return.
If the Government intends to undertake monetary control through
debt sales, it needs to be certain that the volume of debt sold will not
Peoples Republic of China 187
cause interest rates to rise to levels which might damage both the real
economy and the developing debt market. This is increasingly impor-
tant at present, with an escalating volume of Treasury debt outstanding.
Debt issues must therefore better coordinate with monetary policy and
spending requirements.
C. E-Bond M ark et
Interest R ates. The Government should get rid of the limitation which
states that nominal interest rate of E-bonds may not be higher than that
of deposits by more than 40 percent. Under current low interest rate
conditions, E-bond issue will otherwise become uncompetitive. Higher
premia are needed to hedge higher credit risk.
D. F-Bond M ark et
Increase issuance. With current high scal risks, MOF should slow
down T-bond issuance and instead increase the issuance of F-bonds,
making policy banks the main issuers of government bonds. Positive
scal policy would thus be more dependent on F-Bond issuance, trans-
ferring some of the scal risk to policy banks. Moreover, it would decrease
issue costs through the simpler issue system between policy banks and
commercial banks.
190 Government Bond Market Development in Asia
R eferences
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Edited by Statistical Department of the PBC.
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Commission, An Empirical Analysis of Macro Income Distribution in the
1990s, Economic Research Journal, No. 11, November 1999.
Wu Jian, Savings, Investment and Economic Growth, Economic Research Jour-
nal, No.11, November 1999.
Xiao Yu, China Treasury Bond Market-Development, Comparison, and Pros-
pects, Social Science Publishing House, 1999, p.109.
China Statistical Yearbook 1999 and 1997, Compiled by National Bureau of Sta-
tistics, China Statistics Press 1999.
Prospects to Year 2000 of China Economy, Edited by National Information Cen-
ter, China Plan Press 1999.
Xiong Daowei and Zhang Qiaoyun, Government Security Market in China,
Southwestern University of Finance and Economic Press 1998.
Report About China Finance Development, Edited by the CPPS of SUFE, Shang-
hai University of Finance and Economic (SUFE) Press 1999.
China Finance Report, Edited by MOF, China Finance and Economic Publishing
House 1999.
Xiao Yu, China Treasury Bond MarketDevelopment, Comparison, and Pros-
pects, Social Science Publishing House 1999.
Y. Dong, Treasury Bond Market: Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth, Eco-
nomic Science Press 1999.
Chinas Mounting Debt, The Economist, May 29 to June 4, 1999, p.88.
Y. Dong, Treasury Bond, Financial Innovation, and Liberalization of Interest
Rate, Xuelin Publishing House 1998.
Frank J. Fabozzi, Bond Markets, Analysis, and Strategies, Third Edition, Prentice
Hall International Editions 1996.