Indian Institute of Technology Ropar: Application Form For Admission To Institute Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar: Application Form For Admission To Institute Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme
Indian Institute of Technology Ropar: Application Form For Admission To Institute Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme
Area of Research
Affix Recent Passport
Size Photo
Personal Details
Full Name
(in Capital)
Father’s Name
(in Capital)
Date of Birth Category
Gender Marital Status Nationality
(Male/Female) (Single/Married)
Communication Address Permanent Address
Publications and Patents: (Please attach list of publications and patents with full references and reprints or
photocopies bearing serial numbers corresponding with those in the list)
Fellowships held:
Name of Name of the Date Amount Name of the
fellowship sponsoring From To Host Institute
Give details of employment, if any
Sr. Period
Name of the Organization Designation Nature of Work
No. From To
Name of Faculty Member with whom proposed to work and his research group:
2. List of Publications.
5. Recommendation letter 2
I hereby declare that I have carefully read the instructions and particulars supplied to me and that
the entries made in this application form are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If
selected for admission, I promise to abide by the rules and discipline of the Institute.
I note that the decision of the Institute is final with regard to selection for admission and assignment
to a particular Department and field of study/research. The Institute shall have the right to expel me
from the Institute at any time after my admission, provided it is satisfied that I was admitted on
false particulars furnished by me or my antecedents prove that my continuance in the Institute is
not desirable. I agree that I shall abide by the decision of the Institute, which shall be final.
Date: Signature of the Candidate