Mastermind Level 1 TB Unit 41 PDF
Mastermind Level 1 TB Unit 41 PDF
Mastermind Level 1 TB Unit 41 PDF
a thank-you note
In what situations do
you need to write a
thank-you note? Would
different situations require
a different style? Why?
1 2
3 4
Happiness is feeling
Happiness is helping other people. peaceful and safe.
5 6
• Remind the students that everyone’s definition of Extra: speaking
happiness is different. Ask the students to complete
Extend the exercise by asking the students to work
their own definition of happiness. Tell them they can
individually and write a definition for unhappiness,
make use of the ideas on this page and/or use ideas
beginning Unhappiness is … . Put them in pairs and
of their own. Encourage them to write as much as they
ask them to explain their definition to their partner.
want; the definitions do not need to be restricted to one
Listen to their suggestions as a class.
sentence. Get them started by asking what their idea of
paradise is. Review the definition of this from the Lead-in
on p. T44. Ask what qualities or activities make them
happy. Extra: homework
• Put the students in pairs and ask them to share their
Review the meanings of the words paradise and
definitions with their partners. Give them time to explain
utopia (see the Lead-in on p. T44). For homework,
why they chose their definitions. Ask all the pairs to read
ask the students to write two short paragraphs. One
their definitions to the whole class. Take a class vote
paragraph should describe what they think paradise
on which definition they like best. Extend the activity
would be. The other should describe a utopia. Ask
by voting on other types of definition, such as most
volunteers to read one of the paragraphs to the class
surprising or most unique.
in the next lesson. Classmates determine whether the
paragraph describes paradise or utopia.
Ups and downs UNIT 4 T45
14 09:12
the relationship between wealth and happiness Workbook p. 22, Section 1
B 1.17 D
• See p. T167 for the audio script. • Remind the students that words can have more than one
• Point out the four partial phrases. Explain that the full part of speech, and knowing other forms of words can
phrases are used in the lecture. Ask the students to help them expand their vocabulary.
listen to the full lecture and fill in the missing words. • Ask the students to complete the word form tables
• Play the audio and check progress. If necessary, play the individually. Then check the answers with the class.
audio one more time. After checking answers, ask the
students to put the phrases in the correct section of the E
table. Explain that each phrase has a specific function. • Ask the students to work with a partner. Make sure they
• Highlight the functions of the phrases and give understand that they need to complete the sentences
examples. Point out, for example, that people use individually with the correct form of the word in
As a result, As a consequence, and Consequently to parentheses and their own ideas, and then discuss them
talk about the result of something, e.g., People need with their partner.
companionship. As a consequence, married people
tend to be happier.
Workbook pp. 22–23, Section 2
T46 46
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1 LISTENING: understanding discourse markers page 22
Discourse markers often act as signposts, giving a listener clues about what they
might hear next. They might introduce additional points, contrasting ideas,
or a conclusion.
C Listen to the lecture again and answer the questions. Work in pairs
and discuss your answers.
1 What did the first study find out?
2 How did the second study contradict the first study?
3 What is the difference between satisfaction and happiness?
4 Why do you think wealthier people enjoy everyday pleasures less?
46 Ups and downs UNIT 4 46
less stressed, so now they’re using it as a LAughTer
Rita: That sounds really interesting. Do you
know what it involves?
Michelle: I’m not sure exactly, but I think they
explain how laughter could help you
deal with a problem. I think you learn
techniques to see the positive side of a
Rita: That sounds useful! I wonder when they’re
holding the workshop. Does it say where LAughTer CAn ChAnge your LIfe!
we can get more information? Venue: Main Hall
Michelle: I’m sure there’s more information on the Time: 9–5 regISTer TodAy!
Limited to 40 participants.
website. I think we need to register online,
and we might need to explain why we want
to attend the course.
Rita: So, do you want to try it?
Does it say (= the place) (4) where we can get more information?
We might need to explain (= the reason) (5) why we want to attend the course.
47 Ups and downs UNIT 4 47
Culture note D
When people laugh, their body relaxes. When that • Give the students a few minutes to work individually to
happens, the body releases natural painkillers called complete the sentences with their own ideas.
endorphins. The endorphins enter the bloodstream. • Then put them in pairs and ask them to compare and
The point of laughter therapy is to help people laugh contrast their views.
more easily. In laughter therapy sessions, there are a
range of activities designed to get people laughing,
but luckily the body can’t actually distinguish between Extra: homework
real and fake laughter. In other words, pretending to
Give the students some more sentence beginnings
laugh has the same beneficial effect.
and ask them to complete them. For example, A good
vacation is when …, An embarrassing situation is when
…, A nice place to relax is where …, A good job is
when …, I like talking to friends when …, We should
all live where …, School teaches you what … .
4 09:12
1 “a state of well-being”
2 Because it can mean different things to different
3 physical condition, genetics, and choice about
how we feel and think
4 our choice about how we feel and think
5 It is useful and we can learn more about developing
social or psychological traits that can help us lead
fuller lives.
T48 4
What is happiness? 5
By far, the greatest influence on our happiness
Is it being in a good mood? Is it a state of is our choice about how we feel and think. We
contentment, or is it a feeling of excitement or can make a decision to be optimistic about life, or
pleasure? It seems that happiness is all of these choose to focus on the negative side and be more
things. Psychologists have defined it as a “state of pessimistic. Some recent research has found that
well-being”—a combination of life satisfaction practicing positive emotions such as gratitude, joy,
and experiencing more positive than negative hope, and kindness can have a positive effect on
emotions. our general state of well-being. In other words, we
can control how happy we are.
What makes us happy?
hoW can We measure
Happiness is a very subjective state and can
mean different things to different people. happiness?
However, researchers have identified some basic 6
One simple method is just to ask people how they
components of happiness. are feeling. A recent research project used a cell
One component is our physical condition, such phone app to track how happy people were. From
as our level of income and state of health. There is time to time, the app sent a message asking the
no doubt that financial stress and illness can have person to report how happy he or she was feeling
a negative impact on our level of happiness. But as well as what activity the person was doing. The
wealth on its own isn’t enough; you can be very study found that people who are less focused on
wealthy and also very unhappy. what they’re doing tend to feel less happy. When
they get distracted, they start to worry or think
Another component is genetic; it seems that
about negative things, which makes them unhappy.
some of us may be born to be cheerful. Some of
our character traits are inherited and may include Why do scientists research
a tendency to either be more optimistic or to get
depressed more easily. happiness?
Researchers believe that researching happiness
is very useful. The more we understand about
the causes of happiness, the more we can learn
about developing social or psychological traits that
contribute to our general state of well-being and
help us lead fuller lives.
C VOCABULARY: MOOD Match the definitions (a–h) with the words in bold in the text.
a) having a generally positive attitude e) feelings
optimistic emotions
b) preoccupied, thinking about something else f) unhappy
distracted depressed
c) feeling of general happiness g) concentrated on what you’re doing
state of well-being focused
d) having a generally negative attitude h) cheerful
pessimistic in a good mood
Form & Function Complete the table with examples from the text.
second If + simple past, would(n’t) To talk about things the speaker feels are unreal or
+ base form unlikely in the present or future.
(2) ... if I were you, I'd go for it.
first If + simple present, will To talk about things that the speaker thinks are likely
(won’t) + base form or possible in the future.
(3) ... if I travel for a year, I won't want to go to college when I come back.
zero If + simple present, To talk about things that are generally true.
simple present ... if
(4) people take a year off, they're more mature when they start school …
(5) ... it can be a very good idea if you plan it properly …
49 Ups and downs UNIT 4 49
Extra: homework B
Ask the students to choose a mood word from Ex. C
and write a paragraph describing a time they felt this
Form & Function
mood or emotion. Encourage them to answer questions • Ask the students to read the conversation again, paying
such as who or what made them feel this way, where attention to the conditional forms.
they were, why they felt this, when it was, and how they • Review the forms and functions in the table. Give
changed (or stayed the same). the students time to write the statements from the
conversation that they underlined earlier in the correct
place in the table.
• Check the answers. Remind the students that apart
Workbook p. 24, Section 4 from would, they can also use could and might in third
conditionals. Explain that this introduces an element of
possibility into the sentence. Compare the meaning of I
4 Grammar: review of would have gotten a much better job (definite) and
I could have gotten a much better job (possible).
conditional forms • Direct the students’ attention to the Watch out! box.
Point out that would have never goes in the clause
beginning with if, but in the main clause, so the second
sentence is incorrect. You could write some other incorrect
Ask the students to look at the picture. Ask them who they sentences on the board for the students to correct.
think these people are, how old they are, and what their
relationship is. Listen to their ideas as a class. Eventually C
reveal that they are an uncle and nephew. Explain that the
• Go over the instructions. Make sure the students
nephew, Tom, is getting advice from his uncle. Encourage
understand that the first column contains the first parts
them to talk about who they talk to when they need advice.
of the sentences and the second column contains the
Ask them what kinds of things they need advice about.
second parts of the sentences.
• Ask them to work individually. Tell them to pay special
A 1.19
attention to the verb forms to help them find the right
• See the Student’s Book for the audio script. answers. Encourage them to look at the table if they
• Ask the students to read the question first. Then ask need help as they work.
them to listen and read the conversation and find the • Check the answers with the class.
answer. Play the audio once.
• Elicit the answer, and encourage the class to discuss if D
they agree or disagree with the advice.
• Give the students time to work individually and
complete the sentences.
Answer • Put them in pairs to share their ideas. Encourage the
ool … Tom’s uncle advises him to take a year off before going partners to ask questions to get more information.
to college, but to do something useful and not get • Ask them to find three things they have in common.
distracted from his main goal. • Listen to some of their ideas with the whole class.
Correct any errors in the use of the conditionals.
4 09:13
Starting expression:
I am writing to thank you for …
I would like to express my gratitude/appreciation for …
Thank you for your wonderful hospitality/generosity/kindness.
Your gift was so thoughtful/inspiring/helpful.
Beneficial effect (if any):
Ending expression:
C Work in pairs and take turns showing your notes. Suggest ways
to improve your partner’s notes.
B 1.21 Listen and choose which question you hear from each pair
in Exercise A.
C Work in pairs and practice. Say one question from each pair in
Exercise A. Your partner will identify which one they hear.
Ups and downs UNIT 4 50
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D i Independent Speaking
Work in pairs. Tell each other
about the situation you made
notes on in Exercise C. Then ask
your partner to tell your problem
back to you. Try to offer positive
advice and suggestions on what
you could have done differently.
I’d like to tell you about what
happened when …
It was difficult for me because …
If I hadn’t …, he/she/they wouldn’t
have …
Ups and downs UNIT 4 51
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Put the students in pairs to discuss what the sayings
mean and whether they are positive or negative.
Have the pairs combine to form groups of four to
discuss their answers. Then have the groups take turns
contributing their ideas to a class discussion.
Extra: proverbs
Ask the students if any of these proverbs translate into
their language. Do they know any other proverbs in their
Ups and downs UNIT 4 T51
team member Explain that this company is fictional, but the situation
is similar to real-life situations people can face in
their work. Ask the students what is happening in the
Step 1: Focus on finding solutions rather than blaming picture at the bottom of the page (a business meeting).
people for problems. (Ex. B, Ex. C) Extend the discussion by asking how the people in the
Step 2: Listen to other team members with a positive picture are feeling (the team members don’t seem to
attitude. (Ex. D) be getting along very well; there seems to be some
Step 3: Present your point of view in a positive way. sort of argument; one or two people look frustrated or
(Ex. D, Ex. E) annoyed). Review mood vocabulary from p. 48.
Lead-in • Address any vocabulary questions before asking the
students to answer the question and underline the
Read the target skill aloud and invite the students to tell
company’s issues.
you what they think being a positive team member means.
• Check the answers with the class.
Continue the discussion by asking the students what kind
of business they might like to work in and if there is any
business or job where being a positive team member Answer
is important. Ask them to look at the picture and say The problem is that the company’s new project is facing
what kind of business would use this type of equipment a number of difficulties.
(an athletic company that produces sports and fitness
equipment). Extend the discussion by asking them if they
have used any of this type of equipment and if they like B
exercise and how it makes them feel. Ask them to support • Point out that positive thinking focuses on solutions,
their answers. while negative thinking only focuses on problems.
Remind the students that group work and team projects Explain that each pair of sentences contains one
are an important part of academic work as well as of statement that focuses on a problem and one that
careers and society. Ask the students in what kinds of focuses on a solution. Ask the students to work
situations people have to function as team members. individually, read the sentences, and mark them with
Remind them that having a positive attitude is important, either P (for problem) or S (for solution).
and ask them to share any personal experiences they • Have the students compare their answers in pairs before
have had with positive or negative attitudes when checking the answers with the class. Check that they
working in a group or team. understand challenge (something that requires a lot
of skill, energy, and determination to deal with) and
Then highlight the three-step strategy to develop the
supplier (a company that supplies products or services).
skill of being a positive team member.
A Read about the following situation. What is the problem? Underline the issues.
B Look at pairs of sentences. For each pair, write P next to the one that
focuses on the problems, and S next to the one that focuses on solutions.
1 a) P The project is behind schedule because we had a lot of problems the
manager didn’t expect.
b) S The project faced some unexpected challenges, but I’d like to suggest
2 a) S It may be possible to work with the supplier to control the increasing costs.
b) P Someone chose the wrong supplier, so costs are increasing.
3 a) P Some of the team members don’t get along with the others and there are
constant arguments.
b) S We should arrange team-building exercises to improve relationships within
the team.
4 a) S The design is very creative, but maybe we need to simplify it so that we
can finish this project on schedule.
b) P If the designers hadn’t made such a complicated design, we would have
finished this project by now.
Ups and downs UNIT 4 52
E Report your ideas to the class. Reflect … How can the skill of being
Explain how you are now planning to a positive team member be useful to you in
deal with the problems. Study & Learning and Self & Society?
Ups and downs UNIT 4 T53
4 09:13
Do you sometimes feel sad or (1) depressed ? Do you often experience negative
(2) emotions ? Do you have a generally (3) pessimistic outlook on life? If you
answered yes, then this workshop is for you. Thought Power is a new technique that
helps put in you in a good (4) mood and recover your (5) enjoyment of life.
Happiness doesn’t depend on material (6) wealth . We can all become more
(7) content with our lives by focusing on the positive and not being (8) distracted
by negative thoughts. Learn to be more (9) optimistic and improve your state of
(10) well-being . It’s easy to (11) appreciate the simple everyday (12) pleasures of life
by using this simple technique. Try it and see!
10–12 correct: I can use words for describing life satisfaction and mood.
0–9 correct: Look again at Sections 1 and 3 on pages 46, 48, and 49. SCORE: /12
A Complete the sentences with noun clauses as objects using the
prompts and the question words in parentheses. (4 points)
1 I went to a laughter workshop last year. (when)
I want to tell you about when I went to a laughter workshop last year .
2 Something happened at work the other day. (what)
Did I tell you about what happened at work the other day ?
3 You aren’t happy. (why)
I can’t understand why you aren't happy .
4 Stress can affect our state of well-being in many ways. (how)
The instructor explained how stress can affect our state of well-being in many ways .
10–12 correct: I can use noun clauses as objects and use a variety of conditional structures.
0–9 correct: Look again at Sections 2 and 4 on pages 47 and 49. SCORE: /12
Ups and downs UNIT 4 54
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Reason 1:
You can be unhappy even if you have lots of money.
Friend's grandfather was rich but lonely.
Reason 2:
Money is very temporary.
B Listen again and match the two parts to make correct phrases.
1 Although a) of all
2 There are b) give you an example
3 First c) what I’ve been saying
4 Let me d) two main reasons
5 To sum up e) many people believe that …
C Read the question. Prepare your response. Complete the notes. Some people think that
Use the expressions in Exercise B. happiness is a matter of
good luck. Others think
it is something you can
Which option do you select?
create and control. What
Reason 1: do you think? Explain why.
Reason 2:
• Explain that English has collocations (words that often
go together). It is important to remember these word
combinations. Tell the students they will practice
listening for some common word combinations.
• Play the audio again, and ask the students to match the
words in the first column with the words that go with
them in the second column.
• Repeat the audio only if necessary.
• Check the answers with the class.
Ask the students to match the two parts of the phrases
before playing the audio. Have them check their
answers as they listen to the audio.
Extra: speaking
Ask the students to choose two or three of the
discourse markers and use each one in a sentence.
Then put the students in pairs and have them take
turns saying their sentences to their partner.
Ups and downs UNIT 4 T55
4 09:13