Online Portfolio - Career Counseling Information

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Career Counseling Information

Melissa D. Knight, Counseling Intern

Pie-of-Life Career Road Maps
Purpose: Assist the client to take a look at their career goals,
skills, needed knowledge, experience, and personal
characteristics along their career path and career development.

Self-Directed Search (SDS)

Purpose: Client will map their daily activities onto a pie chart
to determine balance and create a new pie chart to represent
their best possible balance of activities in their daily life.

Values Card Sort Purpose: Assist the client through a career assessment that
Purpose: Allows clients to prioritize their values through 54 matches your aspirations, activities, and talents to the career
variables of work satisfaction such as time freedom, precision choices and educational opportunities that fit you best. SDS is
work, power, technical competence and public contact. based on a theory developed by John Holland, known as
RIASEC theory.
Career Construction Interview
Purpose: A five question assessment which facilitates career
decision making process by examining the client’s values and Occupational Outlook Handbook
how they want to live out that value in the world. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics –
Purpose: source of career and job information, designed to
provide valuable assistance to individuals making decisions
Career Lifeline about their future work lives.
Purpose: Assist the client in thinking about the experiences
and choices that have influenced their life and career
development. US Department of Labor
Career-in-Culture Interview Purpose: Foster, promote, and develop the wellbeing of the
wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the U.S.; improve
Purpose: Assists the counselor to enhance their understanding
working conditions; advance opportunities for profitable
of the dynamic factors that contribute to the client’s career
employment; and assure work-related benefits and rights.
concerns and help identify areas & barriers to explore further.

Super’s Life Career Rainbow Student Loans

Federal Student Aid:
Purpose: Mission is to ensure that all eligible Americans
benefit from federal financial assistance – grants, loans, and
work-study programs – for education beyond high school.

Self-Care Wheel

Purpose: Identifies the eight roles and five life stages that
span life to assist the client in looking at their life span and
evaluate the time they do and will dedicate to each role across
their life span.

Career Genogram
Purpose: Assist clients in their career development and to
explore their families career choices, motivational factors, Purpose: Tool to assist the client in discovering how they
values, and interests. practice self-care in each section and then determine the areas
they want to do more.

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