Durebild STE: Surface Tolerant High Build High Solids Epoxy Coating

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Surface Tolerant High Build High Solids Epoxy Coating PC 237

USES DUREBILD® STE has been developed specifically for Australian conditions using the latest epoxy technology. It is
principally used as a high performance maintenance coating over hand, power tool or high-pressure water cleaned
surfaces where blasting is impractical or not allowed. This coating can also be used for new work and where required
as an intermediate coat. Untinted DUREBILD® STE is ideal for fresh and salt-water immersion over abrasive blast
cleaned steel. It provides excellent protection against the splash and spillage of a wide range of chemicals.
DUREBILD® STE can be topcoated with a wide range of coating types and is available with a cold cure hardener that
is bloom free.
Tested in accordance with AS4548.5 Appendix C & D for use as a concrete anti-carbonation coating system when
used with Weathermax® HBR.
AS/NZS 3750.1
HEAT RESISTANCE Up to 120°C dry heat. ALKALIS Suitable for splash and spillage of strong
alkalis. Aluminium containing colours are
WEATHERABILITY Epoxy coatings may yellow with time. not recommended for alkaline conditions.
On exterior exposure some chalking
may also occur. This will not detract SALTS Excellent resistance to neutral and alkali
from the protective properties of the salts. Aluminium containing colours are not
coating. Use a weatherable topcoat if recommended for alkaline conditions.
required for appearance.
WATER Excellent resistance to immersion in fresh
SOLVENTS Resists splash and spillage of most and salt water. Tinted colours and
hydrocarbon solvents, refined aluminium containing colours are not
petroleum products and most common recommended for immersion conditions.
ABRASION Good when fully cured.
ACIDS White and colours are suitable for
splash and spillage of mild acids.
Aluminium containing colours are not
recommended for acidic conditions.


FINISH Semi Gloss
COLOUR White, N35 Light Grey, Y13 Golden
Yellow, Black, Aluminium, a full range
of tinted colours and MTO factory Refer to Page 2
made colours.
SOLIDS BY VOLUME Refer to Page 2
VOC LEVEL Refer to Page 2 Min Max Recom.
FLASH POINT 40°C Wet film per coat (microns)
Refer to Page 2
POT LIFE (4L, 25°C) Refer to Page 2 Dry film per coat (microns)
MIXING RATIO (V/V) Part A : 4 Part B : 1
THINNER 920-08925 Dulux® Epoxy Thinner SUITABLE SUBSTRATES Prepared rusty steel.
Aged tightly adhering coatings.
PRODUCT CODE 775-38678 N35 Light Grey Prepared concrete, aluminium and
775-39141 LF Golden/Yellow galvanised steel.
775-50585 Black
775-50570 Aluminium APPLICATION METHODS Brush, roller, conventional or
775-63001 White/Light Base airless spray.
775-63002 Deep Base
775-63003 Clear Base
976-84539 Standard Hardener
976-84685 Cold Cure Hardener

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Standard Hardener
Min Max Recom. Min Max
Wet film per coat (microns) 120 250 150 Air Temperature 10°C 45°C
Dry film per coat (microns) 100 210 125 Substrate Surface Temperature 10°C 45°C
Relative Humidity 85%
Concrete Moisture Content <10%

SOLIDS BY VOLUME 84% (White) POT LIFE 90 Minutes (4L, 25°C)

VOC LEVEL <230 g/L (White, untinted)

Drying characteristics at 125 microns dry film thickness

Temperature Humidity Touch Handle Full Cure Min Max
10° C 50% 14 Hours 36 Hours 7 Days 36 Hours 4 Weeks*
15° C 50% 10 Hours 24 Hours 7 Days 24 Hours 4 Weeks*
25° C 50% 6 Hours 14 Hours 7 Days 14 Hours 4 Weeks*
TYPICAL SPREADING RATE AT RECOMMENDED A spreading rate of 6.7 sq. metres per litre corresponds to 125
DRY FILM BUILD microns dry film thickness assuming no losses.
Practical spreading rates will vary depending on such factors as
method and conditions of application and surface roughness.

Cold Cure Hardener

Min Max Recom. Min Max
Wet film per coat (microns) 120 250 150 Air Temperature 5°C 45°C
Dry film per coat (microns) 100 210 125 Substrate Surface Temperature 5°C 45°C
Relative Humidity 85%
Concrete Moisture Content <10%

SOLIDS BY VOLUME 84% (White) POT LIFE 60 Minutes (4L, 25°C)

VOC LEVEL <210 g/L (White, untinted)

Drying characteristics at 125 microns dry film thickness

Temperature Humidity Touch Handle Full Cure Min Max
5° C 50% 14 Hours 28 Hours 7 Days 28 Hours 4 Weeks*
10° C 50% 13 Hours 24 Hours 7 Days 24 Hours 4 Weeks*
15° C 50% 12 Hours 18 Hours 7 Days 18 Hours 4 Weeks*
25° C 50% 6 Hours 9 Hours 7 Days 9 Hours 4 Weeks*

TYPICAL SPREADING RATE AT RECOMMENDED A spreading rate of 6.7 sq. metres per litre corresponds to 125
DRY FILM BUILD microns dry film thickness assuming no losses.
Practical spreading rates will vary depending on such factors as
method and conditions of application and surface roughness.

These figures are given as a guide only, as ventilation, film thickness, humidity, thinning and other factors will influence the rate of drying.
If the maximum overcoat interval is exceeded then the surface MUST be abraded to ensure maximum intercoat adhesion.
Use of fast or low temperature hardeners may result in increased yellowing and a reduction of gloss level.
* When used for non-immersion conditions. Refer to PRECAUTIONS section for overcoating intervals and requirements for immersion

(The typical systems are offered as a guide only and are not to be used as a specification. It is recommended that the specific needs of a project
be discussed with a Dulux Protective Coatings Consultant.)


STEEL Hand or Power tool clean Spot Prime DUREBILD® STE 125 Microns
Maintenance AS1627.2 St 3 1st Coat DUREBILD® STE 125 Microns
Abrasive blast AS1627.4 Class 1 2nd Coat WEATHERMAX™ HBR 100 Microns

STEEL Abrasive blast to AS1627.4 1st Coat DUREBILD® STE 125 Microns
Immersion -Salt Class 3.0 2nd Coat DUREBILD® STE 125 Microns
or Freshwater (untinted colour only)
CONCRETE Clean surface to remove contaminants. 1st Coat DUREBILD® STE 125 Microns
Diamond grind, track or light-shot blast. 2nd Coat DUREBILD® STE 125 Microns
Remove dust. (Thin first coat 10-15%)
ALUMINIUM Clean, degrease and abrade surface by 1st Coat DUREBILD® STE 125 Microns
whip blasting.

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SURFACE PREPARATION Steel: Round off all rough welds, sharp edges and remove weld spatter. Remove grease, oil and other
contaminants in accordance with AS1627.1. Rust, millscale, oxide deposits and old paint films on metal
surfaces should be removed by hand or power tool (AS1627.2 St 3) cleaning as a minimum. Coating
performance is proportional to the degree of surface preparation and abrasive blast cleaning to a
minimum AS1627.4 Class 2 is preferred for more severe environments. Immersed steel must be
prepared to AS1627.4 Class 3.
Concrete: Remove all laitance, form release, curing compounds, oil, grease and other surface
contaminants. Diamond grind, track or light shot-blast to provide suitable profile. Remove all dust by
vacuum cleaning. Fill any large voids exposed using Luxepoxy Filler. Cement based substrates should
be at least 21 days old before coating.
APPLICATION Stir each can thoroughly until the contents are uniform. Use of a power mixer is recommended. Ensure
bases have been tinted to the correct colour before use – DULUX ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY
FOR THE APPLICATION OF AN INCORRECT COLOUR. Mix the contents of both packs together
thoroughly using a power mixer and allow to stand for 10 minutes. Box all containers before use to
ensure colour consistency. Remix thoroughly before using.
BRUSH/ROLLER Apply even coats of the mixed material to the prepared surface. When brushing and rolling additional
coats may be required to attain the specified thickness.
CONVENTIONAL SPRAY Thinning is not normally required, however a small amount (5% or less by volume) of Dulux® Epoxy
Thinner (920-08925) can be added.
Typical Set-up
Graco Delta Gun: 1.8m (239543)
Pressure at Pot: 65-100 kPa (10-15 p.s.i.)
Pressure at Gun: 385-420 kPa (55-60 p.s.i.)
AIRLESS SPRAY Standard airless spray equipment such as a Graco 45:1 or 56:1 Xtreme with a fluid tip of 17–21 thou
(0.43-0.53mm) and an air supply capable of delivering 550-690 kPa (80 -100 psi) at the pump. Thinning
is not normally required but up to 50ml/litre of Dulux® Epoxy Thinner (920-08925) may be added to ease
PRECAUTIONS This is an industrial product designed for use by experienced Protective Coating applicators. Where
conditions may require variation from the recommendations on this Product Data Sheet contact your
nearest Dulux® representative for advice prior to painting. Do not apply in conditions outside the
parameters stated in this document without the express written consent of Dulux® Australia. Freshly
mixed material must not be added to material that has been mixed for some time. Do not apply at
temperatures below 10°C when using Standard hardener or below 5°C when using Cold Cure hardener.
Do not apply at relative humidity above 85% or when the surface is less than 3°C above the dewpoint.
When used with a white or pastel colour the Cold Cure hardener will impart a yellow tone that will darken
with time. When used for immersion conditions the maximum overcoat interval is 3 days at 25°C. The
coating MUST be fully cured and solvent free prior to being place under immersion conditions. For best
results in water immersion conditions replace Dulux® Epoxy Thinner (920-08925) with Dulux® CR
Reducer (965-63020). Do not use as a primer over galvanised steel when using Cold Cure hardener as
delamination can occur. Use of fast or low temperature hardeners may result in increased yellowing and
a reduction of gloss level. Note the Aluminium finish is not a decorative coating and colour variations will
occur due to different application techniques. Aluminium containing colours are not recommended for
acidic and alkaline conditions.
CLEAN UP Clean all equipment with Dulux® Epoxy Thinner (920-08925) immediately after use.
OVERCOATING Aged coating should be tested for lifting by a method appropriate for the coating thickness, for example
‘X’ cut or cross-hatch methods. If it lifts, remove it. The surface must be free of oil, grease and other
contaminants. High-pressure water wash at 8.3 to 10.3 MPa (1,200 - 1,500 p.s.i.) to remove loosely
adhering chalk and dust. Abrasion may be required depending on surface condition. If the maximum
overcoat interval is exceeded then the surface MUST be abraded to ensure maximum intercoat
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read Data Sheet, Material Safety Data Sheet and any precautionary labels on containers.
STORAGE Store as required for a flammable liquid Class 3 in a bunded area under cover. Store in well-ventilated
area away from sources of heat or ignition. Keep containers closed at all times.
HANDLING As with any chemical, ingestion, inhalation and prolonged or repeated skin contact should be avoided by
good occupational work practice. Eye protection approved to AS1337 should be worn where there is a
risk of splashes entering the eyes. Always wash hands before smoking, eating, drinking or using the
USING Use with good ventilation and avoid inhalation of spray mists and fumes. If risk of inhalation of spray
mists exists, wear combined organic vapour/particulate respirator. When spray painting, users should
comply with the provisions of the respective State Spray Painting Regulations.
FLAMMABILITY This product is flammable. All sources of ignition must be eliminated in, or near the working area. DO
NOT SMOKE. Fight fire with foam, CO2 or dry chemical powder. On burning will emit toxic fumes.
WELDING Avoid inhalation of fumes if welding surfaces coated with this paint. Grind off coating before welding.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET is available from Customer Service (132377) or www.duluxprotectivecoatings.com.au
Dulux Protective Coatings a division of DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd PACKAGING Available in 4 litre and 15 litre packs
1956 Dandenong Road, Clayton 3168 TRANSPORTATION WEIGHT 1.73 kg/litre (Average of components)
A.B.N. 67 000 049 427 DANGEROUS GOODS Part A: Class 3 UN 1263
Dulux, Durebild and Weathermax are registered trademarks. DuluxGroup is a trademark.
Part B: Class 8,3 UN 2734
Any advice, recommendation, information, assistance or service provided by DULUX Australia in relation to goods manufactured by it or their use and
application is given in good faith and is believed by Dulux to be appropriate and reliable. However, any advice, recommendation, information, assistance or
service provided by Dulux is provided without liability or responsibility PROVIDED THAT the foregoing shall not exclude, limit, restrict or modify the right
entitlements and remedies conferred upon any person or the liabilities imposed upon Dulux by any condition or warranty implied by Commonwealth, State or
Territory Act or ordinance void or prohibiting such exclusion limitation or modification. Products can be expected to perform as indicated in this sheet so
long as applications and application procedures are as recommended. Specific advice should be sought from Dulux for application in coastal areas and for
large projects to ensure proper performance.

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