Intelligent Traffic Monitoring System: July 2015

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Intelligent Traffic Monitoring System

Conference Paper · July 2015

DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-2523-2_52


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4 authors, including:

Paromita Roy Amartya Mukherjee

West Bengal University of Technology Institute of Engineering & Management


Nilanjan Dey
Techno India


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Intelligent Traffic Monitoring System

Satya Priya Biswas, Paromita Roy, Nivedita Patra,

Amartya Mukherjee and Nilanjan Dey

Abstract Traffic congestion in cities is a major problem mainly in developing

countries; to encounter this, many models of traffic system have been proposed by
different scholars. Different ways have been proposed to make the traffic system
smarter, reliable, and robust. This paper presents the various approaches made to
enhance the traffic system across the globe. A comparative study has been made of
different potential researches in which intelligent traffic system (ITS) emerges as an
important application area. Important key points of each research are highlighted
and judged on the basis of implementing them in developing countries like India.
A model is also proposed which uses infrared proximity sensors and a centrally
placed microcontroller and uses vehicular length along a length to implement
intelligent traffic monitoring system.

Keywords Infrared proximity sensors  RF module  Bluetooth module  ITS

S.P. Biswas (&)  P. Roy  N. Patra  N. Dey

Department of CSE, Bengal College of Engineering and Technology,
Durgapur, India
P. Roy
N. Patra
N. Dey
A. Mukherjee
Department of CSE, Institute of Engineering and Management,
Salt Lake, Kolkata, India

© Springer India 2016 535

S.C. Satapathy et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference
on Computer and Communication Technologies, Advances in Intelligent
Systems and Computing 380, DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-2523-2_52
536 S.P. Biswas et al.

1 Introduction

The traffic jam is a daily-life problem in any metropolitan city. With the rise of
standard of living, the number of vehicles is increasing at an exponential rate. In
response to this, many researches are done in developing an intelligent traffic
system (ITS), i.e., a traffic system which is involved in a much closer interaction
with all the components of a traffic including vehicles, drivers, and even pedestrian.
It not only provides safety at intersections and prevents traffic jam, but manages the
traffic as a whole. Developed countries like America, Japan, and U.K. have already
implemented ITS on their roads and still many researches are going on to make
traffic systems more advanced and suitable for developing countries also. Apart
from surveying various research works on ITS, this paper proposes a model which
follows a simple algorithm based on the length of traffic on each lane. The length of
traffic on the other lanes affects the time allotted to the current lane. Proximity
sensors instead of WAN are to be used to determine the length of the traffic. The
proposed idea can reduce the traffic in all lanes proportionately reducing the
chances of congestion without the use of WANs. Besides, it also manages the
occurrence of any emergency vehicles such as ambulance, fire brigade, etc. in any
lane and also provides the mechanism to detect the route of a vehicle. Once
implemented, it does not require any human assistance for its working.

2 Classification of ITS

ITS is being researched and implemented through various means such as the use of
wireless sensor networks, RFID, applying various concepts of graph theory to find
the minimized path and many other. Here, the concept of ITS has been classified
into two broad domains, namely, (I) real-time system and (II) data analysis system.
Real-time systems have been further diversified into two fields:
I. Path optimization and II. Traffic density. The data analysis systems are also
divided into two parts:
i. Green light optimization, ii. Information chaining systems.

2.1 Real-Time Systems

Real-time systems in case of traffic managing system take the input of the current
situation through video surveillance or WSNs and deal with the situation. The traffic
signals are controlled according to the presence of vehicles and are operated
Intelligent Traffic Monitoring System 537

automatically in real time. A real-time optimization model was used by Dotolie

et al. [1] that investigated the issue of traffic control in urban areas. The model took
into considerations the traffic scenarios which also include pedestrians. This tech-
nique was applied for analyzing real case studies. Wenjie et al. [2] concentrate on
calculating the time that a vehicle requires to reach the intersection from a particular
point, dynamically, by the use of sensors. By this, data performs various calcula-
tions to find the green light length. Albers et al. [3] used real-time data to monitor
current traffic flows in a junction so that the traffic could be controlled in a con-
venient way. Reliable short-term forecasting video captured in a recorder plays an
important role in monitoring the traffic management system. The data required can
be easily provided by the CCTV cameras that can be beside the roads as per
requirement. Van Daniker [4] visualized the use of transportation incident man-
agement explorer (TIME) for calculating real-time data. Challal et al. [5] proposed a
distributed wireless network of vehicular sensors to get a view of the actual scenario
and used its various sectors to lower the congestion but not taking decisions in real
time. The use of two types of sensor network was proposed, vehicular sensor
network and wireless sensor network, and the combination of these two permits the
monitoring as well as managing of the traffic. Chandak et al. [6] used video sur-
veillance for realizing the real-time scenario. It deals with decreasing response time
of the emergency cars by establishing communication between emergency cars and
traffic lights. The data collected in real time can be used to determine the traffic
density and also based on the traffic present. Several path optimization techniques
can be used, which are discussed in the next two sections.

2.1.1 Traffic Density

Realization of the traffic density at a particular intersection for a given time can also
help in reducing traffic congestion at that point. This data can be analyzed to
determine several factors like green light length, traffic at the particular time, etc.
Zhou et al. [7] used the concept of adaptive traffic light control algorithm which
manipulates both the sequence and length of traffic lights in accordance with the
detected traffic. The algorithm uses real-time data like the waiting time of vehicles,
volume of traffic in each lane, etc. to determine traffic light sequence and optimal
length of green light. The algorithm produces lower vehicle’s average waiting time,
thus providing much higher throughput. The system proposed by Sinhmar [8] used
IR sensors to determine the density of traffic based on which the traffic signals were
updated to provide a smooth flow of vehicles. Hussain et al. [9] proposed a system
that uses a central microcontroller at every junction which receives data wireless
sensor placed along the road that determines the traffic density. The microcontroller
uses this data to control the traffic using the programed algorithm to manage the
traffic in an efficient manner. Srivastava et al. [10] suggested ways to determine the
538 S.P. Biswas et al.

number of vehicles using weight sensors, then with the use of a programmable logic
controller to analyze the data, and then park in automated parking or has diverge
them accordingly.

2.1.2 Path Optimization Technique

Finding the best and shortest path to destination can be used as a tool to minimize
the traffic along a path. The traffic along the road can be sent to the incoming
vehicle proving them the idea about the traffic and thus they can take an alternative
path to the destination. Gambardella [11] and Bertelle et al. [12] proposed to find an
optimized path for transportation using the concept of ant colony optimization.
Once an optimized path is found, we can add several other features to make it more
convenient and avoid traffic jams. Ozkurt et al. [13] have proposed the use of video
surveillance and neural network to reduce the traffic stress across the network. Xia
[14] researched to find an optimal road network and analyze the traffic dynamics by
the movement of each car and the statistical property of the whole network. Kale
et al. [15] designed a system that uses the traffic information and sends it to the
incoming ambulance by allowing it take way according to the situation. The various
performance evaluation criteria are used such as average waiting time, the average
distance traveled by vehicles, and switching frequency of green light at a junction.

2.2 Data Analysis Systems

Data analytical systems are those systems that take the present or statistical data,
process them in the processor, and then act according to predefined algorithm. Like
real-time systems, it may collect data in real time, but is unable to take any decision
in real time, i.e., it must follow the instructions that are provided to it. Yousef et al.
[16] suggested a scheme of solving traffic congestion in terms of the average waiting
time and length of the queue at the isolated intersection and provide efficient flow in
global traffic control on multiple intersections with the accordance of real-time data.
Thus, the data collected can be used in various ways depending on the perspective of
the user. The next two sections define such ways of using the data.

2.2.1 Information Chaining System

The data collected at one junction can be sent to the other junction informing it
about the situation and allowing it to take measures. The same can be used in case
of cars, ambulance, and other vehicles. This is quite similar to the path optimization
technique, but here the path that would be taken by the user is not suggested by the
Intelligent Traffic Monitoring System 539

system, and it just warns the others in case of any unwanted situation. Malik et al.
[17] described the traffic control on a real-time basis using the traffic lights.
Wireless sensors are deployed on each of the lanes that are able to detect number of
vehicles passing and also the awaited vehicles and convey the information to the
nearest control station. Blessy et al. [18] proposed a system that uses other vehicles
to deliver messages about any congested path. They used an adjustable field
radar-based system, vehicle controller sensor, which senses the count of the vehi-
cles, rejecting the humans for certain distances. GSM service is used to send
information about the congested junction to the server located in a remote location
which in turn will inform its adjacent signal junction and also to other drivers about
the congestion, forming a chain-like structure informing one another and suggesting
them to change route if necessary.

2.2.2 Green Light Optimization

One of the main causes of traffic congestion is large red light delays, so controlling
traffic signals and optimizing the length of the green light will become helpful.
Chen et al. [19] have given the solution for minimizing waiting time of vehicles by
testing the setting problems of traffic light. Here, the graph model is used to rep-
resent the traffic network. In order to achieve optimal solution [20–24], the paper
has used particle swarm optimization [25, 26], ant colony optimization [27] and
genetic algorithms which have greater importance. Soh et al. [28] presented a
MATLAB simulation of fuzzy traffic controller for controlling traffic flow in the
multilane isolated signalized intersection. The controller controls the traffic light
timings and phase sequence to ensure smooth flow of traffic with minimal waiting
time, queue length, and delay time. Jantan et al. [29] proposed monitoring system in
addition to the traffic light system to determine different street cases (e.g., empty,
normal, crowded) with different weather conditions using small associative memory
depending on the stream of images, which are extracted from the streets’ video
recorders. It also gives a high flexibility to learn different street cases using different
training images. Placzek [30] described a method which is designed to be imple-
mented in an online simulation environment that enables optimization of adaptive
traffic control strategies. Performance measures are computed using a fuzzy cellular
traffic model, formulated as a hybrid system combining both cellular automata and
fuzzy calculus. Dakhole et al. [31] used ARM7-based traffic control system that
proposes a multiple traffic light control and monitoring system that reduce the
possibilities of traffic jams, caused by traffic lights. This system uses ATmega16
and ARM7 for its processing. Jaiswal et al. [32] described the optimization of traffic
signals by focusing on three areas—Ambulance, priority vehicles (like VIP cars,
police jeeps), and Traffic density control—thus providing a stoppage free path for
ambulances, preventing traffic congestion, and also managing traffic density by
increasing duration of green light of the lane where density is high (Table 1).
540 S.P. Biswas et al.

Table 1 Summarization of classification of ITS

Name Summarization Remarks
Intelligent Real-time Traffic Finding the density of On spot detection and
traffic system density vehicles along a road handling of traffic.
system and follow a certain Requires good
algorithm to direct the financial investment
Path Deciding an optimal Real-time analysis of
optimization path, for an incoming data to find an easy
vehicle based on the path, but not
traffic present at the applicable for all
approaching junction situations where
alternative path is not
Data Information To inform the Useful in routing of
analysis chaining vehicles about the vehicles in an
system system traffic along any lane optimized path, but
and directing them to highly developed and
change to another error-free system is
route if necessary required else
ambiguous situation
may arise
Green light Use of different logics Highly efficient
optimization like fuzzy logic and system. Requires
other simulation large capital for
techniques to implementation
determine the green
light length so that
every lane is provided
with some
appropriate time slot

3 Proposed Method

The proposed model mainly concentrates on the following factors:

(i) Unnecessary consumption of the time slice in a certain lane, when there are
fewer vehicles.
(ii) If any lane has any emergency vehicle such as ambulance, it also has to wait
for its turn.
(iii) A lane with less or more traffic has to wait for the same time span.
Normally, the green signal in the traffic light remains on for a fixed interval for
each road. In the existing system, congestion of vehicles may happen if lots of
vehicles are waiting in a particular lane and the other lane which has fewer numbers
of vehicles is made free.
Intelligent Traffic Monitoring System 541

3.1 Hardware Implementation of the Method

In the proposed model, infrared proximity sensor, AT Mega 2560, and RF modules
have been used to design the system. The infrared sensors will be used to collect
data from the lane and fetch the collected data to the microcontroller. In each road,
there will be four infrared sensors which will be placed at a certain distance from
the intersection, placed on either side of the roads in pair dividing the considered
length of the road from the intersection into two zones—a high density zone and
low density zone. The presence of vehicles in each region is sensed by two
proximity infrared sensors placed at either side of the road in the opposite direction.
The sensors are placed by keeping a certain distance so that they do not have an
intersection point. The use of two sensors eliminates the factor if “vehicles are
present along one side only,” i.e., it gives us the real view in what manner the
vehicles are aligned along the road. The sensors are connected to the analog pins of
the microprocessor and the traffic lights to the digital pins. While placing the
sensors, it is to be kept in mind that the range of the sensors does not intersect,
which will result in erroneous data read (Fig. 1).

Connection to the
Analog pins of the
micro controller
IR Sensor IR Sensor from sensors

IR IR Sensor Connection to the

Digital pins from
micro controller
to traffic led

IR IR Sensor IR Sensor IR Sensor

IR Sensor IR Sensor Central IR Sensor IR


IR Sensor IR Sensor

IR IR Sensor

Fig. 1 Schematic circuit diagram of the proposed model

542 S.P. Biswas et al.

3.2 Prioritizing the Lanes

Moreover, it gives us the option to classify the density into multiple values. Like, if
all the four sensors of one lane sense the value low, then there will be no traffic and
the priority assigned is zero in this case. When both the two sensors in low intensity
zone sense the value as low, but both the sensors in high intensity zone sense the
value as high, then this case will not be considered, and it is not possible. Suppose
one of the two sensors in low intensity zones gives the value as high, but the two
sensors in high intensity zone sense the value as low, which will indicate that the
traffic is very less in this lane and the priority assigned is one. If two sensors from
the same side one from low and the other from the high intensity zone sense the
value as high, then it will indicate that one side of both zones is full and the other
side is free from traffic and the priority assigned is two. Then if both the sensors in
low intensity zone sense the value as high, but the sensors in high intensity zone
sense the value as low, then the low intensity zone is full but no vehicle in the high
intensity zone and the priority assigned is three. When both the sensors in low
intensity zone sense the value as high and one of the sensors in high intensity zone
senses the value as high, then it will indicate that low intensity zone is full but no
vehicle in one side of the high intensity zone and the priority assigned is four. If all
the four sensors provide the value as high, then it will indicate that there is vehicle
in both the zones, i.e., both is full which gives high alert and priority assigned to
this case is five (Fig. 2).

Indicates sensors
placed along the road
to detect the presence
of a vehicle. 4 in each

Fig. 2 Conceptual view of the proposed model

Intelligent Traffic Monitoring System 543

3.3 Algorithm for the Control of Traffic Lights

The proposed algorithm initially senses the vehicular length of each lane and sets its
priority and pushes it into the stack.
The sequence in which the lanes are pushed will be executed in this sequence
only. Sense_and_Set check the length of the vehicles and set their time accordingly,
also keeps a check that the lane with lower priority initially may have acquired a
higher priority than its preceding lane; in such case, the green light duration Ti, to be
provided to the present lane, is decreased. The stack is popped after execution of
each lane. Once the stack is empty, the lanes are once again pushed into the stack
according to priority and executed accordingly.

P_STACK [4]: Stack to store the lane according to priority.
Ti: Green Time assigned to the lane.
Pi, Pi-1: Priority assigned to the top two lanes.

While (true) repeat

Sense_and_Push (): for setting the P_STACK .
While (Length.P_STACK not equal to 0) repeat
Sense_and_Set (P_STACK): sense the priority for the lane at the top of the
P_STACK and setting the green light time of the lane at the top of the
Execute (P_STACK, Ti): Execute the green Light of the lane at the top of the

Sense_and_Push ()
Sense each lane and prioritize them.
Push the lane according to their priority into P_STACK, the lane at the top of the P_STACK has maximum

Sense_and_Set (P_STACK)
If there is an emergency vehicle across any lane
Bring it to the top of the P_STACK, Set Ti
Sense the priority of the top two elements of the stack.
Pi= Priority of the lane at the top of the stack.
If (i=0)
Pi-1 =0.
Pi-1 = Priority of the lane next to the top of the stack.
Set Ti according to Pi
If (Pi < Pi-1)
Indicating that the vehicle length has increased after setting the P_STACK.
Update Ti

Execute (P_STACK, Ti)

Set the green light for the lane at the top of P_STACK for time Ti.
Set the yellow light for the lane next to the top of the P_STACK for time T i, indicating that it will be
executed next and red to the other two lanes..
544 S.P. Biswas et al.

4 Conclusion

The work presents review of the existing research done in field and tries to develop
a system suitable for developing countries. The project has two objectives, which
are, first, calculating the length of the vehicles on the road for the flow of the traffic
smoothly without congestion and, second, developing priority-based signaling
which will help to give the priority to the emergency vehicles such as ambulance.
The microcontroller can be programed easily which gives scope for deployment
better algorithms in future. The sensors are to be fitted on the side of the roads and
connected to the controller at the intersection. These are some hectic jobs which are
to be dealt before implementing the system, but once implemented, it will make our
traffic system more convenient and cities smarter.


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