Demographics: Onboarding Customer Avatar For Mash Bonigala

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Onboarding Customer Avatar for Mash Bonigala

[Fill this worksheet in for your ‘ideal customer’ and then write their story on the last page]


Gender: Male

Age: 35

Location: USA

Income bracket: $100K+

Occupation and/or life situation:

Type of business they are in:

Coaching and Business development professional

Hobbies, interests:

Loves movies, travel and meeting people


How would you describe their personality?

Chris is an energetic, positive, and self-motivated person. He is very personable and friendly and has
a unique outlook on life in the workplace and outside of work. He is very talented and a quick
thinker, and great at problem solving. Chris is consistent, reliable, and he's an initiator.

What do they like?

Chris loves to help people and build a company that becomes recognisable. He also wants personal

What do they dislike?

Chris hates sleazy sales people, interrupters and is generally cautious of selling

Are they scientific or creative type of person?

Not very creative but can be analytical

Are they a details person or big picture dreamer?

Chris is detail-oriented people but lack vision

Do they prefer face to face or remote communication?

Do they want to be guided in the sale or prefer to find all info themselves?

Chris wants to be guided but not in a salesy way. He wants to learn and be educated.


Have they heard of your brand before?


How informed are they about your type of product/service?

Chris is informed about the visual identity part of our services but not so much about the strategy
aspect. But he is getting started and may have read a post or two on our blog or watched a video.

Are they aware of their ‘problem’ (that you are going to solve)?

Yes, but perhaps in a vague way

Do they currently use a competitor product/service?


Where do they get their info from? What websites/ publications do they read?

Blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook

Are they technically savvy?



Objectives/goals - what do they want to achieve?

Chris feels he is stagnating and want to break through. He wants to double his revenue while
targeting the right clients. He is using old and ineffective marketing strategies such as sharing on
social media but does not realize that his brand needs to change and have a strategy which will
enable him to scale.

Problems - what problems or pain point are they trying to solve?

Not knowing how to raise above the noise and attract the right people to his service. Not knowing
how to differentiate his story. Not knowing what story to tell.

Opinions/beliefs - what do they think about your product/service, or the general industry?

Chris knows that bigger brands have great brand stories and are gaining mind share. But he believes
that is only for bigger brands. His limiting belief is that he does not have a strategy or story that
would raise his game to the next level.
Fears - what risks do they perceive?

Chris fears that he would be wasting his money on an agency who may just give him a solution that
is basic and things that he already knows. So he is trying to doing it on his own by reading posts and
watching videos and trying to build his brand.

Buying Behaviour

How do they usually buy?

If convinced Chris would buy right away and has access to funds.

When do they buy?

Chris takes 2-3 weeks to make up his mind and be convinced.

Where do they do their research?

Blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn, Qora and Twitter

How do they make a decision on which one to buy?

Chris will buy if he feels that the service being offered is in the language he thinks – so based on the
posts he read and research he has done, he is already primed with the concepts of brand story,
messaging etc.

What is their role in the purchase decision?

Usually alone

What influences their decision?

Trust that we can provide a solution to their biggest pain point – a brand story and differentiating

What is the situation that triggers them to make the purchase?

When Chris talks to me during a discovery call, my expertise and pitch triggers him to decide to go
with us.

What would happen if they didn’t buy?

Not sure what this means.

What roadblocks might be preventing them from buying?

Usually this is either the lack of funds or the unwillingness to spend money. Thinking of it as an
wasted expense rather than as an investment.
Here I would like for you to write the story of you and how you
started becoming a Brand Strategist


SpellBrand is actually the third avatar, so to speak. I started as a graphic designer, of course.
Freelancer. And then I started a small graphic design firm, a logo firm called Logo Design Works. This
is going back years and years and years. It was with a partner back in Sarasota, Florida, and really it
was one of the first, I would say, logo design online websites. There were very few at that time and
initially we had a lot of success as Logo Design Works, and although we were doing a number of
other things, it was primarily driven by logo designing. There were a few competitors, but it was sort
of quite an open field at that time.

Fast-forward a few years, we were doing really well. We were of course that time charging
comparable prices, 199 to 499 or something like that, and we were doing 75, 100, maybe sometimes
even 150 projects a month. It was all volume-based and that went on for quite a while. That was a
second avatar.

And then of course Google sort of intervened in our lives and in about 2012 I think or something like
that, we were hit with Panda, Penguin, and our site was penalised terribly. So overnight we lost our
traffic. Our traffic went from, I don’t know, something like 10,000, 12,000 visitors a day down to 500
or 700 or something like that.

So we were building up Logo Design Works, we had a huge team. We actually moved from Sarasota
to Cleveland, Ohio, and Columba, so we had an office in Cleveland. Well, not an office, a small
studio, and then we had another studio in Columbus in Ohio, and we had quite a sizeable team, and
so overnight the traffic went down like a brick and of course that means sales went down. So from
about let’s just say an average of 100 projects a month, we went down to, you would not believe
this, but five, five projects a month. Sometimes even less.

Anyway, one dark day, I don’t want to be dramatic, but I remember clearly, and Ohio, Cleveland,
Columbus, they have terrible weather. Anyway, this particular day was literally dark. It was dark, it
was raining outside and I had to fire everyone. It’s not even downsizing, it was just, well, just to back
up a step, I kept on for a few months keeping the team, paying the salaries, paying the bills, so we
ran out of the buffer, we ran out of the bank account, Then I went into my credit cards, I started
running out of my credit cards and it looked like I was looking at bankruptcy in the face.

I let them all go and I personally went into depression for I would say three to four months, maybe
more. I went into a cocoon, I was really depressed, as you can imagine. You know, I lost my business.
More importantly I lost my team members and I had nothing in the bank, I had no credit. It was the
darkest day of my life. But anyway, that was the second avatar.

But anyway, slowly but surely I started thinking about what went wrong and I identified a few things
that I made a mistake in terms of building the business. Putting all my eggs in Google’s basket was
one big thing. Not building a brand but rather building a business was another, and, of course, the
third one was not building a personal brand because at that moment I didn’t have anything. I didn’t
have a brand, I didn’t have a personal brand.

So, there began my journey of sort of really reinventing myself, so I made a vow to myself, to my
previous team members that never again in my life would I depend on Google, or for that matter any
single platform that would drive my sales, my revenue, my livelihood, all this.

So I then slowly started doing what everyone else does, I suppose, in terms of building a personal
brand, content generation, so content, you know, all that. So SpellBrand actually was already a
website that I had, and it was actually the registered company, a registered brand, but it was just
used for the register purposes for paying taxes and things like that. It had a landing page and that’s
about it.

So I made this decision to shut down Logo Design Works and start SpellBrand fresh. So, I launched
SpellBrand and I think this was 2013, something around that, yeah. 2013. I quickly put together a
website, I took some of the content. I’d written a lot of content for Logo Design Works, but primarily
for SEO purposes not for really this new mindset that I had which was let’s build a personal brand.
Let’s do some real content out there. Let’s help some small business owners. I didn’t have all that
with Logo Design Works.

For the next few months I focused on creating a brand and figured out strategies that would help me
create the brand that I hoped SpellBrand would be. These are the strategies that I fine tuned over
the years that helped take Spellbrand to the million dollar revenue and then I used them to help
clients break through their barriers. I turned it into a service by systematising the strategies and
came up with the brand immersion marketing framework which was based on inbound marketing
but brand centric.

That framework is not morphing to be towards Blue Ocean brand building.

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