PROBLEM NO. 1: Multi-Storey Apartment Building: Statement of The Problem

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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Sumacab, Cabanatuan City

AR 425 - Design 8

Final Term - ESQUISSE NO. 4

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PROBLEM NO. 1: Multi-Storey Apartment Building

Statement of the Problem:

A private developer wishes to undertake multi-storey residential apartment building
project in Silay City, Negros Occidental. It is comprised of studio, one bedroom and two-
bedroom units, completely protected by automatic fire extinguishing systems. These units
are typically offered for sale at prices ranging from PhP 2.10 million to PhP 3.00 million per
housing units.
Project Site Features:
The project site is located in a Maximum R3 zone, having a total target number of housing
units that will be offered is one thousand one hundred fifty .
1. Based on the projects Gross floor Area, what is the maximum saleable area of the said
2. Based on the requirements of BP 344, how many units shall be designed to be fully
accessible and usable by persons with disability (PWD)?
a. 4 units b. 6 units c. 9 units d. 10 units
3. What should be the minimum size of this project’s typical studio unit?
a. 18 sqm. b. 22 sqm c. 30 sqm. d. 36 sqm.
4.How many car parking spaces or slots should be allotted for persons with disabilities?
a. 4 units b. 6 units c. 9 units d. 10 units
5.As per the Revised Fire Code of the Philippines, what is the maximum travel distance of
an individual unit’s access door to an assigned building’s fire exit?
a. 25.6 m b.46.5 m c. 45.6 m d. 36.5 m

A proposed Medium rise Office condominium project [development with basement,
podium (with optional) and tower components


A developer has decided that its 2,000 sqm. Property located in Quezon City
(Metropolitan Manila Area), shall host a medium rise office condominium Building ( “the
Project”). Only four types of real estate products shall be provided by the developer and
these are all office units with Gross Floor area (GFA) measurements of :
1. thirty sqm.
2. Sixty sqm.
3. ninety sqm.
4. one hundred twenty sqm.

AR 425 Architectural Design 8 Page 1

A. To design an office condominium ( a high intensity commercial/ commercial 3 or C-3
building (“the building “), marketable and attractive small to medium size office
B. To design the building in a way that can 3maximize profits for the developer; the ratio of
saleable versus non-saleable space shall be as follows:
1. 70% of the GFA per floor shall consist of saleable/ leasable/rentable areas (the office
2. the remaining 30% GFA per floor shall consist of non-saleable(common) areas such as
elevator lobbies, hallways/corridors, utility rooms, common and disabled toilets, service
and fire escape stairs, fire lanes/exits and the like; and
3. the overall saleable/rentable/leaseable areas for the entire building shall be at
approximately 65 % of the Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA)
C. To design the Building that shall serve as a landmark in the project area.

a. function and efficiency
b. vertical and horizontal circulation patterns
c. architectural character 3and form
d. aesthetics and landmark quality
e. solar,wind,noise,odor,privacy and view orientation;
f. amenities, facilities, services and utilities (AFSU) introduced
g. security and safety features
h. full compliance with prevailing laws on condominium development (PD no.957), PD no.
1096,otherwise known as the 1977 National Building code of the Philippines (NBCP) and
its 2004 Revised implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRR), effective 01 May 2005, the
Fire code (PD 1185), its repeal version signed into law in December 2008 and its IRR) and
the Accessibility Law (BP no.344 and its IRR);
i. Two elevators with clear car sizes measuring 1.55 m x 1.60 m (only as minimum
reference but larger ones can be provided); a third unit shall serve as the service elevator,
j. natural and artificial ventilation where applicable and
k. the buiding exterior shall be along modern lines/styles.
The 2,000 sq.m. Total lot area (TLA) is rectangular and is an inside or regular loit. It is
located along 15m wide street i.e. the road Right of way (RROW). It has a forty meters wide
frontage that faces the south and a depth of fifty meters. The site slopes very gently
towards the street [ with two point four (2.4) m wide side walks on either side]. The
surface of the sidewalk shall be considered as elevation 0.0m.
To the left of the project site is an office building. To its right is another office
condominium building and directly acroos the street are two videoke bars and a
restaurant –bar and a restaurant with live band performances. To the rear of the project
site are two point five (2.5) storey townhouse residence.
The following development controls apply to the project site
a. zoning classification is C-3 (Metropolitan commercial development)
b.based on NBCP 2004 R-IRR, the project site has the following development limitations:
1. an allowable maximum building footprint (AMBF) of 77% of the TLA; the prescribed
minimum setbacks at ground floor are 5m at the front and 2m at the sides and rear; the
same setbacks apply for all basement level, if introduced

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2. a building height limit (BHL) of 48m, measured from the surface of the sidewalk; a
maximum 6 m spire or tower may be erected above the roof i.e. if a deck type roof with
minimum 1.0 m tall parapet wall or railing.
3. An allowable maximum TGFA of up to 27,200 sq.m. i.e. inclusive of all AFSU areas; and
4. minimum parking space/slot requirements area as follows:
i. for the office units with a GFA of 30.0 sqm. Provide 1 parking slot for every 2 units of
fraction thereof; and
ii. for the office units GFA of 60 sqm and 120 sqm. Provide 1 parking slot for every unit or
fraction thereof.
Based on the BHL alone, the project site has the following development potential:
a. up to 3 basement levels at two point eight (2.8) m floor to floor height,

b. up to 5 level podium development at 3.3 m floor to floor height, a mezzanine level up to

one point eight (1.8) m may be introduced above ground floor for added lobby ceiling
height and;
c a maximum 10.0 ceiling level/floor tower development 3i.e. t be constructed above the
podium development, at 3.15 m floor to floor height; if the mezzanine is added at the
ground floor, only a maximum 9.0 level/floor tower development shall be possible to
comply with the 48.0 m BHL.

Note: However that full compliance with the TGFA is a requirements to be satisfied.

1. What are the zoning classification does this development fall?

a. R2 B. C3 C. C2 d. R3
2. What is the lot type of the development?
a. Inside lot b. Through lot c. Corner-through lot d. Corner lot
3. Considering it is fire walled and sprinkled, what will be the PSO percentage of site
occupancy of the main building and using PD1096 and its IRR as your reference?
a. 80% b. 12% c. 85% d. 90%
4. Based on the total gross floor area (TGFA) of the residential development what is the
floor area ratio (FLAR)?
a. 8.055 b. 9.066 c. exactly 9.00 d. 8.84
5. As per the development control (DC), what is the maximum gross floor area (GFA) of the
main building of the development based on the maximum total gross floor area (TGFA)?
a. 17,680 sq.m. b. 18,133 sq.m. c. 27,200 sqm. d. 40,800 sq.m.
6. What will be the recommended floor finish for the elevator lobby of the main building?
a. Non-slip ceramic tiles b. wood parquet c. carpet d. Marble
7. What is the general use/character of occupancy of the building?
a. A1 b. E1 c. E3 d. E2
8. As per the PD 1096 and its IRR the minimum window opening for the biggest rentable
unit or real estate product?
a. 15.00 sq.m. b. 12.00 sq.m. c. 9.00 sqm. d. 6.00 sqm
9. What is the probable area of the typical tower floor plate?
a. 1,50 sq.m. b. 1,548 sq.m. c. variable d. 1,481.4 sq.m.
10. Under the National building code of the Philippines (NBCP), what is the minimum road
right of way (RROW) with that services the lot on which the basement can be constructed ?
a. 12.00 m wide b. at least 15.00 m wide c. at least 10.00 m wide d. 14.00 m. wide
11. Based on the applicable design controls, what is the allowable maximum total Gross
Floor area (TGFA) of the proposed project?
a. 45,000 sqm. b. 27,120 sq.m. c. 27,200 sqm. d. 27,000 sq.m.
12. As per PD 1096 and its IRR, what will be the maximum gross floor area (GFA) according
to the minimum FLAR designation/rights?

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a. 18,000 sq.m. b. 17,680 sq.m. c. 18,133 sq.m. d. 27,200 sqm.
13. What is the total open space within the lot (TOSL) based on the development controls of
the project?
a. 23% of TLA b. 30% of TLA c. 25% of the TLA d. 20% of the TLA
14. Based on the total open space within the lot (TOSL) what is the resultant floorplate of
ground floor?
a. 43.00 x 36.00 m b. 42.00 x 34.00 m c. 40.00 x 50.00 m d. 39.24 x 39.24 m
15. What is the front –side-rear setback for the development?
a. 2.00-2.00-5.00 m b. 2.00-5.00-2.00 c. 5.00-2.00-2.00 d. 3.00-3.00-5.00m
16. What is the maximum level above grade of the proposed project?
a. 10 b. 18 c. 15 d. 16
17. What will be the side-rear-front setback of the basement from the property line?
a. 2.00-2.00-5.00 m b. 2.00-5.00-2.00 m c. 5.00-2.00-2.00 m c. 3.00-3.00-5.00 m
18. What is the best façade articulation will fit for the building?
a. wide window, classical order, cornice parapet and a pediment on the entrance.
b. sharp geometric form with ornamentations
c. simple line with concrete and regular window fenestrations.
d. Glass with modern line articulation with ACP cladding.
19. What is the area of the basement based on allowable maximum building footprint
a. 1,612.00 sq.m. b. 1,500 sq.m. c. 1,540 sq.m. d. 1,400 sq.m.
20. What is the Building Height limit (BHL) of the development?
a. 31.50 m b. 54.00 m c. 49.00 m d. 48.00 m
21. What shall be the abutments allowed for the development?
a. rear property line and two side b. two sides only c. front and rear property line
22. What is the overall rentable/leasable area of the building?
a.17,952.00 sqm. b. 13,520.00 sqm. c. 15,500.00 sqm. d. 17,680.00 sqm.
23.What will be the total gross floor area of the basement as per the development control
a. 5,418.00 sqm b. 5,520.00 sqm. c. 6,500.00 sqm. d. 4,644.00 sqm.
24. What could be the clear width distance of the carriageway?
a. 13.80 m b. 10.20 m c. 15.00 m d. 12.60 m
25. For the project Site (Zoned as C-3 under NBCP), How much are the combined total for
the maximum allowable ISA plus the minimum USA (in sqm)?
a. 455.00 sqm. b. 435.00 sqm. c. 450.00 sqm. d. 452.00 sqm.

Prepared By:

Analiza DC Gattoc
Instructor I

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