This document provides a data privacy and security guide for employees working from home. It outlines several policies:
- Do not store personal or sensitive files on desktops/laptops and report suspicious emails to IT instead of opening them.
- Do not alter or forward others' emails without permission or add unauthorized attachments.
- Do not use company systems to access, create, view or transmit racist, sexist, threatening or illegal material.
- Use of company resources for illegal activities can result in discipline up to dismissal. Only install licensed software and do not download untrusted files or use unlicensed software.
This document provides a data privacy and security guide for employees working from home. It outlines several policies:
- Do not store personal or sensitive files on desktops/laptops and report suspicious emails to IT instead of opening them.
- Do not alter or forward others' emails without permission or add unauthorized attachments.
- Do not use company systems to access, create, view or transmit racist, sexist, threatening or illegal material.
- Use of company resources for illegal activities can result in discipline up to dismissal. Only install licensed software and do not download untrusted files or use unlicensed software.
This document provides a data privacy and security guide for employees working from home. It outlines several policies:
- Do not store personal or sensitive files on desktops/laptops and report suspicious emails to IT instead of opening them.
- Do not alter or forward others' emails without permission or add unauthorized attachments.
- Do not use company systems to access, create, view or transmit racist, sexist, threatening or illegal material.
- Use of company resources for illegal activities can result in discipline up to dismissal. Only install licensed software and do not download untrusted files or use unlicensed software.
This document provides a data privacy and security guide for employees working from home. It outlines several policies:
- Do not store personal or sensitive files on desktops/laptops and report suspicious emails to IT instead of opening them.
- Do not alter or forward others' emails without permission or add unauthorized attachments.
- Do not use company systems to access, create, view or transmit racist, sexist, threatening or illegal material.
- Use of company resources for illegal activities can result in discipline up to dismissal. Only install licensed software and do not download untrusted files or use unlicensed software.
Desktop/Laptops specially when it involves personal and sensitive information.
Do not open unwated or suspicious emails but
instead report this to Local IT.
Electronic mail messages received should not be
altered without the sender's permission; nor should electronic mail be altered and forwarded to another user and/or unauthorized attachments be placed on another's electronic mail message. Working From Home Data Privacy and Security Guide
Based from the Generali Philippines' Employee
Never use company electronic systems to access,
create, view, transmit, or receive racist, sexist, threatening, or otherwise objectionable or illegal material, defined as any visual, textual, or auditory entity, file, or data, is strictly prohibited. Such material violates the Company anti-harassment policies and subjects the responsible employee to disciplinary action. The Company's electronic mail system, Internet access, and computer systems must not be used to harm others or to violate the laws and regulations of the Philippines or any other nation or any state, city, province, or other local jurisdiction in any way Working From Home Data Privacy and Security Guide
Based from the Generali Philippines' Employee
Use of company resources for illegal activity can
lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal and criminal prosecution. Do not download and save files to in any Generali equipment that are not connected to business activities of the company. Do not open or download data from untrusted / unknown sources as many viruses are propagated this way. If received via email, immediately delete the email and notify the IT group. If receiving data via external media (e.g., USB, disks, etc.), give the media to the IT group for scanning and loading into the appropriate network drive. Working From Home Data Privacy and Security Guide
Based from the Generali Philippines' Employee
Handbook No employee may create, use, or distribute copies of such software that are not in compliance with the license agreements for the software. Violation of this policy can lead to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Only software licensed by Generali for business
purposes may be installed on company equipment.
Software licenses for personal use should not be
installed in company equipment. The use of unlicensed/bootleg/pirated software is strictly forbidden. Working From Home Data Privacy and Security Guide
Important Notice: There is no expectation of
privacy on Company's email and property use. All of your email transactions and correspondences may be checked, screened and monitoed from time to time by Local IT.