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52 Feelings Reflections Journal

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52 Feelings

Reflection Journal
Feelings are not limited to sad, mad, happy, tired, and cranky. Understanding the
complexities and layers of your emotional life helps you articulate your experience,
explore your emotional needs, and develop your emotional intelligence.

You may be stuck at home during the COVID-19 pandemic and crawling out of your
skin with boredom. But is it really boredom that you are feeling? Or is it loneliness that
comes from your desire to be with other people? Maybe you are mad that you have
to go to work while others can remain home without being exposed to risks. Or might
your anger be resentfulness because you work hard and this is yet another example of
feeling underappreciated?

Feelings help us construct our narratives and the many internal responses we have to
our daily experiences. Developing a rich vocabulary to name your feelings and explore
them can make you emotionally and physically healthier.

The 52 feelings in this booklet serve as brief meditations for you to explore during a
time of social isolation. At least once a day, look through the meditations and identify
a feeling that resonates with how you are feeling right at that moment. Below the
meditation is space to write your reflections and keep track of the feelings that arise
during this uncertain time.

Try integrating some of these words into your day-to-day conversations as you connect
with others in the days ahead. Building an emotionally rich vocabulary helps you build

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AGONY (adj.)

Extreme physical or mental suffering

Extreme physical or mental pain is often unimaginable when you’re not in it. Such pain can be paralyzing and
destructive because it is so extreme. In these times, we need as many friends and perspectives as we can find to help
us through it. But even then, the pain may be too great. Sometimes we have to surrender to the pain by asking for
help and sometimes we need to give extreme empathy and compassion to others in order to help us see outside of








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ALOOF (adj.)

Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant

Have you ever thought ‘what did I do to you?’ in response to someone’s snark or cold heartedness? If they are
struggling it may not be about you! When navigating adversity we should not be expected to be hospitable, capable
of articulating our needs, or telling someone what they can do in order to make themselves feel useful.








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Strong hostility

Kindness is both a value and an etiquette. People who are severely hurting usually don’t care much about etiquette
and pain often softens values. Imagine those times when you’ve been at your worst and then the difference a little
patience and kindness could have made during those unpleasant times.








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Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern

Just because it is hard to show interest in something or get excited doesn’t mean we don’t care. Often times, we
don’t know the way forward or feel so overwhelmed that we “shut down.” Community, friends, and self-care are just
some of the ways that we can find the way forward and learn how to navigate our way out of apathy.








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Feeling or showing gratitude or pleasure

The expression of gratitude can be so hard when you’re mad at the world. Sometimes we don’t recognize when to
be grateful, or even how to say thank you. That’s not impolite. When we’re deep in our feelings the pain can cloud
our response to others.








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Anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen

In adversity our expectations of how things are supposed to go can shift - sometimes temporarily and sometimes
forever. When a bad thing happens to us it is hard to imagine anything good ahead of us. It is normal to fear that
the other shoe will drop. By giving yourself compassion and time, you can safely challenge yourself to proceed








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ASHAMED (adj.)

Embarrassed or guilty because of one’s actions, characteristics, or associations

Shame often prevents us from doing good, being ourselves, and correcting missteps. If you feel paralysis because
of past actions, things you’ve said or things you’ve left undone, ask how you can change the future. While not all
things can be undone, history doesn’t have to repeat itself. Focus on the change and find a new way forward.








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AWED (adj.)

Filled with awe and wonder

While the extraordinary may easily invoke awe in us, some of the most awe-some moments in life are right in
front of us. Often times, people’s experiences allow them to see the world anew because they have a whole new
perspective on what is precious, impermanent, and miraculous. If we examine our lives more closely, we are likely
to be in awe and then full of gratitude.








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BAFFLED (adj.)

Totally bewildered or perplexed

We often think that our confusion, inability to understand or wrap our head around something, and shock is an internal
response. You might think, “what’s wrong with me?” But, when we are emotionally vulnerable and raw, turns out that
many people are uncomfortable, avoid us, and spew clichés. The problem with people thinking that words, sound bites,
and metaphors can fix pain is that they run out pretty quickly when trying to be helpful. And then they think they have
nothing more to give. So don’t be surprised when people stop showing up or stop being helpful, and don’t be afraid
to name it and engage it. “I need your help, please” is a courageous ask not a pathetic whimper as we’ve been led to
believe. Once you’re not baffled by this cultural norm, you might more easily ask for help rather than feeling forgotten.








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Extremely happy; full of joy

After overcoming adversity, it’s not uncommon for people to fully re-evaluate their lives and pursue joy. What if it
was easier to feel so full of joy we felt stuffed? Imagine living with a belly full of joy. Of course, it’s hard to imagine
that any of us are capable of such fullness when something terrible has happened in our lives. While feeling that
fullness may seem unattainable, it becomes more and more possible when our openness to joy is not controlled by
how extraordinary the moment is but rather how we respond to whatever is in front of us—no matter how simple or
common it might be.








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Placed or situated in the center

There is a lot of talk about being “centered” and mindful these days. But what does being centered mean? Is it
just being grounded, rooted, and stable? When we feel deeply, it might feel more comfortable to flee ourselves,
perhaps because we no longer recognize ourselves. But living on the edge of who we are, keeps us on the edge of
our feelings. It is important to stay connected to yourself. It may not be easy. It may not be pretty. But stay right there
in the jelly center of your donut. It’s got the best flavor and it’s what people like most about you- you.








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Providing physical ease and relaxation

To feel comfortable with the status quo, we’d need to know that we can rely on people, have our feelings affirmed,
be given time and space to sort out our messes, feel confident talking openly about our experiences and feelings.
There isn’t a lack of vision for how to respond better as a culture. We’re just not comfortable owning it and making
the necessary changes. And that should make you uncomfortable.








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Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others

Reflecting on our feelings and open exploration allows people to respond compassionately to their family,
neighbors, those who are hurting, and most importantly themselves. Be compassionate. It’s the only way
worth living.








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CURIOUS (adj.)

Eager to know or learn something

Staying curious is hard when all you want is for things to return to the way they were. As we adapt to new routines
and a new life, curiosity is a tool for learning about oneself, one’s desires and hopes, and for rebuilding life.








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Used up supply or resources

Many of us like to think we can soldier on and persevere through suffering and challenges. However, energy is not
an unlimited resource. If we want to succeed in our roles, responsibilities, and relationships, we need to refuel. Rest,
recharge, and then create.








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DESPAIR (noun)

The complete loss or absence of hope

Some of us create carefully prescribed plans for our lives and some of us see where the roller coaster takes us.
In both cases, when things go awry we can become completely lost. Not only is that a very hard place to live, it
is hard for people to see you living there. We need to show up for our lost friends and listen to heartbreak and
uncomfortable feelings. Our presence and empathy can help show the way.








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Disconcert or confuse (someone); to throw into confusion

When we are going through a challenging experience we can be incredibly difficult. Every day we have a
different mood, a different need, and something that was fine yesterday is not acceptable today. Life can feel
discombobulated. Identify the good days and acknowledge the bad days. When we acknowledge that we
aren’t ourselves it helps people know how to interact with us. And, when interacting with someone who is
discombobulated offer empathy, forgiveness, and cut them a little slack—life is hard.








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Angry or dissatisfied

If you’re angry and disappointed at your situation, what might that feeling be telling you? That someone wronged
you? That life is unfair? That you need something? Feelings are the result of needs. What did you need that you
didn’t get? Feelings are always talking to us, make sure to listen.








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Deeply upset and agitated

When we are so deeply upset and agitated we’re often told to manage our feelings, particularly through appropriate
expressions of those feelings. Why is it that we’re told to have measured reactions to devastating events? What is the right
way to let out that airplane-size feeling? And according to whom? We often ask ourselves the wrong questions because
most are rooted in shame, embarrassment, and perception. The healthy response probably has something to do with
exercise, friends, hobbies, community, quiet time and even some old fashioned shouting. What is right for you and safe
for others? You can train yourself to respond to pain in ways that are helpful to you and those around you.








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Given the authority or power to do something

In life people will encounter disempowering experiences. The people we love, the life we had, and the dreams we
had for the future may be challenged or uprooted. Navigating an uncertain future feels more manageable when
people believe in us, encourage us, cheer us on, and trust that we’ll discover our way.








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Filled with great delight; charm

That moment when your world seems okay, things are starting to work out, and the magic of a precious moment
is fully visible to you. These moments can be hard to come by in life. When you find yourself enchanted cherish it.
This is sustenance for the journey.








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To give support, confidence, or support to (someone)

Often times we rely on our words to tell someone we care. But when someone is hurting, words don’t do much to
alleviate the pain. While love, empathy, compassion, and affirmation are all very important, the best support is often
your consistent presence. Show up, over and over again. Your presence truly matters.








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ENRAGED (adj.)

Very angry; furious

Have you experienced a time where you feel furious at the world? It’s a rational response when terrible things
happen. Rather than shun the intensity of a difficult or uncomfortable feeling, ask where it is coming from, what
purpose it is serving, and what need you are trying to get met.








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Cause to feel completely exhausted; worn out

When the sole of a shoe is worn out and our toes poke through we will likely get a new pair. When the most
vulnerable parts of us start poking out, we can’t get a new self. As we become unglued, and maybe a bit unhinged,
we can be met with judgment and discomfort. Take care of your worn out parts while accepting that some of those
parts will take longer to repair.








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GUILTY (adj.)

Culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing

Break a promise? Say you’d be there and weren’t? Got carried away with your own stuff and forgot about the
people in your life who are hurting and need you? We’ve all be there. It’s never too late to own up to your
shortcomings, apologize, and try to make it right. Dwelling in guilt keeps you standing still when you might want to
move towards the pain and help another.








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HATE (verb)

To feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone)

Most perceive hate as evil because it can cause people to do bad things. But, hate can help us differentiate who
and what we are from something else. What we do with hate is what truly matters. Hate is about you. So, what is
it telling you about you and what you value? We can allow hate to drive us towards something destructive, but we
can also let it drive us towards love. Choose love as often as you can.








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Unable to defend oneself or to act without help

It’s hard to be vulnerable and dependent on others. Asking for help isn’t easy and if you’ve been disappointed then
it is even hardier to admit you can’t do it alone. Sometimes, though, the act of asking for help is more helpful than
the best help. You may not be in control of anything, but you can be in control of asking others for support.








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Feeling or state of despair; lack of hope

The problem with hopelessness is that hope feels unimaginable so obtaining it seems impossible. But, if we think
of hope as a compilation of attributes, we can seek out each characteristic one by one and begin building our way
towards hopefulness.








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Filled with horror; shocked greatly

When we are filled by something intensely disjointed or profoundly upsetting to our sense of normalcy then we are
at risk of becoming reactionary. When a lake fills to its brim it overflows and floods. The damage that is done can
be prevented with levies and dams. What is your outlet when you are full of shock and horror?








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Not confident or assured; uncertain and anxious

It is not uncommon to feel insecure and inadequate around people whose lives don’t look like yours, especially
while transitioning to a new normal. When you’re vulnerable with others you will lose friends and gain friends. It’s
in the gaining that we overcome.








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Give strength or energy to

Things that once provided strength, happiness, contentment, and energy may fade away at times in our life.
Searching for new hobbies and activities that are invigorating is part of finding a new identity.








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Feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph

Sometimes our most triumphant victories might be things the most common tasks and rituals: getting out of bed,
taking a shower, eating, seeing the light of day, completing the to-do list, and meeting someone new. Just because
something was once easy doesn’t mean it doesn’t now merit jubilation. It’s okay to be jubilant even if your
accomplishment was once the simplest thing you had to do.








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Sluggish and apathetic

Our feelings impact our thoughts and can have a physical impact on our body. If you can’t get out of bed then
don’t. If your head aches, your belly hurts, and your heart pains then simply rest. You are doing the greatest workout
of your life…








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LONELY (adj.)

Sad because one has no friends or company

We can be surrounded by people, yet feel incredibly isolated. We need people who understand us and stay with
us for the duration of our long journey. When understanding and empathy decrease loneliness increases. Support
systems and caring environments are the anecdote to loneliness, but that support also requires caring people who
are committed to seeing us through all of our feelings.








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LONGING (noun)

A yearning desire

When life feels like it’s changing and out of our control we often yearn for things the way they were. Longing for our
former lives can help us determine what we need to reintegrate back into our lives in a new way.








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Utterly bewilder or perplex (someone)

We can encouter experiences that leave us speechless. The struggle to wrap our heads around our our feelings can
make us feel like we are in a parallel universe. Life can be disorienting at times. It’s okay if nothing makes sense.








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Hopeful and confident about the future

Some say optimism is a choice or a jolly and naïve outlook. Optimism is an opportunity to believe that you are
worthy of good things even when the black clouds refuse to clear.








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Anxious or unsettled; upset

When unsettled earth causes walls to shift in the foundation of a house then structural damage occurs. When we
become unsettled by major shifts in our life or upset by external influences then it is possible for our foundation,
character, and personal constitution to be at risk of cracking and causing us harm. When the things that hold us up
are off kilter we need help in the form of support. While we repair cracks in our houses’ foundations, a friend can
help ease our anxiety and guide us to feeling firmly grounded in the things that matter most to us.








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So frightened that one is unable to move; terrified

As everything feels like it is falling apart, it can be so terrifying to think about what might happen next. Being
petrified that things are only going to get worse is a normal reaction and often paralyzing. Hold on as you sort
through the debris.








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QUIET (adj.)

Carried out discreetly, secretly, or with moderation

When coping with life’s most difficult experiences, so many people are forced to feel in silence. Feeling isolated and
alone is never a warm or fuzzy experience. We need to take the initiative and break the silence. Ask people how they
are doing “today.” Check in, reach out, show up, express interest, and don’t give up on people.








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RADIANT (adj.)

Sending out light; shining or glowing brightly

Go on and glow by letting your inner-spark shine. We can emerge with new knowledge of ourselves, perspective on
the world, and hopefully greater empathy. Our resilience is something to share with others.








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Characterized by, feeling, or expressing great pleasure or enthusiasm

When we overcome adversity and have a story to tell about our struggles, we model for others that a “comeback”
is possible and that pleasure and hope are possible. It’s wonderful when our enthusiasm for life returns after an
incredible hardship and others can find hope because they see it in us.








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No longer feeling distressed or anxious; reassured

When difficult experiences or hard work come to an end we sure can feel relief. The same is true when a life
situation changes, like when a caretaker no longer has to take care of someone else. But, it’s not uncommon for
complex or complicated situations to be followed by guilt once they’re over. It’s okay to feel relieved that someone
has died, that children have started their own families, or that something significant didn’t work out.








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Bring back (a previous right, practice, custom, or situation); reinstate

Sometimes we need to take a break from traditions and the past in general. But just because we need to put
something on the back burner for a while, or even a long time, doesn’t mean we can’t reintroduce old traditions,
former friends, or memories back into our lives.








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SAFE (adj.)

Protected from or not exposed to danger or risk; not likely to be harmed or lost

When young people die, violence occurs, or instability reveals itself most people run away from the fire or pain
because it reminds us that we are all susceptible. The idea that we can be fully protected from danger or risk often
causes us more pain because we aren’t prepared for life’s events. Safety is not created by denying life’s complexities
or the need for community to carry us forward. The truth is, safety is built by community; by people caring for each








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SECURE (verb)

Fix or attach (something) firmly so that it cannot be moved or lost

Isn’t it odd that when we lose something or someone so many people say “move on?” But sometimes the only thing
to do is hold on firmly so that we don’t become further lost.








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SHOCKED (adj.)

Feeling a sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience

Like cars moving quickly on the interstate, life moves along at a normal speed until life and death collide and chaos
ensues. The abrupt stop of everything shakes us to our core and is often overwhelming. A way forward may seem
impossible, and we will likely want the world to stop with us. But, rather quickly, everyone else gets back to their
lives while we are left to watch life zoom by. Acknowledge your own shock and be there for yourself, even if others
can’t be.








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Pleased and relieved

When life changes, new people and joys enter our story. We can feel so grateful for new friends and new love, but
we can also feel guilty. Gratitude is not a one-way street. It is a complex wrestling match between the past and the
present in anticipation for the future.








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TICKLED (verb)

Appeal to (someone’s taste, sense of humor, curiosity, etc.)

We are not just tickled by feathers. We are tickled by those things that give us joy. These joy-filled moments are
worth seeking and savoring: from kids being silly to adults acting out of character, a good joke to an outrageous
facebook meme, whatever tickles you helps to root you in your normalcy.








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Free from disturbance; calm

In the bustle of everyday life, we easily forget that each of us has the capacity for a rich inner-life. The popularity of
meditation and yoga are reminding us of a truth humans have known for millennia: tranquility is obtainable through
silence, reflection, mindfulness, and time in nature.








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Showing or tending to have a belief in a person’s honesty or sincerity; not suspicious

It may feel like some people are trying to sell you a boat with holes in it, which might make you reasonably skeptical.
But is every boat bound to sink? Trust has a lot to do with perspective and your perspective is based on past experiences.
Now, how many times have you accurately summed up a past situation that caused you doubt? Were you fully aware of
the other side of the story? Sometimes we need to give people a chance without assuming they’ll disappoint you (even
for a second time). That sort of trust is hard when you’re hurting. But, if we don’t trust people we won’t ask for help or be
vulnerable. And that, in turn, can leave us pretty alone with nothing more than our pain and assumptions.








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In a very unhappy or unfortunate state

When it is cold, bleak, dark, and like there is no way forward, we’re often challenged to be resourceful.
Resourcefulness, though, is like resilience. You can’t easily manufacture it just by calling upon it. You need to
build your toolbox. How is this challenge, adversity, or struggle preparing you for your next struggle? When
things look up, be sure to look back and ask yourself how you’ve grown, what you’ve learned, and identify those
inner-resources you can lean on in the future. Let your light shine and share your struggles often so that we can all
learn from each other.








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Good Grief builds resilience in children,
strengthens families, and empowers communities
to grow from loss and adversity


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