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Pet Listening Practice Test 6

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Paper 2 listening Test about 30 minutes 3 Whi

(+ 12 minutes transfer time)

C\RT 1

9uestions 1-7
There are seven questions in this Part.
For each question there are four pictures and a short recording.
You will hear each recording twice.
For each question, look at the pictures and listen to the recording. A
Choose the correct picture and put a tic k (.1) in the box below it.

~';(ample: What's the time?

4 Wh

l ."

A [{] B D e D o D
Where will the girls meet?
- . A

A D B D e D D D
2. Which chair does the man want?


A O B D e O o D
- ,

.- Listening

3 Which picture shows what the girls need?

A O B D e D o D

4 Which picture shows what happened?

A D B D e D D D

5 What is Sarah's mother doing?

A D B D e D D D

6.- What luggage is the man taking on holiday?


• Loc

• Put

',' 8
A D B D e D D D "

't- Which photograph does the man like?
r-------------~ • ~------------~

B D e D D D

t 11



Questions 8-13

• Look at the questions for this Parto

• You will hear part of a radio programme about classical music.
• Put a tick (,/) in the correct box for each question.

8 This week' s prize is A D a music cassette.

B D two concert tickets.

e D a classical CD.

O D a theatre trip.

9 The person who wrote the music lived in A D Italy.

B D Spain.
e D England. '- ,
O D France.

10 What else shares the title of this music? A D a garden

B D a theatre

e D a play

O D a park

11 What did people do when they first heard this music?

A D Some left before the end.

B D Onlya few clapped.

e D They shouted out rude things.

o D Some asked for their money back.

"est 1
~.. - " . ~

12 This piece of music has been A D played in the cinema.

B O used in advertising. Questior

e D used for a TV play. • Look a

O D played in the theatre.

• Some
• You w
the co
• For ea

13 If you know the competition answer you should ring ~

A D 0108 937 224.

B D 0018739242.

e D 0801 397 422.

-O D 0018937 224.


~ A;



r Listening


Questions 14-19

• Look at the information sheet.

• Some information is missing.
• You will hear a radio programme in which young people from different parts of
the country are interviewed.
• For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

Information sheet

Name: M{~ ;p.~.':!.i.~ .

Age: +..~.j. ~.~ .
Favourite subject: (14) .

Favourite sport: (15) .

Usual transport: (16) .

On Saturday: (17) .

On (18) : Young Farrners' Group

Future job: (19) .

Test 1
PART4 Abou
The Spe
Questions 20-25 cándida
the oth:
• Look at the six statements for this Parto ¡
• You will hear a conversation between a boy, Jim, and his mother.
Part 1
• Decide if you think each statement is correct or incorrect.
• If you think it is correct, put a tick (.1) in the box under A for VES. If you think The ex;
it is not correct, put a tick (.1) in the box under B for NO. partner
A 8 to find
VES NO exarrnr

20 Jirn's bicycle needs to be mended. O D Part 2

21 He's keen to start saving money. O D drawir

22 His mother thinks a mountain bike is suitable for their area. O D Part ~
You es
23 She encourages Jim to manage his money better. O D phoroi
24 His mother offers to lend him some money. O D to talk

25 Jim is disappointed by his rnother's suggestion. O .0 Part


Test 1


Part 1
1 D 2 A 3 B 4 e 5 e 6 A 7 D

8 e 9 B 10 e llA 12 B 13 D

14 science
15 running
16 bicyde/bike
17 (he) helps (his unde) to milk (fifty) cows
(he) helps (to) do the milking
(he) sometimes deans (the) cowsheds
(he) milks (hisunde's) cows
helps his unde (on his farm)
works at/on (his) unde's farm
(he) helps to look after/looks after (his) unde's cows
18 Mondays
19 farrner/have (his) own farm
work in (the) countryside

20 A 21 B 22 B 23 A 24 B 25 A

Test 1 transcript
This is the Cambridge Preliminary English Test number 1. There are [our parts to the
test. You will hear each recording twice. During the test there will be a pause before each
part to allow you to look through the questions, and other pauses to let you think about
your answers. You should write your answers on the question paper. You will have
twelve minutes at the end to transfer your answers to the separate answer sheet.

PAR T 1 Part 1. There are seven questions in this parto For each question there are [our pictures
and a short recording. You will hear each recording twice. For each question, look at the
pictures and listen to the recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick in the box
below it.
Before we start, here is an example.
What's the time?
Woman: Have you got the time?
Man: Yes, it's twenty past three.
The man toId the woman the time. The first picture is correct and the tic k has been put in
the box under the picture.


Now we are ready to star! 111 a s¡)t ~~e

forget to put a tick in one of the boxes. Listen carefully.
first four pictures. Don't

One. Where will the girls meet?

Gir11: Will you meet me in the park?
Gir12: OK. Where? By the entrance?
Gir11: No, at the ice-cream kiosk. You know, the one by the lake.
Gir12: OK.
[The recording is repeated.]

Two. Which chair does the man want?

Man: Good afternoon. Can you show me your office chairs? I'm looking for something
with a high back and arms.
[The recording is repeated.]

Three. Which picture shows what the girls need?

Gir11: Now, have we got everything? Flour, butter, a lemon, milk ...
Girl2: Don't we need eggs?
Girl 1: Of course! Two eggs.
[The recording is repeated.]

Four. Which picture shows what happened?

Woman: Look at that mirror - how did it get broken?
Boy: We were playing ball and 1mis sed it. .
Woman: I've told you before you are not to play ball in the house. Well, you will both
have to buy a new mirror.
[The recording is repeated.]

Five. What is Sarab's mother doing?

Sarah: When can we go out, Mum?
Mother: In about half an hour, Sarah, when I've finished doing the washing-up.
[The recording is repeated.]

Test 1

Six. What luggage is the man taking on holiday?

Woman: 1thought you were only taking two suitcases on holiday with you?
Man: Well, 1was, but 1 decided to take my overnight bag as well. 1couldn't get 1
everything into two cases and there's no way 1could carry a third!
[The recording is repeated.]
[pause] i I

Seven. Which photograph does the man like?

Man: I'm really disappointed with my holiday photos. The only good one is the one of
us all standing together on the clifftop looking down at the beach.
[The recording is repeated.]

That is the end ofPart 1.

You now have half a minute to check your answers. Wewill tell you when Part 2 begins. ,1
[pause] , .1
: <i
PART 2 Now turn to Part 2, questions 8-13.
Look at the questions for this parto You will hear part of a radio programme about
classical music. Put a tick in the correct box for each question. At the end the recording
is repeated. I ~

Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully. l'

Presenter: ... and now if you're a regular listener to this programme, you'll know that
it's time for our weekly competition. Last week's prize of two theatre tickets
was won by Bill Martins. Congratulations, Bill. 1hope you've received your
tickets by now.
This week we're offering a classical CD to the first listener who can name
the piece of music and the person who wrote it. I'm going to play the piece in
a few minutes, but before 1 do, you need to get a pencil and a piece of paper,
as I'm going to give you some help which should make your job a little easier.
Are you ready? Right. Now, listen carefully, as you might be this week's
lucky winner.
Although the person who wrote this piece of classical music was born in
Italy, his parents were French and he spent most of his life in Spain. Have
you got that? On to the second point: there is also a famous play which has
the same title as this music and which is usually performed in the open air-
in the summer. Any idea yet? 1 should warn you that it's not that easy.
Anyway for the next point. When this piece of music was first performed,
many people in the audience got up and walked out. At the end they say
there was complete silence, which I'm sure wasn't very pleasant for the
writer. People thought the music was terrible and complained about wasting
their money. It's amazing really, when you think how popular it is today.

And now for the last point. Part of this music has been used for an
advertisement which you can see on television. I'm sure when you hear the
music, you'll know what the advertisement is for. I'm not going to tell you
what product it advertises, as that would almost certainly give you the
answer! Y ou can also see the advert in a lot of magazines and 1think from
next month this advert will also be on your cinema screens.
So that's four things to remember. And the phone number to ring if you
can give us the titIe of the music and the name of the man who wrote it is
0018937224. And the piece of music is coming up now ...
Now listen again.
[The recording is repeated.]
That is the end of Part 2.
You now have a minute to check your answers. We will tell you when Part 3 begins.

PART 3 Now turn to Part 3, questions 14-19.

Look at the information sheet. Some information is missing. You will hear a radio
programme in which young people [rom different parts of the country are interviewed.
For each question, foil in the missing information in the numbered space. At the end the
recording is repeated.
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully.
Man: Hello and welcome to our series about young people living in different parts of the
country. Today you'll hear Mike Davis, who lives in Hereford, telling you
something about his life.
Boy: Hello. I'm 13 years old and 1go to Stanley School. I'm in Form 3, and I'm really
interested in science but 1find maths and especially English a bit hard. I'm good at
running and I've run for the school team in the 800 metres.
My dad sells farm machinery. We live in the country about four miles from
school, so 1get to school by bicyde. My unde has a farm and I spend most of my
free time helping out there. He's got 50 cows and I like to help him with them. 1
help to do the milking every Saturday and sometimes 1ha ve to dean the cowshed.
It's hard work, but it's good to see everything looking dean. 1painted it white last
summer - I'm good at painting. My unde's got a tractor and he says 1can drive it
when I'm 15. I'm looking forward ro that.
On Mondays I go to the Young Farmers' Group which I've belonged to since 1
was 10. It's mostly fun but we also learn things, like how to look after animals
1definitely want to work in the countryside when 1 leave school. 1wouldn't like
to live in a town or sit in an office all day. My father thinks I should work in his
business, but 1want to be like my unde and ha ve my own farm one da)'. My
mother says I'll have to go to agricultural college first, so I'rn going to work hard
to pass all my exams.
Man: Thank you, Mike, that ...

Test 1

Now listen again.

[The recording is repeated.]
That is the end of Part 3.
You now have a minute to check your answers. We u/ill tell you when Part 4 begins.

PART 4 Now turn to Part 4, questions 20-25.

Look at the six statements for this parto You wiU hear a conversation between a boy,
[im, and his mother. Decide if you think each statement is correct or incorrecto If you
think it is correct, put a tick in the box under A for YESo If you think it is not corred, put
a tick in the box under B for NO. At the end the recording is repeated.
Now we are ready to start. Listen carefully,
Jim: Mum, my old bicycle needs to be repaired again.
Mother: Well then, why don't you think of buying a new one, Jim?
Jim: You know, I'd really like to buy one of those mountain bikes.
Mother: Well, what's stopping you?
Jim: Do you know how much they cost?! At least f300. Where can 1find that kind
of money?
Mother: You could save the rnoney. If you saved fS a week, you would have the money
you need in, let me see ... just over ayear.
Jim Just over ayear! But 1want a new bike now. It's something 1really need. 1
mean,I use my bike to go to college every day.
Mother: But what's so special about a mountain bike? Why do you have to have onc of
those? There aren't any mountains around here. Isn't an ordinary bike chcaper?
Jim: Yeso But mountain bikes are stronger, and they're better at going up hills.
Mother: We don't even have any hills near uso How much does an ordinary bike cost?
Jim: 1 don't know ... Oh, 1suppose you can get quite a good one for about LI50.
Mother: Well, that sounds more reasonable. If you save fS a week, you'll have enough
money in about six months.
Jim: That won't help me get to co11egenext term!
Mother: 1 really think you should learn to save some money. 1'11te11you what 1'11do. If
you manage to save f100, I'll give you the resto That way you'll be riding a new
bike in a few months. Go and get the old one repaired, and bring the bill to me.
Jim: Thanks, Mum. 1suppose I'll jusr have to ride my old bike for a lirtle longer. 1
must say 1 had hoped to be able to get a new one straight away. It's going to
take me ages to save up. 1wish ...
Now listen again.
[The recording is repeated.]
That is the end of Part 4.
You now ha ve twelve minutes to check and transfer your ansu/ers to the answer s neet .
Teacher: stop the tape here and time twelve minutes.
That is the end of the test.



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