Computer Skill1

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Algorithm in Programming

In programming, algorithm is a set of well defined instructions in sequence to solve the


Q. Qualities of a good algorithm

1. Input and output should be defined precisely.

2. Each steps in algorithm should be clear and unambiguous.
3. Algorithm should be most effective among many different ways to solve a
4. An algorithm shouldn't have computer code. Instead, the algorithm should be
written in such a way that, it can be used in similar programming languages.

Q. Write an algorithm to find the largest among three different numbers

entered by user.

Step 1:
Step 2:
Declare variables a,b and c.
Step 3:
Read variables a,b and c.
Step 4:
If a>b
If a>c
Display a is the largest number.
Display c is the largest number.
If b>c
Display b is the largest number.
Display c is the greatest number.
Step 5: Stop

Q. Flowchart In Programming

Flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm. Flowchart are very

helpful in writing program and explaining program to others.

Q. Symbols Used In Flowchart

Different symbols are used for different states in flowchart, For example:
Input/Output and decision making has different symbols. The table below describes
all the symbols that are used in making flowchart
Q. Draw flowchart to find the largest among three different numbers entered by

Q. Interpreter Vs Compiler: Difference between Interpreter and Compiler

We generally write a computer program using a high-level language. A high-level

language is one which is understandable by us humans. It contains words and
phrases from the English (or other) language. But a computer does not understand
high-level language. It only understands program written in 0's and 1's in binary,
called the machine code. A program written in high-level language is called a source
code. We need to convert the source code into machine code and this is
accomplished by compilers and interpreters. Hence, a compiler or an interpreter is a
program that converts program written in high-level language into machine code
understood by the computer.

The difference between an interpreter and a compiler is given below:

Interpreter Compiler

Translates program one statement at a Scans the entire program and translates
time. it as a whole into machine code.

It takes less amount of time to analyze It takes large amount of time to analyze
the source code but the overall the source code but the overall execution
execution time is slower. time is comparatively faster.
Generates intermediate object code
No intermediate object code is
which further requires linking, hence
generated, hence are memory efficient.
requires more memory.

Continues translating the program until It generates the error message only after
the first error is met, in which case it scanning the whole program. Hence
stops. Hence debugging is easy. debugging is comparatively hard.

Programming language like Python, Programming language like C, C++ use

Ruby use interpreters. compilers.

Q. How do you write an algorithm?

1. Keep in mind that algorithm is a step-by-step process.
2. Depending upon programming language, include syntax where necessary.
3. Begin.
4. Include variables and their usage.
5. If they are any loops, try to give sub number lists.
6. Try to give go back to step number if loop or condition fails.

Q. What is an example of an algorithm?

A programming algorithm is a computer procedure that is a lot like a recipe (called a

procedure) and tells your computer precisely what steps to take to solve a problem
or reach a goal. ... We looked at a simple example of an algorithm that does some
preparation, asks a user for an email address, and decides what to do.
Q. What are the types of algorithms?

Algorithm types we will consider include:

 Simple recursive algorithms.

 Backtracking algorithms.
 Divide and conquer algorithms.
 Dynamic programming algorithms.
 Greedy algorithms.
 Branch and bound algorithms.
 Brute force algorithms.
 Randomized algorithms.
Q. What are the steps to create an algorithm?

 Step 1: Obtain a description of the problem. This step is much more difficult than it
appears. ...
 Step 2: Analyze the problem. ...
 Step 3: Develop a high-level algorithm. ...
 Step 4: Refine the algorithm by adding more detail. ...
 Step 5: Review the algorithm

Q. How many types of flowchart exist?

The four types of flowcharts are basic, process, deployment and opportunity.

Q. Is algorithm and pseudocode same?

An algorithm is a systematic logical approach used to solve problems in a computer

while Pseudocode is the statement in plain English which may be translated later
into a programming language (program). ... You can base your pseudo code on an
algorithm. This contains transferable steps to implement.

Q. What are the characteristics of an algorithm?

The characteristics of a good algorithm are: Precision – the steps are precisely

stated (defined). Uniqueness – results of each step are uniquely definedand only
depend on the input and the result of the precedingsteps. Finiteness –
the algorithmstops after a finite number ofinstructions are executed.

Q. What are the best programming languages to learn in 2018?

Let's dive right in with the number one pick.

 Python. ...
 Java. ...
 C++ ...
 Ruby. ...
 Rust. ...
Q. What is a Power Point presentation?

A PowerPoint presentation is a presentation created using Microsoft Power Point

software. The presentation is a collection of individual slides that contain
information on a topic. PowerPoint presentations are commonly used in business
meetings and for training and educational purposes.

Q. Is PowerPoint 2016 compatible with 2010?

You don't have to run Compatibility Checker if you're using PowerPoint 2007

orPowerPoint 2010 to open files created with newer versions. The file formats are
the same in those versions of PowerPoint, so there are no compatibility problems.

Q. Why is Power point so important?

PowerPoint is the most popular presentation program which allows users to

create, edit and show beautiful presentations with the help of slides. The user can
combine the text, graphics and multimedia to support a presentation. ... Here are
someimportant benefits of using power point for presentations.

Q. What is the main purpose of power point?

What Is the Purpose of Microsoft PowerPoint? Microsoft PowerPoint is a

presentation software program that is commonly used in both businesses and
classrooms. Built-in professional-looking graphics and tools allow even the most
novice user to create impressive visual presentations.

Q. What is the importance of power point?

Significance: Creating a PowerPoint presentation is an important process for

businesses looking to produce a presentation once and make it available infinitely.
Power Point presentations may be placed on a website, sent to customers,
downloaded from an FTP site or accessed from a company intranet.

Q. What are the advantages of a power point presentation?

Audience Size: PowerPoint slides are generally easier to see by a large audience

when projected than other visual aids. Easy to present: you can easily advance the
slides in the presentation one after another with a simple key stroke while still
maintaining eye contact with the audience.

Q. What are the disadvantages of a power point presentation?

The disadvantage associated with Power point presentations is the system requirements

involved. A computer, projector, screen and electricity will all be required. It also will be
necessary to dim the lights in the room to allow for proper viewing. The
other disadvantage is the risk of technical difficulties.

Technical Troubles: Technology has its advantages, but one of its

distinct disadvantages is its ability to fail. Technical troubles can hamper your presentation
and lead to an awkward delay. Rather than grabbing your audience's attention, they're left
bored while you try to get your presentation up and running.
Q. How is Power point useful?

PowerPoint is a computer program that allows you to create and show slides to
support a presentation. You can combine text, graphics and multi-media content to
create professional presentations. As a presentation tool PowerPoint can be used
to: ... animate your slides to give them greater visual impact.

Q. What is Power point slide?

Presentation software such PowerPoint generates a series of slides to accompany

a human presenter or to be recorded as a stand-alone presentation. Aslide is a
single screen of a presentation, and every presentation is composed of
several slides.

Q. How can I make my power point more attractive?

Whether you're working in PowerPoint, Keynote, or somewhere else, here are

7 simple design tips for creating a professional, beautifully designed deck.
1. Use layout to your advantage. ...
2. No sentences. ...
3. Less is more. ...
4. Keep the colors simple. ...
5. Use sans serif fonts. ...
6. Stick to 30pt font or larger. ...
7. Avoid over styling.
Q. How do you make a good presentation?

How can you make a good presentation even more effective?

1. Show your Passion and Connect with your Audience. ...
2. Focus on your Audience's Needs. ...
3. Keep it Simple: Concentrate on your Core Message. ...
4. Smile and Make Eye Contact with your Audience. ...
5. Start Strongly. ...
6. Remember the 10-20-30 Rule for Slideshows. ...
7. Tell Stories.
Q. What are the qualities of a good presentation?

Here are 9 scientifically-proven characteristics of effective public speakers

that you should emulate to become an influential and inspiring leader.

 Confidence. ...
 Passion. ...
 Be Yourself. ...
 Voice Modulations. ...
 Keep it Short and Sweet. ...
 Connect with your Audience. ...
 Paint a Picture Through Storytelling. ...
 Repetition.

Q. Why is it good to have presentation skills?

Effective presentation skills reduce miscommunication, which is likely the biggest

cause of work-related stress. Better presentation skills also the stress on
presenters which means they will be more willing to present and more effective with
their communication.

Q. How do you conclude a presentation?

Presentations: presentation endings, conclusions

1. Plan your conclusion. ...
2. Conclusions should be short. ...
3. If it's a call to action, make it crystal clear. ...
4. Stay on message. ...
5. Make your last impression a lasting one. ...
6. Speak or read? ...
7. When your presentation is followed by Q-&-A's.

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