RTC, Maasin, Southern Leyte - Found The Accused CA - Affirmed The RTC Decision. MR Was Denied. Hence
RTC, Maasin, Southern Leyte - Found The Accused CA - Affirmed The RTC Decision. MR Was Denied. Hence
RTC, Maasin, Southern Leyte - Found The Accused CA - Affirmed The RTC Decision. MR Was Denied. Hence
The paramount consideration, however, which, to our HELD: 1. YES. Petitioner violated the Anti-Cattle
mind, weighs heavily in favor of the voluntariness and Rustling Law. P.D. No. 533, 2(c) defines cattle-rustling
truth of Soberano's admission and testimony in court is as “. . . the taking away by any means, methods or
the significant fact that he took the witness stand as scheme, without the consent of the owner/raiser, of
witness for the prosecution notwithstanding the severe any of the abovementioned animals whether or not
for profit or gain, or whether committed with or
admonition by the trial judge of the consequences of his
without violence against or intimidation of any
person or force upon things.”
Final Ruling: the decision of the Court of Appeals is
The crime is committed if the following elements AFFIRMED, with the modification that petitioner
concur: (1) a large cattle is taken; (2) it belongs to Exuperancio Canta is hereby SENTENCED to suffer
another; (3) the taking is done without the consent a prison term of four (4) years and two (2) months of
of the owner; (4) the taking is done by any means, prision correccional maximum, as minimum, to ten
methods or scheme; (5) the taking is with or without (10) years and one (1) day of prision mayor
intent to gain; and (6) the taking is accomplished maximum, as maximum.
with or without violence or intimidation against
person or force upon things. G.R. No. L-35156 November 20, 1981
These requisites are present in this case. First, there is THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
no question that the cow belongs to Narciso Gabriel. vs.
Petitioners only defense is that in taking the animal he FLORO RODIL defendant-appellant.
acted in good faith and in the honest belief that it was
the cow which he had lost. Second, petitioner, without SYLLABUS
the consent of the owner, took the cow from the custody
of the caretaker, Gardenio Agapay, despite the fact that
he knew all along that the latter was holding the animal
for the owner, Narciso. Third, petitioner falsified his
Certificate of Ownership of Large Cattle by asking Telen
to antedate it prior to the taking to make it appear that he
BAR. — The aggravating circumstance of contempt
owned the cow in question. Fourth, petitioner adopted
of, or insult to public authority under paragraph 2 of
means, methods, or schemes to deprive Narciso of his
Article 14 of the Revised Penal Code can likewise be
possession of his cow, thus manifesting his intent to
appreciated in the case at bar. The evidence of the
gain. Fifth, no violence or intimidation against persons or
prosecution clearly established that Chief of Police
force upon things attended the commission of the crime.
Primo Panaligan of Indang was present as he was
taking his lunch in the same restaurant when the
2. YES. The petitioner should be given the benefit of the
incident occurred. As a matter of fact, the said chief
mitigating circumstance analogous to voluntary
of police was the one who embraced or grabbed the
surrender [so, that’s Art. 13 (10) in relation to par. 7].
accused from behind, wrested the dagger from him
The circumstance of voluntary surrender has the
and thereafter brought him to the municipal building
following elements: (1) the offender has not actually
of Indang. And appellant admittedly knew him even
been arrested; (2) the offender surrenders to a
then a the town chief of police, although he now
person in authority or to the latters agent; and (3)
claims that he went to the municipal building to
the surrender is voluntary. In the present case,
surrender to the chief of police who was not
petitioner Exuperancio Canta had not actually been
allegedly in the restaurant during the incident.
arrested. In fact, no complaint had yet been filed against
him when he surrendered the cow to the authorities. It .; REVISED PENAL CODE; PUBLIC AUTHORITY
has been repeatedly held that for surrender to be CONSTRUED; INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED
voluntary, there must be an intent to submit oneself TO PERSONS IN AUTHORITY. — While it may be
unconditionally to the authorities, showing an true in the cases of U.S. vs. Rodriguez, et al. (19
intention to save the authorities the trouble and Phil. 150, 157-158), People vs. Siojo (61 Phil. 307,
expense that his search and capture would require. 317); and People vs. Verzo (21 SCRA 1403), this
In petitioners case, he voluntarily took the cow to the Court ruled that the term public authority refers to a
municipal hall of Padre Burgos to place it person in authority and that a PC lieutenant or town
unconditionally in the custody of the authorities and chief of police is not a public authority but merely an
thus saved them the trouble of having to recover the agent of a person in authority; there is need of re-
cow from him. This circumstance can be considered examining such a ruling since it is not justified by the
analogous to voluntary surrender and should be employment of the term public authority which is
considered in favor of petitioner. (All boldfacing and specifically used in Articles 148 and 152 of the
underscoring Dill). Revised Penal Code. There is no extended
reasoning of the doctrine enunciated in the aforesaid
three (3) cases why the phrase public authority
DILL’s NOTES: CA’s ruling was further modified should comprehend only person in authority. The
because of the penalty imposed. Using the ISLaw, CA lawmaker could have easily utilized the term "person
considered the Anti-Cattle Rustling Law a special penal in authority" in the aforesaid paragraph 2 of Article
statute. The SC, however, held the Anti-Cattle Rustling 14 in much the same way that it employed the said
Law is not a special offense but an amendment to the phrase in Articles 148 and 152. The lawmaker must
Revised Penal Code. have intended a different meaning for the term public
authority, which may however include, but not limited (direct assault upon a person in authority), and 151
to persons in authority. (resistance and disobedience to a person in authority or
SYNOPSIS the agents of such person) of the Revised Penal Code.
In marked contrast, the first paragraph of Article 152
PC Lt. Masana and Floro Rodil, herein accused who does not identify specific articles of the Revised Penal
is a member of the Anti-Smuggling Unit and an Code for the application of which any person "directly
officer of the Anti-Communist League of the vested with jurisdiction, etc." is deemed "a person in
Philippines had an altercation in a restaurant
authority." Because a penal statute is not to be given a
because of the former's confiscation's of the latter's
gun. Angered by Lt. Masana's refusal to return his longer reach and broader scope than is called for by the
gun, Rodil suddenly drew his dagger and attacked ordinary meaning of the ordinary words used by such
Lt. Masana who tried to parry the stabs. Lt. Masana statute, to the disadvantage of an accused, we do not
was hit on the chest and the stomach causing his believe that a teacher or professor of a public or
death. The Chief of Police who was then present recognized private school may be regarded as a "public
during the stabbing grabbed Rodil and arrested him. authority" within the meaning of paragraph 2 of Article 14
When charged and tried for murder, the accused
of the Revised Penal Code, the provision the trial court
admitted the killing but justified the same with self-
defense. The lower court found the accused guilty applied in the case at bar.|||
and sentenced him to death.
On automatic review, the Supreme Court
held that: (a) the accused's claim of self-defense is Appellant Renato Tac-an, then eighteen (18) years and
not justified since it appears that he initiated the seven (7) months of age, and the deceased Francis
aggression which resulted in the death of the victim; Ernest Escaño III, fifteen (15) years old, were
(b) the prosecution's claim that the killing was classmates in the third year of high school of the Divine
qualified by treachery is incorrect because the attack Word College in Tagbilaran City. They were close
was made by the accused on the spur of the friends, being not only classmates but also members of
moment and the victim had tried to defend himself the same gang, the Bronx gang. Renato had been to the
by warding off the stabs; (c) the aggravating house where Francis and his parents lived, on one or
circumstance of disregard of rank should be applied two occasions. On those occasions, Francis' mother
because the accused is inferior both in rank and noticed that Renato had a handgun with him. Francis
social status to the victim; (d) the aggravating was then advised by his mother to distance himself from
circumstance of contempt of or insult to public Renato. 4
authority should likewise be appreciated since the
accused attacked his victim in the presence of a Francis withdrew from the Bronx gang. The relationship
chief of police; and (e) consequently, there being no between Renato and Francis turned sour. Sometime in
qualifying circumstance and present two aggravating September 1984, Renato and Francis quarrelled with
circumstances without any mitigating circumstance, each other, on which occasion Francis bodily lifted
the crime committed is only homicide for which the Arnold Romelde from the ground. Arnold was friend and
accused should serve an indeterminate prison term companion to Renato. The quarrel resulted in Renato
of from 12 years of prision mayor as minimum to 20 and Francis being brought to the high school principal's
years of reclusion temporal as maximum, in addition office. The strained relationship between the two (2)
to civil indemnities, damages and costs awarded by erstwhile friends was aggravated in late November 1984
the lower court. when Francis learned that Renato, together with other
members of the Bronx gang, was looking for him,
G.R. No. 76338-39 February 26, 1990 apparently with the intention of beating him up. Further
deterioration of their relationship occurred sometime in
the first week of December 1984, when graffiti appeared
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, on the wall of the third year high school classroom and
vs. on the armrest of a chair in that classroom, deprecating
RENATO TAC-AN Y HIPOS, accused-appellant. the Bronx gang and describing Renato as "bayot"
(homosexual). 5 Renato attributed the graffiti to Francis.
AUTHORITY; TEACHER OR PROFESSOR IS NOT TO At about 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon of 14 December
1984, Renato entered Room 15 of the high school
building to attend his English III class. Renato placed his
THE MEANING OF ARTICLE 14 OF THE REVISED scrapbook prepared for their Mathematics class on his
PENAL CODE. — Careful reading of the last paragraph chair, and approached the teacher, Mrs. Liliosa Baluma,
of Article 152 will show that while a teacher or professor to raise a question. Upon returning to his chair, he found
of a public or recognized private school is deemed to be Francis sitting there, on the scrapbook. Renato was
a "person in authority," such teacher or professor is so angered by what he saw and promptly kicked the chair
deemed only for purposes of application of Articles 148 on which Francis was seated. Francis, however,
explained that he had not intentionally sat down on
Renato's scrapbook. A fistfight would have ensued but volunteered to persuade his brother to give up. Renato's
some classmates and two (2) teachers, Mrs. Baluma father who, by this time had also arrived, pleaded with
and Mr. Damaso Pasilbas, intervened and prevented Renato to surrender himself. Renato then turned over
them from assaulting each other. After the two (2) had his gun to his brother through an opening in the
quieted down and apparently shaken hands at the balustrade of the faculty room. Capt. Lazo took the gun
instance of Mrs. Baluma, the latter resumed her English from Renato's brother, went to the door of the faculty
III class. Francis sat on the last row to the extreme right room, entered and placed Renato under arrest. 9
of the teacher while Renato was seated on the same last
row at the extreme left of the teacher. While the English
III class was still going on, Renato slipped out of the
classroom and went home to get a gun. He was back at
the classroom approximately fifteen (15) minutes later. 6
The Mathematics class under Mr. Damaso Pasilbas
scheduled for 3:00 p.m. had just started in Room 15
when Renato suddenly burst into the room, shut the door
and with both hands raised, holding a revolver, shouted
"Where is Francis?" Upon sighting Francis seated
behind and to the right of student Ruel Ungab, Renato
fired at Francis, hitting a notebook, a geometry book and
the armrest of Ruel's chair. Francis and Ruel jumped up
and with several of their classmates rushed forward
towards the teacher's platform to seek protection from
their teacher. Renato fired a second time, this time
hitting the blackboard in front of the class. Francis and
the other students rushed back towards the rear of the
room. Renato walked towards the center of the
classroom and fired a third time at Francis, hitting the
concrete wall of the classroom. Francis and a number of
his classmates rushed towards the door, the only door to
and from Room 15. Renato proceeded to the teacher's
platform nearest the door and for the fourth time fired at
Francis as the latter was rushing towards the door. This
time, Francis was hit on the head and he fell on the back
of Ruel and both fell to the floor. Ruel was pulled out of
the room by a friend; Francis remained sprawled on the
floor bleeding profusely. 7
Renato then went out of Room 15, and paced between
Rooms 14 and 15. A teacher, Mr. Pablo Baluma,
apparently unaware that it was Renato who had gunned
down Francis, approached Renato and asked him to
help Francis as the latter was still alive inside the room.
Renato thereupon re-entered Room 15, closed the door
behind him, saying: "So, he is still alive. Where is his
chest?" Standing over Francis sprawled face down on
the classroom floor, Renato aimed at the chest of
Francis and fired once more. The bullet entered Francis'
back below the right shoulder, and exited on his front
chest just above the right nipple. 8
Renato then left with two (2) remaining students and
locked Francis alone inside Room 15. Renato proceeded
to the ground floor and entered the faculty room. There,
he found some teachers and students and ordered them
to lock the door and close the windows, in effect holding
them as hostages. He also reloaded his gun with five (5)
bullets. After some time, a team of Philippine
Constabulary troopers led by Capt. Larino Lazo arrived
and surrounded the faculty room. With a hand-held
public address device, Capt. Lazo called upon Renato to
surrender himself. Renato did not respond to this call.
Renato's brother approached Capt. Lazo and