RecoverX - CAR Operating Manual 1

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RecoverX-CAR™ Contaminated

Automotive Refrigerant Recovery System

Operation and Maintenance

Table of Contents Page

General Safety Instructions…………… …………………………………...2

System Overview…………………………………………………………...3
RecoverX-CAR Operation Guide………………………………………..4, 5
Liquid/Vapor Recovery Diagram…………………………………………..5
RecoverX-CAR Wiring Diagram…………………………………………..5
LED Light Meanings……………………………………………………….6
TOS Install Diagram………………………………………………………..6
Suction Filter………………………………………………………………..6
Troubleshooting Guide……………………………………………………..7
Technical Data/Specification……………………………………………….7
Important Notice to Purchaser……………………………………………...8
Warranty Information………………………………………………………8

General Safety Instructions

1. Know your equipment. Read and being removed. Additional health and
understand the operation manual and safety information may be obtained
the labels affixed to the unit. Learn from refrigerant and lubricant manu-
its applications and limitations, as facturers.
well as the specific potential hazards 8. Avoid dangerous environments.
of your equipment. To keep operator exposure to a mini-
2. CAUTION – Should be operated by mum, use the RecoverX-CAR with
certified personnel. sufficient ventilation.
3. Use the correct hoses. This equip- Always perform recovery in well-
ment is to be used with the included ventilated areas. Use this equip-
37827 hose kit, designed for recovery ment only in locations with mechani-
of contaminated R-134a and cal ventilation, providing at least four
R-1234YF refrigerant from Motor air exchanges per hour, or the equip-
Vehicle Air Conditioning (MVAC) ment should be placed 18” above the
systems. floor. This equipment should not be
4. Use properly marked recovery cyl- used near open containers of gasoline
inder. This equipment is to be used or any other flammable liquid.
with the included 37826 recovery Do not allow refrigerants to contact
cylinder, which is labeled for use open flame. Refrigerant decomposi-
with contaminated refrigerant only. tion in flame results in phosgene gas.
5. Ground all equipment. Plug the Breathing phosgene gas can be fatal.
RecoverX-CAR into pr oper ly 9. Always wear safety goggles and
grounded receptacle with an appro- gloves. Per sonal pr otective equip-
priate plug. ment should be worn to protect oper-
6. Do not pressure test with com- ator from frostbite.
pressed air. Some mixtur es of air 10. Use caution when connecting or
and refrigerant have been shown to disconnecting. Impr oper usage
be combustible at elevated pressures. may result in refrigerant burns
7. Avoid breathing A/C refrigerant (frostbite). If a major leak occurs,
and lubricant vapor or mist. Expo- proceed immediately to a well-
sure may irritate eyes, nose and ventilated area.
throat. To remove refrigerant from 11. Disconnect recovery machine from
the A/C system, use only equipment power before servicing. An electr i-
certified for the type of refrigerant cal shock hazard is present when the
unit is disassembled. outlet at least 3 meters away.
12. Repair damaged parts. Do not Locate vacuum pump outside of
operate the RecoverX-CAR with a building.
defective part. Repair unit to proper 18. Use an area fan to vent/diffuse any
operating conditions. leakage during service
13. Use recommended accessories. Fol- Caution: All r efr iger ant hoses, r e-
low the instructions that accompany covery tanks, refrigerant lines, the
all accessories. Improper use of ac- RecoverX-CAR, and other vessels
cessories may damage equipment or containing refrigerants should be han-
create a hazard. dled as if under high pressure. Tanks
14. Use the RecoverX-CAR only with containing refrigerant may have dam-
the proper refrigerants. (See speci- aged valves. Always open valves
fications for a complete list of com- slowly to prevent release of refriger-
patible refrigerants). ant should this be the case.
15. Operate the RecoverX-CAR within Caution: To avoid potential leakage
the design parameters. The to the atmosphere, the proper hoses
RecoverX-CAR was designed to and fittings should be used and
operate in a temperature range from checked for damage.
40°F (4°C) to 120°F (49°C). Do not Caution: To avoid over filling the
operate in a wet location. refrigerant cylinder, read and follow
16. CAUTION - Refrigerant may be the manufacturer recommended filling
contaminated with hydrocarbons and instructions for the refrigerant being
leak sealants recovered.
17. To minimize sparking potential, it is To prevent the risk of fire, DO NOT
recommended that electrical equip- use and extension cord smaller than
ment startup first by turning on 16 AWG (1.276mm²) and longer
switch, then plug power cord into than 25 ft (7.6m).

System Overview
The RecoverX-CAR offers significant dangerous. The best method for monitor-
flexibility to meet contaminated ing tank level is a scale that continually
monitors the weight of the tank.
R-134a and R-1234YF handling needs.
Careful handling of these refrigerants is Your RecoverX-CAR has an umbilical
an important part of servicing Motor cord to connect to the Tank Overfill
Vehicle Air Conditioning (MVAC) equip- Switch (TOS) located on your recovery
ment. Specific regulations apply to refrig- tank. When connected to the recovery
erant handling. Familiarize yourself with cylinder, this switch will automatically
these regulations. turn off the recovery machine when the
The RecoverX-CAR is used to recover tank has reached its recommended
contaminated refrigerant from MVAC maximum fill level.
systems. The refrigerant is transferred to The RecoverX-CAR is designed for
a holding tank. For field service, this recovery of both liquid and vapor refrig-
tank is normally a portable refrigerant erant from MVAC systems. During the
recovery cylinder. refrigerant recovery process, there is
Because the refrigerants are contaminat- often system oil that is recovered with
ed, they must be reclaimed and are not to the refrigerant. You can determine how
be re-used. much oil was removed from a system by
measuring the amount of oil in the Oil
Use care when recovering refrigerant into Separator Drain. If oil was removed,
a portable tank. As stated in the warn- replace with the appropriate type and
ings, overfilling a tank can be extremely amount into the MVAC system.
RecoverX-CAR Operating Guide
Direct Liquid/Vapor Recovery

The RecoverX-CAR can recover vapor 3. Plug the RecoverX-CAR into a 110V
and liquid contaminated refrigerant. Use power supply.
your RecoverX-CAR to pull refrigerant 4. Set the ambient pressure override
directly out of the MVAC system and switch as needed for the MVAC sys-
transfer it into your 37826 recovery cylin- tem being recovered. If the system
der for contaminated refrigerant. has a known leak, turn the override
switch off (○). This will shut off the
MVAC system recovery can be done by RecoverX-CAR unit when the suc-
connecting to both the low side and high tion pressure has reached a pressure
side of the MVAC system using hose slightly above atmospheric pressure
assembly 37827. See diagram on the fol- (3-5 psig) and will prevent air from
lowing page. being recovered into the recovery
cylinder. If the system is not leaking,
Ensure you have the capacity to recover turn the override switch on (‫)׀‬. This
all of the refrigerant in the system being will allow a full recovery to the de-
serviced. In the USA, the recovery cylin- sired vacuum level.
ders can only be filled to 80% capacity. 5. Connect the recovery unit to the
MVAC system as shown in the
Follow the steps below and refer to the Refrigerant Recovery diagram on
“LED Light Meanings” table on page 6: page 5.
Ensure the RecoverX-CAR unit 6. Connect the Tank Overfill Sensor
Power Switch is off (○) and the (TOS) cord as shown in the TOS
MVAC system is not running. Install diagram on page 6.
Check the Oil Separator Drain and 7. Connect the discharge hose between
empty the reservoir if there is any oil the RecoverX-CAR discharge fitting
present. **Note”” Pull the and the liquid port on the recovery
RecoverX-CAR unit into vacuum cylinder. Open the liquid valve on the
before removing the brass cap on the recovery cylinder.
Oil Separator Drain. The Oil Separa- 8. Turn the Power Switch on (‫)׀‬.
tor Drain is normally under high ** Note** Upon power up, the
pressure. Tilt the RecoverX-CAR machine fan will run for six seconds
unit back about 10 degrees to ensure before the compressor startup to ven-
that all of the oil is drained from the tilate its enclosure and to help pre-
reservoir. Reattach the brass cap once vent the buildup of potentially flam-
the oil has been drained. mable mixtures of gasses.
9. If the ambient pressure override
switch is turned on, monitor the low-
side pressure until the desired vacu-
um level is achieved. If the ambient
pressure override switch is turned off,
the yellow and red lamps will flash
alternately when the system has
reached 3-5 psig and the compressor
will be stopped.
10. Turn the Power Switch off (○)
Oil once the recovery is complete.
10. Wait five (5) minutes to ensure the 14. Because oil can be removed
pressure does not rise above zero. from the MVAC system during
11. If the pressure rises above the recovery, the Oil
required vacuum level, continue port should be drained after eve-
the recovery Steps 8-11. ry usage. Drain this oil into the
12. If the pressure remains below the included oil fill bottle to deter-
required level, close the valve on mine how much refrigerant oil
the recovery tank. was removed from the MVAC
13. Disconnect the hoses from the system.
MVAC system and the recovery 15. If oil was removed, replace with
cylinder. **Note** Ensure that the appropriate type and amount
all valves are closed. into the MVAC system.



Green Light Flashing System startup ventilation.
Solid Green Light System Recovering
Solid Yellow Light System loss in airflow detected or recovery
tank full. Check system fan and tank weight.
Alternating Red and Yellow Atmospheric recovery complete.
Solid Red Light High pressure cutout reached.


Umbilical Mounted to Tank Umbilical with Shorting Cap

The RecoverX-CAR is equipped with flow freely. A sure sign that the strain-
a built-in particulate strainer located ing device is clogged is the freezing of
behind the suction port. Unscrew the the suction port and the filter cover.
suction port by using a 11/16 wrench
to unscrew the hex head port to re- Before replacing, check the condition
move. This prevents contaminants, of the o-ring. Replace if necessary.
copper shavings, carbon, and other
foreign objects from making their way Note: Make sure to use a strainer in
to the RecoverX-CAR compressor the RecoverX-CAR for every job!
and causing permanent damage. Filter strainers and o-rings are availa-
ble from your supplier.
Like a filter drier, this strainer MUST
be cleaned or replaced often. Failure to Filter Strainer and O-Ring - Part
do this can cause the strainer to be- #95457
come too clogged for refrigerant to

Condition Possible Problem Possible Solution
No power to unit Power cord not plugged in Plug in power cord
Outlet not energized Reset outlet breaker
Compressor will not Compressor thermal overload is Allow compressor to cool down
start tripped until thermal overload resets
ATM Recovery switch is tripped Atmospheric recovery is complete,
(yellow and red alternating lights)re-pressurize the suction side to
above 20 psi to reset switch
Unit has not completed cabinet venti- The RecoverX-CAR internal fan
lation (flashing green light) will run for approximately 6 sec-
onds before the compressor starts
up to clear any potentially flam-
mable gasses from building up
inside cabinet
Unit is shut down on tank full or loss Check shorting cap or TOS con-
of airflow (solid yellow light) nection to tank, if connections are
good, there may be a problem with
the airflow sensor or unit fan
Unit is shut down on high pressure Check discharge pressure gauge,
(solid red light) unit will trip around 500 psi dis-
charge, check for restrictions in-
cluding closed valves
Unit trips breaker Compressor is in a locked-rotor con- Contact customer service for re-
upon start up dition pair
Unit runs but does not Suction filter clogged Contact customer service for re-
recover refrigerant pair
Restriction in suction hose set or Check coupler connections, make
system sure the couplers are fully engaged
on the service ports and the knobs
on the couplers are turned clock-
wise until they stop
Unit will not pull a ATM recovery switch is tripped Use the ATM Recovery Override
vacuum switch to bypass the ATM Recov-
ery switch if it is desired to pull
the system into a vacuum
Leak in MVAC system Locate and repair and leak(s) in
the system

Compressor: ½ HP Reciprocating Oil-Less Twin Cylinder
Power Source: 115V AC 50/60 Hz 1 Phase
Size: Height: 12.50”
Width: 12.50”
Depth: 19.25”
Weight: 29.9 lb
Approved Refrigerants: Contaminated R-134a & R-1234YF
Certifications: SAE J2851 & UL 1963

Check for damage immediately. Pr ior to Carton contents include:
shipment, all YELLOW JACKET
RecoverX-CAR Refrigerant Recovery Systems • RecoverX-CAR Contaminated Automo-
are completely tested and inspected to assure com- tive Recovery Machine
pliance with Ritchie Engineering factory specifica-
tions. • Warranty Registration Card
• 37826 Contaminated Refrigerant Recovery
If the recovery system carton is damaged, check Cylinder with TOS
contents immediately. Note damage on shipper’s
Bill of Lading and have shipper sign statement. • 37827 Hose Kit with R-134a & R-1234YF
Notify carrier immediately of the damage to Couplings
arrange inspection of the recovery system and • Oil Fill Bottle (for Measurement of Recov-
packaging. The CARRIER ALONE is responsible ered System Oil)
for handling and settling your claim. Ritchie
Engineering will cooperate in assessing damage if
the recovery system is returned to the factory
prepaid. To validate warranty, mail registration card
within 10 days.

Ritchie Engineering guarantees YELLOW 1) Call our technical service personnel at

JACKET products to be free of defective material (800) 769-8370 to assess if the problem can
and workmanship which could affect the life of the be resolved over the phone.
product when used for the purpose for which it
was designed. Warranty does not cover items that 2) Obtain an RGA number from Ritchie
have been altered, abused or returned solely in Engineering for the return of the product.
need of field service maintenance.
3) Fax a copy of the original invoice to
The RecoverX-CAR Contaminated Automotive (800) 322-8684.
Recovery Machine (UPC 37825) is covered by a
one year warranty for parts and labor. If at any time after the warranty period you
have problems with your YELLOW JACKET
The following exceptions will not be covered recovery unit, call our technical service depart-
under this warranty: Recovery products that have ment for help in selecting the correct replace-
been altered, misused, or improperly maintained. ment parts, or to arrange for its repair at reason-
The following must be done before returning able costs.

YELLOW JACKET Products Division European Division:

Ritchie Engineering Co., Inc. Ritchie Engineering Co., Inc.
10950 Hampshire Avenue South Unit 10 Riverview Business Park
Bloomington, MN 55438 Friarton Road
e-mail: Perth
Web Site: PH28DF
Phone: 800-769-8370 United Kingdom
Int’l Phone: 952-943-1333 + 44 1738 459020
Fax: 800-322-8684 e-mail:
Int’l Fax: 952-943-1605

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