Complete The Following Cluster Word Web in Order To Mind Map A Science CLIL Unit, Based On The Slide Shown, The Article and The Video

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 Complete the following Cluster Word Web in order to Mind Map a Science CLIL Unit, based on the
slide shown, the article and the video. Don’t forget to take into account the 4Cs. (Content,
Communication, Cognition, Culture). You can choose the class where you usually teach (Pre-
school, Elementary, Middle or High school).

Unit Title: Habitats

Global Goal: Develop spontaneous classroom talk

What are the

Culture: Talking about natural
resources and habitats, it can
characteristics of the
be put into examples the different types of
direct relation with the
environment the students live habitats?


The linguistic tools are based on

the extending of the vocabulary
(desert, rain forests, tundra, urban,
etc.), the contextualization, the
comparisons between the different
habitats, and the engagement of
the students to talk and express
ideas about the characteristics of
the contents.
 Now, it´s time to plan your own lesson based on your Mind Map. You can choose the class
where you usually teach (Pre-school, Elementary, Middle or High school). Don’t forget to take
into account the 4Cs. (Content, Communication, Cognition, Culture).

Teacher:_______________________________ Class: ___________Subject: Science

CLIL Lesson Plan



1. To introduce the theme of Habitats

2. To Team-Teach a CLIL lesson about Science
3. Develop spontaneous classroom talk

Teaching Objectives: What I plan to teach. Learning Objectives: What learners will be able to do at
the end of the lesson.
A. Content

B. Cognition

C. Communication (Language and Linguistic


D. Culture

Model taken from: Content and Language Integrated Learning, Motivating Learners and Teachers. By Do Coyle. University Nottingham

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