19 People VS Fernandez
19 People VS Fernandez
19 People VS Fernandez
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. MELQUIADES FERNANDEZ alias “Moding”, and
FEDERICO CONRADO, defendants-appellants.
Criminal Law; Multiple Rape; Conspiracy; In multiple rape, each defendant is responsible not only for the rape
personally committed by him, but also for the rape committed by the others, because each one of them cooperated in the
commission of the rape perpetrated by the others, by acts without which it would not have been accom-plished.—The
imposition on each of the accused of the penalty corresponding to two (2) crimes of rape is proper, because of the existence
of conspiracy. As clearly found by the trial court: x x x In a long line of decided cases, it has been held by this Court that in
multiple rape, each defendant is responsible not only for the rape personally committed by him, but also for the rape
committed by the others, because each of them (accused) cooperated in the commission of the rape perpetrated by the others,
by acts without which it would not have been accomplished.
Same; Same; Same; Aggravating Circumstance; Evidence; Credibility of witnesses; The testimony of the examining
physician that he did not find mud on the victim’s private organ does not necessarily belie the latter’s asseveration that the
accused “plastered” mud on her private part.—The trial court is correct in appreciating the aggravating circumstance of
ignominy because of the greater perversity displayed by the offenders. The testimony of the examining physician that he did
not find mud on the victim’s private organ, does not necessarily belie the latter’s asseveration that the accused “plastered” (in
the words of the lower court) mud on her private part. It is worthwhile mentioning that the victim was examined and treated
by Dr. Claudio at 3:55 p.m. or about almost two (2) hours after the rape was committed. Given this circumstance, the absence
of mud in the victim’s private part when she was examined by the physician, may be attributed to the possibility that the mud
washed or fell off even before the victim left the house for her physical examination. Moreover, Rebecca’s testimony was
corroborated by that of Amelita Malong who swore that she saw mud smeared on Rebecca’s private part when she (Amelita)
saw Rebecca right after the incident. It is also difficult to conceive why the offended party, young as she was, and with a
chaste reputation, would go to the extent of fabricating this portion of her testimony notwithstanding the
consequent humiliation on her person and disgrace on her womanhood. We cannot but agree with the trial court’s
finding that the offense was aggravated by ignominy. We are of the opinion, however that the word “cruelty” used in the
dispositive portion of the judgment, to describe an alternative aggravating circumstance, is unnecessary. The act of
“plastering” mud on the victim’s vagina right after she was raped, is adequately and properly described as “ignominy” rather
than “cruelty or ignominy.”
Same; Same; Same; The original death sentence was correctly imposed pursuant to Arts. 335 and 63 of the Revised
Penal Code.—Lastly, the original death sentence was correctly imposed pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Penal
Code, namely, Article 335 which states that when the crime of rape is committed by two (2) or more persons, the penalty
shall be reclusion perpetua to death, and Article 63, which provides that when the penalty prescribed is composed of two (2)
indivisible penalties (as in this case) and the offense is attended by an aggravating circumstance, the greater penalty shall be
Same; Same; Same; The original death penalties imposed on appellant Federico Conrado has to be reduced to two (2)
penalties of reclusion perpetua pursuant to the 1987 Constitution.—The original death penalties imposed by the trial court
are no longer imposable under the present Constitution and are reduced to reclusion perpetua, the sentence on appellant
Federico Conrado has to be reduced to two (2) penalties of reclusion perpetua.
APPEAL from the decision of the then Court of First Instance of Pangasinan, Br. I. Fortun, J.
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Before the Court is Federico Conrado’s appeal from the decision of the Court of First Instance (now Regional
Trial Court) of Pangasinan, Branch I, in Criminal Case No. L-2593 entitled, “The People of the Philippines vs.
Melquiades Fernandez, alias
** Penned by Judge Willelmo C. Fortun.
‘Moding’ and Federico Conrado” convicting him and the other accused of the crime of rape and sentencing them
each to suffer inter alia two (2) death penalties.
The criminal complaint dated 2 June 1982 filed before the trial court, reads as follows:
“That on or about the 13th day of January, 1982, at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon, at barangay Taloy, municipality of
Malasiqui, province of Pangasinan, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named
accused, conspiring and mutually helping one another, did, then and there, wilfully, unlawfully, and feloniously have sexual
intercourse with the undersigned offended party 1
Rebecca M. Soriano, a virgin and 15 years old, by means of force and
intimidation and against the will of the latter.”
Assisted by 2counsel, the accused Fernandez and Conrado, uncle and nephew respectively, pleaded not guilty on
arraignment and underwent trial.
Teofilo Malong employed Rebecca Soriano as a househelper since September 1981. Residing in Teofilo’s
house were his wife and daughters Amelita and Ma. Theresa. Rebecca Soriano testified that on 13 January 1982
at about 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon, and after she had just finished taking a bath and still naked, the two (2)
accused, both in short pants, surreptitiously entered the bathroom. To prevent her from making an outcry, a piece
of cloth was tightly tied around her neck, after which she was forcibly laid down. Conrado held her hands behind
her while Fernandez sexually abused her. She declared that, immediately after Fernandez had raped her, Conrado
in turn went on top of her and likewise succeeded in having sexual congress with her against her will. She added
that, thereafter, Fernandez got a handful of mud near the bathroom and placed it 3on her vagina. Thereupon, she
ran to the upper floor of the house to report the tragic incident to Amelita Malong.
During the trial, Amelita Malong declared that in that afternoon of 13 January 1982, she was combing her
hair in her room
1 Original Record, p. 81.
2 Id., p. 83.
3 TSN of August 10, 1982, pp. 6-32; TSN of August 11, 1982, pp. 4-18.
when she saw the approaching Rebecca, naked with smeared mud on her lower private part and a piece of cloth
around her neck. She testified that after she was told by Rebecca about the incident, they reported the same to
her father, Teofilo, who was in his store. She also declared that she knew both the accused because
used to spray their mango trees while Conrado sold to them a dog sometime in November 1981.
Teofilo Malong likewise testified for the prosecution. He stated that upon being informed that his housemaid
Rebecca was raped by the accused, he and his family, together with Rebecca, proceeded to the office of the INP
Police Station of Malasiqui to report the crime and had Rebecca physically examined by Dr. Wilfredo Claudio of
the San Carlos General Hospital in that same afternoon. He further said that5
the following day, or on 14 January
1982, he, Amelita and Rebecca gave their written statements to the police.
Submitted as evidence for the prosecution was the “Medico-Legal Certificate” issued by Dr. Claudio,
indicating his findings
of “hymenal lacerations at 6, 10, 3 o’clock positions and one dead sperm cell seen on a
slide examined.”
In defense, the two (2) accused denied any involvement in the offense, both claiming they were nowhere at
the scene of the crime when it was committed.
More particularly, Fernandez claimed he was in his house at Taloy, Malasiqui weaving baskets when the
incident happened. He admitted having been formerly employed by Teofilo for about two (2) years to spray his
mango trees and stated7
that during the period he was hired as such, he lived alone in a small hut constructed
under a mango tree. Conrado, on the other hand, alleged that when the crime was committed, he was at
Malimpuec, Malasiqui as he was hired to spray the mango trees of a certain Mr. Overo. Bo. Malimpuec is his
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but he admitted that he used to go to Bo. Taloy, prior to the incident, as his parents-in-law lived
4 TSN of August 30, 1982, pp. 19-30.
5 TSN of August 31, 1982, pp. 4-12.
6 Original Record, p. 52.
7 TSN of August 31, 1982, pp. 36-54.
8 TSN of August 31, 1982, pp. 23-28.
In the trial court’s decision holding that the guilt of both accused had been established beyond shadow of any
doubt, the following observations and conclusions are made:
“As already stated, the defense of both accused is alibi, which is not even corroborated by a single defense witness. It is well-
settled rule that alibi is the weakest defense that can be resorted to by an accused, as it is easy to concoct or fabricate. x x x.
“x x x, the alibi of both accused can not prevail over their positive identification by the prosecution witnesses (especially by
complainant victim of rape, Rebecca Soriano) as the perpetrators of the crime charged, they having testified in a clear,
straightforward, positive, truthful, and convincing manner, with no motive to fabricate this serious charge of rape or falsify
the truth. The alibi of both accused can not also be given credence or weight, considering that at the time of the rape, accused
Melquiades Fernandez was in his house at Bo. Taloy, which is just 150 meters away from the house of the Malongs, where
Rebecca Soriano was raped; and accused Federico Conrado was at Bo. Malimpuec, which is only 9 kms. away from Bo.
Taloy, where Rebecca was raped that afternoon of January 13, 1982. The evidence disclose that said distance of 9 kms. can
be negotiated in only about 30 minutes by motorized vehicle, on good road connecting the 2 barrios.
xxx xxx xxx
“The clear, positive, straightforward, and convincing testimony of rape victim Rebecca Soriano, as well as her immediate
reporting of the incident to the police authorities, just 30 minutes or so after she was raped that afternoon of January 13, 1982
and her giving of a sworn statement (Exh. A) on January 14, 1982 (just the day after she was raped) which was corroborated
by the statements on the same date (January 14, 1982) by prosecution witnesses Amelita Malong and Teofilo Malong, 9
than convinces and satisfies this Court that the crime charged was, in truth and fact, perpetrated by both accused.
Hence, the judgment of conviction, now the object of this appeal, the dispositive part of which reads as follows:
“WHEREFORE, the Court finds each of the accused MELQUIADES FERNANDEZ, alias ‘Moding’ and FEDERICO
CONRADO, guilty beyond reasonable doubt of two crimes of rape, aggravated by cruelty or ignominy, and, pursuant to law,
hereby sentences each of them to suffer two (2) penalties of death, to indemnify the aggrieved party,
9 Original Record, pp. 105-107.
Rebecca M. Soriano, 10in the amount of P12,000.00 as moral damages, without subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency,
and to pay the costs.”
In an effort to reduce the imposed penalty of death to reclusion perpetua (life imprisonment), without disproving
the charges against them, the two (2) accused assigned the following errors:
In the light, however, of the 1987 Constitution, specifically, Section 19(1), Article III thereof, under
which a
death penalty already imposed is reduced to reclusion perpetua, Fernandez withdrew his appeal. The lone
appellant therefore is Conrado who insists on his appeal, notwithstanding the advice of 13his counsel de officio to
discontinue the appeal allegedly on the ground that “it has become moot and academic.”
This Court nonetheless proceeded to consider accused-appellant’s arguments for the sake of verifying the
correctness of the sentence imposed. We find no merit in the appeal.
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The trial court is accused of violating the rule against duplicity of offenses in that, the accused were convicted
for two (2) crimes of rape even when under the criminal complaint against them, there is only one (1) crime of
rape alleged. The rule invoked in Section 13, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court which
10 Id., p. 107.
11 Appellants’ Brief, p. 7.
12 Melquiades Fernandez’s Manifestation, p. 103, Rollo.
13 Federico Conrado’s Manifestation, p. 102, Rollo.
states that there should be only one (1) offense charged in a criminal complaint or information, the purpose of
which is to afford the defendant a necessary knowledge of the charge so that he may not be confused in his
defense. But it is likewise the rule that if ever duplicity of offenses is committed, the same constitutes a ground
for a motion
to quash the complaint; and failure of the accused to interpose the objection constitutes
waiver. Conrado, after he had been convicted by the court a quo, can no longer assail its judgment by raising
this issue. Neither can he claim, as he now does, that he was denied the information that he was to be tried for
two (2) separate crimes of rape. The acts complained of, as constituting the offenses, were stated in the 2 June
1982 complaint in ordinary and concise language that any person of common intelligence would be able to
understand and thereby know what acts he was to defend himself against.
The imposition on each of the accused of the penalty corresponding to two (2) crimes of rape is proper,
because of the existence of conspiracy. As clearly found by the trial court:
“Both accused have, obviously, conspired and confederated to commit the crime, considering that they entered the bathroom
where Rebecca was, together and at the same time. Accused Fernandez then tied her with a piece of cloth tightly around her
neck, while accused Conrado held her hands placing them behind her body, to prevent her from struggling or resisting. Then
after accused Fernandez had raped Rebecca, accused Conrado raped her. Both accused, thereafter, fled from the scene of the
crime together and at the same time. All these circumstances show beyond shadow 15
of any doubt conspiracy on the part of
both accused, which renders each of them liable for two (2) crimes of rape, x x x.”
In a long line of decided cases, it has been held by this Court that in multiple rape, each defendant is responsible
not only for the rape personally committed by him, but also for the rape committed by the others, because each
of them (accused) coop-
14 Section 8, Rule 117, Rules of Court; People vs. Barrunga 61 Phil. 318; Provincial Fiscal of Nueva Ecija vs. CFI of Nueva Ecija, 79
Phil. 165; People vs. Roca, et al., August 19, 1986, 143 SCRA 552.
15 Original Record, p. 7.
The trial court is correct in appreciating the aggravating circumstance of ignominy because of the greater
perversity displayed by the offenders. The testimony of the examining physician that he did not find mud on the
victim’s private organ, does not necessarily belie the latter’s asseveration that the accused “plastered” (in the
words of the lower court) mud on her private part. It is worthwhile mentioning that the victim was examined
treated by Dr. Claudio at 3:55 p.m. or about almost two (2) hours after the rape was committed. Given this
circumstance, the absence of mud in the victim’s private part when she was examined by the physician, may be
attributed to the possibility that the mud washed or fell off even before the victim left the house for her physical
examination. Moreover, Rebecca’s testimony was corroborated by that of Amelita Malong who swore that she
saw mud smeared on Rebecca’s private part when she (Amelita) saw Rebecca right after the incident. It is also
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difficult to conceive why the offended party, young as she was, and with a chaste reputation, would go to the
extent of fabricating this portion of her testimony notwithstanding the consequent humiliation on her person and
disgrace on her womanhood. We cannot but agree with the trial court’s finding that the offense was aggravated
by ignominy. We are of the opinion, however that the word “cruelty” used in the dispositive portion of the
judgment, to describe an alternative aggravating circumstance, is unnecessary. The act of “plastering” mud on
the victim’s vagina right after she was raped, is adequately and properly described as “ignominy” rather than
“cruelty or ignominy.”
16 People vs. Alfaro, et al., 91 Phil. 404; People v. Vidal, et al., February 28, 1984, 127 SCRA 793; People vs. Ludovico, et al., March 23,
Lastly, the original death sentence was correctly imposed pursuant to the provisions of the Revised Penal Code,
namely, Article 335 which states that when the crime of rape is committed by two (2) or more persons, the
penalty shall be reclusion perpetua to death, and Article 63, which provides that when the penalty prescribed is
composed of two (2) indivisible penalties (as in this case) and the offense is attended by an aggravating
circumstance, the greater penalty shall be applied.
However, since the original death penalties imposed by the trial court are no longer imposable under the
present Constitution and are reduced to reclusion perpetua,
the sentence on appellant Federico Conrado has to be
reduced to two (2) penalties of reclusion perpetua. But the indemnity he has to pay to the victim must be
increased to P20,000.00 in line with prevailing jurisprudence.
WHEREFORE, the appealed judgment, as above modified, is AFFIRMED. With costs against the accused-
appellant Federico Conrado.
Note.—There is ignominy when the accused raped a woman in the presence of her husband. (United States
vs. Iglesia, 21 Phil. 55.)
18 Section 19(1), Article III, Philippine Constitution; People vs. Muñoz, G.R. Nos. L-38968-70, February 9, 1989.
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