AI Bug-Website

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Project name autointelli website

Module name Defect ID Test case ID Open date Close date

website AI_WEB_1 AI_WEB_001 15/11/2019 18/11/2019
website AI_WEB_2 AI_WEB_002 15/11/2019
website AI_WEB_3 AI_WEB_003 15/11/2019
website AI_WEB_4 AI_WEB_004 18/11/2019
Problem area Defect or enhancement
Career(job application Form) Defect
White paper Defect
Menu Tab Defect
Email error Defect
Problem description
Form not working
Mail is delivering in junk folder
Tab not work propely
404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is tem
Defect type who detect how detect Assigned to AssignmentReassignme
Architectural Quality Assurance Testing sathish kumar Medium
Architectural Quality Assurance Testing sathish kumar medium
Architectural Quality Assurance Testing sathish kumar medium
Architectural Quality Assurance Testing sathish kumar medium
Severity Status Tested by Result Iteration 1 Retested bRetested diteration 2Retested bRetested d
close Malvino PASS
Open Malvino Fail
Open Malvino Fail
Open Malvino Fail
Iteration 3Retested bRetested date

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